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Will of Matthew Kember Bugden In re In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred an seventy two July the twenty fift and in the thirty fifth year of the regine of our beloved qeen Victoria In the name of my God Amen I feel desposed to put my will in to writing first of all I give my soul into the hand of my God who first give it mee And my body I resine to the dust from whence it came Secently I give my worley possiones unto my three beloved sons Wiliam Bugden Matthew Kimber Bugden Martin Bugden my houses fishing rooms and lands to be divde between the three brothers And to remaine in the name of Bugden as long as theare is A meal eseu in the famley if eather of them should leave no son his part shall return in to the famley name no part shall be sold without the consent of All partyes Let no man by any means neather by dat or any other means take from them what I give them The new stage I leave to Matthew Kimber an Martin Bugden And the must help to build up the other when it is wanted And Allso the must help repear or build the other store when it is wanted The nets and seaines will be devided amongst the three brothers Sundery other Articils is for the use of each That Part of the Room formerly occupied by George Peney All to the north of the road I leav to Wiliam Bugden the other on the South of the road I leave to Mathew Kember an Martin Bugden To William Bugden I leave the Hill And Rockey garden And to Mathew Kember Bugden And Martin Bugden I leave first cove meadeo And that witch was formerly caled Georg Peneys farm I leave to be devided betwen them three brothers Should William Bugden die before his wife She shall lay no claim whatever She shall be denied the use of any Portion Let the Brothers do what the can for thear sisters while the remain with them To my dearly beloved wife I leave half the dweling hous And the cabeg garden As long as she ramins in the name of Bugden nowing that it will be for the use of the famley And now my dear children frinds and famley I give my all into the hand of my Redemer praying that you may live in peace with each other injoying the Peace of God witch paseth all understanding Writing by my one hand in perfect soundness of mind Mathew Kember Bugden, witness William Ivamy, Joseph X Ivamy. Certified correct,
Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are either hand-written copies or in later years typed copies of a, "last will and testament," written or typed by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor. We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be. |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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