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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 5

St. John's City District


PAGES 51 - 60

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 51                  
Feb. 09 Young St. Croup RICE Michael M R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 11 Cove Road Heart Failure BURKE Martin M R.Catholic 72 Trepassey Mount Carmel
Feb. 14 Howes Lane Premature GREY Child of Pat'k M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 15 Southside Acute Pneumonia SATERLEY Helen F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 15 Poor Asylum Rheumatism POWER Simon M R.Catholic 60 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 18 Duggan St. Pul. Tuberculosis BARRON Edward M R.Catholic 64 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 22 Insane Asy. Consumption FORRISTALL Anastatia F R.Catholic 36 Gussetts Cove Mount Carmel
Feb. 27 Sheehan St. Pneumonia CUNNINGHAM John M R.Catholic 1 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 27 Simms St. Inft. Debility FOLEY William M R.Catholic 4Dys. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 27 Poor Asylum Old Age HOULIHAN Michael M R.Catholic 77 Flatrock Mount Carmel
Feb. 27 Rope Walk Inft. Debility FOLEY Ellen F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 02 7 Longs Hill Tuberculosis GILL Frank Hubert M Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 08 1 Cabot St. Tuberculosis MAUNDER Ida Monosa? F Methodist 16 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 08 24 Dicks Sq. Tuberculosis PARSONS Theodore M Methodist 67 Carbonear Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 13 15 Field St. Pleuro Pneumonia WEBBER Nellie G F Methodist 35 Upper Isl. Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 13 2 Wickford St. Apoplexy HAPGOOD William M Methodist 60 Salvage B.B. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 16 48 Lime St. Chronic Nephritis SCOTT Emily Sarah F Methodist 28 Old Perlican Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 18 Brazils Sq. Cancer of Breast? THISTLE Elizabeth F Methodist 80 Adams Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 04 St.John's Incuspid? Stenosis THISTLE John M Methodist 63 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 06 St.John's Ricketts REID Arthur M Methodist 4 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 07 St.John's Convulsions MORRIS Albert M Methodist 1 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 01 24 Barnes Rd. Measles NEWELL Clifton Hy. M Methodist 1Y/6M St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 26 Battery Inft. Debility RICHARDS Elsie F Methodist 2Wks. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 02 Lunatic Asy. Gen. Paralysis HOLFORD George M Methodist 67   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 05 Lunatic Asy. Tuberculosis TAYLOR Lucy F Methodist 63   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 15 156 New Gower St. Inft. Debility HARRIS John M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 26 99 Georges St. Bronchitis NORMAN Elizabeth F Methodist 73 Cupids Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 05 Lunatic Asy. Consumption SPENCER George M Methodist 38 Springdale Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 13 110 Cabot St. Consumption BELBIN Annie V E F Methodist 13 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 20 108 Casey St. Enteric Fever DESSERT Ida F Methodist 3 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 11 Brazils Field Inft. Debility PIKE Gertrude F Methodist 1Mo. Brazils Field Riverhead
Feb. 10 Pleasant St. Brights Disease HISCOCK Henry M Methodist 57   Riverhead
Feb. 21 Hamilton St. Convulsions LUSH Martha F Methodist 9Y/6M   Riverhead
Feb. 24 Pleasant St. Tuberculosis ASH Mary Ann F Methodist 51   Riverhead
Feb. 28 Lime St. Heart Failure BUTLER Georgina H F Methodist 46   Riverhead
Feb. 18 Queens Rd. Scarlet Fever DICK Mary F Presb'n 3 Dundee Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 27 **Accident-Killed? **Canada MILLER George M C.O.Eng. 26 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Feb. 01 **Paralysis **Portugal Cove EARL Charlotte F C.O.Eng. 51 Petty Hr. Portugal Cove
Mar. 11 **Tuberculosis **Thorburn Rd. MONROE Ann Maria F C.O.Eng. 33 St.Philips St.Philips
Mar. 28 **Cancer of Stomach **St.Philips SQUIRES Thomas M C.O.Eng. 55 St.Philips St.Philips
** the last 4 rows have been reversed Posted as written on Original Page              
PAGE 52                  
Mar. 01 McFarlane St. Consumption COLEMAN Maggie F R.Catholic 17 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 01 Southside Bronchitis BROWN Johanna F R.Catholic 66 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 02 Battery Rd. Cancer WALSH Cornelius M R.Catholic 65 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 05 Georges St. Inft. Debility WHITE William M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 08 Poor Asylum Old Age POWER James M R.Catholic 99 Cupids Mount Carmel
Mar. 09 College Sq. Old Age RAHALL Ellen F R.Catholic 80 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 12 Duckworth St. Brain Fever HOLLETT Nellie F R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 13 York St. Inft. Debility DUGGAN John M R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 14 Lunatic Asy. Consumption GORMAN Paul M R.Catholic 26 Burin Mount Carmel
