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September 6, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | Armstrong, Albert | 30 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 30, 1937 | General Hospital | Empyema | Aspell, Catherine | 12 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
August 30, 1940 | Fermeuse | Consumption | Aylward, Margaret | 26 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 9, 1938 | Ferryland | Still Born | Barnable, Baby | SB | Ferryland | Ferryland |
December 18, 1937 | Ferryland | TB | Barnable, Clare | 17 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
October 7, 1936 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | Barnable, Leo | 2 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
October 27, 1938 | Ferryland | Kidney Trouble | Barnable, Matthew | 84 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
November 24, 1938 | Ferryland | Heart Disease | Barnable, Richard | 80 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
January 14, 1939 | Renews | Heart Failure | Barron, William | 60 | Renews | Renews |
April 11, 1938 | General Hospital | Ruptured Appendix | Berrigan, Lucy | 14 | Renews | Renews |
November 1, 1937 | Bay Bulls Big Pond | Accidental Drowning | Berrigan, William | 34 | Belvedere Cemetery Buried 30/11/37 | |
March 13, 1939 | Renews | Paralysis | Berrigan, William | 78 | Renews | Renews |
May 21, 1937 | Grace Hospital | Pulmonary TB | Best, William | 3 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
April 18, 1940 | Mobile | Heart Failure | Blackler, Edward | 73 | Mobile | Mobile |
February 14, 1940 | General Hospital | Cellulitis of Left Leg | Blackler, Samuel | 75 | Mobile | Mobile |
January 21, 1937 | Grace Hospital | Still Born | Boland, Baby | SB | St. John's | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
August 16, 1937 | Calvert | Pulmonary TB | Boland, Esther | 25 | Calvert | Ferryland |
March 2, 1939 | Calvert | TB | Boland, Patrick | 22 | Calvert | Ferryland |
May 9, 1939 | Calvert | TB | Boland, Thomas | 32 | Calvert | Ferryland |
December 4, 1938 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Brazil, Margaret | 17 1/2 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 27, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Brien, Catherine | 82 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 18, 1939 | Ferryland | Brain Tumour | Brien, Elizabeth | 84 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
May 8, 1940 | Fermeuse | Still Born | Brophy, Laura | SB | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 16, 1936 | Fermeuse | Neuritis | Brophy, Stephen | 66 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 22, 1936 | Fermeuse | Stomach Disease | Brothers, John | 64 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 14, 1940 | Fermeuse | Heart Disease | Brothers, Mary | 85 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 28, 1937 | At Sea | Heart Failure | Brown, Michael | Not Stated | St. Joseph's | Ferryland |
August 16, 1938 | Witless Bay | Still Born | Burke, Baby | SB | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 26, 1939 | Burnt Cove | Heart Disease | Burke, Patrick | 76 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
May 10, 1937 | Witless Bay | TB | Butler, Bridget | 50 | Tor's Cove | Witless Bay |
March 17, 1937 | Renews | Senility | Cahill, Mary | 85 | Renews | Renews |
February 10, 1939 | Sydney Mines, NS | Heart Failure | Cahill, Michael | 53 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 14, 1940 | Renews | Senility | Cahill, Michael | 74 | Renews | Renews |
September 24, 1936 | Aquaforte | TB | Canning, Annie | 26 | Not Stated | Aquaforte |
March 1, 1939 | Aquaforte | TB | Canning, Ernest | 26 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
October 8, 1937 | Aquaforte | Rheumatic Fever | Canning, Mary | 62 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
October 25, 1937 | Ferryland | Heart Trouble | Canning, Mary E. | 1 1/2 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 27, 1936 | Aquaforte | TB | Canning, William | 26 | Not Stated | Aquaforte |
February 19, 1940 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | Carew, Agnes | 69 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 13, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Convulsions | Carew, Lawrence J. | 1 Day | Bay Bulls | Witless Bay |
October 26, 1936 | Grace Hospital | Prematurity | Carew, Mary | 4 Days | St. John's | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
August 31, 1939 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Carew, Michael | 82 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 26, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Carey, Blanche | 27 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 21, 1936 | Witless Bay | Heart/Kidney | Carey, Ellen | 66 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
