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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

St. Barbe District
1911 - 1912

Book 6
PAGES 367 - 384

Source: LDS Microfilm Images

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Given Names Surname Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 367                
Jan-07 Jackson's Arm Influenza PAFFORD Louis Church of England 4 months Jackson's Arm Jackson's Arm
Jan-24 Seal Cove Congen. Deby. PARDY Stephen H Church of England 2 weeks Seal Cove Seal Cove
Feb-13 Seal Cove Congen. Deby. SAUNDERS Annis B Church of England 3 months Seal Cove  
Feb-15 Coachman's Cove Apoplexy TALBOT Elizabeth Roman Catholic 72 Tickle Cove Coachman's Cove
May-20 Coachman's Cove Tuberculosis/Lungs BAILEY Ann F Roman Catholic 17 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Feb-20 No Entry*1 Drowning BALLETT Edward Roman Catholic 30 Fleur De Lys  
Mar-26 Coachman's Cove Gastritis AYLWARD James Roman Catholic 65 Broad Cove Coachman's Cove
Feb-02 Cirque Kidney Trouble KENNEDY Denis M Roman Catholic 21 Croque St Jacksons
Mar-25 Flower's Cove Childbirth WALSH Theresa Roman Catholic 20 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Mar-28 Conche Inff. Debility JOYCE Mary M Roman Catholic 6 wks Conche Conche
Dec-31 Pacquet Old Age BUTLER Mary A Methodist 83 Wild Cove Pacquet
Jan-11 Shoe Cove Consumption ADAMS Solomon Methodist 67 Indian B Place Meth Cmty
Mar-25 La Scie Cong. Debility CHIPPEN Stewart Methodist 80 LaScie Meth Cmty
Jan-11 Englee Cong. Debility WEIR Alexander Methodist 9 days Englee Englee
Feb-18 Roddicton Tuberculosis HANCOCK Arthur W Methodist 29 Englee Englee
Nov-12 St. Anthony Tuberculosis CHAMBERS Jacob Church of England 21 Flower's Cove St. Anthony
Dec-16 Current Island Tuberculosis WHELAN Lorenzo Church of England 28 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Dec-17 Pine's Cove Influenza YOUNG William J Church of England 8 days Pine's Cove G.I. Cove
Dec-27 Anchor Point Inflt. Debility GEORGE Virginia Church of England 8 months Anchor Point Anchor Point
Jan-15 Current Island Consumption TOOP Hannah Church of England 1 Current Island Current Island
Jan-21 Foresters Point Consumption TAYLOR Susanna Church of England 7 Foresters Point Current Island
Mar-02 Current Island Consumption TOOP James Church of England 50 Current Island Anchor Point
Jan-16 Griquet Unknown COMPTON Chadwick Methodist 4 months Griquet Griquet
Jan-16 Western Head Unknown TAYLOR Mary V Methodist 15 Western Head Western Head
Sep-25 Western Head Blood Poison TUCKER Ernest Methodist 10 Western Head Western Head
Feb-02 Griquet Tuberculosis PILGRIM Hazel Methodist 14 Griquet Griquet
Apr-01 Cape Norman Dropsy CAMPBELL John Methodist 65 Pictou NS Cape Norman
Apr-04 Western Head Tuberculosis TUCKER Naomi Methodist 26 Cape Norman Western Head
Apr-03 Griquet Complications COMPTON William Methodist 56   Griquet
Jan-17 Big Braha Inft. Debility PATEY Julia Methodist 1 month Big Braha Big Braha
Feb-13 St. Anthony Tuberculosis SLADE Edward Methodist 2 St. Anthony St. Anthony
May-03 Shoal Brook Meningitis HANN Walter R Methodist 19 Seal Cove Shoal Brook
May-24 Stanleyville none given CREITCH Mary E Methodist 14 Lower I Cove Norris Point
May-30 St. Anthony Cardiac Failure PILGRIM Richard Methodist 79 Carbonear St. Anthony
May-07 St. Pauls Congenital Deby HUTCHINGS Edward Church of England Inft St. Pauls St. Pauls
May-14 Sally's Cove Congenital Deby BUTT Richard C Church of England 1 month Cow Head Sally's Cove
Jun-23 Stanleyville Congenital Deby RUMBOLT Henry Church of England 1 month Stanleyville Norris Point
Jun-28 Burnt Woods Tuberculosis ABBE Francis L Church of England 31 Daniel's Hr Port Saunders
Jul-16 Silverton Inflam. Of Bowels REICKE George C Church of England 7 months Silverton Birchy Head
Apr-16 Cape Norman Natural Decay BRADLEY Samuel Church of England 68 Bay Roberts Cape Norman
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Apr 14 Griquet Convulsions BRIDGER Dorcas Church of England 3 wks Griquet Griquet
May-05 Boat Hr. Brain Fever WOODWARD Annie Church of England 2 Boat Hr. Boat Hr.
May-24 Cape Norman Convulsions DICKER Isabella Church of England 6 wks Cape Norman Cape Norman
Apr-01 Coachman's Cove Worm Fever BRIEN John Roman Catholic 13 wks Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
May-06 Coachman's Cove Pneumonia DOWNEY Maurice Roman Catholic 65   Coachman's Cove
May-30 Fleur De Lys Child Birth HEDDERSON Agnes Roman Catholic 32 Betts Cove Fleur De Lys
Jun-08 Brent's Cove Paralysis BARKER Mary Roman Catholic 63 King's Cove Brent's Cove
May-01 Conche Congenital Deby. BROWN John Park Roman Catholic 2 wks Conche Conche
Jun-21 Conche Pneumonia BROMLEY Margaret Roman Catholic 17 Conche Conche
Mar-02 Wild Cove Convulsions PITTMAN Mary Methodist 4 days Wild Cove Englee
Mar-09 Greenspond Drowning PARSONS James G Methodist 24 Duggan's Cove Not Found
Mar-09 Greenspond Drowning PARSONS Manuel Methodist 20 Duggan's Cove Not Found
Aug-03 Insane Asyl. Pneumonia BROWN Kate Roman Catholic 26 Conche Mt. Carmel
May-11 Sandy Bay Infancy COLES Ruth M. Church of England Inft Sandy Bay Savage Cove
Nov-18 Lance Au Clair Old Age SMITH George Church of England 75 Jersey Lance Au Clair
Feb-09 Lance Au Loup Old Age BARNEY Eliza Church of England 80 Spands' Bay Lance Au Loup
Apr-03 Flower's Cove Infancy CARNELL John Thos. Methodist 3 mos Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Jun-06 Flower's Cove Unknown DIAMOND Caroline Methodist 66 Birchy Cove Flower's Cove
Apr-11 Western Cove Acute Nephritis SMITH Jessie S Church of England 66 Fogo Western Cove
Apr-24 Riverhead Cong. Debility OSBORNE Maud Church of England 1 day Riverhead Riverhead
Jul-21 Englee Meningitis FILLIER Jacob Church of England 20 Englee Englee
Aug-26 Hooping Hr. Unknown CASSEL Elias Methodist 49 Hr. Deep Hooping Hr.
Sep-19 Hooping Hr. Drowning CASSEL Aaron Methodist 20 ? Not Found
Jan-17 Great Brahat Inft. Debility PATEY Julia Methodist 1 mon Gt. Brahat Gt. Brahat
Feby 13 St. Anthony Unknown SLADE Edward Methodist 2 St. Anthony St. Anthony
May-09 St. Anthony Osteomyelitis GOURDY   Methodist      
Jul-26 St. Anthony Septicalmia CULL Eliza Methodist 22   St. Anthony
Sep-22 St. Anthony Phthisis GORDON Meseander Methodist 30    
Apr-05 St. Leonards Heart Dis. COMPTON un. Methodist 45 Griquet Griquet
May-28 St. Leonards Inft. Debility COMPTON Mary E Methodist 2 wks St. Leonards St. Leonards
Jul-11 St. Leonards Inft. Debility BURDEN Joshua Methodist 2 1/2 mos St. Leonards St. Leonards
Aug-06 Griquet Brain Fever PILGRIM Catherine Methodist 29 Griquet Griquet
Aug-24 Norris Point Gen. Debility HOPKINS Emma Church of England 70 Carbonear Norris Point
Sep-06 Rocky Hr. Heart Dis. SKEANS George S. Church of England 4 mon Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Sep-10 Stanleyville Genl. Debility WHITTLE John Church of England 78 Petites Norris Point
Sep-20 Sally's Cove Genl. Debility CHIMERI Julian Roman Catholic 70 France Sally's Cove
Sep-20 Port Aux Basques Inft. Debility PROSPER Amelia G. Church of England 2 mos Sydney Bonne Bay
Jul-22 Fleur De Lys Bronchitis BAKER William Roman Catholic 3 Tilt Cove Fleur De Lys
Aug-21 Fleur De Lys Unknown BALLETT Elizabeth Roman Catholic 28 Carbonear Fleur De Lys
Aug-22 Fleur De Lys Unknown HEDDERSON Mabel Roman Catholic 3 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
PAGE 369                
Feb-17 Port Saunders Diptheria RUMBOLDT Elizabeth Roman Catholic 6 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Jul-16 Seal Cove Consumption PITTMAN Catherine Roman Catholic 28 Brigus Bay Brigus Bay
Jul-15 Bonne Bay Consumption DOBBIN Bridget Roman Catholic 24 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Apr-16 Port Saunders Inft. Debility LAVERS Arthur Roman Catholic 1 1/2 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Apr-28 Port Saunders Consumption MAHER Teresa A. Roman Catholic 20 Port Au Choix Port Saunders
Jul-02 St. Julian's Old Age DAVIS Oliver Roman Catholic 65 St. Julian's St. Julian's
Jul-27 Groais Island Consumption RYAN John Roman Catholic 28 Groais Island Groais Island
Jul-09 Flower's Cove Paralysis LAWLOR Michael Roman Catholic 67 North River Flower's Cove
Jun-25 Rocky Hr. Dropsy ELLSWORTH Eli Salvation Army 65 England Rocky Hr.