Mar. 14 Fleming St. Pul. Phthisis MURRAY John M R.Catholic 40 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 15 Gen. Hospital Tuberculosis CAMPBELL Donald M R.Catholic 9 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 16 Holloway St. Old Age EARLE Bridget F R.Catholic 75 Bonavista Mount Carmel
Mar. 18 New Gower St. Inft. Debility LANGMEAD Gerard M R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 22 Hamilton Ave. Pul. Phthisis BYRNE Margaret F R.Catholic 21 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 22 Sheehan St. Convulsions GRIFFIN Julia F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 24 Poor Asylum Gen. Decay CAREW John M R.Catholic 59 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 25 Cookstown Rd. Phthisis CLINTON Bridget F R.Catholic 50 Fortune Mount Carmel
Mar. 25 Bannerman St. Inft. Debility DOOLEY Walter M R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 27 Brennan St. Inft. Debility KENT Gertie F R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 27 Casey St. Inft. Debility GOODALL Alice F R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 30 Pilots Hill Inft. Debility RING Nellie F R.Catholic 5Wks. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 31 Casey St. Inft. Debility TOBIN May F R.Catholic 4Hrs. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 05 Freshwater Rd. Still Born GLADNEY Child of Pat'k F R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 06 Pleasant St. Pneumonia STAMP Ellen F R.Catholic 63 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 06 Portugal Cove Rd. Paralysis MORIARTY Mary F R.Catholic 68 Ireland Belvidere
Mar. 07 Portugal Cove Rd. Inft. Debility BURKE Hannah F R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 13 Poor Asylum Old Age DONAHOE Johannah F R.Catholic 82 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 16 Newtown Rd. Tuberculosis RYAN Edward M R.Catholic 17 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 17 Gower St. Inft. Debility GUSHUE Joseph M R.Catholic 4M/2W St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 20 Adelaide St. Inft. Debility CAHILL Mary F R.Catholic 11Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 20 Gen. Hospital Brights Disease GAUL Richard M R.Catholic 12 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 21 Circular Rd. Brights Disease ORIELLY Bridget F R.Catholic 51 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 22 Duckworth St. Hemorrhage POWER Alexander M R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 22 Pennywell Rd. Consumption MYRON Catherine F R.Catholic 17 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 24 Kings Bridge Pul. Phthisis COTTER William P M R.Catholic 34 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 23 Poor Asylum Gen. Debility WALSH Richard M R.Catholic 62 Kilbride Kilbride
Mar. 17 Kilbride Consumption SINNOTT Catherine F R.Catholic 52 Kilbride Kilbride
Mar. 29 Gower St. Pul. Tuberculosis WILSON Edward M Methodist 18 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Mar. 31 Field St. Inft. Debility ROGERS Susanna F F Methodist 3Mo. Field St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 28[sic] Lime St. Heart Failure BUTLER Georgina H F Methodist 46   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
PAGE 53                  
Jan. 23 Water St. Apoplexy STRANG John C M Presb'n 51 Eaglesham (Scot) Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Mar. 23 Chapel St. Pneumonia GALE Albert Ed. W M Cong'l 23 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 18 Bell Island Inft. Debility PILLEY William G M Methodist 2M/2W Bell Island Bell Island
Mar. 02 Gen. Hospital Peritonitis ANDREWS Robert George M C.O.Eng. 28 St.John's St.John's
Mar. 02 1 Carnell St. Tuberculosis COLLIER John Frederick M C.O.Eng. 25 St.John's St.John's
Mar. 12 121 New Gower St. Inft. Debility SAVAGE Annie F C.O.Eng. Inft. St.John's St.John's
Mar. 19 3 Musgrave Terace Inft. Debility HARVEY Ethel A F C.O.Eng. 8Mo. St.John's St.John's
Mar. 19 17 1/2 Duggan St. Pneumonia LEHR Joseph H M C.O.Eng. 1 St.John's St.John's
Mar. 20 17 Cornation St. Inft. Debility BARTLETT Ethel F C.O.Eng. 3Wks. St.John's St.John's
Mar. 20 Battery Rd. Ch. Nephritis ROSE Thomas M C.O.Eng. 64 Herring Neck St.John's
Mar. 14 Adelaide St. Inft. Debility BELLOWS Gertrude F C.O.Eng. 4Mo. St.John's  
Mar. 24 101 Hamilton St. Meningitis EDGECOMBE Hilda H F C.O.Eng. 6 St.John's  
Mar. 31 HMS Calypso Drowning WALBRIDGE Edward M C.O.Eng. 30 London Eng.  
Feb. 27 Quidi Vidi Inft. Debility SNOW Margaret M F C.O.Eng. 5Mo. Quidi Vidi Ch. Of Eng.
Mar. 03 Princes St. Old Age FIELD Elizabeth F C.O.Eng. 72 St.John's Ch. Of Eng.
Mar. 08 Circular Rd. Syncope BLANDFORD Samuel M C.O.Eng. 68 Greenspond Ch. Of Eng.
Apl. 10 Spencer St. Kidney Disease STONE William M C.O.Eng. 46 St.John's Ch. Of Eng.
Apl. 15 Prescott St. Bronchitis CROSMAN Minnie F C.O.Eng. 2 St.John's Ch. Of Eng.
Apl. 23 Temperance St. Bronchitis MERCER Elizabeth F C.O.Eng. 73 Bay Roberts Ch. Of Eng.
Apl. 25 Cabot St. Convulsions BRADBROOK Maud B F C.O.Eng. 1Y/6M St.John's Ch. Of Eng.
