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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Harbour Grace District
1915 - 1917

Book 7
PAGES 154 - 166

Source: LDS Mictofilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 154                
Jan-11 Water St. Angina Pectoris WHITING Matilda L. C of Eng. 54 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Jan-13 LeMarchant Rd. Apoplexy WALSH William C of Eng. 74 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Jan-19 Ash's Lane Artorio Setiroset? ASH John N. C of Eng. 72 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Jan-31 Noad St. Apoplexy ASH Susannah C of Eng. 66 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Feb-18 Long's Hill Tuberculosis PYNN Mary G. C of Eng. 22 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Mar-20 Harvey St. Pott's Disease HATCHER Wm. G. C of Eng. 45 Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Feb-02 Hr. Grace Acute Indigestion NOSEWORTHY LeRoy G. C of Eng. 4 mos Hr. Grace C of E Cemety Hr. Grace
Feb-22 Shearstown Pneumonia TURTLE George C of Eng. 76 Shearstown Shearstown
Feb-25 Coley's Point Congen. Deby. FRENCH Donald C of Eng. 2 wks Coley's Point Coley's Point
Feb-26 Bay Roberts Nephritis PARSONS Esau C of Eng. 69 Bay Roberts Shearstown
Mar-22 Butterville Tuberculosis PARSONS Esther Ann C of Eng. 47 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-27 Coley's Point Bronchitis DAWE Florence Jane C of Eng. 2 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Jan-14 Spd's Bay Pneumonia HUTCHINGS Annie C of Eng. 11 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Mar-11 Spd's Bay Pneumonia BARRETT Albert C of Eng. 44 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-13 Upper Isl. Cove Diptheria OSBORNE Thomas C of Eng. 10 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-15 Upper Isl. Cove Tuberculosis DROVER Henrietta C of Eng. 22 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-31 Thicket Bronchitis CRANE Susannah C of Eng. 4 mos Thicket Upper Isl. Cove
Feb-03 Bishop's Cove Old Age SMITH Eliza C of Eng. 84 Upper Isl. Cove Bishop's Cove
Mar-22 Upper Isl. Cove Inflamm. Bowels COOMBES Mary M. C of Eng. 3 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Feb-10 Upper Isl. Cove Tuberculosis DROVER Isabel C of Eng. 1 1/2 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Dec Hr. Grace Inft. Debility FITZGIBBON (no entry) R. Cath. Inft. Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-01 Hr. Grace Rheumatism DALY Mary Jos. R. Cath. 57 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Feb-14 Riverhead Heart Failure Russell Mary R. Cath. 68 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Feb-14 Riverhead Meningitis CLEARY Bernard R. Cath. 7 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Feb-25 At Sea On Board HMS Clan McNaughton Drowning KEHOE William R. Cath. 20 Riverhead At Sea
Feb-25 At Sea On Board HMS Clan McNaughton Drowning BUTTER Peter R. Cath. 20 Hr. Grace At Sea
Feb-25 At Sea On Board HMS Clan McNaughton Drowning PIKE Francis R. Cath. 20 Hr. Grace At Sea
Mar-09 Hr. Grace Inft. Debility THOMEY Samuel J. R. Cath. Inft. Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-17 Riverhead Suicide by Hanging HICKEY Ellen R. Cath. 46 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Mar-24 Riverhead Old Age DUNN Eleanor R. Cath. 85 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Feb-04 Bay Roberts Paralysis BARRETT Rachael Meth. 80 Bareneed Bay Roberts
Feb-13 Bay Roberts Heart Disease SNOW Zephitah Meth. 75 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-14 Bay Roberts (no entry) BRADBURY Malcolm G. Meth. 6 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-25 Coley's Point Enteritis MERCER Harold C. Meth. 18 (mos?) Coley's Point Coley's Point
Jan-06 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis TITFORD Selma Meth. 26 Long Isl. Labrador Hr. Grace
Jan-12 Hr. Grace Cancer STEPHENSON William Meth. 76 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-12 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis TITFORD Sibly Meth. 22 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-24 Hr. Grace Apoplexy STEPHENSON John Meth. 79 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-30 Not Known Lost - HMS Viknor MERCER John B. C of Eng. 22   (Place of residence - Bay Roberts)
Jan-30 Not Known Lost - HMS Viknor SPARKES Eli Meth. 24   (Place of residence - Shearstown)
PAGE 155                
Jan-30 Not Known Lost in HMS Viknor PARSONS John C. of Eng. 33   (Place of Residence - Bay Roberts
Feb-25 Not Known Lost in HMS Clan McNaughton BUTTER Peter R. Cath. 22   (Place of Residence - Water St Hr. Grace)
Feb-25 Not Known Lost in HMS Clan McNaughton KEHOE Wm. J. R. Cath. 26   (Place of Residence - Riverhead)
Feb-25 Not Known Lost in HMS Clan McNaughton PIKE Francis R. Cath. 21   (Place of Residence - Water St.)