November 6, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Carey, Gerald | 18 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 14, 1938 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | Carey, James | 84 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
September 19, 1938 | Witless Bay | Heart/Kidney Trouble | Carey, Margaret | 58 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 3, 1937 | Witless Bay | Pulmonary TB | Carey, Mary | 33 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 8, 1937 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | Carey, Valentine | 18 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 20, 1939 | Witless Bay | Old Age | Carter, Anne | 82 | Bell Island | Witless Bay |
August 27, 1940 | Renews | Heart Disease | Chidley, Christopher | 69 | Renews | Renews |
August 15, 1940 | Renews | Tumours | Chidley, Elizabeth | 73 | Renews | Renews |
January 3, 1936 | Renews | Congenital Deformity | Clethis, Dermot | 1 Month | Renews | Renews |
September 19, 1936 | Ferryland | Dysentery | Clowe, Anthony | 6 Months | Ferryland | Ferryland |
May 6, 1938 | Ferryland | Debility | Clowe, Frederick | 1 Month | Ferryland | Ferryland |
January 10, 1939 | S.A. Anchorage | Pulmonary TB | Coady, Helen | 17 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 10, 1939 | Bay Bulls | TB | Coady, Helen | 19 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
October 10, 1939 | Bay Bulls | TB | Coady, Helen | 19 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
October 8, 1936 | Renews | Senility | Coady, Jane | 78 | Renews | Renews |
June 16, 1937 | Admiral's Cove | Pleuro/Pneumonia | Coady, Margaret | 43 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 17, 1940 | Cappahayden | Heart Failure | Coady, Margaret | 76 | Cappahayden | Renews |
June 19, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | Coady, Mary Ellen | 20 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 9, 1939 | Seal Cove | Consumption | Colbert, John T. | 16 | Seal Cove | St. Michael's |
October 12, 1938 | St. Michael's | Old Age | Colbert, Rose | 97 | Tor's Cove | St. Michael's |
December 5, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | Coleman, Nicholas | 48 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 21, 1936 | Calvert | Cerebral Haemorrage | Conrad, Lemuel | Lunenburg, NS | Lunenburg, NS | |
July 11, 1939 | Infirmary | Carcinoma of Uterus | Conway, Catherine | 57 | Mt. Carmel Cemetery | |
August 6, 1939 | Renews | Pneumonia | Conway, Francis | 10 Months | Renews | Renews |
September 15, 1940 | Renews | Pneumonia | Conway, Margaret R. | 8 Months | Renews | Renews |
September 13, 1940 | Renews | Pneumonia | Conway, Teresa | 8 Months | Renews | Renews |
March 13, 1937 | Ferryland | Bronchitis | Costello, Arnold | 20 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
December 13, 1938 | Calvert | Pneumonia | Costello, Bridget | 65 | Calvert | Ferryland |
September 27, 1939 | Ferryland | TB | Costello, James | 21 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
August 8, 1939 | Fermeuse | Meningitis | Costello, Mary | 6 | Ferryland | Fermeuse |
February 14, 1939 | Ferryland | Influenza | Crane, Catherine | 6 Months | Ferryland | Ferryland |
April 15, 1936 | Admiral's Cove | Pleurisy | Crane, Patrick | 18 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
August 14, 1940 | Renews | Heart Disease | Croft, Edward | 57 | Aquaforte | Renews |
October 22, 1938 | Aquaforte | Debility | Croft, Loretta | 21 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
September 21, 1937 | Aquaforte | Natural Causes | Croft, Marion | 6 Months | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
October 29, 1938 | Aquaforte | Heart Disease | Croft, Peter | 72 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
July 20, 1939 | Ferryland | Old Age | Culleton, Margaret | 87 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June 27, 1937 | 11 Spencer St. | Bronchitis/Pneumonia | Curran, Bride | 31 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
December 17, 1937 | General Hospital | Pott's Disease | Curtis, Gertrude | 17 | Trepassey | Renews |
July 2, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Congenital Debility | Dea, Agnes | 2 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 21, 1936 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Deagen, Thomas | 29 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 25, 1936 | Calvert | Pneumonia | Delahunty, Margaret | 61 | Not Stated | Ferryland |
February 20, 1939 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Delaney, Mary | 86 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
September 1, 1940 | General Hospital | Empyaema of Gall Bladder | Devereaux, Mrs. Ellen | 69 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 21, 1936 | Renews | Senile Decay | Devine, Margaret | 93 | Renews | Renews |
