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PRE 1891 REGISTRATION RECORDS St. John's East District Volume 32 Pages 1 - 17 POUCH COVE Methodist Baptisms 1882 - 1891 Source: LDS Microfilm Reels |
PAGE 1 | ||||||||||
1882 | ||||||||||
Feb 17, 1882 | Bauline | LEGROW | Mark & Julia Ann | Laura | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | April 23, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | These are taken |
May 1, 1882 | Portugal Cove | HIBBS | Wm & Mary Ann | Caroline | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | May 21, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | from old (Methodist) |
May 6, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard & Leah | Jessie Clara | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | May 28, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | records- the |
June 9, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Esau & Grace | Jacob | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 9, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | year 1882 |
May 11, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susannah | Elizabeth | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 17, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
June 15, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie Ann | Margaret | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 17, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
June 17, 1882 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | James & Mary Jane | Matilda | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 6, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
April 16, 1882 | Portugal Cove | KING | Elijah & Sarah | John | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 6, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
June 17, 1882 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | John & Mary | Mary Agnes | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | July 30,1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 18, 1882 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Levi & Jessie | Charles Augustus | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 13, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 16, 1882 | Bauline | LEGROW | Reuben & Rebecca | Philip James | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 18, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 17, 1882 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Peter & Eliza | Edmund | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 20, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 10, 1882 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | John Charles | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 20, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 22,1882 | Pouch Cove | BRAMFITT | Rev Robt, & S. | George Thomas Guthrie | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Aug 29, 1882 | Methodist | Meth Clergyman | |
Aug 19, 1882 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | William & Ann. | Isabella | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Sept 3, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 2, 1882 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Peter & Mary J. | Albert | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Sept 3, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1882 | ||||||||||
Sept 2, 1882 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | William & Jane | Sophia | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Sept 14, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | These are taken |
Oct 4, 1882 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Jane | George | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 4, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | from old records |
July 14, 1882 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | Joseph | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | July 30, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | (Methodist) year |
Sept 11, 1882 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas & Amelia | Mary Elizabeth | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 8, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | 1882-1883 |
Sept 28, 1882 | Bauline | KING | James & Mary J. | Samuel | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 22, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Oct 24, 1882 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Thomas & Martha | Elizabeth | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 5, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Oct 12, 1882 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | James & Jane | Sarah | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 5, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Oct 13, 1882 | Portugal Cove | DUDER | George & Sarah | Ida May | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 5, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Aug 20, 1882 | Bauline | LEGROW | Alfred & Dorcas | John Hudson | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 22, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 8, 1882 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & A.E. | Hubert | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Dec 24, 1882 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 19, 1883 | Bauline | WHALEN | Samuel & Lucinda | Abigail | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Feb 25, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 6, 1883 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | William & Abigail | Robert | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | March 25, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 15, 1883 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Hugh & Maria | Mary Caroline | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | May 27, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 18, 1883 | Pouch Cove | VATER | James & Sarah | Annie Maria | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 3, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 26, 1883 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Ezra & Sarah | Ezra | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 10, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 6, 1883 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Charles & Jessie | Charles | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | July 15, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1883 | ||||||||||
July 11, 1883 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Emmeline | Martha | F | Rev. R. Bramfitt | July 15, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Aug 3, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Adam & Elizabeth | Sophia | M | Rev. R. Bramfitt | Aug 17, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | old records |