above three entries repeated from page 154          
Apr-02 Ship's Head Gastro Enteritis CROCKER George C. of Eng. 6 mos Hr. Grace C of Eng. Cemetery
Apr-21 Water St. Ch. Myocarditis FRENCH George C. of Eng. 82 Hr. Grace C of Eng. Cemetery
Jun-21 Ship's Head Senile decay HUNT Martha C. of Eng. 85 Hr. Grace C of Eng. Cemetery
Apr-08 Hr. Grace Influenza FRENCH Maria C. of Eng. 79 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-27 Hr. Grace Carcinoma BRAY Hector C. of Eng. 65 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-29 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis SHEPPARD Hazel May C. of Eng. 11 mos Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
in parentheses below "?rmstyle"                
Apr-15 Riverhead Infantile Ash (entry blank) R. Cath. Inft. Riverhead Hr. Grace
Nov 16 1914 Hospital of Plymouth Eng. Influenza & Pleurisy BUTTER David C. of Eng. 24 (left blank) (Place of Residence - Shearstown)
Apr-20 Gullies Not Given WHELAN William R. Cath. 40 Gullies Hr. Grace
May-10 Bristol's Hope Not Given McCORMACK Francis R. Cath. 67 Bristol's Hope Hr. Grace
Jun-05 Hr. Grace Paralysis HANNAN James R. Cath. 72 Bristol's Hope Hr. Grace
Jun-14 Riverhead Inft. Debility DWYER Francis R. Cath. 4 mos Riverhead Hr. Grace
Jun-24 Riverhead Urina MULLOWNEY Daniel R. Cath. 69 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Apr-07 Coley's Point Tuberculosis DAWE Emmie C. of Eng. 23 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Apr-14 Shearstown Tuberculosis BADCOCK Abram C. of Eng. 38 Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-30 On board HMS Viknor Drowning PARSONS John C. of Eng. blank Shearstown blank
above entry duplicate from top of page 155          
Apr-26 Country Road Acute Bronchitis COPELY Allan Geo. C. of Eng. 6 mos Country Road Shearstown
May-19 Coley's Point Intestinal Obstruction FRENCH Stephen C. of Eng. 73 Coley's Point Coley's Point
May-26 Coley's Point Kidney Disease FRENCH Susanna W. C. of Eng. 73 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-29 Coley's Point (Left blank) PARSONS Beatrice C. of Eng. 12 mos Coley's Point Coley's Point
Jun-25 Coley's Point (Left blank) DAWE Isaac C. of Eng. 1 day Coley's Point Coley's Point
Apr-10 Hr. Grace Acute Peritonitis GORDON Aubrey Meth. 22 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Not Known Not Known Not Known WEBBER George Meth. 52 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-17 Not Known Cancer TUCKER William Meth. 64 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-26 Not Known Paralysis PIKE George Meth. 72 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-08 Bay Roberts Strangulated Hernia BRADBURY John C. of Eng. 71 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-09 Bay Roberts Heart Disease MERCER Isaac C. of Eng. 73 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-25 Bay Roberts General Debility PARSONS Julia C. of Eng. 65 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-27 Bay Roberts Inft. Debility BRADBURY Emmie F. C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-13 Bay Roberts Cerebral Hemmorrhage MERCER Manfield C. of Eng. 65 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-16 Bay Roberts Cancerous Growth NORMAN Mary C. of Eng. 43 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-27 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis BARRETT Herbert C. of Eng. 25 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-08 Bay Roberts Prematurity NOSEWORTHY Florence C. of Eng. 11 dys Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-30 At Sea HMS Viknor Drowning MERCER John B. C. of Eng. 22 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
above entry duplicate from page 154          
Apr-15 Spds. Bay Hemorrhage GOSSE Richard C. of Eng. 72 Spds Bay Spds Bay
Apr-24 Spds. Bay Tuberculosis GOSSE Maria C. of Eng. 24 Spds Bay Spds Bay
PAGE 156                
Apr-28 Spds. Bay Pyelitis GOSSE George C. of Eng. 23 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
May-06 Spds. Bay Tuberculosis BLANDFORD Edith B. C. of Eng. 25 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jun-04 Spds. Bay Tub. Peritonitis HUTCHINGS Eliza C. of Eng.   Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Apr-12 Upper Isl. Cove Meningitis LUNDRIGAN Gladys B. C. of Eng. 1 Spds. Bay Upper Isl. Cove
May-07 Upper Isl. Cove Inft. Debility MERCER William G. C. of Eng. 1 mon Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-19 Spoon Cove Meningitis LYNCH Susanna C. of Eng. 4 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jun-15 Glace Bay Broken Neck BARRETT Abraham C. of Eng. 45 Spoon Cove Bishop's Cove
Jun-25 Upper Isl. Cove Inft. Debility DROVER Herbert C. of Eng. 2 days Bishop's Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jun-17 Upper Isl. Cove Stillborn PARSONS Child of James C. of Eng. SB Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jun-29 Upper Isl. Cove Tub. Meningitis NOSEWORTHY Catherine C. of Eng. 2 yrs 8 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Apr-01 Coley's Point Tuberculosis MERCER Annie B. C. of Eng. 21 Bay Roberts Coley's Point
Apr-06 Country Road Malnutrition BRADBURY Ethel M. C. of Eng. 9 mos Country Road Coley's Point
Apr-10 Bay Roberts Inft. Debility BISHOP Lucy D. C. of Eng. 3 mos Bay Roberts Bay Robert's
Apr-25 Spds. Bay Heart Disease HUTCHINGS Stephen C. of Eng. 71 (left blank) Spds. Bay
Apr-30 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis BADCOCK Stephen C. of Eng. 58 Bay Roberts Bay Robert's
May-30 Coley's Point Inft. Debility SNOW John Roy L. C. of Eng. 1 day Coley's Point Coley's Point
May-21 Country Road Tuberculosis BRADBURY Julia C. of Eng. 29 Coley's Point Bay Robert's
Jul-01 Hr. Grace Bronchs. Pneumonia SHUTE Dexter C. C. of Eng. 2 1/2 mos Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-14 Hr. Grace Cong. Debility NOSEWORTHY Madge C. of Eng. 4 days Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-14 Hr. Grace Senility LILLY Samuel C. of Eng. 74 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-27 Hr. Grace Senility SHEPPARD Catherine C. of Eng. 85 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-12 Hr. Grace Accident PARSONS Archibald S. Army 75 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-08 Spds. Bay Inft. Debility NEIL Willis M. C. of Eng. 1 mon Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-07 Spds. Bay Gerperal Eclampsia SHEPPARD Julia C. of Eng. 24 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-25 Tilton Sarcoma CRANE John A. C. of Eng. 9 Tilton Tilton
Sep-01 Spds. Bay Convulsions PORTER Dorothy C. of Eng. 3 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Sep-16 Spds. Bay Inft. Debility SHEPPARD Julia C. of Eng. 1 mth Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Sep-23 Spds. Bay Cancer Stomach SMITH William C. of Eng. 43 Bishop's Cove Spds. Bay
Sep-25 Spds. Bay Cancer Stomach NEIL George C. of Eng. 75 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jul North Sea Drowning GOSSE Walter C. of Eng. 21 Tilton (left blank)
Jul-03 Bishops Cove Paralysis PEDDLE John C. of Eng. 86 Upper Isl. Cove Bishop's Cove
Aug-22 Upper Isl. Cove Meningitis PARSONS Elsie F. C. of Eng. 9 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jul-22 Spds. Bay Tuberculosis RYAN Anna R. Cath. 35 Portugal Cove Spds. Bay
