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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Placentia & St. Mary's District
1919 - 1922

Book 8
PAGES 454 - 459, 461 - 466 & 468 - 479

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
Page 454-1919                
Jan 01 Paradise Sound Influenza BUTLER John Methodist 63 Flat Islands Paradise Sd.
Jan 29 North Harbor Brain Fever REID Ailda Beatrice Methodist 9 1/2 mos North Hr. North Harbor
Jan 20 Woody Island Convulsions BARRETT Amelia Jane Methodist 2 1/2 mos Woody Is. Woody Island
Feb 03 Spencer's Cove Consumption HOLLETT Albin Methodist 64 Sound Is. Spencer's Cove
Mar 5 Sound Island Dyspepsia BAILEY James Methodist 65 Oderin Sound Island
Mar 3 Tack's Beach Tubercular Meningitis BROWN Nelson Ch of Eng 2 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Jan 20 Isle Valen Influenza HAMILTON Matilda Ch of Eng 4 Isle Valen Isle Valen
Mar 20 Butts Hole Acute Bronchitis TROWBRIDGE Ellen Ch of Eng 12 Butt's Hole Butt's Hole
Mar 21 Butts Hole Acute Bronchitis HUSSEY Mary Jane Ch of Eng 14 Butt's Hole Butt's Hole
Jan 2 S.E. Bight Measles WHITE Julia Rom Cath 34 Chandler's Hr. S.E. Bight
Jan 3 Petite Forte Consumption FLYNN Anastatia Rom Cath 40 Oderin Petite Forte
Jan 22 Gr. Paradise Consumption RYAN Celestine Rom Cath 37 Petite Forte Paradise
Jan 23 St. Leonard's Brain Fever LEONARD Ann Rom Cath 48 Paradise St. Kyran's
Feb 2 Lt. Paradise Influenza BRENNAN Maud M. Rom Cath 2mos Little D? Paradise
Feb 5 Petite Forte Influenza NEWMAN Joe Rom Cath 3 Petite Forte Petite Forte
Feb 5 Little Bona Asthma WALSH Patrick Rom Cath 54 Little Bona Paradise
Feb 12 Clattice Old Age CONNORS Timothy Rom Cath 82 Grandy's Pt. St. Kyran's
Feb 14 St. Kyran's Whooping Cough LEONARD Bridget Rom Cath 4mos St. Kyran's St. Kyran's
Feb 15 Isle Valen Heart Disease BENNETT Lizzie Rom Cath 35 Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 9 Clattice Inft. Debility FOLLETT Thomas T. Rom Cath 6dys Clattice St. Kyran's
Mar 21 Merasheen Inft. Debility POMEROY James B. Rom Cath 5hrs Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 24 Clattice Whooping Cough BREWER Michael Rom Cath 1 Clattice Clattice
Mar 26 Clattice Dropsy LE FEVRE Elizabeth Rom Cath 68 Clattice St. Kyran's
Mar 29 Isle Valen Whooping Cough LEONARD Reta Rom Cath 6mos Isle Valen St. Kyran's
Mar 30 Clattice Croup HIPDITCH Martin J. Rom Cath 7 Clattice Clattice
Jan 12 S.E. Bight Still Born MARTIN No Entry Rom Cath SB S.E. Bight S.E. Bight
Feb 3 Point Verde Pul. Tiberculosis WALSH Albert Rom Cath 18 Point Verde Placentia
Feb 6 Placentia Bronchitis MILLER Thomas Rom Cath 4 Placentia Placentia
Feb 14 Jerseyside Old Age HICKEY Bridget Rom Cath 67 Brewly Placentia
Feb 26 S.E. Arm Pul. Tuberculosis KEEFE Clara Rom Cath 36 S.E. Arm Placentia
Mar 8 Placentia Quinsey COUSINS Mary Rom Cath 11 Kelligrews Placentia
Mar 12 Jerseyside Pul. Tuberculosis WALSH Angela Rom Cath 23 Argentia Placentia
Mar 18 S.E. Arm Old Age BARRON Ellen Rom Cath 80 S.E. Arm Placentia
Feb 3 St. John's Peri. Carditis MOLLOY Josephine Rom Cath 23 St. John's St. John's
Feb 21 Riverhead Influenza BOLAND Mary Rom Cath 38 Witless Bay Riverhead
Feb 26 Riverhead Influenza BOLAND Catherine Rom Cath 17 Riverhead Riverhead
Jan 3 Middle Gut Measles HALLAREN Lucy Rom Cath 4 Point La Haye St. Vincent's
Mar 1 Gaskier Influenza PEDDLE Catherine Rom Cath 64 Mussel Pond St. Mary's
Mar 8 Gaskier Influenza GRACE Alice Rom Cath 3 St. Joseph's St. Mary's
Mar 17 St. Mary's Convulsions YETMAN Rita Rom Cath 2mos St. Mary's St. Mary's
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Jan 13 Oderin Consumption POWER Frederick Rom Cath 49 Oderin Oderin
Jan 31 Rushoon Pneumonia WHIFFEN Anne Rom Cath 27 Parker's Cove Rushoon
Mar 6 St. Joseph's Old Age BARRON Peter Rom Cath 72 Mussel Hr. St. Joseph's
Feb 13 Branch Consumption DOWNEY James Rom Cath 26 Branch Branch
Mar 14 Ship Cove Carbuncle TOBIN Ronald Rom Cath 18 Ship Cove Patrick's Cove
Mar 16 Cuslett Old Age CONNORS Mary Rom Cath 85 Torbay St. Bride's
Mar 12 St. Bride's Whooping Cough CONNORS Michael Rom Cath 3 dys St. Bride's St. Bride's
Jan 7 St. Joseph's Pneumonia CURTIS Anne Rom Cath 70 Tilt Cove St. Joseph's
Jan 13 North Side Consumption MURPHY John Rom Cath 42 North Side Mt. Carmel
Feb 22 Harricott Old Age QUIGLEY Ellen Rom Cath 82 Colinet Mt. Carmel
Feb 27 North Side Kidney Trouble HAYES Patrick Rom Cath 50 North Side St. Joseph's
Mar 6 North Side Consumption NOLAN Simon Rom Cath 21 North Side Mt. Carmel
Mar 7 North Side Pneumonia DINN James Rom Cath 1 day North Side Mt. Carmel
Jan 16 Long Beach Malnutrition MARTIN Gertrude E. Rom Cath 8 mos L' Beach Portugal Cove
Mar 19 Trepassey Old Age MOLLOY Patrick Rom Cath 84 Trepassey Trepassey
Mar 20 St. Shott's Goitre MOLLOY Bridget Rom Cath 31 St. Vincent's St. Shott's
Feb 18 Red Island Dropsy DOODY Patrick Rom Cath 53 Red Island Red Island
Feb 23 Argentia Cancer Stomach JARVIS James Rom Cath 51 Oderin Argentia
Mar 3 Red Island Meningitis RYAN John Rom Cath 8 Red Island Red Island
Mar 5 Argentia Whooping Cough HEALEY Patrick Rom Cath 7 mos Argentia Argentia
Mar 5 Argentia Consumption SPARROW Sarah Rom Cath 62 Argentia Argentia
Mar 16 Argentia Whooping Cough BRUCE Annie Rom Cath 9 Argentia Argentia
Mar 17 Argentia Consumption POWER Francis Rom Cath 24 Argentia Argentia
Mar 25 Toronto, Can Accidently Killed by falling beam. SPARROW William Rom Cath 29 Ship Hr. Argentia
Mar 28 Red Island Unknown NORMAN Annie Rom Cath 9 Red Island Red Island
April 7 Tacks Beach Nephritis HYNES Rachel Ch. Eng. 39 Tacks Beach Tacks Beach
Mar 30 Baine Harbor Cong. Debility SMITH Harriet M. Ch. Eng. 5 mos Baine Hr. Baine Hr.
June 2 At Sea Drowning BROWN Chesley Ch. Eng. 29 Tacks Beach No Entry
April 11 Isle Valen Tub. Meningitis LOCKYER Haman Ch. Eng. 5 Isle Valen Isle Valen
April 13 Butt's Hole Tub. Meningitis TROWBRIDGE Lilias M. Ch. Eng. 12 Butt's Hole Chambers Is.
May Paradise Inft. Disease WALSH John Rom Cath 7 Oderin Oderin
May 7 Rushoon Inft. Decline BAILEY James Rom Cath 7 mos Rushoon Rushoon
May 7 Ship Cove Cong. Debility BRENNAN Peter Rom Cath 7 dys Ship Cove Patrick's Cove
June 11 Bedford Dropsy MCGRATH John Rom Cath 19 Bedford Branch
Mar 13 Hr. Buffett Influenza GILBERT John Ch. Eng. 24 Haystack Hr. Buffett
Mar 28 Little Hr. East Old Age HANN Robert Ch. Eng. 85 Hr. Buffett Little Hr. East
Mar 17 North Harbor Influenza PAFFORD Minnie H.D. Ch. Eng. 6 mos North Hr. North Hr.
April 18 North Harbor Influenza PAFFORD Reginald Ch. Eng. 3 yrs North Hr. North Hr.
Sep 27 Arnold's Cove Influenza BRINSTON Jessie Ch. Eng. 59 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
Oct 3 Arnold's Cove Pneumonia GUY Edith Jessie Ch. Eng. 20 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
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Nov 14 Arnold's Cove Bronchitis HOLLETT James Henry Ch. Eng. 4 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
April 30 Haystack Croup GILBERT William N. Ch. Eng. 17 dys Haystack Haystack
April 25 Haystack Tuberculosis GILBERT Mary Ch. Eng. 60 Hr. Buffett Haystack
April 18 Sound Is. Pneumonia BRINSTON Frederick Meth 1 Sound Is. Sound Is.
June 06 North Hr. Convulsions LODER Bertha Meth 1 North Hr. North Hr.
May 24 Sound Is. Still Birth No Entry No Entry Meth S.B. Sound Is. Sound Is.
May 7 Woody Is. Old Age LOCKYER Nora Ch. Eng. 74 Isle Valen Woody Is.
May 8 Woody Is. Convulsions PIERCEY Benjamin Meth 16 dys Woody Is. Woody Is.
May 23 Haystack Convulsions GILBERT Alice Eleanor Meth 1 mon Haystack Haystack
June 6 Sound Is. Consumption HOLLETT Grace Meth 25 Sound Is. Sound Is.