Aug 7, 1883 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | William & Martha | Mary Hannah | F | Rev. R. Bramfitt | Sept 2, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
Aug 25, 1883 | Pouch Cove | BRAMFITT | Rev. Robt & Sarah | Robert Vipond | M | Rev. T. H. James | Sept 13, 1883 | Methodist | Clergyman | year 1883 |
Aug 19, 1883 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Azariah & Eliza | Frederick | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Sept 23, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Oct 1, 1883 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Jane | Isaac | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 1, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Sept 23, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Thomas & Caroline | Edmund | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 8, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Sept 20, 1883 | Portugal Cove | KING | Elijah & Sarah | Robert | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 14, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Sept 30,1883 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard & Leah | Mariam | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Oct 29, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 1, 1883 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | George & Elizabeth | John Charles | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 9, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 8, 1883 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | Alfred & Mary | Elizabeth | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 9, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 4, 1883 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Absolm & Maria | George | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Dec 2, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 18, 1883 | Pouch Cove | ROSE | John & Charlotte | Walter | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Dec 9, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 25, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susannah | R.L.P. Bramfitt | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Jan 1, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 2, 1883 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | Peter & Maria | Jane | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Jan 20, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 19, 1883 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | William & Harriet | Lucy | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Jan 31, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 8, 1883 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Susie | Julia Ann | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Nov 22, 1883 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 4 | ||||||||||
1883-1884 | ||||||||||
Jan 17, 1884 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Jabez & Sarah Jane | Rebecca | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Feb 10, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Feb 17, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | Albert | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Feb 20, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | old records |
Jan 30, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | John & Mary Ann | Alice | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Feb 22, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
Jan 6, 1884 | Bauline | LEGREW | Eli & Rebecca | Sarah Bramfitt | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | Feb 24, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Year 1884 |
Feb 17, 1884 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | William & Jane | Elizabeth Jane | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | March 9, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Feb 12, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Nathaniel & Elizabeth | Jessie | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | March 27, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
April 20, 1884 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement & Fannie | Archibald | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | May 8, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
May 15,1884 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Henry & Eliza | Samuel | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | May 31, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
April 24,1884 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas & Amelia | Jennie | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 1, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 22, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Esau & Grace | Elizabeth | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 1, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 12, 1884 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & Mary | Samuel James | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | June 12, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Mar 18, 1884 | Bauline | BUTLER | John & Elizabeth | Eliza Emma | F | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | April 22, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
April 22, 1884 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | Richard | M | Rev. Robt. Bramfitt | April 27, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 24, 1884 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | William & Henrietta | Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 7, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 5, 1884 | Portugal Cove | HIBBS | William & Mary Ann | Louisa | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 10, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 21, 1884 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | John & Emily | Herbert | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 10, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1884-1885 | ||||||||||
Aug 14, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Joseph & Sarah | Abraham | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Aug 15, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Aug 8, 1884 | Portugal Cove | MITCELL | James & Mary Jane | Phoebe | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Aug 31, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | old records |
July 26, 1884 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | Henry & Priscilla | Mary Ellen | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Aug 31, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
July 30, 1884 | Biscayan Cove | HUDSON | Peter & Eliza | Levi | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Sept 11, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | 1884-1885 |
