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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 5

St. John's City District


PAGES 81-90

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 81?                  
Jan. ?4 Beach B.I. Brights Dis. BUGDEN Charles M Ch. of E. 64 Trinity St.Marys
Feb. 08 Beach B.I. Senile Debility BUTT Henry M Ch. of E. 87 Carbonear St.Boniface
F??. 10 Beach B.I. Inanition BARRETT Annie M F Ch. of E. 6Mo. Goddenville St.Boniface
F??. ?5 Freshwater Inft. Debility PARSONS Melrose M Ch. of E. 5Mo. Freshwater St.Marys
J??. 10 Pouch Cove Inflamation FURLONG Catherine F R.Catholic 3Wks. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
???. 15 Torbay Gen. Debility ELLARD Peter M R.Catholic 83 Torbay Torbay
???. ?5 Torbay Heart Dis. GOSSE David M R.Catholic 28 Torbay Torbay
Mch. 11 Flat Rock Gen. Debility GRACE Mary F R.Catholic 83 Torbay Torbay
Feb. 17 Pouch Cove Paralysis WALSH Edward M R.Catholic 72 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Mch. 16 Torbay Tuberculosis WALSH Mary A F R.Catholic 19 Horse Cove Torbay
Mch. 16 Outer Cove Child Birth MCDONNELL Elizabeth F R.Catholic 31 Outer Cove Torbay
Mch. 25 Flat Rock Tuberculosis POMEROY George M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Torbay
???. 13 Topsail Rd. Old Age CONNOLLY Thomas M R.Catholic 85 Topsail Rd. Kilbride
???. 18 Kilbride Convulsions MURPHY James M R.Catholic 10Mo. Kilbride Kilbride
???. 25 Kilbride Paralysis MURPHY Ellen F R.Catholic 62 Petty Hr. Kilbride
???. 14 Forest Pond   HANNAFORD Lucy F R.Catholic 2 Forest Rd. Goulds
???. ?6 Big Pond Old Age SHELLY Mary F R.Catholic 74 Witless Bay Goulds
???. ?6 Goulds Consump. of Lungs FAHEY Hannah F R.Catholic 16 Goulds Goulds
???. ?7 Goulds   HEFFERNAN Philip M R.Catholic 46 Goulds Goulds
???. 30 Pouch Cove Natural Causes NOSEWORTHY Stanley M Methodist 23 Pouch Cove Meth. Cemty.
???. ?0 Pouch Cove Decline NOSEWORTHY Jacob M Methodist 73 Pouch Cove Meth. Cemty.
???. ?4 Biscayan Cove Decline ROSE Charlotte F Methodist 74   Meth. Cemty.
???. ?5 Bauline Nat. Causes LEGRAW John M Methodist 88 Broad Cove Meth. Cemty.
???. ?6 Pouch Cove Consumption HUDSON John M Methodist 33 Pouch Cove Meth. Cemty.
???. ?6 Gen. Hospital Consumption HUDSON Edward M Methodist 29 Biscayan Cove Meth. Cemty.
? Pouch Cove Consumption EASTERBROOK John R M Methodist 36 Pouch Cove Meth. Cemty.
? Bauline Dis. Head MITCHELL Clara F Methodist 20 Bauline Meth. Cemty.
? Bell Island Convulsions WHITEHEAD Blank F Methodist 4.5Hrs Bell Islnd. Meth. Cemty. B.I.
? Bell Island Consumption DART Sarah M F S.Army 35 Kelligrews Bell Island
? St.Michaels Convent Belvidere Pneumonia KENNY Sister Frances F R.Catholic 24 Hr.Main Belvidere
? Shaw's Lane Croup SHAW Mildred A F Ch. of E. 8   C.O.E Cemty.
? Fort Townshend Tumor of Brain GLADNEY Margaret F R.Catholic 37   Belvidere
? Circular Rd. Cancer RANKIN Alexr. D M Presb'n 62   Gen. P. Cemty.
? Carters Hill Apoplexy WHELAN Ann F R.Catholic 70   Mt.Carmel
? ???ternity Hosp. Inft. Convulsions WILCOX Edith May F S.Army 7Wks.   Sal. Cemty.
? ??ston Mass. Chronic Nephritis CASEY Thomas M R.Catholic 39   Belvidere
? ?????? Hospital Death by Burning MCGINN Kitty F R.Catholic 8   Mt.Carmel
? ????? St. Diptheria Croup? VINCENT Percy M S.Army 7   S.A. Cemty.
? Bulley St. Tub. of Lungs HAWKINS Jessie B F Ch. of E. 25 Hr.Grace Ch.of E.Cem.(Hr.Grace)
? South Side Brights Dis. CORMACK P????? M R.Catholic ?   Mt.Carmel
Pages torn & pieces missing.                  
PAGE 82?                  
May 24 Insane Asylm. Consumption PINSENT Charles M Ch. of E. 44 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
May 25 3 Wood St. Pul.Tuberculosis BRUIN Annie F R.Catholic 21   Mt.Carmel
May 26 Poor Asylum Old Age POWER Johanna F R.Catholic 67 St.John's Mt.Carmel
May 26 8 Hamilton St. Pul. Tubcs. ANGEL Samuel M R.Catholic 21   Mt.Carmel
May 27 24 Charlton St. Pneumonia ROSE Robert W M Methodist 4Mo.   Gen. P. Cemty.
