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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John Brown


The Last Will of John Brown late of
Bishop's Harbor, Salvage. Fisherman, deceased.

Will of John Brown from Newfoundland will books volume 7 page 321 probate year 1903

Newfoundland Salvage          July 2, 1903

I John Brown of Bishops Harbour Salvage of Sound mind and good understanding do hereby make my last will and testament in manner following , that is to say.
          I give and bequeath unto my wife all her personal goods and all that is in the house we now live in, outside of what is Walter Robert Browns property, while she lives, and after her death the said dwelling house and all in it is to belong to Walter Robert Brown.
          I give and bequeath to Walter Robert Brown all my land, outhouses, fishing room, nets, boats and all my real property.
          All my cash shall be divided as follows.
My wife and daughter Mary Dyke and Walter Robert Brown shall have equal shares, but Walter Robert Brown shall have one hundred dollars less then my wife and daughter.
          My two grand children John Walter Dyke and Eric Dyke shall have half as much as my wife and daughter.
Funeral charges, headstone is to come out of the general sum          I give and bequeath my watch to John Walter Dyke and my Bible to Eric Dyke.
          I hereby revoke all my former wills.
I hereby appoint James Brown of James as my executor.
Signed by the testator in the joint presence of us.

John Brown
His X Mark William Tulk John Brown

I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will of John Brown.
          D. M. Browning,

(Listed in the margin next to this will, the following.)
Oct 24th 03
Horwood C. J.
Letters of Probate
granted on the 26th
Oct 03
Est sworn at



Page Contributed by Keith Brown

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Saturday February 02, 2019)

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