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Misc. California Death Records
of Newfoundlanders

San Fransisco Sept. 5, 1894Daley, Ellen65 yrs Newfoundland
San FransiscoJuly 23, 1883Eastern, Susan73 yrs.White; singleNewfoundland
NevadaMarch 2, 1892Cooper, George72 yrs, 3mths, 14 dyswhite; widowedNewfoundland
San BenitoDec. 30, 1904Youle, Bridget77 yrswhite; widowedNfld.
San BernadinoSept. 27, 1902Bonnell, A. J.61 yrs------, marriedNfld.
San BernadinoFeb. 11, 1902Parsons, J.54 yrsfemale; widowedNfld.
San BernadinoMar. 3 , 1902 McKay, A. 58 yrs.female; widowedNfld.
Los AngelesApril 10, 1900Power, Agnes87 yrs, 2 mths, 16 dys.white; female; widowedNfld.
Los Angeles Oct. 6, 1904 McHugh, Elizabeth37 yrs.white; female; marriedNfld.
Los Angeles Sept. 9, 1902 Magor, J.F.39 yrswhite; male; marriedNfld.
Humbolt Jan. 4, 1902Crickcroft, Maria48 yrs, 1 mth., 19 dys.white; female; marriedNfld.
Humbolt Jan. 27, 1898Smith, Anna M.60 yrs.white; female; marriedNfld.
Marin Nov. 30, 1888Byrnes, John70 yrswhite; male; marriedNfld.

Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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