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POST 1891 REGISTRATION RECORDS Labrador District Volume 3 Pages 345 & 496 - 500 LABRADOR Marriages 1898 - 1901 Source: LDS Microfilm Reels |
Marriage Date | Marriage Place | Groom'sSurName / Bride's SurName | Given Name | Age | Status | Occupation | Religion | Residence at Time of Marriage | By Whom Married | Witnesses |
PAGE 345 | ||||||||||
1898/1899/1900/ | ||||||||||
1901 | ||||||||||
1898 | ||||||||||
Dec 25 | Indian Cove | RUMBOLDT | Henry | 22 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Indian Cove | Elias W. Gardner | Thomas Rumbolt |
RUMBOLDT | Elizbth | 28 | S | Ch of Eng | Indian Cove | Elizth J. Rumbolt | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Oct 07 | S. Frances Hr. | NEWMAN | Arch | 25 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Kirby Cove | Elias W. Gardner | Thomas Hiscock ? |
KING | Margt | 20 | S | Ch of Eng | Carbonear | Noah Penney | ||||
Oct 29 | Battle Hr. | RUMBOLDT | Edmund | 32 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Matthews Cove | Elias W. Gardner | Geo Rumbolt |
ALLEN | Eliza | 24 | S | Ch of Eng | Matthews Cove | Louisa Allen | ||||
Oct 30 | Cape Charles | PYE | Hy | 29 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Cape Chas | Elias W. Gardner | Albert Pye |
STONE | Julia A. | 23 | S | Ch of Eng | Henley Hr | Jas. R. Pye | ||||
Dec 31 | Lewis Bay | STRANGEMORE | Jeremiah | 22 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Fox Hr | Elias W. Gardner | Geo R. Wakeham |
THOMS | Ann | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | Fox Hr | Henry Thoms | ||||
1900 | ||||||||||
Feb 16 | Alexis Bay | NOTLEY | Wm. | 25 | B | Furrier | Ch of Eng | Alexis Bay | Elias W. Gardner | James Russell |
CAMPBELL | Lydia | 19 | S | Methodist | S Michaels Bay | Wm Butt | ||||
Mar 22 | Porcupine Bay | CIRCUM | Wm | 53 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Reid's Brook | Elias W. Gardner | John Holwell |
MESHER | Rebecca | 28 | S | Ch of Eng | Porcupine Bay | Louisa Turnbull | ||||
Oct 21 | Battle Hr. | RUMBOLT | Henry | 24 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Battle Hr. | Elias W. Gardner | James Smith |
SMITH | Harriet | 24 | S | Ch of Eng | Battle Hr. | Mary A. Barfoot | ||||
Oct 22 | Seal Bight | POOLE | Thos | 35 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Seal Cove | Elias W. Gardner | Isaac Smith |
THOMS | Susanna | 20 | S | Ch of Eng | Carbonear | Jeremiah Chubbs | ||||
Oct 24 | Seal Bight | POOLE | John | 47 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Seal Bight | Elias W. Gardner | Thomas Poole |
SMITH | Martha | 38 | S | Ch of Eng | Battle Hr. | James Chubbs | ||||
Oct 27 | Battle Hr. | McPHERSON | John | 28 | B | Med - Missionary | Presbytn | Battle Hr. | Elias W. Gardner | Frank Lewis |
PATON | Georgina | 35 | S | Presbytn | Halifax, NS | Victoria Lewis | ||||
1901 | ||||||||||
Apr 21 | Spotted Islds | WHITTLE | Wm | 26 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Spotted Islds | Elias W. Gardner | Thos Sircum |
HOLWELL | Mary A. | 17 | S | Ch of Eng | Spotted Islds | Elizth A. Holwell | ||||
May 26 | Seal Islds | PHIPPARD | John | 23 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Seal Islds | Elias W. Gardner | Walter Cridland |
DELANEY | Agnes | 23 | S | Ch of Eng | Seal Islds | Mary Green | ||||
Jun 08 | Seal Islds | STEPHENS | Geo W. | 34 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Seal Islds | Elias W. Gardner | Walter Cridland |
GREEN | Mary M. | 30 | W | Ch of Eng | Seal Islds | Chris Green | ||||
Jul 20 | Battle Hr. | GALE | Jas | 50 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Battle Hr. | Elias W. Gardner | Wm Smith |