May 26 Monkstown Rd. Senile Debility STEPHENSON Rebecca F Ch. of E. 80   C.O.E Cemty.
May 26 43 Hayward Ave. Senile Debility FIRTH Margaret F R.Catholic 93   Belvidere
May 27 Brazils Sq. Inft. Debility KING Isabella F R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Belvidere
May 27 213 Fleming St. Pul.Tuberculosis VAIL Eva Moore F Methodist 28   Gen. P. Cemty.
May 28 1 Freshwater Rd. Ch. Nephritis INKPEN George L M Methodist 38 Burin Gen. P. Cemty.
June 01 7 Temperance St. Senile Debility TULK Mahala F Ch. of E. 76   C.O.E Cemty.
May 31 Maternity Hosp. Tubc's of Glands HALLEY Alice F R.Catholic 1Y/6M   Mt.Carmel
June 02 92 McFarlane St. Meningitis COLE Elizabeth Lucy F Ch. of E. 17   C.O.E Cemty.
June 01 Kings Bridge Acute Bronchitis HUNT Charles M Ch. of E. 1   C.O.E Cemty.
June 02 87 Longs Hill Cerebral Paralysis PEET Annie F Methodist 50   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 01 16 Bannerman St. Apoplexy WALSH James M R.Catholic 72   Belvidere
June 02 White Hills Cong. Heart Dis. HEAL George M Ch. of E. 2Wks.   C.O.E Cemty.
June 03 87 Hamilton St. Tub. Meningitis WARNER Albert F M R.Catholic 14Mo.   Mt.Carmel
June 02 Prescott St. Paralysis SHAMBLER Mary F Ch. of E. 72   C.O.E Cemty.
June 03 Allandale Rd. Acute Bronchitis PROWSE Sophia F Methodist 69   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 02 23 Butler Place Marasmus HICKEY Richard M R.Catholic 8Mo.   Mt.Carmel
June 04 Old Portugal Cove Rd. Tub. Of Glands WALSH Elizabeth F R.Catholic 20   Mt.Carmel
June 04 Insane Asylm. Tumor of Brain LINDBERG John M Methodist 69   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 05 Pennywell Rd. Senility OSBOURNE Thomas M R.Catholic 99   Mt.Carmel
June 06 Poor Asylum Old Age BREWER William M R.Catholic 84 St.Lawrence Mt.Carmel
June 07 212 New Gower St. Heart Dis. WHITTEN William M R.Catholic 60   Belvidere
June 08 6 Murray St. Brights Dis. HALL George M Ch. of E. 6Y/9M   C.O.E Cemty.
June 09 101 Cabot St. Pul. Phthisis TRACEY Ellen F R.Catholic 70   Mt.Carmel
June 09 Penitentary Heart Failure DOWNS Albert M Methodist 37   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 10 46 Freshwater Rd. Cerebral Hemorrhage SPARKS Charlotte F Methodist 70   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 10 151 Gower St. Arterio Sclerosis HENNESSEY John M R.Catholic 80   Belvidere
June 12 31 Rossiters Lane Starvation EARLE May J F R.Catholic 3Mo.   Mt.Carmel
June 12 Ropewalk Range Inft. Debility MCDONALD Mary E F R.Catholic 2Dys.   Mt.Carmel
June 14 Insane Asylm. Senile Debility GUY Thomas M Ch. of E. 65 Twillingate C.O.E Cemty.
June 16 Hutchings St. Phthisis Pul. MURPHY John M R.Catholic 23   Belvidere
June 15 43 Duckworth St. Rheumatic Fever KING William M R.Catholic 18?   Mt.Carmel
June 14 23 Holloway St. Pueperal Septicemia EARLE Mary F R.Catholic 30   Mt.Carmel
June 17 55 Springdale St. Still Born WILTSHIRE Child of Samuel F Methodist S.B.   Gen. P. Cemty.
June 18   Drowning WHELAN John M R.Catholic 24   Mt.Carmel
June 18 71 Cabot St. Old Age FENNELL Mary F R.Catholic 86   Belvidere
PAGE 83?                  
? 34 Spencer St. Still Born MYERS Child of John M R.Catholic S.B. ?????? St. Mt.Carmel
? 13 Boggan St. Myocarditis HUDSON James M R.Catholic 70   Mt.Carmel
? Insane Asylm. Gen. Paralysis REDDY Patrick M R.Catholic 39   Mt.Carmel
? ?0 31 Field St. Brain? Dis. SKANES James M R.Catholic 10   Mt.Carmel
? ?1 Queen's Rd. Heart Failure PAYN William B M Ch. of E. 60 Jersey C.O.E Cemty.
? ?2 55 Cabot St. Acute Bronchitis TAYLOR George M S.Army 2Y/6M   S.A. Cemty.
? ?3 Cross Roads Nephritis SHEA Patrick T M R.Catholic 5M/2W   Belvidere
? ?3 Insane Asylm. Paralysis HISCOCK Mary F Ch. of E. 73   C.O.E Cemty.