April 21 Peter's River Tuberculosis WHITE Bridget Ann Rom Cath 19 Peter's River St. Vincent's
May 3 St. Mary's Pneumonia YETMAN Lawrence Rom Cath 3 St. Mary's St. Mary's
May 8 St. Mary's Endocarditis DEVINE Daniel Rom Cath 75 St. Mary's St. Mary's
May 8 Gaskiers Convulsions CRAWLEY John Rom Cath 11 mos Gaskiers St. Mary's
May 19 Peter's River Old Age LUNDRIGAN William Rom Cath 84 Peter's River St. Vincent's
May 19 St. Vincent's Tuberculosis ST. CROIX Uriel Rom Cath 11 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
May 28 St. Vincent's Tuberculosis MARTIN William Rom Cath 61 Trepasey St. Vincent's
June 28 St. John's Tuberculosis GIBBONS Catherine Rom Cath 23 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
April 8 Trepassey Premature Births CURTIS Catherine R. Rom Cath 9 dys Trepassey Trepassey
April 11 Trepassey Premature Births CURTIS Bridget M. Rom Cath 12 dys Trepassey Trepassey
May 25 Biscay Bay Broncho Pneumonia WHITE Ellen Mary Rom Cath 8 mos Biscay Bay Trepassey
June 2 St. Shott's Tub. Meningitis FINLAY Margaret Rom Cath 45 St. Shott's St. Shott's
June 26 Trepassey Old Age MOORES Catherine Rom Cath 79 Trepassey Trepassey
April 6 Fox Harbor Still Born No Entry No Entry Rom Cath S.B. Fox Harbor Fox Harbor
April 11 Fox Harbor Whooping Cough O'RIELLY Agnes Rom Cath 7 mos Fox Harbor Fox Harbor
April 11 Fox Harbor Heart Failure WHELAN Elizabeth Rom Cath 80 Fox Harbor Fox Harbor
June 12 Argentia Pneumonia MURPHY Bridget Rom Cath 50 Argentia Argentia
June 20 Argentia Tuberculosis BRUCE Maxim Rom Cath 12 Argentia Argentia
April 3 Merasheen Pneumonia CONNORS Madonna Rom Cath 6 mos Merasheen Merasheen
April 4 Merasheen Consumption ENNIS John Rom Cath 37 Merasheen Merasheen
April 4 Bonah Bonah FLYNN Cecilia Mary Rom Cath 1 Bonah St. Kyran's
April 7 Merasheen Pneumonia ROSE Veronica Rom Cath 9 mos Merasheen Merasheen
April 18 Merasheen Influenza ENNIS Patrick Rom Cath 84 Merasheen Merasheen
April 18 Lt. Paradise Heart Disease DUNPHY Ellen Rom Cath 67 Paradise Paradise
May 4 Paradise Influenza WALSH John Rom Cath 4 Oderin Paradise
May 19 Merasheen Pneumonia BISHOP James B. Rom Cath 1 Merasheen Merasheen
May 20 Merasheen Pneumonia HOULIHAN Hannah Rom Cath 19 Merasheen Merasheen
June 13 St. Ann's Pneumonia FLYNN Francis Rom Cath 4 mos St. Ann's St. Kyran's
June 15 Merasheen Influenza PITTMAN Richard Rom Cath 49 Merasheen Merasheen
June 22 Petite Forte Influenza HICKEY Adolph Rom Cath 13 Petite Forte Petite Forte
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June 13 St. Ann's Cancer GAMBIN Margaret Rom Cath 71 St. Ann's St. Kyran's
June 24 Merasheen Whooping Cough HIPDITCH Patrick Rom Cath 9 mos Merasheen Merasheen
May 30 Petite Forte Consumption HEFFERAN Alice Rom Cath 80 Clattice Petite Forte
June 24 Merasheen Whooping Cough HIPDITCH Anselm Rom Cath 2 mos Merasheen Merasheen
April 1 Head Pneumonia CARROLL Vincent J. Rom Cath 3 dys Head St. Joseph's
April 2 North Side Heart Failure POWER Nellie Rom Cath 30 Placentia Placentia
April 27 Harricott Pneumonia BYRNE Una Joseph Rom Cath 14 mos Harricott Mt. Carmel
May 25 New Bridge Old Age McDONALD Ellen Rom Cath 75 Goulds St. Joseph's
June 9 North Side Cancer PARROTT William Rom Cath 70 North Side Mt. Carmel
June 22 Tickles Cancer DOBBIN Catherine Rom Cath 70 Tickles St. Joseph's
June 23 North Harbor Consumption BONIA Margaret Rom Cath 52 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
June 26 St. Joseph's Cong. Debility SINGLETON No Entry Rom Cath 1 day St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
June 26 St. Joseph's Cong. Debility SINGLETON No Entry Rom Cath 1 day St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
April 01 New Bridge Pneumonia LEWIS Simon Joseph Rom Cath 10 mos New Bridge St. Joseph's
June 25 St. Joseph's Consumption BROWN Caroline Rom Cath 16 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
July 29 Rushoon Cong. Debility WHIFFEN Leonard Rom Cath 3 mos Rushoon Rushoon
July 1 Rushoon General Tuberculosis DICKS Elizabeth Rom Cath 55 Rushoon Rushoon
July 6 Gaskiers Convulsions WILLIAMS John Joseph Rom Cath 1 wk Gaskiers St. Mary's
July 12 St. Mary's Convulsions STAPLETON Edmund Rom Cath 9 dys St. Mary's St. Mary's
July 17 St. Mary's Still Born BURKE No Entry Rom Cath S.B. St. Mary's St. Mary's
July 18 St. Vincent's Still Born HAYWARD No Entry Rom Cath S.B. St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
July 24 St. Vincent's Paralysis STAMP Patrick Rom Cath 75 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
July 24 St. Mary's Convulsions GIBBONS Herbert J. Rom Cath 5 dys St. Mary's St. Mary's
July 27 St. Mary's Diphtheria BOWEN Catherine Rom Cath 56 St. Mary's St. Mary's
Aug 8 Mall Bay Worm Fever CHRISTOPHER William Rom Cath 6 Mall Bay Mall Bay
Aug 16 St. Vincent's Convulsions STAMP Patrick Joseph Rom Cath 3 wks St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
Sep 6 Mall Bay Tuberculosis ROURKE Fannie Rom Cath 22 Mall Bay Mall Bay
Sep 13 St. John's Dropsy GIBBONS Elizabeth Rom Cath 39 Carbonear Carbonear
July 2 Burnt Island Cong. Debility DEER Eliza Ch. Eng. 1 day Burnt Is. Burnt Is.
July 2 Brunt Island Cong. Debility DEER William Ch. Eng. 1 day Burnt Is. Burnt Is.
July 3 St. Joseph's Cong. Debility PARDY Laura Evelyn Ch. Eng. 14 days St. Joseph's Baine Hr.
Aug 28 Tacks Beach Tuberculosis BROWN James Ch. Eng. 31 Tacks Beach Tacks Beach
Aug 3 St. John's Paralysis SINNOTT Ellen Rom Cath 80 Placentia Placentia
Aug 23 Little Barrisway Cancer Stomach FOLEY James Rom Cath 65 Little Barrisway Placentia
Aug 28 North East Arm Old Age HARTLEY Bridget Rom Cath 80 North East Arm Placentia
Aug 30 Placentia Old Age LANNON Edward Rom Cath 81 South East Arm Placentia
Aug 19 Woody Is. Pul. Tuberculosis PEACH Adeline Meth 28 Woody Is. Woody Is.
Sep 2 Sound Is. Drowning BEAZLEY William Meth 67 Sound Is. No Entry
July 6 Merasheen Whooping Cough POMROY Peter Rom Cath 2 Merasheen Merasheen
July 12 Petite Forte Child Birth HANN Cecilia Rom Cath 21 Petite Forte Petite Forte
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Sep 16 Merasheen Heart Disease MOVELLE Pamelia Rom Cath 69 Merasheen Merasheen
Sep 10 St. Kyran's Consumption GAULTON Susanna Rom Cath 40 Clattice St. Kyran's
Sep 12 St. Leonard's Liver Trouble SULLIVAN Thomas Rom Cath 46 St. Leonard's St. Kyran's
July 4 Portugal Cove Tuberculosis COOMBS James Rom Cath 44 Portugal Cove Trepassey
July 21 Trepassey Cancer Stomach WADDLETON Catherine Rom Cath 78 Trepassey Trepassey
July 25 Portugal Cove Premature LEWIS George Rom Cath 1 day Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug 20 Trepassey Paralysis CURTIS Elizabeth Rom Cath 45 Trepassey Trepassey
Sep 23 Trepassey Senility STEPHENSON Elizabeth Rom Cath 79 Trepassey Trepassey
Sep 29 Trepassey Pneumonia FITZGERALD Norah Rom Cath 53 Trepassey Trepassey
July 9 North Harbor Cancer POWER Ellen Rom Cath 63 North Harbor St. Joseph's
July 10 St. Joseph's Heart Failure PEDDLE Margaret Rom Cath 75 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
July 29 North Side Old Age MCDONALD Mary Rom Cath 83 North Side St. Joseph's
July 30 North Side Heart Failure MCDONALD Catherine Rom Cath 45 Harbor Main St. Joseph's
July 25 Newbridge Convulsions LEWIS Gertrude Rom Cath 11 mos Newbridge St. Joseph's
Aug 10 Mussel Pond Still Born HANLON No Entry Rom Cath S.B. No Entry St. Joseph's
Aug 10 Mussel Pond Inft. Debility HANLON Baby Rom Cath 5 hrs Mussel Pond St. Joseph's
Aug 28 Newbridge Consumption RYAN Michael Rom Cath 19 Newbridge St. Joseph's
Sep 6 At Sea Drowned NOLAN John Rom Cath 45 North Side ....
Sep 6 Regina Inft. Debility POWER Baby Rom Cath 2 days Regina Mosquito
Sep 10 Regina Convulsions POWER John Rom Cath 7 mos Regina Mosquito
Sep 17 Insane/Asylum General Debility BROWN Bridget Rom Cath 66 Bar Haven Bar Haven
Oct 18 Insane/Asylum Septicaemia MOLLOY Michael J. Rom Cath 40 Salmonier Mt. Carmel Cemetry.
Sep 25 Riverhead Tuberculosis WHITE Caroline Rom Cath 20 Riverhead Riverhead
Oct 23 St. Mary's Tuberculosis BREEN James Rom Cath 27 St. Mary's St. Mary's
Nov 3 St. Mary's Tuberculosis FAGAN Esther Rom Cath 48 St. Mary's St. Mary's
Nov 10 Pt. La Haye Convulsions MANDEVILLE Sarah R?. Rom Cath 8 days Pt. La Haye St. Mary's
Nov 24 St. Vincent's Tuberculosis GIBBONS Louisa Rom Cath 37 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
Nov 15 North Harbor Old Age EDDY Joseph Meth 78 Sound Island North Hr.
Oct 25 Point Verde Tuberculosis ROWE Ellen Rom Cath 21 Point Verde Placentia
Nov 2 Placentia Heart Failure KEEFE Mary Rom Cath 67 Placentia Placentia
Nov 22 N.E. Arm Kidney Trouble GRIFFIN John Rom Cath 52 North E. Arm Placentia
Nov 30 St. John's Hospital Appendicitis RYAN Mary Rom Cath 19 Placentia Placentia
Dec 15 Point Verde Tuberculosis GREEN William Rom Cath 15 Point Verde Placentia
Oct 08 Tack's Beach Still Born COMBY No Entry Ch. of Eng. S.B. Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Oct 13 North Side Old Age MARRY Catherine Rom Cath 85 North Side Mt. Carmel
Oct 15 Musse Pond Heart Failure BUTLAND James Rom Cath 84 Musselpond St. Joseph's
Oct 15 North Side Pneumonia McGRATE Mary Rom Cath 3 North Side Mt. Carmel
Dec 3 Newbridge Pneumonia McDONALD Patrick Rom Cath 4 mos Newbridge St. Joseph's
Dec 26 Tickles Convulsions DOBBIN No Entry Rom Cath 1 day Tickles St. Joseph's
Dec 15 Newbridge Unknown ALLISON Ellen Rom Cath 60 Newbridge St. Joseph's
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Nov 20 Hr. Buffett Premature Birth GREGORY Charles Ch. Eng. 3 hrs Hr. Buffett Hr. Buffett
Dec 1 Corney's Cove Paralysis INGRAM Mary Ann Ch. Eng. 65 Hr. Buffett Mussel Hr. Arm
Dec 11 Haystack Poliomyelitis WAKELY Henry Cleverly Ch. Eng. 24 Haystack Haystack
Dec 16 Spencers Cove Old Age BOUTCHER Thomas Ch. Eng. 84 Spencer's Cove Spencer's Cove
Dec 17 Mussel Hr. Arm Unknown BOUTCHER John William Ch. Eng. 2 mos Mussel Hr. Arm Mussel Hr. Arm
Dec 30 Mussel Hr. Arm Brain Fever SLADE Henry Hedley Neil Ch. Eng. 10 Mussel Hr. Arm Mussel Hr. Arm
Nov 12 Merasheen Pneumonia WILSON Margaret Rom Cath 32 Petite Forte Merasheen
Oct 14 Little Paradise Blood Poison BRENNAN Aggie Rom Cath 23 Marystown Marystown
Oct 21 Merasheen Consumption ENNIS William Rom Cath 23 Merasheen Merasheen
Nov 27 Clattice Hr. Consumption BREWER Louisa Rom Cath 27 Clattice Hr. Clattice Hr.