BUTT | Emma | 36 | S | Ch of Eng | Battle Hr. | Jno Rumbolt | ||||
Sep 07 | Battle Hr. | COMBY | Thomas | 28 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Trap Cove | Elias W. Gardner | Geo Rumbolt |
RUMBOLT | Mary | 20 | S | Ch of Eng | Trap Cove | Noah Rumbolt | ||||
PAGE 496 | ||||||||||
1896/1897/1898/ | ||||||||||
1899/1900/1901 | ||||||||||
1901 | ||||||||||
Apr 23 | Cartwright | HEARD | Wm. | 49 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Muddy Hole | Kenneth Burry | James Fraser |
MECHELIN | Alice | 32 | S | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | J. E. Scott | ||||
1896 | ||||||||||
Nov 09 | Forteau | CRIBB | Alex | 22 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Forteau | A. Hart | Edw Cribb |
DUMERASQ | Laura | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | Lance au Clair | Elisha Letto | ||||
Nov 16 | Lance au Mour | FOWLER | Joseph | 33 | W | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Capstan Id | A. Hart | Chas Davis |
DURAND | Sophia | 23 | S | R Catholic | Diablo Cove | Cornelius Durand | ||||
1897 | ||||||||||
Apr 19 | Forteau | DUMERASQ | Wm H. | 22 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Lance au Clair | A. Hart | Peter Budwah |
LETTO | Mary J. | 22 | S | Ch of Eng | Lance au Clair | Elisha Letto | ||||
Apr 21 | Forteau | SALTER | Geo | 26 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Forteau | A. Hart | Edwin Grant |
CHAVALIER | Bridget | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | St. Paul's River | Jno Chevalier | ||||
1898 | ||||||||||
Nov 01 | Lance au Clair | DUMERASQ | Joseph H. | 22 | B | Fishing | Presbytn | Lance au Clair | A. Hart | Matilda Dumerasq |
BUCKLE | Alice | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | Long Point | Jethro Norman | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Oct 23 | Forteau | LETTO | Elisha | 21 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Lance au Clair | A. Hart | Herbert Cribb |
BELL | Mary J. | 20 | S | Ch of Eng | Forteau | Mary A. Letto | ||||
1900 | ||||||||||
Jun 18 | Forteau | WALLACE | Joseph | 21 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Lance au Clair | A. Hart | Mary A. Wallace |
BELL | Ann Nora | 17 | S | Ch of Eng | Forteau | Isabella Dumerasq | ||||
Sep 14 | Forteau | BISHOP | Jno | 23 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Forteau | A. Hart | Albert French |
ANDREWS | Ella | 22 | S | Ch of Eng | Forteau | Jesse? Sparks | ||||
Jun 19 | Sabascachene | MICHELIN | Mercelli | 25 | B | Hunter | Methodist | Sabascachene | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Jno Michelin |
GROVES | Elizth | 16 | S | Methodist | Goose Bay | Gert Michelin | ||||
Jun 21 | North West River | RICH | Fredk | 24 | B | Fishing | Methodist | N. W. Arm | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Wm Goudie |
BLAKE | Sarah A. | 17 | S | Methodist | N. W. Arm | Lily Blake | ||||
Jun 24 | North West River | BLAKE | Joseph | 26 | B | Hunter | Methodist | Sabascachene | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Mark Blake |
MICHELIN | Sarah | 22 | S | Methodist | Grand River | Alice Michelin | ||||
Jun 25 | North West River | GOUDIE | Wm | 22 | B | Hunter | Methodist | N. W. Arm | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Arch Goudie |
BAIKIE | Jessie | 19 | S | Methodist | N. W. Island | Ellen Baikie | ||||
Aug 08 | Mullin's Cove | WHITE | Nathanl | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Nats Discovery | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Jno Sheppard |
GROVES | Dora | 19 | S | Methodist | Mullin's Cove | Kate? Olliver | ||||
