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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 5

St. John's City District

1909 - 1910

PAGES 71 - 80

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 71                 
Dec. 20 Prince's St. Paralysis LYNCH Sarah F R.Catholic 67 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 26 Rossiter's Lane Old Age CULLETON Theresa F R.Catholic 75 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 28 Bond St. Cardiac Dis. DOOLEY Michael M R.Catholic 46 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 28 William St. Paralysis SUTTON Thomas M R.Catholic 77 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 31 New Gower St. Pneumonia PRIDEAUX Isabell F R.Catholic 1 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 02 New Gower St. Premature B. LANGMEAD Catherine F R.Catholic 4Dys. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 02 Sheehan St. Premature B. ANTHONY Baby M R.Catholic Inft. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 03 James St. Inft.Debility FLYNN Leo M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 03 Mullock St. Consumption WHELAN James M R.Catholic 35 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 03 Alexander St. Inft.Debility MOLLOY John M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 05 Power St. Prem. Septicamia BYRNE Catherine F R.Catholic 20 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 09 Finn St. Inft.Debility DONNEY May B F R.Catholic 3Wks. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 10 Casey St. Pul.Phthisis MULCAHEY Ellen F R.Catholic 24 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 10 George St. Tuberculosis CONGDON John M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 13 New Gower St. Tuberculosis LANGMEAD Johanna F R.Catholic 29 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 13 Lunatic Asyl. Tuberculosis CONSTANTINE James M R.Catholic 39 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 18 William St. Old Age OLIPHANT George T M R.Catholic 84 Scotland Mount Carmel
Dec. 18 Gen. Hospital Nephritis VICOUNT Marie F R.Catholic 55 Placentia Mount Carmel
Dec. 19 New Gower St. Inft.Debility JOHNSTON William M R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 21 Dunford St. Intestinal Obst. MCGRATH Joseph M R.Catholic 60 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 24 Spencer St. Inft.Debility FLEET Violet F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 26 Holdsworth St. Arterio Scelerosis ST.GEORGE Mary F R.Catholic 75 Belleoram Mount Carmel
Dec. 28 Duggan St. Premature B. HOGAN Richard M R.Catholic 1.5Hrs. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 28 Fever Hosp. Typhoid Fever WISEMAN Bridget F R.Catholic 23 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 28 Flower Hill Inft.Debility FITZPATRICK Agnes F R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 30 New Gower St. Endocarditis CALLAHAN Julia F R.Catholic 58 St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 30 Livingstone St. Whooping Cough BARRETT Richard M R.Catholic 16Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Dec. 30 Lunatic Asyl. Gen. Debility COADY Mary E F R.Catholic 17 St.George Mount Carmel
Dec. 31 Flower Hill Brights Dis. MCGRATH Jane F R.Catholic 50 St.John's Mount Carmel
Oct. 08 Pouch Cove Tuberculosis EVANS James M R.Catholic 58 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Dec. 06 Torbay Inft.Debility BRADBURY Robert M R.Catholic 11Mo. Torbay Torbay
Dec. 06 Pouch Cove Old Age WALL John M R.Catholic 90 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Oct. 08 St.John's Throat Trouble BURKE Alice F R.Catholic 47 Torbay Torbay
Dec. 07 Torbay Inft.Debility FITZPATRICK Mary F R.Catholic 6Mo. Torbay Torbay
Dec. 17 Pouch Cove Inft.Debility CONNORS Patrick M R.Catholic 5Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Dec. 12 Carters Hill Inft.Debility HAPGOOD William G M Methodist 5Mo. Carters Hill Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 16 Stephen St. Beri Beri SNELGROVE Gilbert M Methodist 53 Grates Cove Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 24 Spencer St. Pneumonia PARROTT Frank H M Methodist 16Mo. Spencer St. Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 28 Rawlins Cross Heart Dis. SIMPSON Thomas M M Methodist 61 England Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 18 Clifton St. Pul. Tuberc's DALTON Frederick M Methodist 43 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
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Dec. 04 St.John's Inft. Debility FRENCH Walter M Methodist 9Dys. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 14 St.John's Tuberculosis KING Ellen F Methodist 28 Broad Cove Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 14 St.John's Tuberculosis MUNAY Elsie F Methodist 17 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
