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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 5

St. John's City District


PAGES 31 - 40

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 31                  
Apl. 06 Bambrick St. Convulsions BRODERICK Elizabeth F R.Catholic 6 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 07 Poor Asylum Old Age MURPHY Anastatia F R.Catholic 85 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 08 Gower St. Scarlet Fever CARROLL Aggie F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 08 Pleasant St. Endocarditis KANE Ellen F R.Catholic 60 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 10 Damerills Lane Tumor POWER Mary F R.Catholic 52 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 20 Portugal C. Rd. Abcess WALSH Nancy Ann F R.Catholic 45 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 22 Poor Asylum Heart Failure LITTLEJOHN Thomas M R.Catholic 60 Har. Grace Mount Carmel
Apl. 22 Cuddihy St. Apoplexy COSTELLO John M R.Catholic 63 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 Casey St. Gen. Debility LEONARD Bridget F R.Catholic 66 Fermeuse Mount Carmel
Apl. 25 Gormans Lane Marasmus SULLIVAN Willis M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 30 Allan's Sq. Convulsions MOORE Mary Joseph F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 04 Signal Hill Rd. Spinal Meningitis FLEET Fred H M Methodist 18 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 10 White Hills Bronchitis MARTIN Mary F Methodist 4Y/6M White Hills  
Apl. 01 Gower St.Parsonage Paralysis SCOTT Elizabeth A F Methodist 85 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 10 Wickford St. Diptheric Croup BABSTOCK Nellie F Methodist 1Y/6M St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 02 Water St. W Consumption BENNETT John M Methodist 31 Fortune Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 06 Lunatic Asy. Pneumonia OSMOND Lucy A F Methodist 32 Bonavista Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 28 Pleasant St. Consumption PARSONS Margaret F Methodist 44 Pouch Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 02 Mundy P. Rd. Pneumonia SMITH Charles M Methodist 70 Scotland Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 02 Casey St. Consumption PARSONS Frederick M Methodist 72 Trinity Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 15 Springdale St. Rupture COYELL Thomas M Methodist 69 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 22 Bambrick St. Old Age HISCOCK Edward M C.O.England 81 Trinity Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 09 Daly's Lane Pneumonia SPURELL George W M C.O.England 5Mo. St.John's St.John's
May 13 Pleasant St. Bronchitis CARBERRY Raymond M C.O.England 9Mo. St.John's St.John's
May 17 McFarlane St. Bronco Pneumonia MILLS Arthur R A M C.O.England 8Mo. St.John's St.John's
??? 25 Long Hill Chol.Infantum CANE James M C.O.England 5Mo. St.John's St.John's
??? 01 Torbay Rd. Convulsions VOISEY John Thomas M C.O.England 3Days Torbay Rd. C.O.E. Cemetery
??? 17 Signal Hill Rd. Convulsions OLSEN Thomas M C.O.England 9Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
??? 17 Belvedere St. Puerperal Septicemia CARTER Elizabeth M F C.O.England 34 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
??? 20 Pilots Hill Tuberculosis MARTIN Seraphim F C.O.England 22 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
??? 01 Adelaide St. Erysipelas MYLER Isabell F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Belvedere
??? 02 Gower St. Old Age AYLWARD William M R.Catholic 84 Ireland Belvedere
??? 04 Topsail Rd. Old Age ONEIL Bridget F R.Catholic 75 Ireland Belvedere
??? 06 Scott St. Old Age DWYER Bridget F R.Catholic 73 St.John's Belvedere
??? 07 Central St. Bronchitis FLYNN Patrick M R.Catholic 62 St.John's Belvedere
??? 09? Dicks Sq. Exaustion HAYES Anastatia F R.Catholic 74 St.John's Belvedere
??? 13 Maxse St. Liver Disease MURPHY Annie F R.Catholic 82 Ireland Belvedere
??? 14 Theatre Hill Pysemia CLANCEY Annie F R.Catholic 46 Ireland Belvedere
??? 14 Queens Rd. Heart Failure BERNEY Michael M R.Catholic 70 Ireland Belvedere
??? 19 Harvey Rd. Tuberculosis RICE Arthur M R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Belvedere
PAGE 32                  
May 21 Kings Rd. Heart Dis. (Brights) HACKETT John M R.Catholic 36 St.John's Belvedere
May 24 New Gower St. Heart Dis. CLARKE Catherine F R.Catholic 45 St.John's Belvedere
May 25 Water St. Pneumonia TRELIGAN Francis M R.Catholic 38 St.John's Belvedere
May 25 Poor Asylum Old Age NEIL John M R.Catholic 75 St.John's Belvedere
May 27 Georges St. Paralysis KELLY Nicholas M R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvedere
May 29 Gower St. Meningitis COTTER Mary C F R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Belvedere
May 30 Hutchings St. Meningitis KENNEDY James M R.Catholic 13 St.John's Belvedere
May 01 Poor Asylum Old Age PEDDLE Johannah F R.Catholic 81 St.Mary's Mount Carmel