Jul-31 Hr. Grace Old Age GRANFIELD Ellen R. Cath. 82 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-25 St. John's Old Age GRUBERT William R. Cath. 88 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-26 Hr. Grace Diarrhoea PIKE Francis R. Cath. 4 mos Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-28 Spds. Bay Prematurity RYAN Thomas R. Cath. 1 mth Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-30 Riverhead Tuberculosis HICKEY William R. Cath. 56 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Aug-31 Riverhead Heart Failure STAPLETON Cathn. R. Cath. 65 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Sep-20 Hr. Grace Heart Failure HAYSE Theresa R. Cath. 73 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
PAGE 157                
Jun-28 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis MERCER Nellie Meth. 21 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-25 Bay Roberts Nephritis BAGGS Lavinia Meth. 75 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug-21 Bay Roberts Inft. Debility MERCER Flossie Meth. 1 1/2 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-13 Bay Roberts Inft. Debility MERCER Isabella Meth. 2 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-29 Bay Roberts Meningitis BADCOCK Myra Meth. 12 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-30 France Killed by a shell WALSH Albert C. of Eng. 39 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-24 Kitchen`s Hill Angina Pectoris KITCHEN John C. of Eng. 64 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-30 At Sea Drowning TITFORD Melvin C. of Eng. 21 Hr. Grace At Sea
Aug-11 Kitchen`s Hill Myocarditis BARRETT Ambrose C. of Eng. 90 Bishops Hr. Grace
Aug-12 Sydney Tuberculosis BRAY Munden C. of Eng. 20 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-20 Water St. Myocarditis PUDDICOMBE Susanna C. of Eng. 74 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-16 Martin`s Brook Septicaemia MARTIN Blanche C. of Eng. 1 mon Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-19 Water St. Cancer Stomach GARLAND Frances M. C. of Eng. 47 Carbonear Hr. Grace
Sep-24 Bell Island Acute Nephritis FRENCH Susanna C. of Eng. 64 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-24 Harvey St Senility SILLARS Eglantine C. of Eng. 84 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-24 Bay Roberts (left blank) FRENCH Mary E. C. of Eng. 2 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-27 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis ADAMS George Meth. 60 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-27 Cairo Egypt Dysentary WATTS Robert King Meth. 21 Hr. Grace Cairo Egypt
Jul-14 Shearstown Inft. Debility EARLE Julia Ann C. of Eng. 7 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Sep-04 Coley`s Point Hemiplegia GRAY Isaac C. of Eng. 76 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Nov-04 Hr. Grace Senility TARRANT Patience C. of Eng. 74 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-13 Hr. Grace Senility SNOW Mary C. of Eng. 88 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-19 Hr. Grace Nephritis COURAGE James C. of Eng. 68 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Nov-17 Hr. Grace Nephritis SPURDLE George C. of Eng. 33 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Nov-25 Hr. Grace Cerb. Hemorrhage NEWMAN William C. of Eng. 84 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-12 Hr. Grace Myocarditis EDWARDS Charles C. of Eng. 78 Labrador Hr. Grace
Nov-14 Bay Roberts Beri Beri BROWN Julia C. of Eng. 44 Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-15 Bay Roberts Premature Birth CRANE Caroline C. of Eng. 1 day Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-09 Bay Roberts Convulsions MERCER Allan W. C. of Eng. 11 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep Manchester Eng. Shock CARBERRY Ellen R. Cath 69 Hearts Content Hr. Grace
Oct-14 Hr. Grace Paralysis TOBIN Bridget R. Cath 70? Or 7? Bristols Hope Hr. Grace
Oct-18 Hr. Grace Dropsy O'BRIEN Mary R. Cath 90 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Nov-01 Hr. Grace Perforation Bowels TOBIN Margaret R. Cath 53 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Nov-08 Island Cove Old Age McCARTHY John R. Cath 88 Island Cove Island Cove
Nov-10 Spds. Bay Heart Failure RYAN Frances R. Cath 52 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Nov-10 Spds. Bay Old Age GOSSE Mary R. Cath 78 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Nov-12 Riverhead Old Age COLLINS Mary R. Cath 79 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Dec-18 Island Cove Old Age WHALEN William R. Cath 78 Island Cove Island Cove
Oct-21 Coley`s Point Inft. Debility PARSONS Isaac C. of Eng. 2 dys Coley's Point Coley's Point
Nov-22 Coley`s Point Paralysis LESLIE Wm. Hy. C. of Eng. 80 Coley's Point Coley's Point
PAGE 158                
Nov-27 Coley's Point Malnutrition PARSONS Marion C. of Eng. 4 mos Coley's Point Coley's point
Nov-30 Shearstown Inft. Debility DEERING Ellen F. C. of Eng. 15 dys Shearstown Shearstown
Dec-15 Coley's Point Inft. Debility BISHOP Cyril V. C. of Eng. 2 mos Coley's Point Coley's point
Dec-26 Coley's Point Prematurity DAWE Carrie C. of Eng. 5 dys Coley's Point Coley's point
Oct-03 Upper Isl. Cove Congenital Deby. NEWMAN Albert C. of Eng. 2 dys Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Oct-10 Upper Isl. Cove Myocarditis OSBORNE Fannie C. of Eng. 82 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Oct-08 Bryants Cove Cholera Infantum NOSEWORTHY Ambrose C. of Eng. 8 mos Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Nov-03 Upper Isl. Cove Drowning GRIFFIN Thomas C. of Eng. 33 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Nov-06 Upper Isl. Cove Congenital Deby. LUNDRIGEN Alice E. C. of Eng. 1 mon Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Nov-11 Bell Island Killed - accident COOMBES Josiah C. of Eng. 48 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Nov-19 Bryants Cove Pulmonary Tuber. STONE Thomas C. of Eng. 63 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Dec-18 Upper Isl. Cove Cerebral Hemorrhage LUNDRIGEN Emma C. of Eng. 75 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Dec-28 Bryants Cove Congenital Deby. BABB Theodore C. of Eng. 12 dys Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Dec-11 Upper Isl. Cove Prematurity REID Child of Selby & Mary E. C. of Eng. PB Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Oct-03 Spds. Bay Ricketts ROBERTS Annie V. C. of Eng. 3 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jul-02 North Sea Drowning GOSSE Walter C. of Eng. 21 Tilton North Sea
Oct-07 Spds. Bay Paralysis BROWN Ann C. of Eng. 71 (?) Spds. Bay
Oct-25 Spds. Bay Inft. Debility NEIL Maud C. of Eng. 1 week Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
(?) Sydney Killed - accident CHIPMAN Joseph C. of Eng. 22 (left blank) Tilton
*date above was Oct but crossed out            
Nov-03 Spds. Bay Pulmonary Tuber. BUTT Josiah C. of Eng. 65 (?) Spds. Bay
Nov-05 Spds. Bay Inft. Debility PEDDLE Frances V. C. of Eng. 3 wks Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Dec-31 New Waterford C.B. (Cape Breton) Crushed by C??l Car JEWER Richard C. of Eng. 40 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Oct-13 Bay Roberts Chronic Bronchitis BADCOCK Olivia Meth. 82 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-23 Shearstown Unknown MERCER Isaac Meth. 2 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Dec-14 Bay Roberts Bronchitis FRENCH Wilfred James Meth. 9 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-21 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis MERCER Thomas Meth. 53 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-26 St. John's Cancer TUCKER Agnes Meth. 67 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-07 Bay Roberts Drowning DAWSON William R. Cath. 40 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-16 Bay Roberts Paralysis DELANEY "to come" R. Cath. 76 (left blank) Bay Roberts