? ?3 Monkstown Rd. Still Born BARTER Child of Jonas M R.Catholic S.B.   Belvidere
? 23 Gower St. Senility BATES Bridget F R.Catholic 88   Belvidere
? 24 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria MEARNS John M R.Catholic 4Y/6M   Mt.Carmel
? 25 Newtown Rd. Marasmus RYAN William M R.Catholic 7Wks.   Belvidere
? 27 Freshwater Rd. Myocarditis HALFEY Edward M R.Catholic 79   Belvidere
? 27 48 Bannerman St. ?????? ?????? SULLIVAN Marcella F R.Catholic 53   Mt.Carmel
? 28 81 Casey St. Broncho Pneumonia MERCER Minnie D F S.Army 3Mo.   Army Cemetery
? 28 Gen. Hospital Tuberculosis BRANSFIELD Thomas M R.Catholic 55   Mt.Carmel
? Insane Asylm. Gen. Paralysis WALKINS Hannah F R.Catholic 41   Belvidere
? Insane Asylm. Senile Debility GALWAY Anne F R.Catholic 65   Mt.Carmel
? Signal H. Rd. Tuberculosis WALSH Angie F R.Catholic 13   Mt.Carmel
? William St. Cancer Stomach PITCHER Margaret F Ch. of E. 62   C.O.E Cemty.
? 112 Casey St. Convulsions DESSERT Max M Methodist 5?Mo.   Gen. P. Cemty.
? Mount Scio Marasmus HANNAFORD Richard M R.Catholic 8Dys.   Belvidere
? Poor Asylum Heart Dis. DEAKEN John M R.Catholic 74   Belvidere
? 37 1/2 Cuddihy St. Carcimonia SNOOK Amelia F R.Catholic 52   Belvidere
? Mundy's Pond Acute Bronchitis MURPHY Columbia F R.Catholic 1Y/6M   Mt.Carmel
? Hayward Ave. Tub. of Lungs GILES Lilly F S.Army 18Y/9M   S.A. Cemty.
? Hayward Ave. Pul. Phthisis ROWSELL Bert M Methodist 24   Gen. P. Cemty.
? Portugal Cove Pneumonia HIBBS Isabella F Ch. of E. 75 St.John's Portugal Cove
? Portugal Cove Gen. Paralysis PICCO Elizabeth F Ch. of E. 75 Kelligrews Portugal Cove
? St.Philips Pneumonia TUCKER Elsie May F Ch. of E. 8 St.Philips St.Philips
? Portugal Cove Tuberculosis SOMERTON Walter M Ch. of E. 23 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
? Outer Cove Gen. Debility POWER Mary F R.Catholic 90 Ireland Torbay
? Flat Rock Diphtheria HICKEY Alice F R.Catholic 11 Flat Rock Torbay
? Flat Rock Diphtheria NORMAN William M R.Catholic 9Mo. Flat Rock Torbay
? Flat Rock Diphtheria HICKEY John M R.Catholic 12 Flat Rock Torbay
? Gen. Hospital Peritonitis MOLLOY James M R.Catholic 43 Torbay Pouch Cove
? Torbay Paralysis REDDY Michael M R.Catholic 66 Torbay Torbay
? Gen. Hospital Tumor MCGRATH Johanna F R.Catholic 34 Torbay Torbay
? Torbay Bronchitis MCGRATH Doris F R.Catholic 67 Torbay Torbay
? Torbay Asthma BOLGER Catherine F R.Catholic 76 Torbay Torbay
? Fever? Hosp. Typhoid Fever POWER Elizabeth F R.Catholic 33 Torbay Torbay
PAGE 84                  
Apl. 15 Pouch Cove Tuberculosis CONNORS Christina F R.Catholic 21 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Apl. 16 Pouch Cove Decline NOSEWORTHY Maria F Methodist 49 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 24 Pouch Cove Cancer MATTHEWS Solomon M Methodist 68 England Pouch Cove
July 06 7 Cummins? St. Still Born MORRISSEY Child of Pat'k M R.Catholic S.B. St.John's 7 Cummins St. Mt.Carmel
July 08 Gen. Hospital Appendicitis O'DRISCOLL Jessie F Ch. of E. 14 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
July 08 61 1/2 Lime St. Pul. Tuberculosis COOPER Sarah I? F S.Army 37   S.A. Cemty.
July 08 18 Brennan St. Enteritis HURLEY Nellie F R.Catholic 4Mo.   Mt.Carmel
July 09 New Gower St. Spasm of Heart CLEARY Maggie F R.Catholic 50   Mt.Carmel
July 09 Gower St. Senile Dementia HARVEY Amelia F Ch. of E. 87   C.O.E Cemty.
July 09 Torbay Rd. Senile Decay BRENNAN Mary F R.Catholic 83   Mt.Carmel
July 09 Mundy's Pd. Rd. Inft. Diarrhoea DAVIS Charles M R.Catholic 2Mo.   Mt.Carmel
July 10 Pleasant St. Senile Debility YETMAN Solomon M Ch. of E. 70   C.O.E Cemty.
July 10 New Gower St. Ch. Enteritis CHANNING Gerard M R.Catholic 2Mo.   Mt.Carmel
July 10 Dunford St. Concussion of Spine ATKINS Thomas M R.Catholic 60   Mt.Carmel
July 11 Flower Hill Phthisis Pul. RYAN Rose Anna F R.Catholic 39   Mt.Carmel
July 12 51 Job St. Phthisis Pul. THORN Elizabeth F Methodist 41   Gen. P. Cemty.
July 11 9 Plymouth Rd. Malignant Dis. Stomach? NEIL Anastatia F R.Catholic 48   Mt.Carmel
July 11 Gen. Hospital Ureteral Stenosis HUTCHINGS George M R.Catholic 71 Spaniards Bay Mt.Carmel
July 13 11 Quidi Vidi Rd. Still Born BURDELL Blank F Ch. of E. S.B.   C.O.E Cemty.
