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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Labrador District
1915 - 1917

Book 7
PAGES 484 - 489

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 484              
Jan 19 Capstan Isl Paralysis BUTT Frances Methodist 57 Carbonear East St Modeste
Jan 23 Capstan Isl Consumption FOWLER Robert Methodist 52 Capstan Isl West St Modeste
Mar 14 Red Bay Paralysis PIKE Jane Methodist 64 Carbonear Red Bay
June 1 Lanse au Morte Heart Disease DAVIS James C Methodist 20yrs,4mos Lanse au Morte Lanse au Morte
Sept 28, 1914 Fox Hr Cancer WAKEHAM George Church of England 67 England Fox Hr
Dec 17, 1914 Snug Hr Gen Debility WARD James Church of England 61 Snug Hr Snug Hr
Dec 18, 1914 Venison Isl Paralysis GREEN Susanna Church of England 64 Venison Isl Venison Isl
Jan 21 Reeds Pond Old Age CIRCUM Sophia Church of England 85 Carawalla Reeds Pond
Mar 1 Dove Brook Cancer/Stomach PAYNTER Elizabeth Church of England 76 Peter Lewis Brook Cartwright
Mar 2 Dove Brook Inft Debility ELSON Thos R Church of England 1 day Dove Brook Dove Brook
Mar 5 Porcupine Bay Dysentery CIRCUM Susanna Church of England 27 mos Porcupine Bay Porcupine Bay
Mar 16 Porcupine Bay Chill MESHER Elizabeth Church of England 45 John's Point Porcupine Bay
Mar 20 Porcupine Bay Phthisis DYSON Thomas Church of England 39 Porcupine Bay Porcupine Bay
Mar 14 Lance au Loup Inft Debility RYLAND Jane Church of England 1 day Lance au Loup Lance au Loup
Mar 14 Lance au Loup Inft Debility RYLAND Emily Church of England 1 day Lance au Loup Lance au Loup
Apl 30 Lance au Clair unknown CHUBBS John Church of England 69 Newfoundland Lance au Clair
May ? Lance au Clair unknown CHUBBS John R Church of England 1 mon Lance au Clair Lance au Clair
Apl 12 Seal Islands Influenza WELLS Isaac Church of England 34 Seal Isls Seal Isls
Apl 20 Seal Bight Influenza CHUBBS Archibald Church of England 38 Seal Bight Fox Hr
May 1 Battle Hr Peritonitis LEWIS Frank Church of England 51 England Cape Charles
May 9 Lewis Bay Consumption SMITH Benjamin Church of England 43 Battle Hr Battle Hr
May 27 Battle Hr Acute Nephritis RUMBOLT William Church of England 57 Battle Hr Battle Hr
May 27 Trap Cove Convulsions SEWARD Isaac Church of England 7 Trap Cove Trap Cove
May 20 Seal Islands Paralysis CREDELANE Ann Church of England 60 Newfoundland Seal Isls
June 4 Lewis Bay Decay of Nature SMITH Isaac Church of England 65 Trap Cove Trap Cove
June 28 Battle Hr Toxemia of Pregnancy CLARKE Mary Church of England 20 Fox Hr Battle Hr
Oct 13 N W River Childbirth McKENZIE Thirza Church of England 36 Rattlers Bight N W River
Oct 9 N W River Old Age GOUDIE Joseph Methodist 77 Ungava N W River
Dec 2 N W River none given McKENZIE Sarah Church of England 9 1/2 mos N W River N W River
Sep 8 Indian Hr Bronchitis BLAKE Mary Methodist 38 P D Grave Mulliock
June 1 N W River Inflammation BLAKE Vadney A Methodist 11 mos N W River N W River
May 12 N W River Consumption GOUDIE Freeman Methodist 7 N W River N W Isles
Apl 20 Mulliock Consumption HAY William Methodist 4 Carawalla Carawalla
June 12 Goose Cove Old Age DAVIS James Methodist 78 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Aug 5 Battle Hr Old Age SMITH Harriet Church of England 80 Carbonear Battle Hr
July 22 Baulters Rock Convulsions CLARKE Charlotte Church of England 1 1/2 mos Boulters Rock Boulters Rock
Sept 27 Horse Chops Isl Exposure McDONALD Caroline Church of England 52 Bonasperence Cartwright
Sept 28 Horse Chops Isl Exposure FEQUET Kenneth H W Methodist 8 St Pauls River Cartwright
Sept 29 Packs Hr Exposure FEQUET Marcella F Methodist 6 Cartwright Cartwright