June 04 Coronarion St. Convulsions AVERY Elizabeth F Methodist 2Y/6M St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
June 12 Clifford St. Whooping Cough MOORES Marjorie F Methodist 2Y/6M St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
June 21 Cabot St. Poisoning TAYLOR Elsie F Methodist 16 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
July 07 St.John's Consumption PARSONS Leah F Methodist 11 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Nov. 15 Lunatic Asy. Tuberculosis DAVIS Arthur M Methodist 42 Bonavista Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 02 Duggan St. Natural Causes PEARCEY Effie F Methodist 1 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 11 Barters Hill Old Age PAYNE Mary F Methodist 76 Broad Cove BDV Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 18 Southside Convulsions GOOBY Abraham M Methodist 1 Southside Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 14 Waldergrave St. Convulsions COLLINS Annie I? F Presb'n 3 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 03 Victoria St. Paralys of Head? BROWN Margaret F Presb'n 68 Scotland Gen. P. Cemetery
Dec. 27 Barnes Rd. Bronchitis NOONAN Gertrude F Cong'l 26   Gen. P. Cemetery
Nov. 13 St.John's Old Age CROSS Caroline F Cong'l 74   Gen. P. Cemetery
Nov. 25 Lance Cove Pul. Tuberculosis WILSON Lucinda F Ch. of Eng. 5Mo. Lance Cove Lance Cove
Nov. 22 Ral Island Old Age NEVILLE John T M Presb'n 85   Gen. P. Cemetery
Oct. 13 Portugal Cove Cancer KING Elijah M Methodist 60 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Oct. 17 Bauline Old Age LEGROW Elizabeth F Methodist 75 Bauline Bauline
Nov. 28 Pouch Cove Diphtheria MOORES Violet F Methodist 11 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 28 Pouch Cove Diphtheria MOORES Mildred F Methodist 5 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 02 Bauline Inflam. of Bowels LEGROW William M Methodist 3 Bauline Bauline
Dec. 10 Pouch Cove Diphtheria MOORES Samuel M Methodist 11 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sep. 04 Gen. Hospital Typhoid Fev. SKEANS Mary F R.Catholic 51 Cove Rd. Portugal Cove
Sep. 08 Portugal Cove Convulsions JENNINGS Henry M R.Catholic 2 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 15 Portugal Cove Tubc's of Lungs REARDON Thomas M R.Catholic 16 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 18 Broad Cove Hemorrhage Lungs SQUIRES John M R.Catholic 10 Broad Cove Horse Cove
Dec. 03 Kings Rd. Inft. Debility PETERS John M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's St.John's
Dec. 05 Pennywell Rd. Tubc's of Hip BARRETT Cassie F Ch. of Eng. 15 Spand's Bay St.John's
Dec. 09 Carters Hill Premature B. CLARKE Francis M Ch. of Eng. 1Day St.John's St.John's
Dec. 10 Gen. Hospital Cancer WEST Walter B M Ch. of Eng. 57 Bridgewater St.John's
Dec. 13 McFarlane St. Inft. Debility DROVER Alice F Ch. of Eng. 1Day St.John's St.John's
Dec. 12 Allan Sq. Pul. Tubc's LILLY Mary G F Ch. of Eng. 17 Hermitage Bay St.John's
Dec. 17 Pleasant St. Pul. Tubc's PIPPY Eva G F Ch. of Eng. 20 St.John's St.John's
Dec. 19 Merrymeeting Rd. Meningitis GOOD Frederick M Ch. of Eng. 3 St.John's St.John's
Dec. 23 Longs Hill Brights Dis. CRIMP William M Ch. of Eng. 61 St.John's St.John's
July 05 Mines Heart Dis. HICKEY John M R.Catholic   Hr.Main Hr.Main
July 06 Bell Isl. Old Age JACKMAN Peter M R.Catholic 82 Bell Isle Bell Island
July 10 Mines Paralysis DWYER Patrick M R.Catholic 40 Holyrood Holyrood
July 10 Mines Accident KING John M R.Catholic 18 Placentia Placentia
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July 10 Mines Old Age VISCOUNT Michael M R.Catholic 80 Placentia Bell Island
Aug. 28 Mines Inft. Debility BUTT Walter M R.Catholic 10Dys. Bell Islnd. Bell Island
Sep. 13 Bell Island Inft. Debility KELLY Pat'k Jos. M R.Catholic 6Mo. Bell Islnd. Bell Island
Sep. 14 Bell Island Inft. Debility DWYER Alice F R.Catholic 3Mo. Bell Islnd. Bell Island
Sep. 15 Lance Cove Old Age KENNEDY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 68 St.John's Lance Cove
Sep. 02 Bell Island Inft. Debility SHEEHAN Edward M R.Catholic 2M/2W Bell Islnd. Hr.Grace
Sep. 23 Mines Old Age MURPHY Ann F R.Catholic 78 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Oct. 01 Mines Inft. Debility DWYER Matthew M M R.Catholic 2Dys. Bell Island Bell Islnd.
Oct. 28 Bell Island Old Age DWYER Martin M R.Catholic 77 Bell Island Bell Islnd.
Oct. 28 Mines Inft. Debility SHARPE Bridget F R.Catholic 2Mo. Bell Island Bell Islnd.
Dec. 23 Bell Island Phthisis KELLY Mary F R.Catholic 29 Hr.Main Bell Islnd.
