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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 6

1910 - 1914


Pages 499 - 504

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 499                
Nov 8-l910 Spotted Isls Tuberculosis PAULS Annie Church of England 23 Spotted Isls Purcupine Bay
Nov 19-1910 Fox Hr Catarrh PAULS Annie Church of England 32 Fox Hr Fox Hr
Feby 28-1911 Red Bay Convulsions PIKE Eunice May Methodist 1 mon Red Bay Red Bay
May 24-1911 Red Bay Childbirth PIKE Mary D Methodist 36 Red Bay Red Bay
Apl 3-1911 Paradise Cancer PARDY George Methodist 65 Sandwich Bay Paradise
Apl 10-1911 Paradise Old age GOODENOUGH William Church of England 82 Sandwich Bay Paradise
Dec 18-1910 Cartwright Tuberculosis LEARNING Mary B Church of England 41 Cartwright Cartwright
Dec 8-1910 Dove Brook Tuberculosis MARTIN Claude Church of England 25 Cartwright Cartwright
Apl 5-1911 Dove Brook Heart failure MARTIN Benjamin Church of England 25 Dove Brook Cartwright
Dec 24-1910 Pease Cove Tuberculosis WOOLFREY Martha Church of England 57 Goose Water Bay Pease Cove
Oct 16-1910 Double Mare Paralysis GROVES Joseph Methodist 65 Hamilton Inlet Double Mare
Oct 29-1910 North W River Consumption OLIVER Reuben Church of England 21 Hamilton Inlet North W River
Nov 10-1910 Rigolet Unknown SHUGLO Thomas Moravian 60 Hamilton Inlet Rigolet
Dec 10-1910 Carawalla? Exposure PALLISHER   Moravian 30 Hamilton Inlet Rigolet
All remaining entries on this page are for 1911-Transcriber                
Mar ?? Tukeraluk? Complication BROOMFIELD Elizabeth A? Methodist 26 Hamilton Inlet Cunningham Bight
May 9 Rigolet Old age PALLISHER Thomas Moravian 75 Rigolet Rigolet
Jan 20 Cape Charles Unknown PYE Willis Church of England 45 Cape Charles Cape Charles
Jan 22 Camp Islands Meningitis HUNT Elsie Church of England 10 Hr Grace Cape Charles
Mar 26 Seal Islands Tuberculosis GILL John Church of England 58 Seal Isls Seal Isls
Apl 14 Batteau Tuberculosis DYSON Gibson Church of England 49 Domino Batteau
Apl 19 Spotted Isls Unknown SMITH Emily M Church of England 7 mos Spotted Isls Spotted Isls
Apl 20 Batteau Tuberculosis MATTHEWS John Church of England 18 Spotted Isls Seal Islands
May 1 Domino Tuberculosis DYSON Michael Church of England 33 Open Bay Spotted Isls
May 2 Open Bay General deby LISCOMB William Church of England 71 Spotted Isls Spotted Isls
May 18 Spotted Isls Tuberculosis DYSON Michael Church of England 30 Spotted Isls Spotted Isls
June 12 Hawkes Bay Unknown BRYANT Thomas Church of England 43 Hawkes Bay Venison Island
Dec 5 Poor Asylum Old age BLOOMFIELD Margaret Church of England 65 Labrador C of E Cemty
Sep 15 Red Bay Paralysis of nerves PIKE Levi Methodist 65 Carbonear Red Bay
Nov 18 Lance Au Clair Old age SMITH George Church of England 75 Jersey Lance Au Clair
Feby 9 Lance Au Loup   BAINEY Eliza Church of England 80 Spaniards Bay Lance Au Loup
July 5 Lance Au Loup Inft deby BAINEY Effie B Church of England 3 mos Lance Au Loup Lance Au Loup
Aug 4 Capstan Island Consumption FOWLER John G Church of England 8 mos Bonne Bay Capstan Island
PAGE 500                
??? -1911 Battle Hr   POOLE Martha Church of England 49 Trap Cove Trap Cove
??? -1911 Battle Hr   CHUBBS Joseph Church of England 61 Seal Bight Spear Hr
July 31-1911 Square Isl Scarlatina NOTEY Wilfred Church of England 12 Aexis? Bay Square Isls
Sep 29-1911 Spear Hr Unknown FRENCH Paul Methodist 5 mos Carbonear Spear Hr
