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Additional Records for Ferryland
for the period of 1935 to 1940

September 6, 1936 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Armstrong, Albert 30 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 30, 1937 General Hospital Empyema Aspell, Catherine 12 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
August 30, 1940 Fermeuse Consumption Aylward, Margaret 26 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 9, 1938 Ferryland Still Born Barnable, Baby SB Ferryland Ferryland
December 18, 1937 Ferryland TB Barnable, Clare 17 Ferryland Ferryland
October 7, 1936 Ferryland Pneumonia Barnable, Leo 2 Ferryland Ferryland
October 27, 1938 Ferryland Kidney Trouble Barnable, Matthew 84 Ferryland Ferryland
November 24, 1938 Ferryland Heart Disease Barnable, Richard 80 Ferryland Ferryland
January 14, 1939 Renews Heart Failure Barron, William 60 Renews Renews
April 11, 1938 General Hospital Ruptured Appendix Berrigan, Lucy 14 Renews Renews
November 1, 1937 Bay Bulls Big Pond Accidental Drowning Berrigan, William 34   Belvedere Cemetery Buried 30/11/37
March 13, 1939 Renews Paralysis Berrigan, William 78 Renews Renews
May 21, 1937 Grace Hospital Pulmonary TB Best, William 3 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
April 18, 1940 Mobile Heart Failure Blackler, Edward 73 Mobile Mobile
February 14, 1940 General Hospital Cellulitis of Left Leg Blackler, Samuel 75 Mobile Mobile
January 21, 1937 Grace Hospital Still Born Boland, Baby SB St. John's Mt. Carmel Cemetery
August 16, 1937 Calvert Pulmonary TB Boland, Esther 25 Calvert Ferryland
March 2, 1939 Calvert TB Boland, Patrick 22 Calvert Ferryland
May 9, 1939 Calvert TB Boland, Thomas 32 Calvert Ferryland
December 4, 1938 Tor's Cove Consumption Brazil, Margaret 17 1/2 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 27, 1936 Bay Bulls Old Age Brien, Catherine 82 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 18, 1939 Ferryland Brain Tumour Brien, Elizabeth 84 Ferryland Ferryland
May 8, 1940 Fermeuse Still Born Brophy, Laura SB Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 16, 1936 Fermeuse Neuritis Brophy, Stephen 66 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 22, 1936 Fermeuse Stomach Disease Brothers, John 64 Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 14, 1940 Fermeuse Heart Disease Brothers, Mary 85 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 28, 1937 At Sea Heart Failure Brown, Michael Not Stated St. Joseph's Ferryland
August 16, 1938 Witless Bay Still Born Burke, Baby SB Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 26, 1939 Burnt Cove Heart Disease Burke, Patrick 76 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
May 10, 1937 Witless Bay TB Butler, Bridget 50 Tor's Cove Witless Bay
March 17, 1937 Renews Senility Cahill, Mary 85 Renews Renews
February 10, 1939 Sydney Mines, NS Heart Failure Cahill, Michael 53 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 14, 1940 Renews Senility Cahill, Michael 74 Renews Renews
September 24, 1936 Aquaforte TB Canning, Annie 26 Not Stated Aquaforte
March 1, 1939 Aquaforte TB Canning, Ernest 26 Aquaforte Aquaforte
October 8, 1937 Aquaforte Rheumatic Fever Canning, Mary 62 Aquaforte Aquaforte
October 25, 1937 Ferryland Heart Trouble Canning, Mary E. 1 1/2 Ferryland Ferryland
March 27, 1936 Aquaforte TB Canning, William 26 Not Stated Aquaforte
February 19, 1940 Witless Bay Paralysis Carew, Agnes 69 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 13, 1940 Bay Bulls Convulsions Carew, Lawrence J. 1 Day Bay Bulls Witless Bay
October 26, 1936 Grace Hospital Prematurity Carew, Mary 4 Days St. John's Mt. Carmel Cemetery