Aug 25, 1884 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jeremiah & Mary Ann | Sarah Ann | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Sept 12, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Aug 29, 1884 | Bauline | KING | James & Mary Ann | Julia Elizabeth | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Oct 12, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Sept 18, 1884 | Pouch Cove | EASTERBROOK | John B. & Maria | Charles Allan | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Oct 21, 1884 | Methodist | Post-Office | Pouch Cove |
Oct 27, 1884 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Thomas & Martha | Selina | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Nov 16, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Dec. 6, 1884 | Bauline | LEGROW | Henry & Elizabeth | Anora Jane | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Jan 25, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 10, 1885 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | Edmund | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Feb 4, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 27, 1884 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Levi & Jessie | Mary Amelia | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Dec 2, 1884 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 29, 1884 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | William & Abigail | Maud | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Feb 10, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 7, 1885 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | William & Anne | Rebecca May | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Feb 22, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 19, 1885 | Protestant Town | FRY | Robert & Jemima | Frederick William | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | Feb 24, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 7, 1885 | Bauline | LEGROW | Reuben & Rebecca | Lucy Jane | F | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | March 8, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 26, 1885 | Bauline | LEGROW | Alfred & Dorcas | Joseph Butt | M | Rev. Jesse Heyfield | March 22, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1885 | ||||||||||
Feb 1, 1885 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | John & Mary | Selina Beatrice | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | March 25, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Dec. 2, 1884 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Ezra & Sarah | George Richard | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | March 29, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | old records |
Mar 26, 1885 | Protestant Town | FRY | James & Mary | Caroline | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 3, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
May 16, 1885 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Absolom & Maria | Francis | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 14, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | 1885 |
June 21, 1885 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Arariah & Eliza | Chesley | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 21, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
June 6, 1885 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie | Rebecca | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 22, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
July 7, 1885 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis & Abigail | Sarah Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | July 22, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
May 30, 1885 | Cape St Francis | SOPER | Jonas & Maria | Charles Gordon | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | July 26, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Aug 8, 1885 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | William & Henrietta | Robert | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 29, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 23,1885 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Peter & Eliza | Allan | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Sept 6, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 5, 1885 | Biscayan Cove | DELANEY | Felix & Jane | Louisa Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Sept 6, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 15, 1885 | Portugal Cove | KING | Elija & Sarah | Richard | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Sept 20, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 5, 1885 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | William & Sophia | Henry Joseph | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Oct 12, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 22, 1885 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | William & Maria | Eliza | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 8, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 29, 1885 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | Peter & Maria | Arthur Edward | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 9, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 25, 1885 | Pouch Cove | VATER | James & Sarah | Joseph | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 15, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 7 | ||||||||||
1885-1886 | ||||||||||
Sept 16, 1885 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & Ann | Charles Chesley | M | J.Heyfield | Nov 15, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Sept 25, 1885 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas & Amelia | Margaret Eliza | F | J.Heyfield | Nov 15, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | old records |
Oct 21, 1885 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jerimiah & Mary | Susannah | F | J.Heyfield | Nov 16, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
Nov 7, 1885 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | James & Elizabeth | Francis | M | J.Heyfield | Nov 22, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | 1885 |