Jul-23 La Scie Measles MILLER Lizzie Methodist 27 Hooping Hr. La Scie
Jul-20 La Scie Measles KING Selina F. Methodist 14 mos La Scie La Scie
Sep-06 La Scie Pul. Hemorhage FOSTER Herbert Church of England 16 La Scie La Scie
Aug-12 Western Cove Fracture Skull JACOBS James Church of England 63 Western Cove Western Cove
Aug-27 Middle Arm Cong. Debility GILLINGHAM Christopher Church of England 5 mos Middle Arm Seal Cove
Sep-21 Riverhead Tuberculosis CALE Jane Church of England 29 Granby Isl. Riverhead
Sep-17 Seal Cove Senile Decay OSBORNE John Methodist 75 Twillingate Seal Cove
Oct-07 Englee Consumption PITTMAN Simon Methodist 20 Hr. Deep Englee
Sep-06 Little Hr. Deep Measles RANDELL Susan Methodist 50 Herring Neck Grand Voche
Nov-29 La Scie Cancer of Intestine MORGAN George Methodist 68 P.D. Grave La Scie
Oct-28 Horse Isls. Bronchitis CURTIS Stanley P. Methodist 5 mos Horse Isls Horse Isls
Oct-28 Flower's Cove Tonsilitis CARNELLE Eli Spence Church of England 10 mos Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Jul-17 Ha Ha Bay Unknown STONE Alexander Methodist 14 1/2 White Rock White Rock
Oct-16 Little Catalina Convulsions JOHNSON Martha Church of England 14 mos Little Catalina Little Catalina
Oct-27 Catalina Inft. Debility CLOUTER Wilfred Roman Catholic 7 dys Catalina Catalina
Dec-16 Forresters Pt. Unknown WHELAN Joanna Roman Catholic 20 Forresters Pt. Flower's Cove
Oct-08 Coachman's Cove Starvation BARKER Margaret Church of England 35 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Dec-23 Coachman's Cove Tuberculosis TALBOT Stephen Church of England 35 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Oct-13 Jacksons Arm Tuberculosis COMBDEN Annabella Church of England 27 Joe Batts Arm Jacksons Arm
Oct-25 Back Cove Tuberculosis BLANCHARD William Church of England 61 Back Cove Bear Cove
Oct-24 Granby Isl. Congl. Debility RICKETTS Leander Church of England 2 mos Granby Isl. Western Cove
Nov-21 Jacksons Arm Drowning REID Elias Church of England 57 Hare Bay Not Found
Dec-02 Middle Arm Tuberculosis BANKS Cecilia Church of England 23 Middle Arm Bear Cove
Dec-02 St. Anthony Meningitis COMBDEN Allan Church of England 27 Jackson's Arm Jacksons Arm
Oct-07 Gull Marsh Inft. Debility GILLEY Phoebe Church of England 7 dys Gull Marsh Sally's Cove
Nov-07 Belburns Tuberculosis HOUSE Jemima Church of England 20 Belburns Belburns
Dec-06 King's Cove Gen. Debility PATEY Patrick Church of England 81 St. Anthony River of Ponds
Dec-14 Cow Head Child Birth PAYNE Elizabeth Church of England 21 Gull Marsh Cow Head
Dec-20 Birchy Head Child Birth CAINES Eva ? Roman Catholic 22 Birchy Head Birchy Head
Dec-26 Conche Chol. Inpution NORRIS Catherine Roman Catholic 3 mos Conche Conche
Nov-21 Griquet Consumption SNOW Noah Church of England 44 Clarkes Bch Griquet
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Dec-02 Port Saunders Diptheria RUMBOLDT Dulcie Roman Catholic 3 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Dec-27 Bonne Bay Old Age MARSHALL Catherine Roman Catholic 84 Carbonear Bonne Bay
Oct-14 Norris Point Unknown PARSONS John W. J. Methodist 1 Norris Point Norris Point
Oct-15 Curzon Vlg. Unknown MERCER John T. Methodist 7 11/12 Curzon Vlg. Curzon Vlg.
Apr-04 Ship Cove Phthisia TUCKER Naomi Methodist 27 Cape Norman Ship Cove
May-06 Western Head Phthisia SNOW William Methodist 28 Western Head Western Head
Jun-01 Ship Cove Paralysis BESSEY Nimrod Methodist 65 Ship Cove Ship Cove
Jun-11 Ship Cove Consumption TUCKER Bertha Methodist 13 mos Ship Cove Ship Cove
Apl 1 Cape Norman Diabetes CAMPBELL John Wm. Methodist 65 Cape Norman Cape Norman
Aug-04 Spells Cove Heart Disease HEDDERSON William Methodist 65 Spells Cove Noddy Bay
Nov-16 Cape Norman Inflm of Bowels BREWER John Methodist 69 England Cape Norman
Nov-23 St. Anthony Sclerosis of Liver DEAN Julia A. Methodist 67 Carbonear St. Anthony
Dec-02 Winter House Brook Genl. Debility BUTT Maria Church of England 64 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Jan-16 Winter House Brook Consumption BUTT John Church of England 19 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Feb-08 Parsons Pond Inft. Debility MATTHEWS Thomas Church of England 1 day Parson's Pond Parson's Pond
Mar-16 Parsons Pond Consumption VERGE Catherine Church of England 41 Parson's Pond Parson's Pond
Jan-16 Sopp's Island Angina Pectora GALE Elias Church of England 63 Sopp's Island Sopp's Island
Jan-31 Jackson's Arm Tuberculosis of Lungs BURTON Mary Jane Church of England 25 Jackson's Arm Jackson's Arm
Nov-09 Western Cove Inft. Debility HEWITT Herbert Church of England 2 mos Western Cove Western Cove
Jan-18 Flowers Cove Old Age WHELAN Phoebe Church of England 66 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Feb-05 Flowers Cove Old Age WHELAN Catherine Church of England 65 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Feb-16 Parsons Pond Heart Failure SPENCE Eliza Church of England 26 Savage Cove Savage Cove
Feb-26 Eddy's Cove Dropsy COATS Kezia Church of England 49 Savage Cove Eddy's Cove
Mar-11 Tilt Cove Snow Slide SAGE Peter Roman Catholic 22 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Mar-11 Tilt Cove Snow Slide SAGE Frances Roman Catholic 18 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Apr-09 Baie Verte Complication BARKER Patrick Roman Catholic 44 Openhall Coachman's Cove
Dec-30 Springs Pneumonia AYLWARD Bridget T Roman Catholic 40 Fishot Fishot
Dec-17 Groais Isl. Old Age RYAN Robert Roman Catholic 75 St. Mary's Groais Isl.
Dec-28 Groais Isl. Pneumonia TOBIN John Roman Catholic 81 Trepassey Groais Isl.
Mar-18 White Arm Old Age FITZPATRICK John Roman Catholic 73 Tipperary St. John's
Jan-16 Curzon Village Unknown TAYLOR Jesse Gordon Methodist 1 1/2 Curzon Village Curzon Village
Jan-27 Baie Verte Heart Disease WARREN Pearce Methodist 16 La Scie La Scie
Mar-16 Hooping Hr. Inft. Debility MILLER Georgina Methodist 10 mos La Scie Hooping Hr.
Jan-12 Williamsporte Inft. Debility RANDELL Albert W Methodist 1 mo Williamsporte Williamsporte
Dec-20 Trout River Convulsions CROCKER Annie C. Salvation Army 8 dys Trout River Trout River
Feb-19 Loo Cove Consumption CARTER Frederick Salvation Army 22 1/2 Loo Cove Loo Cove
PAGE 371                
Dec-18 Lockes Bay Result of accident COLLINS Laura Methodist 6 mos New Hr. Lockes Bay
Jan-22 Hare Bay Inflamation KEATS Cornelius Salvation Army 41 Hare Bay Hare Bay
Apr-02 Nameless Cove Septicaemia DIAMOND Minnie Methodist 20 Nameless Cove Nameless Cove
May-30 Nameless Cove Pneumonia SPENCE George Methodist 49 Port De Grave Nameless Cove
Mar-22 Goose Cove Meningitis NOEL Emmia Louisa Methodist 2 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Mar-24 Cape Norman Arthritis SHORT Mary Jane Methodist 62 Hants Hr. Cape Norman
Jan-01 St. Anthony Phthisia GREENHAM Alexander Methodist 19 Cape Norman St. Anthony
Feb-18 La Scie Old Age BUDGELL Jiles Methodist 90 Shoe Cove La Scie
Mar-01 La Scie Typhoid Fever MONEY Elsie Methodist 14 La Scie La Scie
Mar-29 Belburn's Not given HOWSE Harriet Church of England 2 1/2 River of Ponds Belburn's
May-10 Trout River Convulsions BUTLER Eliza Church of England 17 Trout River Trout River
May-02 Hilliard's Hr. Consumption MURPHY William Roman Catholic 26 Fishet Isl. Conche
May-26 White's Arm Old Age DAVIS John Roman Catholic 69 Celet Celet
May-20 White's Arm Consumption KEOUGH Mary Jos. Roman Catholic 12 Celet St. Julien's
Jun-05 Croque Inft. Debility FITZPATRICK Ambrose J. Roman Catholic 8 mos White's Arm St. Julien's
May-28 Conche Old Age MCCARTHY Mary Roman Catholic 66 St. Julien's Conche
Jun-06 Hilliard's Hr. Inft. Debility DAMPSEY Ellen Mary Roman Catholic 9 mos Hilliard's Hr. Hilliard's Hr.
