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Mary Habgood to James Ayles Know all men that I Mary Habgood widow of William Habgood or Hapgood of Bonavista in the Northern District of Newfoundland fisherman in consideration of the sum of six pounds current money of the island of Newfoundland aforesaid to me in hand paid by James Ayles of Bonavista aforesaid Planter at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained sold, released granted and confirmed and by these presents do bargain, sell, release grant and confirm unto the said James Ayles all that piece or parcel of land situate at the south side of Coster Street being abutting and bounded as follows viz. On the North on and by Coster Street and my own land on the East on and by William Bayly on the South on and by Nathaniel Knight and on the West on and by a lane leading to the river and by Patrick Cormacks ? meadow and and all and singular the said premises here in bargained and sold or mentioned or intended so to be to have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land by these presents bargained sold released granted and confirmed unto the said James Ayles to the only proper use and behoof of the said James Ayles his executors, administrators and assigns forever and I the said Mary Habgood or Hapgood for myself and my executors, administrators and assigns all and singular the said piece or parcel of land unto the said James Ayles his executers, administrators and assigns ??? me the said Mary Hapgood my executors , administrators and against all and every person or persons whom so ever shall warrent and forever defend by these presents of which of which piece or parcel of land I the said Mary Hapgood have put the said James Ayles in full possession by delivering to him the said land according to due form of law. In witness whereof I the said Mary Hapgood here with set my hand and seal at Bonavista this Twenty second day of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. Sealed and delivered Her
The execution of the deed of which the foregoing is a true and faithful recorded copy was acknowledged this day before me by Mary Hapgood or Habgood the party to the said deed. Given under my hand at Bonavista the twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. William Sweetland Note
Page Contributed & Transcribed by Keith Brown
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday May 03, 2018)
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