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PRE 1891 REGISTRATION RECORDS Vital Statistics, Volume 32 Pages 1 - 8 St. John's East District POUCH COVE Methodist MARRIAGES 1879-1891 Source: LDS Microfilm Reels |
Marital Status S - Spinster B - Bachelor W - Widow or Widower |
Marriage Date | Marriage Place | Groom's Surname/ Bride's Surname | Groom's Given/ Bride's Given | Age | BACHELOR, SPINSTER, ETC | Occupation | Religion | Residence at Time of Marriage | By Whom Married | Witnesses |
PAGE 1 | ||||||||||
1879/1880/1881 | ||||||||||
Nov 21, 1879 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John | 23 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Wm Kendall | Reuben Pippy |
THISTLE | Selina | 21 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | James Hudson | |||
Dec 4, 1879 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob | 22 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Wm Kendall | Edward Hudson |
EVANS | Susanah | 19 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Clement Munday | |||
Dec 4, 1879 | Pouch Cove | LeGROW | Eli | 25 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Wm Kendall | Edward Hudson |
NEWELL | Rebecca | 25 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Clement Munday | |||
Dec 8, 1880 | Pouch Cove | LeGROW | Reuben | 26 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Wm Kendall | Stephen Newell |
NEWELL | Rebecca | 27 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Susan Kendall | |||
Dec 16, 1880 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard | 24 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Wm Kendall | Benjamin LeGrow |
LeGROW | Leah | 19 | S | Housework | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Stephen Newell | |||
June 11, 1881 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Wm Kendall | Reuben Pippy |
VATER | Mary Jane | no entry | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Henry Kirby | |||
Nov 24, 1881 | Pouch Cove | CHURCHILL | Azariah | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Stephen Churchill |
SUMMERS | Eliza | no entry | S | Domestic | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Frances Fry | |||
Dec 1, 1881 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | William | 24 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Charles Pippy |
THISTLE | Jane | 25 | S | Housework | Methodist | Pouch Cove | John Spracklin | |||
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1881/1882 | ||||||||||
Nov 30, 1881 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas | 25 | B | Merchant | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | William J Spracklin |
PIPPY | Amelia | 28 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Clement Munday | |||
Dec 8, 1881 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Elijah | 28 | B | Laborer | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Joseph Newell |
EVANS | Caroline | 20 | S | Housework | Methodist | Pouch Cove | W J Spracklin | |||
Dec 26, 1881 | Bauline | KING | James | 27 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Benjamin LeGrow |
LeGROW | Mary Ann | 21 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Bauline | Moses King | |||
Jan 22, 1882 | Bauline | LeGROW | Mark | 28 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Matthew Butler |
PARSONS | Julia Ann | 20 | S | Housework | Methodist | Bauline | Arthur Parsons | |||
April 14, 1882 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Hugh | 25 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Clement Munday |
MOULTON | Maria | 23 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Edward Hudson | |||
Aug 19, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George | 23 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | William Noseworthy |
ROSE | Sarah | 23 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Stephen Newell | |||
Nov 22, 1882 | Bauline | LeGROW | Michael | 24 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Matthew Churchill |
CHURCHILL | Caroline | 23 | S | Housework | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Joseph LeGrow | |||
Dec 21, 1882 | Bauline | LeGROW | Henry | 34 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Joseph Newell |
KING | Elizabeth | 30 | S | Domestic | Methodist | Bauline | Moses King | |||
PAGE 3 | ||||||||||
1883 | ||||||||||
Jan 1, 1883 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William | 24 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Stephen Newell |
LANGMEED | Emmeline | 27 | S | C of Eng | Pouch Cove | Joseph Newell | ||||
Feb 8, 1883 | Pouch Cove | DOW | Luther | 24 | B | Brakesman | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | William Flight |
FLIGHT | Rebecca | 23 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | James Newell | ||||
Feb 7, 1883 | Bauline | KING | William | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Joseph Newell |
LeGROW | Naomi | 24 | S | Methodist | Bauline | Solomon LeGrow | ||||
May 8, 1883 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement | 47 | W | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Samuel Gruchy |
WILLS | Fanny | 37 | w | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Thomas Hudson | ||||
Nov 15, 1883 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | James | 21 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | John Williams |
RYAN | Elizabeth | 23 | S | C of Eng | Pouch Cove | Joseph Newell | ||||
Nov 22, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jeremiah | 40 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Stephen Newell |
NOFTAL | Mary Ann | 20 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Robert Baldwin | ||||
Nov 22, 1883 | Pouch Cove | BUTT | Joseph | 48 | W | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Thomas Hudson |
LeGROW | Mary | 45 | W | Methodist | Pouch Cove | John B Easterbrook | ||||
Nov 22, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Joseph | 25 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Eli LeGrow |
THISTLE | Sarah | 22 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Walter Hudson | ||||
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1883/1884/1885 | ||||||||||
Nov 25, 1883 | Pouch Cove | HARDING | Henry | 24 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | Richard Churchill |
PARSONS | Priscilla | 25 | S | Methodist | Belle Isle | Frances Fry | ||||
May 20, 1884 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | William | 23 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Robt Bramfitt | William Flight |
FLIGHT | Henrietta | 19 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Martha Newell | ||||