Jun-24 Goose Cove Inft. Debility MUNIN Timothy Roman Catholic 1 mo Goose Cove Goose Cove
Jun-26 St. Anthony Beri Beri DAMPSEY Ganet Roman Catholic 38 Hilliard's Hr. Conche
Apr-18 Coachman's Cove Tuberculosis DOWNEY Cecilia Roman Catholic 37 Bonv. Bay Coachman's Cove
May-18 Brent's Cove Convulsions OCONNELL Mary Ann Roman Catholic 3 Brent's Cove Brent's Cove
Jun-22 Fleur De Lys Old Age NOFTALL Frederick Roman Catholic 92 Western Bay Fleur De Lys
Jun-08 Port au Choix Consumption HICKEY Catherine Roman Catholic 30 Port au Choix Port au Choix
Jun-07 Bonne Bay Consumption YOUNG Annie Eliza Roman Catholic 14 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Mar-30 Englee Inft. Debility FILLIER Alfreda Methodist 1 day Englee Englee
Apr-17 Englee Old Age DUNN Charlotte Church of England 86 Englee Englee
May-07 Englee Inft. Debility LANE Susanna E. Methodist 12 days Englee Englee
May-22 Englee Inft. Debility COMPTON Manuel Methodist 11 mos Englee Englee
Dec-24 Horse Island Inft. Debility Unbaptized   Methodist 7 hrs. Horse Isls. Horse Isls.
May-24 Cape John Consumption SACNEY William Methodist 30 Horse Isls. Pacquet
May-28 Pacquet Convulsions KING Mahlena Jane Methodist 7 days Pacquet Pacquet
May-18 Baie Verte Convulsions AYWLARD Eliza Maud Methodist 5 wks Baie Verte La Scie
Feb-17 St. Anthony Convulsions BUDGELL Ephraim Geo Salvation Army 6 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Jan-27 La Scie Genl. Debility WARREN Percy Salvation Army 16 La Scie La Scie
Mar-08 Hr. Deep Cong. Debility RICKETTS Abigail M. Church of England 5 wks Hr. Deep Hr. Deep
Mar-24 Dugganbone Pneumonia PITTMAN Mary Church of England 50 Grand Vache Dugganbone
Apr-13 Sopps Isl Cong. Debility PITTMAN Leander Church of England 3 mos Sopps Isl Sopps Isl
Jun-05 La Scie Tuberculosis WELSHMAN Jessie Methodist 24 Horse Isls. La Scie
Mar-11 New Ferrole Inft. Debility AYWLARD Harriet Church of England 5 mos New Ferrole New Ferrole
Apr-07 Eddy's Cove Inft. Debility COATS Laura Church of England 5 mos Eddy's Cove Eddy's Cove
PAGE 372                
May-20 Sandy Cove Heart Failure COLES Melina Church of England 116 Bear Cove Savage Cove
Jun-19 St. John's Bay Inft. Debility PLOUGHMAN Fanny E. Church of England 1 day Band Hr. Band Hr.
Apr-19 Little Brahat Tuberculosis CLARKE Reuben Methodist 17 Little Brahat Brahat
May-06 St. Anthony Cancer CURTIS Rachel Methodist 60   St. Anthony
Apr-26 Noddy Bay Puerpual Fever BLAKE Lucy Methodist 17 Noddy Bay Noddy Bay
Jun-11 Griquet Old Age FORWARD Martha Methodist 78   Griquet
Jun-13 Griquet Old Age PEATEY George Methodist 68   Griquet
Sep-08 Goose Cove Consumption POWELL Lucinda Methodist 44 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Jul-13 Fleur De Lys Unknown TRAVERSE Margaret Roman Catholic 17 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Aug-07 Hr. Deep Convulsions NEWMAN Stanley C. Methodist 13 mos Hr. Deep Grand Vache
Aug-21 Englee Tumor GILLARD Evaline Methodist 7 Englee Englee
Jul-24 Goose Cove Inft. Debility ROSE William J. Church of England 2 wks Goose Cove Goose Cove
Sep-07 Griquet Unknown PATEY Eli Church of England 29   Griquet
Mar-08 Cremalure Heart Failure RICE Alfred Church of England 63 Twillingate Cremalure
May-23 Noddy Bay Inflm of Lung CAVE Mary Ann Church of England 41 Noddy Bay Noddy Bay
Jun-12 Noddy Bay Asthma BARTLETT Susan Church of England 66 Change Isls. Noddy Bay
Jul-29 Griquet Senile Decay ALCOCK Azariah Church of England 78 Hr. Grace Griquet
Sep-20 St. Karls Consumption COLBOURNE Mary E Church of England 23 St. Karls St. Karls
Jul-07 Trout River   CROCKER Irene Church of England 51   Trout River
Aug-09 Woody Point   ROBERTS John Church of England 59   Woody Point
Aug-13 Lobster Cove   YOUNG Deborah Church of England 83   Rocky Hr.
Aug-07 Norris Point   HOPKINS Moses W Church of England Inft Norris Point Norris Point
Sep-13 Woody Point Chol. Infantum MOSDELL Harris Church of England 1 mon Woody Point Woody Point
Jul-24 Bonne Bay Consumption THOMAS Noah Salvation Army 46   Bonne Bay
May-02 Groais Isls. Unknown GARDNER Frances J. Roman Catholic 16 mos St. John's Groais Isls
Sep-02 Conche Old Age POWER Catherine Roman Catholic 74 St. John's Conche
Jul-17 Bear Cove Dropsy RICE Mary Church of England 69 Seal Cove Bear Cove
Sep-28 Trout River Convulsions SHEPHERD Viola Church of England 5 hrs Trout River Trout River
Oct-14 Woody Point Tuberculosis WILTON Bessie M. Church of England 11 Woody Point Woody Point
Oct-21 Woody Point Tuberculosis MUDGE Manarseh Church of England 41 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct-27 Parsons Pond Unknown PAYNE Samuel Church of England 72   Parsons Pond
Dec-13 Woody Point Pneumonia GARCIN Eric Church of England 7 Woody Point Woody Point
Jul-14 Croque Congl. Debility KEARNEY Mary Roman Catholic 1 day Croque Croque
Jul-14 Croque Congl. Debility KEARNEY Ellen Roman Catholic 1 day Croque Croque
Jul-29 Goose Cove Drowning FITZPATRICK Peter F. Roman Catholic 4 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Aug-07 Little Hr. Deep Inft. Debility NEWMAN Stanley C. Methodist 1 Little Hr. Deep Grand Vache
Oct-07 Englee Inft. Debility COMPTON Maggie Methodist 1 day Englee Englee
Oct-13 Englee Inft. Debility COMPTON Mary Methodist 6 days Englee Englee
Nov-14 La Scie Unknown MOREY Fanny P. Methodist 1 1/2 La Scie La Scie
Dec-22 La Scie Unknown MOREY Roland Methodist 14 La Scie La Scie
PAGE 373                
Dec-25 Fleur De Lys La Grippe LEWIS Frederick Roman Catholic 56 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Dec-26 Fleur De Lys Convulsions HEAD Noah Roman Catholic 3 mos Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Dec-24 Fleur De Lys La Grippe HEDDERSON Bridget Roman Catholic 78 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Jun-05 Port au Choix Prematurite CADET Ange Roman Catholic 1 day Port au Choix Port au Choix
Dec-06 Bonne Bay Pralysis of throat JACKMAN Peter Roman Catholic 67 Belle Island Bonne Bay
Nov Bartletts Hr. Consumption GOULD James Roman Catholic 13 Bartletts Hr. Bartletts Hr.
Nov-21 Brigus Bay Prematurity GANEAN   Roman Catholic 1 day Brigus Bay Brigus Bay
Jul-03 Flower's Cove Rheumatism SPENCE Elizabeth Methodist 81 Clarkes Bch Flower's Cove
Oct-05 Flower's Cove Diptheria CARNELL Elizabeth Methodist 19 11/12 Nameless Cove Flower's Cove
Nov-22 Flower's Cove Diptheria MOORES Sarah F. Methodist 18 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Nov-23 Flower's Cove Diptheria MOORES Eli S. Methodist 9 3/4 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Oct-20 St. Anthony Dropsy PILGRIM Mark Methodist 63 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Nov-11 Ha Ha Bay Congl. Debility BRANFIELD Edgar A. Methodist 1 month Ha Ha Bay Ha Ha Bay
Nov-21 Big Braha Inflammation Lungs PENNY Harold H. Methodist 1 Big Braha Big Braha
Nov-28 Rocky Hr. Consumption LEWIS Maud Salvation Army 25 Bonne Bay Rocky Hr.