August 31, 1939 Witless Bay Heart Failure Carew, Michael 82 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 26, 1939 Witless Bay TB Carey, Blanche 27 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 21, 1936 Witless Bay Heart/Kidney Carey, Ellen 66 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 6, 1939 Witless Bay TB Carey, Gerald 18 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 14, 1938 Witless Bay Pneumonia Carey, James 84 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 19, 1938 Witless Bay Heart/Kidney Trouble Carey, Margaret 58 Witless Bay Witless Bay
July 3, 1937 Witless Bay Pulmonary TB Carey, Mary 33 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 8, 1937 Witless Bay Pneumonia Carey, Valentine 18 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 20, 1939 Witless Bay Old Age Carter, Anne 82 Bell Island Witless Bay
August 27, 1940 Renews Heart Disease Chidley, Christopher 69 Renews Renews
August 15, 1940 Renews Tumours Chidley, Elizabeth 73 Renews Renews
January 3, 1936 Renews Congenital Deformity Clethis, Dermot 1 Month Renews Renews
September 19, 1936 Ferryland Dysentery Clowe, Anthony 6 Months Ferryland Ferryland
May 6, 1938 Ferryland Debility Clowe, Frederick 1 Month Ferryland Ferryland
January 10, 1939 S.A. Anchorage Pulmonary TB Coady, Helen 17 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 10, 1939 Bay Bulls TB Coady, Helen 19 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 10, 1939 Bay Bulls TB Coady, Helen 19 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 8, 1936 Renews Senility Coady, Jane 78 Renews Renews
June 16, 1937 Admiral's Cove Pleuro/Pneumonia Coady, Margaret 43 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 17, 1940 Cappahayden Heart Failure Coady, Margaret 76 Cappahayden Renews
June 19, 1936 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Coady, Mary Ellen 20 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 9, 1939 Seal Cove Consumption Colbert, John T. 16 Seal Cove St. Michael's
October 12, 1938 St. Michael's Old Age Colbert, Rose 97 Tor's Cove St. Michael's
December 5, 1938 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Coleman, Nicholas 48 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 21, 1936 Calvert Cerebral Haemorrage Conrad, Lemuel   Lunenburg, NS Lunenburg, NS
July 11, 1939 Infirmary Carcinoma of Uterus Conway, Catherine 57   Mt. Carmel Cemetery
August 6, 1939 Renews Pneumonia Conway, Francis 10 Months Renews Renews
September 15, 1940 Renews Pneumonia Conway, Margaret R. 8 Months Renews Renews
September 13, 1940 Renews Pneumonia Conway, Teresa 8 Months Renews Renews
March 13, 1937 Ferryland Bronchitis Costello, Arnold 20 Ferryland Ferryland
December 13, 1938 Calvert Pneumonia Costello, Bridget 65 Calvert Ferryland
September 27, 1939 Ferryland TB Costello, James 21 Ferryland Ferryland
August 8, 1939 Fermeuse Meningitis Costello, Mary 6 Ferryland Fermeuse
February 14, 1939 Ferryland Influenza Crane, Catherine 6 Months Ferryland Ferryland
April 15, 1936 Admiral's Cove Pleurisy Crane, Patrick 18 Not Stated Cape Broyle
August 14, 1940 Renews Heart Disease Croft, Edward 57 Aquaforte Renews
October 22, 1938 Aquaforte Debility Croft, Loretta 21 Aquaforte Aquaforte
September 21, 1937 Aquaforte Natural Causes Croft, Marion 6 Months Aquaforte Aquaforte
October 29, 1938 Aquaforte Heart Disease Croft, Peter 72 Aquaforte Aquaforte
July 20, 1939 Ferryland Old Age Culleton, Margaret 87 Ferryland Ferryland
June 27, 1937 11 Spencer St. Bronchitis/Pneumonia Curran, Bride 31 Ferryland Ferryland
December 17, 1937 General Hospital Pott's Disease Curtis, Gertrude 17 Trepassey Renews
July 2, 1936 Bay Bulls Congenital Debility Dea, Agnes 2 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 21, 1936 Bay Bulls General Debility Deagen, Thomas 29 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 25, 1936 Calvert Pneumonia Delahunty, Margaret 61 Not Stated Ferryland
February 20, 1939 Bay Bulls Old Age Delaney, Mary 86 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 1, 1940 General Hospital Empyaema of Gall Bladder Devereaux, Mrs. Ellen 69 Ferryland Ferryland
March 21, 1936 Renews Senile Decay Devine, Margaret 93 Renews Renews