Aug 14 | Double Mare | BLAKE | Donald | 23 | B | Hunter | Methodist | Double Mare | Rev. J. J. Sparks | Hugh Campbell |
LLOYD | Harriet H. | 27 | W | Ch of Eng | Double Mare | May Blake | ||||
Aug 14 | Seal Isld. | MERCER | Nathaniel | 21 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Bay Roberts | Rev. J. R. Saint | Robt Richa? |
BRADBURY | Margaret A. | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | Bay Roberts | Mary A. Neil | ||||
Sep 12 | Carrol's Cove | TRACEY | Edward | 22 | B | Sailmaker | R Catholic | Carrol's Cove | Rev. S. A. Chancey | Hayward Taylor |
PIKE | Lilian | 21 | S | Methodist | Carrol's Cove | Wm Tracey | ||||
May 03 | Paul's Isld | EDMUNDS | David | 31 | W | Fishing | Moravian | Lange de Bay | Rev. A. Asboe? | Rev. F. Gericme? |
FORD | Emelie L. | 18 | S | Moravian | Paul's Id. | Rev. J. Ford | ||||
Jul 21 | Hopdale | TERRIAK | Lucas | 24 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. P. E. Lundberg | Rev. P. Hethasuah? |
ASSA | Lea | 17 | S | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. B. Leng | ||||
PAGE 497 | ||||||||||
1899/1900/1901 | ||||||||||
1900 | ||||||||||
Aug 08 | Barge Bay | LAYDEN | Samuel | 33 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Barge Bay | Rev. J. R. Saint | A. R. Sealey |
BUTT | Martha Priscilla | 20 | S | Methodist | Freshwater CB | Mary Leyden | ||||
Sep 19 | West St. Modest | FOWLER | Sydney Chas | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | West St. Modest | Rev. J. R. Saint | Archibald Harris |
PINSENT | Mary Ann | 20 | S | Methodist | New Perlican | Winnie Butt | ||||
Jul 25 | Hopedale | AGGEK | Edward | 31 | W | Fishing | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. E. Lundberg | Rev. P. Hellasch |
FLOWERS | Harriet | 19 | S | Moravian | Nuertoravik ? | Rev. P. Schmidt | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Jul 21 | Hopedale | RINK | Jonathan | 21 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. E. Lundberg | Not given |
PUALO | Lea | 21 | S | Moravian | Foar | Not given | ||||
Sep 26 | Hopedale | BROOMFIELD | William | 21 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Windsor Hr. | Rev. E. Lundberg | Not given |
JOSEPH | Talista | 21 | S | Moravian | Windsor Hr. | Not given | ||||
Mar 25 | Hopedale | PUKAK | Jefta | 20 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. E. Lundberg | Not given |
NOGASAK | Siblee | 23 | S | Moravian | Hopedale | Not given | ||||
May 12 | Hopedale | ASSA | Teofilus | 20 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Hopedale | Rev. E. Lundberg | Not given |
SOLOMON | Sabine | 22 | W | Moravian | Hopedale | Not given | ||||
May 14 | Toms Point | PEARCY | John | 24 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Davis Inlet | Rev. P. Hettasek | Not given |
WINTERS | Susan | 22 | S | Moravian | Karmarsuk | Not given | ||||
Oct 29 | East St. Modest | FOWLER | Henry James | 26 | B | Fishing | Episcopal | Capstan Id | Rev. J. R. Saint | Fredrick Lilly |
BUTT | Julia | 21 | S | Methodist | East St. Modest | Kate D? | ||||
Nov 27 | Red Bay | HOWELL | Wm Thomas | 37 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Red Bay | Rev. J. R. Saint | Horatio W. Pike |
PIKE | Sarah Jane | 26 | S | Methodist | Red Bay | Mary Pike | ||||
Jul 09 | Red Bay | MOORES | Robt | 29 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Red Bay | Rev. J. R. Saint | Ezekiel Moore |
POWELL | Rosalie | 28 | S | Methodist | Big Bight | Sarah Moore | ||||
1900 | ||||||||||
Oct 13 | Lesters Point | GEAR | James | B | Hunter | Ch of Eng | Trout Cove | Rev. J. ? Sparks | Jno Mugford | |
OSMOND | Sarah | S | Methodist | Flat Waters | Dora Groves? | |||||