May 5, 1936 | Witless Bay | General Debility | Dinn, Bridget | 47 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
September 6, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Dinn, Charles | 24 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 8, 1940 | Witless Bay | TB | Dinn, Isabella | 51 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 23, 1936 | Witless Bay | Pulmonary TB | Dinn, James | 17 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 3, 1936 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Driscoll, John | 85 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 1, 1938 | Witless Bay | TB of Throat | Dunne, Elizabeth | 17 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 19, 1940 | General Hospital | Essential Hypertension | Dunne, Patrick | 61 | Renews | Renews |
May 25, 1936 | Renews | Senile Decay | Dunphy, Joseph | 73 | Renews | Renews |
June 15, 1938 | General Hospital | Osteomyelitis of Tibia/Septicaemia | Dunphy, Michael | 53 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
November 1, 1937 | Bay Bulls Big Pond | Accidental Drowning | Evans, Gordon | 20 | General Protestant Cemetery Buried 22/11/37 | |
January 7, 1936 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | Fahey, Elizabeth | 73 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 22, 1940 | Fermeuse | Not Stated | Fennelly, Wilhelmina | 15 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 9, 1940 | Renews | Pneumonia | Foley, David | 64 | Renews | Renews |
March 11, 1938 | Cappahayden | Senility | Fowler, James | 101 | Cappahayden | Renews |
November 1, 1937 | Cappahayden | Consumption | Fowler, William | 30 | Bear Cove | Renews |
May 29, 1937 | Grace Hospital | Congenital Debility | Frampton, Edward G. | 17 Days | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 7, 1937 | Ferryland | Old Age | Furlong, Simon | 90 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 5, 1939 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | Gatherall, Evelyn | 3 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 1, 1936 | Tor's Cove | Heart Failure | Gatherall, Fannie | 84 | Bauline | St. Michael's |
December 7, 1939 | Renews | Heart Disease | Gearin, William | 76 | Renews | Renews |
December 20, 1940 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | Ghaney, Thomas | 70 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 2, 1938 | General Hospital | Tetanus Infection | Glynn, Anthony | 60 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 17, 1939 | Fever Hospital | Tubercular Meningitis | Glynn, Gerald | 4 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 5, 1939 | Bay Bulls | TB | Glynn, Patrick | 31 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 1, 1939 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Glynn, Teresa | 92 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 29, 1937 | Grace Hospital | Still Born | Green, Baby | SB | St. John's | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
February 21, 1940 | St. Clare's | Still Born | Green, Baby | SB | Witless Bay | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
December 27, 1938 | Witless Bay | Senility | Green, Rebecca | 88 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
November 13, 1936 | Renews | Senility | Guiney, Anne | 88 | Renews | Renews |
April 16, 1937 | Renews | Senility | Harding, Mary Jane | 77 | Renews | Renews |
October 28, 1936 | Fermeuse | Heart Failure | Harte, Edward | 63 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 12, 1940 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | Harte, Edward | 78 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 4, 1940 | At Sea | By Enemy Action | Harte, John Francis | 29 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 15, 1940 | Tor's Cove | Paralysis | Hatfield, Francis | 74 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 15, 1936 | Brigus South | Not Stated | Hawkins, Osmond | 1 Month | Brigus South | Cape Broyle |
September 12, 1936 | Brigus South | Heart Condition | Hayes, James | 59 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
September 5, 1940 | See Original Records | Pulmonary TB | Hayes, Thomas | 25 | Renews | Renews |
March 31, 1939 | Tor's Cove | Heart Disease | Hearn, Elizabeth | 82 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 18, 1940 | Renews | Senility | Hearn, Mary Jane | 75 | Renews | Renews |
January 7, 1940 | Fermeuse | Not Stated | Heffernan, John P. | 10 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 7, 1937 | Renews | Senility | Hoffman, Edward | 80 | Renews | Renews |
October 20, 1938 | Tor's Cove | Not Stated | Howlett, Margaret | 70 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 19, 1939 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Howlett, Michael | 27 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