May 5, 1936 Witless Bay General Debility Dinn, Bridget 47 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 6, 1939 Witless Bay TB Dinn, Charles 24 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 8, 1940 Witless Bay TB Dinn, Isabella 51 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 23, 1936 Witless Bay Pulmonary TB Dinn, James 17 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 3, 1936 Tor's Cove Old Age Driscoll, John 85 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 1, 1938 Witless Bay TB of Throat Dunne, Elizabeth 17 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 19, 1940 General Hospital Essential Hypertension Dunne, Patrick 61 Renews Renews
May 25, 1936 Renews Senile Decay Dunphy, Joseph 73 Renews Renews
June 15, 1938 General Hospital Osteomyelitis of Tibia/Septicaemia Dunphy, Michael 53 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
November 1, 1937 Bay Bulls Big Pond Accidental Drowning Evans, Gordon 20   General Protestant Cemetery Buried 22/11/37
January 7, 1936 Fermeuse Senile Decay Fahey, Elizabeth 73 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 22, 1940 Fermeuse Not Stated Fennelly, Wilhelmina 15 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 9, 1940 Renews Pneumonia Foley, David 64 Renews Renews
March 11, 1938 Cappahayden Senility Fowler, James 101 Cappahayden Renews
November 1, 1937 Cappahayden Consumption Fowler, William 30 Bear Cove Renews
May 29, 1937 Grace Hospital Congenital Debility Frampton, Edward G. 17 Days Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 7, 1937 Ferryland Old Age Furlong, Simon 90 Ferryland Ferryland
March 5, 1939 Bay Bulls Not Stated Gatherall, Evelyn 3 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 1, 1936 Tor's Cove Heart Failure Gatherall, Fannie 84 Bauline St. Michael's
December 7, 1939 Renews Heart Disease Gearin, William 76 Renews Renews
December 20, 1940 Fermeuse Paralysis Ghaney, Thomas 70 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 2, 1938 General Hospital Tetanus Infection Glynn, Anthony 60 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 17, 1939 Fever Hospital Tubercular Meningitis Glynn, Gerald 4 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 5, 1939 Bay Bulls TB Glynn, Patrick 31 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 1, 1939 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, Teresa 92 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 29, 1937 Grace Hospital Still Born Green, Baby SB St. John's Mt. Carmel Cemetery
February 21, 1940 St. Clare's Still Born Green, Baby SB Witless Bay Mt. Carmel Cemetery
December 27, 1938 Witless Bay Senility Green, Rebecca 88 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 13, 1936 Renews Senility Guiney, Anne 88 Renews Renews
April 16, 1937 Renews Senility Harding, Mary Jane 77 Renews Renews
October 28, 1936 Fermeuse Heart Failure Harte, Edward 63 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 12, 1940 Fermeuse Paralysis Harte, Edward 78 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 4, 1940 At Sea By Enemy Action Harte, John Francis 29 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 15, 1940 Tor's Cove Paralysis Hatfield, Francis 74 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 15, 1936 Brigus South Not Stated Hawkins, Osmond 1 Month Brigus South Cape Broyle
September 12, 1936 Brigus South Heart Condition Hayes, James 59 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 5, 1940 See Original Records Pulmonary TB Hayes, Thomas 25 Renews Renews
March 31, 1939 Tor's Cove Heart Disease Hearn, Elizabeth 82 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
March 18, 1940 Renews Senility Hearn, Mary Jane 75 Renews Renews
January 7, 1940 Fermeuse Not Stated Heffernan, John P. 10 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 7, 1937 Renews Senility Hoffman, Edward 80 Renews Renews
October 20, 1938 Tor's Cove Not Stated Howlett, Margaret 70 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