Apr 27 | Cullinghams Bight | WILLIAMS | Israel | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Woody Point | Rev. J. ? Sparks | Geo Pottle | |
WILLIAMS | Rebecca | S | Ch of Eng | Lake Melville | Margt Pottle | |||||
1901 | ||||||||||
May 30 | Lesters Point | GROVES | Jno | 24 | B | Trader | Methodist | Sab Sestia | Rev. J. ? Sparks | Chas Groves |
MICHELIN | Elizth | 21 | S | Methodist | Kerinarsuk | Elizth Campbell | ||||
Jan 06 | Hopedale | VOISEY | Jno | 24 | B | Fishing | Moravian | Big Bay | Rev. P. Hettasch | Rev. Pe. E. Lundberg |
LANE | Selina Ang.? | 23 | S | Moravian | No Entry | Rev. B. Leng | ||||
PAGE 498 | ||||||||||
1897/1898/1899 | ||||||||||
1897 | ||||||||||
Mar 10 | Lesters Point, Hare Inlet | WILLIAMS | Job | 24 | B | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Flat Waters | Francis S. Hollett Licensed | John Graves? |
POTTLE | Keziah | 19 | S | Ch of Eng | West Bay | E. M. Hollett | ||||
Jun 01 | Lesters Point, Hare Inlet | LLOYD | James | 24 | B | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Black Isd Tickle | Francis S. Hollett Licensed | John Graves? |
MORGAN | Sarah | 22 | S | Methodist | Lester's Point H.I. | E. M. Hollett | ||||
Jul 12 | Muttick? = Hare Inlet | BLAKE | John | 32 | W | Fisherman | Methodist | Muddy Lake S. Bay | Rev. R. K. Peck | Isaac Blake |
HOPE | Josephine | 20 | S | Methodist | Muddy Lake S. Bay | William Riley | ||||
Oct 17 | Cartwright | HEARD | William | 46 | W | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Muddy Bay | Kenneth Burry Licensed Layman | Edward Learning |
LEMARE | Annie | 27 | S | Ch of Eng | Old Man's Cove | James Davis | ||||
Oct 17 | Cartwright | DAVIS | William | 24 | B | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Goose Cove | Kenneth Burry Licensed Layman | Edward Learning |
LEMARE | Elizabeth | 19 | S | Ch of Eng | Old Man's Cove | James Davis | ||||
May 08 | Dove Brook | MARTIN | Richard | 40 | W | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Dove Brook | Kenneth Burry Licensed Layman | Henry Brown |
PARDY | Naomi | 36 | W | Ch of Eng | West Bay, Hamilton Inlet | Caroline Martin | ||||
Jul 25 | Kemmomichee | McLEAN | Malcolm | 45 | W | Fisherman | Methodist | Kemmomichee | Rev. F. S. Hollett | Thomas Blake |
MICHELIN | Ellen | 23 | S | Servant | Methodist | Kemmomichee | Elizabeth Blake | |||
Sep 13 | Cartwright | REEVES | John | 40 | W | Fisherman | Methodist | Table Bay | Rev. F. S. Hollett | Jonathan Pardy |
MARTIN | Mary Ann | 38 | S | Methodist | Cartwright | Elizabeth A. Martin | ||||
Sep 17 | Gideon Harbor | KING | Samuel | 24 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Perry's Cove, CB North | Rev. F. S. Hollett | Samuel Broderick |
BUTT | Stella J. | 19 | S | Servant | Methodist | Freshwater CB North | Minnie Butt | |||
Sep 28 | Lister's Point | POTTLE | Joseph | 22 | B | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Hamilton Inlet | Rev. F. S. Hollett | John Mugford |
BROMFIELD | Mary Jane | 19 | S | Servant | Methodist | Hamilton Inlet | Maggie Pottle | |||
1898 | ||||||||||
Jun 13 | Lister's Point | McKENZIE | Thomas | 26 | B | Fisherman | Ch of Eng | Hamilton Inlet | Rev. F. S. Hollett | Thomas Groves |
OLIVER | Mary Ann | 23 | S | Servant | Ch of Eng | Hamilton Inlet | William Halfrey | |||
Nov 10 | Red Bay | MOORES | William Davis | 27 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Red Bay | Rev. Wm. Patterson | Minnie B. Butt |
BRIDE | Minnie | 24 | S | Methodist | Red Bay | Allan Moores | ||||
Dec 08 | Red Bay | YETMAN | Horatius | 34 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Red Bay | Rev. Wm. Patterson | William Yetman |