May 04 Barron St. Hemorrhage MURPHY James M R.Catholic 43 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 04 Bambrick St. Inft. Debility COOPER Martin M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 05 Signal Hill Heart Dis. GRIFFIN Matthew M R.Catholic 46 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 05 Wood's Lane Accident MAHER Edward M R.Catholic 32 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 08 Bond St. Heart Failure GALLIVAN Johanna F R.Catholic 66 Kerry, Ireland Mount Carmel
May 09 Damerills Lane Poisoning BOLAND Mary F R.Catholic 67 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 12 Boncloddy St. Phthisis WHALEN Patrick M R.Catholic 18Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 12 Powers Ave. Ch. Indigestion MAHER Ellen M F R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
May 12 Poor Asylum Old Age HALL John M R.Catholic 84 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 15 Young St. Pul. Tuberculosis GARDINER Ambrose M R.Catholic 20 Gros. Island Mount Carmel
May 18 George St. Heart Failure CARRIGAN Thomas M R.Catholic 55 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 18 Walsh's Lane Inft. Debility HEARN Nora C F R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
May 19 Signal Hill Consumption DOBBIN David M R.Catholic 38 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 20 Kings Rd. Consumption NICHOLS William M R.Catholic 40 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 20 Insane Asy. Consumption DORAN Mary F R.Catholic 39 Outer Cove Mount Carmel
May 21 Sheehan Shute Consumption HALLEY Clare F R.Catholic 20 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 22 Bannerman St. Bronchitis LEVERMAN Arthur M R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
May 25 Water St. Cancer WALL Richard M R.Catholic 50 Carbonear Mount Carmel
May 25 Colonial St. Abdominal Tumor SULLIVAN Johanah F R.Catholic 62   Bird Island Cove
May 29 Spencer St. Kidney Consumption MINNETTE John M R.Catholic 31 Carbonear Mount Carmel
Apl. 24 Cannes France Pernicious Anemia MACPHERSON Campbell M Methodist 57 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 17 Spencer St. Old Age EVANS Frances F Methodist 80 Bay Roberts S.Army Cemetery
May 02 Flower Hill Pneumonia WILCOX James M Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 07 New Gower St. Senile Decay KEARLEY James M Methodist 68 Bay Roberts Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 21 Stephen St. Pneumonia MILLER Ralph M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 19 Pennywell Rd. Old Age CHANSEY Eliza C F Cong'l 81   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 26 Queens Rd. Cancer on Liver CURTIS Mary C G F Cong'l 59   Cleveland Ohio USA
June 13 Rennies Mill Rd. St.John's Enteric Fever MACPHERSON Emma F Methodist 56 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Feb. 03 Broad Cove La Grippe SHARPE John M R.Catholic 78 Broad Cove Portugal Cove
Mar. 25? Portugal Cove Tub. of Lungs NEARY Mary F R.Catholic 70 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Jan. 01 Lance Cove Pneumonia KENT Mary F R.Catholic 70 Lance Cove Lance Cove
Jan. 05 Bell Island Old Age FITZPATRICK Mary F R.Catholic 76 Bell Island Bell Island
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Jan. 05 Lance Cove Old Age KENT Mary F R.Catholic 78 Lance Cove Lance Cove
Jan. 24 Mines Killed - Accident GOUL Michael M R.Catholic 18 St.John's St.John's
Mar. 25 Mines Phthisis HARVEY Ellen F R.Catholic 37 Kelligrews Kelligrews
Mar. 25 Bell Island Childbirth CURRAN Mary Joe F R.Catholic 37 Bell Island Bell Island
Feb. 16 Mines Convulsions RYAN Catherine F R.Catholic 3M/2W Bell Island Bell Island
June 02 Carters Hill Bronchitis WISEMAN Frank M R.Catholic 15Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 02 White Hills Consumption HENNEBURY Mary A F R.Catholic 14 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 03 Buchannan St. Heart Dis. MURRAY Mary F R.Catholic 46 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 04 Water St. Kidney Dis. KENNEDY George M R.Catholic 50 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 09 Barron St. Convulsions ST.GEORGE Kathleen F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 09 Casey St. Inft. Debility WICKHAM Patrick M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 10 Lunatic Asy. Gastric Fever CLEARY Ellen F R.Catholic 75 Ireland Mount Carmel
June 11 Casey St. Cer. Meningitis TOBIN Lizzie F R.Catholic 6Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
June 12 McKay St. Dropsy BUTLER John M R.Catholic 65 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 15 Quidi Vidi Inft. Debility EWING Allan M R.Catholic 2M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
June 15 Poor Asylum Dropsy WHELEN Robert M R.Catholic 71 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 15 Poor Asylum Old Age KELLY Moses M R.Catholic 81 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 17 Holloway St. Cancer EARLES William M R.Catholic 46 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 18 Gen. Hospital Accident FORD William M R.Catholic 46 Western Bay Mount Carmel
June 19 St.George Hosp. Consumption BRADY Philip M R.Catholic 20 England Mount Carmel
