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Newfoundland Vital Statistics
Volume 91 (Partial)
Methodist Marriages
Twillingate District
Dec 17 1867 LBI William Rowsell, wid, f, LBI & Rosanna Roberts, s, LBI. W: Esau Picot. Oct 20 1868 Wards Hr Rob LeDrew, b, f, Wards Hr & Fanny Rowsell, s, Wards Hr. W: Samuel Rowsell. Nov 10 1872 NH Eliakiam Spenser (Spencer), wid, NH, f & Kezia Langdown, wid, NH. W: Th. Batstone, Mary Ann Batstone. Sep 17 1872 Shoe C James Robins, wid, SC, f, & Agnes ?Perry, s, SC W: Richard Foster, Jane Adams. Mar 10 1873 NWA Frederick Martin, b, merchant, NWA & Mary Ann Martin, s, NWA. W: James Higgins, William Pike Mar 24 1873 Shoe C Charles Wilbenton (Wimbleton), wid, f, SC & Hannah Tilley, s, SC. W: Henry Ebsary, Dinah Rideout. Mar 26 1873 Shoe C Isaac Chip (Chipp), wid, f, SC & Elizabeth Rose, s, SC. W: Sol. Adams, Fanny Newbury Oct 8 1873 NH William Andrews, b, f, NH & Virtue Randles (Randell),s, NH. W: John King, Thomas King. Nov 22 1873 TC John Smart, b, f, TC & Mary Ann Bowers, s, TC. W: Henry Ebsary, Maria Macky Dec 4 1873 JC George Robert Taylor, wid, f, JC & Jane Eliza Bartlett, wid, JC. W: Samuel Snowden, James Batstone. NOTE FROM ORIGINAL PARISH REGISTER: They were united in marriage by James Batstone in the absence of a minister, in April 1873. Nov 13 1873 HH James Dorey, wid, f, HH & Ellen White, s, HH. W: James White, Margaret White. Nov 20 1873 Shoe C John Budgell, b, f, SC & Jane Wilburton (Wimbleton), s, SC. W: George Pearce, Jane Adams Nov 20 1873 Shoe C Elias Thomas, wid, f, SC & Jane Pelly, wid, SC. W: John Clance, Elizabeth Newbury Aug 27 1874 LBI Abraham Marshall, b, f, LBI & Barbara Ann "Siavas", s, LBI. W: Andrew Hynes, George Pippy (her surname was TRAVERSE; writing poor in records: from Queen Marshall Milley) Nov 17 1874 LBI Samuel Knight, b, ?, LBI & Fanny Mursell, s, LBI. W: James Strong, Mary Grimes. Nov 5 1875 WardsHr Samuel Antony (Anthony), b, f, Wards Hr & Mary Ann Rideout, s, Wards Hr. W: George Paddick, Caroline Hewlett. May 18 1876 TA John J Manuel, b, miner, TA & Lavinia Sharon (Shearing), s, TA. W: William Upwards, Elizabeth Sharon (Shearing). Nov 24 1879 LBI George Mitchell, 21, b, f, LBI & Dorcas Budgell, 18, S, Shoe Cove. W: John Grimes, Peter Campbell. Nov 23 1880 Sunday Cv I Darius Normore, 28, wid, Sunday Cove I & Isabella Mills, 23, s, Sunday Cove I. W: Francis Pippin, Lucy Mills. Nov 26 1880 LBI Joseph Batstone, 24, b, f, Wards Hr & Phoebe Roberts, 19, s, LBI. W: Samuel Short, Robert White. METH Jan 21 1881 SundayCvI James George Thomas, 23, b, serv, LBI & Rachel Richmond, 23, s, LBI. W: Ernest Tuffin, Miriam Budgell. Nov 8 1881 WardsHr John Heath, 23, b, f, Wards Hr & Elizabeth Croucher, 18, s, Wards Hr. W: Jasper Rowsell, George Heath. METH Nov 29 1882 HallsBay Charles G Newbury, 28, b, mill hand, Green Island & Druscilla Inder, 22, s, Halls Bay. W: Lydia Whitten, John Curtis. METH. Oct 5 1883 LB Henry Gillard, 38, wid, f, LB & Lucy Maria Burt, 19, s, LB. W: David Roberts, Maria Huxter.METH June 12/17? 