Dec 8 Paradise Blood Poison POWER Maggie Rom Cath 35 Beau Bois Paradise
Dec 8 Portugal Cove Tuberculosis HARTERY Thomas Rom Cath 66 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec 11 Trepassey Convulsions FITZGERALD Gladys M. Rom Cath 11 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Dec 27 Trepassey Tuberculosis FOLLETT William Rom Cath 49 Trepassey Trepassey
July 14 Argentia Tuberculosis HUNT William Rom Cath 27 Argentia Argentia
Oct 05 Argentia Ulcernated Stomach SMITH Laura Rom Cath 11 Argentia Argentia
Oct 10 Argentia Tuberculosis BRUCE Vincent Rom Cath 24 Argentia Argentia
Sep 13 Red Island Tuberculosis CORRIGAN Elizabeth Rom Cath 18 Red Island Red Island
Oct 18 Red Island Inft. Debility MULROONEY William Rom Cath 8 dys Red Island Red Island
Dec 18 Red Island Meningitis BISHOP Annie Rom Cath 9 Red Island Red Island
Dec 24 Genel Hospt St. John's Abscess Chest BRENNAN Agnes Rom Cath 32 Placentia Placentia
Jan 8 Crawley's Island Consumption MURPHY Mary Rom Cath 24 Crawley's Is Crawley's Is
Jan 12 Bruley Influenza TRAVERS Rosella Rom Cath 19 Bruley Bruley
Jan 18 Port Royal Influenza MURPHY Patrick Rom Cath 16 Port Royal Port Royal
Feb 15 Indian Harbor Influenza ROGERS John Rom Cath 35 Indian Hr. Indian Hr.
Mar 29 Long Harbor Influenza WALSH Edward Rom Cath 25 Fox Harbor Long Harbor
May 21 Long Harbor Old Age NORMAN John Rom Cath 84 Long Hr Long Harbor
May 25 Long Harbor Consumption KEATING Alice Rom Cath 45 Long Hr Long Harbor
June 10 Bar Haven Old Age MORRIS Maria Rom Cath 82 Bar Haven Bar Haven
June 15 Bruley Consumption BENNETT William Rom Cath 20 Bruley Bruley
Sep 20 Bar Haven Child Birth BROWN Lucy Rom Cath 21 Sound Island Bar Haven
Sep 25 Davis Cove Tumor Stomach HYNES Martha Rom Cath 32 Davis Cove Davis Cove
Dec 22 St. Bride's No Entry DOHEY John William Rom Cath 45 St. Bride's St. Bride's
Dec 24 Genl Hospital No Entry BRENNAN Agnes Rom Cath 31 Patrick's Cove Ship Cove
Dec 26 Paradise Cong. Debility RYAN William Rom Cath 2 wks Paradise Paradise
Dec 18 Woody Island Old Age LOCKYER Dinah Ch. Eng. 73 Isle Valen Isle Valen
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January 11 Hay Cove Premature Birth BUTLER James Ch Eng 6 wks Hay Cove Hr. Buffett
December 29 Kingwell Unknown BOUTCHER Mildred Ch Eng 1 mon Kingwell Kingwell
January 20 Hr. Buffett Thrush PIERCEY Henry Arthur Ch Eng 3 mos Hr. Buffett Hr. Buffett
January 22 Hr. Buffett Epilepsy SHORTER Jonathan Ch Eng 76 Trembridge, Eng Hr. Buffett
February 08 Little Hr. East Bronchitis GILBERT Susannah J. Ch Eng 3 Little Hr. East Little Hr. East
March 07 Hr. Buffett Tuberculosis COLLETT Hubert Ch Eng 38 Hr. Buffett Hr. Buffett
January 01 North Harbor Convulsions HOLLETT Martha Meth 20 dys North Harbour North Harbour
March 20 North Harbor Tuberculosis REID Harriet Meth 38 Sound Island North Harbour
December 08, 1919 Gull Cove Influenza JUDGE William Rom Cath 75 Merasheen Branch
January 09 Branch Tuberculosis NASH Thomas Rom Cath 53 Branch Branch
January 12 St. Brides Old Age DOHEY Mary Rom Cath 83 St. Bride's St. Bride's
January 12 Patrick's Cove Heart Disease MCGRATH Bridget Rom Cath 54 Ship Cove Ship Cove
February 09 Branch Paralysis MOONEY Mary Rom Cath 75 Angel's Cove Branch
March 14 St. Brides Old Age CONWAY Ann Rom Cath 80 St. Mary's St. Brides
March 17 St. Brides Tuberculosis FOLEY Mary Rom Cath 35 Paradise Sound St. Brides
March 19 Branch Influenza O'ROURKE Johannah Rom Cath 70 .... Branch
March 21 Patrick's Cove Influenza MCGRATH Mary Joseph Rom Cath 65 Petty Hr. Ship Cove
March 21 Custolett [Cuslett] Convulsions NOLAN Ernest Rom Cath 6 mos Custolet [Cuslett] St. Bride's
Mae 20 Branch Influenza POWER Mary Bridget Rom Cath 18 mos Branch Branch
January 05 Point Verde Pneumonia JUDGE William Rom Cath 10 Point Verde Placentia
January 13 South East Arm Tuberculosis LANNON Theresa Rom Cath 34 South East Arm Placentia
January 20 Little Barrisway Pneumonia FOLEY Gerald M. Rom Cath 16 Little Barrisway Placentia
March 15 Little Barrisway Tuberculosis FOLEY Cecilia Rom Cath 27 Little Barrisway Placentia
March 30 Placentia Pneumonia GREEN Alexander Rom Cath 9 Placentia Placentia
January 12 Gaskiers Convulsions BISHOP Cyril Rom Cath 5 mos Gaskiers St. Mary's
January 26 St. Mary's Tuberculosis YETMAN Alexander Rom Cath 18 St. Mary's St. Mary's
February 26 St. Mary's Old Age RYAN Alice Rom Cath 102 St. Mary's St. Mary's
January 13 St. Vincent's Convulsions ST. CROIX Michael S. Rom Cath 7 dys St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
February 26 St. John's (Sanatorium) Tuberculosis CRAWLEY Ann Rom Cath 24 Boston St. John's
February 29 St. Mary's Tuberculosis BREEN Mary E. Rom Cath 29 St. Mary's St. Mary's
March 10 St. Mary's Tuberculosis ROWSELL John Rom Cath 29 St. Mary's St. Mary's
March 10 Sydney Tuberculosis HALLERAN Stephen Rom Cath 26 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
March 14 St. Vincent's Puerperal Fever LUNGRIGAN Mary A. Rom Cath 23 St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
March 28 Sydney Heart Failure BURKE Joseph Rom Cath 50 St. Mary's St. Mary's
January 24 S.E. Bight Tuberculosis LAKE Ellie Rom Cath 16 S.E. Bight S.E. Bight
February 02 Isle Valen Heart Disease BENNETT Jane Rom Cath 49 Isle Valen Isle Valen
February 05 Merasheen Heart Disease ENNIS Richard Rom Cath 67 Merasheen Merasheen
February 01 Paradise Convulsions RYAN Cecilia Rom Cath 19 mos Paradise Paradise
March 03 Merasheen Inf. Debility ENNIS Catherine Rom Cath 15 mos Merasheen Merasheen
March 13 Merasheen Tuberculosis ENNIS Marcella Rom Cath 23 Merasheen Merasheen
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March 07 Tacks Beach Pneumonia WILLIAMS Sarah Ann Ch Eng 32 Woody Island Tacks Brach
March 01 Isle Valen Cong. Debility LOCKYER Jessie M. Ch Eng 1 mon Isle Valen Isle Valen
March 18 Baine Harbor Tubercular Throat WHITTLE James Ch Eng 67 Baine Harbor Baine Harbor
January 06 St. John's Suffocation DALEY Janet Rom Cath 20 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
March 17 North Harbor Cancer of Throat WALSHE Bridget Rom Cath 42 Newbridge North Harbor
March 03 Regina Old Age DALTON Michael Rom Cath 80 Regina Mosquito
March 02 Harricot Exposure QUIGLEY Patrick Rom Cath 75 Harricot Mt. Carmel
February 24 North Harbor Burns RYAN Elsie Rom Cath 10 North Harbor North Harbor
January 10 Trepassey Cancer of Rectum KENNEDY Samuel Rom Cath 77 Trepassey Trepassey
January 29 Trepassey Convulsions KENNEDY Peter B. Rom Cath 6 dys Trepassey Trepassey
February 04 Trepassey Convulsions CORRIGAN Thomas ?. Rom Cath 4 mos Trepassey Trepassey
February 05 Trepassey Broncho-pneumonia RYAN Thomas Albert Rom Cath 5 mos Trepassey Trepassey
March 05 Trepassey Heart Disease CURTIS Henry Rom Cath 75 Trepassey Trepassey
March 08 Trepassey Broncho-pneumonia FITZPATRICK Mary Rom Cath 78 Trepassey Trepassey
March 25 Trepassey Heart Disease KENNEDY Bridget Rom Cath 74 Trepassey Trepassey
May 24 North Harbor Child Birth LODER Rhoda Meth 45 Sound Island North Harbor
May 30 North Harbor Pul. Tuberculosis CRANN Elizabeth Meth 21 Woody Island North Harbor
January 11 Oderin Heart Failure MURPHY John Rom Cath 75 Oderin Oderin
January 03 Oderin Consumption SENIOR Bridget Rom Cath 15 Oderin Oderin
March 09 St. Joseph's Old Age PICCO Bridget Rom Cath 78 St. Joseph's Oderin
May 22 Oderin Consumption TOBIN John Rom Cath 9 Rushoon Oderin
June 04 Oderin Consumption TOBIN Winifred Rom Cath 21 Oderin Oderin
May 11 Long Island Heart Failure FLYNN Philomena Rom Cath 48 Harbor Main Petit Forte
April 07 Oderin Still Birth LAKE .... Rom Cath S.B. Oderin Oderin
April 24 S.E. Arm Pul. Tuberculosis ANDREAUX Silvester Rom Cath 42 S.E. Arm Placentia
May 06 Placentia Paralysis PHIPPARD John Rom Cath 69 Placentia Placentia
May 28 Placentia Old Age CLANCEY Lucy Rom Cath 69 Point Verde Placentia
May 29 Placentia Haemorrhage Lungs COLLINS Rose Rom Cath 13 N.E. Arm Placentia
June 07 St. John's Bronchitis GRANT John Rom Cath 75 Gt. Barrisway Placentia
June 24 Jerseyside Disease Bladder KEMP James Rom Cath 82 Jerseyside Placentia
April 03 St. John's Nephritis BONIA William Rom Cath 77 St. Mary's St. Mary's
April 04 St. Mary's Ulcer Stomach CULLETON James Rom Cath 67 St. Mary's St. Mary's
April 04 Mall Bay Influenza MEEHAN John Rom Cath 70 St. Mary's Mall Bay
April 06 St. Vincent's Old Age FAGAN Sarah Rom Cath 86 St. Mary's St. Mary's
April 15 St. Mary's Pneumonia NOLAN Teresa Rom Cath 70 St. Mary's St. Mary's
May 17 St. Mary's Cancer Hand BURKE Elizabeth Rom Cath 78 St. Mary's St. Mary's
May 19 Point La Haye Palsy MANDEVILLE Mary Rom Cath 75 Gaskiers St. Mary's
June 01 St. Mary's Hernia PEDDLE Robert Rom Cath 83 St. Mary's St. Mary's
June 13 St. Mary's Uterine Disease BREEN Mary Rom Cath 77 St. Mary's St. Mary's
June 15 St. Mary's Epilepsy FAGAN Monica Rom Cath 15 St. Mary's St. Mary's
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June 25 St. Mary's Convulsions YETMAN Bernard Rom Cath 9 St. Mary's St. Mary's
June 29 St. Mary's Cancer Stomach WALSH Honora Rom Cath 58 Branch St. Mary's
April 22 Point Lance Small Pox CAREEN Richard Rom Cath 75 Point Lance Point Lance
May 01 Branch Pul. Tuberculosis NASH Arthur Rom Cath 18 Branch Branch
May 03 St. Bride's Inf. Debility DOHEY Francis Rom Cath 18 hrs St. Bride's St. Bride's
May 08 Custolet [Cuslett] Convulsions COFFEY Thomas James Rom Cath 1 mon Custolet [Cuslett] St. Bride's
May 10 Gull Cove Small Pox JUDGE Ann Rom Cath 70 Branch Branch
May 12 St. Bride's Inf. Debility DOHEY Thomas James Rom Cath 11 dys St. Bride's St. Bride's
May 22 Branch Pul. Tuberculosis NASH Johannah Rom Cath 30 Branch Branch
June 09 Branch Pul. Tuberculosis NASH Florence Rom Cath 16 Branch Branch
March 24 North Harbor Tuberculosis BAKER John Ch Eng 48 Gooseberry Cove T.B. North Harbor
May 28 Harbor Buffett Convulsions MANNING Annie M. Ch Eng 3.5 mos Harbor Buffett Harbor Buffett
April 21 Portugal Cove Peritonitis O'LEARY Daniel Rom Cath 76 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
April 26 Long Beach Pneumonia MARTIN Nicholas Rom Cath 49 Long Beach Portugal Cove
May 23 Trepassey Old age CORRIGAN Elizabeth Rom Cath 71 Salmonier Trepassey
May 29 Trepassey Convulsions SUTTON Matthew G. Rom Cath 5 mos Trepassey Trepassey
June 10 Trepassey Convulsions KENNEDY William G. Rom Cath 3 mos Trepassey Trepassey
June 12 St. Shott's Heart Disease FINLAY James Rom Cath 44 St. Shott's St. Shott's
June 18 Trepassey Old Age SUTTON Mary Rom Cath 86 Trepassey Trepassey
April 08 Tacks Beach Consumption, General COMBY Hannah Ch. Engld 16.5 Tacks Beach Tacks Beach, Aug 5 1920
April 10 St. John's Tuberculosis, General COMBY Alexander Ch. Engld 19 Tacks Beach St. John's
March 18 Baine Hr. Tuberculosis, Larynx WHITTLE James Ch. Engld 67 Baine Hr. Baine Hr.
