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Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills
James Hicks, Gorman & Keating
& William Danson



V. 18, P. 117

This day sold to Gorman and Keating my fishing room and plantation say 2 Houses, 1 Stage, 1 flake, Gardens &c for the sum of fifty pounds sterling - the balance of my account with them to be paid in Bill if required or goods at Bill price as witness my hand at Holyrood this sixteenth day October eighteen hundred and twenty five
James (his x mark) Hicks
Witness Garrett Wall

The above instrument is recorded in the Harbour Grace Surrogate Book of Records marked C. Louge 84

I hereby resign my right title and interest to the present document in favour of William Danson or assigns for the sum of thirty five pounds sterling.

Dated at Holyrood the 28th day November 1825

For Gorman & Keating
John Gorman

The foregoing is a true copy taken from the original instrument of writing recorded here at the request of Mr. William Danson, his Agent Mr. Richard Connell of Holyrood being first exhibited for enrolment on the twenty first day of December and entered the twenty third day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty five.

By order of the Surrogate
Oliver St. John, Esquire
Matthew Stevenson, Regr



Page Contributed by Barbara McGrath
Transcribed by Ivy F. Benoit

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 12, 2002

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