Dec. 27 Mines Phthisis COURAN? James M R.Catholic 52 Hr.Main Hr.Main
Nov. 04 Pouch Cove Phthisis WILLIAMS Thomas M Ch. of Eng. 36 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 11 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility GROUCHY Gladys M F Ch. of Eng. 11Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Oct. 08 St.John's Inft. Debility GARLAND Flora I? B F Seventh.Day Anvent. 6Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
PAGE 74                  
Jan. 02 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria THOMAS Emma Sarah F Ch. Of Eng. 10 St.John's St.John's
Jan. 09 Prescott St. Cerebral Tumor ALCOCK Clement M Ch. Of Eng. 50 Hr.Grace St.John's
Jan. 20 Thorburn Rd. Inft. Debility HOLLAND Violet F Ch. of Eng. 3Wks. Thorburn Rd. St.John's
Jan. 29 Queens Rd. Inft. Debility JOCELYN Marion E F Ch. of Eng. 9Wks. St.John's St.John's
Jan. 03 Colonial St. Old Age HILL Jane F Ch. of Eng. 91 Portugal Cove Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 06 Bannerman St. Old Age GORMAN Virtue F Ch. of Eng. 76 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 27 Temperance St. Pul Tuberculosis HOLLETT Sarah F Ch. of Eng. 37 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 01 Old Placentia Rd. Convulsions BENMORE Frederick T M Ch. of Eng. 20Mo. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 17 Hamilton St. Old Age WILLIAMS Philip M Ch. of Eng. 75 Petty Hr. Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 17 Southside Killed - Accident RICE William M Ch. of Eng. 54 White Bay Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 23 Topsail Rd. Old Age HAMLYN Ann F Ch. of Eng. 76 England Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 23 Insane Asyl. Consumption FITZGERALD John M Ch. of Eng. 33 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Jan. 01 Boncloddy St. Consumption OLIVER Edward M R.Catholic 38 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 04 Field St. Heart Dis. GARRETT Mary F R.Catholic 58 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 05 Livingstone St. Peritonitis HIBBS Lucy F R.Catholic 4Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 05 Pleasant St. Meningitis CONWAY Stephen M R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 07 Lime St. Bronchitis GREENE Mary J F R.Catholic 23 Holyrood Mount Carmel
Jan. 07 Poor Asylum Old Age CARROLL Mary F R.Catholic 85 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 07 College Sq. Inft. Debility RICHARDSON Genevieve F R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 07 Gen. Hospital Pneumonia MILLEY Roy M R.Catholic 25 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 08 Cuddihy St. Inft. Debility POPE John M R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 11 Flower Hill Consumption SEXTON Theresa F R.Catholic 25 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 11 Flower Hill Inft. Debility BURTON Mary G F R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 12 Merrymeeting Rd. Inft. Debility WHALEN Dorothy F R.Catholic 3Wks. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 13 Cabot St. Inft. Debility KENNEDY Michael M R.Catholic Inft. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 14 Hamilton St. Inft. Debility FITZGERALD Joseph M R.Catholic 2Wks. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 15 Stephen St. Old Age GRIFFIN Mary F R.Catholic 73 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 17 Colonial St. Consumption ST.CROIX John M R.Catholic 45 Trepassey Mount Carmel
Jan. 17 Battery Rd. Consumption MANSFIELD Mary F R.Catholic 53 Conception Hr. Mount Carmel
Jan. 18 Gen. Hospital Consumption KAVANAGH Augustus M R.Catholic 4 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 18 Mullock St. Brain Fever BYRNE Leo M R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 21 Lime St. Heart Dis. MALONEY Alexander M R.Catholic 22 Witless Bay Mount Carmel
Jan. 22 Carew St. Inft. Debility LYNCH Patrick M R.Catholic 2Hrs. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 27 Mullock St. Inft. Debility HUDSON Bridget F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 27 Mullock St. Heart Dis. POWER Richard M R.Catholic 34 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 29 Poor Asylum Old Age FINN Lawrence M R.Catholic 72 St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 29 George St. Inft. Debility WHITE Margaret F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Jan. 29 George St. Heart - Flr. RIDEOUT Hannah F R.Catholic 49 Hr.Grace Mount Carmel
Jan. 03 Sheehan Shute Old Age SHEEHAN Mary F R.Catholic 85 Ireland Belvidere
Jan. 04 Kings Rd. Inft. Debility QUIGLEY Mary F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
PAGE 75                  
Jan. 05 LeMarchant Rd. Broncho Pneumonia BROWN Ellen F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 08 British Sq. Meningitis HAGAN William J M R.Catholic 43 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 13 Leslie St. Myocarditis MCCARTHY John M R.Catholic 72 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 15 Williams St. Old Age BURTON Grace F R.Catholic 77 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 24 Belvidere Convent Cancer IGNATIUS Mother F R.Catholic 66 Ireland Belvidere
Jan. 24 Longs Hill Phthisis FORRISTAL Edward M R.Catholic 46 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 25 Littledale Convent Heart Dis. ANGELINA Sister Mary F R.Catholic 65 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 26 Freshwater Rd. Inft. Debility BRIEN Michael M R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 27 Duckworth St. Bronchitis DOOLEY Mary F R.Catholic 78 Ireland Belvidere
