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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Archibald McQueen Blackader
Will of Archibald McQueen Blackader
from Newfoundland will books volume
6 pages 594-595 probate year 1900
Last will and Testament of
Archibald McQueen Blackader
of Black River, Telegraph Operator
Last will and Testament of Archbd
McQueen Blackader, Black River Nfld Oct 17th 1899
My means at this date.
Deposit Bank of Montreal |
3316.00 |
Current Acct “ |
200.00 |
Cash on hand |
500.00 (not quite sure of amount) |
A. M. Mackays debt |
1000.00 |
Nfld Savings Bank |
300.00 |
$5015.00 |
I leave to my wife Ann Eliza Blackader two and one half tenths
of the money |
$1250.00 |
My daughter Clotilda Alice one & one half tenths |
750.00 |
My daughter Annie Cordelia one & one half tenths |
750.00 |
My son William Wallace one & one half tenths |
750.00 |
My son Archd Douglas three quarters of one tenth |
375.00 |
My son Henry Thomas one half of one tenth |
250.00 |
My daughter Anna Donelda three quarters of one tenth |
375.00 |
My daughter Mary E. O’Brien quarter of one tenth |
125.00 |
4625.00 |
And all monies that may accumulate to my credit from this date till
my death to be divided with my wife and children in the recorded proportions.
I leave to my wife and unmarried children my land property and all
buildings thereon except that portion on which the Anglo American
Telegraph Co have claim see enclosed statement at Black River the
land contains 19. 0. 18.
I leave to my son Henry Thomas my property at
Little Harbour Placentia Bay NFD now being used and looked after by John
leave to my sons Archd Douglas and Henry Thomas jointly my property
near here known “Popes Point” 27 acres. One half
of which is Impolite
I leave to my sons Archd Douglas & William Wallace, jointly my property
known as “Procter” now leased to “Nlfd Fish Industries
Co” for annual rent of one hundred dollars. Should my wife marry
again. I ask her to transfer to our unmarried children all property left
to her by me (sgd) Archd McQueen Blackader. Witnesses to Signature (sgd)
G. W. Arnott (sgd) John Dooley
I certify the foregoing to be
a correct copy of the last will and Testament of Archd. McQueen
Blackader deceased
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
G.H. Emerson
adm cta
granted to
J.D. Blanchard
May 14:1900
sworn under
| |
Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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