December 18, 1937 | Ferryland | Kidney Trouble | Hynes, Edward | 84 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June 26, 1938 | Renews | Paralysis | Hynes, Patrick | 78 | Petty Harbour | Renews |
May 21, 1938 | Renews | Heart Failure | Jackman, Thomas | 81 | Renews | Renews |
January 6, 1939 | Ferryland | TB | Johnson, Esther | 55 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
January 21, 1938 | Renews | Diphtheria | Johnson, Mary | 65 | Renews | Renews |
October 15, 1937 | Calvert | Heart Failure | Johnson, Peter | 78 | Calvert | Ferryland |
January 27, 1938 | Renews | Diphtheria | Johnson, Thomas | 67 | Renews | Renews |
September 13, 1938 | Ferryland | Heart Disease | Jordan, John | 76 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
February 20, 1936 | Calvert | Whooping Cough | Kavanagh, Philomena | 7 Months | Not Stated | Ferryland |
November 9, 1937 | Calvert | Kidney Trouble | Kean, Charlotte | 79 | Calvert | Ferryland |
April 24, 1940 | Renews | Heart Failure | Keating, Essie | 31 | Renews | Renews |
April 4, 1938 | Renews | Rickets | Keating, Madonna | 4 | Renews | Renews |
February 8, 1940 | Renews | Not Stated | Keating, Mary E. | 66 | Aquaforte | Renews |
December 1, 1936 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | Keefe, Daniel | 70 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June ??, 1939 | Avondale | Not Stated | Keilly, William | Not Stated | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
June 18, 1938 | Ferryland | Senility | Kelly, Alice | 84 | Renews | Ferryland |
June 25, 1939 | Witless Bay | Hardening of Arteries | Kelly, Sister Patrick | 73 | St. John's | Witless Bay |
June 1, 1938 | Mobile | Not Stated | Kennedy, James | 87 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
September 5, 1940 | Grace Hospital | Still Born | Kenny, Baby | SB | Not Stated | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
November 13, 1937 | Fermeuse | Senility | Kenny, Ellen | 93 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 20, 1939 | Fermeuse | Senility | Kenny, Johannah | 73 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 30, 1938 | Fermeuse | Heart Disease | Kenny, John | 81 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 24, 1938 | Fermeuse | Still Born | Kenny, Mary | SB | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 24, 1939 | Fermeuse | Still Born | Kenny, Mary | SB | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 7, 1937 | Fermeuse | Blood Pressure | Kenny, Walter J. | 53 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 14, 1940 | Fermeuse | Not Stated | Kenny, Walter J. | 2 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 7, 1936 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | Keough, Mary | 74 | Not Stated | Ferryland |
November 1, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Keough, Thomas | 44 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 29, 1938 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Kinsella, Evelyn | 2 Days | Ferryland | Ferryland |
September 13, 1936 | Ferryland | Senility | Kinsella, Joseph | 82 | Not Stated | Ferryland |
August 11, 1940 | Sanatorium | Pulmonary TB | Lahey, Margaret | 29 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
May 5, 1940 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | Lash, Henry | 81 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 7, 1938 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Lash, Mary | 81 | Mobile | Witless Bay |
May 19, 1939 | Renews | Paralysis | Lawes, Thomas | 80 | Renews | Renews |
November 15, 1938 | Renews | Heart Disease | Levine, Brigid | 74 | Renews | Renews |
October 16, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Londergan, Clotilda | 25 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 1, 1937 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | Luby, Mary | 61 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
December ??, 1936 | Witless Bay | Drowning | Lundergan, Charles | 19 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay Aug.28/1938 |
December 12, 1936 | Grace Hospital | Still Born | Lundregan | SB | St. John's | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
December 7, 1937 | Witless Bay | Dropsy | Maddigan, Peter | 74 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 7, 1938 | Mobile | TB | Maher, Marjorie | 23 | Mobile | Mobile |
April 23, 1937 | Renews | Senility | Maher, Mother Theresa | 79 | Dublin, Ireland | Renews |
February 10, 1936 | Grace Hospital | Congenital Debility | Mahoney, Baby | SB | Grace Hospital | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
September 16, 1939 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Maloney, Bridget | 79 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 21, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Congestion of Lungs | Maloney, Francis G. | 16 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 5, 1937 | Grace Hospital | See Original Records | Maloney, James | 20 Months | Bay Bulls | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