Sep 8-1911 Spotted Isls Genl debility HOLWELL John Church of England 81 Spotted Isls Spotted Isls
Dec 1-1911 Separation Point Scarlatina BROWN Albert James Church of England 7 Separation Point Dare? Brook
Dec 4-1911 Separation Point Scarlatina BROWN George Church of England 3 Separation Point Dare? Brook
Dec 8-1911 Separation Point Scarlatina BROWN Harriet Church of England 11 mos Separation Point Dare? Brook
Apl 15-1912 Lance Au Clair Heart failure BEAUDOIN James Church of England 56 Blanc Sablon Lance Au Clair
Apl 21-1912 Forteau Senile decay FLINN Eliza Church of England 78 Forteau Forteau
May 4-1912 Lance Au Mour Carcinoma of stomach DAVIS Charles F Church of England 48 Lance Au Mour Lance Au Mour
Feby 14-1912 Robingay Pericarditis MARTIN William Henry Church of England 17 Cartwright Cartwright
Dec 25-1911 Grand Village Measles GOWDIE Sandy Methodist 2 Grand Village Grand Village
Jan 24-1912 Grand Village Measles GOWDIE Normie? Methodist 5 Grand Village Grand Village
Jan 30-1912 Goose Bay Measles GROVES Milda Gertrude Methodist 5 Travespin Goose Bay
Oct 19-1911 North W River Drowned MONTIGUE Murray Church of England 4 Travespin  
Jan 7-1912 Carawala Inft deby MESHER Harriet S Methodist 10 mos Carawala Carawala
May 23-1912 Tukeraluk Brain fever BROOMFIELD Moses Methodist 17 Tukeraluk Lesters Point
June 4-1912 Tukeraluk Brain fever BROOMFIELD Samuel Methodist 14 Tukeraluk Lesters Point
Sep 27-1911 Long Point Dropsy MCDONALD   Methodist 75   Long Point
Oct 19-1911 Spotted Isls Heart trouble ELSON   Methodist 55   Spotted Isl
Nov 25-1911 Forteau Malnutrition HANCOCK Arthur L Methodist 1 day Forteau Forteau
Dec 23-1911 Forteau Malnutrition CRITCH Albert Jas Methodist 9 dys Forteau Forteau
The remainder of the entries on this page are of 1912-Transcriber         Methodist      
Jany 9 Forteau Malnutrition CRITCH Mary Methodist 1 mon Forteau Forteau
May 1 East St Modeste Old age BUTT Frederick Methodist 79 Carbonear East St Modeste
June 14 North River Inft debility WILLIAMS Winifred Church of England 5-1/2 mos North River North River
Apl 15 Lance Au Clair Heart failure BODIN James Church of England 55 Canadian Labrador Lance Au Clair
Apl 21 Forteau Old age CRIBB Eliza Church of England 78 Forteau Forteau
May 4 Lance Au Mour Yellow Jaundice DAVIS Charles Church of England 46 Lance Au Mour Lance Au Mour
Aug 2 Capstan Isl Consumption FOWLER Lilly Church of England 20 Lance Au Loup Capstan Isl
Aug 10 Lance Au Clair Inft debility DOMERAY? Elizabeth Church of England 2 dys Lance Au Clair Lance Au Clair
Sep 4 East St Modeste Old age DOREY? William Church of England 74 East St Modeste East St Modeste
Sep 10 Separation Point Old age BROWN Martha Church of England 83   Cartwright
Sep 11 Cartwright Convulsions HAYES Mark Church of England 8 dys Cartwright Cartwright
Apl 1 Pigeon Cove Scarlet Fever RICH Ann Eliza Church of England 3 Winter Cove Bluff Head
June 6 Big Brook Poisoning TUCKSHENAR? William P Moravian 53 Winter Cove? Big Brook
June 6 Big Brook Poisoning TUCKSHENAR? Milley Moravian 22   Big Brook
June 8 Big Brook Poisoning TUCKSHENAR? Thomas Moravian 17   Big Brook
Aug 29 Cape Verde Scarlet Fever LEARNING Tryphena Church of England 8 White Bear River Cape Verde
Sep 3 Cape Verde Scarlet Fever LEARNING Violet Church of England 3 White Bear River Cape Verde
PAGE 501                
Sep 4 Cape Verde Scarlet Fever LEARNING Samuel L Church of England 6 White Bear River Cape Verde