Nov-22 Bay Roberts Old Age CONNELL "to come" R. Cath. 70 (left blank) Bay Roberts
*above first names entered as "to come" in records, not by transcriber
Oct-12 Bay Roberts Drowned TITFORD Melvin C. of Eng. blank Residence previous to (?) Hr. Grace (left blank)
Oct-12 Bay Roberts Drowned GOSS Walter C. of Eng. blank Tilton (left blank)
2-Apr-14 Lost in SS Southern Rose off St. Mary's Drowned NOEL Norman C. of Eng. 22 Hr. Grace S. (left blank)
2-Jan-15 Lost in Schv. Ant???te on (engage?) from Patrol (J??s) Drowned SHUTE Stephen C. of Eng. 21 Hr. Grace S. (left blank)
2-Jan-15 Lost in Schv. Ant???te on (engage?) from Patrol (J??s) Drowned HODDEISTT? William Hy. C. of Eng. 55 (Matthew's Cove?) Labrador (left blank)
*above three entries - day is listed on record as approximate          
PAGE 159                
Jan-10 Spds Bay. Bronchitis MERCER Jonathan G. C. of Eng. 9 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-15 Spds Bay. Dropsy VOKEY William C. of Eng. 61 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-08 Spds Bay. Senile Debility GOSSE Ann C. of Eng. 89 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-19 Spds Bay. Acute Bronchitis GOSSE Lewis Moses C. of Eng. 5 1/2 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-19 Spds Bay. Malnutrition CHIPMAN William C. of Eng. 4 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-20 Spds Bay. Epithelema of Lip BARRETT Nathaniel C. of Eng. 84 Bishops Cove Tilton
Feb-28 Spds Bay. Senility SHEPPARD Providence C. of Eng. 84 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Mar-01 Spds Bay. Heart Disease GOSSE Jane C. of Eng. 74 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Mar-09 Spds Bay. Tuberculosis CHIPMAN Bertha C. of Eng. 17 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Mar-16 Tilton Senility CRANE James C. of Eng. 72 Upper Isl. Cove Tilton
Jan-09 Coleys Point Convulsions RUSSELL Gordon Meth. 6 mos Coleys Point Coleys Point
Jan-17 Coleys Point Pleuro Pneumonia BADCOCK James Meth. 73 Bay Roberts Shearstown
Feb-05 Country Road Senile Decay BELBIN Elizabeth Meth. 93 Bay Roberts Coleys Point
Feb-18 Shearstown Paralysis SPARKES Isaac Meth. 76 Bay Roberts Shearstown
Feb-26 Spds Bay. Acute Indigestion GOSSE Irene Viola Meth. 6 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-28 Bay Roberts Whooping Cough BISHOP George D. Meth. 2 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-04 Country Road Senile Decay ROBERTS Willilam Meth. 91 Hr. Grace Coleys Point
Mar-22 Country Road Pertusis DAWE Dori Meth. 9 mos Coleys Point Coleys Point
Mar-26 Bay Roberts Dilation of Heart MERCER Douglas Meth. 23 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-19 Hr. Grace Nephritis SHUTE Moses Clarence C. of Eng. 1 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-21 Hr. Grace LaGrippe SPURRELL Mary C. of Eng. 64 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-10 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis SPURRELL Alexander C. of Eng. 18 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-16 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage NEWMAN John C. of Eng. 78 Upper Isl. Cove Hr. Grace
Mar-28 Hr. Grace Myocarditis NOEL Eliel C. of Eng. 78 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-08 Bay Roberts Whooping Cough FRENCH Gladys C. of Eng. 9 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-22 Bay Roberts Chronic Nephritis RUSSELL Mary Jane C. of Eng. 73 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-04 Bay Roberts Heart Disease CRANE Howard C. of Eng. 4 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-13 Bay Roberts Acute Broncho Pneumonia RUSSELL Mildred C. of Eng. 4 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-31 Bay Roberts Gastric Cancer WALSH Esther C. of Eng. 71 Greenspond Bay Roberts
Jan Riverhead Inft. Debility RYAN Thomas Joseph R. Cath. 2 mos Riverhead Hr. Grace
Jan-22 Riverhead Diphtheria KEHOE Edward R. Cath. 15 Riverhead Hr. Grace
(blank) Sydney N.S. One of Crew - S.S. (Danelin?) NORCOTT Abraham R. Cath. 47 Riverhead Hr. Grace
Feb-07 St. John's Accident CONNOLLY James R. Cath. 27 Bristol's Hope Carbonear
Mar Riverhead Heart Failure WALL James R. Cath. 71 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-03 Hr. Grace Old Age BRENNAN Mary R. Cath. 74 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-08 Tilton Tuberculosis SNOW John R. Cath. 70 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-12 Bryant's Cove Old Age DROVER John R. Cath. 20 Tilton Spds. Bay
Mar-18 Hr. Grace Cancerous Growth WHELAN Alice   76 Bryants Cove Bryants cove
Mar-20 St. John's Heart Failure MORRISSEY Mary   85 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-22 (left blank) (left blank) FOLEY Mary   85 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
PAGE 160                
Mar-29 Hr. Grace Paralysis CODY Honora R. Cath. 67 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-10 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage McRAE Mary C. of Eng. 69 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-23 Hr. Grace Senility HATCHER Amelia C. of Eng. 80 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-30 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis BRAY George C. of Eng. 71 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-13 Hr. Grace Senility NICHOLS Susanna C. of Eng. 89 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-14 Hr. Grace Senility STEVENSON Elizabeth C. of Eng. 85 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-05 Hr. Grace Bronchitis ASH Harold Forward C. of Eng. 2 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-13 Upper Isl. Cove Tuberculosis MERCER Sarah Jane C. of Eng. 25 1/2 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Mar-09 Upper Isl. Cove Broncho Pneumonia LUNDRIGAN Hilda Rose C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Mar-24 Upper Isl. Cove Rickets HUSSEY Edgar George C. of Eng. 8 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Mar-30 Upper Isl. Cove Congenital Debility MERCER George Heber C. of Eng. 3 dys Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-14 Strebascadia? N.S. Fracture Skull DAVIS Charles Meth. 28 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-13 Hr. Grace Heart Failure BUDDEN Rachael Meth. 71 Hearts Content Hr. Grace
Mar-02 St. John's Consumption PARSONS Robert Meth. 22 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Mar-27 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis TITFORD Frank Meth. 19 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-15 Coley's point Whooping Cough BISHOP Ethel Maud C. of Eng. 6 1/2 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Jan-27 Coley's point Tumor of brain MORGAN Arthur J. C. of Eng. 18 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Feb-20 Shearstown Old Age BADCOCK Ambrose C. of Eng. 78 Bay Roberts Shearstown
Mar-02 Coley's point Epilepsy DAWE Malcolm Arch C. of Eng. 25 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Jan-16 Coley's point Heart Disease DAWE Susie Sal. Army 46 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Feb-04 St. John's Insanity SNOW Lavina Sal. Army 56 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-12 Somewhere in France Killed in Action VERGE Levi C. of Eng. 37 Hr. Grace (left blank)
Jun-15 Genel. Hospt. St. John's Nephritis NOSEWORTHY William Duecqur? C. of Eng. 3 1/2 Hr. Grace South Hr. Grace South
Jun-29 Bell Island Pulmonary (Labuentris?) BROWN Florence C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Hr. Grace South Hr. Grace
Apr-01 Hr. Grace Still Born Child (left blank)   C. of Eng.      