Jan. 27 Petty Harbour Enteritis CHAFE Maria F C.O.Eng. 60 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Feb. 19 Heavytree Rd. Heart Failure ENGLEMAN Mary Ann F C.O.Eng. 52 Heavytree Rd. The Goulds
Apl. 01 Hutchings St. Inft. Debility MARSHALL Willis M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 06 Flower Hill Bronchitis BURTON Cyril M R.Catholic 1 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 05 Poor Asylum Gen. Debility KENNEY William M R.Catholic 54 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 08 Prescott St. Meningitis SNOW Mary Gertrude F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 09 Flower Hill Tuberculosis BUTLER Mary T F R.Catholic 3Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 09 Brazils Sq. Tuberculosis KIRBY John M R.Catholic 67 Small Point Mount Carmel
Apl. 10 New Gower St. Hemorrhage COSTELLO William M R.Catholic 55 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 11 Brien St. Scarletina HURLEY James M R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 14 Blanchard St. Tuberculosis DODD Josephine F R.Catholic 16 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 16 Spencer St. Premature B. SHAVE Child of George M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 17 Casey St. Bronchitis SPRY Eliza F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 18 Nunnery Hill Inft. Debility MYRICK Mary J F R.Catholic 1Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 19 Insane Asy. Consumption PIERCE William M R.Catholic 26 Fogo Mount Carmel
Apl. 20 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility GALLIVAN John J M R.Catholic 4M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 22 Cabot St. Pneumonia KAVANAGH John G? M R.Catholic 10 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 22 Signall Hill Tuberculosis MALONE Lizzie F R.Catholic 19 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 23 Stephen St. Bronchitis JOHNSON Philip M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 23 Job's St. Endocarditis WALSH Elizabeth F R.Catholic 53? Spoon Cove Mount Carmel
PAGE 54                  
Apl. 23 Lime St. Tuberculosis YETMAN Mary F R.Catholic 21 Spaniards Bay Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 Water St. Premature B. PIERCE Child of Edward M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 Brennan St. Nephritis NELDER Robert M R.Catholic 63 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 Blachhead Rd. Paralysis HEALEY Anne F R.Catholic 76 Cupids Mount Carmel
Apl. 25 McFarlane St. Bronchitis COLEMAN Mary F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 26 New Gower St. Endocarditis OLEARY John M R.Catholic 71 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 26 York St. Pneumonia SNOW Madeline F R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 30 Quidi Vidi Rd. Consumption PUDDISTER Maggie F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 12 Flat Rock Old Age KEHOE John M R.Catholic 84 Flatrock Torbay
Jan. 18 Flat Rock Inft. Debility MARTIN Thomas M R.Catholic 6Wks. Flatrock Torbay
Jan. 27 Torbay Tuberculosis QUIGLEY Martin M R.Catholic 20 Torbay Torbay
Feb. 12 Outer Cove Inft. Debility FOX James M R.Catholic 2Wks. Outer Cove Torbay
Feb. 19 Torbay Bronchitis MANNING Honara F R.Catholic 13Mo. Torbay Torbay
Feb. 22 Torbay Inft. Debility MANNING Michael M R.Catholic 3Wks. Torbay Torbay
Feb. 25 Torbay Spine Disease GOSSE Anastatia F R.Catholic 45 Torbay Torbay
Feb. 25 Flat Rock Tuberculosis MARTIN Mary F R.Catholic 46 Flatrock Torbay
Feb. 27 Torbay Inft. Debility GOSSE William M R.Catholic 2Mo. Torbay Torbay
Mar. 07 Torbay Tuberculosis GOSSE Margaret F R.Catholic 20 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 10 Flat Rock Tuberculosis MARTIN Samuel M R.Catholic 20 Flatrock Torbay
Mar. 11 Torbay Brain Fever MURPHY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 6 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 13 Torbay Kidney Disease LARKIN Thomas M R.Catholic 72 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 17 Torbay Tuberculosis DOODY Bridget F R.Catholic 17 Torbay Torbay
Apl. 03 32 Scott St. Brights Disease MORRIS Eader? M Methodist 3 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 05 72 McFarlane St. Inft. Debility VINCENT Mildred F Methodist 2Wks. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 12 15 Fleming St. Inft. Debility VAIL Lily Gladys F Methodist 7Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 20 221 Theatre Hill Myocarditis ADAMS Abel M Methodist 58 Tilt Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 22 16 York St. Ch. Myocarditis DAY William M Methodist 38? Har. Grace Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 06 Freshwater Rd. Endocarditis EAGAN Thomas M R.Catholic 65 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 09 Colonial Bldg. Myocarditis BORN Henry V M R.Catholic 79 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 11 Quidi Vidi Inft. Debility SKIFFINGTON Ellie F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 16 Longs Hill Endocarditis BOGGAN Richard M R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 18 Codners Lane Hemorrhage HOFFMAN Mary F R.Catholic 60 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 20 Hoylestown Inft. Debility GALLIVAN John M R.Catholic 4M/2W St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 20 Rennies M. Rd. Inft. Debility SINNOTT Helen F R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 20 Garrison Hill Inft. Debility MORRISSEY Mary F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 24 Lime St. Heart Disease CRANE Mary F R.Catholic 25 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 25 Mullock St. Inft. Debility DONNELLY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 9Dys. St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 27 Signal Hill Rd. Tuberculosis TERANCE Theresa F R.Catholic 19 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 29 LeMarchant Rd. Convulsions B???????D Edward M R.Catholic 4 St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 30 Moore St. Inft. Debility KEARSEY Luke? ? M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Belvidere
PAGE 55                  
Jan. 09 Petty Harbour Old Age EVERARD Richard M R.Catholic 73 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Jan. 17 Goulds Blood Posioning DOYLE Mrs. Ann F R.Catholic 36 Goulds Goulds
Jan. 19 Goulds Unknown MILLER James M R.Catholic 4 Goulds Goulds
Jan. 21 Maddox Cove Consumption HEFFERNAN Alice F R.Catholic 14 Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Jan. 24 Goulds Inft. Debility RYAN Patrick M R.Catholic 1 Goulds Goulds
Feb. 02 Maddox Cove Inft. Debility NADDEN? Ellen F R.Catholic 15Mo. Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Feb. 04 Maddox Cove Inft. Debility BRIEN Thomas M R.Catholic 2Wks. Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Feb. 24 Petty Harbour Old Age KENNY Mrs. Mary F R.Catholic 77 Bay Bulls Petty Hr.