1884 JC Edward Tuffin, 23, b, f, LBI & Mary Knight, 21, s, JC. W: Adam Tucker, Hannah Oxford. METH. Jun 11 1884 JC Henry Adam Langdown, 29, b, f, JC & Sarah Taylor, 25, wid, HH. W: William Strong, Fanny Langdown. Dec 8 1884 Boot Hr Joseph Tilley, 28, b, Indian Arm, BB & Caroline Taylor, 18, s, Boot Hr. W: Andrew Morris, Ada Barnes. Sep 11 1885 NH Henry Middleton, 22, b, captain, Norton, England & Mary Bowers, 18, s, NH. W: John Chant, Jesse Batstone Sep 14 1886 LushesBt Richard LeDrew, 23, b, Lushes Bight & Phebe Dove, 22, s, Lushes Bight. W: Richard Rideout, Elizabeth Morgan. Jan 10 1888 Wards Hr Temple W Short, b, f, Wards Hr & Leah Knight, s, Wards Hr. W: M.A. Knight, Samuel Short. June 10 1890 LBI Temple William Knight, b, f, JC & Priscilla Smith, s, SWA. W: George Mitchell, Mary Tuffin. At LBI, METH. Sep __ 1890 LBI Samuel Burton, 22, b, f, Wards Hr & Grinelda Knight, 22, s, Nipp H. W: Temple Short, Julia Burton. Nov 10 1884 Charles William Batstone, b, f, JC & Cordelia Jane Knight, s, JC. W: Temple Knight, M. Mary Tuffin At Jacksons Cove, METH. Dec 3 1884 John Webber, b, f, Southern Arm & Annie Shearing, s, TA. W: Robert Webber, Henry Shearing. At Three Arms,METH. May 21 1885 Charles Bartlett, b, f, Nicks Nose Cove & Rachel Batstone, s, Jacksons Cove. At Nicks Nose Cove, METH. W: Ebenezer Batstone, Fanny Batstone. Nov 19 1885 TA Henry Shearing, b, f, TA & Martha Wells, s, TA. W: Job Wells, Henry Wells. METH. Oct 28 1886 BeaverC William Marshall, b, f, Beaver C & Mary Noble, s, Woodfords C. W: John Marshall, Lavinia Gyn. Sep 14 1886 LB James Squires, b, f, LB & Susannah James, s, LB. W: William Tilley, Mary Ann James. Oct 26 1887 LBI Isaac Moores, b, f, LBI & Mary Ann Mitchell, s, LB. W: Joseph Oxford, "Javis" Moores. At LBI, METH. Nov 14 1887 LB John Robert Bartlett, b, f, JC & Janet Moores, s, Jacksons Cove. At Little Bay, METH. W: John Moores, Grace Wheeler. Jan 13 1888 LB William Foran, wid, miner, LB & Annie L Rideout, s, LB. At Little Bay, METH. W: Henry Rideout, Phoebe Wiseman. Feb 25 1888 LB John Thomas Noble, b, miner, LB & Esther Goudie, wid, LB. W: J B Abraham, Fannie Quinby. METH. June 30 1888 LB William Grant, b, miner, LB & Mary Roff (aka Rolf{e}), spin, LB. W: Thomas E Wells, Bessie Roff. METH, at Little Bay. June 9 1889 LB Charles Thomas, b, miner, LB & Margaret Cooper, s, LB. At Little Bay, METH. W: Robert Thomas, Robert Clarke. Sep 5 1889 LB William Richards, b, f, LB & Louisa Spencer, s, Nippers Hr. At Little Bay, METH. W: Levi Spencer, Lizzie Dowell. Oct 5 1889 LBM Eli Birt (Burt), b, miner, LB & Rebecca Yates, s, Wild Bight. W: Rob Haggett, Julia Hackett. METH. Nov 9 1889 HH Elisha Wesley Luff, b, f, HH & Jissie Noseworthy, s, HH. W: Temple Pelley, Dora Pelley. At Harrys Hr, METH. Nov 5 1890 Boot Hr George Haggett (aka Hackett), wid, LB Mines & Ada Barnes, s, Boot Hr. W: Julia(n) Hackett, Simeon Thistle. Feb 14 1891 LBM Robert Bartlett, b, ?, Otter Island, LBM & Miriam Simms, s, Otter Island, LBM. W: James Janes & Elijah Simms. Dec 6 1891 LB Albert Mitchell, b, Wards Hr & Mary Jane Brown, s, Wards Hr. W: Joseph Saunders, Caroline Mercer. At Little Bay, METH. |
This page collected by Jill Marshall over a period of several years (July 2001)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)
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