August 20, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Cancer | Maloney, Stephen | 72 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 10, 1938 | Fermeuse | TB | McCarthy, Maud | 36 | Tilting | Renews |
June 3, 1940 | Renews | Not Stated | McCarthy, Peter | Few Minutes | Renews | Renews |
April 29, 1936 | Bauline | Heart Failure | McDonald, Thomas | 69 | Bauline | St. Michael's |
January 26, 1938 | Grace Hospital | Toxaemia of Pregnancy | Meade, Mrs. Mary | 35 | Calvert | Ferryland |
October 7, 1937 | LaManche | Paralysis | Melvin, Hannah | 72 | Petty Harbour | Tor's Cove |
May 3, 1937 | LaManche | Meningitis | Melvin, Michael | 15 | LaManche | St. Michael's |
October 1, 1937 | LaManche | Not Stated | Melvin, Pauline | 3 | LaManche | Tor's Cove |
August 30, 1939 | General Hospital | Cardiac Failure | Moakler, Mrs. Mary | 60 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 28, 1939 | Bay Bulls | TB | Mokeler, May | 69 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 16, 1936 | St. John's | Myoeneritis | Molloy, Bridget | 44 | Not Stated | Bay Bulls |
July 21, 1937 | Ferryland | Cancer | Moore, Edward | 81 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 31, 1938 | Witless Bay | Dropsy/Heart Failure | Moriarity, Ellen | 53 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 1, 1939 | Witless Bay | Bronchitis | Morris, Angela | 4 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 4, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Morris, Esther | 30 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 18, 1936 | Admiral's Cove | Not Stated | Morrissey, Denis | 62 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
September 12, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Senility | Mulcahy, Mary | 72 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 6, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Cancer | Mulcahy, Mrs. Margaret | 46 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 10, 1937 | Witless Bay | Natural Causes | Mulloney, Edward | 10 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 27, 1939 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | Mulloney, Elizabeth | 78 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 27, 1940 | St. Clare's | Still Born | Mullowney, Baby | SB | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
November 25, 1938 | Infirmary | Pulmonary TB | Mullowney, Josephine | 32 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 21, 1937 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Mullowney, Louis P. | 76 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
September 3, 1937 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | Mullowney, Rita | 16 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 21, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Meningitis | Murphy, Catherine | 20 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 12, 1940 | Cappahayden | Paralysis | Murphy, John | 67 | Cappahayden | Renews |
February 13, 1938 | Fermeuse | Cancer | Murphy, Murt | 82 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 9, 1938 | Witless Bay | Senility | Murphy, William | 86 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 23, 1936 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Nagle, Timothy | 90 | Not Stated | Bay Bulls |
June 28, 1938 | Tor's Cove | TB | Neil, Margaret | 34 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 20, 1937 | Mobile | Senility | Nolan, Lawrence | 95 | Mobile | Mobile |
January 4, 1936 | Witless Bay | Cancer of Throat | Norris, Aiden | 54 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 8, 1938 | Witless Bay | TB of Bowels | Norris, Anne | 62 | Cape Broyle | Witless Bay |
July 10, 1936 | Witless Bay | TB | Norris, Eileen | 25 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 3, 1939 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | Norris, Hannah | 79 | Goulds | Witless Bay |
November 22, 1939 | Witless Bay | Cancer of Throat | Norris, Henry | 73 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 20, 1936 | Witless Bay | Old Age | Norris, Mary | 88 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 16, 1940 | St. Clare's | Congenital Debility | Norris, Mary | 6 Days | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 25, 1938 | Witless Bay | Cancer of Liver | Norris, Thomas | 68 | Not Stated | Witless Bay |