Mar. 27 Petty Harbour Heart Failure CHAFE John M R.Catholic 68 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Mar. 30 Goulds Unknown DOYLE Alice F R.Catholic 4 Goulds Goulds
Mar. 11 130 Casey St. Inft. Debility MURRAY Gilbert M Methodist 1Day St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Mar. 14 41 John St. Apoplexy BARTLETT Elizabeth F Methodist 86 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Mar. 28 62 Flower Hill Cereberal Tumor TUFF Joseph M Methodist 42 Ochre Pit Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 07 28 Waldegrave St. Consumption CHRISTIAN Maggie F Methodist 14 Trinity Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 13 3 Dunford St. Pneumonia LEARIE John Watson M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 19 78 Flower Hill Inft. Debility WILCOX Elsie F Methodist 7Mo. Smith's Sound Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 30 86 Springdale St. Inft. Debility ROSE George E M Methodist 7Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 30 17 1/2 Flower Hill Inft. Debility KING John Chas. M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Unknown/1909 Southside Hill Death by Hanging LENNOX James M Methodist 60 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Mar. 27 1 Barnes Rd. Softening of Brain KNIGHT Caroline F Methodist 85 Bell Island Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 06 6 Longs Hill Pul. Phthisis FLEET Kenneth M Methodist 38 Longs Hill Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 10 5 Williams Lane Inft. Debility SKEANS Marian G F Methodist 3Mo. Williams Lane Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 11 59 Freshwater Rd. Inft. Debility IVANY Albert M Methodist 5Wks. Freshwater Rd. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 18 8 Moore St. Pneumonia NOSEWORTHY Kenneth M Methodist 9 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 30 54 Cabot St. Whooping Cough RUMSEY Katheline F Methodist 2 Cabot St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 02 Casey St. Consumption PARSONS Jasper M Methodist 60 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 09 Gilbert St. Inft. Debility ROSE Jessie Ethel F Methodist 4Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 13 Springfield Farm Inft. Debility STEELE Thomas A M Methodist 11Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 16 Cornwell Ave. Inft. Debility SNELGROVE Peter M Methodist 5Days St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 19 Hamilton St. Inft. Debility WILKINSON John L??? M Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 19 Gilbert St. Bronchitis ROSE Margery F Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 24 Pleasant St. Bronchitis MOORE Margery J F Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 25 Angel Place Consumption COLLINS Eliza F Methodist 24 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 28 Carlton St. Consumption GILLINGHAM Willis M Methodist 27 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Jan. 02 28 Cook St. Inft. Debility BREAKER Queenie V F Methodist 2Mo. Rescue Home S.Army Cem.
Jan. 29 Bell Island Bronchitis DART Elizabeth K? F S.Army 13Mo. Bell Island Bell Island
Feb. 04? St.John's Inft. Debility HOWELL Ruth Gladys F S.Army 5Mo. St.John's St.John's
Mar. 05? St.John's Tub. Meningitis QUINLAN Susan F S.Army 16Mo. St.John's St.John's
Apl. 02 Cabot St. ???? NEWMAN Effie F Ch. Of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's St.John's
Apl. 04 Musqrave Ter. Inft. Debility HARVEY Edith A F Ch. Of Eng. 8Mo. St.John's St.John's
PAGE 56                  
Apl. 04 George St. Inft. Debility BARNES Flossie F Ch. Of Eng. 7Wks. St.John's St.John's
Apl. 06 Wickford St. Hemorrhage LEARNING Jane F Ch. Of Eng. 78 Carbonear St.John's
Apl. 07 Barters Hill Inft. Debility TILLEY Lewis A M Ch. Of Eng. 4M/2W St.John's St.John's
Apl. 13 Longs Hill Ch. Nephritis HOBBS Elizabeth F Ch. Of Eng. 69 Trinity St.John's
Apl. 27 Dicks Sq. Ch. Bronchitis COUSINS Robert H. M Ch. Of Eng. 59 St.John's St.John's
Apl. 29 Cabot St. Prostatic Disease ROWE William Jas. M Ch. Of Eng. 77 Hearts Content St.John's
Apl. 29 Prospect St. Cancer TOWNSHEND George M Ch. Of Eng. 66 England Ch. Of Eng.
