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The following is an extract of the information found in the Registry of Deeds, Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills, Volume 14, Pages 377-379. My transcription was made on 20 Sept 2004. This Indenture made the 31st day of January in the forty seventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the third of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith & so forth and inthe year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred & seven, Between Thomas Pike of Carbonear in the District of Conception Bay and Island of Newfdland planter of the One part and George Kemp & James Kemp & Co of the Town and County of Poole of the other part - Whereas the said Thomas Pike at sundry times heretofore has had dealings with them the said George Kemp & James Kemp & Co or their [faelor or factor ?] or agent for the time being at Carbonear aforesaid and received Goods, Wares & Merchandize of them to a considerable amount and thereby contracted a Debt with them amounting in Value to the Sum of Eighty three pounds Sterling, which debt he is at present unable to pay off or discharge. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Thomas Pike for and in consideration of the aforesaid sum of Eight three pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to him paid and advanced in manner aforesaid, the receipt whereof he the said Thomas Pike hereby doth acknowledge & himself to be therewith fully satisfyed - Hath granted bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell assign transfer & set over unto them the said George Kemp & James Kemp & Co. all that fishing Room or Plantation situate at the South side of Carbonear and now in the possession of the said Thomas Pike, being bounded and [page 378:] and so forth as to records registered in Harbour Grace Court together with all and singular the Dwelling House &c. &c. To have and to hold the said fishing Room, plantation &c. &c. as before mentioned unto them the said George Kemp and James Kemp & Co their Heirs Executo^rs adm^rs and assigns for ever --- And the said Thomas Pike doth hereby for himself his Heirs Execu^rs adm^rs & assigns Covenant promise and agree to and with the said George Kemp & James Kemp & Co, their Heirs Exec^rs adm^rs and assigns that the hath in himself and by himself good right full power & lawful authority to sell and dispose of the beforementioned bargaind premises & that he will forever warant & defend them in the full free entire & ample possession thereof against the lawful claims of any person or persons whatsoever provided always - And this Indenture further Witnesseth that though the aforesaid bargain and Sale is upon this express condition yet that if the said Thomas Pike his Executors adminis^rs &c shall well (on or before the first day of November in each year and yearly) and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said George & James Kemp & Co their Heirs Execu^rs &c or to their attorney or agent for the time being the full sum of Seven pounds of lawful money of Great Britain or the value thereof in approved Bills of Exchange or Merchantable codfish or cod oil and continue so to do untill such yearly payments come to and make up the full sum of Eighty three pounds so due and owing as aforesaid That then this bargain and sale shall cease determine and become void & of none Effect whatsoever and the before mentioned bargained premisses shall be and continue unto him the said Thomas Pike his Executors adm^rs & assigns as his & their own proper Lands, tenement and Effects in as full and ample a [page 379:] a manner as if these presents had never been made. And lastly it is concluded and agreed upon by and between the parties aforesaid that if the said Thomas Pike, his Exec^rs &c shall make default in paying the yearly rent charge or annuity as aforesaid in such form as [herein] before mentioned and agreed upon, that then it shall be lawful for the said George & James Kemp & Co their Heirs &c to enter and possess the said premisses and receive the rents, profits & issues thereof in as full and ample a manner as the said Thomas Pike his Executors &c could have have hold or enjoy the same any hereincontained to the contrary notwithstanding In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and Seals the day & year first above written The foregoing is a true copy of the Original Bill of Sale recorded here the 12th day of March 1808
Page Contributed by David Pike
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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