Sep 15 Cape Verde Scarlet Fever LEARNING William Geo Church of England 1 White Bear River Cape Verde
Apl 15 Lance Au Clair Heart failure BEAUDOIN James Church of England 55 Blanc Sablon Lance Au Clair
Apl 21 Forteau Old age FLYNN Eliza Church of England 78 Forteau Forteau
May 4 Lance Au Mour Yellow Jaundice DAVIS Charles Church of England 46 Lance Au Mour Lance Au Mour
Aug 2 Capstan Isl Consumption FOWLER Lilly Church of England 21 Lance Au Loup Capstan Isl
Aug 10 Lance Au Clair Inft debility DUMERESQUE Elizabeth Church of England 2 dys Lance Au Clair Lance Au Clair
Sep 14? East St Modeste Old age DONEY William Church of England 74 East St Modeste East St Modeste
Sep 13 Lance Au Loup Convulsions FOWLER Wilfred Church of England 3 mos Capstan Isl Lance Au Loup
Oct 3 Lance Au Loup Convulsions RYLAND Mary Church of England 3 wks Lance Au Loup Lance Au Loup
July 11 West St Modeste Old age FOWLER William Methodist 78   West St Modeste
Aug 2 Bradore Tuberculosis POLIN James S Methodist 18   Bradore
July 26 Red Bay Tuberculosis YETMAN Orestes Methodist 48 Red Bay Red Bay
Dec 5 Forteau Measles FLINN Margaret Church of England 17 Forteau Forteau
Sep 15 Tukeraluk Dysentery FLOWERS Ida Church of England 4 Tom Loscum Tom Loscum
Sep 20 Tukeraluk Dysentery FLOWERS Gladys Church of England 10 Tom Loscum Tom Loscum
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The "BEAUDOIN, FLYNN, DAVIS" entries on this page, also occur on the previous page. However, DAVIS' age is given as48 on Page 500, and as 46 on Page 501.
PAGE 502                
Feb 28 Tukeraluk Consumption BROOMFIELD Emily S Moravian 21 Kiperkok? Bay Sisters Point
Mar 9 Bird Isl Childbirth SHEPPARD Dore?? Methodist 40 Winter Cove Bluff Head
Mar 12 Vallies Bight Cancer of ??cast SHEPPARD Naomi Methodist 60 Deadmans Bay Bluff Head
Mar 25 Grand Village old age BLAKE Jane Methodist 73 Flat Water N W River
May 18 Grand Village Consumption MESHER Mary Ann Methodist 63 Grand Vlg Grand Vlg
Apl 18 Grand Village Consumption GROVER Elizabeth Methodist 26 N W River Goose Bay
June 5 NW Isls Old age BECKIE Thomas Methodist 74 Scotland N W Isls
June 7 Mulligan Fits CAMPBELL Robert Methodist 1-2/3 Mulligan Mulligan
May 1 Spotted Isls Inft debility DYSON Sophia Church of England 1 mon Porcupine Bay Spotted Isls
May 3 Batteau Phthisis DYSON Samuel G Church of England 2 Batteau Batteau
June 25 Paradise Inft debility MARTIN Edna Church of England 1 mon Paradise Cartwright
June 2 Long Point Consumption BURDETT Harriet Methodist 23 Goose Cove Long Point
Nov 28 Goose Cove Consumption PERRY Solomon Methodist 16 Goose Cove Cartwright
Mar 5 William Hr Child birth RUSSEL Laura Church of England 32 Williams Hr Williams Hr
Mar 4 Porcupine Bay Rheumatic Fever MAHER Mary Church of England 37 Spotted Isls Porcupine Bay
Mar 16 Porcupine Bay Phthisis DYSON Charlotte Church of England 23 Seal Isls Porcupine Bay
Mar 26 Black Bear Bay Childbirth DAVIS Mary Ann Church of England 32   Black Bear Bay
Feby 1 Isle of Ponds Exposure PARR James C Church of England 14 Indian Tickle Indian Tickle
Sep 23 Indian Tickle Phthisis BARDETTE John Church of England 18 Indian Tickle Indian Tickle
July 4 Domino Inft deby DAVIS Elizabeth Church of England 3 mos Black Bear Bay Spotted Isls
May 30 Rattlers? Bight Endocarditis ALLAN William Church of England 27 Rattlers? Bight Bluff Head
Apl 11 Long Pond Phthisis LLOYD Sarah Church of England 34 Turners? Bight Bluff Head