Oct 12 St Anthony Heart Trouble DAVIS James Campbell Methodist 20 Lance au Moir Lance au Moir
PAGE 485                
July 13 Red Bay Old Age MOORES William Methodist 72 Blackhead Red Bay
Sept 28 Red Bay Paralysis MOORES Rachael Methodist 66 Red Bay Red Bay
Oct 30 Forteau Meningitis HANDCOCK Hubert Methodist 12 Forteau Forteau
Sept 27 East St Modeste Ulcer LILLY William Thos Church of England 3 wks East St Modeste East St Modeste
Oct 7 Bluff Head Inflammation OLIVER John Church of England 45 Bluff Head Bluff Head
Oct 7 Bluff Head Consumption LLOYD Blanche Church of England 1 mon Bluff Head Bluff Head
Nov 27 Frenchman's Pt Childbirth SHEPHERD Beatrice Church of England 22 Bluff Head Bluff Head
Dec 15 Sandy Hill Cold HOLWELL Wilfred Church of England 7 wks Spotted Islds Sandy Hill
Oct 24 Lanse au Loup Diphtheria O'BRIEN Agnes Roman Catholic 21 Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Nov 1 Lanse au Loup Diphtheria O'BRIEN Ronald Roman Catholic 12 Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Aug 17 N W River Consumption BLAKE Lockliu Methodist 16 N W River N W River
June 19 N W River Premature Birth McKENZIE Martha Church of England 8 mos N W River N W River
Aug ? Indian Hr Cancer of Bladder GROVES Frederick Malcolm Methodist 62 Double ??? Mulliock
Aug 20 Indian Hr Consumption MICHELIN Peter Methodist 22 Sabaeshen Sabascachen
Oct 10 Grand Village Premature Birth GLADIS Nancy Methodist 10 days Grand Village Grand Village
Oct 22 Grand Village Childbirth GOUDIE Bertha Methodist not given not given Grand Village
Nov 15 West St Modeste   FOWLER Wilfred Methodist not given West St Modeste West St Modeste
Nov 15 West St Modeste   FOWLER Dorothy Methodist not given West St Modeste West St Modeste
May 15 Nain Tuberculosis LID Abel Moravian 2yrs,8mos Nain Nail
PAGE 486                
Jan 13 Lanse au Loup Diphtheria LINSTEAD Violet Church of England 14 Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Jan 26 Lanse au Loup Diphtheria LINSTEAD Lily Church of England 8 Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Jan 16 Seal Bight Heart Trouble CHUBBS William Church of England 63 Seal Bight Seal Bight
Mar 27 Lewis Bay Decay of Nature POOLE Henry Church of England 62 Seal Bight Fox Harbor
June 1 Forteau Paralysis CRIBB Elijah Church of England 75 Forteau Forteau
Feb 12 Porcupine eBay Suffocation DYSON Israel Church of England 8 wks Batteau Porcupint Bay
Aprl 24 Red Bay Senile Decay YETMAN John Chas Methodist 83 Carbonear Red Bay
Mar 9 Carroll Cv Childbirth TEASLEY Margaret Roman Catholic 28 Pinware Carrols Cove
Aprl 29 Chatteau Inflamation GURGE Jonathan Roman Catholic 84 Carbonear Chatteau
June ? W St Modeste Strayed away BULGER James Roman Catholic 48 W St Modeste none given
July 5 Battle Hr Measles GRADY Margaret Roman Catholic 2 Carbonear Battle Hr
July 28 Battle Hr Senile Decay RUMBOLT John Church of England 60 Battle Hr Battle Hr
Mar 14 Forteau Senile Decay FLYNN Harriet Church of England 84 St John's Forteau
July 4 English Pt Drowned BELL Margaret Church of England 15 English Point Forteau
July 23 Forteau Infantile Weakness BUCKLE Emma Church of England 1 day Forteau Forteau
July 26 Forteau Rheumatic BARNEY Isabella Church of England 51 Forteau Forteau
July 27 Lanse au Loup Measles RYLAND Lilian Louisa Church of England 5 mos Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Aug 19 Forteau Fractured Skull CRIBB Ernest Church of England 12 Forteau Forteau
May 11 Korwalla Consumption PANNEUK Mary Magdalene Methodist 36 Double Mere Mulliock
May 26 N W River Premature Birth REGIE Bridget Barbara Methodist not given N W River N W River
Mar 22 Paradise Old Age MESHER Eliza Margaret Methodist 79   Paradise
