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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Baird


Will of James Baird
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 407-408 probate year 1916

In re
      JAMES BAIRD       deceased.

      This is the last will and testament of me James Baird of Saint John’s in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant I will devise and bequeath unto my Executors hereafter named all my property of every description I may die possessed of in trust to hold the same for the following purposes From the proceeds of my life Insurance I direct my Executors pay to my sister Jessie as a mark of my affection the sum of Ten thousand dollars to be paid to her immediately on collection.    From the proceeds of my said Life Insurance I direct my executors to invest in good security a sum sufficient to secure an annuity of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid to Elizabeth Noseworthy this bequest is in consideration of faithful service.    Upon the death of the said Elizabeth Noseworthy the principal sum invested for her benefit aforesaid is to revert to and form part of my general estate.
From the proceeds of my said Life Insurance I direct my said Executors to pay to my daughter Annie the sum of twenty thousand dollars immediately on collection. The balance of my said Life Insurance after payment of the before mentioned legacies to be paid to my said daughter Annie immediately on collection but this balance is to be a part payment of and on account of her share and interest in my general estate
I bequeath to my son James C. Baird all the stock in trade books debts and all and singular my interest in and to the grocery and wine business now carried on by him.     I bequeath to Julia Greening the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid to her immediately after my death I also bequeath to the said Julia Greening the interest arising from the sum of one thousand dollars being part of stock or Mortgage Bond held by me in the Winnipeg Electric Company To be paid to her as it becomes due during her lifetime and after her death the said amount of stock is to go to her children share and share alike should she die without leaving children surviving her the said amount of stock is to revert to and form part of my general estate.
The interest on the balance of my said stock or Mortgage Bond in the said Electric Company I bequeath to my grand daughter Ellen (Pauline) Baird daughter of my said son James C. to be paid to her yearly until the said stock or Mortgage Bond matures or becomes due when the principal sum is to be paid to her Should she not then be living the same shall be paid to her child or children. Share and share alike. In case she leaves no issue surviving her the said principal sum is to revert to and form part of my general estate.
Subject to the foregoing legacies the rest residue and remainder of my estate is to be divided equally between my children Hugh, David, James C. and Annie children of deceased children taking their parents share. In estimating and valuing and settling my Estate I trust that no disagreement will arise but that all questions will be equitably and amicably settled by my children and by my executors. As the Executors I have appointed represent all the interests involved I have carefully and conscientiously thought over the disposition of my property and trust that my children will respect the wishes and memory of their father and cordially acquiesce.
      I appoint my sons Hugh, David and my son in law Henry D. Carter executors of this my last will.     Dated at Saint John’s in the Island of Newfoundland this first day of December A.D. 1909.    James Baird.     Witness: D. Jos Greene C.F. Forristall

      27th Sept. 1912    To the executors of my estate Pay the following amounts out of my general estate

  • Mr. Michael Power 1500.00 dollars.
  • P. Berrigan 1000.00 dollars
  • Harvey Jardine 500.00 dollars
  • Cyril Carter 300.00 dollars
  • John Sinnott 300.00 dollars
  • Wm. Power 25.00 dollars
  • Miss Martin 50.00 dollars
  • J. Gould 500.00 dollars
  • A.K. Lumsden 500.00 dollars
  • Miss Lee Carter 250

Mr. Jas Bates, there is a mortgage in my favor on his dwelling house for five hundred dollars and accrued interest at 6 per cent release this amount to him but if it is already paid off give him whatever you think proper as an equivalent.     The Saltcoats property is in my sister Jessie’s name & is already arranged & the papers in James Campbell’s Saltcoats possession     James Baird

Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the margin of this will)
July 8/16
July 11/16
granted to
Hugh Baird
David Baird
H. D. Carter
Estate sworn
at $



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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