May 07 York St. Inft. Debility BRIEN Catherine E F Ch. Of Eng. 2Dys. St.John's Ch. Of Eng.
May 24 Duckworth St. Bronchitis CHARLES Thomas R M Ch. Of Eng. 65 Torquay Eng. Ch. Of Eng.
May 25 Gen. Hospital Gangrene of Leg COUSENS Thomas M Ch. Of Eng. 60 Brigus Ch. Of Eng.
May 25 Boat-House Lane Old Age PRICE Joseph M Ch. Of Eng. 84 Gloster Eng. Ch. Of Eng.
May 04 Nunnery Hill Hemorrhage O'BRIEN Thomas M R.Catholic 27 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 06 Southside Inft. Debility POWER Patrick M R.Catholic 1Day St.John's Mount Carmel
May 07 New Gower St. Inft. Debility BOWMAN Mary F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 07 William St. Cancer FLYNN Patrick M R.Catholic 74 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 07 Mullock St. Old Age WALSH Ellen F R.Catholic 84 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 14 Hamilton St. Marasmus POWER Gertrude F R.Catholic 1Y/9M St.John's Mount Carmel
May 15 Southside Inft. Debility COOPER Eileen F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 17 Colonial St. Pneumonia MANNING Katie F R.Catholic 13Y/6M Goose Cove Mount Carmel
May 19 Lewis Place Pul. Phthisis POWER Mary A F R.Catholic 44 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 19 Poor Asylum Old Age CAHILL John M R.Catholic 85 Ireland Mount Carmel
May 21 Logy Bay Consumption KAVANAGH Mary F R.Catholic 6Y/6M Logy Bay Mount Carmel
May 22 Poor Asylum Old Age BARNES Mary F R.Catholic 70 Holyrood Mount Carmel
May 24 Lime St. Inft. Debility WALSH Maud F R.Catholic 13Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 24 Damerils Lane Inft. Debility O'NEILL William M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 24 Powers Court Inft. Debility DINN Mollie F R.Catholic 3M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
May 24 Lunatic Asy. Demented WALSH Richard M R.Catholic 53 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 25 Hutchings St. Inft. Debility CURRAN James M R.Catholic 2Mo. Avondale Mount Carmel
May 25 Damerils Lane Old Age COLEMAN Catherine F R.Catholic 91 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 28 Fleming St. Consumption EBBS John M R.Catholic 44 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 29 Larkins Sq. Dropsy CONDON Mary F R.Catholic 70 Placentia Mount Carmel
May 30 Kings Rd. Heart Failure WALSH Edward M R.Catholic 54 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 31 Patrick St. Whooping Cough MURPHY Katie F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 07 Quidi Vidi Inft. Debility YOUNG Muriel E F Methodist 2Wks. Cupids Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 20 Hayward Ave. Brights Disease BENNETT Philip M Methodist 69 Trinity Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May Halifax Hemorrhage PARSONS   F Methodist 1 Trinity Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 19 Gen. Hospital Instestinal Obstruction PEARCEY Philip M Methodist 56 Western Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 25 Cabot St. Inft. Debility MANUEL Rita May F Methodist 10Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 28 Hutchings St. Consumption DAVIS Mary H F Methodist 46 Har. Grace Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 23 Hamilton St. Inft. Debility CAMERON Marion E B F Methodist 8Mo. Hamilton St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
PAGE 57                  
Jan. 03 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility NEWELL Emily F Methodist 5Mo. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Jan. 27? Portugal Cove Water on Brain GREELEY Jackobah? P F Methodist 19Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Jan. 09 Pouch Cove Consumption HUDSON Lydia F Methodist 24 Long Pond Pouch Cove
Mar. 19 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility EVANS Sarah F Methodist 7Wks. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Mar. 19 Biscayan Cove Measles ROSE Mary L F Methodist 8Mo. Biscayan Cove Pouch Cove
May 12 Goodview St. Consumption TOBIN Tryphena F Ch. Of Eng. 54 Trinity St.John's
May 15 Hamilton St. Meningitis KING Sarah C F Ch. Of Eng. 23 St.John's St.John's
May 02 Gower St. Inft. Debility MAHER Alfred M R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Belvidere
May 04 Mundy Pd. Rd. Still Born ?OAFE Child of Joseph M R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Belvidere
May 04 Prospect St. Old Age WILKINSON Elizabeth F R.Catholic 90 St.John's Belvidere
May 06 Longs Hill Meningitis COSSMAN Mary F R.Catholic 15Mo. St.John's Belvidere
May 07 Cochrane St. Pneumonia KEATING Thomas M R.Catholic 33 St.John's Belvidere
May 12 Monkstown Rd. Gen. Debility THOMSPON William M R.Catholic 63 St.John's Belvidere
May 13 Pleasant St. Old Age POWER Edward M R.Catholic 75 St.John's Belvidere