Apr-01 Hr. Grace Senility MARTIN Charlotte C. of Eng. 86 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-01 Hr. Grace Measles (acute Labuentris?) JANES Florence C. of Eng. 12 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-25 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage MARTIN Susannah C. of Eng. 86 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-29 Hr. Grace Measles DOVE Minnie Francis C. of Eng. 1 or 10 mos Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-12 Spds. Bay Malnutrition STONE James C. of Eng. 3 mths Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Apr-21 Spds. Bay Pulmonary Tuberculosis GOSSE Miriam C. of Eng. 16 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jun-16 St. John's Meningitis SINGLETON Marion C. of Eng. 18 Tilton Tilton
Jun-20 Tilton Carcinoma CRANE Susannah C. of Eng. 47 (left blank) Tilton
Jun-27 Spds. Bay Pulmonary Tuberculosis VOKEY Philip C. of Eng. 59 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Apr-13 Hr. Grace Broncho Pneumonia BRIEN Ellen R. Cath. 65 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-14 Hr. Grace Paralysis KENNEDY Mary R. Cath. 70 Carbonear Hr. Grace
Apr-18 Hr. Grace Pneumonia MORIARTY Mary R. Cath. 76 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-19 Spds. Bay Bronchitis THOMPSON Mary R. Cath. 2 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
May-07 Riverhead (left blank) MACKEY Bridget R. Cath. 64? Riverhead Hr. Grace
May-08 Riverhead Dropsy SMALLCOMB Margaret R. Cath. 63 Riverhead Hr. Grace
PAGE 161                
May-16 Grand Falls Paralysis ST. JOHN Denis R. Cath. 80 Riverhead Hr. Grace
May-24 River Head Abscess on Brain KELLY Mary A. R. Cath. 62 Riverhead Hr. Grace
May-25 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis GORDON Mary R. Cath. 14 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-03 Hr. Grace Broncho Pneumonia PIKE Wesley Meth. 10 1/2 mths Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jun-07 Hr. Grace South Pulmonary Tuberculosis PARSONS Chesley Meth. 18 Hr. Grace South Hr. Grace
Jun-25 Hr. Grace South Enteritis Debility STEVENSON Albert Meth. 5 Hr. Grace South Hr. Grace
Jun-28 Bristol's Hope Cerebral Hemorrhage PEDDLE Mrs. Nicholas Meth. 86 Bristol's Hope Hr. Grace
Jun-29 Hr. Grace Pulmonary Tuberculosis CARSON Harold Meth. 30 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Apr-04 Bay Roberts Heart Disease FRENCH Johanna Meth. 78 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-14 Bay Roberts Paralysis FRENCH James Meth. 78 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-07 Everett Boston, USA Consumption SNOW Susia Meth. 19 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-03 Upper Isl. Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis MERCER Mary C. of Eng. 15 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Apr-19 Upper Isl. Cove Ricketts & Cong. Debility PARSONS Clarice C. of Eng. 8 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Apr-22 Upper Isl. Cove Pneumonia COOMBS David C. of Eng. 71 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-01 Upper Isl. Cove Myocarditis COOMBS Joshua C. of Eng. 74 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-02 Upper Isl. Cove Pleurisy LUNDRIGAN Thomas C. of Eng. 46 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-17 Bishop's Cove Senility MENCHIONTON Fanny? C. of Eng. 78 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
May-21 Bishop's Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis JONES Laura C. of Eng. 44 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-23 Spoon Cove Convulsions SHARPE Mary Elizbt. C. of Eng. 7 mos Spoon Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jun-09 Upper Isl. Cove Measles LUNDRIGAN William Henry C. of Eng. 5 1/2 yrs Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Apr-17 Upper Isl. Cove Still Born MERCER child of Geo. & A. C. of Eng. SB Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
May-20 Coley's Point Paralysis SNOW Abraham Sal. Army 63 Coley's Point Coley's Point
May-25 Bay Roberts Broncho Pneumonia BRADBURY Emmie B. Sal. Army 3 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-24 Bay Roberts Paralysis BARRETT Elanor C. of Eng. 87 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-29 Bay Roberts (left blank) FRENCH Ronald C. of Eng. 5 dys Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-26 Bay Roberts (left blank) RUSSELL Annie C. of Eng. 88 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-10 Bay Roberts Premature Birth FRENCH Myette W. C. of Eng. 4 dys Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-15 Bay Roberts (left blank) BRADBURY Milly Florence C. of Eng. 3 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-10 Hr. Grace Island Measles & Broncho Pneumonia SNOW Winnie C. of Eng. 2 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-16 Hr. Grace Island (left blank) SHEPPARD Alice Patience C. of Eng. 10 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-13 Hr. Grace Senility HURST James C. of Eng. 83 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Sep-05 Hr. Grace Congenital Debility SHUTE Arthur William C. of Eng. 4 mos HR. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-03 Hr. Grace Broncho Pneumonia SHEPPARD George R. C. of Eng. 1 1/2 yrs Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-01 France Killed in Action BROWN Edmund John C. of Eng. 28 Hr. Grace France
Sep-08 France Killed in Action SHEPPARD Stewart C. of Eng. 40 Hr. Grace South France
Jul-14 Upper Isl. Cove Measles COOMBS William C. of Eng. 16 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jul-02 35 Casualty Station France Died from Wounds CRANE Henry C. of Eng. 29 Upper Isl. Cove France
Jul-23 10 Casualty Station France Died from Wounds COOMBS Joshua C. of Eng. 23 Upper Isl. Cove Lyssenhock?