Nov-27 Coney Arm Whooping Cough RALPH Jonathan Church of England 11 mos Coney Arm Coney Arm
Dec-04 Sopps Isl. Whooping Cough DAVIS Alice M. Church of England 4 mos Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
Dec-01 Back Cove Influenza GAVAN Victoria Church of England 4 Back Cove Bear Cove
Dec-12 Bear Cove Pleuresy FUDGE Elizabeth Church of England 15 Bear Cove Bear Cove
Dec-11 Coney Arm Whooping Cough HINES Joseph Church of England 16 Coney Arm Coney Arm
Dec-20 Back Cove Influenza TWINE Ernest Church of England 5 mos Back Cove Bear Cove
Dec-24 Bear Cove Cerebro Spinal Fever RYDER Kenneth Church of England 33 Bonavista Bonavista
Sep-02 Pacquet Inft. Debility REGULAR Cecil Church of England 5 1/2 mos Pacquet Pacquet
Jul-03 Pacquet Inft. Debility MERCER Hanes Church of England 9 mos Pacquet Pacquet
Aug-04 Pacquet Inft. Debility MITCHELL Jacob P. Church of England 2 1/2 mos Pacquet Pacquet
      EARL   Church of England Inft   Horse Isl.
Dec-13 Baie Verte Unknown HENDER Daisy Church of England 5 1/2 Tilt Cove Baie Verte
PAGE 374                
Jan-23 Lobster Cove Tuberculosis HARRIS John C. Salvation Army 28 Lobster Cove Lobster Cove
Dec-31 St. Carolls Convulsions COLBOURNE Eliza S. H. Church of England 8 mos St. Leonards Bay St. Carolls
Jan-01 Bear Cove Senile Decay RICE Thomas Church of England 69 Twlg Bear Cove
Jan-03 Sopps Isl Senile Decay RICKS Meary Church of England 76 Twlg Sopps Isl.
  Baie Verte Convulsions COLBOURNE John A. Church of England 4 mos Tilt Cove Baie Verte
  Baie Verte Tuberculosis SINNOTT Winnie Church of England 47   Baie Verte
Jan-29 Sopps Isl Marasmus GALE Elias J. Church of England 2 mos Sopps Isl Sopps Isl.
Feb-12 Back Cove Senile Decay GAVAN Thomas Church of England 80 Scotland Bear Cove
Jan-28 Riverhead Influenza GALE Flora Church of England 2 Riverhead Riverhead
Mar-02 Western Cove Influenza HUMBY Martha A. Church of England 6 wks Western Cove Western Cove
Mar-30 Sopps Isl Marasmus GALE Wm R. Church of England 4 mos Sopps Isl Sopps Isl.
Jan-09 Coachman's Cove Paralysis BAILEY Margaret Roman Catholic 78 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Mar-22 Brents Cove Consumption BROWN Josephine Roman Catholic 23 Brents Cove Brents Cove
Mar-21 Brents Cove Consumption BUTLER John Roman Catholic 52 Brents Cove Brents Cove
Mar-26 Brents Cove Consumption SULLIVAN Agatha Roman Catholic 25 Brents Cove Brents Cove
Feb-18 West Country Cove Whooping Cough HYNES Patrick Roman Catholic 2 West Country Cove West Country Cove
Feb-25 Hr. Round Whooping Cough SKINNER Mary A. Roman Catholic 2 Hr. Round Hr. Round
Feb-05 Coachman's Cove La Grippe BAILEY John Roman Catholic 87 Trinity Bay Coachman's Cove
Feb-28 West Country Cove Whooping Cough SKINNER John Roman Catholic 4 mos West Country Cove Hr. Round
Dec-24 Cow Head Natural Causes PAYNE James W. Church of England 12 Cow Head Cow Head
Jan-01 Woody Point Bronchitis ROBERTS John R. Church of England 71 St. John's Woody Point
Jan-01 Cow Head Inft. Debility PAYNE Andrew Church of England 7 mos Cow Head Cow Head
Jan-08 Cow Head Inft. Debility PAYNE Cleophas Church of England 3 wks Cow Head Cow Head
Jan-27 Parsons Pond Convulsions MATTHEWS Ena M. Church of England 5 dys Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Jan-28 Norris Point Nat. Causes REID Annie Church of England 5 mos Norris Point Norris Point
Feb-13 Sally's Cove Brain Fever MAJOR Wilson Church of England 12 Sally's Cove Sally's Cove
Nov-16 Norris Point Aortic Regurgitation CLARKE Mary A. Church of England 63 Hts. Delight Norris Point
Jan-18 Stanleyville Consumption DEAN Clara Roman Catholic 29 Port au Choix Bonne Bay
Feb-15 Bonne Bay Drowning QUIRK Verns Roman Catholic 21 Placentia Not Recorded
Jan-21 Croque Old Age KEARNEY Mary Roman Catholic 97 N.E. Crouse St. Juliens
Jan-31 Conche Old Age FLYNN John Roman Catholic 78 Conche Conche
Dec-01 White's Arm Drowning BROMLEY Herbert Roman Catholic 17 Fishot Isl Not named
Dec-01 White's Arm Drowning AYLWARD John J. Roman Catholic 16 Fishot Isl Not named
Dec-01 White's Arm Drowning DAVIS Edward Roman Catholic 37 Whites Arm Not named
Dec-01 White's Arm Drowning AYLWARD John F. Roman Catholic 17 Fishot Isl Not named
Apr-11 Goose Cove Paralysis MURREN Joseph Roman Catholic 68 Pond Cove Goose Cove
Apr-09 S W Point Consumption SEXTON Thomas Roman Catholic 32 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Feb-19 Hare Bay Asthma WHITEWAY Catherine Roman Catholic 23 Grandsway St. Juliens
Mar-21 La Scie Not Given BUTT Eleazor Methodist 6 La Scie La Scie
PAGE 375                
Jan-09 Birchy Head Old age HANN Theresa Methodist 74 Birchy Hd. Shoal Brook
Jan-25 Millertown Kidney Disease MATTHEWS Samuel Methodist 26 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Nov-22 Curzon Vlg. Inft. Deby   Minnie Methodist 3 wks Curzon Vlg Curzon Vlg
Nov-29 Shoal Brook Dyspepsia KENNEDY Eli Methodist 55 Western Bay Shoal Brook
Nov-10 Shoal Cove Inft. Deby STEVENS G H Church of England 1 day Shoal Cove Savage Cove
Jan-31 Bear Cove Influenza CHAMBERS Herbert Church of England 2 mos Bear Cove Anchor Point
Feb-02 Deep Cove Influenza GEORGE Douglas Church of England 3 mos Deep Cove Anchor Point
Feb-04 New Ferolle Inft. Debility HUMBER John Church of England 1 ? New Ferolle New Ferolle
Feb-04 New Ferolle Inft. Debility HUMBER Annie Church of England 1 ? New Ferolle New Ferolle
Feb-07 G. I. Brook Influenza HUGHS Henry Church of England 2 mos G.I. Brook Eddy's Cove
Feb-15 Roddickton Confinement BUDGELL Susie Methodist 26 Englee Englee
Feb-15 Canada Consumption PITMAN Philomena Methodist 27 Hr. Deep Englee
Feb-22 Canada Cong. Deby TUCKER Henry S. Roman Catholic 2 mos Canada Englee
Nov-15 Roddickton Cong. Deby NEWMAN Leander G. Roman Catholic 2 mos Roddickton Roddickton
Oct-25 Bartletts Hr. Inflamation GAULD James Roman Catholic 14 Bartletts Hr. Ferrole
Jan-04 Port Saunders Tubercular Jvents. RUMBOLT Alfred J Roman Catholic 27 Port au Choix Port au Choix
Jan-10 Brigus Bay Childbirth LAWLESS Elizabeth Roman Catholic 23 Rose Castor Ferrole
Nov-21 Brigus Bay Prematurity GARVEN Joseph Roman Catholic 1 day Brigus Bay Brigus Bay
Feb-04 Bartletts Hr. Inflamation MYERS Sarah Roman Catholic 3 Bartletts Hr. Ferrole
Mar-04 Port Saunders Consumption RUMBOLT Catherine Roman Catholic 21 Port au Choix Port Saunders
May-13 Bonne Bay General Deby. NEVILLE Elizabeth Roman Catholic 67 Hr. Grace Bonne Bay
May-05 Bonne Bay Consumption HOLLOHAN Mary M Roman Catholic 12 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
May-04 Flowers Cove Inft. Debility CARNELL Amelia A. Methodist 5 mos Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
May-08 Flowers Cove Inft. Debility WAY Flora Methodist 8 mos Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Apr-04 Rocky Hr. Aortic Regurgiation SHEARS Lilly Salvation Army 15 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Apr-23 La Scie Inflamation HEWLETT Nicholas Salvation Army 77 La Scie La Scie
Apr-12 West Country Cove Rheumatism HYNES Augustus Roman Catholic 45 West Country Cove West Country Cove
May-11 Fleur De Lys Old age GUSHUE Michael Roman Catholic 93 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
May-25 Fleur De Lys Paralysis WALSH Margaret Roman Catholic 68 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Mar-19 La Scie Whooping Cough DUGGAN Irene L Roman Catholic 1 La Scie La Scie
May-13 Brents Cove Stomach trouble CORBIN Richard Roman Catholic 68 Spde Bay Little Bay
May-20 Brents Cove Whooping Cough WISEMAN James Roman Catholic 14 Brents Cove Brents Cove
May-13 Brents Cove Whooping Cough BROWN Michael Roman Catholic 10 mos Brents Cove Brents Cove
May-28 Brents Cove Convulsions OCONNELL Thomas Roman Catholic 1 hour Brents Cove Brents Cove
May-06 Hr. Round Still Born SEYMOUR   Roman Catholic SB Hr. Round Hr. Round
Jun-13 Fleur De Lys Beri Beri SHELLEY William Roman Catholic 30 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Jun-08 Fleur De Lys Paralysis HANDE Jeremiah Roman Catholic 70 Western Bay Fleur De Lys
Dec-26 Fleur De Lys Still Born BALBOT   Roman Catholic SB Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Nov-30 Fleur De Lys Still Born ANTLE   Roman Catholic SB Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Jan-09 Brents Cove Whooping Cough CORLESIS Anastatia Roman Catholic 1 mon Back Cove Fleur De Lys
PAGE 376                
Jun-23 La Scie Paralysis CHURCHILL Annie Roman Catholic 64 Kings Cove La Scie
Apr-20 La Scie Inft. Deby TOMS Frederick Methodist 6 wks La Scie La Scie
Jun-07 La Scie Not given DICKS Peter Methodist 59 La Scie La Scie
May-14 La Scie Consumption PARSONS John W. Methodist 19 La Scie La Scie
May-25 La Scie Inft. Deby CRITCH Edith M Methodist 7 mos La Scie La Scie
May-29 La Scie Inft. Deby MOREY Hazel M. Methodist 11 mos La Scie La Scie
May-29 Curzon Vlg. Blind Person MERCER Jonathan Methodist 83 Bay Roberts Curzon Vlg
Jun-03 Shoal Brook Tuberculosis PITTMAN James Methodist 21 St. Pauls Shoal Brook
Jun-08 Shoal Brook Gastrition BURDEN Deana Methodist 79 Carbonear Shoal Brook
Jun-29 Flower's Cove Strictune Bowels CARNELL John Methodist 86 Catalina Flower's Cove
Mar-31 Canada Hr. Unknown REEVES Stavestans Roman Catholic 31 Canada Hr. Canada Hr.