May 26 Lance Au Clair Paralysis CHUBBS Elizabeth Church of England 4 Lance Au Clair Lance Au Clair
July 7 Lance Au Clair Tuberculosis WALLACE Annie Church of England 28 Forteau Lance Au Clair
July 18 Lance Au Loup Old age LENSTEAD Thomas Church of England 78 England Lance Au Loup
July 6 Red Bay Influenza MOORES Thomas K Methodist 78 Carbonear Red Bay
July 22 Red Bay Influenza MOORES William R Methodist 6 mos Red Bay Red Bay
Aug 11 Forteau Bronchitis BELL Naomi Methodist 72 Bay Roberts Forteau
Sept 8 Red Bay Old age YETMAN Walter A Methodist 3 dys Capstan Isl Red Bay
Sept 28 Capstan Isl Pneumonia FOWLER Juston Methodist 5 Red Bay West St Modeste
Oct 3 Red Bay Tuberculosis PIKE Elizabeth Methodist 43-2/3 Red Bay Red Bay
Oct 11 Red Bay Pneumonia HOWELL Elizabeth Methodist 2-1/2 mos Red Bay Red Bay
Oct 30 Red Bay Roofhus? Cardia Asetic MAYNOR William Methodist 55 Red Bay Red Bay
Nov 30 Lance Au Loup Cancer of Pylorus EARLE William Methodist 50 Bay Roberts Lance Au Loup
Mar 30 Indian Cove Tuberculosis CUMBY James Church of England 40 Indian Cove Indian Cove
Mar 21 Seal Bight Tuberculosis of intestines CHUBBS Stephen Church of England 32 Seal Bight Seal Bight
June 16 Cape Charles Pneumonia PYE Jessie Church of England 32 Carbonear Cape Charles
June 13 Fox Hr Consumption CHUBBS Mary Ann Church of England 26 Seal Bight Fox Hr
Aug 9 Bolters? Rock Consumption STEVENS Elizabeth Church of England 28 Seal Bight Bolters? Rock
Aug 14 Venison Tickle Convulsions GREEN Lillian Church of England 3 wks Venison Tickle Venison Tickle
PAGE 503                
June 1 Battle Hr Pneumonia TAYLOR Solomon Church of England 30 Battle Hr Battle Hr
June 2 Lewis Bay Consumption LARKHAM Charles Church of England 42 Battle Hr Battle Hr
Sept 18 Battle Hr Unknown CRAN Charles Methodist Not given Random Battle Hr
Sept 1 Battle Hr Unknown COLLINS   Methodist Not given St Jacques Battle Hr
Sept 21 Battle Hr Tumor SPEARING Hannah Church of England 50 Bay Roberts Battle Hr
Oct 5 Cartwright La Grippe WINTERS Nathaniel S Church of England 2 mos Paradise Cartwright
Jany 31 Long Pond Old age DELANEY Charlotte Church of England 74 Seal Isls Seal Isls
Feby 18 Lewis Bay Exposure SMITH George Church of England 56 Trap Cove Trap Cove
Mar 31 St Anthony Tuberculosis BROOMFIELD Thomas Church of England 40    
May 13-1913 Turners Bight Cancer of Uterus WILLIAMS Maria F Church of England 61 Tinker Hr Flat Water
Apl 10 Johns Point Gravel MUGFORD William Methodist 77 P D Grave Lesters Point
Mar 14 Carters Basin Fits PALLISERS Wilfred M Moravian 9 mos Back Bay Carters Basin
Sept 10-1913 Goose Bay Pneumonia SHEPHERD Nathaniel W Methodist 6 ? Hamilton Inlet Goose Bay
Sept 29-1913 Grand Village Meningitis MCLEAN Flora Methodist 17 Sabasquashi Grand Village
Nov 7-1913 Grand Village Meningitis MCLEAN Bella Methodist 3 Grand River Grand Village
Jany 20 Carters Basin Old age MESHER Ambrose Methodist 87 Sabasquashi Grand Village
Feby 29 Carters Basin Consumption MICHELIN Rosella Church of England 24 N W River Grand Village
Feby 3 Forteau Senility HORMAN James G Church of England 85 Labrador Forteau
Apl 14 Lance Au Clair Senility DUMERESQUE Philip Church of England 68 Lance Au Clair Lance Au Clair
May 5 Lance Au Loup Convulsions BARNEY Josiah Church of England 1 day Lance Au Loup Lance Au Loup
June 10 Forteau Inft Debility BUCKLE Mulache Church of England 2 mos Forteau Forteau