Oct 3, 1884 | Pouch Cove | DELANEY | Felix | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Broad Cove,BDV | Rev Jesse Heyfield | Josiah Delaney |
BUTT | Jane | no entry | S | Methodist | Biscayan Cove | Stephen Newell | ||||
Nov 3, 1884 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis | 23 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Jesse Heyfield | William Thistle |
THISTLE | Abigail | 22 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Absalom Vater | ||||
Nov 27, 1884 | Bauline | PARSONS | Arthur | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Jesse Heyfield | Moses King |
BISHOP | Annie | full | S | Methodist | Kelligrews | Julia Ann King | ||||
Sept 7, 1885 | Bauline | LeGROW | John Hudson | 25 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Jesse Heyfield | Solomon LeGrow |
KING | Sarah Jane | 20 | S | Methodist | Bauline | Maria LeGrow | ||||
Dec 23. 1885 | Pouch Cove | KING | Moses | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Jesse Heyfield | James King |
BOONE | Belinda | no entry | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | John Boone | ||||
Dec 16, 1885 | Bauline | LeGROW | Solomon | full | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Jesse Heyfield | Noah LeGrow |
KING | Virtue | full | S | Methodist | Bauline | Joseph King | ||||
PAGE 5 | ||||||||||
1886/1887/1888 | ||||||||||
Aug 23, 1886 | Portugal Cove | PAUL | William David | 28 | B | Printer | Methodist | Philadelphia, USA | Rev J Heyfield | John Paul |
CHURCHILL | Mary Ann | full | S | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Rev J Parkins | Tryphena Churchill | |||
Nov 6, 1886 | Pouch Cove | EVANS | Joseph | 30 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev J Heyfield | Edward Newell |
NEWELL | Sarah Ann | 24 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | William Evans | ||||
Dec 15, 1886 | Pouch Cove | WHALEN | Samuel | no entry | Widower | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev J Heyfield | George King |
COX | Dorcas | no entry | Widow | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Julia King | ||||
Dec 28, 1886 | Bauline | WHALEN | James | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev J Heyfield | George King |
KING | Dorcas | no entry | S | Methodist | Bauline | William King | ||||
Jan 10, 1887 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | Joseph | 25 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev J Heyfield | Allan Noseworthy |
NOSEWORTHY | Rachael | 20 | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | George Noseworthy | ||||
Dec 26, 1887 | Pouch Cove | BUTLER | Matthew | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | Allan Noseworthy |
NOSEWORTHY | Martha | no entry | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rachael Thistle | ||||
Dec 29, 1887 | Pouch Cove | BUTT | Ambrose | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev John Reay | Francis Vater |
SULLIVAN | Elizabeth | no entry | S | Ch of Eng | Pouch Cove | Abigail Vater | ||||
Jan 26, 1888 | Bauline | KING | Elijah | no entry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | Noah LeGrow |
LeGROW | Maria | no entry | S | Methodist | Bauline | Margaret LeGrow | ||||
PAGE 6 | ||||||||||
1888/1889/1890 | ||||||||||
Dec 26, 1888 | Bauline | KING | Isaac | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | William King | |
LeGROW | Mary | S | Methodist | Bauline | Margaret LeGrow | |||||
April 29, 1889 | Bauline | SOMERTON | Amelia | S | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | Joseph LeGrow | ||
LeGROW | Alfred | B | Fishing | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Louisa Somerton | ||||
May 8, 1889 | Bauline | KING | George | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | Joseph King | |
LeGROW | Dorcas | S | Methodist | Bauline | Jemima King | |||||
June 5, 1889 | Bauline | LeGROW | Ambrose King | B | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev John Reay | Simeon King | |
KING | Jemima | S | Methodist | Bauline | Priscilla LeGrow | |||||
Aug 13, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev John Reay | William Newell | |
JANES | Mary | S | Methodist | Broad Cove,BDV | Elizabeth Reid | |||||
Nov 11, 1889 | Bauline | LANGDON | Henry | B | Fishing | Methodist | Exploits | Rev John Reay | James King | |
KING | Julia Ann | S | Methodist | Bauline | Virtue LeGrow | |||||
Jan 6, 1890 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Matthew | B | Fishing | Methodist | Portugal Cove | Rev John Reay | Joseph Nutter | |
SQUIRES | Selina | S | Methodist | Broad Cove,BDV | Elizabeth Squires | |||||
Mar 14, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Frederick | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev John Reay | Samuel Noseworthy | |
THISTLE | Mary S | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Fannie J Noseworthy | |||||
PAGE 7 | ||||||||||
1890/1891 | ||||||||||
May 2, 1890 | Pouch Cove | BALDWIN | Henry Thomas | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Pouch Cove | Rev John Reay | John Baldwin | |
TUCKER | Elizabeth Jane | A | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Martha Sullivan | |||||
Sept 26, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NOFTAL | Joseph | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Solomon Matthews | Julia Newell | |
NEWELL | Louisa | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Stephen Newell | |||||
Oct 1, 1890 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | Samuel | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Pouch Cove | Rev Solomon Matthews | Gerald Kent | |
MOORES | Eliza | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Lucy Moulton | |||||
June 10, 1891 | Pouch Cove | BUTT | Ambrose | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Solomon Matthews | John Thistle | |
VATER | Maria | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Abigail Vater | |||||
Nov 5, 1891 | Pouch Cove | DIAMOND | William | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Solomon Matthews | Levi LeGrow | |
DELANEY | Mary | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Charles Pippy | |||||
May 7, 1891 | Bauline | WHALEN | Samuel | W | Fishing | Methodist | Bauline | Rev Solomon Matthews | Priscilla LeGrow | |
FOLLET | Amelia | W | Methodist | Bauline | Joseph King | |||||
Nov 9, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | William | B | Fishing | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Rev Solomon Matthews | Joseph Evans | |
EVANS | Elizabeth | S | Methodist | Pouch Cove | Edward Evans |
Transcribed by Don Tate (2013)
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