May 13 Patrick St. Diabetes SMITH Mary F R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvidere
May 13? Bond St. Apoplexy KELLY Alice F R.Catholic 57 St.John's Belvidere
May 14 Southside Convulsions ROGERS John J M R.Catholic 2Y/3M St.John's Belvidere
May 15 Poor Asylum Old Age MOLLOY Mary A F R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvidere
May 15 Hayward Ave. Inft. Debility DUNN James M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
May 18 Gower St. Tuberculosis JORDAN Patrick M R.Catholic 36 St.John's Belvidere
May 23 Cabot St. Convulsions MOORE Robert M R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
May 26 Spencer St. Old Age WALL Timothy M R.Catholic 76 St.John's Belvidere
May 29 Hutchings St. Syncope BYRNE Mary F R.Catholic 64 St.John's Belvidere
May 29 Victoria St. Arterio Sclerosis COLLINS Catherine F R.Catholic 60 St.John's Belvidere
May 30 Cabot St. Heart Disease KENNY Margaret F R.Catholic 29 St.John's Belvidere
June 30 Murray St. Pneumonia HALL John M Ch. Of Eng. 1Y/6M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
July 01 Gen. Hospital Diabetes GEAR Robert J M Ch. Of Eng. 58 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
July 04 Cochrane St. Aneurisum RENDELL George T M Ch. Of Eng. 82 England C.O.E. Cemetry
July 07 Cook St. Consumption STRANGER Elizabeth F Ch. Of Eng. 22 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
July 12 Greenspond Consumption HUTCHINGS Gertrude A F Ch. Of Eng. 35 England C.O.E. Cemetry
July 24 Duckworth St. Myocarditis COWAN John J M Ch. Of Eng. 74 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
Jan. 27 Pouch Cove Childbirth WELLS Martha F Ch. Of Eng. 38 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 16 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility WELLS Henry M Ch. Of Eng. 1Mo. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 17 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility BALDWIN William H M Ch. Of Eng. 5Mo. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 28 Pouch Cove Tuberculosis RYAN Lucy F Ch. Of Eng. 23Y/6M Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 17 Torbay Inft. Debility SOMERTON Mary H F Ch. Of Eng. 1 Torbay Torbay
Apl. 13 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility STRUGNELL Hannah F Ch. Of Eng. 2Wks. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 06 Pouch Cove Tuber's of Lungs RYAN Annie E F Ch. Of Eng. 15Y?6M Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 01 Beach Pneumonia BENNETT John F M Ch. Of Eng. 19Mo.? Beach Lance Cove
June 03? Freshwater Pul. Tuberculosis GEORGE Lillian F Ch. Of Eng. 25 Bishop's Cove Lance Cove
PAGE 58                  
Apl. 13 St. Philips Inft. Debility TUCKER William M Ch. Of Eng. 6Dys. St.Philips St.Philips
Apl. 26 St. Philips Tuberculosis TUCKER Jacob M Ch. Of Eng. 3 St.Philips St.Philips
May 04 St. Philips Premature B. SQUIRES Robert M Ch. Of Eng. 30Min. St.Philips St.Philips
May 04 St. Philips Premature B. SQUIRES David M Ch. Of Eng. 4Hrs. St.Philips St.Philips
May 11 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility THORN Douglas M Ch. Of Eng. 9Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 10 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility THORN Eliza F Ch. Of Eng. 10Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 15 Portugal Cove Premature B. HARDING John M Ch. Of Eng. 4Hrs. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 15 Portugal Cove Still Born HARDING   F Ch. Of Eng. S.B. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 22 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility HAMMOND Beatrice F Ch. Of Eng. 20Min. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 29 Portugal Cove Killed-Accident HAMMOND Sophia F Ch. Of Eng. 73 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 24 The Goulds Phthisis BOYLES Edith May F Ch. Of Eng. 16 The Goulds The Goulds
May 03 Boncloddy St. Tuberculosis LUNSTROM Sarah A M F Ch. Of Eng. 30 St.John's St.John's
May 10 George St. Myocarditis HISCOCK Patience F Ch. Of Eng. 60 Bay Roberts St.John's
May 18 Fort Townshend Convulsions HEMMENS Alberta E F Ch. Of Eng. 2 St.John's St.John's
May 25 Military Rd. Ulceration/Stomach WEST Ella S A F Ch. Of Eng. 51 St.John's St.John's
June 02 Allandale Rd. Gastro Enteritis ROBERTS Nina F Ch. Of Eng. 2Mo. St.John's St.John's
Mar. 04 Tilt Cove Pul. Tuberculosis BUDGEN James M Ch. Of Eng. 42 Hearts Content St.John's
June 11 Lime St. Pul. Tuberculosis YETMAN Lucy F Ch. Of Eng. 36 Hants Hr. St.John's
June 11 Gen. Hospital   HARDY Gertrude F Ch. Of Eng. 20 St.John's St.John's
June 27 Lunatic Asy. Apoplexy OSMOND Elizabeth F Ch. Of Eng. 48 Catalina St.John's
July 03 Water St. W Old Age PAYNE Peter M Ch. Of Eng. 85 St.John's St.John's
July 02 Bay of Islands Anaemia ENGLAND Walter W M Ch. Of Eng. 22 St.John's St.John's