Apr-29 Croque Consumption KEARNEY Selina Roman Catholic 29 Croque St. Juliens
Jun-12 Conche Inft. Deby LEWIS Alice Meary Roman Catholic 1 mon Conche Conche
May-25 Goose Cove Inft. Deby MARTEN Lawrence Roman Catholic 2 mon Goose Cove Goose Cove
May-20 Goose Cove Meningitis TROY James F. Roman Catholic 1 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Apr-22 Roddickton Not given CASSELL Daniel Church of England 18 Hr. Deep Roddickton
Apr-28 Englee Old age HOPKINS Kezia Methodist 80 Twlg. Englee
May-21 Englee Inft. Deby BARNES Herbert Methodist 3 wks Englee Englee
May-31 Englee Not given LEWIS Fanny Methodist 2 Englee Englee
Dec Forteau Measles FLYNN Maggie Church of England 17 Forteau Forteau
Apr-01 Flower's Cove Senile Decay EARLE Mary Church of England 84 Port De Grave Flower's Cove
Apr-29 St. Barbe Inft. Deby DOYLE Stephen Church of England 2 mos St. Barbe Blk Dk Cove
May-02 Savage Cove Influenza COLES Sarah Church of England 6 wks Savage Cove Savage Cove
May-12 Eddy's Cove Senile Decay COATES Sarah Church of England 82 Bear Cove Eddy's Cove
May-18 Eddy's Cove Inft. Deby COATES Effie B. Church of England 2 mos Eddy's Cove Eddy's Cove
Jun-14 Shoal Cove Inft. Deby STEVENS Sarah J. Church of England 2 mos Shoal Cove Savage Cove
Mar-22 Sally's Cove Inflm of Bowels MAJOR Andrew Church of England 2 Sally's Cove Sally's Cove
Apr-09 Woody Point Bronchitis READ Eva Maud Church of England 6 mos Woody Point Woody Point
Apr-19 Norris Point Consumption HUMBER Catherine Church of England 6 Codroy Norris Point
Apr-24 Sally's Cove Inft. Deby CHEMRY Adam A. Church of England 7 wks Sally's Cove Sally's Cove
Apr-09 Portland Creek Pneumonia CAINES Harriet Church of England 11 Portland Creek Portland Creek
May-11 Norris Point Inft. Deby CAINES Raymond C. Church of England 2 dys Norris Point Norris Point
May-10 Port Saunders Consumption HALLETT Adam Church of England 41 Indian Hr. Port Saunders
May-11 Port Saunders Consumption PIKE Sarah Church of England 22 St. John's Isl. Port Saunders
May-25 Trout River Gastritis HARRIS Leah Church of England 45 Carbonear Trout River
May-31 Birchy Head Inft. Deby LANG Egbert Church of England 8 wks Birchy Head Birchy Head
Jun-07 Norris Point Gastritis CAINES Isaac Church of England 62 Isle au Morte Norris Point
Jun-08 Birchy Head Inft. Deby MCKENZIE Sarah B. Church of England 6 wks Birchy Head Birchy Head
May-31 H? Mile Rock Cancer SIMMONDS Elizabeth Church of England 64 Port aux Basques Parsons Pond
Jun-10 Norris Point Convulsions LAING George Church of England 6 dys Norris Point Norris Point
PAGE 377                
Jan-16 Norris Point Inflm of Bowels CAINES James I. Church of England 7 wks Norris Point Norris Point
Jan-16 Trout River Inft. Deby. HARRIS Charles W. Church of England 11 wks Trout River Trout River
Jan-19 Woody Point Paralysis WILTON John Thos. Church of England 53 Woody Point Woody Point
Jan-20 Norris Point Convulsions LAING Archibald H. Church of England 2 wks Norris Point Norris Point
Jan-17 Cow Head Paralysis BENOIT Mary Ann Church of England 70 Cow Head Cow Head
Jan-25 Norris Point Inft. Deby. MACKINSTOSH Myrtle M. Church of England 6 wks. Norris Point Norris Point
Feb-12 Cooks Hr. Consumption SAUNDERS Susanna Church of England 39   Cooks Hr.
Mar-12 Cooks Hr. Consumption PUDDISTER Frederick Church of England 66   Cooks Hr.
Apr-02 West Port Pneumonia JACOBS Robert J. Church of England 48 Westport Westport
Apr-13 Seal Cove Senile Decay BRETT Sarah Church of England 77 Seal Cove Seal Cove
May-13 Jacksons Arm Congen. Deby. HEWITT Elias J. Church of England 7 mos Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Apr-07 The Deep Senile Decay NICHOLAS Susanna Church of England 73 Herring Neck Hr. Deep
Jun-20 Sopps Isl. Tuberculosis GALE Eli Church of England 21 Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
Jun-24 Southern Arm Senile Decay MACKAY Eunice Church of England 77 Little Bay Seal Cove
Jun-13 Coney Arm Congen. Deby. RALPH Joseph Church of England 2 dys Coney Arm Coney Arm
Jul-02 St. Juliens Old Age DAVIS Margaret Roman Catholic 78 Sealot St. Juliens
Jul-12 Conche La Grippe HUNT Catherine Roman Catholic 4 mos Spds. Bay Conche
Jul-12 Goose Cove Pneumonia MURRIN Daniel Roman Catholic 25 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Jul-24 Grand? Pneumonia MCGRATH Agnes Jane Roman Catholic 19 Grand? St. Juliens
Jul-25 Canada Hr. Consumption REEVES Cecilia Roman Catholic 32 Wild Cove Canada Hr.
Sep-19 Conche Pneumonia CASEY John C. Roman Catholic 26 Conche Conche
Jan-07 Bai Verte Pneumonia YATES Wallace Methodist 18 Green Bay Bai Verte
Feb-21 N.E. Pacquet Heart trouble NORMAN Manes Methodist 54 Shoe Cove Pacquet
Mar-23 S.W. Pacquet Old Age ELMS Henry Methodist 70 Bay Roberts Pacquet
Jan-31 Bai Verte Pneumonia YOUNG Susanna Methodist 36 Little Bay Bai Verte
Apr-12 N.E. Pacquet Inft. Deby. SACREY Dourcilla Methodist 4 mos Pacquet Pacquet
May-09 S.W. Pacquet Pneumonia SPARKES William Methodist 68 Brigus Pacquet
Jun-10 Horse Isl. Stomach trouble BARTON John Methodist 75 Twlg. Horse Isl.
Feb-20 Quirpon Genl. Deby CLARK Thomas Church of England 74 Lock Isl. Quirpon
May-19 Cooks Hr. Beri Beri SAUNDERS Joseph Church of England 46 ? Bay Cooks Hr.
Jun-02 Cooks Hr. Heart failure QUINLAN Eloisia Church of England 46 Locks Cove Cooks Hr.
Jul-10 Cooks Hr. Pneumonia PITTMAN Lilly M. Church of England 2 mos Cooks Hr. Cooks Hr.