July 10, 1936 | Witless Bay | TB | Norris, Thomas Jr. | 23 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 11, 1938 | Ferryland | Still Born | O' Brien, Baby | SB | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 31, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O' Brien, Mary A. | 29 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 30, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Brien, Patrick | 78 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 3, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O' Brien, Patrick J. | 38 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 26, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Heart Condition | O' Brien, Rev. Patrick | 80 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 11, 1937 | Tor's Cove | Senility | O' Driscoll, Margaret | 84 | Cape Broyle | Tor's Cove |
October 2, 1938 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | O' Driscoll, W. J. | 78 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 23, 1940 | Fever Hospital | Pneumonia | O' Dwyer, Gordon | 3 Months | Mobile | Mobile |
April 28, 1938 | Ferryland | TB | O' Keefe, Henry | 24 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
August 4, 1937 | New York | Not Stated | O' Keefe, John | 29 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 28, 1938 | Ferryland | Not Stated | O' Keefe, Michael | 69 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
January 16, 1938 | Tor's Cove | Scarlet Fever | O' Keefe, Patrick | 14 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 4, 1936 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | O' Keefe, Valentine | 71 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
July 10, 1937 | Fermeuse | Heart Disease | O' Neill, Anastatia | 76 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 9, 1940 | Fermeuse | Influenza | O' Neill, Anastatia | 68 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 18, 1937 | Fermeuse | Cancer | O' Neill, Harriet | 65 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 23, 1937 | Infirmary | TBC Enteritis/Peritonitis | O' Neill, James | 69 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 23, 1937 | Admiral's Cove | Cardiac Dilation | O' Neill, James | 65 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 18, 1938 | Fermeuse | Beri Beri | O' Neill, John | 66 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 29, 1936 | Witless Bay | General Debility | O' Neill, Nicholas | 53 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 4, 1937 | See Original Records | Empyema | O' Neill, Richard | 32 | Fermeuse | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
January 27, 1939 | Renews | Cancer | O' Shaughnessy, Elizabeth | 46 | Renews | Renews |
March 12, 1937 | Fermeuse | Senility | Oates, Robert | 84 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 23, 1936 | Aquaforte | Senility | Payne, William | 75 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
February 18, 1936 | Admiral's Cove | Whooping Cough | Pendergast, Clara | 1 1/2 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
January 20, 1937 | St. Clare's Hospital | Meningitis | Pendergast, Teresa | 4 | Admiral's Cove | Belvedere Cemetery |
July 31, 1938 | Grace Hospital | Congenital Debility | Pennell, Thomas | 3 Months | Not Stated | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
September 4, 1940 | Mobile | Old Age | Power, Anne | 86 | Mobile | Mobile |
January 23, 1936 | Grace Hospital | Still Born | Power, Baby | SB | Grace Hospital | Tor's Cove |
June 28, 1940 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Bernard | 28 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 23, 1936 | General Hospital | Heart Failure | Power, Ellen | 43 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
May 26, 1938 | Ferryland | Pneumonia/Childbirth | Power, Ita | 38 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
August 10, 1939 | Poor Asylum | Carcinoma of Stomach | Power, John | 59 | Renews | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
September 4, 1940 | St. Clare's | Burnt Mouth, Neck, Chest | Power, John | 15 Months | Calvert | Ferryland |
March 31, 1940 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, John T. | 18 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
October 27, 1936 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | Power, Mary | 75 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
December 30, 1937 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Mary | 24 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 1, 1938 | Tor's Cove | TB | Power, Mary | 24 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 20, 1939 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Power, Mary | 5 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
April 15, 1940 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Mary C. | 20 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 23, 1936 | Grace Hospital | Myocarditis | Power, Mrs. Helen | 43 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 5, 1939 | General Hospital | Mastorditis | Power, Peter | 24 | Brigus South | Ferryland |
January 3, 1938 | Ferryland | Rickets | Power, Regis | 2 1/2 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