May 02 Baine Hr. Chronic Bronchitis ANDREWS Joseph Ch. Engld 75 Charke's Beach C.B. Baine Hr.
June 18 Baine Hr. Ulcer of Stomach WHITE Elizabeth Ch. Engld 62 Baine Hr. Baine Hr.
April 03 St. Joseph's Consumption WHELAN Joseph Rom Cath 16 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
April 20 O'Donnell's Blood Poison PICCO Margaret Rom Cath 38 O'Donnell's St. Joseph's
April 20 Newbridge Tuberculosis GRACE Mary Rom Cath 26 St. Mary's Mt. Carmel
April 23 Newbridge Tuberculosis GRACE Catherine Rom Cath 2 Newbridge Mount Carmel
April 25 O'Donnell's Tuberculosis HANLON Johanna Rom Cath 60 .... St. Joseph's
April 14 Mt. Carmel Convulsions FOWLER Carrie Rom Cath 4 mos Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel
May 07 St. Joseph's Paralysis DALEY Peter Rom Cath 74 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
May 18 Mt. Carmel Cancer MEANEY John Rom Cath 54 Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel
May 31 St. Joseph's Old Age BENNETT Thomas Rom Cath 81 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
June 09 St. Joseph's Influenza GUSHUE Mary Rom Cath 39 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
June 30 St. Joseph's Inf. Debility GUSHUE Paul Rom Cath hrs. St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
June 16 S.E. Bight Child Birth HEFFERAN Bride Rom Cath 24 Petit Forte S.E. Bight
April 23 Isle Valen Inf. Debility GAULTON Lucy Rom Cath 9 mos Isle Valen St. Kyran's
April 11 St. Ann's Consumption GAMBIN Ann Rom Cath 47 Presque St. Kyran's
June 22 Isle Valen Still Birth LEONARD Twin [With Below] Rom Cath S.B. Isle Valen Isle Valen
June 22 Isle Valen Still Birth LEONARD Twin [With Above] Rom Cath S.B. Isle Valen Isle Valen
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May 15 Bona Still Birth FLYNN .... Rom Cath S.B. Bona Bona
April 12 Clattice Heart Failure PALFREY Catherine Rom Cath 78 Clattice St. Kyran's
May 24 Lt. Paradise Inf. Debility BRENNAN Reginald Rom Cath 1 mon Lt. Paradise Paradise
June 07 Paradise Child Birth RYAN Maud Rom Cath 33 Paradise Paradise
June 06 Paradise Haemorrhage Lungs GRANTOR Timothy Rom Cath 62 Paradise Paradise
May 15 Merasheen Consumption PITTMAN Lewis Rom Cath 47 Merasheen Merasheen
June 01 Merasheen Pneumonia PITCHER Charles Rom Cath 8 mos Merasheen Merasheen
June 22 Merasheen Consumption PITTMAN Elizabeth Rom Cath 42 Long Harbor Merasheen
April 24 S.E. Bight Influenza MURPHY Thomas Rom Cath 75 S.E. Bight S.E. Bight
July 10 Hospital, St. John's Heart Failure HOGAN Thomas Rom Cath 35 Argentia Placentia
August 22 Placentia Inf. Debility CONNELLY Francis Rom Cath 22 mos Placentia Placentia
August 23 Dunville Old Age TOBIN Michael Rom Cath 81 Brewley Placentia
September 01 Placentia Pul. Tuberculosis FURLONG William Rom Cath 54 Placentia Placentia
July 03 Mall Bay Still Birth DALY .... Rom Cath S.B. Mall Bay Mall Bay
August 02 St. Mary's Convulsions MOLLOY Angela Rom Cath 1.5 St. Mary's St. Mary's
August 06 St. Vincent's Still Birth STAMP .... Rom Cath S.B. St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
August 27 Middle Gut Convulsions LUNDRIGAN Caroline Rom Cath 5 mos St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
August 22 St. Vincent's Still Birth STAMP .... Rom Cath S.B. St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
September 05 St. Vincent's Still Birth GIBBONS .... Rom Cath S.B. St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
September 26 St. Mary's Heart Disease DOBBIN Michael Rom Cath 9yrs 8mos St. Mary's St. Mary's
July 17 Harbor Buffett Tuberculosis SHAVE Lydia Ch. Eng. 29 Chambers I. P.B. Harbor Buffett
August 08 Harbor Buffett Old Age HOLLETT Elizabeth Ch. Eng. 72 Harbor Buffett Harbor Buffett
August 16 Haystack Tuberculosis WAKELEY Hannah Jessie Ch. Eng. 23 Haystack Haystack
May 15 Arnold's Cove Tuberculosis HAINES Noah Ch. Eng. 20 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
July 29 North Harbor Child Birth HOLLETT Susan Ch. Eng. 30 Campbellton, N.D.B. North Harbor
September 10 St. Bride's .... DOHEY Mary Ellen Rom Cath 43 Branch St. Bride's
August 21 Genl. Hospital Disease of Brain CAREW Patrick Rom Cath 47 Trepassey Trepassey
August 23 Trepassey Tuberculosis Lungs SUTTON Anastatia Rom Cath 45 Trepassey Trepassey
September 27 Trepassey Tuberculosis Lungs TOBIN John M. Rom Cath 29 Trepassey Trepassey
September 30 Trepassey Old Age HALLERHAN William Rom Cath 82 Trepassey Trepassey
September 08 Kingwell Inflammation WAREHAM Malcolm S. Army 15 Kingwell Kingwell
August 08 Oderin Cancer ABBOTT Margaret Rom Cath 56 Argentia Oderin
June 11 Little Harbor Consumption MANNING William Rom Cath 40 Little Hr. Little Hr.
July 17 Merasheen Heart Trouble CONNORS Catherine Rom Cath 56 Merasheen Merasheen
June 15 St. Ann's Old Age COLLINS James Rom Cath 85 St. Ann's St. Kyran's
October 06 St. John's, G. Hos. Haematuria BURKE Peter Rom Cath 41 St. Mary's St. Mary's
October 07 Point La Haye Paralysis MEEHAN Michael Rom Cath 83 St. Mary's St. Mary's
October 16 St. John's Tuberculosis LUNDRIGAN Augustus Rom Cath 19 Peter's River St. Vincent's
October 24 Riverhead Convulsions HANSON Mary Ann Rom Cath 2 dys Riverhead Riverhead
October 27 St. Mary's Asthma DRONE Thomas Rom Cath 40 St. Mary's St. Mary's
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November 07 Point La Haye Dropsy ST. CROIX John Rom Cath 66 Point La Haye St. Mary's
November 10 St. Mary's Still Born BURKE .... Rom Cath S.B. St. Mary's St. Mary's
November 28 Point La Haye Tuberculosis HAYWARD Veronica Rom Cath 13 Point La Haye St. Mary's
July 02 Isle Valen Tuberculosis GREEN Timothy Ch Eng 31 Isle Valen Isle Valen
July 29 Merasheen Old Age BEST Joseph Ch Eng 81 Merasheen Tacks Beach
August 30 Baine Hr. Nephritis BROWN Mary Jane Ch Eng 51 Baine Harbor Baine Harbor
Spet 6 Tacks Beach Prematurity FOOTE Edith S. Ch Eng 4 dys Tacks Beach Tacks Beach
September 04 Baine Hr. Cong. Debility SMITH John Maxwell Ch Eng 4 mos Baine Harbor Baine Harbor
September 23 Baine Hr. Prematurity LACE Frederick Ch Eng 4 dys Baine Harbor Baine Harbor
October 13 Harbor Island Tuberculosis GREEN Benjamin Ch Eng 34 Harbor Island Tacks Beach
December 05 Woody Island Old Age LOCKYER James Ch Eng 87 Isle Valen Isle Valen
November 02 Burnt Island .... PARDY John Ch Eng 60 Burnt Island Baine Harbor
June 30 St. Joseph's Inf. Debility GUSHUE Paul Rom Cath 1 day St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
July 18 Mount Carmel Inf. Debility FOWLER John Rom Cath 1 day Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel
July 18 Mount Carmel Inf. Debility FOWLER Mary Rom Cath 1 day Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel
September 10 Mount Carmel Inf. Debility NOLAN Simon Joseph Rom Cath 1 day Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel
September 15 Regina Inf. Debility POWER Mary Rom Cath 1 day Regina Mosquito
October 12 O'Donnell's Influenza BUTLIN Mary Rom Cath 33 Mt. Carmel St. Joseph's
December 07 St. Joseph's Convulsions GUSHUE Maurice Rom Cath 2 St. Joseph's St. Joseph's
October 01 Haystack Convulsions PIKE Frank Ch Eng 2 Dildo, T.B. Haystack
November 13 Hay Cove Tuberculosis BURTON Charles Ch Eng 35 Hay Cove Hr. Buffett
January 03 Genl. Hospital Cancer Stomach ROGERS James Rom Cath 86 Indian Hr. P.B. Mount Carmel
January 20 Military D. St. John's Pul. Tuberculosis WHALEN Thomas Rom Cath 27 Placentia Mount Carmel
March 27 Insane Asylum Old Age HAGGERTY Elizabeth Rom Cath 71 St. Mary's Mount Carmel
April 08 Sanatorium Cerebo-Spinal Meninigitis GIBBONS Sister Elizabeth Rom Cath 23 St. Vincent's Belvedere
June 16 Jerseyside, Placentia Old Age HENNESSEY Mrs. John Rom Cath 76 Jerseyside Belvedere
June 07 St. John's .... GRANT John Rom Cath 75 .... Placentia
July 11 Genl. Hospital Bright's Disease MURPHY John Rom Cath 50 Petite Forte Mount Carmel
July 16 Poor Asylum Old Age LANG Margaret Rom Cath 80 Oderin Mount Carmel
November 13 Sanatorium Abdominal Tuberculosis HYNES Bridget Rom Cath 15 Merasheen Mount Carmel
December 24 Placentia Heart Failure REARDON Rt. Rev. Monsignor Rom Cath 73 St. John's Belvedere
October 02 Presque Consumption JOHNSON Susan Rom Cath 22 Petite Forte St. Kyran's
November 01 Chambler's Hr. Paralysis JUDGE Anna Rom Cath 60 Clattice Hr. Clattice Hr.