Aug-09 Bishop's Cove Senility BAKER Jane C. of Eng. 74 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Aug-22 Upper Isl. Cove Tubercular Meningitis COOMBS Le Marie C. of Eng. 17 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
PAGE 162                
Sep-12 Upper Isl. Cove Gastro Enteritis JANES Janet C. of Eng. 29 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Sep-13 Upper Isl. Cove Infantile Debility PARSONS Susanna W. C. of Eng. 2 1/2 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Sep-16 Upper Isl. Cove Ricketts HUSSEY Joseph C. of Eng. 5 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Sep-20 Bryants Cove Senility YETMAN Susanna C. of Eng. 89 Bishops Cove Bryants Cove
Jul-02 Bay Roberts Hemiplegio RUSSELL Grace C. of Eng. 65 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-11 Bay Roberts Old Age HURLEY Melvina C. of Eng. 87 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-13 Bay Roberts (left blank) FRENCH Winnifred C. of Eng. 1 mth Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-29 Bay Roberts Old Age SNOW Jonathan C. of Eng. 74 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug-02 Bay Roberts Old Age MERCER Patience C. of Eng. 87 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug-10 Bay Roberts Old Age PARSONS Richard C. of Eng. 77 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-16 Bay Roberts (left blank) HUSSEY Mary Ann C. of Eng. 29 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-07 Bay Roberts Old Age MERCER Rebecca C. of Eng. 78 Bonavista Bay Roberts
Sep-13 Bay Roberts Pulmonary Tuberculosis BADCOCK Fanny C. of Eng. 60 Bell Island C.B. Bay Roberts
Sep-18 Bay Roberts Paralysis SNOW James C. of Eng. 79 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-13 Hr. Grace Measles O'NEILL Minnie R. Cath. 1 1/2 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-02 Bryants Cove Tuberculosis NORCOTT Mary Ann R. Cath. 39 Bryants Cove Bryants Cove
Aug-03 Hr. Grace Pneumonia O'NEILL Alice Ann R. Cath. 8 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-06 Hr. Grace Old Age KENNEDY Ches L. R. Cath. 80 USA Hr. Grace
Jul-20 Hr. Grace Heart Failure O'BRIEN Roger R. Cath. 51 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
blank Somewhere in France Killed in Action FALLON Stephen R. Cath. 19 Hr. Grace France
Sep-03 St. John's (left blank) MURPHY Alice R. Cath. 55 Carbonear Hr. Grace
Sep-22 Riverhead Infantile Debility STAPLETON (left blank) R. Cath. 10 mos? Riverhead Hr. Grace
Jul-19 St. John's Syncope & Heart Disease WHITEWAY Henry Meth. 70 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-10 Hr. Grace Senility GORDON Julia Meth. 87 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Aug-23 Bristol's Hope Pulmonary Tuberculosis TAYLOR May Meth. 30 Bristol's Hope Hr. Grace
Sep-22 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage BRADBURY Ann Meth. 82 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jul-26 Tilton Taxaemia VOKEY Bertha Julia C. of Eng. 25 1/2 Tilton Tilton
Aug-03 Spds. Bay Heart Disease NEIL Mary Jane C. of Eng. 64 Bay Roberts Spds. Bay
Aug-07 Windham Cove crushed whilst at work CHIPMAN Owen C. of Eng. 23 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-08 Spds. Bay Pneumonia VOKEY Rose Ann C. of Eng. 3 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-15 Spds. Bay General Debility DROVER Rose Ella C. of Eng. 2 dys Spds. Bay Tilton ???? Cemtry.
Aug-31 Spds. Bay Convulsions HUTCHINGS John C. of Eng. 3 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Aug-27 Spds. Bay Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Selina C. of Eng. 2 1/2 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Sep-05 Spds. Bay Acute Gastritis VOKEY Henry Jas. C. of Eng. 11 mths Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Sep-09 Batteau Labrador Heart Disease BROWN Jonathan C. of Eng. 60 Tilton Tilton
Jul-30 Coley's Point Measles RUSSELL William A. C. of Eng. 3 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Aug-01 Coley's Point Pneumonia MERCER Mary C. of Eng. 37 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Aug-04 Shearstown (left blank) MERCER Isaac C. of Eng. 3 dys Shearstown Shearstown
Aug-10 Coley's Point Paralysis PARSONS Robert C. of Eng. 77 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Aug-29 Coley's Point (left blank) PARSONS Gilbert C. of Eng. 22 Coley's Point Coley's Point
PAGE 163                
Aug-28 Coley's Point (left blank) GREENLAW William J. C. of Eng. 2 mos Coley's Point Coley's Point
Aug-31 Coley's Point Epilepsy MORGAN Mary C. of Eng. 22 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Sep-01 Coley's Point General Debility LITTLEJOHN John C. of Eng. 80 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Sep-09 Shearstown (left blank) EARLE Lizzie C. of Eng. 11 Shearstown Coley's Point
Sep-12 Coley's Point Cholera Infantum RUSSEL Azariah C. of Eng. 12 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Sep-11 Coley's Point Acute Gastro Entritis THOMPSON Emma Jane S. Army 2 1/2 Coley's Point Coley's Point
Apr-01 Hr. Grace Pulmonary Tuberculosis PARSONS Mrs. Henry S. Army 70 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Oct-06 Hr. Grace S. Broncho Pneumonia SHEPPARD Clement C. of Eng. 3 mon Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Oct-22 Hr. Grace S. Endocarditis NOEL Edith D. C. of Eng. 31 Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Dec-01 Hr. Grace S. Congenital Debility NOEL Alma C. of Eng. 7 wks Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Dec-10 Hr. Grace S. Cerebral Tumour NOEL Albert C. of Eng. 43 Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace
Dec-11 Hr. Grace S. Cerebral Hemorrhage NOSEWORTHY Mary Jane C. of Eng. 68 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-23 Hr. Grace S. Tuberculosis SHEPPARD John C. of Eng. 29 Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Dec-31 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage STIRLING Leonard L. C. of Eng. 41 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Oct-07 Hr. Grace Cancer Stomach MARTIN Matthew C. of Eng. 79 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Nov-10 Montreal Hemorrhage Brain ALLAN Margaret W. C. of Eng. 75 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-17 Hr. Grace Carcinoma SPARKES Mary Ann C. of Eng. 68 Burnt Head Hr. Grace
Dec-20 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage NICHOLS William C. of Eng. 70 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-21 Hr. Grace Still Born CROCKER child of Chas & Maud C. of Eng. S.B. Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Oct-01 Spds. Bay Whooping Cough NEIL Ralph C. of Eng. 4 mos Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Oct-02 Tilton Convulsions HUSSEY Violet C. of Eng. 17 Tilton Tilton
Oct-07 New Waterford Cp. Breton Accident Crushed by (Bus?) SMITH Isaac C. of Eng. 20 Tilton Tilton