June 21 Flower Hill Tub. Meningitis BARRON Susan F R.Catholic 8 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 25 Flower Hill Inft. Debility MURPHY Stanislaus M R.Catholic 16Mo.? St.John's Mount Carmel
June 26 Quidi Vidi Rd. Consumption ROUD Kathleen F R.Catholic 18 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 27 Pleasant St. Convulsions FITZPATRICK Philip M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
June 30 Fergus Place Poisoned O'GRADY Jeremiah M R.Catholic 75 Prince Ed. Island Mount Carmel
June 30 Hamilton St. Acute Nephritis FINNICUME James M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Mount Carmel
June 30 Buchannan St. Heart Dis. TOBIN James M R.Catholic 63 Har. Grace Mount Carmel
June 12 Central St. Inft. Debility PITCHER Herbert M Methodist 2Days Central St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 17 Monroe St. Convulsions COOPER Walter J M Methodist 9Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 22 Water St. W Consumption BENNETT Howard L M Methodist 1 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 03 Pleasant St. Undescribed MURRAY Sarah P F Methodist 12 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 15 Died on train near Whitbourne Convulsions PELLY Florence F Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 21 Hamilton Ave. Consumption TUCKER Elsie F Methodist 19 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 08 North Battery Apoplexy REID Joseph M Methodist 63 Lower Island Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 13 Rennies M. Rd. Enteric Fever MACPHERSON Emma F Methodist 56 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 17 Parade St. Convulsions GILES Laura W F Methodist 5Days St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 27 Lime St. Chronic Nephritis COOPER William J M Methodist 3M/2W St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
May 31 Rennies M. Rd. Gen. Paralysis DICKINSON Selina F C.O.England 55? St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 02 Miltary Rd. Endocarditis RENDELL Edward M M C.O.England 21 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 05 Barnes Rd. Cancer HUNT James G M C.O.England 53 Devon England C.O.E. Cemetery
PAGE 34                  
June 07 Plymouth Rd. Pneumonia GROVES Max M C.O.England 14Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 19 Gower St. Acute Bronchitis GREEN Robert B M C.O.England 6Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 28 Cochrane St. Old Age HUMBY Richard M C.O.England 83 Bonavista Bay C.O.E. Cemetery
June 09 Convent Sq. Cancer of Breast HARDING Isabel F C.O.England 44 Kelligrews St.John's
June 10 Henry St. Scarlet Fever SEARLE Elizabeth M F C.O.England 13Y/6M St.John's St.John's
June 09 Fling's Lane Convulsions ALLEN Ada F C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's St.John's
June 16 Flower Hill Meningitis STONE Agnes F C.O.England 3Y/6M St.John's St.John's
June 22 Hayward's Ave. Tuberculosis CHAPMAN George M C.O.England 23 St.John's St.John's
June 24 Riverview St.John's Cardiac Syncope WHITEWAY William Valance M C.O.England 80 Devonshire Eng. St.John's
Mar. 19 Torbay Tuber. of Lungs CODNER John A M C.O.England 2 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 24 Torbay Tuber. of Lungs EUSTACE William M C.O.England 23 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 29 Torbay Bronchitis COLE Grace F C.O.England 2Y/6M Torbay Torbay
Apl. 01 Pond Cove Gastric Allen[sic] GROUCHY Minnie F C.O.England 27 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Apl. 03 Pond Cove Tub. Consump. BRAGG Mary Ann F C.O.England 31 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 28 Torbay Tub. Consump. CODNER Violet B F C.O.England 3 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Apl. 10 Bell Island Pneumonia HANN Albert M C.O.England 9 Bell Island St.Philips
Apl. 16 Portugal Cove Pul. Tuberculosis GREELEY Charles M C.O.England 26 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 10 Bell Island Pneumonia W?ILLER Walter M C.O.England 2 Bell Island Portugal Cove
Apl. 19 St.Philips Pul. Tuberculosis BRADBURY Emma F C.O.England 71 Upper Isld.Cove St.Philips
June 04 St.Philips Pluero Pneumonia TUCKER Jane F C.O.England 67 St.Philips St.Philips
June 10 Portugal Cove Tuber.Anaemia PICCO Thomas M C.O.England 50 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 17 Portugal Cove Bronchitis MILLER William J M C.O.England 6Weeks Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Apl. 03 The Goulds Brain Fever NE?GRIDGE George V M C.O.England 39 The Goulds The Goulds
June 13 Petty Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis CHAFE David A M C.O.England 29 Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Apl. 13 Beach Belle Isle Measles NOSEWORTHY Clement M C.O.England 6Y/6M Hr.Grace Beach
May 24 Beach Belle Isle Measles BENNETT Clara F C.O.England 12 Beach Bell Isl. Beach
June 02 Lance Cove Bronchitis BICKFORD Thomas M C.O.England 7Weeks Lance Cove Lance Cove
June 01 Water St. Consumption SUMMERS John M R.Catholic 55 St.John's Belvedere
Apl. 16 Belvedere Orphng. Consumption RYAN Mary F R.Catholic 13 St.John's Belvedere