Jan. 27 Brazils Sq. Pericarditis CAREW Isabell F R.Catholic 34 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 29 Lunatic Asyl'm Consumption MADDEN Ellen F R.Catholic 29 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 31 Gen. Hospital Brights Dis. BARTER William M R.Catholic 65 St.John's Belvidere
Jan. 11 Battery Inft. Debility DAWE Wreath E F Methodist 10Mo. Battery Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 26 Forest Rd. Scarlet Fever SOPER Edgar M Methodist 20Mo. Forest Rd. Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 09 14 William St. Consumption GROUCHY Eliza May F Methodist 19Y/6M St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 12 On board SS Sicilian Exhaustion BLAKEY Annie Laura F Methodist 27 Hr.Grace Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 21 Goodview St. Inft. Debility MOORE Jennie F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 29 George St. Inft. Debility SKEINS Lilian G F Methodist 9Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 30 Field St. Ch. Endocarditis LEWIS Mary F Methodist 76 Lower I.Cove Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 05 Power's St. Typhoid Pneumonia PIKE James A M Methodist 38 Carbonear Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 18 LeMarchant Rd. Pernicious Anaemia JOYCE George M Methodist 44 Carbonear Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 19 Alexander St. Paralysis SOPER William M Methodist 81 Carbonear Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 26 Tessier Place Inft. Debility KEARLEY Florence E F Methodist 10Wks. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 09 St.John's Paralysis ROSE Jacob M Methodist 69 Western Bay St.John's
Jan. 15 St.John's Inft. Debility HURRELL Mary F Methodist 2Dys. St.John's St.John's
Jan. 12 Cochrane St. Paralysis JARDINE Susan Brooking F Presb'n 62 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 13 Power St. Pleurisy MILLER Lewis H M Presb'n 58 Scotland Riverhead Cmtr'y
Feb. 01 17 Pope St. Premature B. EARLE Mary F Ch. of Eng. 2Dys. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 03 Thorburn Rd. Unknown HOLLAND Fanny F Ch. of Eng. 44 Trinity Bay Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 11 Boat House Lane Inft. Debility CHALKER James R M Ch. of Eng. 2Wks. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 12 Signal Hill Rd. Tubc's of Lungs SUMMERS Lucy F Ch. of Eng. 17 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 16 29 Henry St. Tuberculos Disease of Kidney & Lungs HISCOCK James M Ch. of Eng. 40 Hr.Grace Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 16 150 Hamilton St. Ch. Nephritis WILLIAMS Fanny F Ch. of Eng. 72 Petty Hr. Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 17 27 Walsh's Sq. Old Age CARNELL Elizabeth F Ch. of Eng. 85 England Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 17 49 Monkstown Rd. Ch. Nephritis WYLLIE William L M Ch. of Eng. 65 Scotland Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 21 75 McFarlane St. Acute Pneumonia NOEL John Chas. M Ch. of Eng. 22Mo. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 26 32 Barter's Hill Acute Bronchitis PIERCE Edward M Ch. of Eng. 36Hrs. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 26 Southside Consumption KING Alexander P M Ch. of Eng. 37 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Feb. 01 Gower St. Premature B. FITZPAT'K James M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 01 Holdsworth St. Cardiac Dis. ATKINS Thomas M R.Catholic 21 St.John's Belvidere
PAGE 76                  
Feb. 01 McDougall St. Old Age ASHMAN Elizabeth F R.Catholic 82 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 04 Barnes Rd. Old Age COLEMAN Catherine F R.Catholic 63 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 08 Gower St. Old Age GOSSE Peter M R.Catholic 80 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 10 Freshwater Rd. Cardiac Failure CONNORS Catherine F R.Catholic 65 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 13 Water St. Hemiphigia O'REILLY John J M R.Catholic 63 Placentia Belvidere
Feb. 16 207 Gower St. Myocarditis WALSH William P M R.Catholic 80 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 17 273 Water St. Pul. Tuberculosis CURTIN Daniel M R.Catholic 4 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 17 Bell Island Uraemia EAGAN James M R.Catholic 18 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 18 ? Boggan St. Arterio Scelerosis KELLY Katherine F R.Catholic 73 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 18 Gen. Hospital Acute Myelitis DAVIS Preston M R.Catholic 21 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 21 170 Water St. Phthis Pulmonatis O'REILLY John F M R.Catholic 18 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 23 LeMarchant Rd. Inft. Convulsions CLIFT James M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 24 46 Barnes Rd. Cancer of Gall Bladder HEENEY? Ann F R.Catholic 53 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 26 Poor Asylum Old Age MORAN Mary F R.Catholic 86 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 28 8 Pilots Hill Tub. Meningitis FIRTH Mary F R.Catholic 79Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 28 72 Livingstone St. Senility KELLY Edward M R.Catholic 89 St.John's Belvidere
