Will of Oliver Bennett
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 276-277 probate
year 1914
In re
In the name of God Amen. This
fifth day of September, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred
and thirteen. I Oliver Bennett of Bell Island
Conception Bay, Newfoundland, fisherman and farmer, being weak of body; but
of sound mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefore calling to mind
the mortality of the body, knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to
die, do make and ordain this my sole last will and testament in the following
manner and form:-
First, I give and bequeath to my wife Susannah Bennett, my
dwelling house and all contained therein, together with one acre of land attached
to said dwelling house, beginning at rear of house and running South to measurement
of acre. And my wife shall
hold full possession of same during the balance of her life and she can dispose
of same in any manner, or to whom she may deem it fit, at her death And my
wife also shall possess Cattle & poultry, if any at my death and can dispose
of same as she may deem expedient.
Also, I give to my two sons, Abraham
Bennett and Oliver Bennett all the rest
of my land at “Pendergasts Ridge” (adjoining the acre
already given to my wife Susannah Bennett and beginning at
the rear of my dwelling house, already mentioned) to be equally divided between
them, my son Abraham
Bennett to occupy that portion or half on which his dwelling house
and barn stand, to and
my son Oliver Bennett to occupy that portion or half on which his dwelling
house and barn stand, to be enjoyed by them and heirs, as my will meaning and
intention are that my property will remain within the family name (Bennett) Also, I give and bequeath to my two sons Abraham
Bennett and Oliver Bennett,
that parcel of land known by the name of “The Pond Island Meadow”,
near the Beach to be equally divided between them after the death of my wife
Susannah Bennett, as it is my will and meaning that my wife Susannah
Bennett shall possess the same for her support, till the balance
of her days will terminate.
Also, I give to my three sons Abraham,
Oliver and
William Bennett, my fishing property at Bell Island Beach,
to be equally divided between them. Should my son Wm.
Bennett die or not return, then my fishing property to be
divided equally between Abraham Bennett and Oliver
Bennett or their heirs,
said fishing property being 32 yards East & west. And my wife Susannah
Bennett shall possess said fishing property also for her
support till her death, to hire, or whatever other way she may think necessary,
exclusive of selling, she cannot sell.
Also, I bequeath to Abraham Bennett and Oliver
Bennett the “Cabbage garden” at
the Beach, to be equally divided. Also I give
to my son Abraham Bennett that parcel of land at the Beach, bounded North by
the Cliff and South by what is known as “Pippy’s Place”. My wife Susannah
Bennett also shall possess the aforesaid “Cabbage Garden” & the
last mentioned piece of land South of “Pippy’s” for
her support till her death. Also, I Give to my two sons
Abraham and Oliver Bennett, my old house
at the Beach, the land on which it stands and all frontage to Main road. Also,
I give to my daughter Elizabeth Normore, one feather bed.
Last, I leave to my children, the piece of land “willed” me by
my uncle Oliver Normore, named in his will “Upalong Shore”, a copy
of said Oliver Normore’s will from the Registry Office St. John’s
being in my possession. And I do hereby utterly
disallow, revoke and disannul, all and every other forms, “wills” &c.
by me in any ways before named, ratifying and confirming this and no other,
to be my last will and testament. In witness
whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal, this fifth day of September in the
year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. Oliver
his X mark Bennett (LS) Signed sealed
and declared by the said Oliver Bennett as his last will and testament, in
the presence of us. John Carroll Frances his
X mark Neary
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Novr 14/14
Admn c.t.a.
Novr 17/14
granted to
Oliver Bennett
Alfred Rees
Edwin J. Rees
Estate sworn
at $1000.00
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