November 04 Paradise Eye Trouble RYAN Gerald Rom Cath 28 dys Paradise Paradise
November 09 Lt. Paradise Inf. Debility MULROONEY Walter Rom Cath 3 Lt. D? Paradise
November 23 Presque Drowning LAKE Patrick Rom Cath 19 Presque St. Kyran's
November 25 Paradise Inf. Debility POMEROY Joseph Rom Cath 3 hrs Paradise Paradise
December 02 Merasheen Inf. Debility ENNIS Marcella Rom Cath 10 mos Merasheen Merasheen
December 02 Merasheen Old Age GARDENER Elizabeth Rom Cath 80 Merasheen Merasheen
October 24 Trepassey Convulsions SUTTON Ronald M. Rom Cath 8 mos Trepassey Trepassey
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November 07 Trepassey Prematurity DORAN .... Rom Cath .hrs Trepassey Trepassey
December 01 St. Shott's Old Age MOLLOY Patrick Rom Cath 68 St. Shott's St. Shott's
December 08 Trepassey Cancer Throat PENNELL Frances Rom Cath 48 Trepassey Trepassey
November 20 Lear's Cove Old Age YOUNG John Rom Cath 89 Lear's Cove St. Bride's
August 04 North Harbor Child Birth EDDY Eliza Meth 36 Sound Is. North Harbor
August 07 North Harbor Old Age LODER Francis Meth 76 .... North Harbor
August 09 North Harbor .... LODER Thomas Meth 47 .... North Harbor
August 14 Woody Island Influenza BARRETT Warwick Bertramy Meth 5 mos Woody Island Woody Island
September 14 Swift Current Influenza SMITH Hannah Meth 10 Swift Current Swift Current
September 16 North Harbor Influenza EDDY Florence Rebecca Meth 2 mos North Harbor North Harbor
July 25 North Harbor Convulsions STANFORD Mabel Florence M. Meth 2 mos North Harbor North Harbor
September 16 North Harbor Convulsions CRANN George Albert Meth 1 mon North Harbor North Harbor
October 05 North Harbor Old Age CRANN Samuel Meth 83 Flat Island North Harbor
November 23 Swift Current Drowning GILBERT Alexander Meth 23 Swift Current Swift Current
December 05 St. John's Operation PASHEN George Meth 51 Harbor Grace Sound Island
December 24 Sound Island Inf. Debility ALLEN Infant Meth 4 dys Sound Island Sound Island
December 28 St. Vincent's Convulsions HAYWARD John Rom Cath 1 day St. Vincent's St. Vincent's
November 06 Little Harbor Convulsions MANNING Raymond Rom Cath 17 mos Little Harbor Little Harbor
December 20 Little Harbor Still Born MANNING .... Rom Cath S.B. Little Harbor Little Harbor
November 05 Little Harbor Old Age MCGRATH Richard Rom Cath 75 Argentia Little Harbor
June 11 Little Harbor Consumption MANNING William Rom Cath 40 Little Harbor Little Harbor
October 04 Arnold's Cove Appendicitis HAINES Mabel Ch Eng 12 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
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Jan 11 Riverhead Old Age BOLAND Ann Rom Cath 84 Riverhead Riverhead
Feb 14 Peter's River Still Birth LUNDRIGAN no entry Rom Cath SB Peter's River St Vincent
Feb 14 Peter's River Still Birth LUNDRIGAN no entry Rom Cath SB Peter's River St Vincent
Mar 4 Point LaHaye Pul Tuberculosis MOONEY Thomas Rom Cath 19 Point LaHaye St Mary's
Mar 9 Gaskier Paralysis CRITCH Ann Rom Cath 76 Holyrood St Mary's
Jan 17 Trepassey Old Age TOBIN Richard Rom Cath 84 Trepassey Trepassey
Jan Trepassey Convulsions CARRIGAN Arthur Joseph Rom Cath 1 Trepassey Trepassey
Feb 4 Biscay Bay Prematurity WHITE Nancy Rom Cath hrs Biscay Bay Trepassey
Feb 16 Trepassey Old Age KENNEDY Susan Rom Cath 70 Biscay Bay Trepassey
Feb 20 Trepassey Puerperal Fever CURTIS Bridget Rom Cath 37 Trepassey Trepassey
Mar 1 Trepassey Bright's Disease FITZGERALD John Rom Cath 53 Trepassey Trepassey
Mar 11 Trepassey Convulsions FITZGERALD Alice Mary Rom Cath 9 mo Trepassey Trepassey
Mar 12 Riscay Bay Pneumonia WHITE Thomas Rom Cath 69 Biscay Bay Trepassey
Mar 27 Trepassey Malnutrition CARRIGAN Margaret M Rom Cath 1 dy Trepassey Trepassey
Jan 26 Flat Islands Old Age BUTLER Henry Meth 79 Flat Islands Flat Islands
Jan 16 St Joseph's Consumption GUSHUE Mary Rom Cath 34 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Jan 30 Colinet Consumption DEANE Laura Rom Cath 16 Colinet Colinet
Feb 28 Colinet Pneumonia DOWNEY Bernard Rom Cath 52 Colinet Colinet
Feb 24 Oderin Child Birth KIELEY Bridget Rom Cath 23 Salmonier Oderin
Mar 31 Oderin Convulsions WALSH Michael Rom Cath 15 mo Oderin Oderin
Mar 6 Bay de Leau White Mouth BAILEY Mary Rom Cath 8 mo Bay de Leau Bay de Leau
Mar 66 Parker's Cove Consumption HAYES Mary Rom Cath 25 Parker's Cove Parker's Cove
Jan 20 Tack's Beach Gen Tuberculosis TROWBRIDGE John Ch Eng 46 Butt's Hole Tack's Beach
Jan 31 St Joseph's Accident PARDY Edith Mabel Ch Eng 4 St Joseph's Baine Hr
Feb 11 Tack's Beach Drowning HAMILTON Robert Ch Eng 49 Isle Valen Tack's Beach
Feb 11 Tack's Beach Drowning BROWN Benjamin J Ch Eng 35 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Mar 7 Merasheen Cong Debility POMEROY Leonna Rom Cath 10 mo Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 8 Paradise Consumption BYRNE Margaret M Rom Cath 37 Le Paradise Le Paradise
Mar 14 S E Bight Consumption BARRY Esther Rom Cath 20 S E Bight S E Bight
Jan 1 Kingwell Consumption BOUTCHER Lillas E M S Army 24 Kingwell Kingwell
May 10 Famish Cove Convulsions JARVIS Myrtle Meth 27 dys Famish Cove Famish Cove
Jan 10 Trinny Cove Old Age REID Jane Ch Eng 89 Hr Bufett Harbor Buffett
Apl 7 Harbor Buffett Paralysis KIRBY William Ch Eng 64 Hr Bufett Harbor Buffett
Apl 8 Harbor Buffett Malnutrition DICKS Winnie Ch Eng 2 mo Hr Bufett Harbor Buffett
Apl 24 Kingwell Heart Disease SLADE Elvina Ch Eng 68 Kingwell Kingwell
June 6 Hr Buffett Influenza UPSHALL Hannah Ch Eng 61 Hr Bufett Harbor Buffett
June 18 Spencer's Cove Unknown PEACH Chesley Ch Eng 30 Spencer's Cove Spencer's Cove
May 23 Hr Buffett Heart Failure HANN Caroline Ch Eng 29 Hr Bufett Harbor Buffett
May 22 Corney's Cove Influenza INGRAM Emma Ch Eng 72 Hr Bufett Kingwell
May 22 Corney's Cove Tuberculosis INGRAM Emily Ch Eng 32 Kingwell Kingwell
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Apl 1 Tack's Beach Dropsy PENNY Rosetta Olive Ch Eng 3 1/2 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Apl 11 Tack's Beach Pul Tuberculosis BOLT Jennie Maud Ch Eng 21 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
May 4 Jean de Gaunt Ulcer DOWDEN Mary Jane Ch Eng 38 Isle Valen Tack's Beach
June 5 Tack's Beach Genl Tuberculosis WARREN Laurena Ch Eng 23 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
June 8 Chance Cove Genl Tuberculosis UPSHALL Sarah Jane Ch Eng 19 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
May 30 Rushoon Inflammation Bowels PARDY Joseph Ch Eng 69 Burnt Isld Baine Harbor
May 11 Trepassey Broncho Pneumonia RYAN Bernard Rom Cath 2 mo Trepassey Trepassey
Apl 11 Merasheen Pneumonia HIPDITCH Augustus Rom Cath 3 Merasheen Paradise
Apl 28 Paradise Beri Beri DUNPHY Alphonsus Rom Cath 41 Merasheen Paradise
May 7 Paradise Consumption DUNPHY Elizabeth Rom Cath 30 Petite Forte Petite Forte
May 7 Darby's Harbor Child Birth LAKE Esther Rom Cath 34 Darby's Hr S E Bight
May 11 Clattice Hr Paralysis PICCO Elizabeth Rom Cath 14 Clattice Hr Clattice Hr
May 7 Clattice Hr Rheumatism CONNORS John Rom Cath 68 Grandy's Pt Clattice Hr
June 12 Merasheen Consumption BEST Mary Rom Cath 50 Merasheen Merasheen
May 23 St Leonard Inf Debility RODGER Henry Rom Cath 2 mo St Leonard's St ?yran's
Apl 8 Riverhead Pul Tuberculosis BONIA Michael Rom Cath 17 Riverhead Riverhead
Apl 24 St Mary's Convulsions ROWSELL Catherine Rom Cath 2 1/2 St Mary's St Mary's
May 28 Pt La Haye Convulsions WHITE Mary Margaret Rom Cath 18 dys Pt La Haye St Mary's
June 1 Middle Gut Convulsions FLEMMING Albert Rom Cath 6 dys Middle Gut St Vincent's
June 11 Middle Gut Heart Failure CONNORS Thomas Rom Cath 82 Middle Gut St Vincent's
June 21 St Mary's Pul Tuberculosis McGRATH Gregory Rom Cath 69 St Mary's St Mary's
June 21 St Vincent's Still Birth STAMP no entry Rom Cath SB St Vincent's St Vincent's
Jan 7 Woody Island no entry BARRETT Bertha Viola Meth 7 Woody Island Woody Island
Jan 8 Haystack Heart Failure GILBERT Thomas Meth 77 no entry Haystack
Jan 22 Woody Island no entry BARRETT Rita Maud Meth 9 Woody Island Woody Island
Mar 1 Haystack no entry COFFIN George Meth 7 no entry Woody Island
Mar 3 North Harbor no entry BRINSTON Amelia Meth 52 Sound Island North Harbor
Feb 5 Haystack Child Birth BERT Maud Meth no entry Green's Hr Haystack
Feb 5 Haystack Still Birth BERT Baby Meth SB Haystack Haystack
Apl 30 Swift Current Consumption BARRETT Edith M Meth 15 Woody Island Swift Current
Apl 1 Sound Island Old Age GILES Elizabeth Meth 77 Sound Island Sount Island
Apl 3 St Joseph's Old Age DINN Mary Rom Cath 86 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Apl 10 St Joseph's Old Age BISHOP Robert Rom Cath 85 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Apl 30 O'Donnell's Cancer of nose TREMLET Margaret Rom Cath 62 O'Donnell's St Joseph's
June 8 Mosquito Old Age DOODY Katherine Rom Cath 87 Cape Dog Mosquito
June 24 Mitchell's Brook Convulsions PENNY Mary Rom Cath 3 wks Mitchell's Bk St Joseph's
June 27 Mitchell's Brook Consumption PENNY Rita Rom Cath 24 Newbridge St Joseph's
June 16 O'Donnell's Still Born DALY Val Rom Cath SB O'Donnell's St Joseph's
June 15 At Sea Drowned DALY Valentine Rom Cath 26 St Joseph's At Sea
June 15 At Sea Drowned MARRY Edward Rom Cath 23 Mt Carmel At Sea