Oct-09 Spds. Bay Heart Failure GOSSE George C. of Eng. 66 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Oct-29 Spds. Bay Haemoptyses SHEPPARD Jonathan C. of Eng. 76 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Nov-01 Spds. Bay Measles VOKEY Elizabeth C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Nov-09 Goddenville Pulmonary Tuberculosis BLACKE Catherine C. of Eng. 30 Goddenville Goddenville
Nov-20 Spds. Bay Lobar Pneumonia ANTHONY Mary Ann C. of Eng. 58 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Dec-21 Spds. Bay Paralysis (Heart Failure) HUTCHINGS Ambrose C. of Eng. 70 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Dec-07 Spds. Bay Meningitis SMITH Cecil Harold C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Dec-17 Goddenville General Debility CLARKE Frederick C. of Eng. 3 mos St. John`s Goddenville
Nov-07 Bay Roberts Acute Gastro Entritis SPARKS Donald Ross C. of Eng. 13 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-01 Bay Roberts Malnutrition MERCER Ida Janet C. of Eng. 2 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-01 Bay Roberts Heart Disease GOSSE Annie C. of Eng. 89 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-11 Bay Roberts Bronchitis MERCER Ethel Maud C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-12 Bay Roberts Chronis Nephritis MERCER James John C. of Eng. 81 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct-04 River Head Infantile Debility ASH Baby R. Cath. 5 mos River Head Hr. Grace
Oct-26 Spds. Bay (E)carto Bronchial Trouble BYRNE Annie R. Cath. 71 Goddenville Spds. Bay
Oct-30 Spds. Bay Paralysis FINN Mary R. Cath. 92 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Nov-01 River Head (left blank) HILLYARD Anastasia R. Cath. 70 River Head Hr. Grace
Nov-07 Hr. Grace Pernicious Anaemia HANRAHAN Thomas R. Cath. 53 King`s Cove Hr. Grace
PAGE 164                
Nov-16 Hr. Grace Senility RYAN Michael R. Cath 44 Ireland Hr. Grace
Jul-01 Somewhere in France Killed in Action MERCER Maxwell Meth. 19 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Aug-13 French Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis CAVANAU Julia Meth. 29 French`s Cove Bay Roberts
Aug-13 St. John`s Senile Debility BOWERING Sarah Meth. 81 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Sep-23 Spds. Bay Broncho Pneumonia BARRETT Janett Meth. 1 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Sep-30 Country Road Congenital Debility DAWE Baby Meth. 4 dys Country Road Country Road
Sep-29 French Cove Pneumonia FRENCH Francis Meth. 78 French`s Cove French`s Cove
Jul-01 Somewhere in France Killed in Action CROSBIE George G. Meth. 18 New York (left blank)
Oct-29 Hr. Grace Cancer Liver PARSONS James Meth. 80 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-01 Hr. Grace Meningitis ADAMS Marjorie Meth. ? Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Dec-15 Hr. Grace Senility KENNEDY George *1 Meth. 88 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Oct-11 In France Killed in Action BUTTER Robert Meth. 22 Coleys Point (left blank)
Oct-20 Bay Roberts Congenital Debility WINSOR Susannah G. Meth. 37 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-07 Shearstown Typhoid Fever TURTLE Pearl Meth. 17 Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-20 Bay Roberts Heart Disease SNOW Abner Meth. 69 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Dec-13 Bay Roberts Chronic Nephritis FRENCH Jacob Meth. 75 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-01 Coley`s point Old Age LITTLEJOHN John C. of Eng. 80 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Sep-09 Shearstown (left blank) EARLE Lizzie C. of Eng. blank Shearstown Shearstown
Sep-12 Coley`s point (left blank) RUSSELL (M)ariah C. of Eng. 1 1/2 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Oct-16 Coley`s point (left blank) SQUIRES Raymond C. of Eng. 6 mos Coleys Point Coleys Point
Nov-01 Coley`s point Measles BISHOP Herbert C. of Eng. 10 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Nov-02 Shearstown Heart Disease SEYMOUR Morris C. of Eng. 79 Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-03 Shearstown Pneumonia BADCOCK Robert C. of Eng. 3 Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-11 Coley`s point Peritonitis FRADSHAM William C. of Eng. 22 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Nov-13 Shearstown (left blank) ADDERSON Jane C. of Eng. blank Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-28 Coley`s point (left blank) FRENCH Caroline C. of Eng. 64 Coleys Point Coleys Point
Dec-01 Shearstown Acute Tuberculosis PARSONS Jonathan C. of Eng. 61 Shearstown Shearstown
Dec-18 Coley`s point Heart Failure GREENLAND Amy C. of Eng. 73 Port de Grave Coleys Point
Dec-12 Shearstown Bronchitis SEYMOUR Edmund C. C. of Eng. 3 1/2 Shearstown Shearstown
Oct-03 Bryants Cove Heart Failure PARSONS George C. of Eng. 81 Bryant`s Cove Bryant`s Cove
Nov-06 Upper Isl. Cove Convulsions NEWMAN Archibald C. of Eng. 9 dys Upper Isl. Cove Upper isl. Cove
Nov-09 Bishop`s Cove Congenital Debility BARRETT Oscar M.M. C. of Eng. 11 dys Bishop`s Cove Bishop`s Cove
Nov-18 Bryants Cove Myocarditis STONE George C. of Eng. 87 Bryant`s Cove Bryant`s Cove
Nov-20 Upper Isl. Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis COOMBS Christina C. of Eng. 35 1/2 Upper Isl. Cove Upper isl. Cove
Nov-27 Upper Isl. Cove Congenital Debility DROVER Mary S. C. of Eng. 5 dys Upper Isl. Cove Upper isl. Cove
Nov-23 Upper Isl. Cove Still Born DROVER child of John & Mary C. of Eng. S.B. Upper Isl. Cove Upper isl. Cove
Jan-11 Bay Roberts Heart Disease BADCOCK George R. Cath 15 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-22 Bay Roberts Heart Disease DAWSON Mary Ann R. Cath 46 (left blank) Bay Roberts
Mar-25 Sefields (left blank) KEEFE James R. Cath 45 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-15 Bay Roberts Convulsions MOORE George R. Cath 15 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
PAGE 165                
Jul-14 Bay Roberts Influenza of lungs DAWSON Michael R. Cath. 2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-10 Butler`s Cove Consumption POWER Andrew R. Cath. 29 (left blank) Bay Roberts
Sep-19 Bay Roberts Consumption CRIMSON Agnes R. Cath. 20 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-29 Bay Roberts Heart Disease DELANEY James R. Cath. 61 (left blank) Bay Roberts
Jul-01 France Killed in Action SNOW John S. C. of Eng. 21 Hr. Grace (residence prev. to enlisting) (left blank)
Jul-01 France Killed in Action CARSONS John C. of Eng. 20 Hr. Grace (residence prev. to enlisting) (left blank)
Aug-12 France Killed in Action BROWN Harry Sal. Army 19 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Oct-14 France died of wounds MARTIN Henley C. of Eng. 20 Hr. Grace (left blank)
Sep-16 Bishop`s Cove Gastro Entritis LYNCH Harrison Sal. Army 11 mos Bishop`s Cove Bishop`s Cove