MOORES | Annie | 26 | S | Methodist | Red Bay | A.? O. Moores | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Jan 17 | Forteau | HARRIS | Francis | 22 | B | Fisherman | Methodist | Forteau | Rev. Wm. Patterson | Albert Handcock |
BELLMAN | Priscilla | 28 | S | Methodist | Forteau | Abram Roberts | ||||
Apr 11 | Lance au Loop | LANDRY | Joseph | 46 | W | Fisherman | Methodist | Lance au Loop | Rev. Wm. Patterson | George Davis |
HOGAN | Mary | 24 | S | Methodist | Lance au Loop | Julia Ryland ? | ||||
PAGE 499 | ||||||||||
1898/1899 | ||||||||||
1898 | ||||||||||
Oct 27 | Cartwright | SAUNDERS | John H. | 23 | B | Servant H.B. Co. | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | Rev. K. M. Busby? | Edward Learning |
Sandwich Bay | MARTIN | Elizabeth | 23 | S | Housekeeper | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | Elizabeth Learning | ||
1899 | ||||||||||
Jan 01 | Cartwright | MARTINS | William | 21 | B | Salmon Catcher | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | Rev. K. M. Busby? | James Frazer |
Sandwich Bay | DICKS | Phoebe | 19 | W | Ch of Eng | Main Tickle Bight | Thomas Martin | |||
Jan 15 | Dove Brook | SAUNDERS | Wm | 26 | B | Salmon Catcher | Ch of Eng | White River | Rev. K. M. Busby? | Alfred Brown |
Sandwich Bay | POTTLE | Isabelle | 24 | S | Ch of Eng | West Bay E. Bay | Wm Brown | |||
Apr 03 | Dove Brook | LEARNING | James | 22 | B | Servant | Ch of Eng | White Bear River | Rev. K. M. Busby? | Alfred Brown |
Sandwich Bay | BROWN | Amanda | 21 | S | Ch of Eng | Separation Point | Wm Brown | |||
Apr 04 | Paradise | HAMMELL | Edmund | 38 | W | Salmon Catcher | Ch of Eng | Muddy Bay | Rev. K. M. Busby? | Samuel Vokey |
Sandwich Bay | MARTIN | Mary | 27 | S | Ch of Eng | Paradise Arm | Wm Winters | |||
1898 | ||||||||||
Aug 26 | Sister's? Point | GOUDIE | Allen | 29 | B | Fishing | Methodist | N. W. River | F. S. Hollett | Chas Goudie |
McLEAN | Hannah | 30 | S | Methodist | Kennomicke? | Mary Mugford? | ||||
Aug 31 | Moliack | CHALK | Andrew | 35 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Milligan | F. S. Hollett | Abner Chalk |
BLAKE | Hester | 21 | S | Methodist | Snack Cove | Joseph Blake | ||||
Sep 18 | Snack Cove | DAVIS | Charles | 23 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Hare Hr | F. S. Hollett | James Davis |
PENNY? | Mary A. | 17 | S | Methodist | Goose Cove | Elizabeth Davis | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Mar 15 | Open Bay "South" | DAVIS | John | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Open Bay | F. S. Hollett | Wm Fippard? |
ANTHONY | Mary A. | 22 | S | Ch of Eng | Salmon Cove | P. Rice | ||||
Apr 22 | Sestons Pnt | FORWARD | George | 58 | B | Agent ? | Methodist | West Bay | F. S. Hollett | Thos Davis |
WAREHAM | Mary | 26 | S | Methodist | John's Point | Abram Mugford | ||||
1898 | ||||||||||
Aug 15 | Francis Hr. | POTTLE | Gilbert | 25 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Francis Hr. | W. A. Palmer | Dora Groves? |
MUGFORD | Mary S. | 22 | S | Methodist | Francis Hr. | Robt Burton? | ||||
Aug 15 | Table Bay | KIDNOC? | George | 24 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Table Bay | F. S. Hollett | Wm Russell |
NEWMAN | Fanny | 18 | S | Ch of Eng | Table Bay | John C. Davis | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Jun 27 | Polk? Island | McDONALD | Mick | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Lake Melville | F. S. Hollett | Martha Davis |
PARDY | Elizabeth | 19 | S | Methodist | Lake Melville | Chas Goudie | ||||
Mar 17 | ? Island | WHITE | Uriah | 22 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Carbonear Nfld | F. S. Hollett | Thos Davis |