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Apl 24 Genl Hospital Uraemia KING William Rom Cath 25 Fox Harbor Fox Harbor
June 24 St John's Pul Tuberculosis PENNY Anne Rom Cath 66 St Kyran's St Kyran's
Mar 5 Oderin Consumption WALSH Patrick Rom Cath 38 Oderin Oderin
May 22 Rushoon Heart Disease BENNETT James Rom Cath 63 Rushoon Rushoon
May 17 Rushoon Stomach trouble VATERS Anne Rom Cath 63 Flat Islands Rushoon
June 14 Oderin Inf Debility LAKE Michael Rom Cath 2 mo Oderin Oderin
May 10 Rushoon Old Age VATERS Mary Rom Cath 81 Rushoon Rushoon
June 4 Little Harbor Convulsions MULLALY Michael Rom Cath dys Little Harbor Little Harbor
Sep 17 Oderin Meningitis DRAKE Lucy Rom Cath 11 Oderin Oderin
July 24 Oderin Consumption LAKE Alice Rom Cath 29 Oderin Oderin
Sep 7 St Joseph's Old Age HANRAHAN John Rom Cath 78 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Sep 23 Petit Forte Consumption CHEESEMAN John Rom Cath 18 Petit Forte Petit Forte
July 5 St Vincent's Pericarditis HALLERAN Michael Rom Cath 68 St Vincent's St Vincent's
July 17 Middle Gut Still Birth MAKIM Baby Rom Cath SB Middle Gut Middle Gut
July 25 Oporto Drowned LEE Bernard Rom Cath 24 Riverhead Oporto
Aug 2 St Vincent's Convulsions HAYWARD Denis James Rom Cath 2 dys St Vincent's St Vincent's
Aug 6 Pt La Haye Pul Tuberculosis WHITE George Rom Cath 33 Point La Haye St Mary's
Aug 20 St Mary's Pul Tuberculosis DOBBIN Maria Rom Cath 40 Gaskiers St Mary's
Sep 10 Port Arthur,Ont Drowning WHELAN Augustus Rom Cath 23 St Mary's Port Arthur, Ont
Sep 11 Gaskiers Old Age TOBIN Mary Rom Cath 86 Gaskiers St Mary's
Sep 15 Coote's Pond Old Age CORCORAN Bridget Rom Cath 93 Riverhead Riverhead
Sep 21 St Mary's Heart Failure HOGAN Daniel Rom Cath 74 St Mary's St Mary's
July 2 Sound Island Tuberculosis of Bowels BRINSTON Dinah E Meth 32 Sound Island Sound Island
July 11 Sound Island Tuberculosis GILES Lydia Ann Meth 20 Sound Island Sound Island
July 16 Sound Island Haemorrhage BECK Reginald Meth 12 Sound Island Sound Island
July 1 North Harbor Consumption BRINSTON Allison Meth 30 North Harbor North Harbor
Aug 12 Sound Island Heart Failure BAILEY Charles Ch Eng 63 Oderin Sound Island
Aug 18 Sound Island Still Birth no entry no entry Meth SB Sound Island Sound Island
Sep 22 On Fishing Ground Drowning LOCKYER Warren Meth 19 Woody Island Body not recovered
Sep 22 On Fishing Ground Drowning HOLLETT John Meth 21 Woody Island Body not recovered
July 18 Hay Cove Tuberculosis BURTON Ethel Ch Eng 17 Hay Cove Harbor Buffett
Feb 24 Arnold's Cove Unknown GUY Evelyn Louisa Ch Eng 1 1/2 mo Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
May 7 North Harbor Influenza RODWAY Alexander Ch Eng 3 mo North Harbor North Harbor
July 14 North Harbor Unknown PAFFORD Emma Pearl Ch Eng 6 North Harbor North Harbor
July 25 North Harbor Typhoid Fever PAFFORD Susannah Ch Eng 29 Tack's Beach North Harbor
Aug 20 Tack's Beach Typhoid Fever GREEN Elizabeth Ch Eng 55 Isle Valen Tack's Beach
Sep 3 Baine Harbor Old Age SMITH Mary Ann Ch Eng 86 Baine Hr Baine Harbor
May 14 Jersey Side Phthisis SHEA Patrick Rom Cath 42 no entry Placentia
May 14 N E Placentia Phthisis HUNT Helen Rom Cath 10 N E Placentia Placentia
June 24 Placentia Intestine trouble GRACE John Rom Cath 67 Placentia Placentia
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June 16 Placentia Intestine trouble DELANEY Michael Rom Cath 60 Placentia Placentia
June 18 Alaska, USA Killed GREEN Henry Rom Cath 33 Point Verde Placentia
June 28 S E Placentia Old Age McCARTHY Margaret Rom Cath 92 Placentia Placentia
July 1 Point Verde Old Age GREENE Mary Rom Cath 69 Point Verde Placentia
July 12 Freshwater Abscess on Brain KELLY Henry Rom Cath 18 Freshwater Placentia
July 25 Lunatic Asylum, St J no entry GRIFFIN Thomas Rom Cath 63 N E Placentia Placentia
Aug 19 Placentia Phthisis WALSH Marie Rom Cath 35 Placentia Placentia
Aug 19 N E Placentia Phthisis BIRD John Joseph Rom Cath 23 Placentia Placentia
Aug 31 Genl Hospsital, St J Kidney Diseas DUNPHY William Rom Cath 63 Placentia Placentia
Sep 4 Placentia Drowned COLLINS Bridget Rom Cath 11 Placentia Placentia
Sep 5 Placentia Tuberculosis HARTIGAN Ita Rom Cath 12 Placentia Placentia
Sep 27 Placentia Paralysis DELANEY Matthew Rom Cath 66 Placentia Placentia
July 30 Pinch Cove Heart Failure WHITE Bridget S Army 45 Pinch Cove Pinch Cove
Sep 17 Paradise Sound Pneumonia MONK Harold S Army 18 mo Paradise Sd Paradise Sound
June 23 Isle Valen Cancer Stomach GAULTON Margaret Rom Cath 60 Isle Valen St Kyran's
July 18 Clattice Harbor Consumption HIPDITCH Ann Rom Cath 36 Davis Cove St Kyran's
July 19 Bonah Consumption GREEN Catherine Rom Cath 20 Great Bonah St Kyran's
July 27 Merasheen Consumption BEST Wilhelmina Rom Cath 17 Merasheen Merasheen
July 31 Presque Consumption LAKE Mary Rom Cath 17 Presque St Kyran's
Aug 7 Clattice Consumption GREEN Anthony Rom Cath 2 mo Clattice St Kyran's
Aug 16 Clattice Drowning HIPDITCH Ronald Rom Cath 9 Clattice St Kyran's
Aug 18 Clattice Consumption GREEN John Rom Cath 2 Clattice St Kyran's
Sep 2 Little Paradise Inf Debility BRENNAN Mary Rom Cath 3 mo Lt Paradise Paradise
Sep 7 Darby's Hr Consumption LAKE Stephen Rom Cath 2 Darby's Hr S E Bight
Sep 9 Deep Cove Old Age DUNPHY Johanna Rom Cath 82 Deep Cove St Kyran's
Sep 13 S E Bight Cholera GOLDSWORTHY Agnes Rom Cath 67 St Leonards S E Bight
Sep 18 St Kyran's Consumption LEONARD Mary Rom Cath 42 Petit Forte St Kyran's
Sep 19 Darby's Hr Consumption LAKE James Rom Cath 4 mo Darby's Hr S E Bight
Sep 27 St Kyran's Consumption HAPGOOD Patrick Rom Cath 22 Clattice Hr St Kyran's
Aug 5 St Joseph's Consumption DALY Margery Rom Cath 1 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Aug 11 Regina Cove Ilds Consumption POWER Agnes Rom Cath 21 Regina Mosquito
Aug 28 Tickles Enteritis LENIHAN Clara Rom Cath 2 Tickles Colinet
June 16 O'Donnell's Still Birth no entry no entry Rom Cath SB O'Donnell's O'Donnell's
Oct 25 St Mary's Cancer Stomach Ezekial Mary Rom Cath 50 St Mary's St Mary's
Nov 18 St Mary's Tuberculosis Lungs BUTLER Eliza Rom Cath 15 St Mary's St Mary's
Nov 22 St Mary's Asthma QUILTY Patrick Rom Cath 76 St Mary's St Mary's
Nov 22 Gaskiers Convulsions WILLIAMS Rita Mary Rom Cath 6 wks Gaskiers St Mary's
Nov 8 St Vincent's Tuberculosis Lungs HALLERAN Hannah M Rom Cath 9 St Vincent's St Vincent's
Dec 21 St Vincent's Tuberculosis Lungs MARTIN Mary Rom Cath 22 St Vincent's St Vincent's
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Oct 23 Admiral's Beach Convulsions GREGORY William Rom Cath 7 dys Admiral's Beach Mosquito
Nov 14 O'Donnell's Child Birth EDWARDS Catherine Rom Cath 23 O'Donnell's St Joseph's
Nov 22 O'Donnell's Heart Failure PICCO Denis Rom Cath 4 O'Donnell's St Joseph's
Nov 18 Colinet Ascites CARRIGAN Sarah Rom Cath 40 Colinet Colinet
Dec 28 Admiral's Beach Child Birth COMERFORD Elizabeth Rom Cath 33 Admiral's Beach Mall Bay
June 27 Burnt Is Old Age DEER William Ch Eng 87 Salt Cove, St Lawrence Baine Hr
July 3 Tack's Beach Rachitis BOLT Berkeley Ch Eng 1 3/4 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Oct 29 Baine Harbor Infln Bowels DICKS James Ch Eng 61 Baine Hr Baine Hr
Nov 22 Tack's Beach Meningitis DOWDEN Elizabeth Ch Eng 13 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Dec 14 Swift Current Consumption BARRETT Elizabeth J Meth 21 Swift Current Swift Current
Dec 27 Sound Island Fnflamn Bowels BECK Lambert Meth 37 Sound Island Sound Island
Oct 13 Little Bonah Inf Debility WHITE Thomas Joseph Rom Cath 1 day Lt Borah Paradise
Oct 13 S E Bight Inf Debility YOUNG Marina Rom Cath 4 mo S E Bight S E Bight
Nov 16 Merasheen Consumption VISCOUNT Margaret Rom Cath 34 Indian Hr Merasheen
Nov 24 Lt Paradise Paralysis HICKEY Margaret Rom Cath 73 no entry Paradise
Nov 24 Lt Paradise Consumption BRENNAN Maria Rom Cath 29 Lt Borah Paradise
Dec 11 Clattice Hr Stomach trouble VISCOUNT Margaret Rom Cath 53 S W Clattice St Kyran's
Dec 19 St Kyran's Consumption POWER Leo Rom Cath 25 St Kyran's St Kyran's
Aug 6 S E Bight Consumption MURPHY Mary Ellen Rom Cath 32 Presque S E Bight
Oct 27 Hr Buffett Old Age KIRBY Mary Ch Eng 95 Burin Hr Buffett
Oct 10 Genl Hospital Cancer HENDRICK Mary Rom Cath 73 Placentia Placentia
Oct 10 Placentia Convulsions LAMB Mary Joseph Rom Cath 6 mo Placentia Placentia
Oct 28 Placentia Pleurisy HARTIGAN Laura Rom Cath 13 Placentia Placentia
Oct 31 Placentia Paralysis WYSE Mary Rom Cath 75 Placentia Placentia
Nov 13 Placentia Tuberculosis CARROL Gabriel Rom Cath 38 Placentia Placentia
Nov 14 N E Placentia Tuberculosis HUNT Mary Ann Rom Cath 30 Placentia Placentia
Dec 2 Placentia Jaundice MOONEY Ellen Rom Cath 64 Placentia Placentia
Dec 9 S E Placentia Intestinal COLLINS Samuel Rom Cath 63 Placentia Placentia
Jan 5 Bar Haven Old Age MORRIS Catherine Rom Cath 82 Bar Haven Bar Haven
May 10 Iona Consumption MURPHY Jane Rom Cath 24 Iona Iona
June 15 Iona Pneumonia DUKE Ellen Rom Cath no entry Iona Iona
June 25 Long Harbor Old Age MURRAY Maurice Rom Cath 86 Long Hr Long Hr
July 21 Long Harbor Pneumonia HAMMOND Edward Rom Cath 78 Long Hr Long Hr
July 18 Trepassey Old Age WADDLETON May Rom Cath 88 St John's Trepassey