February 19, 1939 Tor's Cove Consumption Howlett, Michael 27 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December 18, 1937 Ferryland Kidney Trouble Hynes, Edward 84 Ferryland Ferryland
June 26, 1938 Renews Paralysis Hynes, Patrick 78 Petty Harbour Renews
May 21, 1938 Renews Heart Failure Jackman, Thomas 81 Renews Renews
January 6, 1939 Ferryland TB Johnson, Esther 55 Ferryland Ferryland
January 21, 1938 Renews Diphtheria Johnson, Mary 65 Renews Renews
October 15, 1937 Calvert Heart Failure Johnson, Peter 78 Calvert Ferryland
January 27, 1938 Renews Diphtheria Johnson, Thomas 67 Renews Renews
September 13, 1938 Ferryland Heart Disease Jordan, John 76 Ferryland Ferryland
February 20, 1936 Calvert Whooping Cough Kavanagh, Philomena 7 Months Not Stated Ferryland
November 9, 1937 Calvert Kidney Trouble Kean, Charlotte 79 Calvert Ferryland
April 24, 1940 Renews Heart Failure Keating, Essie 31 Renews Renews
April 4, 1938 Renews Rickets Keating, Madonna 4 Renews Renews
February 8, 1940 Renews Not Stated Keating, Mary E. 66 Aquaforte Renews
December 1, 1936 Ferryland Pneumonia Keefe, Daniel 70 Ferryland Ferryland
June ??, 1939 Avondale Not Stated Keilly, William Not Stated Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 18, 1938 Ferryland Senility Kelly, Alice 84 Renews Ferryland
June 25, 1939 Witless Bay Hardening of Arteries Kelly, Sister Patrick 73 St. John's Witless Bay
June 1, 1938 Mobile Not Stated Kennedy, James 87 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
September 5, 1940 Grace Hospital Still Born Kenny, Baby SB Not Stated Mt. Carmel Cemetery
November 13, 1937 Fermeuse Senility Kenny, Ellen 93 Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 20, 1939 Fermeuse Senility Kenny, Johannah 73 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 30, 1938 Fermeuse Heart Disease Kenny, John 81 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 24, 1938 Fermeuse Still Born Kenny, Mary SB Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 24, 1939 Fermeuse Still Born Kenny, Mary SB Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 7, 1937 Fermeuse Blood Pressure Kenny, Walter J. 53 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 14, 1940 Fermeuse Not Stated Kenny, Walter J. 2 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 7, 1936 Ferryland Pneumonia Keough, Mary 74 Not Stated Ferryland
November 1, 1937 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Keough, Thomas 44 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 29, 1938 Ferryland Convulsions Kinsella, Evelyn 2 Days Ferryland Ferryland
September 13, 1936 Ferryland Senility Kinsella, Joseph 82 Not Stated Ferryland
August 11, 1940 Sanatorium Pulmonary TB Lahey, Margaret 29 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
May 5, 1940 Witless Bay Paralysis Lash, Henry 81 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 7, 1938 Witless Bay Heart Failure Lash, Mary 81 Mobile Witless Bay
May 19, 1939 Renews Paralysis Lawes, Thomas 80 Renews Renews
November 15, 1938 Renews Heart Disease Levine, Brigid 74 Renews Renews
October 16, 1939 Witless Bay TB Londergan, Clotilda 25 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 1, 1937 Tor's Cove Cancer Luby, Mary 61 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December ??, 1936 Witless Bay Drowning Lundergan, Charles 19 Witless Bay Witless Bay Aug.28/1938
December 12, 1936 Grace Hospital Still Born Lundregan SB St. John's Mt. Carmel Cemetery
December 7, 1937 Witless Bay Dropsy Maddigan, Peter 74 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 7, 1938 Mobile TB Maher, Marjorie 23 Mobile Mobile
April 23, 1937 Renews Senility Maher, Mother Theresa 79 Dublin, Ireland Renews
February 10, 1936 Grace Hospital Congenital Debility Mahoney, Baby SB Grace Hospital Mt. Carmel Cemetery
September 16, 1939 Bay Bulls Old Age Maloney, Bridget 79 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 21, 1937 Bay Bulls Congestion of Lungs Maloney, Francis G. 16 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 5, 1937 Grace Hospital See Original Records Maloney, James 20 Months Bay Bulls Mt. Carmel Cemetery