June 04 Job St. Cancer FINN John M R.Catholic 78 Ireland Belvedere
June 08 Poor Asylum Insanity QUINN Nicholas M R.Catholic 69 St.John's Belvedere
June 06 Belvedere Orphng. Consumption MUNEY? Bridget F R.Catholic 26 St.John's Belvedere
June 09 Topsail Rd. Anaemia NEVILLE Patrick M R.Catholic 13 St.John's Belvedere
June 12 Colonial St. Chronic Bronchitis CARBERRY Edward M R.Catholic 70 St.John's Belvedere
June 13 Pennywell Rd. Chronic Myocarditis COURISH Catherine F R.Catholic 68 St.John's Belvedere
June 16 Poor Asylum Dropsy KING John M R.Catholic 75 St.John's Belvedere
June 22 Water St. Inft. Debility HALLEY Mary E F R.Catholic 1Mo. St.John's Belvedere
June 27 Codners Lane Chronic Myocarditis HOFFMAN Charles M R.Catholic 77 St.John's Belvedere
June 30 Mullock St. Tub. Meningitis MAHONEY John M R.Catholic 9 St.John's Belvedere
PAGE 35                  
Apr. 03 Torbay Inft. Debility BRADBURY Anne F R.Catholic 6Mo. Torbay Torbay
Apr. 12 Torbay Throat Trouble CULLEN Ellen F R.Catholic 2 Torbay Torbay
Apr. 27 Torbay Stomach Trougle MCGRATH Nicholas M R.Catholic 1Y/6M Torbay Torbay
Apr. 27 St.John's Childbirth CROCKER Bella F R.Catholic 19 Torbay Torbay
May 30 Torbay Dropsy KELLY Elizabeth F R.Catholic 13 Torbay Torbay
May 01 Kilbride Heart Trouble BRENNAN Stephan M R.Catholic 46 Kilbride Kilbride
June 19 Kilbride Inft. Debility TRACY Peter M R.Catholic 2Weeks Kilbride Kilbride
Jan. 03 Bauline Old Age KING Robert M Methodist 81   Bauline
Jan. 08 Biscay Cove Inft. Debility MULLEY Allan M Methodist 2Mo. Biscayan Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 02 Pouch Cove Asthma NEWELL William M Methodist 55 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Feb. 19 Bell Island Anaemia TAYLOR Frederick H M Methodist 61 Carbonear Bell Island
Mar. 12 Pouch Cove Inft. Debility NOSEWORTHY William M Methodist 1 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Mar. 24 Portugal Cove Childbirth MITCHELL Ellen F Methodist 28 Pouch Cove Portugal Cove
Apr. 13 Bauline Inft. Debility LE GROW Thomas S M Methodist 2Mo. Bauline Bauline
May 30 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility KING William M Methodist 7Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 18 Goodview St. Pul. Tuberculosis KENNEDY Edith F Methodist 7 Catalina Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 19 Gen. Hospital Pneumonia YATE Ida Blanche F Methodist 20 New Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apr. 08 Wabana Bell Isld. Bronchitis BLACKMORE Winifred Kate F S.Army 6Y/6M Wabana Wabana
June 04 LeMarchant Rd. Inft. Debility CLARKE George M S.Army 6Weeks LeMarchant Rd. S.Army Cemetery
June 10 LeMarchant Rd. Convulsions CLARKE Alice F S.Army 6Weeks LeMarchant Rd. S.Army Cemetery
June 19 Bell Island Bronchitis BLACKMORE Herbert H M S.Army 5Mo. Bell Island Bell Island
June 20 Cabot St. Consumption ROWE Dougal M S.Army 33 Catalina S.Army Cemetery
July 14 Plymouth Rd. Convulsions MERCER Carrie M F C.O.England 15Days St.John's St.John's
July 02 Notre Dame St. Pleurisy BUTLER Thomas M R.Catholic 54 Torbay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 02 Murray St. Old Age KEOUGH Mary F R.Catholic 84 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 02 Merry Meeting Rd. Paralysis WISEMAN Mary A F R.Catholic 55 St.Mary's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 07 William St. Old Age BYRNE Margaret F R.Catholic 88 Spaniard's Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 07 Notre Dame St. Cons. of Lungs QUINLAN Sarah Jane F R.Catholic 42 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 08 Bannerman St. Ricketts DOOLEY John M R.Catholic 2Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 10 College Sq. Inft. Debility RICHARDSON Mary F R.Catholic 7Weeks St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 12 Poor Asylum Old Age FAHEY Andrew M R.Catholic 83 Western Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 17 New Gower St. Inft. Debility WALSH Bridget F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 18 Mullock St. Inft. Debility MILLER John P M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 18 Poor Asylum Old Age O'REILLY Patrick M R.Catholic 83 Renews Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 18 Gormans Lane Inft. Debility CHAPTER Leo M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 19 Nunnery Hill Heart Failure KANE Johanna F R.Catholic 75 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 19 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility HOLLETT Clara F R.Catholic 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 21 Signal Hill Rd. Inft. Debility SMITH Joseph M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 21 Wood St. Inft. Debility GROUCHY Eli M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 22 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility HOLLETT Josephine F R.Catholic 5Weeks St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 36                  
July 25 Cabot St. Inft. Debility DUKE James M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