Feb. 01 Kilbride Heart Failure KENNEDY Peter M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 04 Bambrick St. Convulsions ANGEL Richard M R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 04 McDougall St. Convulsions PURCELL John M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 04 Fleming St. Bronchitis MAHONEY Martin M R.Catholic 17 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 06 Poor Asylum Erysipelas PENNEY Susan F R.Catholic     Mount Carmel
Feb. 07 Monkstown Rd. Convulsions POWER Minnie F R.Catholic 5 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 11 Williams Lane Apoplexy KELLY Thomas M R.Catholic 56 Belle Isle Mount Carmel
Feb. 11 Pleasant St. Gen. Decay BRENNAN Walter M R.Catholic 70 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 11 Nunnery Hill Premature B. TOBIN Baby M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 12 Lime St. Pelv. Ulcer POMEROY Mary F R.Catholic 26 Trinity Mount Carmel
Feb. 14 Lime St. Gen. Decay CLARKE Elizabeth F R.Catholic 73 Petty Hr. Mount Carmel
Feb. 20 47 Flower Hill Broncho Pneumonia BUTLER John Jos. M R.Catholic 2Y/6M 47 Flower Hill Mount Carmel
Feb. 20 7 Kickham Place Old Age PARNELL Michael M R.Catholic 89 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 20 14 Young St. Heart Dis. TOBIN Alice May F R.Catholic 10Dys. 14 Young St. Mount Carmel
Feb. 22 Poor Asylum Apoplexy LOONY? Timothy M R.Catholic 67 Bay de Verde Mount Carmel
Feb. 23 2 Fergus Place Pul. Phthisis HART John M R.Catholic 31 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 23 Topsail Rd. Pul. Phthisis MURPHY Patrick M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 24 28 Cook St. Marasmus CAREW Edwin P M R.Catholic 2Dys. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 25 20 Monroe St. Instestinal Indiges.? MAHER Ronald M R.Catholic 3M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 26 18 Sheehan Shute Still Birth REID Child of James & Rose F R.Catholic S.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 26 1 York St. Heart Dis. KANE Thomas M R.Catholic 72 St.John's Mount Carmel
Feb. 04 234 Gower St. Pneumonia TAYLOR George H. M Methodist 5Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 06 271 Gower St. Heart Dis. VAIL Eunice P F Methodist 74 Queens C????? ?? Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 10 5 Long's Hill Apoplexy FLEET Mary Ann F Methodist 77 Dartmouth? Gen. P. Cemetery
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Feb. 13 Poor Asylum Senile Decay ROWE Thomas M Methodist 64 Cupids Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 12 65 Springdale St. Arterio Scelerosis PIPPY Annie F Methodist 87 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 13 437 Water St. Cancer of Liver NOFTALL Cicely F Methodist 45   Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 13 51 Job St. Convulsions PYNN Albert M Methodist 3Y/6M 57 Job St. Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 19 9 British Sq. Ch. Bronchitis YOUNG Caleb M Methodist 95   Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 22 48 King's Rd. Broncho Pneumonia WARREN Ena F Methodist 3 Hr.Grace Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 26 197 Gower St. Ch. Nephritis MOSS James Robt. M Methodist 74 Ramsgate Eng. Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 14 Maternity Hosp. Prematurity BELBIN Gertrude F Methodist 4Wks. Cook St. Maternity Hosp. S.A. Cemt'y
Feb. 17 Maternity Hosp. Marasmus BURTON Robert M S.Army 5Mo. Cook St. Maternity Hosp. S.A. Cemt'y
Mar. 01 McNeil St. Convulsions YOUNG Charlotte E F Ch. of Eng. 1Day St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 02 Fort Townshend Indigestion CHAPLIN Helen M F Ch. of Eng. 2Wks. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 03 Insane Asyl. Pneumonia BRAY Willis M Ch. of Eng. 31 Hr.Grace Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 05 2 Damerils Lane Convulsions WATTS John Thomas M Ch. of Eng. 7Dys. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 10 60 Alexander St. Still Birth GOSSE Child of Rich'd F Ch. of Eng. S.B. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 10 60 Alexander St. Still Birth GOSSE Child of Rich'd F Ch. of Eng. S.B. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 13 25 Military Rd. Liver Abscess RENDELL George M Ch. of Eng. 11 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 16 2 Pilots Hill Broncho Pneumonia BUGDEN Florence M F Ch. of Eng. 20Mo. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 21 17 Cornation St. Acute Phthisis BARTLETT Clara F Ch. of Eng. 38 St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 21 36 Bannerman St. Marasmus FERGUSON Robert T M Ch. of Eng. 3Mo. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 28 3 Deady's Lane Convulsions SPURRELL Annie F Ch. of Eng. 5Dys. St.John's Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 27 Insane Asyl. Apoplexy COLLIS Arnold M Ch. of Eng. 67 Trinity Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 20 74 Cookstown Rd. Acute Pneumonia CHISLETT Maria F Ch. of Eng. 59 Placentia Bay Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 01 8 Pope St. Pul. Tuberculosis MCMANUS Anastatia F R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 06 218 New Gower St. Intussuception MOLLOY Mary F R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 06 42 Field St. Strangulated Hernia MCGRATH John Joseph M R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 06 Portugal Cove Rd. Old Age O'BRIEN Elizabeth F R.Catholic 76 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 07 Poor Asylum Old Age ANGEL John M R.Catholic 74 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 10 20 Gill Place Pneumonia RING Ronald M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 11 18 Finn's St. Phthisis Pul. COONEY Lizzie F R.Catholic 18Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 13 43 New Gower St. Cholera Infantum ANDREWS Vasser M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 14 Insane Asyl. Hemorrhage WHITE William M R.Catholic 45 Ferryland Mount Carmel