August 20, 1940 Bay Bulls Cancer Maloney, Stephen 72 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 10, 1938 Fermeuse TB McCarthy, Maud 36 Tilting Renews
June 3, 1940 Renews Not Stated McCarthy, Peter Few Minutes Renews Renews
April 29, 1936 Bauline Heart Failure McDonald, Thomas 69 Bauline St. Michael's
January 26, 1938 Grace Hospital Toxaemia of Pregnancy Meade, Mrs. Mary 35 Calvert Ferryland
October 7, 1937 LaManche Paralysis Melvin, Hannah 72 Petty Harbour Tor's Cove
May 3, 1937 LaManche Meningitis Melvin, Michael 15 LaManche St. Michael's
October 1, 1937 LaManche Not Stated Melvin, Pauline 3 LaManche Tor's Cove
August 30, 1939 General Hospital Cardiac Failure Moakler, Mrs. Mary 60 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 28, 1939 Bay Bulls TB Mokeler, May 69 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 16, 1936 St. John's Myoeneritis Molloy, Bridget 44 Not Stated Bay Bulls
July 21, 1937 Ferryland Cancer Moore, Edward 81 Ferryland Ferryland
March 31, 1938 Witless Bay Dropsy/Heart Failure Moriarity, Ellen 53 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 1, 1939 Witless Bay Bronchitis Morris, Angela 4 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 4, 1939 Witless Bay TB Morris, Esther 30 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 18, 1936 Admiral's Cove Not Stated Morrissey, Denis 62 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 12, 1938 Bay Bulls Senility Mulcahy, Mary 72 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 6, 1940 Bay Bulls Cancer Mulcahy, Mrs. Margaret 46 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 10, 1937 Witless Bay Natural Causes Mulloney, Edward 10 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 27, 1939 Witless Bay Paralysis Mulloney, Elizabeth 78 Witless Bay Witless Bay
July 27, 1940 St. Clare's Still Born Mullowney, Baby SB Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 25, 1938 Infirmary Pulmonary TB Mullowney, Josephine 32 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 21, 1937 Witless Bay Heart Failure Mullowney, Louis P. 76 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 3, 1937 Witless Bay Pneumonia Mullowney, Rita 16 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 21, 1936 Bay Bulls Meningitis Murphy, Catherine 20 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 12, 1940 Cappahayden Paralysis Murphy, John 67 Cappahayden Renews
February 13, 1938 Fermeuse Cancer Murphy, Murt 82 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 9, 1938 Witless Bay Senility Murphy, William 86 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 23, 1936 Bay Bulls Old Age Nagle, Timothy 90 Not Stated Bay Bulls
June 28, 1938 Tor's Cove TB Neil, Margaret 34 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 20, 1937 Mobile Senility Nolan, Lawrence 95 Mobile Mobile
January 4, 1936 Witless Bay Cancer of Throat Norris, Aiden 54 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 8, 1938 Witless Bay TB of Bowels Norris, Anne 62 Cape Broyle Witless Bay
July 10, 1936 Witless Bay TB Norris, Eileen 25 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 3, 1939 Witless Bay Pneumonia Norris, Hannah 79 Goulds Witless Bay
November 22, 1939 Witless Bay Cancer of Throat Norris, Henry 73 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 20, 1936 Witless Bay Old Age Norris, Mary 88 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 16, 1940 St. Clare's Congenital Debility Norris, Mary 6 Days Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 25, 1938 Witless Bay Cancer of Liver Norris, Thomas 68 Not Stated Witless Bay
July 10, 1936 Witless Bay TB Norris, Thomas Jr. 23 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 11, 1938 Ferryland Still Born O' Brien, Baby SB Ferryland Ferryland