July 26 Lyons Sq. Inft. Debility POWER William M R.Catholic 6Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
July 30 Danford St. Paralysis BARNES Richard M R.Catholic 90 St.John's Mount Carmel
July 10 Freshwater Rd. Cervical Adenitis DWYER Mary F Methodist 2 Freshwater Rd. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 22 Lime St. Pul. Phthisis EVANS Thomas M Methodist 53 Bay Roberts Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 28 Spencer St. Marasmus REID Olive Edith F Methodist 5Mo. Spencer St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 07 George St. Convulsions TAYLOR Willis M Methodist 1Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 01 Battery Meningitis DRODGE Louisa F Methodist 1 Battery Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 11 Hayward Ave Diabetes YOUNG Julia F Methodist 57 Greenspond Gen. Prot. Cemetery
June 01 Signal Hill Old Age BROWN Maria F C.O.England 97 St.John's St.John's
June 04 Southside Inft. Debility TAYLOR William R M C.O.England 5Mo. St.John's St.John's
June 13 John St. Inft. Debility COLE Cyril H M C.O.England 3Days St.John's St.John's
June 20 Springdale St. Blood Poisoning CHAFE George E M C.O.England 15Y/6M St.John's St.John's
June 21 Southside Meningitis LIDSTONE Noah W M C.O.England 16 St.John's St.John's
July 04 Fergus Place Arterio Sclerosis MAHER Johannah F R.Catholic 74 Ireland Belvedere
July 05 Patrick St. Myocarditis HOPKINS Margaret F R.Catholic 60 St.John's Belvedere
July 08 Freshwater Rd. Tuberculosis O'NEIL Agnes F R.Catholic 30 St.John's Belvedere
July 10 Wood St. Old Age MURPHY Patrick M R.Catholic 78 St.John's Belvedere
July 16 Patrick St. Ursemia Coma JACKMAN Rev. Wm. M R.Catholic 43 St.John's Belvedere
July 17 Monkstown Rd. Chronic Endocarditis HALLERAN Catherine F R.Catholic 87 St.John's Belvedere
July 17 Blind River Ont. Sun Stroke ASHLEY John M R.Catholic 26 St.John's Belvedere
July 22 Water St. W Cancer of Stomach CULLEN Hannah F R.Catholic 62 St.John's Belvedere
July 22 Cochrane St. Heart Dis. CARTY Paul M R.Catholic 80 Ireland Belvedere
July 24 Fever Hospital Scarlet Fever CANTWELL Minnie F R.Catholic 16Mo. St.John's Belvedere
July 25 Stephen St. Chol.Infantum POWELL Edward M R.Catholic 11Mo. St.John's Belvedere
July 27 Georges St. Inft. Debility CHAFE John M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Belvedere
July 29 Wickford St. Old Age CONNORS John M R.Catholic 84 St.John's Belvedere
July 30 Cochrane St. Myocarditis DOOLEY James M R.Catholic 88 St.John's Belvedere
July 31 Barters Hill Meningitis MCCORMACK Angus M R.Catholic 6Y/9M St.John's Belvedere
June 30 William St. Pul. Phthisis EDNEY Albert S M C.O.England 6 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 14 Plymouth Rd. Inft. Debility MERCER Carrie M F C.O.England 15Days St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 17 LeMarchant Rd. Inft. Debility WOOD Arthur T M C.O.England 9Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 24 Hunts Lane Inft. Debility MURRAY Wallace C M C.O.England 9Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 27 Signal Hill Rd. Inft. Debility DOWDEN Mary N F C.O.England 4Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 30 Quidi Vidi Rd. Inft. Debility HISCOCK Susan F C.O.England 3Weeks St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 31 Southside Inft. Debility WHITTEN Marjory L F C.O.England 7Weeks St.John's  
Aug. 16 Brazils Sq. Pernicious Anemia JONES Miriam? F C.O.England 46 Bonavista  
Aug. 20 Southside Consumption MORGAN Mary F C.O.England 28 St.John's  
Aug. 20 Southside Inft. Debility MORGAN Charles M C.O.England 2Mo. St.John's  
Aug. 21 Water St. W Heart Dis. COLTON Ethelbert M C.O.England 49 St.John's  
PAGE 37                  
Aug. 24 Plymouth Rd. Asthma WILSON John L M C.O.England 72 Yorkshire  
Aug. 10 Young St. Meningitis PIPPY Hubert M C.O.England 2Y/6M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 19 Gill Place Inft. Debility HOLWELL William J M C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 20 White Hills Inft. Debility HEALE Lottie M F C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 21 Robinsons Hill Carcimonia[sic] WINTER Emily J E F C.O.England 55 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 27 Kings Rd. Cancer GEAR Charles M C.O.England 63 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 27 Bond St. Heart Failure PIKE William S M C.O.England 53 Har. Grace Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 30 Powers Ave. Inft. Debility PRETTY Walter M C.O.England 8Mo. Dildo Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 01 Casey St. Enteritis BYRNE James M R.Catholic 1 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 02 Carew St. Consumption HEALEY Andrew M R.Catholic 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 03 Majors Path Inft. Debility THOMAS Patrick M R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 03 Gower St. Apoplexy PEDDLE Patrick M R.Catholic 54 Brigus Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 03 Hamilton St. Consumption CASSIDY Helen M F R.Catholic 18 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 04 Poor Asylum Old Age HANNAGAN Johannah F