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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Mary Cashin


Will of Mary Cashin
from Newfoundland will books volume 7 page 309 probate year 1903

The Last Will of Mary Cashin late of St. John's Widow

In the name of God Amen. I Mary Cashin of S. John's widow do make and ordain and publish the following as and for my last will and testament. To the Very Reverend William Forristal I will and bequeath the sum of Five pounds currency for the celebration of masses for the repose of my soul and that of my late husband Thomas Cashin. To my faithful servant Johanna Cash I will and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds cy. I also bequeath to her the leasehold interest in the land dwelling and shop now occupied by me and if she should die before the termination of the present lease or term therein granted then I will and desire my executors to hold the same for the use and benefit of my son William. I also bequeath to her my household furniture and goods in shop. I will and direct my executor to pay for her the said Johanna Cash the sum of forty pounds per year for the boarding lodging and clothing of my son William so long as he may remain with her. All the real residue and remainder of my monies, chattels, and affects I will and bequeath to my executors to hold the same in trust for the use and benefit of my said son whom I confide to their care and guardianship. After the death of my son I will and direct my executors to pay over any of my monies that may remain on their hands unexpended in ? and equal portions to Honora Cashin niece of my late husband and wife of one Fitzgerald of Harbor Grace and to Mary Joseph Cashin another niece residing in Massachusetts U.S.A. share and share alike. I appoint the Very Rev.d. William Forristal, Charles Kickham, and Thomas Donahue Executor of this my last will and Testament. Dated at Saint John's this 2nd day of April 1881 Mary X(her mark) Cashin. Witness Jas. J. Murphy    Charles Kickham. I further will and direct that after my death my Executtrs do cause to be said two high masses one for the repose of my soul and the other for the repose of the soul of my late husband and also after the death of my said son William to have another high mass celebrated for the repose of his soul. St. John's April 2nd A.D. 1881 Mary X(her mark) Cashin Witnesses- Jas. J. Murphy. Cha. Kickham-

I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and testament of Mary Cashin.
D.M. Browning
5th Sep. 03 [1903]
Johnson J.
Letter of Admin. C.t.a
Granted on the 5 Sep. 1903 to
John Sullivan(??)
J.D. Ryan
A.D. Rankin

Est. Sworn at



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are either hand-written copies or in later years typed copies of a, "last will and testament," written or typed by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Joanne Connors Parandjuk

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)

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