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Will of James Brennan
1886 Estate of James Brennan Dated 12th October 1886 Probate granted to Rev. John Ryan and Michael Tobin The executor named in the Will Estate sworn under $5,500.00 Volume 4 To the Honourable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or anyone of the honourable the judges thereof. The petition of the very Reverend John Ryan of St. John's Roman Catholic priest and of Michael Tobin of same place, Merchant. Humbly Sheweth that James Brennan, late of St. John's aforesaid, dealer, died there on or about the first ____day of September now present having first made and executed his last will and testament as hereto annexed and which will been duly proven(?) in common form. That said deceased left him surviving as his next of kin, one daughter Mary now aprofessed??? Him and servant in Albany in the United Stated of America and one brother and two sisters ______. And died possessed of property situated within the jurisdiction of the honourable court of the probable value of about five thousand dollars. That no probate or administration to the estate of the said deceased has been hitherto granted. That in and by his said last will and testament he nominated and appointed your petitioners as executors thereof. I ??? therefore pray that probate of the said will may be granted unto them and ??? ??? they will ever pray &c &c Dated at St. John's this tenth day of September A.D. 1886. Robert J. Kent
Last will and Testament of In the name of God. Amen. I James Brennan of St. John's in the island of Newfoundland, dealer, do make publish and declare the following as and for my last will and testament. First, I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses be paid by my executors hereinafter named.Second, I will and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Brennan, the sum of fifty pounds currency to pay for her board in the convent, and a further sum of three hundred pounds currency. Third, I will and bequeath the sum of thirty pounds currency for masses for the repose of my soul. Fourth I will and bequeath to my brother, Edward Brennan, my estate and land on Topsail Road at present occupied by my said brother Edward during his natural life. Fifth, I will and bequeath my house on Patrick Street at present occupied by Mr. Ledingham for the use of the orphanage at Villa Nova near Topsail. Sixth, I will and bequeath my house on Patrick Street at present occupied by Mr. M. O'Flanagan to my sister, Mary Fitzgibbon. Seventh, I will and bequeath to the Rev. John Ryan, St. Patrick's River Head St. John's the sum of ten pounds. In the fifth clause I make the following alteration namely the rent of the house on Patrick Street bequeathed the orphanage at Villa Nova is for a period of six years to be devoted towards educating my nephew, Patrick, son of my brother Edward. Eighth, see the rest residue and remainder of my lands, moneys, chattels and I do hereby revoke and declare null and void, all former and other wills by Dated at Saint John's this 26th day of August AD 1886. Signed with his mark (X) James Brennan Witnesses to the above having been first read over I certify that the foregoing is a correct copy
Petition & Will contributed by Jeanette Squires & transcribed by Catherine Figuary-Zwicker
Will only later contributed by Judy Benson as part of the wills project
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday May 08, 2013)
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