Mar. 19 Logy Bay Tuberculosis RYAN John M R.Catholic 37   Mount Carmel
Mar. 23 10 Pope St. Tub. Meningitis MCGRATH James A M R.Catholic 1Y/3M   Mount Carmel
Mar. 25 Gen. Hospital Tiproid Tumor? CRANFORD Annie F R.Catholic 49   Mount Carmel
Mar. 25 10 Cornation St. Convulsions STEPHENSON Alice F R.Catholic 5M/2W   Mount Carmel
Mar. 27 182 Duckworth St. Tub. Meningitis GRIFFIN Patrick M R.Catholic 6Mo. Grand Falls Mount Carmel
Mar. 27 Gen. Hospital Carbuncle FURLONG Peter M R.Catholic 67 St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 28 King's Bridge Marasmus DUNNE Mary Marg't F R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Mar. 29[sic] 72 Spencer St. Rheumatism MURRAY Sarah F R.Catholic 71   Mount Carmel
Mar. 28 Duckworth St. Bronchitis NUGENT Hannah F R.Catholic 7Mo.?   Mount Carmel
PAGE 78                  
Mar. 30 17 Prince's St. Pneumonia CAREW William M R.Catholic 17   Mount Carmel
Mar. 06 22 Barnes Rd. Pul. Tuberculosis WALSH John M R.Catholic 42 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 06 34 Brazil's Sq. Convulsions BUCK James G M R.Catholic 3Wks. St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 07 8 York St. Paralysis KEATING James M R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 11 334 Duckworth St. Myocarditis VILLEN???E? Mary Ann F R.Catholic 78 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 11 116 Military Rd. Ch. Nephritis DUNPHY Clara F R.Catholic 32 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 13 127 Gower St. Intussuception OKE Austin M R.Catholic 15 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 14 39 Military Rd. Endocarditis BRADSHAW Mary F R.Catholic 5 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 18 Water St. W Ch. Nephritis MOORE Catherine F R.Catholic 51 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 19 Gen. Hospital Diabetes SCOTT Fanny F R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 19 63 Monkstown Rd. Pul. Tuberculosis WALSH Alice F R.Catholic 24 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 21 Poor Asylum Dementia FLOOD Patrick M R.Catholic 33 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 25 63 Monkstown Rd. Pul. Tuberculosis WALSH Theresa F R.Catholic 21 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 26 239 Hamilton Ave. Scalding with Boiling Water BROWN Bridget F R.Catholic 3Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 30 Black Marsh Rd. Pneumonia MULLINS William M R.Catholic 73 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 30 141 Gower St. Myocarditis AYLWARD Margaret F R.Catholic 80 St.John's Belvidere
Mar. 02 62 Barnes Rd. Undescribed HOOKEY Alfred M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 06 55 Gower St. Cardiac Dis. MCGILLVARY Jane F Presb'n 54 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 11 Gen. Hospital Inflam/Gall Bladder HOWIE Isabel F Methodist 70 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 11 8 Carnell St. Carcinomia/Stomach BARNES William M Methodist 54 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 11 52 Carters Hill Marasmus GARLAND Violet F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 17 Atlantic Ave. Bronchitis SMITH Rita M E M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 20 28 Mullock St. Old Age BUTLER John A M Methodist 76 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 21 Gen. Hospital Appendicitis MAUNDER John M Methodist 21 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 22 19 Clifford St. Pul. Tuberculosis GILLETT John M Methodist 39 Carbonear Carbonear Cmtr'y
Mar. 23 25 Finn's St. Gen. Tuberculosis HANCOCK Florence F Methodist 3Y/9M St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 22 Gen. Hospital Tuberc's of Joint PERRY Gertie F Methodist 11   Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 25 24 Pleasant St. Enteritis SCAPLEN Gertie F Methodist 3M/2W   Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 27 King's Rd. Stillborn JENKINS Child of Wm. ? Methodist S.B.   Gen. P. Cemetery
Mar. 29 126 Water St. Phthisis Pul. TUFF Bessie F Methodist 26 Old Perlican Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 01 25 Mullock St. Convulsions HART Frederick M Ch. of Eng. 9Mo.   Kelligrews Cmtr'y
Apl. 01 57 Cookstown Rd. Phthisis Pul. SNOW Ernest M Ch. of Eng. 21Y/9M   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 02 41 Field St. Senile Decay BENSON Rachael F Ch. of Eng. 88 Hants Hr. Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 03 18 Monroe St. Prem. Birth RUSSELLL Alexander M Ch. of Eng. 4Dys.   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 03 Insane Asyl. Consumption LAHEY Charles M R.Catholic 33   Mount Carmel
Apl. 02 5 Spencer St. Acute Indigestion JEANS Eleanor J? F Methodist 8Mo.   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 02 35 Flower Hill Convulsions KENNEDY William M R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 03 26 Coronation St. Gen. Tuberculosis CHAFE Gladys May F Methodist 1Y/7M St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 04 24 New Gower St. Acute Phthisis TRELEGAN Lillian F R.Catholic 22   Belvidere
Apl. 05 Poor Asylum Paralysis HYDE Ellen F R.Catholic 73 St.John's Mount Carmel
PAGE 79                  
Apl. 06 Fever Hosp. Ulceration/Stomach SAUNDERS James M Ch. of Eng. 22 St.John's C.of E Cmty.
