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Picture by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador On the January 8, 1912, the Anglican parishioners of Codroy suffered a major blow when a severe windstorm destroyed their church. A little over 18 months later the people of Codroy banded together to replace their church. On August 18, 1913, they laid the foundation and less than a month later, on September 13, they raised the rafters. A Mr. Colson and his son Peter from Sandy Point built and possibly designed the church, which was constructed with the assistance of the community, who donated free labour and materials. Local parish men cut and sawed all the logs. To avoid a fate like that of the original church, they reinforced the new building with beams across its width to keep it from twisting in the wind. A year after construction began, Rev. J.H. Read held the first service in the church on August 16, 1914. Five years elapsed before Bishop White consecrated the church on July 15, 1919. Holy Trinity was traditionally a major landmark used by the fishermen to locate their fishing grounds. Holy Trinity continues to be an important landmark and a focal point for Anglican parishioners of Codroy. The Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador declared Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Codroy a Registered Heritage Structure on May 15, 1993. © 1998 Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador Memorial Plaques at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Codroy, Nfld These doors were made to the glory of God by Joseph Miessau 1877-1946. In loving memory of Chesley B Evans, Nov. 3, 1918-Jan. 4, 1995 ever remembered and sadly missed by wife Vera, sons Kevin, David and Wayne, daughter Ida. In loving memory of Isaac Kendell by wife Josephine 3 daughters and 2 sons. In memory of Tracey Dianne Hilliard beloved granddaughter of John T. and Alma Hilliard. In memory of Lillian Mary Hilliard, March 27, 1951-March 4, 1996. Dedicated to her memory by husband John, family and friends. In memory of a beloved father and grandfather, Jacob Samms July 5, 1926-June 11, 1995. Remembered by daughter Dollena, son-in-law, Gord. Grandsons, David, Joseph, Paul and Isaac. In loving memory of Clifford Hillard by brother, James and Minnie, niece Clarys and Family. In loving memory of Charlotte Samms 1901-1995. In memory of W. John Parsons by wife and family. Prayer Book donated by the Evans family Sept. 14, 1975 in memory of Wm. And Mary Ann Evans. Lights in Vestry donated by Olive Pierway in memory of Mr. And Mrs. H. Collier, E. and M. Samms, J. and M. Collier. Bench dedicated to the memory of Clifford Hillard 1948-1997. Donated by Bill Woodhouse of Cape Breton. Gold vestments have been presented to Holy Trinity Church by Annabelle Rowe in loving memory of her parents, Israel and Jessie Galpin and her brothers and sisters, John, Mary, Robert, Llewelyn, Arthur, Irene, Thomas, Benjamin and Joseph. In loving memory of Thomas and Amelia Moore from their children. In rememberence of Archibald Parsons from his wife and family. This church was renovated and repaired in 1972 from the estate of James W. and Mary Collier. In loving memory of Ellen Jane and William J. Gallop, this communion service presented by their children to Holy Trinity Church, Codroy Nfld 1932. Needlepoint plaque in memory of Isaac and Ethel Fiander and Clement Reid by grandchildren, Donna, Gary, and Laurie. In loving memory of Stephen B. Kendell born Oct. 9, 1914 died April 20, 1955. Sacred to the memory of Pte. George Mugford, Royal Nfld Reg. Who died at Ayr Scotland Feb. 24, 1916. Aged 19 years. P. A. system presented to Holy Trinity Church in loving memory of Pleaman Stockley by his family and friends. Misc. Information. Rafter built 1906 Church bell rung on Sunday, Dec. 15th, 1907 Orange society was started Jan. 9th, 1905 at Codroy Church blew down Jan. 8th, 1912 at 4:00am The church doors, built by Joseph Miessau and donated to Holy Trinity in 1908 were found on Codroy Island, repaired and put into the new church. Foundation laid for new church August 18th, 1913 First king posts raised for new church August 23rd, 1913 Rafters raised Sept. 13th, 1913 Bell rung for Christmas Day Services 1913 First service held in new church August 16th, 1914 by Rev. Read.
Contributor / Coordinator: Brenda Janes, Codroy, NF
Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)
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