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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Eleazer Benson


Will of Eleazer Benson
born 12 September 1863, died 30 August 1911 or on his headstone 1910 ---- transcribed from microfilm of Newfoundland will books, volume 9 pages 365-366 probate year 1911
(Judy's note: He was my dad’s grandfather, and died before dad was born. Joshua the executor, was dad’s father, and he died when dad was 2)

Re Eleazer Benson deceased.

I Eleazer Benson of North West Brook south W Arm of Random in the district of Trinity, being of sound mind and understanding do make my last will and testament in manner and form following.

First I give and bequeath to my sons Joshua Thomas Eleazer and Amos $100 each and also my daughters Sarah Jane Clotilda and Mary Susanna $100 each. The remainder I leave to my wife Susanna as long as she remain unmarried and my widow.

Second I also give and bequeath to my son Josiah my life insurance the sum of one thousand dollars his mother to be his guardian and to draw fifty dollars per year as long as she remain unmarried. Should Josiah die before he comes of age the money is for my wife as long as she lives unmarried. After her decease the money to be divided equal between my four sons. I also bequeath to my wife my house and all my household furnishings as long as she remain unmarried but on her decease or marriage she can give it to which ever son she please. My cattle if sold Joshua is to have a part. As long as they are working together My fishing property traps etc. also my fishing property and land at Grates Cove to be divided between my five sons and also my land at North West Brook for my five sons equal share. I also authorize Joshua to settle my business and bank account in accordance with this will.

In testimony whereof I hereby set my hand and seal and publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in the presence of the witnesses named below this thirtieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven. Eleazer Benson X Eli Frost Amos Snelgrove

Certified Correct
DM Browning

(Written in the margin next to the will)
Dec 12/11
Dec 16/11
granted to
Joshua Benson
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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