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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James H. Biles


Will of James H. Biles
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 page 477 probate year 1916

In re
      JAMES H. BILES          deceased.

      St. Anthony, Newfoundland,    November 28/1915    The last will and testament of James H. Biles of St. Anthony
      1 I leave to each of my grand children the sum Five dollars (5.00)    a Gold Sovereign or 5 dollar gold piece
      2     I leave to my four daughters Rith, Sarah Miriam & Jane the sum of twenty dollars in gold ($20.00) each
      3 To my three sons Levi, Asa & Lewis the sum of $600.00 Six hundred dollars the money, which is now lying in the Bank of Nova Scotia, divided equally between them
      4 Out of the money deposited in the Bank of Montreal I give to the Methodist Chirch for Painting and reparing when needed fifty dollars $50.00
      5 Also out of the same money I leave the sum of sixteen hundred dollars (1600.00) to be spent to build the the warf only.
      6 Also out of the money in Bank of Montreal I leave to the Deep Sea Mission the sum of fifty dollars $50.00
      7 The balance of the said money in Bank of Montreal I leave to my son Luke for himself
      8 I appoint as executors of this will my son Luke Biles my son Asa Biles    James H. Biles     The business will be carried on the same name if possible can at all if not By the name of Luke Biles & Co St. Anthony which will be Duly Advertised in the St. John’s Daily papers All money owed by James H. Biles will be Payable By Luke Biles & Co. an all money his owed to James H. Biles will be collected by Luke Biles & Co. of St. Anthony     Anything not mentioned will go into the business.     James H. Biles

Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the margin of this will)
Decr 15/16
Decr 15/16
granted to
Luke Biles
& Asa Biles
Estate sworn
at $7526.95



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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