Oct 31, 1885 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | William & Harriet | Philip | M | J.Heyfield | Nov 17, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Nov 4, 1885 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | Alfred & Mary | Amelia | F | J.Heyfield | Nov 24, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Oct 30, 1885 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William Emily | Hannah | F | J.Heyfield | Nov 27, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Nov 14, 1885 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | William & Jane | Lydia Ann | F | J.Heyfield | Dec 4, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Nov 28, 1885 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susannah | John | M | J.Heyfield | Dec 7, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 5, 1885 | Bauline | LEGROW | Hugh & Selina | Martha Elizabeth | F | J.Heyfield | Nov 29, 1885 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 4, 1885 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Joseph & Sarah | John | M | J.Heyfield | Jan 10, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 22, 1885 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement & Fanny | Clement | M | J.Heyfield | Jan 11, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 10, 1885 | Bauline | KING | William & Naomi | Annie Maud | F | J.Heyfield | Jan 17, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 9, 1886 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | Elizabeth | F | J.Heyfield | Jan 25, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 9, 1886 | Bauline | LEGROW | John & Sarah Jane | Selina Gertrude | F | J.Heyfield | April 4, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 13, 1886 | Bauline | WHALEN | William & Mary | Fanny Jane | F | J.Heyfield | April 25, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1886 | ||||||||||
June 13, 1886 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Jane | James | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 13, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Aug 24, 1886 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Charles & Jessie | Elizabeth May | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Sept 6, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | Back records |
June 23, 1886 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Jabez & Sarah | Elizabeth Ann | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 1, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
July 23, 1886 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard & Leah | Silas | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 15, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Aug 12, 1886 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | Henry & Priscilla | Margaret Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Aug 22, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Sept 16, 1886 | Portugal Cove | FRY | Robert & Jemima | Bertha | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Oct 16, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Aug 28, 1886 | Bauline | WHALEN | Azariah & Abigail | Dorcas | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Oct 31, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Sept 19, 1886 | Bauline | KING | James & Mary | Ambrose | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Oct 31, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 9, 1886 | Pouch Cove | REID | Henry & Elizabeth | William Newell | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 4, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 9, 1886 | Pouch Cove | EASTERBROOK | John & Maria | Alice Gertrude | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 26, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 6, 1886 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | Simeon | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Nov 30, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 28, 1886 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Thomas & Martha | Jacob | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Dec 5, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 9, 1886 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susannah | Caroline | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Dec 11, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 14, 1886 | Bauline | LEGROW | Eli & Rebecca | Matilda | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Dec 12, 1886 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 22, 1886 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis & Abigail | William James | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Jan 13, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 13, 1886 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Levi & Jessie | Henry Thomas | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | Jan 24, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1887 | ||||||||||
Jan 9, 1887 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Adam & Elizabeth | Elizabeth Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | Jan 17, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Copied from |
Jan 22, 1887 | Portugal Cove | KING | Elijah & Sarah | Lydia | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | March 27, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Back Records 1887 |
April 1, 1887 | Portugal Cove | FRY | James & Elizabeth | Sarah Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 1, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Methodist |
Mar 7, 1887 | Portugal Cove | HIBBS | William & Mary Ann | James Dell | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 1, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Mar 8, 1887 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | William & Ann | Maria Maud | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 1, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
April 13, 1887 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | William & Maria | Maria | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 2, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Dec 20,1886 | Protestant Town | HIBBS | Frederick & Susannah | William Thomas | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 2, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
April 20,1887 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | John & Mary | Mabel Esther | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 11, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 3, 1887 | Pouch Cove | EVANS | Joseph & Sarah | Bertha May | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | May 23, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 16, 1887 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement & Fanny | Thomas Gruchy | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 9, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
April 22, 1887 | Pouch Cove | KNIGHT | William & Mary | Martha Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 10, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 5, 1887 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | Peter & Maria | Elizabeth Churchill | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | June 19, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 30, 1887 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie Ann | John | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | July 10, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Noted as Twins |
