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V. 14, P. 246 Know all men by these presents, that I do hereby acknowledge to stand justly indebted to William Mullowney in the full and lawful sum of twelve pounds ten shillings and eight pence halfpenny sterling which I promise to pay or cause to be paid at or upon the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and seven as not having it immediately in my power to pay the above sum, I do hereby make over unto said William Mullowney, his Heirs, Executors or Assigns all and singular my Plantation and dwelling house and houses lying and situate at Harbour Main to have and to hold until such time as the above sum of twelve pounds ten shillings and eight pence halfpenny is fully and lawfully paid up and if not discharged at or upon the first day of May as above, it is then optional the said William Mullowney to sell my plantation, etc, etc., as above without reserve when paid, this note to be void and of no effect or otherwise to stand in full force and virtue. Given under my hand at Harbour Main this twenty second day of December one thousand eight hundred and six. The foregoing is a true copy of the original mortgage registered in this Book of Record by order of the Surrogate, Harbour Grace
Page Contributed by Barbara McGrath
Transcribed by Ivy F. Benoit
REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 23, 2002
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