July 14 107 Pleasant St. Illdefined? YETMAN Elizabeth F Ch. of E. 11   C.O.E Cemty.
July 14 Gen. Hospital Nephritis BARRY James M R.Catholic 31   Mt.Carmel
July 14 Gen. Hospital Tub. Meningitis DUTOT Cyril E M Methodist 18 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
July 14 37 Victoria St. Cholera Infantum POWER Mary K? F R.Catholic 10Wks. St.John's Belvidere
July 15 2 Monroe St. Spinal Meningitis MADDEN Nellie F R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 15 8 Barron St. Heart Failure TIBBS Michael M R.Catholic 27   Mt.Carmel
July 17 22 1/2 Colonial St. Inft. Debility COLFORD Francis J M R.Catholic 2Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 17 Poor Asylum Old Age KENWAY Patrick M R.Catholic 85 Ireland Mt.Carmel
Apl. 10 Bell Island Bronchitis KING Cecilia F Methodist 16Dys. Bell Island Victoria ??
July 18 Water St. W Malnutrition LUNDRIGAN Baby M R.Catholic 6Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 19 14 Lime St. Pul.Tubc's GAROD? Stephen M R.Catholic 14   Mt.Carmel
Apl. 13 Forest Pond Rd. Cancer DONAVAN Bridget F R.Catholic 60 Goulds Goulds
May 26 Goulds Cancer Bowels RYAN John M R.Catholic 64 Goulds Goulds
July 30 Petty Hr. Inft. Debility HOWLETT Winifred F R.Catholic 8Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
July 19 8 Princes St. Pul. Tuberculosis ST JOHN John M R.Catholic 27   Belvidere
July 20 19 Military Rd. Phthisis Pul. LINDBERG Rosamond F Methodist 64   Gen. P. Cemty.
July 20 H??????? Rd. Tub. Peritonitis BENMORE Elizabeth F Ch. of E. 42   C.O.E Cemty.
July 20 Kings Bridge Premature B. DOOLEY Child of John ? R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 22 25 1/2 Rossiters Lane Convulsions JOHNSON Patrick M R.Catholic ? Mo? St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 25? 17 Fleming St. Premature B. RODGERS? Child of James & Frances? M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
July 27 18 Coronation? St. Premature B. M????Y Child of James & Fanny? F? Presb'n P.B. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
PAGE 85                  
July 23 2 Plymouth Rd. Cerebral Hemorrhage FOSTER Catherine F R.Catholic 78 St.John's Belvidere
July North Sydney Drowning SUTTON John M R.Catholic 35 St.John's Belvidere
July 23 16 Balsom St. Convulsions COLLINS Augustus M R.Catholic 8 St.John's Belvidere
July 24 South Side Intestinal Carcimona COOK Mary Jane F Ch. of E. 56 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
July 24 St.John's (Hr.) Drowning CAREY William Johnson M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Mount Carmel Cmty.
July 26 Kenny's Pd. St.John's Drowning DEVINE Charles R M R.Catholic 16 St.John's Belvidere
July 26 180? Pleasant St. Cholera Infantum MURPHY Mary F R.Catholic 14Mo.? St.John's Belvidere
July 27 Long Pond Drowning JOYCE William F M Methodist 18 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
July 27 22 Carew St. Gall Stones CHAFE Sarah (W) F Ch. of E. 60 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
July 28 Battery Rd. Cancer of Stomach HOLLOWAY Maria F Ch. of E. 56 Clarenville C.O.E Cemty.
July 29 Insane Asylm. Consumption WALSH Agnes F R.Catholic 24 Bay de Verde Mount Carmel Cmty.
July 29 Insane Asylm. Consumption HILLIER George M Ch. of E. 29 Lamaline C.O.E Cemty.
July 31 Convent Sq. Heart Failure FITZGERALD Elizabeth F R.Catholic 64 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 01 13 Goodview St. Malnutrition REID Jane F Ch. of E. 9Mo. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
July 30 Insane Asylm. Consumption MORRISSEY Maggie F R.Catholic 42 Placentia Mt.Carmel
July 30 110 Queens Rd. Malig. Dis. Stomach CLARK Ambrose M R.Catholic 69 St.John's Belvidere
July 31 Gen. Hospital Chronic Nephritis O'BRIEN James M R.Catholic 47 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 02 Ropewalk Range Marasmus MCDONALD William Jno. M R.Catholic 52Dys? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 02 140 Gower St. Ulceration Intestine LEDREW Hannah F Ch. of E. 68   C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 04 93 Monkstown Rd. Myocarditis KEARNEY Richard M R.Catholic 88 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 04 24 York St. Diptheria COADY Patrick M R.Catholic 10 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 02 29 Cookstown Rd. Nephritis LAWLOR Mauad[sic] F R.Catholic 33 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 03 32 Hutchings St. Pul. Phthisis MURPHY Catherine F R.Catholic 24 St.John's Belvidere
June 29 Bell Island Convulsions NICHOLS Isabella F Ch. of E. 1Mo. Bell Island Bell Island
Aug. 04 Quidi Vidi Lake Drowning MARTIN Herbert G M Ch. of E. 14 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 04 Quidi Vidi Lake Drowning LLOYD William C M Ch. of E. 15 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 05 Fort Townshend Premature B. HEMMENS Dorina F Ch. of E. 4Dys. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 07 Maternity Hosp. Rachitis BENNETT Hattie F S.Army 14Mo. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Aug. 06 Insane Asylm. Consumption CURTIS Peter M R.Catholic 50 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 08 Newtown Rd. Phthisis Pul. QUIGLEY William M R.Catholic 50   Belvidere
Aug. 09 Fort Townshend Premature B. HEMMENS Jennie F Ch. of E. 8Dys. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 09 39 Flower Hill Indigestion DUNPHY Stella F R.Catholic 6Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 09 5 Flower Hill Tubc's Enteritis DALEY Patrick M R.Catholic 64 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 10 1 Charlton St. Tuberculosis COOPER Sarah Jane F S.Army 22 St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Aug. 10 78 Carters Hill Still Born Prem. B. CONNOLLY Child of Pat'k   R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 11 38 George St. Inft. Diarrhoea PETERS Dora F R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 12 Livingstone St. Still Born WALSH Child of John M R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 12 Kings Bridge Inft. Debility COCHRANE Willis M R.Catholic 1Day St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 12 17 Field St. Marasmus LEWIS Mary F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 12 Gower St. Senile Decay HISCOCK Elizabeth F Ch. of E. 79   C.O.E Cemty.