June 30, 1887 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie Ann | Edward | M | Rev. J. Heyfield | July 10, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 10, 1887 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jerimiah & Mary | Jane | F | Rev. J. Heyfield | July 10, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 9, 1887 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | James & Mary | Jemima | F | Rev. John Reay | July 24, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1887 | ||||||||||
April 30, 1887 | Bauline | LEGROW | Mark & Julia | Ellen Margaret | F | Rev. John Reay | July 31, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Back records |
June 28, 1887 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & MaryJane | Levi | M | Rev. John Reay | Aug 6, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | for year 1887 |
July 26, 1887 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Azariah & Louisa | Maria | F | Rev. John Reay | Aug 14, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | returned by |
July 30, 1887 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Mary Jane | John Thomas | M | Rev. John Reay | Aug 28,1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Aug 11, 1887 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | William & Henrietta | Elizabeth | F | Rev. John Reay | Sept 11, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Aug 20, 1887 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | James & Elizabeth | Mary Jan | F | Rev. John Reay | Sept 11, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
June 16, 1887 | Bauline | LEGROW | Hugh & Selina | John Dimond | M | Rev. John Reay | Sept 11, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 20, 1887 | Biscayan Cove | HUDSON | Peter & Eliza | Ethel Jane | F | Rev. John Reay | Oct 27, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 3, 1887 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | John | M | Rev. John Reay | Oct 28, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 29, 1887 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | William & Harriet | Lucy | F | Rev. John Reay | Oct 28, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 2, 1887 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Absalom & Maria | Sarah | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 6, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 24, 1887 | Pouch Cove | DELANEY | Felix & Jane | Ethel May | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 13, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 26, 1887 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | William & Jane | Victoria | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 21, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 31, 1887 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | Joseph & Rachael | Selina Gertrude | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 23, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 26, 1887 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas & Amelia | Edith Marion | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 27, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 14,1887 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | William & Jane | Edwin | M | Rev. John Reay | Dec 9, 1887 | Methodist | Fishing | |
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1888 | ||||||||||
Jan 8, 1888 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Charles & Jessie | Jessie Mildred | F | Rev. John Raey | Feb 14, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | A true record |
Jan 21, 1888 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Joseph & Sarah | William Thomas | M | Rev. John Raey | Feb 14, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | of back records |
Feb 12, 1888 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Nathaniel & Elizabeth | Harry | M | Rev. John Raey | April 26, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | taken from |
May 15, 1888 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | John & Mary | Clara | F | Rev. John Raey | May 15, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Baptismal Register |
May 5, 1888 | Bauline | KING | James & Mary Ann | Eliezer | M | Rev. John Raey | May 20, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | 1888 |
May 15, 1888 | Protestant Town | GREELY | William & Sophia | William Edgar | M | Rev. John Raey | June 17, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | No 10-16 inclusive |
Aug 3, 1888 | Pouch Cove | EASTERBROOK | John B & Maria | Kenneth William | M | Rev. John Raey | Aug 9, 1888 | Methodist | Post Master | note the difference |
Aug 9, 1888 | Pouch Cove | VATER | James & Sarah | Emma | F | Rev. John Raey | Aug 18, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | in Baptism and Birth |
Sept 9, 1888 | Bauline | WHALEN | James & Dorcas | Levi | M | Rev. John Raey | July 15, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | columns. The date of |
NOTE: Rest of dates in this column on this page were labeled as "Date of Baptism" | Note: Rest of dates in this column on this page were labeled as "Date of Birth" | |||||||||
Sept 9, 1888 | Bauline | WHALEN | Azariah & Abigail | Albert | M | Rev. John Raey | June 20, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Baptism put by mistake |
Sept 26, 1888 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Emily | Lizzie Jane | F | Rev. John Raey | Aug 28, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | in Birth Column |
Nov 4, 1888 | Portugal Cove | GREELY | Thomas & Martha | Mary Ann | F | Rev. John Raey | Oct 16, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 4, 1888 | Portugal Cove | HIBBS | Nathanie & Elizabeth | John Frederick | M | Rev. John Raey | Sept 15, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Nov 11, 1888 | Bauline | BUTLER | Matthew & Martha | Elizabeth Jane | F | Rev. John Raey | Oct 15, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Nov 11, 1888 | Bauline | KING | Moses & Belinda | Simon | M | Rev. John Raey | Aug 24, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Nov 13, 1888 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis & Abigail | Absalom | M | Rev. John Raey | Oct 14, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | |
End of dates entered incorrectly | ||||||||||
PAGE 12 | ||||||||||
1888-1889 | ||||||||||
Nov 11, 1888 | Pouch Cove | EVANS | Joseph & Sarah Ann | William James | M | Rev. John Reay | Nov 18, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy |
Oct 22, 1888 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement & Fannie | Irene | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 18, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | of Births and Baptisms |
Nov 4, 1888 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Esau & Grace | Andrew | M | Rev. John Reay | Nov 30, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | taken from old records |
Sept 30, 1888 | Bauline | KING | Elijah & Maria | Elizabeth Clara | F | Rev. John Reay | Dec 2, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | 1888-89 |