Aug 19 Biscay Bay Pleuro Pneumonia WHITE Anthony Rom Cath 57 Biscay Bay Trepassey
Sep 17 Trepassey Marasmus HALLERAN Laurence Rom Cath 6 mo Trepassey Trepassey
Nov 7 Trepassey Insanity KENNEDY Ellen Rom Cath 68 Burin Trepassey
Dec 2 Trepassey Pul Tuberculosis McNEIL Bridget Rom Cath 16 Trepassey Trepassey
Dec 24 Trepassey Convulsions WADDLETON Rita Rom Cath 6 mo Trepassey Trepassey
PAGE 473                
Sep 4 North Hr Typhoid Fever PAFFORD Lewis Ch Eng 16 Comey's Cove North Hr
Oct 5 North Hr Heart Failure PAFFORD Stella Ch Eng 9 North Hr North Hr
Aug 26 Pinch Cove Consumption SMITH Nathaniel Sal Army 25 Pinch Cove Pinch Cove
Dec 18 North Hr Inf Debility BRINSTON Allison Allington Meth 7 mo North Hr North Hr
PAGE 474                
Feb 21 Isle Valen Epilepsy BENNETT Augustus Rom Cath 14 Isle Valen St Kyran's
Mar 14 Isle Valen Consumption GAULTON Cicily Rom Cath 14 Isle Valen St Kyran's
Mar 17 Lt Paradise Inf Paralysis MARTIN Thomas Rom Cath 11 mo Lt Paradise Paradise
Jan 18 Merasheen Pneumonia HIPDITCH Mary Rom Cath 1 Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 16 Merasheen Inf Debility PITCHER Marcella Rom Cath 1 Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 25 Merasheen Abscess FULFORD Madonna Rom Cath 2 Merasheen Merasheen
Feb 2 Dunville Genl Debility O'RIELLY Rachael Rom Cath 47 Dunville Placentia
Feb 4 Placentia Cancer Stomach WYSE Richard Rom Cath 72 Placentia Placentia
Feb 6 Jersey Side Old Age HICKEY Catherine Rom Cath 87 Placentia Placentia
Feb 8 Placentia Haemorrhage Brain MOONEY Thomas Rom Cath 64 Placentia Placentia
Feb 8 Dunville Old Age FLYNN Mary Rom Cath 78 Placentia Placentia
Feb 20 South East Old Age KELLY Elizabeth Rom Cath 86 Placentia Placentia
Feb 24 Placentia Bronchitis DUNN Leo Rom Cath 9 m0 Placentia Placentia
Mar 1 Placentia Old Age O'DOWD Sr Mary Aloysius Rom Cath 83 Convent Placentia Placentia
Jan 5 Riverhead Pneumonia BARRON John Rom Cath 76 Holyrood Riverhead
Jan 7 Riverhead Diphtheria LEE Mary Ann Rom Cath 17 Riverhead Riverhead
Feb 1 Middle Gut Pul Tuberculosis GIBBONS Patrick Rom Cath 34 St Vincent's St Vincent's
Feb 10 Riverhead Bronchitis LEE Thomas Rom Cath 77 Riverhead Riverhead
Feb 10 Gaskier Pul Tuberculosis TOBIN Nicholas Rom Cath 20 Gaskier St Mary's
Feb 15 Peter's River Pul Tuberculosis LUNDRIGAN Edward Rom Cath 28 Peter's River St Vincent's
Feb 16 St Vincent's Convulsions RYAN Emily Josephine Rom Cath 11 mo St Vincent's St Vincent's
Feb 27 Middle Gut Still Birth GIBBONS no entry Rom Cath SB Middle Gut St Vincent's
Mar 18 Middle Gut Still Birth HAYWARD no entry Rom Cath SB Middle Gut St Vincent's
Mar 20 St Vincent's Paralysis ST CROIX Ann Rom Cath 75 St Vincent's St Vincent's
Mar 23 St Mary's Pneumonia FEWER Martha Rom Cath 77 St Mary's St Mary's
Feb 16 Genl Hospital Cardiac Failure McROONEY Garrett Rom Cath 60 Red Island Mt Carmel, St John's
Mar 8 Insane Asylum Epilepsy HOLLETT Willis Meth 18 Spanish Cove G P Cemetery
Mar 21 Genl Hospital Tuberculosis FULFORD Denis Rom Cath 12 Merasheen Mt Carmel
Feb 2 Wood's Island Inflammation Bowels BARRETT William Frederick Meth 51 Woody Is Woody Island
Mar 19 Swift Current Infantile Debility SMITH Ethel Beatrice Meth 2 mo Swift Current Swift Current
Mar 23 North Harbor General Debility BRINSTON Robert William Meth 64 Sound Island North Harbor
Jan 6 Little Harbor Tuberculosis & Heart Failure MURPHY Winifred Rom Cath 30 Little Hr Little Hr
Jan 28 Oderin Tuberculosis MANNING William Rom Cath 30 Oderin Oderin
Mar 17 Parker's Cove Exposure BURNE Elizabeth Rom Cath 65 Burnt Islsds Gt Paradise
May 20 The Sanatorium Pul Tuberculosis UPSHALL Annie Ch Eng 18 Harbor Buffett Ch of Eng, St John's
Jan 8 O'Donnell's Inf Debility MAHONEY Edward J Rom Cath 2 mo O'Donnell's St Joseph's
Jan 9 St Joseph's Old Age DALEY Maurice Rom Cath 95 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Jan 18 Regina Paralysis POWER William Rom Cath 72 Regina Mosquito
Mar 16 St Joseph's Beri-Beri RYAN Richard Rom Cath 56 St Joseph's St Joseph's
Mar 24 St Joseph's Paralysis DALEY Laurence Rom Cath 78 St Joseph's St Joseph's
PAGE 475                
Apl 28 Tack's Beach Cancer FOOTE Elizabeth Ch Eng 61 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
May 26 Chance Cove, TB Tuberculosis SQUIRES Ida Ch Eng 40 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Dec 4/21 Oderin Diseased bone of jaw KING Charles Ch Eng 63 Oderin Oderin
Apl 1/22 Middle Gut Puerpural Fever HAYWARD Mary Rom Cath 36 St Joseph's St Vincent's
Apl 11 Peter's River Pul Tuberculosis LUNDRIGAN James Rom Cath 25 Peter's River St Vincent's
Apl 18 Riverhead Old Age LEE Michael Rom Cath 80 Riverhead Riverhead
Apl 18 Middle Gut Convulsions HAYWARD Patricia M Rom Cath 1 mo Middle Gut St Vincent's
May 15 St Vincent's Pul Tuberculosis HALLORAN Alan J Rom Cath 21 St Vincent's St Vincent's
May 18 Gaskier Old Age CRITCH John Rom Cath 85 Gaskiers St Mary's
May 24 St Vincent's Pul Tuberculosis RYAN Lizzie Rom Cath 23 St Vincent's St Vincent's
June 2 Point La Haye Pul Tuberculosis HAYWARD Teresa Rom Cath 55 Holyrood St Mary's
June 10 Riverhead Bronchitis MEANEY Thomas Rom Cath 74 Riverhead Riverhead
June 11 St Mary's Pul Tuberculosis BARRY John Rom Cath 16 St Mary's St Mary's
June 12 Gaston, England Drowning GIBBONS John Rom Cath 20 St Vincent's Gaston, England
June 20 Sanatorium, St John's Pul Tuberculosis WHITE Mary Ann Rom Cath 31 Point La Haye St John's, Mount Carmel
Apl 3 Bay de L'eau Convulsions WALSHE William Rom Cath 5 min Bay de L'eau Bay de L'eau
June 7 Parker's Cove Fell over cliff HAYSE Anthony Rom Cath 75 North Harbor, PB Parker's Cove
June 11 Bay de L'eau White mouth HYNES Teresa Rom Cath 5 wks Bay de L'eau Bay de L'eau
Jan 2 Poor Asylum Old Age FITZPATRICK Kate Rom Cath 91 Placentia Placentia
Feb 4 Sanatorium Pul Tuberculosis HARTERY Margaret Rom Cath 28 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 6 Sanatorium Pul Tuberculosis DALEY Mrs Josephine Rom Cath 30 Salmonier Salmonier
Apl 17 Placentia Heart Disease WALSH Ann Rom Cath 67 Placentia Placentia
Apl 21 Placentia Dropsy LANNON Esther Rom Cath 76 Placentia Placentia
Apl 28 Placentia Accid Drowning FEWER William Rom Cath 70 Placentia Placentia
May 4 Placentia Convulsions McGEE Catherine M Rom Cath 4dys Placentia Placentia
May 6 Placentia Heart Disease COLLINS Bridget Rom Cath 80 St Mary's Placentia
June 10 Placentia Heart Disease BONIA Frances Rom Cath 70 Placentia Placentia
Nov/21 At Sea Drowned TULK Frank Ch Eng 52 Hr Buffett Body not recovered
Nov/21 At Sea Drowned SLADE Jesse Ch Eng 18 Kingwell Body not recovered
Nov/21 At Sea Drowned DICKS Albert Cecil Ch Eng 21 Hr Buffett Body not recovered
Nov/21 At Sea Drowned DICKS Clement E R Ch Eng 19 Hr Buffett Body not recovered
Apl 30 Hr Buffett Old Age BURTON Isabella Ch Eng 75 Hr Buffett Hr Buffett
Feb 12 Kingwell Convulsions MAY Dinah Ch Eng 16 dys Kingwell Kingwell
Apl 7 Kingwell Heart Disease SLADE Matilda Ch Eng 16 Kingwell Kingwell
Apl 20 Sound Island Consumption BRINSTON Robert W Meth 40 Sound Is Sound Island
Apl 21 Swift Current Marasmus CROCKER Alexander N Meth 1 1/2 Swift Current Swift Current
Apl 23 Swift Current Consumption CROCKER Anna Jane Meth 21 Swift Current Swift Current
Apl 17 Swift Current Still Born BARRETT Baby Meth SB Swift Current Swift Current
May 2 Swift Current Child Birth BARRETT Ethel Meth 23 Swift Current Swift Current
PAGE 476                
Apl 6 Merasheen Inf Debility BEST Margaret Rom Cath 7 wks Merasheen Merasheen
Apl 11 S E Bight Old Age DUNPHY John Rom Cath 83 Burnt Is S E bight
Apl 20 Merasheen Inf Debility PITCHER George Rom Cath 1 Merasheen Merasheen
May 6 Presque Consumption PITTMAN Mary Rom Cath 46 Presque St Kyran's
May 11 Merasheen Child Birth CURRAN Maria Rom Cath 30 Merasheen Merasheen
May 17 S E Bight Old Age WHITE Sylvester Rom Cath 79 S E Bight S E bight
June 6 Merasheen Inf Debility MOORE Margaret Rom Cath 1 1/2 Merasheen Merasheen
June 9 Darby's Hr Fever, Enteric LAKE Albert Rom Cath 15 Darby's Hr Darby's Hr
June 15 Clattice Hr Dropsy CONNORS Mary Ann Rom Cath 81 Sound Is Clattice Hr
June 27 Clattice Hr Old Age BREWE Willialm Rom Cath 74 Clattice Hr Clattice Hr
Apl 11 Newbridge Killed by falling spar POWER Arthur Rom Cath 24 Newbridge Mount Carmel
Apl 25 Newbridge Old Age McDONALD John Rom Cath 78 Newbridge St Joseph's
May 5 St Joseph's Rupture DALEY Catherine Rom Cath 10 mo St Joseph's St Joseph's
May 10 Newbridge Ascites CRITCH Patrick Rom Cath 72 Newbridge St Joseph's
May 10 50 Le Marchant Rd, St John's Endocarditis DINN Martha Rom Cath 16 Mount Carmel Mount Carmel
June 5 Newbridge Old Age O'ROURKE Mary Rom Cath 77 Newbridge St Joseph's
July 7 Dunville Convulsions WARD Magella Rom Cath 1 hr Dunville Placentia
July 23 Placentia Cerebral Haemorrhage FLYNN Minnie Rom Cath 64 Placentia Placentia
Aug 16 Freshwater Peritonitis MILLER Angela Rom Cath 31 Freshwater Placentia
Aug 29 Placentia Hearth Disease O'REILLY Thomas Rom Cath 67 Placentia Placentia
Aug 30 The Sanatorium Tuberculosis FURLONG Madelilne Rom Cath 18 Placentia Placentia
July 23 St Mary's Bronchitis BURKE Peter Rom Cath 15 St Mary's St Mary's
Aug 21 St Mary's Dropsy BOWEN Agnes Rom Cath 60 St Mary's St Mary's
Sep 10 St Mary's Pneumonia BREEN Gertrude Rom Cath 10 St Mary's St Mary's