PAGE 86                  
Aug. 12 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria GREEN Belina E F Ch. of E. 5Y/8M St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Apl. 13 Lance Cove Convulsions HUSSEY Emma F Ch. of E. 10Mo. Lance Cove Lance Cove
Apl. 17 Lance Cove Sp?????? Laryngitis REES Harriet G F Ch. of E. 11Mo. Lance Cove Lance Cove
June 29 Lance Cove Senile Debility REES George M Ch. of E. 94 Lance Cove Lance Cove
Aug. 15 Mundys Pond Tubc's of Lungs LAMBERT Jane F R.Catholic 17Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 16 25 Barters Hill Gastro Enteritis HAMILTON William M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 17 205 Southside Cancer of Stomach MALONE Martin M R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 17 24 Colonial St. Cholera Infantum CAUL Allan F M R.Catholic 4M/2W St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 16 20 Pennywell Rd. Convulsions PARRELL Charles M R.Catholic 4Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 17 Gen. Hospital Appendicitis JOHNSTONE Peter M R.Catholic 31 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 16 Insane Asylm. Paralysis HARRINGTON John M R.Catholic 45 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 17 Hutchings St. Inft.Diarrhoea MURRAY Fred'k G M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 18 Poor Asylum Secondary Syphilis MOORES Joseph M Methodist 27 Northern Bay Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 19 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria GREEN Jesse[sic] H F Ch. of E. 4Y/3M St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 18 Rossiters Lane Sarcoma of Orbit BENNETT Sarah F R.Catholic 65 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 19 2 Atlantic Ave. Cholera Infantum KING Augustus M Methodist 7Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 19 Lower Battery Tetanus NEWELL Chesley M Methodist 8Dys. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 19 228 Water St. Enteritis WHITE James Edw. M Ch. of E. 4Mo. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 20 Hamilton Ave. Cholera Infantum OAKLEY Florence F Ch. of E. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aug. 20 41 Gower St. Premature B. FLEMING Child of Mich'l M R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 20 Maternity Hosp. Marasmus BOWMAN Reta F F S.Army 7Wks. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Aug. 21 58 Hayward Ave. Haemoplysis BURCELL George E M Ch. of E. 5Dys. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Aub. 21 28 Cookstown Rd. Cholera Infantum CROSS William D M Methodist 1Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 21 27 Spencer St. Still Born SMITH Child of John F Methodist S.B. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 21 30 Spencer St. Acute Gastro Enterisis SHAVE? Phyllis M F R.Catholic 7Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 16 Battle Har. Labrador Suicide GRIFFIN William M R.Catholic 24 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 24 58 Pleasant St. Inft.Diarrhoea MOORE Victor Thos. M Methodist 5Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Aug. 25 Poor Asylum Senile Deb. KENNEDY John M R.Catholic 68 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 25 78 Flower Hill Cong. Dibility JENKINS Samuel M S.Army 3Wks. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Aug. 26 8 Bannerman St. Cardiac Dis. WALKINS James M R.Catholic 46 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 25 Water St. Drowning COLLINS James J M R.Catholic 54 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 25 Poor Asylum Heart Dis. HAYES Nicholas M R.Catholic 62 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 27 Wickford St. Inft. Diarrhoea CARTER Mary F R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 24 Mundys Pond Enteritis NOSEWORTHY Wm. Jas. M S.Army 6Mo. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Aug. 29 35 1/2 Cabot St. Cholera Infantum MORRIS Willie M R.Catholic 5M/2W St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 29 Duckworth St. Ac. Gas.Enteritis KNOWLING Thomas M R.Catholic 4M/2W St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 29 Walsh's Sq. Heart Dis. TOUCHER James M R.Catholic 73 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 27 Water St. W Convulsions HOLLEY Augustus M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 31 Poor Asylum Old Age KELLY Peter M R.Catholic 85 Ferryland Mt.Carmel
Sep. 01 Hamilton St. Inft.Diarrhoea HOWLEY Bridget F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
PAGE 87                  
Aug. 30 Gen. Hospital Heart Dis. MAHONEY Mary F R.Catholic 52    
Sep. 01 Poor Asylum Old Age CUMMINS James M R.Catholic 78 Ferryland Mt.Carmel
Aug. 30 Boncloddy St. Acute Gast. Ent. DODD Thomas M R.Catholic 11Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 02 Southside Acute Gast. Ent. WHITTEN George B M Ch. of E. 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 02 251 Southside Apnoea ROGERS Child of Rich'd ? R.Catholic 10Min. St.John's Belvidere