Jan. 04 St.Philips Cellulitis SQUIRES Viola E F Ch. of Eng. 13Mo. St.Philips St.Philips
Feb. 27 Portugal Cove Brights Dis. SMITH Mary F Ch. of Eng. 62 Placentia Bay Portugal Cove
Mar. 26 St.Philips Heart Flr. TUCKER William W M Ch. of Eng. 2 St.Philips St.Philips
Jan. 30 Aquaforte Brain Fever PAYNE Walter A M Ch. of Eng. 2 Aquaforte Aquaforte
Mar. 05 Petty Hr. Paralysis WHITTEN Elizabeth F Ch. of Eng. 72 St.John's Petty Hr.
Mar. 06 Petty Hr. Convulsions CHAFE Jacob Thos. M Ch. of Eng. 5M/2W Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Apl. 06 Insane Asyl. Consumption RICH Delphine F Ch. of Eng. 25 Labrador Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 07 10 Dunford St. Senile Decay BARNES Ann F Methodist 83 Bay de Verde Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 07 Pennywell Rd. Broncho Pneumonia BUGDEN Fred Woodley M S.Army 6Mo.   S.A. Cemt'y
Apl. 07 Walsh's Sq. Acute Meningitis SEYMOUR Olive May F Ch. of Eng. 8   C.of E Cmty.
Apl. 08 Topsail Rd. Carcinomia/Liver LEMESSURIER Elizabeth F Ch. of Eng. 88 Isle Vallen Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 09 231 Southside Arterio Scelerosis BOWDEN Mary Ann F Methodist 86 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 21 9 Military Rd. Convulsions WHITELY Frederick M Cong'l 17Mo.? St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Jan. 25 Quidi Vidi Rd. Cancer Stomach BUTT Harry M Cong'l 47 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Feb. 12 Hamilton Ave. Consumption HAMLYN Alice F Cong'l 33 St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 11 35 Job St. Puerp? Septicaemia HEALEY Mary Ellen F R.Catholic 26   Mount Carmel
Apl. 12 62 Flower Hill Convulsions WAKEHAM James A? M Ch. of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's C.of E Cmty.
Apl. 15 4 Cook St. Acute Anaemia KELLY Augustine M R.Catholic 10Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
Apl. 15 41 York St. Cerebral Hemorrhage LAMBERT Martin M R.Catholic 75   Mount Carmel
Apl. 16 41 LeMarchant Rd. Pneumonia GREELEY Harold A M S.Army 17Mo.   S.A. Cemt'y
Apl. 16 St.John's Puerperal Anaemia ASPELL Mary F R.Catholic 37   Belvidere
Apl. 16 71 McFarlane St. Asphixia SPURRELL Arthur M Ch. of Eng. 4Mo.   C.of E Cmty.
Apl. 16 17 Military Rd. Ch. Myocarditis DALEY Margaret F R.Catholic 74   Belvidere
Apl. 17 Kilbride Mitral Stenosis MURPHY Martin M R.Catholic 72   Belvidere
Apl. 19 131 Gower St. Heart Failure SAMUELSON Samuel M Ch. of Eng. 65 Norway C.of E Cmty.
Apl. 20 7 Walsh's Sq. Pul. Tuberculosis TOUCHER Mary F R.Catholic 22   Mount Carmel
Apl. 20 57 Longs Hill Cerebral Tumor HISCOCK Mary E F R.Catholic 51   Belvidere
Apl. 20 Kings Bdg. Rd. Acute Pneumonia BROWN Fanny F Ch. of Eng. 72   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 21 Maternity Hosp. (Cong) Heart Dis. SNOW Emily F S.Army 2Dys.   S.A. Cemt'y
Apl. 22 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria ANDERSON Eileen Jos. F R.Catholic 6   Belvidere
Apl. 22 213A New Gower St. Tub. of Lungs KNOX James M R.Catholic 20   Mount Carmel
Apl. 23 42 Barters Hill Rickets POWER Evelan[sic] F R.Catholic 2   Mount Carmel
Apl. 23 22 Stephen St. Senile Decay KANE Mary F R.Catholic 79   Belvidere
Apl. 23 Job St. Tub. Meningitis KAVANAGH Lizzie F R.Catholic 7Wks.   Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 18 Alexander St. Myocarditis MURPHY Clara F R.Catholic 65   Belvidere
Apl. 25 18 Walsh's Sq. Acute Nephritis COADY Thomas Hy. M R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 26 Duckworth St. Chronic Nephritis MAYO Dorcas F Methodist 59   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 26 Bond St. Cerberal Atrophy HORWOOD Mary E F Ch. of Eng. 88   C.of E Cmty.
