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Will of Levi Thomas Chafe In re This is the last will and testament of Levi Thomas Chafe of Harbor Grace, Nfld. Accountant & Agent. I appoint my two sons Fred’k G. Chafe & Victor Leslie Chafe Executors of this my last will & Testament. I give & bequeath to my wife Emma Maria Chafe my house & property with furniture etc contained therein, situated on Victoria St. Hr Grace, Nfld (see registration papers). I also bequeath to my said wife all monies & Investments etc with Interest accruing therefrom during her lifetime. At her death should she outlive me, I will & bequeath to my son Victor Leslie Chafe, said residence on Victoria St. Hr Grace Nfld with furniture etc contained therein, with the understanding that my two daughters Annie May Chafe & Susie Jane Chafe, shall be entitled to have their home therein while they live unmarried. At my wife’s death I will & bequeath to my daughter Annie May Chafe the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars & to my daughter Susie Jane Chafe the sum of twelve hundred dollars. To my son Frederick G. Chafe I will & bequeath my mahogany wardrobe. To my sons Fred G. Chafe & Victor Leslie Chafe at my wife’s death I will & bequeath (Equally divided) the investment of one thousand dollars in Light & Heat with Int accruing therefrom, from date of my wife’s death. Any monies on hand, or in Bank after wife’s death to be equally divided between my two daughters Annie May & Susie Jane Chafe After death of my wife I will & bequeath to my brother Samuel Edward Chafe of Brigus the sum of Two hundred dollars, but if he should pre-decease my wife then this amount shall go to his daughter Phylis to help her education My personal effects, clothing, jewellery Books etc shall be apportioned to my sons as per my wife’s decision. LEVI THOS CHAFE. Signatures Witnessed by CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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