March 31, 1937 Bay Bulls Heart Failure O' Brien, Mary A. 29 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 30, 1940 Bay Bulls Old Age O' Brien, Patrick 78 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 3, 1937 Bay Bulls Heart Failure O' Brien, Patrick J. 38 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 26, 1940 Bay Bulls Heart Condition O' Brien, Rev. Patrick 80 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 11, 1937 Tor's Cove Senility O' Driscoll, Margaret 84 Cape Broyle Tor's Cove
October 2, 1938 Tor's Cove Cancer O' Driscoll, W. J. 78 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 23, 1940 Fever Hospital Pneumonia O' Dwyer, Gordon 3 Months Mobile Mobile
April 28, 1938 Ferryland TB O' Keefe, Henry 24 Ferryland Ferryland
August 4, 1937 New York Not Stated O' Keefe, John 29 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 28, 1938 Ferryland Not Stated O' Keefe, Michael 69 Ferryland Ferryland
January 16, 1938 Tor's Cove Scarlet Fever O' Keefe, Patrick 14 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 4, 1936 Ferryland Pneumonia O' Keefe, Valentine 71 Ferryland Ferryland
July 10, 1937 Fermeuse Heart Disease O' Neill, Anastatia 76 Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 9, 1940 Fermeuse Influenza O' Neill, Anastatia 68 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 18, 1937 Fermeuse Cancer O' Neill, Harriet 65 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 23, 1937 Infirmary TBC Enteritis/Peritonitis O' Neill, James 69 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 23, 1937 Admiral's Cove Cardiac Dilation O' Neill, James 65 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 18, 1938 Fermeuse Beri Beri O' Neill, John 66 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 29, 1936 Witless Bay General Debility O' Neill, Nicholas 53 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 4, 1937 See Original Records Empyema O' Neill, Richard 32 Fermeuse Mt. Carmel Cemetery
January 27, 1939 Renews Cancer O' Shaughnessy, Elizabeth 46 Renews Renews
March 12, 1937 Fermeuse Senility Oates, Robert 84 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 23, 1936 Aquaforte Senility Payne, William 75 Aquaforte Aquaforte
February 18, 1936 Admiral's Cove Whooping Cough Pendergast, Clara 1 1/2 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
January 20, 1937 St. Clare's Hospital Meningitis Pendergast, Teresa 4 Admiral's Cove Belvedere Cemetery
July 31, 1938 Grace Hospital Congenital Debility Pennell, Thomas 3 Months Not Stated Mt. Carmel Cemetery
September 4, 1940 Mobile Old Age Power, Anne 86 Mobile Mobile
January 23, 1936 Grace Hospital Still Born Power, Baby SB Grace Hospital Tor's Cove
June 28, 1940 Tor's Cove Consumption Power, Bernard 28 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 23, 1936 General Hospital Heart Failure Power, Ellen 43 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
May 26, 1938 Ferryland Pneumonia/Childbirth Power, Ita 38 Ferryland Ferryland
August 10, 1939 Poor Asylum Carcinoma of Stomach Power, John 59 Renews Mt. Carmel Cemetery
September 4, 1940 St. Clare's Burnt Mouth, Neck, Chest Power, John 15 Months Calvert Ferryland
March 31, 1940 Tor's Cove Consumption Power, John T. 18 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 27, 1936 Witless Bay Paralysis Power, Mary 75 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 30, 1937 Tor's Cove Consumption Power, Mary 24 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 1, 1938 Tor's Cove TB Power, Mary 24 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 20, 1939 Ferryland Convulsions Power, Mary 5 Ferryland Ferryland
April 15, 1940 Tor's Cove Consumption Power, Mary C. 20 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 23, 1936 Grace Hospital Myocarditis Power, Mrs. Helen 43 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 5, 1939 General Hospital Mastorditis Power, Peter 24 Brigus South Ferryland
January 3, 1938 Ferryland Rickets Power, Regis 2 1/2 Ferryland Ferryland