Apl. 26 13 Buchanan St. Brights Dis. HOLLIHAN Mary Ann F S.Army 76   S.A. Cemt'y
PAGE 80                  
Apl. 27 76 Gower St. Carcimonia of Parotid? Gland GODLEY William Thos. M Ch. of Eng. 65   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Mar. 21 St.John's Heart Failure PIKE Susanna F Methodist 77 Hr.Grace Hr.Grace
Apl. 26 Chain Rock Broncho Pneumonia WHEELER Eliah M Methodist 1Mo.   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 28 7 Young St. Marasmus POMEROY Ada Pearl F Methodist 1Y/6M   Gen. P. Cemetery
Apl. 27 44 Long's Hill Convulsions TILLEY Annie F R.Catholic 3Wks.   Mount Carmel
Apl. 28 28 Stevens St. Scelerosis of Spinal Cord WHITTLE Catherine F R.Catholic 36   Mount Carmel
Apl. 30 10 Fergus Place Cancer of Spleen HAYSE Bridget F R.Catholic 63   Mount Carmel
Apl. 30 52 Bannerman St. Puerpura MALONE Thomas M R.Catholic 2Y/9M   Mount Carmel
Apl. 29 Hamilton Ave. Acute Bronchitis SYMONDS Dorothy F Ch. of Eng. 7Mo.   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 30 2 Allan's Sq. Myocarditis FOOTE Sophia F Ch. of Eng. 75   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
Apl. 28 St.John's Stillborn KNIGHT   F R.Catholic S.B.   Mount Carmel
May 01 St.John's Marasmus SPARKS Gordon A M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
May 01 70 Monroe St. Marasmus DWYER Hugh M Methodist 12Dys. St.John's Gen. P. Cemetery
May 02 4 Brine St. Malnutrition ASPELL Bride F R.Catholic 5Wks.   Belvidere
May 04 57 Springdale St. M???? Tuber. of Lungs PIPPY Charles M Methodist 17   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 04 Kings Bridge Peritonitis COLLINS Michael F M R.Catholic 2Mo.   Belvidere
May 04 Water St. W Myocarditis WILLS Pascoe M Methodist 84   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 06 49 Gower St. Anaemia HAMMOND Mary Eliz. F Ch. of Eng. 21   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 05 Gen. Hospital Cancer MCCARTHY Callahan M R.Catholic 67   Mount Carmel
May 07 57 Prescott St. Myocarditis KELLY Mary F R.Catholic 60   Belvidere
May 06 Topsail Rd. Grippe QUIGLEY Peter M R.Catholic 67   Belvidere
May 08 7 French's Lane Bronchitis DILLON Laura F R.Catholic 1   Mount Carmel
May 09 61 Long's Hill Acute Phthisis MAHER William M R.Catholic 30   Belvidere
May 09 Southside Phthisis Pul. GLENN Richard M R.Catholic 23   Mount Carmel
May 10 ??????? ????? Southside Suddenly GOOBY Walter M Methodist 6   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 10 37 LeMarchant Rd. Tub. Meningitis BROWN Willie? M R.Catholic 7Wks.   Belvidere
May 10 50 Carter's Hill Paralysis STRONG Mary F Methodist 80   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 09 171 Pleasant St. Pneumonia SQUIRES Pauline F Ch. of Eng. 11Mo.   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 12 56 Cabot St. Heart Dis. COVEYDUCK Annie Mildred F Ch. of Eng. 25   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 12 131 New Gower St. OE? sophegal?/Cancer CAKE Richard M Ch. of Eng. 69 Lamaline Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 12 27 Adelaide St. Gastro Enteritis HYNES Albert F M Ch. of Eng. 34Dys.?   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 13 Henry St. Prematurity LAWLOR James S M R.Catholic ????   Belvidere
May 15 55 Cook St. Senile Debility PEYTON Henry M Methodist 88   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 14 St.John's Bronchitis BUTLER Jessie E F Ch. of Eng. 4Dys.   Ch. Of Eng. Cemtr'y
May 16 94 Circular Rd. Cerebral Hemorrhage MULROONEY Mary F R.Catholic 75   Mount Carmel
May 17 12 Belvedere St. Phthisis NURSE Charles M R.Catholic 50   Belvidere
May 16   Prematurity BODY found Dead     Methodist P.B.   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 15 Insane Asyl. Broncho Pneumonia TUCKER Mary J F Methodist 57   Gen. P. Cemetery
May 18 46 Bannerman St. Pyelitis O'BRIEN Thomas M R.Catholic 55   Mount Carmel
May 18? 122 Bond St. Myocarditis THOMEY Dia?? F R.Catholic 94   Mount Carmel

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2011)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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