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Confederation Building THE WILL OF WILLIAM MARSHALL OF CARBONEAR - 1772 I WILLIAM MARSHALL of Carbonear Conception Bay Newfoland being sick of body, tho' sound of mind and memory thanks be to God for it, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: Item - I recommend my soul to God that give it, hoping to receive [remission?] of my Sins and a joyful resurrection hereafter, my body to the Earth from where it came there to have decent and Christian burial. Item - My Will is after my discease to give and bequeath and do give bequeath unto my son ROBERT MARSHALL and his heirs for ever if kept in possession the land which is to be divided with a line stretched from twelve feet Westward from my [celler?] to 49 Feet Westward of the gateway going into MR. ABBOT's meadow, and all to the Westward of that line stretched as far as Mr. FRANCIS FERRIS's room to ROBERT MARSHALL, but if not possessed or having no proper heir to succeed him, the said room is to return to my former Room as before, and also I give him one cow called by the name of Stump and this years calf, and one feather bed, and pillow, Rug and Blankets, and other appurtenances thereto, and my two Guns and a bag of shot, and one Chest, which was my own, and one large pewter dish and one small ditto & one plate. Item - I give & bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH MARSHALL one cow called by the name of Deasy & one feather Bed & bolster & all appurtenances thereunto belonging, one large pewter dish, one small ditto, one plate. Item - I give and bequeath to my Brother-in-law JOHN BUTT, one last year's heifer calf, called by the name of Star. Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife MARY MARSHALL, all my Room & Rooms in Carbonear and my Room on Harbor Grace Island, commonly called by the name of the Middle Room, with all my Boats & Skifts, with Sails & Seyns & Netts, [Roads?] and Graplins and all other appurtenances thereto and the remainder of my Goods of every sort to have and to hold, until my son NICHOLAS MARSHALL shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, and then the above NICHOLAS MARSHALL to have all the above rooms to be his and his heirs for ever, as likewise half the Cattle, that shall be then on the room and one third of all the Household Goods, with a large barking kettle. And I do hereby further desire and [require?] of my good friend MR. WILLIAM PIKE, son of JOHN PIKE of Carbonear if there should be any occasion out of love & friendship has been between us to see that this my last Will is executed to its intent. Written the 18th of July in the year of our Lord 1772. Willm Marshall (M his mark) (seal) Sealed and delivered in presence of us It is also my Desire that if my brother RICHARD MARSHALL is willing and doth pay to Wm PIKE, for the use of my son NICHOLAS MARSHALL the sum of seven shillings & sixpence yearly, for the possession of Harbor Grace Island, until my son NICHOLAS gets of age but if he refuses or neglects to pay the sum, never to enjoy the least possession, but if he is willing & doth pay, that he shall enjoy it until my son which is my proper Heir gets of age & then to deliver it to him, if my Brother refuses to allow the above, I hereby give WILLIAM PIKE the liberty to enjoy it, as he will allow the above to my Son given under my hand & Seal. Signed M (seal) The foregoing is a true Copy of the Original Will of Wm MARSHALL recorded here the fifteenth day of August 1808 By order of the Surrogate OLIVER ST. JOHN, Regr.
Contributed & transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge, ON
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (April 15, 2003)
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