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Rev. John T Mullock and Rev. Richard Condon arrived at Sandy Point in 1848 to mark out the site for the first Roman Catholic Church. They told the people of the community to prepare for a resident priest. Rev. Mullock was hoping to secure a priest for the area as it had a very large population of Roman Catholic people. Although Rev Mullock tried to find a priest that could go to Sandy Point one was not found until Father Alexis Belanger became the first resident priest. Sandy Point became the seat of the Roman Catholic Church on the West Coast, a position that was maintained up to the end of the nineteenth century. Most documents from Immaculate Conception Church are held at St. Joseph's Parish, St. George's, Nfld.
Information taken from Turbulent Tides a Social History of Sandy Point >
Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)
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