HOPE | Elizabeth | 28 | W | Methodist | Salmon Cove | Andrie? Mes? | ||||
Aug 12 | Winter's Cove | BLOOMFIELD | Charlie | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Winter's Cove | Rev. H. Pettey | C & J Bloomfield | |
NOEL | Mary Ann | S | Ch of Eng | Winter's Cove | Lucy M. Allen | |||||
PAGE 500 | ||||||||||
1899 / 1900 | ||||||||||
Aug 12 | Winter's Cove | NOEL | Stephen | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Winter's Cove | Rev. H. Pettey | Stephen N.T. Allen | |
WILLIAMS | Jemmima | S | Ch of Eng | Winter's Cove | John Noel | |||||
Jul 04 | Lance-au-Loup | EARLE | William | 33 | W | Fishing | Methodist | Lance-au-Loup | Rev. W. Patterson | Thomas Linstead |
LYN | Elizabeth | 22 | S | R Catholic | Lance-au-Joblin | Harrison Janes | ||||
Aug 29 | Indian Hr. | GOUDIE | Chas Hy | 26 | B | Fishing | Methodist | Indian Hr. | Rev. Jno. G. Sparks | Jesse Flowers |
FLOWERS | Bertha Ann | 24 | S | Ch of Eng | Indian Hr. | Susan Roberts | ||||
1900 | ||||||||||
Jan 14 | Mulligan River | CHAULK | Abner | B | Hunter | Ch of Eng | Mulligan River | Rev. Jno. G. Sparks | Joseph Blake | |
BLAKE | Jane | S | Methodist | Mulligan River | Emma White | |||||
Apr 09 | Lester's Point | PALLISHER, Esquire | Joseph | W | Hunter | Moravian | Carawalla | Rev. Jno. G. Sparks | William Adams | |
ADAMS | Clara | S | Moravian | David Banks ? | Rosanna Adams | |||||
May 02 | North West River | GOUDIE | Albert | 24 | B | Hunter | Methodist | North West River | Rev. Jno. G. Sparks | Alex McLean |
BLAKE | Cecilia | 23 | S | Methodist | No Entry | Sarah Michelin | ||||
1899 | ||||||||||
Oct 01 | West St. Modest | DOANE | Ernest | 33 | B | Naturalist | Presbytn | West St. Modest | Rev. Wm Paterson | Simeon Hurst |
HOWLER | Clarissa | 24 | S | Methodist | West St. Modest | Robt Reid | ||||
Elizth Davis | ||||||||||
Oct 07 | Cartwright | POTTLE | Thomas | 26 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | West Bay | Kenneth M. Burry | Alice Michelin |
POTTLE | Margaret | 29 | W | Ch of Eng | Woody Point | Licd Comm. | Amelia Williams | |||
Oct 15 | Cartwright | BIRD | George | 32 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | Kenneth M. Burry | Thos Martin |
WILLIAMS | Mary E. | 21 | S | Ch of Eng | Cartwright | Licd Comm. | Jas Fraser | |||
1900 | ||||||||||
Mar 03 | Separation Point | LEPBRIDGE | Christopher | 32 | B | Fishing | Ch of Eng | Separation Point | Kenneth M. Burry | Hy Brown |
BROWN | Edith | 19 | S | Ch of Eng | Separation Point | Licd Comm. | Elizth Lepbridge | |||
Jul 14 | Pinware | TRASHEY | Elias | 27 | B | Fishing | R Catholic | Carrol's Cove | Rev. S. Whelan | Richard Dooley |
DOOLEY | Margaret | 19 | S | R Catholic | Pinware | Alice Dooley | ||||
Jul 19 | Isle au Bois | MORENCY | Alex | 23 | B | Fishing | R Catholic | Long Point | Rev. S. Whelan | Dione Morency |
DOOLEY | Mary Eliz. | 20 | S | R Catholic | Pinware | Harriet Labadie | ||||
Jul 24 | Flowers Cove | MAXIM | Alfred | 23 | B | Fishing | R Catholic | Savage Cove | Rev. S. Whelan | Edward Maxim |
HODGE | Mary Eliz. | 20 | S | R Catholic | Savage Cove | Catherine Austin | ||||
Jul 20 | Indian Tickle | LONG | Morgan Jos. | 28 | B | Fishing | R Catholic | North River | Rev. S. Whelan | John Kavanagh |
HUGGINS | Elizth. | 27 | S | R Catholic | Indian Tickle | Mary Canfield | ||||
Sep 17 | Camp Isld. | GRIFFIN | Michael | 30 | B | Fishing | R Catholic | Camp Island | Rev. S. Whelan | James Murphy |
SPEARAM | Sarah | 24 | S | R Catholic | Battle Harbour | Elizabeth Griffin |
Transcribed by TERRY ALEXANDER, (2016)
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