Sep. 04 10 Codners Lane Cancer of Stomach LETHBRIDGE Nathaniel M Methodist 68 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 03 Water St. W Pul. Tubcs. O'NEILL John M R.Catholic 35 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 03 Quidi Vidi Rd. Chol. Infantum HOLLETT Nellie F Methodist 1 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 04 Fleming St. Enteritis ROGERS Alphonsus M R.Catholic 7Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 04 Cookstown Rd. Pul. Tuberculosis REDMOND Edward Jos. M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Sep. 04 Water St. W Nephritis WILLS Gordon M Methodist 4Y/6M St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 05 Hamilton St. Convulsions DOWNS Robert M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 06 Simms St. Convulsions MARKS Rose F R.Catholic 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 06 36 Cabot St. Marasmus EDGECOMBE Benjamin M Methodist 13Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 06 Freshwater Rd. Old Age REID Arthur M Ch. of E. 82 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 07 Gen. Hospital Carcimona Bowels CHRISTIAN Alex'r M Methodist 54 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 08 Carew St. Tubc's Mesentenca? PYNN Robert Geo. M Ch. of E. 45 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 08 Tessier St. Diabetes BARRON Mary Jane F R.Catholic 50 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 08 Maternity Hosp. Cong. Ht. Dis. TILLEY Wallace M M S.Army 2Dys. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 09 Stephens St. Tub. of Lungs BYRNE Charles M R.Catholic 44 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 09 Barters Hill Diarrhoea HANDRAHAN Mary F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 09 Hamilton St. Chol. Infantum SHAW William B C M S.Army 22Mo. St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 10 Lemarchant Rd. Abscess in Lung MURPHY Margaret M R.Catholic 66 St.John's Belvidere
Sep. 10 Poor Asylum Senile Deb. SNOW Jacob M Ch. of E. 62 P. de Grave C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 11 10 Pilots Hill Meningitis GROVES Albert Geo. M Ch. of E. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 11   Chol. Infantum HAMMOND Olive F Ch. of E. 3Wks. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 12 28 Cook St. Marasmus RIDEOUT Elsie F S.Army 2M/2W St.John's S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 12 50 Longs Hill Chol. Infantum THISTLE Roy M Methodist 5Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 13 Fever Hosp. Typhoid Fever BESSAN John M R.Catholic 44   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 13 Boncloddy St. Tuberculosis RUSSELL Ellen F R.Catholic 38   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 13 Queen St. Fracture of Skull PENNEY Thomas M R.Catholic 16   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 15 Cochrane St. Chol. Infantum STRANGER Charles M Ch. of E. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 14 Military Rd. Erysipelas WYLIE Johannah F R.Catholic 40   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 15 George St. Marasmus SKEANS Chesley M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 14 Patrick St. Puerp. Fever ANGEL Veronica F R.Catholic 2Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 16 Cook St. Tubs. Of Intestines CURTIS Ida L F S.Army 15Mo.   S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 16   Chol. Infantum COLLINS Mary F Ch. of E. 6Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 16 Cummins St. Chol. Infantum FINN Mary B F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's  
Sep. 16 Cook St. Marasmus TOBIN Wilfred G M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 18 Holloway St. Summer Comp. HANNON Mary M F R.Catholic 6Mo.? St.John's Mt.Carmel
PAGE 88                  
Sep. 18   Broncho Pneumonia STAFFORD Mary Ann F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 18 Charlton St. Tubc's Enteritis SEXTON Cyril M Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 18 Pennywell Rd. Chol. Infantum WOOD Henry M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Sep. 18 Gen. Hospital Death by Burning DILLON Frank M R.Catholic 43   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 17 Hayward Ave. Paralysis NORRIS Mary F R.Catholic     Belvidere
Sep. 18 128 Pleasant St. Enteritis JARVIS John Jos. M R.Catholic 3Wks.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 19 Plank Rd. Prematurity VOISEY Francis M R.Catholic P.B.   Belvidere
Sep. 20 Battery Rd. Ch. Tub. Enteritis COLLINS William M R.Catholic 22Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 20 Kenny's Pd. Marasmus BIDDISCOMBE Albert E M Ch. of E. 4Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 20 Livingstone St. Chol. Infantum EARLES Eileen F R.Catholic 11Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 21 Chain Rock Meningitis WILLS Ralph M Ch. of E. 5Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 21 Monroe St. Ac. Meningitis COISH Gertrude M F Methodist 13Mo.   Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 22 Barnes Rd. Marasmus CHURCHILL Gordon M Ch. of E. 1Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 21 Theatre Hill Heart Dis. MOORE Robert J M R.Catholic 67   Belvidere
Sep. 21 Casey St. Ch. Nephritis KING Alfred M Methodist 68   Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 23 Plymouth Rd. Chol. Infantum KEARSEY Lawrence M R.Catholic 3Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 25 Gen. Hospital Death by Burning MOORE Hazel F Methodist 14   Gen. P. Cemty.