December 27, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Convulsions | Puddester, Mary A. | 19 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 13, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Senility | Puddester, Thomas | 79 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 23, 1939 | Cappahayden | Pneumonia | Quinlan, Edmund | 2 1/2 | Cappahayden | Renews |
May 11, 1938 | Mobile | Heart Disease | Quirk, Daniel | 76 | Mobile | Mobile |
November 19, 1938 | General Hospital | Liver/Spleen Syndrome | Reddy, Hannah | 52 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June 21, 1936 | Fermeuse | TB | Reddy, Tony | 30 | Portugal, Europe | Fermeuse |
December 8, 1940 | Renews | Influenza | Redmond, Elizabeth | 84 | Renews | Renews |
February 24, 1940 | Fermeuse | Not Stated | Reid, Teresa | 78 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 21, 1940 | Mobile | Convulsions | Reilly, Mary E. | 4 Months | Mobile | Mobile |
September 8, 1937 | Renews | Senility | Roche, Mary | 76 | Cape Race | Renews |
October 6, 1937 | Renews | Cancer | Roche, Mary Grace | 55 | Cape Broyle | Renews |
November 20, 1937 | Renews | Paralysis | Roche, Patrick | 76 | Renews | Renews |
February 9, 1939 | Renews | Meningitis | Roche, Patrick J. | 34 | Renews | Renews |
August 25, 1940 | Renews | Pneumonia | Roche, Peter | 72 | Renews | Renews |
May 11, 1939 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | Rodgers, William | 73 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 7, 1936 | Tor's Cove | Paralysis | Ronayne, Alice | 81 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 26, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Heart Disease | Ronayne, Edward | 65 | Tor's Cove | Bay Bulls |
August 16, 1939 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | Ryan, Denis | 71 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
September 1, 1938 | Fermeuse | Cancer | Ryan, Elizabeth | 74 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 3, 1937 | See Original Records | Pulmonary TB | Ryan, Leonard | 21 | Ferryland | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
March 15, 1940 | Infirmary | Chronic Bronchitis | Ryan, Mary Anne | 71 | Ferryland | Belvedere Cemetery |
?????, 1940 | General Hospital | Carcinoma of Bladder | Ryan, Nicholas | 72 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 18, 1940 | Fermeuse | Carcinoma of Bladder | Ryan, Nicholas | 73 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
September 17, 1939 | Poor Asylum | Cancer of Face /Neck | Ryan, Patrick | 68 | Calvert | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
December 5, 1936 | Fermeuse | Pneumonia | Ryan, Peter | 60 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 12, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Senility | Ryan, Thomas | 80 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 22, 1936 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | Ryan, William | 54 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
April 27, 1939 | Fermeuse | Consumption | Ryan, William | 29 | St. Mary's | Fermeuse |
December 20, 1939 | Aquaforte | TB | Saunders, Margaret | 47 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 28, 1937 | Infirmary | Dystocia | Shannahan, Johanna | 70 | Ferryland | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
March 11, 1939 | Ferryland | Cerebral Haemorrage | Shannahan, Robert | 73 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
May 14, 1939 | Ferryland | Debility | Slaney, Michael | 37 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
September 26, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | St. Croix, George | 30 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 27, 1938 | Calvert | Heart Trouble | Sullivan, Richard | 67 | Calvert | Ferryland |
January 27, 1937 | Calvert | Influenza | Swain, Martha | 11 Months | Calvert | Ferryland |
May 26, 1937 | Calvert | Pneumonia | Swain, Thomas | 9 Months | Calvert | Ferryland |
February 15, 1940 | Mobile | Heart Failure | Sweeney, Mary | 79 | Mobile | Mobile |
September 24, 1938 | Ferryland | Heart Disease | Sweeney, William | 69 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 24, 1937 | Burnt Cove | Heart Disease | Tee, Bridget | 59 | Cape Broyle | Tor's Cove |
May 25, 1938 | Burnt Cove | Paralysis | Tee, Catherine | 73 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
January 7, 1936 | Witless Bay | Natural Causes | Tobin, Alexander | 56 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 11, 1937 | Witless Bay | Senility | Tobin, Anne | 83 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