December 27, 1937 Bay Bulls Convulsions Puddester, Mary A. 19 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 13, 1937 Bay Bulls Senility Puddester, Thomas 79 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 23, 1939 Cappahayden Pneumonia Quinlan, Edmund 2 1/2 Cappahayden Renews
May 11, 1938 Mobile Heart Disease Quirk, Daniel 76 Mobile Mobile
November 19, 1938 General Hospital Liver/Spleen Syndrome Reddy, Hannah 52 Ferryland Ferryland
June 21, 1936 Fermeuse TB Reddy, Tony 30 Portugal, Europe Fermeuse
December 8, 1940 Renews Influenza Redmond, Elizabeth 84 Renews Renews
February 24, 1940 Fermeuse Not Stated Reid, Teresa 78 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 21, 1940 Mobile Convulsions Reilly, Mary E. 4 Months Mobile Mobile
September 8, 1937 Renews Senility Roche, Mary 76 Cape Race Renews
October 6, 1937 Renews Cancer Roche, Mary Grace 55 Cape Broyle Renews
November 20, 1937 Renews Paralysis Roche, Patrick 76 Renews Renews
February 9, 1939 Renews Meningitis Roche, Patrick J. 34 Renews Renews
August 25, 1940 Renews Pneumonia Roche, Peter 72 Renews Renews
May 11, 1939 Fermeuse Paralysis Rodgers, William 73 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 7, 1936 Tor's Cove Paralysis Ronayne, Alice 81 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 26, 1938 Bay Bulls Heart Disease Ronayne, Edward 65 Tor's Cove Bay Bulls
August 16, 1939 Fermeuse Paralysis Ryan, Denis 71 Fermeuse Fermeuse
September 1, 1938 Fermeuse Cancer Ryan, Elizabeth 74 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 3, 1937 See Original Records Pulmonary TB Ryan, Leonard 21 Ferryland Mt. Carmel Cemetery
March 15, 1940 Infirmary Chronic Bronchitis Ryan, Mary Anne 71 Ferryland Belvedere Cemetery
?????, 1940 General Hospital Carcinoma of Bladder Ryan, Nicholas 72 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 18, 1940 Fermeuse Carcinoma of Bladder Ryan, Nicholas 73 Fermeuse Fermeuse
September 17, 1939 Poor Asylum Cancer of Face /Neck Ryan, Patrick 68 Calvert Mt. Carmel Cemetery
December 5, 1936 Fermeuse Pneumonia Ryan, Peter 60 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 12, 1938 Bay Bulls Senility Ryan, Thomas 80 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 22, 1936 Ferryland Pneumonia Ryan, William 54 Ferryland Ferryland
April 27, 1939 Fermeuse Consumption Ryan, William 29 St. Mary's Fermeuse
December 20, 1939 Aquaforte TB Saunders, Margaret 47 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 28, 1937 Infirmary Dystocia Shannahan, Johanna 70 Ferryland Mt. Carmel Cemetery
March 11, 1939 Ferryland Cerebral Haemorrage Shannahan, Robert 73 Ferryland Ferryland
May 14, 1939 Ferryland Debility Slaney, Michael 37 Ferryland Ferryland
September 26, 1938 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB St. Croix, George 30 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 27, 1938 Calvert Heart Trouble Sullivan, Richard 67 Calvert Ferryland
January 27, 1937 Calvert Influenza Swain, Martha 11 Months Calvert Ferryland
May 26, 1937 Calvert Pneumonia Swain, Thomas 9 Months Calvert Ferryland
February 15, 1940 Mobile Heart Failure Sweeney, Mary 79 Mobile Mobile
September 24, 1938 Ferryland Heart Disease Sweeney, William 69 Ferryland Ferryland
March 24, 1937 Burnt Cove Heart Disease Tee, Bridget 59 Cape Broyle Tor's Cove
May 25, 1938 Burnt Cove Paralysis Tee, Catherine 73 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
January 7, 1936 Witless Bay Natural Causes Tobin, Alexander 56 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 11, 1937 Witless Bay Senility Tobin, Anne 83 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 22, 1939 Witless Bay TB Tobin, Clare 55 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 16, 1936 Witless Bay Cancer of Stomach Tobin, Denis 50 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 8, 1936 Witless Bay General Debility Tobin, Hannah 70 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 28, 1936 Witless Bay Heart Failure Tobin, Luke 84 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 9, 1936 Fermeuse Appendicitis Tobin, Mary Violet 40 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 13, 1938 Fermeuse Senile Decay Tobin, Richard 88 Lance Cove Fermeuse