Aug-11 Griquet C? of spine HUMBY Eliza A. Church of England 49 Griquet Griquet
Aug-30 St. Anthony Uraemia RICHARDS John Church of England 21 Bareneed St. Anthony
Sep-08 Griquet Inflm. Of intestine HILLIER Sidney W. Church of England 3 1/2 mos Griquet Griquet
Jul-10 Coachman's Cove Kidney trouble STUCKLESS Frances Roman Catholic 38 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Jul-15 West Country Cove Senility HYNES Elizabeth Roman Catholic 70 West Country Cove West Country Cove
Aug-15 Coachman's Cove Typhoid Fever POWER Catherine Roman Catholic 70 Round Hr. St. John's
Sep-10 Rocky Hr. Inflammation WATTS Mildred Methodist 4 mos Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Aug-22 La Scie Pneumonia HEWLETT Miriam Salvation Army 15 La Scie La Scie
PAGE 378                
Aug-24 Bonne Bay Consumption THOMAS Alyarb Salvation Army 19 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Jun-01 St. Anthony Bgt. Inft. Deby PILGRIM Dorman Salvation Army 2 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Jun-27 Stanleyville Convulsions MITCHUM Stanley Roman Catholic 12 dys Stanleyville Norris Point
Jul-14 Stanleyville Convulsions NEARY Stephen Roman Catholic 12 dys Stanleyville Norris Point
Jul-17 Stanleyville Inft. Deby LEE Ambrose J. Roman Catholic 1 day Stanleyville Woody Point
Aug-23 Stanleyville Consumption MITCHUM Agnes Roman Catholic 26 Barrd Hr. Norris Point
Jul-02 La Scie Consumption WOOD Gladys Methodist 4 mos La Scie La Scie
Jun-22 La Scie Consumption DIX Peter Methodist 38 La Scie La Scie
Sep-27 Shoe Cove Consumption MARTIN Mary Methodist 43   Shoe Cove
Jul-15 St. Anthony Not given SIMMS Irene Methodist 7   St. Anthony
Apr-05 Goose Cove Inft. Deby NOEL Eli N. Methodist 6 dys   Goose Cove
Jun-18 Shoal Brook Inft. Deby FRANCES Myna Methodist 9 mos Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Jun-08 Shoal Brook Dyspepsia BURDEN Dinah Methodist 76 Carbonear Shoal Brook
Jul-24 Trout River Inft. Deby RICHARDS Isaac Methodist 2 1/2 mos Trout River Trout River
Aug-10 Trout River Heart failure WHITTLE Dinah Methodist 93 Petites Trout River
Aug-11 Trout River Inft. Convulsions PARSONS Amelia Methodist 1 mon Trout River Trout River
Sep-30 Rocky Hr. Inflm of abdomen Not given Mildred Violet Methodist 11 mon Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Jul-01 Norris Point Cancer BUGDEN Susanna Church of England 44   Norris Point
Jul-16 Curzon Vlg. Old age INGRAM Henry Church of England 73   Woody Point
Aug-06 Woody Point Not given LUNDRIGAN Thomas Church of England 30   Woody Point
Aug-28 Woody Point Paralysis DICKS Elizabeth Church of England 73   Woody Point
Sep-01 Birchy Head Consump of bowels RAIKE Phoebe Alice Church of England 13 mos   Birchy Head
Sep-25 Trout River Convulsions CROCKER Renee Church of England 2 mos   Trout River
Sep-28 Trout River Inft Deby SNOOKS Alfred R. Church of England 2 1/2 mos   Trout River
May-12 Gull Marsh Inft Deby GILLEY Chesley N. Church of England 6 days   Shallow Bay
Sep-09 Woody Point Inft Deby TAPPIN Sylvia G. Church of England 7 mos   Woody Point
Sep-08 Back Cove Marasmus BLANCHARD William Church of England 18 mos Back Cove Bear Cove
Sep-02 Sopps Isl. Senility PITTMAN Luke Church of England 81 Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
Sep-18 Back Cove Marasmus BLANCHARD Hubert Church of England 8 mos Back Cove Bear Cove
Sep-19 Jackson's Arm Cancer of Liver HEAD George Church of England 70 Joe Batts Arm Jacksons Arm
Jul-17 Cooks Hr. Not given SHORT Elizabeth Methodist 28 Cape Norman Cooks Hr.
Oct-20 St. Anthony Heart failure HANDCOCK Hezekiah Church of England 6 3/4 Brooklyn St. Anthony
Oct-26 Cremaillere Consumption HOWELL Edward Church of England 25 Carbonear Cremalliere
Nov-07 St. Anthony Bronchitis CARPENTER John M. Church of England 10 1/2 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Nov-17 St. Anthony Apoplexy ANDERSON Robert Church of England 73 R?shire St. Anthony
Nov-03 Noddy Bay Inft. Debility BARTLETT Harland Methodist 4 dys Noddy Bay Noddy Bay
Nov-21 St. Anthony Tuberculosis DEAN Isiah Methodist 37 Carbonear St. Anthony
Dec-23 St. Anthony Diptheria SANSFORD Lemuel Methodist 7 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Jul-14 Pines Cove Paralysis PARRELL Lenora Church of England 57 Carbonear Savage Cove
Jul-07 G.I. Brook Influenza MACEY John A. Church of England 3 wks G.I. Brook Eddy's Cove
PAGE 379                
Jul-27 Pines Cove Influenza PARRELL Henry T. Church of England 4 mos Pines Cove Savage Cove
Dec-01 Savage Cove Inft. Deby MAY Mary S. Church of England 8 days Savage Cove Savage Cove
Oct-04 Trout River Convulsions SHEPPARD Emma Church of England 7 days Trout River Trout River
Oct-12 Trout River Consumption HARRIS Rebecca Church of England 21 Trout River Trout River
Nov-08 Norris Point Whooping Cough REID Francis R. Church of England 3 mos Norris Point Norris Point
Nov-19 Winterhouse Brook Meningitis PAYNE Faith A Church of England 14 Winterhouse Brook Norris Point
Nov-27 Trout River Whooping Cough CROCKER Henry W. Church of England 6 wks Trout River Trout River
Nov-01 Curzon Vlg. Cold COOMBS Henry N. Church of England 2 mos Curzon Vlg. Woody Point
Dec-10 Norris Point Convulsions HOPKINS John C. Church of England 6 hrs Norris Point Norris Point
Dec-23 Neddies Hr. Whooping Cough MAJOR Lucy Church of England 3 Neddies Hr Norris Point
Dec-26 Woody Point Inft. Deby PROSPER Dorothy Church of England 18 dys Woody Point Woody Point
Dec-21 Cow Head Convulsions PAYNE Jacob Church of England 13 dys Cow Head Cow Head
Dec-28 Woody Point Intestinal Tuberculosis HARRIS Eliza Ann Church of England 11 Trout River Woody Point
Oct-06 Canada Hr. La Grippe BREEN Michael J Roman Catholic 9 mos Canada Hr. Canada Hr.
Oct-13 Grandes Oies Consumption FITZPATRICK Elizb. Roman Catholic 14 Watermans Hr. St. John's
Nov-22 Conche Inft. Deby FLYNN Thomas Roman Catholic 1 mon Conche Conche
Oct-13 Fleur De Lys Childbirth BELLOTT Margaret Roman Catholic 25 Hr. Round Fleur De Lys
Oct-03 Hampden Cong. Deby OSBORNE Stanley Church of England   Hampden Hampden
Oct-09 Seal Cove Tuberculosis ROBINSON Henry T. Church of England 49 Seal Cove Seal Cove
Oct-10 Sopps Isl. Cong. Deby PITTMAN Archibald Church of England 3 mos Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
Oct-17 Westport   JACOBS Selma M. Church of England 84 Westport Westport
Nov-20 Jacksons Arm Senility FORD Job Church of England 85 Joe Batts Arm Jacksons Arm
Sep-30 Rocky Hr. Inft. Deby WATTS Mildred V. Methodist 11 mos Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Oct-20 Trout River Inft. Deby PARSONS Minnie P. Methodist 1 day Trout River Trout River
Oct-18 Shoal Brook Inft. Deby HUTCHINGS Sarah Methodist 21 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Dec-10 Birchy Hd. Heart Disease FOLLETT Jane Methodist 77 Birchy Head Birchy Hd.
Oct-08 La Scie Inft. Deby SIMMONDS Isaac A. Methodist 2 mos La Scie La Scie
Jul-26 Snooks Arm Yellow Jaundice MAY Effetta B. Methodist 1 mos Snooks Arm Snooks Arm
Sep-30 Snooks Arm Yellow Jaundice MAY Martha L. Methodist 3 mos Snooks Arm Snooks Arm
Nov-11 Shoe Cove Senility BOWNES William Methodist 76   Shoe Cove Bgt
Nov-21 Gull Isl. Accident RIDEOUT Allan Methodist 11   La Scie
Dec-10 Shoe Cove Inft. Deby GREY Lilly M. Methodist 2 1/2 mos Shoe Cove Bgt Shoe Cove Bgt
Dec-15 La Scie Inft. Deby BUDGELL Herbert J. Methodist 4 mos La Scie La Scie
Jul-13 St. John's Isl. Brain Fever GENNIX Celestine Roman Catholic 7 St. John's Isl. St. John's Isl.
Aug-12 St. John's Isl. Brain Fever GENNIX Eli Roman Catholic 5 Round Hr. St. John's Isl.
Oct-05 St. Anthony Convulsions BILES Ellen Methodist 67 Carbonear St. Anthony
Oct-17 Caplin Cove Genl Deby MITCHELL Sarah Salvation Army 25 Seldom Cove Caplin Cove
Oct-17 Bonne Bay Inflm. Brain HANN Robert R. Salvation Army 7 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct-28 Bonne Bay Consumption THOMAS George Salvation Army 18 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Dec-02 La Scie Consumption ANDREWS Elias G. Salvation Army 6 mos La Scie La Scie
PAGE 380                
Oct-30 St. Anthony Peritonitis HOWELL Edward Church of England 25 Carbonear Cremaillere
Oct-03 St. Anthony Marasmus BILES Thomas Hy. Salvation Army 6 wks St. Anthony St. Anthony
Dec-04 Englee Not Stated COMPTON Andrew Methodist 24 Englee Englee
Jul-07 Englee Old age COMPTON Samuel Methodist 70 Hooping Hr. Englee
Sep-21 Swan Hr. Inft. Deby HOPKINS Violet Methodist 9 mos Roddickton Englee
Jan-05 Trout River Heart failure HARRIS John T. Church of England 48 Labrador Trout River
Dec-16 Trout River Plegmasia Dolens HARRIS Agnes A. Church of England 36 Trout River Trout River
Dec-12 Belburns Chilled HOWSE Kitchener T Church of England 7 Belburns Trout River
Jan-01 Sally's Cove Heart failure WILLBOROUGH Archelans Church of England 77 England Sally's Cove
Jan-06 Rocky Hr. Tuberculosis SMITH John Church of England 68 Petites Rocky Hr.