June 6 Mullins Cv Drowned DAVIS Edgar Jonathan Methodist 12 Otter Brook  
June 6     DAVIS William Jas Methodist 10 Otter Brook  
May 20 Carawalla Dropsy PALISPER Thomas Church of England 53   Carawalla
May 25 Fox Cove Consumption FLOWERS Lavinia Church of England 33 Rigolet Cullinghams Bight
July 11 Rigolet Consumption CHACKQUACK Wilfred Cyril Church of England 1 Rigolet Rigolet
July 29 Rattlers Bight Consumption WILLIAMS Martha Church of England 20 Turners Bight Bluff Head
Aug 12 Rattlers Bight Infant Debility OLIVER Sophia Church of England 3 days Rattlers Bight Bluff Head
Sept 5 Separation Point Dropsy BROWN William Church of England 62 Separation Point Cartwright
Nov 9 Lance au Loup unknown NORMORE William Church of England 68 Bell Island Lanse au Loup
Aug 28 Forteau Tuberculosis HANCOCK Maud Methodist 19 Forteau Forteau
Sept 30 Bradore Senile Decay POLAND Mrs Daniel Methodist 77 Newfoundland Bradore
Nov 4 Red Bay Confinement HOWELL Sarah Jane Methodist 41 Red Bay Red Bay
Nov 20 Red Bay Congenital Debility PIKE Edmund Jno Methodist 3 mos Red Bay Red Bay
Feby 26 Scotland Measles FORD James Church of England 21 Cape Chidley  
Nov 22 Red Bay Infant Debility EDMOND John Methodist 3 mos Red Bay Red Bay
Aug 11? Hawkins Pt, Scotland Infant Debility BUCKLES Annie Mabel Methodist 2 days Hawkins Pt Forteau
Nov 18 Indian Cove Senility RUMBOLT John Church of England 80 Indian Cv Indian Cv
June 5 Seal Islands Convulsions MORRIS Cyril Francis Church of England 3 days Seal Islands Seal Islands
Dec 16 Grand Village Heart Failure BUTT Maggie Methodist 23 Grand Village Grand Village
PAGE 487                
Dec 11 Blanc Sablon Old Age Le TEMPLIER Adeline Roman Catholic 85   Blanc Sablon
June 17 East St Modeste Comption MANSFIELD Louisa Methodist 65 East St Modeste East St Modeste
July 9 Red Bay Infantile Debility REGAN Arthur Church of England 1 day Red Bay Red Bay
PAGE 488                
Mar 12 Rocky Bay Whooping Cough ELSON Elsie Methodist 72 Spotted Islds Rocky Bay
Mar 8 Rocky Bay Consumption ELSON Solomon Methodist 23 Sandy Hill Porcupine Bay
Feb 19 Butter & Snow Epidemis Diarrhea RICH Herbert Methodist 5yrs,6mos Butter & Snow N W River
Mar 27 Maria's Cove Apoplexy REEVES John Methodist 30 Mullins Cove Star Island
Feb 10 Rocky Bay Whooping Cough WEBBER Albert Thos Methodist 4 mos Domisco Porcupine Bay
Aprl 2 Sand Hill La Gripeee RENDALL Joshua L Methodist 18 mos Sand Hill Tickle Sand Hill Point
May 1 John's Point Whooping Cough MUGFORD Freeman Methodist 2 mos John's Point Lester's Point
May 11 N W River Fits MESHER Harris Methodist 5 mos N W River N W River
May 15 Turner's Bight Whooping Cough MESHER Susan Hannah Methodist 3 Tikkeraluk Mullins Cove
June 2 N W River Bronchitis & Diarrhea GOUDIE Gladis Methodist 6 weeks N W River N W River
Jany 25 Indian Cove Senile Decay RUMBOLT Susanna Church of England 76 Battle Hr Indian Cove
Jany 25 Bolsters Rock Senile Decay CLARKE William none given 67 Bolster Rock Bolster Rock
Mar 1 Lewis Bay Tuberculosis RUMBOLT Henry none given 39 Battle Hr Trap Cove
Aprl 2 Trap Cove Influenza SPEARING Alfred Church of England 59 Battle Hr Trap Cove
Aprl 17 Seal Islsds Heart Trouble STEVENS Margaret none given 47 Seal Islds Seal Islds
May 15 Battle Harbor Convulsions THOMS Ambrose none given 1 day Battle Hr Battle Harbor
May 22 George's Cove Convulsions HOBBINOCK Samuel Church of England 1 day George's Cove Francis Hr
May 22 George's Cove Convulsions HOBBINOCK Sarah Ann Church of England 1 day George's Cove Francis Hr
Aprl 1 Deep W Creek Convulsions THOMS Mary Ann none given 1 1/2 mos Deep Water Creek Fox Hr