Sep. 25 Flower Hill Ac. Gastro Ent. SHUTE Maxim M Ch. of E. 12Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 25 Cook St. Marasmus NORMAN Ellen F S.Army 12Mo.   S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 24 Quidi Vidi Enteritis MAY Gerald M R.Catholic 3Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 26 Casey St. Convulsions O'NEIL Leo M Mt.Carmel [sic] 3   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 26 Young St. Pneumonia KING William M R.Catholic 5   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 27 1 Murray St. Convulsions COLLYMORE? Olive G F Ch. of E. 2Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 27 South Side Convulsions MAHONEY Philip M R.Catholic 2Mo.   Belvidere
Sep. 28 Bannerman St. Tub's Lungs GILES Mark M S.Army 21   S.A. Cemty.
Sep. 28 Chapel St. Myocarditis NEIL William M R.Catholic 67   Belvidere
Sep. 28 York St. Gastro Enter. BURKE Agatha F R.Catholic 5Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 28 South Side Ch. Enteritis COOK Violet F Ch. of E. 4Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Sep. 28 Goodview St. Cancer of Bowels LANE Margaret F R.Catholic 58   Belvidere
Sep. 29 18 Pope St. Enteritis WALSH Mary F R.Catholic 3Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Sep. 28 Logy Bay Rd. Tub's Lungs PECKHAM Elizabeth F Ch. of E. 26   C.O.E Cemty.
Jan. 24 Portugal Cove Pneumonia WHITE John M R.Catholic 84 Port. Cove Port. Cove
Mar. 06 Cove Rd. Bronchitis OBRIEN Elizabeth F R.Catholic 75 St.John's St.John's
Mar. 09 Cove Rd. Asthma CAUL Ellen F R.Catholic 62 Cove Rd. Port. Cove
Sep. 30 Knight St. Thrush FLANNIGAN Wm. J M Ch. of E. 3 St.John's C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 01 Cummins St. Gastro Enteritis FINN Blank ? R.Catholic 10Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 01 Cabot St. Premature B. KENNEDY Thomas Jos. M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 01 Cabot St. Premature B. KENNEDY Daniel M M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 01 Rossiters Lane Ch. Endocarditis DOOLEY Mary F R.Catholic 63   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 01 Casey St. Whooping Cough O'NEILL Katie F R.Catholic 2   Mt.Carmel
PAGE 89                  
Oct. 02 Larkin Sq. Tubc's of Lungs DALEY John M R.Catholic 42   Belvidere
Oct. 03 Oxen Pond Rd. Apoplexy O'LEARY Ellen F R.Catholic 77   Belvidere
Oct. 03 Pilots Hill Bron. Pneumonia JEWER Fred'k R M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Jan. 06 Bell Island   LOHEY Martin M R.Catholic 2 Lance Cove Lance Cove
Jan. Bell Island Old Age JUDGE Honorah F R.Catholic 85 Bell Island Bell Isl.
Jan. 30 Bell Island   BYRNE Elizabeth F R.Catholic 2Dys. Bell Island Bell Isl.
Feb. 15 Bell Island Old Age CONNORS Johannah F R.Catholic 78   Bell Isl.
Feb. 17 The Mines   EAGAN James M R.Catholic 18 St.John's St.John's
Feb. 17 Bell Island   POWER Bernard M R.Catholic 1Y/6M   Bell Isl.
Feb. 18 Bell Island Result of Burns HAMMOND Ellie F R.Catholic 3Y/6M Lance Cove Lance Cove
Feb. 21 Bell Island   SAUNDERS Florence M F R.Catholic 13Mo. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Feb. 25 Bell Island   STONE Mary F R.Catholic 2 Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Feb. 28 Bell Island   DWYER Mary E F R.Catholic 2Mo. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
May 01 Bell Island Consumption BROWNE Anastatia F R.Catholic 16   Bell Isl.
May 13 Bell Island Old Age POWER Catherine F R.Catholic 76 Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
May 16 Bell Island Convulsions GLAVINE Vincent A M R.Catholic 8Mo. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
July 31 Bell Island   ODONNELL Patrick Jos. M R.Catholic 2 Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Sep. 03 Bell Island   FITZGERALD Bernard M R.Catholic 3Mo. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Sep. 04 Bell Island   KENNEDY Mary E F R.Catholic 7Mo. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Sep. 19 Lance Cove Old Age KENT Edward M R.Catholic 74 Lance Cove Lance Cove
July 03 Bell Island Convulsions DROVER Archibald M S.Army 2Wks. Bell Isl. Bell Isl.
Oct. 04 Cuddihy St. Rheumatic Gout PALFREY Mary F R.Catholic 43   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 05 Bowman St. Chol. Infantum SPARKS Sydney M Methodist 4Mo.   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 04 Sheehan Shute Larygnitis WHITE James M R.Catholic 32   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 06 Maternity Hosp. Nephritis LYNCH Daisy F R.Catholic 9Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 06 Maternity Hosp. Eachitis[sic] PIKE Violet F S.Army 16Mo.   S.A. Cemty.
Oct. 06 Carew St. Marasmus MADDUKS? George M R.Catholic 4Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 05 Moore St. Summer Comp. KEARSEY Harold M R.Catholic 5Mo.   Belvidere
Oct. 07 Maternity Hosp. Gen. Tubc's WHITE Walter M S.Army 9Mo.   S.A. Cemty.