R.Catholic 70 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 05 Colonial St. Hemorrhage LANDY Edward M R.Catholic 38 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 06 Cabot St. Prem. Birth DUKE Baby F R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 07 Codners Lane Tuberculosis WALSH Annie F R.Catholic 43 Catalina Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 07 S.A. Hospital Prem. Birth MURPHY Walter M R.Catholic 9Hours St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 07 Power St. Inft. Debility PITTMAN Mary A F R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 08 Alexander St. Inft. Debility GALGAY Robert M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 10 Water St. W Inft. Debility SHEEHAN Luke M R.Catholic 14Days St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 10 Glace Bay Kidney Dis. SHEA William M R.Catholic 65 Cupids Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 11 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility LARKIN Stanley M R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 11 Bond St. Paralysis HAYDEN Martin M R.Catholic 73 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 11 Georges St. Inft. Debility BRENNAN John T M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 12 Chapel St. Inft. Debility BENNETT Robert M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 14 Bond St. Inft. Debility WALSH George M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 15 Brennan St. Enteritis WALSH Peter L M R.Catholic 1 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 17 Brennan St. Inft. Debility MCALLISTER Katie F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 17 Brennan St. Inft. Debility MARCH Robert M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 18 Boathouse Lane Inft. Debility DEERE Magdelen F R.Catholic 5Weeks St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 18 College Sq. Inft. Debility MALONE Willis M R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 19 Battery Rd. Inft. Debility JARVIS Mary B F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 20 New Gower St. Tuberculosis SPRATT Genevieve F R.Catholic 2 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 21 Southside W Inft. Debility RYAN Mary J F R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 22 John St. Inft. Debility POWER Willis M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 25 Flemming St. Inft. Debility MERRY James M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 25 Belvedere St. Inft. Debility DALTON Mary F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 25 Mullock St. Prem. Birth HAYES Baby M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 25 New Gower St. Chol.Infantum CHANNING Charles M R.Catholic 2Y/3M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 38                  
Aug. 26 John St. Inft. Debility POWER Rose F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Aug. 27 Seamans Home Apoplexy CAREW Patrick M R.Catholic 42 Cape Broyle Mount Carmel
Aug. 29 College Sq. Inft. Debility PRICE Thomas M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Aug. 30 Battery Rd. Consumption COLLINS Molly F R.Catholic 14Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Aug. 31 Mullock St. Consumption RYAN Michael M R.Catholic 52 St.John's Mount Carmel
Aug. 31 Water St. W Convulsions SHEEHAN Thomas M R.Catholic 5Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Aug. 04 Poor Asylum Old Age MORRIS Edward M R.Catholic 85? St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 07 Pleasant St. Still Born WALL Child of John M R.Catholic S.Born St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 10 Gower St. Inft. Debility TREMBLETT William R M R.Catholic 14Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 10 Carters Hill Prem. Birth WALSH Anastatia F R.Catholic 6Days St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 12 Carters Hill Prem. Birth WALSH Johannah F R.Catholic 8Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 13 Dicks Sq. Inft. Debility KELLY William M R.Catholic 5Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 14 Flower Hill Inft. Debility SAUNDERS Roland M R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 18 Brien St. Inft. Debility JACKMAN Alice F R.Catholic 9Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 18 Water St. Gastritis MCGRATH Margaret F R.Catholic 9Y/6M St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 19 Allan's Sq. Gastric Ulceration MAHER Annie F R.Catholic 21 St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 20 Corner of Hamilton & Patrick Syncople[sic] BARRON Mary F F R.Catholic 48 St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 01 Cabot St. Inft. Convulsions EVERETT Millicent L F C.O.England 1Y/6M St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 06 Barron St. Gastro Enteritis STICK John Weldon M C.O.England 1 St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 01 Cambridge Mass. Heart Dis. PIPPY Hannah F C.O.England 52 St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 10 Carters Hill Erythema IVANY George M C.O.England 80 Trinity Belvedere