September 22, 1939 | Witless Bay | TB | Tobin, Clare | 55 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 16, 1936 | Witless Bay | Cancer of Stomach | Tobin, Denis | 50 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 8, 1936 | Witless Bay | General Debility | Tobin, Hannah | 70 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 28, 1936 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Tobin, Luke | 84 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 9, 1936 | Fermeuse | Appendicitis | Tobin, Mary Violet | 40 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 13, 1938 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | Tobin, Richard | 88 | Lance Cove | Fermeuse |
December 16, 1940 | Fermeuse | Influenza | Trainor, Bertha | 42 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 16, 1940 | Fermeuse | Not Stated | Trainor, Kenneth J. | 2 Days | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 3, 1936 | Fermeuse | Still Born | Trainor, Mary | SB | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
September 27, 1937 | Witless Bay | Cancer of Stomach | Vickers, John | 77 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 13, 1937 | Witless Bay | General Debility | Vickers, Mary | 87 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 19, 1936 | Witless Bay | Natural Causes | Vickers, Michael | 82 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 4, 1937 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Vickers, Susanna | 77 | Torbay | Witless Bay |
June 16, 1940 | Witless Bay | Old Age | Vickers, Susanna | 77 | Bell Island | Witless Bay |
February 18, 1939 | Tor's Cove | Heart Disease | Walsh, Alice | 58 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 26, 1939 | Fermeuse | Heart Failure | Walsh, Ellen | 80 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
Aril 27, 1936 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | Walsh, James | 59 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
December 17, 1938 | Tor's Cove | Heart Disease | Walsh, James | 66 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 21, 1940 | Fermeuse | Heart Disease | Walsh, James | 74 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 30, 1937 | Fermeuse | Kidney Trouble | Walsh, Joseph | 69 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 13, 1936 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Walsh, Loretta | 21 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 30, 1936 | Ferryland | Whooping Cough | Walsh, Magdalene | 2 1/2 | Not Stated | Ferryland |
July 17, 1939 | Renews | Heart Trouble | Walsh, Rose | 36 | Renews | Renews |
October 8, 1937 | Fermeuse | Cancer | Walshe, Catherine | 61 | Admiral's Cove | Fermeuse |
March 18, 1938 | Ferryland | Diabetes | Walshe, James | 58 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
May 2, 1937 | General Hospital | Gangrene of Brain | Whelan, James | 22 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
January 14, 1937 | Tor's Cove | TB | Whelan, Nellie Jane | 19 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 17, 1938 | LaManche | Heart Failure | Whelan, Patrick | 72 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
March 8, 1939 | Bay Bulls | Senile Amentia/Nephritis | Whitely, Mary Theodora | 65 | General Protestant Cemetery, St. John's | |
October 24, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Senility | Williams, Ambrose | 74 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
October 23, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Williams, Arthur | 63 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 18, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Williams, James | 59 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
July 7, 1937 | Bay Bulls | Heart Disease | Williams, James Rupert | 58 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 4, 1937 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Williams, John R. | 65 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 6, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Heart Disease | Williams, Joseph | 63 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 16, 1937 | Ferryland | Senility | Williams, Martin | 88 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
February 14, 1936 | St. John's | Pulmonary TB | Williams, Mary | 46 | Not Stated | Bay Bulls |
August 22, 1937 | Tor's Cove | Senility | Williams, Mary | 84 | Witless Bay | Tor's Cove |
March 21, 1939 | Ferryland | Old Age | Williams, Mary Anne | 96 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
August 29, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Williams, Mrs Clotilda | 75 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 18, 1940 | Bay Bulls | Kidney Trouble | Williams, Ronald | 29 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 26, 1938 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Williams, Stephen | 68 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 4, 1940 | Poor Asylum | Myocarditis | Williams, William | 65 | Not Stated | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)
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