Nov 15, 1888 | Biscayan Cove | BUTT | Ambrose & Elizabeth | Jonathan | M | Rev. John Reay | Dec 15, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
Sept 12, 1888 | Bauline | PARSONS | Arthur & Annie | Mark | M | Rev. John Reay | Dec 16, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Nov 3, 1888 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Ezra & Sarah | Mary Mabel | F | Rev. John Reay | Dec 23, 1888 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Dec 29, 1888 | Pouch Cove | CLARKE | Moses & Mary Ann | Elsie Elvina | F | Rev. John Reay | Jan 21, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Dec 25, 1888 | Bauline | LEGROW | Henry & Elizabeth | Mary Beatrice | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 3, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 11, 1888 | Bauline | LEGROW | Solomon & Virtue | Lavinia Bertha | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 3, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 24, 1889 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Jabez & Sarah Jane | Martha Jane | F | Rev. John Reay | March 24, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
April 10, 1889 | Bauline | KING | William & Naomi | Luke Kennedy | M | Rev. John Reay | March 28, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 19, 1889 | Cape St. Francis | SOPER | Jonas & Maria | Mabel | F | Rev. John Reay | May 1, 1889 | Methodist | Light Keeper | |
April 23, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NOFTAL | Jeremaiah & Mary Ann | Joseph | M | Rev. John Reay | June 4, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
May 29, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | William & Margaret | Albert | M | Rev. John Reay | July 6, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
June 20, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | Allan | M | Rev. John Reay | July 14, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 13 | ||||||||||
1889-1890 | ||||||||||
July 15, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie Ann | Frederick William | M | Rev. John Reay | Aug 15, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy of |
August 8, 1889 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | William & Henrietta | Selina | F | Rev. John Reay | Aug 25, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | Births and |
July 18, 1889 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | William & Anne | Caroline | F | Rev. John Reay | Sept 8, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | Baptisms taken |
July 26, 1889 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Thomas & Amelia | John William | M | Rev. John Reay | Sept 13, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | from old records |
August 22, 1889 | Bauline | LEGROW | Ambrose & Dorcas | Reuben | M | Rev. John Reay | Sept 15, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | 1889-1890 |
August 19, 1889 | Pouch Cove | KNIGHT | Wm. Ash & Mary Jane | Honora | F | Rev. John Reay | Sept 18, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
August 22, 1889 | Protestant Town | FRY | James & Elizabeth | William George | M | Rev. John Reay | Sept 30, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Sept 7, 1889 | Bauline | WHALEN | Azariah & Abigail | Harriet | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 3, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Oct 28, 1889 | Bauline | KING | George & Dorcas | Emily Elizabeth | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 3, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Oct 22, 1889 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Joseph & Sarah | James | M | Rev. John Reay | Nov 5, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 12, 1889 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | James & Mary Ann | Sarah Jane | F | Rev. John Reay | Nov 10, 1889 | Fishing | ||
Nov 7, 1889 | Portugal Cove | KING | Elijah & Sarah | Janet | F | Rev. John Reay | Dec 8, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 8, 1889 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & Anne | Arthur William | M | Rev. John Reay | Dec 16, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 4, 1889 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis & Abigail | George Albert | M | Rev. John Reay | Dec 28, 1889 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 14, 1889 | Biscayan Cove | HUDSON | Peter & Eliza | John Charles | M | Rev. John Reay | Jan 13, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 7, 1890 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | James & Elizabeth | Elfreda | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 14, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 14 | ||||||||||
1890 | ||||||||||
Jan 29, 1890 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | William | M | Rev. John Reay | Feb 15, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | noted as twins |
Jan 29, 1890 | Pouch Cove | MOORES | John & Selina | Alice | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 15, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 1, 1890 | Bauline | LEGROW | John H & Sarah | Miriam | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 16, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 4, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susanah | Appolas | M | Rev. John Reay | Feb 19, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy of |
Jan 17, 1890 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | William & Emily | Fannie | F | Rev. John Reay | Feb 19, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | births and baptisms |
Dec. 28, 1889 | Bauline | LEGROW | Mark & Julia | Virtue Clara | F | Rev. John Reay | April 20, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | taken from old |
April 2, 1890 | Pouch Cove | EASTERBROOK | John B. & Maria | Walter Berkley | M | Rev. John Reay | May 18, 1890 | Methodist | Post Master | records 1890 |
April 23, 1890 | Bauline | KING | James & Mary Ann | Joseph | M | Rev. John Reay | June 1, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | by |
April 9, 1890 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Matthew & Mary Jane | Matthew | M | Rev. John Reay | June 8, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
May 27, 1890 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | Joseph & Rachael | Bridget May | F | Rev. John Reay | June 8, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
May 27, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard & Mary | Miriam Maud | F | Rev. John Reay | June 17, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
PAGE 15 | ||||||||||
1890-1891 | ||||||||||
July 29, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Nathaniel & Elizabeth | Emma Maud | F | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Aug 3, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy of Births |