Aug. 09 Fleming St. Tetanus CHAPMAN John Sam'l M Ch. Of Eng. 15 St.John's St.John's
Aug. 14 Gen. Hospital   TAYLOR Robert John M Ch. Of Eng. 35 Port de Grave St.John's
Aug. 15 McFarlane St. Old Age TAYLOR Robert M Ch. Of Eng. 88 Port de Grave St.John's
Aug. 18 Barters Hill Enteritis MAJOR Eleanor M F Ch. Of Eng. 2 St.John's St.John's
Aug. 19 Gower St. Tuberculosis HANN William B M Ch. Of Eng. 30 Harbor Buffett St.John's
Aug. 20 Barnes Rd. Brights Disease SCARLETT George M Ch. Of Eng. 77 Woodford Essex St.John's
June 12 Spencer St. Pneumonia WOOD Beatrice J F Ch. Of Eng. 1 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
June 26 Pilots Hill Old Age SKANES Amelia F Ch. Of Eng. 83 Bread? Cove C.O.E. Cemetry
June 26 Gower St. Heart Disease UDLE Jane E F Ch. Of Eng. 64 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
June 30 Murray St. Pneumonia HALL John M Ch. Of Eng. 1Y/6M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
Aug. 15 Bellair? St.John's Consumption BUNTING Margaret F Ch. Of Eng. 80 England C.O.E. Cemetry
Aug. 21 Quidi Vidi Rd. Inft. Debility HISCOCK Joseph M Ch. Of Eng. 1Day St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
Aug. 26 Torbay Rd. Cancer of Brain PEACH Samuel F M Ch. Of Eng. 61 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
June 07 Southside Consumption STEVENSON Mary F Ch. Of Eng. 19 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
June 08? Southside Inft. Debility PARMITER Edith H F Ch. Of Eng. 3Hrs. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
June 04 Southside Consumption NOONAN Austin I? M Ch. Of Eng. 15 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
Aug. 07 Water St. W Premature B. PRETTY Marguerite F Ch. Of Eng. 6Wks. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
Aug. 21? Southside Cancer WHITTEN Lucy Jane F Ch. Of Eng. 61? St.John's C.O.E. Cemetry
PAGE 59                  
Feb. 20 Mines La Grippe MOORES Patrick M R.Catholic 1 Bell Isle? Bell Island
Mar. 03 Mines Phthisis BRIEN Thomas M R.Catholic 4Y/6M Topsail Topsail
Mar. 16 Mines Brain Fever GLAVINE Mary F R.Catholic 8 Bell Island Bell Island
Mar. 18 Bell Island Old Age KENNEDY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 75 Carbonear Bell Island
Mar. 25 Mines Phthisis NOSEWORTHY Peter M R.Catholic 18 Topsail Topsail
Apl. 05 Bell Island Inft. Debility MORRISSEY William Jos. M R.Catholic 1Week Bell Island  
Apl. 06 Mines Childbirth MORRISSEY Rosanna F R.Catholic 33 Trepassey Bell Island
Apl. 30 Mines Inft. Debility ALYWARD Margaret F R.Catholic 6Mo. Mines Bell Island
May 21 Mines Paralysis WHELAN Thomas M R.Catholic 74 Spaniards Bay Bell Island
June 02 Bell Island Paralysis DONNELLY John M R.Catholic 79 St.John's Carbonear
June 26 Mines Brain Fever CLARY Richard M R.Catholic 8 Placentia Bell Island
Jan. 11 Horse Cove Tub. of Lungs NEARY Philip John M R.Catholic 19 Horse Cove Horse Cove
Jan. 21 Portugal Cove Tub. of Lungs WALKINS Ayres? F R.Catholic 3Y/6M Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Feb. 09 Broad? Cove Rd. Scurvy NEARIN Mary F R.Catholic 4Y/6M Broad? Cove Rd. Portugal Cove
Mar. 06 Portugal Cove Rd. Pneumonia MORIARTY Mary F R.Catholic 62 Lance Cove St.John's
Mar. 25 Portugal Cove Rd. Tub. of Lungs GLADNEY Molly F R.Catholic 25 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 06 Portugal Cove Tub. of Lungs THORNE Alice F R.Catholic 32 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 17 Horse Cove Dropsy STAPLETON Peter M R.Catholic 51 Horse Cove Horse Cove
May 30 Horse Cove Tub. of Lungs WHELAN Mary F R.Catholic 35 Horse Cove Horse Cove
Apl. 03 Torbay Inft. Debility DUNPHY Johanna F R.Catholic 8Mo. Torbay Torbay
Apl. 13 Torbay Spine Trouble SHEA John M R.Catholic 15Mo. Torbay Torbay
May 08 Outer Cove Tuberculosis WALSH Bridget F R.Catholic 25 Outer Cove Torbay
May 11 Torbay Kidney Trouble MARTIN Peter M R.Catholic 65 Torbay Torbay
May 19 Torbay Heart Failure GOSSE John M R.Catholic 41 Torbay Torbay
May 22 Torbay Tuberculosis GOSSE Jane F R.Catholic 46 Torbay Torbay
June 06 Middle Cove Tuberculosis ROCHE John M R.Catholic 36 Middle Cove Torbay
June 10 Torbay Old Age BRADBURY George M R.Catholic 79 Torbay Torbay
June 23 Torbay Brain Trouble LARKIN Ellen F R.Catholic 16 Torbay Torbay
Apl. 16 Kilbride Old Age BRENNAN Michael M R.Catholic 85 Ireland Kilbride
May 20 St.John's Inft. Debility WALSH Mary F R.Catholic 6Wks. St.John's Kilbride
June 01 Merrymeeting Rd. Tub. of Lungs RENOUF Thomas M R.Catholic 20 St.John's Belvidere
June 03 Water St. Brights Dis. DUGGAN Bridget F R.Catholic 60 Ireland Belvidere
June 04 Victoria St. Paralysis KELLY William M R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvidere
June 09 Allandale Rd. Septicaemia KIELLY? Susannah F R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvidere
