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Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills
Mrs. Juliana O'Neil
& Alexander Boucher & Co



V. 4, P. 155

Know all men by these presents that whereas Mrs. Juliana O'Neil of Harbour Main in the Islands of Newfoundland being indebted to Alexander Boucher & Co. of Saint John's in the same Island in the sum of one hundred and sixty three pounds nineteen shillings and three pence sterling and being unable to make full payment thereof, we the undersigned as managers of the affairs of the Estate of the said Alexander Boucher & Co. have agreed to accept of a composition of one half of the aforesaid sum payable in approved bills of exchange by three equal instalments. The first instalment to be paid on the thirty first day of October next the second and third to be paid on the same day and month of the two succeeding years and whereas Messer James Macbraire and Patrick Ryan of Saint John's aforesaid having granted their bond for payment of the said instalments on behalf of the said Mrs. Juliana O'Neill, We do hereby acquit the said Mrs. Juliana O'Neill of the aforesaid debt giving her a full and final discharge of all claims or demands which the aforesaid Alexander Boucher & Co. may have against her or against the estate of her late husband Henry O'Neill at or before the date of these presents.

In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight in presence of Robert Johnstone. Signed D. Rennie, J. Macbraire, Steven Knight, Patrick Hure, R. Hutton, Alex Boucher, W. Baine Jnr for the assignee of Stitt, May & Co.

Let this instrument be enrolled in His Majesty's Supreme Court Newfoundland St. John's 20 August 1808 D. F. 156. Mr. Tremlett, Chief Justice



Page contributed by Barbara McGrath
Transcribed by Ivy F. Benoit

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 12, 2002

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