Jan-11 Woody Point Not Stated TAPPER Bessie F. Church of England 8 Woody Point Woody Point
Aug-02 Birchy Head Inft. Deby CAINES Thomas Church of England 24 Birchy Hd. Birchy Hd.
Jan-25 Rocky Hr. Convulsions YOUNG Mary Emma Church of England 2 mos Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Feb-09 Sally's Cove Goiter MCKENNY Susanna Church of England 78 Broom Point Sally's Cove
Feb-26 Birchy Hd. Convulsions LAING Georgina Church of England 2 dys Birchy Hd. Birchy Hd.
Feb-02 Trout River Cold BUTT Ethel G. Church of England 7 mos Trout River Trout River
Mar-16 Norris Point Cancer BUGDEN Sarah Church of England 76 Heart's Content Norris Point
Mar-08 Bonne Bay Inflm. Bowels KEHOE Eric Jos. Roman Catholic 7 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Mar-16 Maternity Hospital St. John's Eclampsia GILLARD Nellie Methodist 15   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apr-01 At the icefields Frozen & Exposure BARTLETT Sydney Church of England 60   C of E Cemetery
Feb-12 Fleur De Lys Convulsions LEWIS Margaret Church of England 2 mos Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Apr-11 La Scie Heart failure BARTLETT William Methodist 84 Moretons Hr La Scie
Feb-18 Shoal Brook Inflamation DOUGLAS Angus Methodist 9 mos Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Feb-11 Bonne Bay Consumption THOMAS Rebecca Salvation Army 42 Wesleyville Bonne Bay
Feb-21 St. Anthony Bgt. Beri Beri PILGRIM William Salvation Army 46 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Jan-23 Hr. Deep Tuberculosis CASSELL Priscilla Church of England 46 Herring Neck Hr. Deep
Jan-26 Westport Tuberculosis JACOBS Sophia Church of England 27 Clay Cove Westport
Feb-26 Pound Cove Tuberculosis FUDGE Daisy Church of England 10 Westport Jacksons Arm
Nov-09 Jacksons Arm Eclampsia OSBORNE Clara Church of England 19 Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Nov-20 Granby Isl. Marasmus RICKETTS Eliza E. Church of England 2 mos Granby Isl. Westport
Apr-02 Pomby Cove Marasmus GALE Elizabeth Church of England 1 mo Pomby Cove Westport
Oct-26 St. Juliens Drowning HODDER George Roman Catholic 72 Twlg.  
Dec-04 St. Anthony Heart trouble KEARNEY John Roman Catholic 31 Croque St. Juliens
PAGE 381                
Jan-03 St. Juliens Unknown DAVIS Adelle Roman Catholic 21 St. Juliens St. Juliens
Mar-22 Conche Inft Deby BYRNE Bernard Roman Catholic 6 mos Conche Conche
Feb-14 Croque Asthma BROMLEY Josephine Roman Catholic 13 mos Croque St. Juliens
Feb-13 Hooping Hr. Consumption COMPTON Albert Methodist 40 Englee Hooping Hr.
Feb-02 Griquet Inflm of bowels MANUEL Leslie A. Church of England 5 mos Griquet Griquet
Feb-26 Cooks Hr. Tubercular Hep. PENNY Thomas Church of England 9 Cooks Hr. Cooks Hr.
Mar-10 Sacred Bay Frozen & Exposure BARTLETT Lorenzo Church of England 67 Noddy Bay Not Recorded
Mar-19 Robinsons Shot accidentally BROWN George Church of England 42 Robinsons Robinsons
Mar-22 Port au Port Tuberculosis DELEUCHE John Wm. Church of England 46 Port au Port Port au Port
Mar-31 Crabbes Convulsions CHAFFEY Joseph B. Church of England 4 wks Crabbes Crabbes
Apr-15 Curzon Vlg. Pleuresy DECKER Mary Ann E.M. Church of England 28 Trout River Woody Point
Apr-01 Spouty Cove Convulsions HUCLIN Dwight L. Church of England 8 dys Spouty Cove Spouty Cove
Apr-04 Gargamelle Heavy cold ATKINS Paul Church of England 15 Port Saunders Gargamelle
May-06 Shoal Brook Tuberculosis SHEPPARD William J. H. Church of England 12 Shoal Brook Birchy Hd.
May-01 Sally's Cove Chill ROBERTS Letitia Church of England 14 Sally's Cove Sally's Cove
May-09 Sally's Cove Consumption DECKER Tryphena Church of England 35 Birchy Hd Sally's Cove
Jun-11 Curzon Vlg. Anthelmintasis SHEPPARD Mary E. Church of England 68 Petites Woody Point
Apr-21 Coachman's Cove Apoplexy LEMEE John M. Roman Catholic 79 France Coachman's Cove
May-11 Coachman's Cove Inflm of bowels DUNN Andrew Roman Catholic 79 Ireland Coachman's Cove
Apr-20 Fleur De Lys Still Born ANTLE Agatha Roman Catholic SB   Coachman's Cove
May-18 Conche Still Born JOYCE   Roman Catholic SB Conche Conche
May-06 Grey Isl. Consumption GARDNER Michael Roman Catholic 29 Grey Isl. Grey Isl.
Jul-02 Insane Asyl. Heart disease FUDGE George Church of England 70   C of E Cemty
May-25 Gengeville Inft. Debility GEORGE Porter Church of England 6 wks Gengeville Anchor Point
Jun-26 Bear Cove Unknown GOULD Annie Church of England 14 Bear Cove Anchor Point
Jun-06 La Scie Genl. Debility CRITCH Gladys M. Methodist 14 mos La Scie La Scie
Jun-24 La Scie Genl. Debility CHIPP Eunice Methodist 75 Shoe Cove La Scie
Jan-03 N.E. Pacquet Old age SACREY Theresa Methodist 103 Carbonear N.E. Pacquet
Jan-02 Baie Verte Convulsions BENGLE Keywood E. Methodist 8 mos Baie Verte Baie Verte
Mar-08 S.W. Pacquet Kidney trouble FRADSHAM John Methodist 64 Bay Roberts S.W. Pacquet
Mar-29 Baie Verte Heart failure BENGLE Sarah Methodist 25 Little Bay Baie Verte
Apr-30 Shoal Brook Heart disease MATTHEWS William Methodist 68 3/4 Petites Shoal Brook
May-02 Jacksons Arm Tuberculosis COMBDEN Eliskim Church of England 6 Jackson's Arm Jackson's Arm
May-22 Grand Vache Jaundice RENDELL Mary Ann Church of England 52 Twillingate Grand Vache
May-15 Seal Cove Pneumonia GILLINGHAM James Church of England 47 Seal Cove Seal Cove
Jun-14 Hr. Deep Beri Beri CASSELL Nathaniel Church of England 34 Hr. Deep Hr. Deep
Jun-15 Hr. Deep Beri Beri CASSELL Obadiah Church of England 34 Hr. Deep Hr. Deep
Jun-04 Hr. Deep Tuberculosis CASSELL Ambrose Church of England 2 Hr. Deep Hr. Deep
Jun-15 Hr. Deep Beri Beri CASSELL George Church of England 51 Herring Neck Hr. Deep
Mar-30 Griquet Pneumonia TUCKER George Church of England 50 Griquet Griquet
PAGE 382                
Apr-07 St. Anthony Pneumonia PATEY Charles Church of England 26 Lock's Cove St. Anthony
May-15 St. Anthony Heart failure HANCOCK Davis O Church of England 9 2/3 Brooklyn St. Anthony
May-22 Lock's Cove Pneumonia CARROLL Joseph Church of England 11 mos Locks Cove Locks Cove
May-26 Port Saunders Old age EASTMAN Francis Roman Catholic 80 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Apr-28 Port aux Choix Heart Disease DOBYS Metthewrine Roman Catholic 4 Port Saunders Port aux Choix
Feb-28 Port Saunders Convulsions LEWIS Leo Roman Catholic 3 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Dec 25-13 Port Saunders Pneumonia BUTT Henry F. Roman Catholic 18 Bonne Bay Port Saunders
Mar-08 Bonne Bay Inflm. Of Bowels KEOUGH Eric Jos. Roman Catholic 8 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Apr-10 Roddickton Inft. Debility NEWMAN Blanche Methodist 13 mos Roddickton Roddickton
Apr-13 Englee Inft. Debility HANCOCK Rennie S. Methodist 16 days Englee Englee
Sep-21 St. George's Hosp. Tuberculosis DECKER Philip Not Given 34 Englee Bonne Bay
Aug-24 Daniel's Hr. Inflm. Of head PAYNE Elizabeth Church of England 69 Sandy Point Daniels Hr.
Sep-21 St. John's Tuberculosis DECKER Philip Church of England 36 Rocky Hr. Woody Point
Sep-21 Norris Point Inft. Debility TUCKER Chas W. H. Church of England 5 wks Norris Point Norris Point
Aug-12 Port Saunders Meningitis HALIBURTON Thomas C. Church of England 15 Woody Point Woody Point
Aug-10 Birchy Hd. Inft. Debility RAIKE Arthur M. Church of England 2 mos Birchy Hd. Birchy Hd.
Jun-22 Norris Point Eclampsia HOPKINS Clara J. Church of England 22 Norris Point Norris Point
Jun-17 Norris Point Inft. Debility RUMBOLDT Wm. R. Church of England 3 dys Norris Point Norris Point
Jun-15 Portland Creek Insanity PAYNE Charles Church of England 71 Daniel's Hr. Cow Head
Jul-01 Rocky Hr. Cardiac Failure ANSTEY Sarah Church of England 58 Rocky Hr.  