July 01 Portugal Cove Pneumonia PIUS Richard M Ch. of E. 3Wks. Port. Cove Port. Cove
July 25 St.Philips Cancer of Uterus TUCKER Emily F Ch. of E. 62 St.Philips St.Philips
July 28 Port. Cove Felo De Se? MILLER Edmund M Ch. of E. 38 Port. Cove Port. Cove
Aug. 24 Gen. Hosp. Tub. Peritonitis CHURCHILL Eliz'th F Ch. of E. 24 Port. Cove Port. Cove
Sep. 02 St.Philips Peritonitis SQUIRES Charlotte F Ch. of E. 31 St.Philips St.Philips
Aug. 11 Petty Hr. Puerp. Fever BAIRD Janet F Ch. of E. 32 Goulds Petty Hr.
Aug. 21 Petty Hr. Cong.Debility WHITTEN Thos. R M Ch. of E. 7Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Sep. 22 Petty Hr. Old Age WHITTEN John M Ch. of E. 79 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Aug. 02 Kilbride Consumption MURPHY Mary F R.Catholic 53 Kilbride Kilbride
Aug. 15 Kilbride Brights Dis. DENEMORE? Francis M R.Catholic 60 Ireland Kilbride
July 01 Pouch Cove Gen. Deb. MORAN Susanna F R.Catholic 85 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
PAGE 90                  
July 03 Pouch Cove Heart Flr. BESSAN George M R.Catholic 5Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
July 05 Torbay Brain Fever FLEMING Mary F R.Catholic 18 Torbay Torbay
July 18 Torbay Tubc's GOSSE William M R.Catholic 21 Torbay Torbay
Aug. 19 Torbay Convulsions KIERVAN Ann F R.Catholic 2Mo. Torbay Torbay
Aug. 24 Flatrock Tuberculosis PARSONS Mary F R.Catholic 19 Flatrock Torbay
Sep. 06 Flatrock Convulsions CASEY Marg't F R.Catholic 6Dys. Flatrock Torbay
Sep. 19 Torbay Heart Flr. MURPHY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 3Dys. Torbay Torbay
Oct. 08 Fleming St. Tubc's Lungs VAIL Bessie F Methodist 12   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 08 Charlton St. Brain Fever HORWOOD E.Maud F Methodist 29   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 08 South Side Cl. Hemorrhage CRANFORD Susan F Ch. of E. 78   C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 08 Gower St. Inft. Diarrhoea OSMUND Mary F R.Catholic 2M/2W   Belvidere
Oct. 08 Duckworth St. Tub. Peritonitis SKINNER Ralph D M Presb'n 18   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 08 Power St. Senile Deb. HARTWELL Bartholomew M R.Catholic 76   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 09 Finn St. Inf. Deb. FINN Blank F R.Catholic Inft.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 12 Simms St. Still Born BUTT Child of Louise F R.Catholic S.B.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 12 Dunford St. Inft.Deb. BARNES Malcolm M Methodist 1Mo.   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 13 Monkstown Rd. Marasmus GROUCHY William M R.Catholic 17Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 13 Henry St. Puerp. Fever ASHLEY Frances F R.Catholic 27   Belvidere
Oct. 14 71 Cook St. Tubc's Lungs SPARKES Daisy M F Methodist 24   Gen. P. Cemty.
Oct. 15 14 Flower Hill Sen. Myocarditis MCDONALD Catherine F R.Catholic 88   Belvidere
Oct. 15 Central St. Typhoid Fever SMITH Patrick M R.Catholic 64   Belvidere
Oct. 17 Blackmsh. Rd. Still Born MURPHY Child of Nicholas M R.Catholic S.B.   Belvidere
Oct. 17 Carters Hill Prem. Birth CLARKE Joseph M Ch. of E. P.B.   C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 17 College Sq. Tubc's of Hip PRICE Joseph M R.Catholic 1   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 16 Pleasant St. AC Enteritis BRIEN Leo M R.Catholic 6Wks.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 15 Howe Place Tub. Peritonitis SWART Frederick M R.Catholic 5Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 13 Cambridge Spinal Meng. KAVANAGH John M R.Catholic 21Y/6M   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 17 Boat House Lane Tub. Dis. of Spine EARLES Robert W M Ch. of E. 4Y/3M   C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 17 Battery Rd. Marasmus MURRINS James M R.Catholic 8Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 17 Wood St. Marasmus DOYLE Lizzie F R.Catholic 2Mo.   Belvidere
Oct. 18 New Gower St. Ch. Gast. Enter. HARRIS Mary S F R.Catholic 8Mo.   Mt.Carmel
Oct. 18 Broad Cove Rd. Rachitis SPURRELL Alan? M Ch. of E. 7Mo.   C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 18 Gower St. Heart Dis. DAVEY Laura S F Ch. of E. 54   C.O.E Cemty.
Oct. 19 Duckworth St. Inf. Convulsions VINNISCOMBE Marg't T F R.Catholic 3Mo.   Belvidere
July 18 Petty Hr. Inf. Debility KENNY Peter M R.Catholic 1Wk. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Aug. 02 Goulds Consumption PUTT Ellen F R.Catholic 26 Goulds Goulds
Aug. 21 Goulds Consumption PUTT James M R.Catholic 27 Kilbride Goulds
Sep. 24 Petty Hr. Old Age PREDHAM? Johannah F R.Catholic 82 Kilbride Petty Hr.
July 16 Lunatic Asyl. Pup. Septicemia D0YLE Olivia F R.Catholic      
July 12 Bell Isl. Accident COX Charles M Methodist 12 Burin Bell Island

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2011)

Page Last Modified: Thursday March 13, 2014 (Don Tate)

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