June 10 Hutchings St. Inft. Debility ROBERTS Child of James F R.Catholic 4Hrs. St.John's Belvidere
June 10 Fort Townshend Inft. Debility BYRNE Marg't M F R.Catholic 5Wks. St.John's Belvidere
June 13 Water St. Cerbral Hemhg. CURRAN John M R.Catholic 80 St.John's Belvidere
June 23 McFarlane St. Paralysis HICKEY Mary F R.Catholic 41 St.John's Belvidere
June 30 Adelaide St. Pneumonia JACKMAN Dorothy F R.Catholic 11Mo. St.John's Belvidere
July 08 Kings Rd. Cerebral Hemorrhage VIGUERS Catherine F R.Catholic 63 St.John's Belvidere
PAGE 60                  
July 14 Gen. Hospital Typhoid Fever GALGAY Frank M R.Catholic 41 St.John's Belvidere
July 19 Monkstown Rd. Intestinal Nephritis ENGLISH Joseph M R.Catholic 77 St.John's Belvidere
July 20 Prescott St. Cerbral Hemorrhage FLANNERY John M R.Catholic 60 St.John's Belvidere
July 23 Lunatic Asy. Consumption BUCKLEY John M R.Catholic 37 St.John's Belvidere
July 28 Cochrane St. Cancer of Stomach KENNY Caroline F R.Catholic 76 St.John's Belvidere
July 28 Colonial St. Inft. Debility CONWAY Dorothy F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
July 29 Flower Hill Inft. Debility WOOD Mary M F R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 01 Topsail Rd. Meningitis MAHER William M R.Catholic 2 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 01 New Gower St. Inft. Debility MARTIN Winifred F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 04 Carew St. Cancer of Breast CAREW Mary F F R.Catholic 45 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 06 New Gower St. Tub. of Lungs DUNN Michael M R.Catholic 17 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 06 Prescott St. Heart Disease LEARY Joseph M R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 09 Kings Rd. Neuritis HANLEY Theresa F R.Catholic 52 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 09 Boston M. Exophaline Goitre DONNELLY Mary M F R.Catholic 27 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 14 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility VINNICOMBE Nicholas M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Henry St. Inft. Debility THORBURN Thomas J M R.Catholic 8M/2W St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Gilbert St. Heart Failure MORRISSEY Terence M R.Catholic 45 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Carters Hill Tuberculosis ARMSTRONG Johanna F R.Catholic 67 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Military Rd. Inft. Debility BYRNE James M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Gen. Hospital Paralysis MURPHY Patrick M R.Catholic 44 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Brennan St. Phthisis MULLALLY Mary F R.Catholic 20 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 24 Freshwater Rd. Pernicious Anaemia TURNER John M R.Catholic 66 Bonavista Bay Belvidere
Aug. 25 Angel Place Pul. Tuberculosis THORPE Mary F R.Catholic 27 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 27 Plank Rd. Old Age HAYDEN Catherine F R.Catholic 98 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 27 New Gower St. Inft. Debility CASEY Willaim P? M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 29 Victoria St. Inft. Debility POWER Mildred J F R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 30 Bambrick St. Cancer of Stomach BOWDRIDGE Patrick M R.Catholic 66 St.John's Belvidere
June 02 Holloway St. Inft. Debility EARL Baby   R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 03 Deady's Lane Bronchitis TOBIN Thomas M R.Catholic 44 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 10 Logy Bay Rd. Premature B. WARREN Baby M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 10 Blackhead Rd. Old Age HEALEY Thomas M R.Catholic 90 Cape Broyle Mount Carmel
June 12 Thorburn Rd. Pneumonia MAYNARD Mary F R.Catholic 66 Red Cliff Is. Mount Carmel
June 12 Logy Bay Inft. Debility KAVANAGH Michael M R.Catholic 3Wks. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 14 George St. Convulsions PENNY Nelly F R.Catholic 14Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 14 Chapel St. Premature MYLER Mary F R.Catholic 2Hrs. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 15 Mullock St. Paralysis KEARSEY Thomas M R.Catholic 66 Conche Mount Carmel
June 20 Hayward Ave. Inft. Debility RIDGLEY Mary E F R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 15 Mullock St. Premature B. HAYES Lizzie F F R.Catholic 2Days St.John's Mount Carmel
June 21? Walsh's Lane Paralysis GREENE Gerald M R.Catholic 5 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 21 LeMarchant Rd. Paralysis RODGERS Mrs. Ann F R.Catholic 35? St.John's Mount Carmel

Transcribed by: Mary Rawlinson (2011)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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