Oct-14 St. George's Hosp. Tuberculosis THOMAS Samuel Salvation Army 20   Army Cmty
Jul-24 Savage Cove Prematurity WAY Lucy Church of England 6 hrs Savage Cove Savage Cove
Jul-28 Current Isl. Drowning BAINES Deborah Church of England 18 Current Isl. Current Isl.
Jul-15 Coachman's Cove Inflm. Of Bowels KENNEDY John Roman Catholic 54 Carbonear Coachman's Cove
Jul-22 Coachman's Cove Womb trouble BAILEY Cecilia Roman Catholic 24 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Jul-27 La Scie Inflm. Of Bowels CHURCHILL Mary E. Roman Catholic 30 La Scie La Scie
Jul-03 Brents Cove Cancer of stomach CORBIN William Roman Catholic 34 Little Bay Brents Cove
Jul-08 Conche Consumption GARDNER Elizabeth Roman Catholic 53 Fogo Groais Isls.
Aug-21 St. Anthony Not Stated JACQUE Christine Mormon 2 1/2   St. Anthony
Sep-13 St. Anthony Hemorrhage FENNIMORE Lydia Mormon 7 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Sep-14 St. Anthony Tuberculosis TETCHFORD Mary Mormon 21   St. Anthony
Sep-18 St. Anthony Tuberculosis WHITE Uriah Mormon 4 Meech Lake St. Anthony
Jun-18 Griquet Inft. Deby CURLEW Emma J. Methodist 1 mon Griquet Griquet
Jun-18 Quirpon Pneumonia ROBERTS Alexander Methodist 74   Quirpon
Mar-13 St. Anthony Cancer of stomach GEAR Susan Mormon 48   St. Anthony
Mar-17 Noddy Bay Convulsions BARTLETT Sarah Jane Methodist 22   Quirpon
Apr-15 French Point Tuberculosis PETERS Fanny Methodist 64   French Point
Apr-30 St. Anthony Chidbirth STILES Fanny Methodist 29   St. Anthony
Jun-04 Little Brahat Inft. Debility BUDGELL Wm. Hy. Methodist 9 mos Little Brahat Little Brahat
Jun-04 St. Anthony Diabetes PILGRIM Eugene Methodist 27   Little Brahat
PAGE 383                
Jul-14 St. Pauls Brights Disease PITTMAN Janet M. Methodist 65 Carbonear Shoal Brook
Apr-23 Shoal Brook Tuberculosis BURDEN Emma Methodist 17 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Apr-06 La Scie Inft. Debility TOMS Pierce Methodist 5 wks La Scie La Scie
Aug-25 Lanse Au Medee Paralysis DECKER Austin Church of England 22 Lanse au Medee Lanse Au Medee
Aug-28 St. Anthony Strangulated Hernia WHEELER Christopher Church of England 27 Southern Bay St. Anthony
Sep-03 St. Anthony Inflm. Of Intenstine SQUIRES Janet Salvation Army 2 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Jul-13 Sopps Isl. Drowning OSBORNE Solomon Church of England 30 Jackson's Arm Body not recovered
Jul-13 Sopps Isl. Drowning LANGFORD Llewellyn Church of England 13 Broad Cove Body not recovered
Jul-17 Hampden Meningitis GALE Susanna Church of England 19 Hampden Hampden
Jul-30 Westport Pneumonia PEARCE George M. Church of England 62 Fogo Westport
Aug-22 Southern Arm Senile Decay SPARKES Elizabeth Church of England 77 Seal Cove Seal Cove
Aug-18 Duggans Cove Convulsions RAPSON James G. Church of England 15 mos Duggans Cove Duggans Cove
Aug-30 Williamsporte Thrush BRINTON Laura Church of England 2 mos Williamsporte Williamsporte
Sep-09 Williamsporte Smothered BRINTON Charlotte Church of England 1 mos Williamsporte Williamsporte
Sep-17 Back Cove Eczema BLANCHARD Elizabeth Church of England 10 mos Back Cove Bear Cove
Sep-28 Rocky Hr. Inft. Debility DECKER Philip Gordon Church of England 5 wks Curzon Vlg. Rocky Hr.
Oct-27 Rocky Hr. Old age DODD Elizabeth Church of England 70 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Nov-15 Bailey's Point Inflm. Of head MATTHEWS Matilda Church of England 61 Winter House Brook Woody Point
Nov-13 Trout River Fits CROCKER George W. Church of England 9 dys Trout River Trout River
Nov-15 Coachman's Cove Tic Deleur LACEY Daniel Roman Catholic 66 Carbonear Coachman's Cove
Nov-15 Fleur De Lys Cancer of stomach TRAVERSE Robert Roman Catholic 69 Small Point Fleur De Lys
Nov-16 Fleur De Lys Beri Beri FORD Lizzie Roman Catholic 26 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Dec-30 Fleur De Lys Heart Disease BALLOT Stephen Roman Catholic 27 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Dec-27 Fleur De Lys Convulsions BALLOT Stanley Roman Catholic 3 wks Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Jul-12 SW Pacquet La Grippe SIMMS Esther Roman Catholic 19 SW Pacquet SW Pacquet
Aug-08 SW Pacquet Genl Debility ELLIOTT Mary Methodist 75 SW Pacquet NE Pacquet
Aug-14 Baie Verte Consumption Not given Ethel Gladys Methodist 5 1/2 mos Baie Verte Baie Verte
Nov-13 SW Pacquet Consumption REGULAR James Methodist 88 SW Pacquet SW Pacquet
Oct-21 La Scie Unknown COOPER Wilburt Methodist 2 La Scie La Scie
Nov-09 La Scie Convulsions BARTLETT Joan I M Methodist 9 dys La Scie La Scie
Dec-27 La Scie Inft. Debility BATH Emma P. Methodist 2 mos La Scie La Scie
Dec-06 Shoal Brook Heart Disease MATTHEWS Mahala J. Methodist 61 Petites Shoal Brook
Dec-08 Shoal Brook Tuberculosis HANN Percival C. Methodist 19 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Dec-14 Curzon Village Inft. Debility MERCER Alfred R. Methodist 7 1/2 mos Curzon Vlg. Curzon Vlg.
Dec-22 Birchy Head Inft. Debility Not given Eva May Methodist 4 mos Birchy Head Shoal Brook
Dec-07 St. Anthony Diptheria PILGRIM Emma Salvation Army 12 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Oct-18 Seal Cove Senility ROBINSON Dinah Church of England 77 Hr. Grace Seal Cove
Oct-10 Duggans Cove Marasmus ANDREWS Rachael A. Church of England 3 mos Duggans Cove Duggans Cove
Nov-05 Granby Isl. Convulsions RICKETTS Lavinia L. Church of England 2 Ganby Isl. Westport
Nov-09 Sopps Isl. Marasmus PITTMAN Luke Church of England 1 mon Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
PAGE 384                
Nov-13 Sopps Isl. Marasmus PITTMAN Leander G. Church of England 1 mon Sopps Isl. Sopps Isl.
Nov-28 Seal Cove Hydrocephaleus PINKSTONS Maria Church of England 14 mon Seal Cove Seal Cove
Dec-08 Baie Verte ? Lungs NOSEWORTHY Thomas Church of England 50 Leading Tickles Tilt Cove
Jul-22 Bartlett's Hr. Rheumatic fever HYNES Hirsham Roman Catholic 98 1/2 Bartletts Hr. Bird Cove
Apr-07 St. John Isl. Worm fever MAXIM Sarah S. Roman Catholic 4 mos Savage Cove St. Johns Isl.
Jul-24 Bear Cove Rupture GOULD John Roman Catholic 62 Bear Cove Port au Choix
Dec-27 Barters Point Pneumonia SLATE Catherine Roman Catholic 69 Salmon Cove Bonne Bay
Nov-13 Bonne Bay Fever NEVILLE Mabel Roman Catholic 8 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct-03 Grandes O? Consumption WHITEWAY Mary E. Roman Catholic 36 Fishot Isls. St. Julians
Nov-05 Conche Still Born HUNT   Roman Catholic SB Conche Conche
Nov-07 Conche Embolism HUNT Margaret M. Roman Catholic 29 Conche Conche
Oct-30 Island Rock Cove Cong. Debility WHITEWAY William Roman Catholic 2 mos Grandes Oreis St. Juliens
May-17 Goose Cove Tuberculosis MURRIN Bride Roman Catholic 11 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Mar-31 "Southern Cross" Drowning FOLEY James        
Dec-14 Goose Cove Inft. Debility POWELL Violet Methodist 7 mos Goose Cove Goose Cove
Oct-04 St. Carrolls Diarrhoea MUGFORD Effie G. Church of England 5 mos St. Carrolls St. Carrolls
Oct-05 St. Anthony Poisoned-accident OLLERHEAD Caroline R. Church of England 10 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Oct-27 Cremelliere Pneumonia CALDWELL Florence Church of England 6 wks Cremelliere Cremelliere
Nov-24 St. Anthony Senility FENNEMORE Susanna Church of England 73 Fogo St. Anthony

Transcribed by:Cindy Wilson (2011)

BALLATT, Edward*1 He was swept off a ship (Clemintine) during entry to our waters off the Flemish Gap in a Feb Storm sailing back from Orporto, Spain. No body was recovered. John Barrett (Oct 2011)

Page Last Modified: Friday January 03, 2014 (Don Tate)

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