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Will of Isabella Amelia Botwood In re This is the last will and testament
of me Isabella Amelia Botwood widow of the late Archdeacon
Botwood as follows:- First I request that my
just debts funeral and testamentary expenses be paid as soon as conveniently
may be after my decease. I give and bequeath to my sister Marion
Leonora Winter daughter of the late George and Leonora
Sophia Winter all and everything
I die possessed of for her life including all moneys in Banks or otherwise
wheresoever situate and all property and rents arising therefrom wheresoever
the same may be and left me by will or otherwise with full power to her
to spend both principal and interest of said moneys and sell or otherwise
dispose of the said property during her lifetime without in any way accounting
for the same if it be necessary for her use with the exception from the
said bequest of the following legacies.- After the death of my said sister Marion
Leonora Winter it is my wish
that any moneys property goods or chattels which may be remaining in her
hands out of my estate at the time of her death shall be divided equally
between my two sisters Louisa Sidney Pitcher and Jessie
Maria Trimmingham and my brother Clifford James Winter To
hold the same to them equally in the following manner, to Louisa
Sidney Pitcher for her life and after her
death to her daughter Ethel Louise Pitcher, Should neither
be living at the death of my sister Marion Leonora Winter I
desire the same to be given to the three children of my brother Clifford
James Winter, Elsie, Dora and Clifford George Winter: to Jessie
Maria Trimmingham absolutely if she be living at the time of the
death of my said sister Marion Leonora Winter and if then
dead then to the said children of my brother Elsie, Dora & Clifford
George Winter; to my said brother Clifford
James Winter absolutely. And it is my Correct, (Listed in the margin of this will)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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