June 6 La Scie Inft Debility CRITCH Gladys M Methodist 14 mos La Scie La Scie
June 24 La Scie Genl Debility CHIPP Eunice Methodist 75 Shoe Cove La Scie
Feby 23 Hawks Hr Convulsions TURNBULL Amos Church of England 10 mos Bolters Rock Boulters Rock
May 5 Indian Cove Old age CUMBY Hannah Church of England 74 Battle Hr Indian Cove
July 25 Capstan Isl Bronchitis FOWLER Mary Church of England 2 mos Capstan Isl Capstan Isl
Aug 26 Lance Au Clair Senility WALLACE William Church of England 73 Jersey Lance Au Clair
Apl 15 Boulters Rock Consumption MORRIS Elizabeth Church of England 47 Seal Isls Boulters Rock
May 1 Boulters Rock Convulsions CLARKE Sarah E Church of England 3-1/2 Bolters Rock Boulters Rock
Aug 3 Battle Hr Hemorrhage HARRIS Mary Church of England 19 Bristols Hope Battle Hr
PAGE 504                
Aug 7-1914 Battle Hr Pneumonia BROWN George Church of England 70 Fox Hr Fox Hr
Aug 28-l914 Battle Hr Nephritis HOPKINS Johanna Church of England 12 Spotted Isls Battle Hr
Sep 6-1914 Battle Hr Pneumonia SANSOM Hannah Church of England 53 Fox Hr Fox Hr
Sep 27-1914 Battle Hr Paralysis ASH Nathaniel Church of England 76 Battle Hr Battle Hr
Sep 14-1914 Red Bay Ulcer of stomach PIKE Susanna Methodist 67 Carbonear Red Bay
Mar 7-1914 Paradise La Grippe GOODENOUGH Esther Church of England 81 Mud Lake Paradise
Nov 18-1913 West Bay Pneumonia POTTLE Mary E Church of England 56 Cartwright West Bay
July 12-1913 Carawala Phthisis MUKS Jonas Church of England 19 Carawala Rigolet
Nov 16-1913 Carawala Convulsions PALLISER Ellen Church of England 11 mos Carawala Rigolet
Oct 6-1913 Table Bay La Grippe MARTIN Ralph Church of England 6 Cartwright Cartwright
Feby 23-1914 Cartwright Inft debility LEMARE Winifred Church of England 9 mos Cartwright Cartwright
June 28-1914 West Bay Convulsions MUGFORD George Church of England 1 day West Bay West Bay
July 6-1914 Cartwright Pneumonia PARDY Jonathan Church of England 64 Separation Point Cartwright
Oct 3-1914 Cartwright Inft debility MARTIN Henry S Church of England 2 dys Cartwright Cartwright
Nov 29 Nain Debility OBED Salome Moravian 5 mo 27 da Nain Nain
Nov 8 Nain Phthisis OBED Teodore Moravian 19 yr 8 mo Hebron Nain
Oct 8 Seorah? Catarrh GREEN Adalfine Moravian 1-1/2 mo Nain Nain
Oct 6 Nain Senile decay KNOX Debora Moravian 70? yr 9 mo Nain Nain
June 16 ??? Paralytic Seizure WINTERS Isabella Moravian 46 Hopedale Kikkertaujak?
June 24 Nunatuk Blood poisoning WEBB Chesley Moravian 22 Nain Nain
Apr 23 Nain Senile decay KARPIL Ketura Moravian 68 yr 8 mo Nain Nain
Apr 17 Ikariaruik? Senile decay ASSERTEAJOK? Konrad Levi Moravian 1 yr 2 mo Nain Nain
Mar 22 Nain General debility ALLIJAH Rosalie Lea Moravian 1 mo 21 da Nain Nain
July 19 Nain Influenza RICH Maria Moravian 2 yr 5 mo Hopedale Nain
May 16 Nain Internal injuries ALLIGAK Abraha A Moravian 5 yrs 1 mo Nain Nain
May 8 Nain Debility DANIEL Mar?ua Salome Moravian 14 days Nain Nain
Mar 22 Nain Debility ANDREAS Andreas Moravian 2 mo 10? days Nain Nain
Mar 18 Nain Pulmonary tuberculosis HUNTER Maria Moravian 39-1/2 Nain Nain
Mar 8 Nain Convulsions QUA?? Margareta Kristiana Moravian 4 mos Nain Nain
Feb 28 Nain Debility SUNGAJOK? Unbaptized Moravian 6 days Nain Nain
Jan 19 Nain Debility SAKSIAGIAK? Unbaptized Moravian 1/2 hr Nain Nain

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2011)

Page Last Modified: Thursday September 05, 2013 (Don Tate)

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