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V. 17, P. 376 The foregoing is a true copy taken from the original instrument recorded here this twenty first day of April one thousand eight hundred and sixteen done at the request of the within named John Cullinane By order of the Surrogate Know all Men by these presents that I Abraham Anthony of Kelligrews, Conception Bay, Planter for and in consideration of a certain sum to be paid in manner and form following that is to pay fifteen pounds sterling money of Great Britain at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge payable by an order on the house of Patten Graham & Co with which I am content & satisfied. Have bargained, sold, transferred, assigned and set over and by those presents do bargain, sell, assign and set over unto Nicholas Farrell of Bareneed Conception Bay all my right, title and interest to and in a certain Fishing room and plantation situated in Kelligrews aforesaid and measuring about one hundred fifty yards East and West & about one hundred yards North & South with a Stage, flakes, a house and a garden thereon bounded on the East by James Battan & thence contining West the measurement aforesaid. To Have and to Hold to the said Nicholas Farrell, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns the above bargained premises with all appurtenances for ever and I the said Abraham Anthony do bind Myself, my heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns & each & any of them to keep the same Nicholas Farrell, his Heirs & Assigns in peaceable possession of the above bargained premises forever against the lawful claims, let or hindrances of any men & that I have in my self the sole right of disposing thereof. In testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand & seal this fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred & sixteen - in lieu of signing he only makes his mark - In presence of The foregoing is a true copy taken from the original recorded here this twenty first day of April one thousand eight hundred & sixteen done at the request of the within named Nicholas Farrell. By order of the Surrogate
This page contributed by Barbara McGrath
UPDATED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 9, 2002
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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