Jun-02 Somewhere in France Killed in Action HOOD William Chas. C. of Eng. 33 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Jun-22 Somewhere in France Killed in Action DAWE Victor Chas. C. of Eng. 25 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Jul-28 Somewhere in France Killed in Action BARRETT William C. of Eng. 27 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Oct-28 Bay Roberts still born child MERCER child of Cyril & Henriette C. of Eng. S.B. Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-03 France Killed in Action BADCOCK Arthur Methodist 19 Bay Roberts (left blank)
Jan-21 Bay Roberts Rupture of Bladder MASDELL John Methodist 76 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-24 French`s Cove Chronic Nephritis BADCOCK Esau Methodist 78 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-23 Mercer`s Cove Heart Disease MERCER William J. Methodist 37 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-15 Shearstown Heart Failure SNOW Ann Methodist 46 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-07 Mercer`s Cove Paralysis MERCER Isaac Methodist 75 Mercers Cove Bay Roberts
Feb-25 Bay Roberts Heart Disease SNOW Emma Methodist 50 Cupids Bay Roberts
Mar-03 Shearstown Heart Disease SNOW John Methodist 3 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-13 Mercer`s Cove Tuberculosis BRADBURY James Methodist 35 Mercers Cove Bay Roberts
Mar-25 Country Road Pneumonia PARSONS Lizzie M. Methodist 1 1/2 Country Road Coleys Point
Mar-16 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis MERCER Susanna Methodist 59 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-08 Tilton Nephritis GOSSE Peter C. of Eng. 46 Tilton Tilton
Jan-08 Tilton Senility CRANE Christopher C. of Eng. 87 Upper Isl. Cove Tilton
Jan-10 Spds. Bay Lupus PORTER Annie C. of Eng. 15 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-16 Spds. Bay Hemorrhage after childbirth MURRIN Emma C. of Eng. 21 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-20 Spds. Bay Heart Failure VOKEY Silas C. of Eng. 37 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-29 Spds. Bay Senility VOKEY William C. of Eng. 90 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-06 Spds. Bay Chronic Myocartitis SHEPPARD Maria C. of Eng. 64 Bay Roberts Spds. Bay
Feb-19 Spds. Bay Pulmonary Tuberculosis PORTER Josiah C. of Eng. 52 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Feb-21 Tilton Bronchitis VOKEY Irene C. of Eng. 9 mos Tilton Tilton
Mar-05 Tilton Bronchitis SMITH Maud C. of Eng. 16 Tilton Tilton
PAGE 166                
Feb-26 Louisberg N.S. Heart Failure VOKEY Philip C. of Eng. 19 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Mar-22 Spds. Bay Senility VOKEY Ann C. of Eng. 88 Spds. Bay Spds. Bay
Jan-19 Bay Roberts Senile Decay BROWN Mary C. of Eng. 78 (left blank) Bay Roberts
Jan-23 Bay Roberts Mastoiditis CALPIN Caroline C. of Eng. 65 Upper Isl. Cove Coley`s Point
Feb-09 Bay Roberts Heart Failure MERCER Elijah C. of Eng. 64 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-12 Bay Roberts Tuberculosis PARSONS Ronald C. of Eng. 5 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-07 Bay Roberts Meningitis BRADBURY Harry Melvin C. of Eng. 62 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-26 Country Road Pulmonary Tuberculosis MERCER John C. of Eng. 33 Country Road Coley`s Point
Feb-01 Coley`s Point Heart Failure FRENCH Elizabeth Jane C. of Eng. 76 Coley`s point Coley`s Point
Feb-01 Country Road Old Age PARSONS Jane C. of Eng. 80 Bay Roberts Coley`s Point
Feb-09 Coley`s Point Abscess ROACH Edward C. of Eng. 53 Coley`s point Coley`s Point
Mar-02 Shearstown Old Age TURTLE Heury C. of Eng. 72 Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-15 Brigus (Catarrhal?) Pneumonia DAVIS Matilda C. of Eng. 79 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-25 on S.S. (Luriutic?) Drowning in (E_p_cake?) YETMAN Clement C. of Eng. 24 Hr. Grace S. (left blank)
Mar-25 Hr. Grace Tuberculosis KITCHEN Emma C. of Eng. 47 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-03 Upper Isl. Cove Meningitis LUNDRIGAN Florence C. of Eng. 10 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-05 Upper Isl. Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis LUNDRIGAN William James C. of Eng. 15 1/2 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-18 Upper Isl. Cove Senility JANES William C. of Eng. 82 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-27 Upper Isl. Cove Bronchitis LUNDRIGAN Thomas Bertram C. of Eng. 13 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-06 Bishop`s Cove La Grippe MEUCHIONTON Jacob C. of Eng. 59 Bishop`s Cove Bishop`s Cove
Feb-17 Upper Isl. Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis YOUNG Eliza Jane C. of Eng. 24 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Mar-07 Upper Isl. Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis PARSONS Susanna C. of Eng. 19 Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Mar-19 Bishop`s Cove Pleurisy, Pulmonary Tuberculosis SMITH Nathaniel B. C. of Eng. 19 Bishop`s Cove Bishop`s Cove
Mar-21 Upper Isl. Cove Convulsions JANES Hilda Susanna C. of Eng. 7 mos Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Feb-26 Upper Isl. Cove Still born child MERCER child of William & Ethel C. of Eng. S.B. Upper Isl. Cove Upper Isl. Cove
Jan-27 Hr. Grace Cerebral Hemorrhage SWEETLAND Amelia C. of Eng. 84 Carbonear Hr. Grace
Feb-03 St. John`s Old Age MORGAN Mary Jane C. of Eng. 84 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-07 Hr. Grace Cancer Stomach SHEPPARD Moses C. of Eng. 77 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-12 Hr. Grace Tumors (Liver) HEATER Wilhelmina C. of Eng. 47 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-13 Hr. Grace Congenital Debility COLLIS John Francis C. of Eng. 3 dys Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Feb-19 Hr. Grace Myocarditis & Diptheria WILLIAMS Frederick A. C. of Eng. 86 Bay Roberts Hr. Grace
Mar-18 Hr. Grace Rachitis MARTIN Joseph Samul. C. of Eng. 5 1/2 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-02 Bristol`s Hope Pulmonary Tuberculosis THOMEY Catherine R. Cath. 20 Bristol`s Hope Hr. Grace
Jan-06 St. John`s Lunatic Asylum THOMEY Margaret R. Cath. 62 Kings Cove Hr. Grace
Jan-11 Hr. Grace Bronchitis KELLY Theresa R. Cath. 78 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-11 River Head Rheumatism SHANAHAN Nicholas R. Cath. 86 River Head Hr. Grace
Jan-12 Hr. Grace Pulmonary Tuberculosis McCARTHY Sarah Ann R. Cath. 35 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-12 St. John`s Lunatic Asylum MURPHY Catherine R. Cath. 79 Bay de Verde Hr. Grace
Jan-16 Hr. Grace Pleura Pneumonia HAYSE Mary R. Cath. 68 Hr. Grace Hr. Grace
Jan-18 Spds. Bay Bronchitis CALLAHAN John R. Cath. 46 River Head Spds. Bay

Transcribed by: Laurie Lockhart (2011)

Page Last Modified: Monday September 30, 2019 (Don Tate)
KENNEDY, George*1 The HG Standard of Dec 15, 1916 notes the death at age 88 of MRS George Kennedy. The husband George is still alive at age 90. Geoff Martin -

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