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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Charles Letty Bryant
Will of Charles Letty Bryant
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 499-500
probate year 1908
In re
Charles L. Bryant deceased.
This is my last will and testament
of me Carles Letty Bryant of Hickmans Harbour Quarryman.
I desire that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses shall be
first payed out of my estate
(2) I appoint my two sons Hannul Steven & Herman
Arthur Bryant to be my sole executor of this my will.
(3) I bequeath
to my daughter Emly Sarah my deulling house & all other erections & furniture
on said property ocupied by me
(4) that my wife Sarah Bryant is to
have the right to have the right to live on the estate as long she lives but
not to bring other partys on the property
)5( I also bqueth to my
daughter Emly Sarah & my wife Sarah Bryant out of my mony left by me in
government Bank as folows one thousand Dolars to my daughter Emly Sarah five
Hundred Dolars to my wife Sarah Bryant alsow I bequeath five Hundred dolars
to my blind Brother Henry Studley in England
)6( I bequeath
the remainder of my money left in the Bank to be eaquly divided amongst my
sons & daughters
but should my daughter Emly die without leaving issue it is my wish and desire
and I hereby will and direct that the said land with dewling Hous & others
erections thereon Shall be the property of such of my children as shall be
living at the death of my said daughter Emly Sarah in equal shares as tenents
in common & if such a child be surving it shall become the property of
such a child
)8( I desire that all my clothing shall be equly shared
amongst my four sons Hannul Stephen (2) Herbert William 3) Heman Arthur
)4( Malcom Charles
(9) I give dvise & bequeth & bequeth piece
of land to my daughter Emly Sarah marked by me on grant 4453
(10) I give devise & bequeath all the rest & residue & remainder of
my lands & known as the Somerset Slate Quary & the Coney Island Quarry & to
my four sons namely )1( Herbert William )2( Hanul Stephen )3( Herman
Arthur )4 Malcom Charles and my 4 daughters namely 1) Bertha
(2) Hariet 3) Amy 4 Emily Sarah in eaquil shars a tenement in common
for ever
(11) should any of my sons or daughters to disute any of the provision
of this my will I desire that he or she therefrom forfit all claim to any part
of my estate (sgd) Charles Letty Bryant
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Dec 10/08
Dec. 11/08
granted to
S. Bryant
Herman A.
sworn at
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Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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