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Will of Thomas Burridge This is the last will and testament of me Thomas Burridge of St. John's master mason and I revoke all former wills by me made. I give devise and bequeath unto my executor hereinafter named all my property both real and personal whatsoever of which I shall die possessed in trust for the use of my children Charlotte Jane Burridge Thomas Hall Burridge and Fanny Jane Burridge in equal part and shares and I appoint George M. Johnson of St. John's Barrister executor of this my will Dated at St. John's this twenty second day of October eighteen hundred and eighty six St. John's William Clapp
SWORN BEFORE ME at St. Supreme Court
Newfoundland To the Honourable the Supreme The petition of Charles Burridge of St. John's Newfoundland ??? and Charles Barnes of the same place accountant That the said George M. Johnston has duly renounced executorship That the said Thomas Burridge left him surviving as next of kin the following his children namely your petitioner Charles Burridge William Burridge his daughters by his first marriage Lucretia J. wife of your petitioner Charles Barnes and MaryAnn wife of Edward Barnes and three children of his second marriage namely Charlotte Jane Burridge Thomas Hall Burridge and Fanny Jane Burridge which last named children are all under the age of ten years That hereto annexed is the consent of the said Lucretia J. Barnes, and of Mary Ann Barnes that letters of administration of the estate of the said late Thomas Burridge ??? testament annexed be granted to your petitioner. That the said William Burridge has not resided in Newfoundland for several years and as deponents are informed and believe and live in Australia. That the estate of the said Thomas Burridge deceased at the time of his death did not exceed the sum of Six thousand dollars in value That as probate of said will or letters of administration of the said estate of Thomas Burridge have been granted Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that letters of administration of the said estate of the said late Thomas Burridge ??? testament annexed be granted to them and as in duty bound will pray In the matter of the estate of Newfoundland Charles Burridge of St. John's, mason and Charles Barnes of same place accountant the petitioners named in the above written petition se??ally make oath and say that the several matters and things in the said petition contained are just and true We consent and agree that letters of administration of the estate and effects of Thomas Burridge late of St. John's, Master Mason be granted to our brother Charles G. Burridge of St. John's, mason and to Charles J. Barnes of St. John's accountant husband of the subscriber Lucretia Barnes the next of kin of said Thomas Burridge being his sons Charles (above married) and William Burridge (now in Australia) and us the daughters of said Thomas Burridge he having also left him surviving three minor children as named in his will.
Page Contributed by Lynn Burridge-Coonrad
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (October 6, 2003)
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