May 5 Deep W Creek Paralysis THOMS Sarah Jane none given 10 Deep Water Creek Fox Hr
Jany 11 Batteau Consumption DYSON Margaret Church of England 5 Mussle Brook Porcupine Bay
Mar 3 Tinker Harbor Whooping Cough MARTIN Theresa Church of England 2 Cartwright Cartwright
Mar 12 Rocky Bay Consumption ELSON Elsie Methodist 7 mos Spotted Islds Rocky Bay
Mar 22 Carwalla Childbirth ADAMS Rosie Church of England infant Carwalla Carwalla
Mar 26 Carwalla Consumption ADAMS Thomas Church of England 7 days Carwalla Carwalla
Aprl 3 Carwalla Consumption ADAMS Jonas Church of England 15 days Carwalla Carwalla
Aprl 30 Indian Tickle Colic POTT George Edwin Church of England 1 mon Indian Tickle Spotted Islds
June 10 Spotted Islds Consumption HOLWELL John Thomas Church of England 21 Spotted Islds Spotted Islds
Feby 26 East St Modeste none gien BUTT Edna May Methodist 9 mos East St Modeste East St Modeste
Aprl 5 Red Bay Paralysis BRIDLE Johanna Methodist 73 ? Carbonear Red Bay
Feby 22 Somewhere in France Killed in Action ASH Sergeant Arch^ld Methodist 27 Red Bay France
July 7 Red Bay Drowned YETMAN Elias Methodist 75 Carbonear Red Bay
July 23 Bradore Pulmnry Tuberculosis POLEM Eliza Methodist 24 Bradore Bradore
Aug 7 East St Modeste Syncope CLARKE Henry Methodist 52 Carbonear East St Modeste
Aug 4 Fox Harbor Paralysis TOM Lechariah Church of England 3 Fox Harbor Fox Harbor
Sept 8 Trap Cove Tuberculosis RUMBOLT Walter Church of England 6 Trap Cove Trap Cove
May 22 Point Amour Old Age ELWORTHY Alice Mary Roman Catholic 75 Pinward L'anse au Loup
Aprl 29 Blanc Sabelon Heart Failure LAVALLEE Mary J Roman Catholic 60 Blanc Sablon Blanc Sablon
May 31 Lanse au Diablo Cancer/Stomach LOWE John Roman Catholic 33 St Modeste Lanse au Diablo
May 24 Carrolls Cove none gien MARSHALL Nicholas Roman Catholic 69 Carrolls Cove Carrolls Cove
PAGE 489                
May 5 Battle Harbor none given GEAR James Roman Catholic 65 Battle Hr Battle Hr
July 22 Lunatic Asylum, St John's Exhaustion BUCKEL Joseph Roman Catholic 33 West St Modeste Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Aprl 4 France Killed in Action GROVES Daniel Methodist 22 Goose Bay, Rigolet  
Aprl 4 France Killed in Action MUHER Charles A Methodist 22 Mud Lake  
Nov 20 France Killed in Action SHIWAK John Jr Church of England 24 Rigolet  
Nov 20 France Killed in Action McKENZIE William M Church of England 23 Cartwright  
March 7 Unknown Lost in Trawler Vivanto JAMES John Jr Church of England 25 Forteau, Labrador  
June 30 Lanse au Loup Tuberculosis CABOT Mary Church of England 42 Lanse au Loup Lanse au Loup
Dec 28 Blanc Sablon unknown BUTT Jemima Methodist 3 1/2 mos Blanc Sablon Blanc Sablon
Aprl 24 Long Point Senile Decay LORD Joseph Church of England 72 Liverpool,England Bluff Head
May 5 Mallions Cold OLIVER William A Church of England 1 Mullions Mullions
July 14 Lesters Point Senile Decay BLAKE Mary Church of England 73 Bluff Head Mullions
Oct 18 Table Bay Tuberculosis REEVES Mary Methodist 53 Cartwright Cartwright
Dec 1 Mullions Tuberculosis OLIVER Thomas Church of England 47 Mullions Mullions
Dec 2 Batteau Childbirth SMITH Elizabeth Church of England 35 Battle Hr Spotted Islds
Dec 2 Dove Brook Debility BIRD Linda T S Church of England 11 mos Dove Brook Dove Brook
Nov 3 Trap Cove Childbirth RUMBOLD Elizabeth Church of England 42 Trap Cove Trap Cove
Nov 4 Near Battle Hr Drowned CUMBY Frederick Church of England 14 Battle Hr Body not found
Nov 22 Seal Islds none given ROBERTS Norman Church of England 22 Seal Isld Seal Isld

Transcribed by: Mary Rawlinson (2011)

Page Last Modified: Monday September 16, 2013 (Don Tate)

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