Aug. 22 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility SALT Constance E F C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 26 Monroe St. Heart Failure JANES Joseph M C.O.England 54 Trinity Belvedere
Aug. 28 Gower St. Inft. Debility ANDREWS Charles E M C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Aug. 05 Long's Hill Inft. Debility FLEET William J M Methodist 6Mo. Barnes Rd. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 14 Livingstone St. Sarcoma of Liver MORRIS John M Methodist 62 Trinity Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 13 Field St. Cancer of Bowels ROGERS Priscella F Methodist 65 Lower Island Cove Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 28 Parade St. Pul. Tuberculosis EVANS Herbert M Methodist 29 Bay Roberts Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 27 Gen. Hospital Consumption BRAGG John M M Methodist 25 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 29 New Gower St. Old Age WILKENSON Charlotte F Methodist 80 Clarkes Bch. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 21 Duckworth St. Anaemia COWPERTHWAITE Annie F Methodist 60 Scotland Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 16 Spencer St. Pulmonatis[sic] COOPER Thomas M Methodist 54 Old Perlican Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 08 Southside Brain Fever SHAWNER John G M Methodist 2Y/6M South Side Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 15 Signal Hill Hosp. Abscess on Lung WAREHAM Flora F Methodist 22 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 16 Southside Inft. Debility GOOBY Mildred F Methodist 4Mo. South Side Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 21 Hagerty's Lane Consumption PARSONS Maud F Methodist 2 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 28 Seamans Home Tuberculosis EASTON Robert M Methodist 48 Greenspond Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Apl. 03 ? Goulds Consumption HEARN Michael M R.Catholic 78 Goulds Goulds
May 22 Petty Hr. Consumption HOPKINS Jane F R.Catholic 83 Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
June 11 Petty Hr. Consumption STACK Mrs. Amy? F R.Catholic 54 Brigus S Petty Harbour
PAGE 39                  
Aug. 02 Pleasant St. Cancer of Liver PROWSE William P M Methodist 63 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 23 Southside Inft. Debility SNOW George CY M Methodist 6mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 19 Hamilton St. Diabetes FREEMAN Robert W M Methodist 60 Sheffield Eng. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 02 Patrick St. Brights Dis. GRACE Mary F R.Catholic 68 Bay de Verde Mount Carmel
Sep. 02 Pleasant St. Inft. Debility WALSH Richard M R.Catholic 7M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 04 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility KING Joseph M R.Catholic 3Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 04 Goodview St. Inft. Debility EVOY Annie F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 04 Kings Bridge Inft. Debility DOOLEY Florence M F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 04 Bannerman St. Chol.Infantum LEVERMAN Stella F R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 04 Barters Hill Inft. Debility COLLINS Edward M R.Catholic 10Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 07 Kings Rd. Consumption WALSH Bridget F R.Catholic 50 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 09 Georges St. Consumption DAVIS Catherine F R.Catholic 23 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 08 Gen. Hospital Dysentery PEARSON Patrick M R.Catholic 45 Paradise Mount Carmel
Sep. 11 Lime St. Inft. Debility YETMAN Ellen F R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 12 Gower St. Chol.Infantum COLEMAN Nora F R.Catholic 1Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 12 Water St. W Endocarditis WHITE Mary F R.Catholic 75 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 12 Water St. W Old Age PENDERGAST Thomas M R.Catholic 75 Fermeuse Mount Carmel
Sep. 12 Gen. Hospital Scalded Accident DONOVAN Edward M R.Catholic 3Y/6M St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 13 Duckworth St. Inft. Debility PARSLEY Edward M R.Catholic 6Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 14 Portugal Cove Rd. Heart Dis. LAWLOR John M R.Catholic 57 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 14 Brine St. Inft. Debility MCGRATH James M R.Catholic 1Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 14 Sheehan Shute Cancer of Liver KAVANAGH Thomas M R.Catholic 61 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 16 Pennywell Rd. Consumption BRODERICK William M R.Catholic 28 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 16 John St. Inft. Debility GRILLS Dermott M M R.Catholic 2M/2W St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 15 Monkstown Rd. Inft. Debility HOOKEY John M R.Catholic 6Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 17 Merry Meeting Rd. Pul. Tuberculosis MCKAY Mary F R.Catholic 10 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 18 Adelaide St. Inft. Debility KIDNEY Patrick M R.Catholic 8Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 18 Duggan St. Inft. Debility KENNEDY Catherine F R.Catholic 5Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 18 Patrick St. Heart Dis. CLEARY John M R.Catholic 53 St.Kyrans Mount Carmel