Aug 10, 1890 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | Frederick & Mary | Henry Thomas | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 10, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | Batptism taken from old |
Aug 18, 1890 | Bauline | KING | Moses & Belinda | John | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 8, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | records 1890-1891 |
Aug 13, 1890 | Bauline | WHALEN | William & Mary | Ruth Frances | F | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 8, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | by |
Sept 23, 1890 | Bauline | LEGROW | Alfred & Dorcas | Henry Charles | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Nov 23, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
Aug 11, 1890 | Bauline | KING | Isaac & Mary | James Albert | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 28, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
Aug 24, 1890 | Bauline | KING | Elijah & Maria | Bernard | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 28, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John's East |
Sept 13, 1890 | Bauline | WHALEN | James & Dorcas | William James | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Oct 9, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 2 , 1890 | Pouch Cove | PIPPY | Charles & Jessie | Frederick | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Sept 1, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Feb 30, 1891 | Pouch Cove | DELANEY | Felix & Jane | Charlotte | F | Rev. Solomon Matthews | March 29, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | Date of birth May 1, 1891 |
Mar 9, 1891 | Portugal Cove | MITCHELL | William & Maria | Laura | F | Rev. Solomon Matthews | March 22, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 7, 1890 | Bauline | BUTLER | Matthew & Martha | William James | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Dec 21, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 1, 1890 | Bauline | LEGROW | Alfred & Amelia | Edward | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Dec 21, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Dec 5, 1890 | Portugal Cove | HIBB | Frederick & Susannah | Herbert | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Dec 29, 1890 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 29, 1890 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | William & Harriet | Clement | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Jan 3, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Jan 15, 1891 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Matthew & Selina | James | M | Rev. Solomon Matthews | Jan 18, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 16 | ||||||||||
1891 | ||||||||||
Jan 5, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NOFTAL | Joseph & Louisa | Mariam | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Jan 25, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy of |
Jan 9, 1891 | Pouch Cove | EVANS | Joseph & Sarah | Mary F | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Jan 21, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | births and baptisms |
May 8, 1891 | Portugal Cove | GREELEY | Jabez & Sarah | Louisa | F | Rev. S. Matthews | May 25, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | taken from old |
June 6, 1891 | Portugal Cove | HARDING | William & Anne | Jessie Ann | F | Rev. S. Matthews | June 23, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | records 1891 |
May 28, 1891 | Portugal Cove | CHURCHILL | Fanny (Illiget) | Sarah Jane Allan | F | Rev. S. Matthews | June 23, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | By |
June 9, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Edward & Jessie | Fanny Jane | F | Rev. S. Matthews | June 23, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | Rev. E. Barratt |
May 8, 1891 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | John & Mary | Ida Mary | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Aug 18, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | Pouch Cove |
April 13, 1891 | Bauline | LEGROW | Solomon & Virtue | Simon L | M | Rev. S. Matthews | May 13, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | St. John' East |
June 17, 1891 | Bauline | KING | Elijah & Sarah | Mary Jane | F | Rev. S. Matthews | July 19, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 14, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jeremiah & Mary | Elizabeth | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Aug 12, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 18, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NOSEWORTHY | George & Sarah | Edward | M | Rev. S. Matthews | Aug 30, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Sept 17, 1891 | Pouch Cove | THISTLE | Joseph & Rachael | William | M | Rev. S. Matthews | Oct. 3, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Aug 28, 1891 | Pouch Cove | MOULTON | Samuel & Eliza | Charles Augustus | M | Rev. S. Matthews | Sept 2, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
July 25, 1891 | Bauline | PARSONS | Robert & Annie | Julia Elizabeth | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Oct 25, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Nov 9, 1891 | Pouch Cove | VATER | Francis & Abigail | Bridget | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Nov 15, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
Oct 26, 1891 | Pouch Cove | HUDSON | Clement & Fannie | Annie Laura | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Nov 22, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | |
PAGE 17 | ||||||||||
1891 | ||||||||||
Oct 13, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Richard & Mary | William Thomas | M | Rev. S. Matthews | Dec 5, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | A true copy of Baptisms & |
Nov 12, 1891 | Cape St. Francis | SOPER | Jonas & Maria | Elsie | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Dec 10, 1891 | Methodist | Light Keeper | Births taken from old |
Nov 28, 1891 | Pouch Cove | FLIGHT | James & Elizabeth | Charlotte May | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Dec 18, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | old records 1891 |
Nov 23, 1891 | Pouch Cove | KNIGHT | William & Mary J | Amelia | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Dec 23, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | This completes the list up to |
Dec 27, 1891 | Pouch Cove | NEWELL | Jacob & Susanah | Julia Ann | F | Rev. S. Matthews | Dec 31, 1891 | Methodist | Fishing | and including 1891 |
From the Pouch Cove Circuit signed Rev. E. Barratt Pouch Cove St John's East |
Transcribed by Bonnie Clarke (2013)
Page Last Modified: Sunday November 03, 2013 ASTNewfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
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