Aug 8 Oderin Heart Trouble MURPHY Ellen Rom Cath 77 Placentia Oderin
Sep 2 Petite Forte Consumption SQUIRES Mary Rom Cath 12 Petite Forte Petite Forte
Sep 4 Petite Forte Old Age PITTMAN Thomas Rom Cath 86 Petite Forte St Kyran's
Sep 8 Petite Forte Still Birth no entry no entry Rom Cath SB Petite Forte Petite Forte
July 22 Spencer's Cove Consumption BURKSHIRE Allan Meth 25 Spencer's Cove Spencer's Cove
Sep 29 Sound Island Paralysis BRINSTON Annie Meth 43 Kingwell Sound Island
July 3 Harbor Buffett Old Age TULK Harriett Ch Eng 72 Hr Buffett Harbor Buffett
Aug 5 Harbor Buffett Pul Tuberculosis INGRAM George Ch Eng 58 Hr Buffett Harbor Buffett
Sep 28 Haystack Old Age and Dysentery BEST Hannah Ch Eng 82 Sound Island Haystack
Sep 27 Haystack Dysentery COFFIN Mary Meth 81 Haystack Haystack
Aug 14 Haystack Tuberculosis ALLEN Martha Louisa Ch Eng 18 Haystack Haystack
July 28 Merasheen Old Age BEST Phoebe Ch Eng 82 1/2 Hr Buffett Tack's Beach
Aug 23 Baine Harbor Pul Tuberculosis SMITH Mary Ann Ch Eng 29 Baine Harbor Baine Harbor
July 3 Clattice Hr Consumption BREWER Monica Rom Cath 35 St Leonard's Clattice Hr
July 9 Isle Valen Chronic Constipation GAULTON Anne Maud Rom Cath 11 Isle Valen St Kyran's
July 15 Isle Valen Convulsions LEONARD Aloysius Rom Cath 2 mo Isle Valen St Kyran's
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Aug 15 Merasheen Child Birth PITTMAN Matilda Rom Cath 34 Merasheen Merasheen
Sep 24 Paradise Constipation BYRNE Michael Rom Cath 51 Paradise Paradise
Sep 24 Clattice Hr Heart Disease PARSONS Anne Rom Cath 71 Grandy's Point Clattice Hr
Apl 13 Sanitorium Pul Tuberculosis HARTERY Thomas Rom Cath 26 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug 5 Insane Asylum Melancholia BRUSHETT Samuel Meth 70 Placentia Placentia
Aug 30 G Hospital Pneumonia BEST Sylvester Ch Eng 52 Merasheen Merasheen
Sep 24 G Hospital Carcinoma of Liver KELLY Theresa Rom Cath 42 S E Placentia S E Placentia
Feb 16 Red Island no entry MULROONEY Garrett Rom Cath 63 Red Island Red Island
Feb 14 Ship Harbor no entry SPARROW Patrick Rom Cath 42 Ship Hr Red Island
Jan 14 Ship Harbor Old Age GRIFFITHS Michael Rom Cath 76 Ship Hr Ship Hr
Feb 4 Ship Harbor no entry NEWMAN Margaret Rom Cath 62 Argentia Ship Hr
Apl 7 Red Island Old Age WHELAN Patrick Rom Cath 65 Red Island Red Island
Apl 26 Red Island Old Age TOBIN Thomas Rom Cath 66 Red Island Red Island
May 7 Argentia no entry FITZPATRICK Mary Rom Cath 61 Argentia Argentia
June 13 Red Island Old Age BARRY Anastatia Rom Cath 77 Red Island Red Island
Sep 5 Argentia Old Age WALSHE Edward Rom Cath 83 Argentia Argentia
Sep 20 Argentia Old Age GRIFFIN Thomas Rom Cath 75 Argentia Argentia
Aug 13 Red Island Convulsions MULROONEY Mary J Rom Cath 3 1/2 mo Red Island Red Island
Sep 13 Red Island no entry MULROONEY Stephen Rom Cath 41 Red Island Red Island
Sep 15 Red Island Old Age BARRY Maurice Rom Cath 67 Red Island Red Island
Sep 22 Red Island Old Age GREENE Joseph Rom Cath 76 Red Island Red Island
Oct 2 General Hospital, St John's Burns of Arm, Neck and Body FOLEY Carmel Rom Cath 4 Cape Shore Mount Carmel
Oct 2 St Vincent's Still Birth HALLERAN Baby Rom Cath SB St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Oct 17 Gaskier Pul Tuberculosis TOBIN Bernard Rom Cath 42 Gaskier St Mary's
Nov 10 St Vincent's Paralysis GIBBONS Terence Rom Cath 71 St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Nov 10 Middle Gut Paralysis MAKIM Ellen Rom Cath 75 St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Nov 24 St Mary's Pul Tuberculosis DOBBIN Casimer Rom Cath 21 St Mary's St Mary's
Aug 24 St Vincent's Pul Tuberculosis WATSON Amelia Rom Cath 13 St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Dec 12 St Vincent's Pneumonia STAMP Emma Rom Cath 74 Gould's, Brigus St Vincent's
Nov 21 St Vincent's Still Birth HAYWARD Baby Rom Cath SB St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Dec 17 St Vincent's Still Birth STAMP Baby Rom Cath SB St Vincen'ts St Vincent's
Apl 15 North Harbor Convulsions BARRETT Azariah O Meth 1 dy North Hr North Harbour
Sep 28 Haystack Old Age COFFIN Mary Meth 82 Haystack Haystack
Oct 12 Woody Island Still Birth LOCKYER Baby Meth SB Woody Island Woody Island
Dec 22 Swift Current Consumption BECK James Wesley Meth 21 Swift Current Swift Current
Dec 27 Glace Bay, CB Killed in mine BEAZLEY Isaac Meth 21 Sound Island Sound Island
July 28 Mitchel's Brook Consumption McDONALD Simon Rom Cath 53 Mitchel's Bk St Joseph's
Aug 24 Newbridge Endocarditis McDONALD Margaret Rom Cath 63 La Manche St Joseph's
Aug 25 Colinet Cancer NOLAN Matthew Rom Cath 85 Colinet Colinet
Aug 26 Colinet Paralysis NOLAN Caroline Rom Cath 84 Colinet Colinet
PAGE 478                
Aug 26 Colinet Neuritis TREMBLETT John Rom Cath 65 Colinet Mt Carmel
Aug 8 O'Donnell's Prematurity BUTLER Thomas Rom Cath 1 dy O'Donnell's St Joseph's
Aug 28 O'Donnell's Prematurity BUTLER Michael Rom Cath 1 dy O'Donnell's St Joseph's
Aug 28 North Harbor Prematurity NOLAN Helena Rom Cath hrs North Hr North Harbor
Dec 1 Newbridge Tuberculosis SLANEY Frances Rom Cath 5 Newbridge St Joseph's
Dec 13 Newbridge Heart Failure ALLISON John Rom Cath 85 no entry St Joseph's
Dec 5 Harricott Pneumonia WALL Leo John Rom Cath 1 wk Harricot Mt Carmel
Sep 20 Parker's Cove Still Birth no entry no entry Rom Cath SB Parker's Cove Parker's Cove
Oct 18 St Joseph's Convulsions BARRON Peter James Rom Cath 8 dys St Joseph's St Joseph's
Dec 12 Petit Forte Chill HANN Ellen Rom Cath 80 St Anne's Petit Forte
Dec 21 Bay de L'eau Influenza BURTON Mary Rom Cath 76 Fox Cove Bay de L'eau
Dec 22 Gen Hospital Pneumonia BURTON William Rom Cath 32 Bay de L'eau Bay de L'eau
Dec 29 Oderin Tuberculosis KIELEY Patrick Rom Cath 65 Oderin Oderin
Nov 4 Argentia Drowned POMEROY William Rom Cath 31 Merasheen Merasheen
Nov 16 Merasheen Pneumonia POMEROY James Rom Cath 1 Merasheen Merasheen
Nov 25 Toslow Heart Failure LAKE William Rom Cath 73 Presque St Kyran's
Nov 28 Merasheen Consumption BEST Margaret Rom Cath 46 Merasheen Merasheen
Dec 25 Clattice Hr Consumption GREEN James Rom Cath 23 Paradise Paradise
Dec 20 Paradise Prematurity HEFFERAN Frank Rom Cath 13 dys Paradise Paradise
Dec 23 Marticot Still Birth BROWN no entry Rom Cath SB Marticot Marticot
Oct 6 Tack's Beach Old Age HAPGOOD Mary Ch Eng 87 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Oct 20 Tack's Beach Tub Meningitis MONKS Saul Ch Eng 13 Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Nov 3 Tack's Beach Still Birth BARRETT no entry Ch Eng SB Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Dec 12 Tack's Beach Still Birth BEST no entry Ch Eng SB Tack's Beach Tack's Beach
Oct 6 Bains Harbor Cong Debility SMITH Mary Ch Eng 1 mo Baine Hr Baine Hr
Sep 24 Genl Hospital Carcinoma Liver KELLY Theresa Rom Cath 42 Placentia Placentia
Sep 27 Placentia Convulsions MURRAY Bridget Ann Rom Cath 3 wks Placentia Placentia
Sep 30 Placentia Still Birth LANNON no entry Rom Cath SB S E Placentia Placentia
Oct 26 Jersey Side Haemorrhag Lungs SHEA Mary Rom Cath 17 Jersey Side Placentia
Oct 2 Dunville Tuberculosis FLYNN Angela Rom Cath 24 Placentia Placentia
Nov 6 Genl Hospital Mastoiditis CARROLL Margaret Rom Cath 9 Dunville Placentia
Nov 18 Pt Verde Meningitis GREENE Mary Rom Cath 6 Pt Verde Placentia
Nov 19 Placentia Cancer Stomach DUNN Alice Rom Cath 57 Placentia Placentia
Nov 21 Pt Verde Meningitis GREENE Allan I Rom Cath 3 Pt Verde Placentia
Nov 24 Freshwater Cancer Intestines KELLY William Rom Cath 62 Freshwater Placentia
Dec 23 Placentia Tumor Brain MURPHY Bridget Rom Cath 45 Cape Short Placentia
Dec 27 Hr Buffett Still Birth HANN no entry Ch Eng SB Hr Buffett Hr Buffett
Oct 5 Hr Buffett Still Birth DICKS no entry Ch Eng SB Hr Buffett Hr Buffett
Oct 21 Arnold's Cove Paralysis (brains) COLLETT Richard Ch Eng 58 Hr Buffett Hr Buffett
PAGE 479                
Nov 29 Genl Hospital Gastric Ulcer CONNORS Christina Rom Cath 21 Clattis Hr Clattice Hr, PB
Dec 25 Genl Hospital Tubr Meningitis CONNORS John Rom Cath 4 Argentia Argentia
Dec 28 Sanatorium Pul Tuberculosis POWER William Rom Cath 51 Placentia Placentia
Mar 10 Trepassey Old Age WADDLETON Mary Rom Cath 92 Trepassey Trepassey
Feb 3 Trepassey Apoplexy BULGER John Rom Cath 81 Trepassey Trepassey
Jan 26 Trepassey Endocarditis GIORANETTI Isabella Rom Cath 45 St Jacques St Jacques
Jan 4 Trepassey Heart Disease HALLERAN Joseph Rom Cath 77 Trepassey Trepassey
Sep 10 Trepassey Tuberculosis WADDLETON Mary Rom Cath 23 Trepassey Trepassey
Sep 12 Portugal Cove Cancer HURLEY Patrick Rom Cath 55 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov 12 Portugal Cove Dropsy HARTERY Minnie Rom Cath 34 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec 12 St Shotts Tuberculosis FINLAY Albert Rom Cath 22 St Shott's St Shott's
Nov 12 S E Bight Dropsy HYNES Mary Rom Cath 56 St Joseph S E Bight
Nov 15 S E Bight Kidney trouble HEFFERAN Thomas Rom Cath 74 Paradise S E Bight
Feby 21 Rushoon no entry CHEESEMAN Mary Rom Cath 3 1/4 mts Rushoon Rushoon

Transcribed by: Devon Griffin (2012)

Page Last Modified: Saturday September 21, 2013 (Don Tate)

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