December 16, 1940 Fermeuse Influenza Trainor, Bertha 42 Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 16, 1940 Fermeuse Not Stated Trainor, Kenneth J. 2 Days Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 3, 1936 Fermeuse Still Born Trainor, Mary SB Fermeuse Fermeuse
September 27, 1937 Witless Bay Cancer of Stomach Vickers, John 77 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 13, 1937 Witless Bay General Debility Vickers, Mary 87 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 19, 1936 Witless Bay Natural Causes Vickers, Michael 82 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 4, 1937 Witless Bay Heart Failure Vickers, Susanna 77 Torbay Witless Bay
June 16, 1940 Witless Bay Old Age Vickers, Susanna 77 Bell Island Witless Bay
February 18, 1939 Tor's Cove Heart Disease Walsh, Alice 58 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
August 26, 1939 Fermeuse Heart Failure Walsh, Ellen 80 Fermeuse Fermeuse
Aril 27, 1936 Witless Bay Heart Failure Walsh, James 59 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 17, 1938 Tor's Cove Heart Disease Walsh, James 66 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
July 21, 1940 Fermeuse Heart Disease Walsh, James 74 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 30, 1937 Fermeuse Kidney Trouble Walsh, Joseph 69 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 13, 1936 Ferryland Convulsions Walsh, Loretta 21 Ferryland Ferryland
March 30, 1936 Ferryland Whooping Cough Walsh, Magdalene 2 1/2 Not Stated Ferryland
July 17, 1939 Renews Heart Trouble Walsh, Rose 36 Renews Renews
October 8, 1937 Fermeuse Cancer Walshe, Catherine 61 Admiral's Cove Fermeuse
March 18, 1938 Ferryland Diabetes Walshe, James 58 Ferryland Ferryland
May 2, 1937 General Hospital Gangrene of Brain Whelan, James 22 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 14, 1937 Tor's Cove TB Whelan, Nellie Jane 19 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
February 17, 1938 LaManche Heart Failure Whelan, Patrick 72 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
March 8, 1939 Bay Bulls Senile Amentia/Nephritis Whitely, Mary Theodora 65   General Protestant Cemetery, St. John's
October 24, 1937 Bay Bulls Senility Williams, Ambrose 74 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 23, 1938 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Williams, Arthur 63 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 18, 1937 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Williams, James 59 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 7, 1937 Bay Bulls Heart Disease Williams, James Rupert 58 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 4, 1937 Bay Bulls General Debility Williams, John R. 65 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 6, 1938 Bay Bulls Heart Disease Williams, Joseph 63 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 16, 1937 Ferryland Senility Williams, Martin 88 Ferryland Ferryland
February 14, 1936 St. John's Pulmonary TB Williams, Mary 46 Not Stated Bay Bulls
August 22, 1937 Tor's Cove Senility Williams, Mary 84 Witless Bay Tor's Cove
March 21, 1939 Ferryland Old Age Williams, Mary Anne 96 Ferryland Ferryland
August 29, 1940 Bay Bulls Old Age Williams, Mrs Clotilda 75 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 18, 1940 Bay Bulls Kidney Trouble Williams, Ronald 29 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 26, 1938 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Williams, Stephen 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 4, 1940 Poor Asylum Myocarditis Williams, William 65 Not Stated Mt. Carmel Cemetery

Page transcribed by Kevin Reddigan

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)

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