Sep. 19 Princes St. Inft. Debility WALSH Thomas M R.Catholic 2Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 21 McFarlane St. Prem. Birth STAFFORD Baby M R.Catholic P.B. St.John's Mount Carmel
        Parents Names : John & Margaret          
Sep. 24 Mundy Pd. Rd. Inft. Debility WADDEN Mary A F R.Catholic 4Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 27 McFarlane St. Consumption KING Mary F R.Catholic 23 St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 27 Fleming St. Inft. Debility ROGERSON Evelyn F R.Catholic 4Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 28 Flower Hill Inft. Debility ENGLISH Edward M R.Catholic 11Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 28 Merry Meeting Rd. Inft. Debility REYNOLDS Willis M R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 29 Water St. Inft. Debility WILLIAMS Jeanette F R.Catholic 7Mo. St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 30 Queens Rd. Inft. Debility WHALEN Michael M R.Catholic 3Weeks St.John's Mount Carmel
Sep. 30 Goodview St. Consumption MURPHY Sarah F R.Catholic 46 St.John's Mount Carmel
Apl. 15 Bell Island Inft. Debility BYRNE Edward Bernard M R.Catholic 6Mo. Beach Beach
PAGE 40                  
Sep. 03 Cochrane St. Intussusception STABB Henry John M C.O.England 70 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 01 Greenspond Heart Failure HUTCHINS Philip M C.O.England 69 England C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 11 Fever Hospital Typhoid Fever BUTLER Susannah F C.O.England 38 Bay Roberts C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 14 Quidi Vidi Enteritis FIELD Elizabeth Naomi F C.O.England 1Y/6M Quidi Vidi C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 14 Barnes Rd. Inft. Debility CHURCHILL George R M C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 17 Circular Rd. Inft. Debility EWING Rita Frances F C.O.England 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 29 McNeily St. Inft. Debility BARMORE Peter Peran? M C.O.England 4Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 03 St.Philips Heart Failure SQUIRES Jacob M C.O.England 75 St.Philips St.Philips
Aug. 14 St.Philips Old Age BRADBURY Nathaniel M C.O.England 76 Upper Is.Cove St.Philips
Aug. 20 Portugal Cove Pul.Tuberculosis HUR?EY Jonathan M C.O.England 65 Upper Is.Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 24 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility PICCO Samuel M C.O.England 3Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 24 St.Philips Pul. Tuberculosis TUCKER Algernon? M C.O.England 14Mo. St.Philips St.Philips
May 17 Bell Island Mines Brain Fever CARBAGE Joseph M R.Catholic 5 Bell Is. Mines Bell Island
May 23 Bell Island Mines Inft. Debility MCLEAN Ellen F R.Catholic 2Mo. Bell Is. Mines Bell Island
May 25 Bell Island Mines Measles LEWIS Clarissa F R.Catholic 2Y/6M Bell Is. Mines Bell Island
June 20 Bell Island Mines Killed by Accident LAHEY Michael M R.Catholic 18 Lance Cove Bell Island
June 07 Bell Island Phthisis CUMMINS Bridget F R.Catholic 18 Bell Island Bell Island
June 17 Cove Rd. Convulsions SKEANS Mary F R.Catholic 1 Bell Island Portugal Cove
June 23 Portugal Cove Tub. Meningitis BULGER James M R.Catholic 5Y/6M Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 28 Cove Rd. Heart Dis. ALISON Mary F R.Catholic 48 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 14 Portugal Cove Inft. Debility HANLON Mogue F R.Catholic 11Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 02 Southside Inft. Debility WAREHAM Flora F Methodist 1Mo. St.John's Portugal Cove
Sep. 06 Gen. Hospital Inflamation HALLOHAN Samuel M Methodist 70 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 14 Southside Old Age DOVE Mary F Methodist 72 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 14 New Gower St. Inft. Debility KEARLEY Isaac G M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 20 Cuddihy St. Consumption JACKSON Emma F Methodist 11Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 20 Central St. Inft. Debility PITCHER Hilda F Methodist 3Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 25 Dammerils Lane Inft. Debility TAYLOR John M Methodist 5Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 28 Barters Hill Consumption POTTLE Lavinia F Methodist 29 St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 29 Casey St. Inft. Debility PARSONS Thomas M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 30 Casey St. Inft. Debility HUSTINS Harold G M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 07 Cabot St. Tub. Peritonitis SKEINS Charles M M Methodist 13Mo. Cabot St. Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 08 Southside Consumption BALL William S M Methodist 27 Bonne Bay Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 12 Long's Hill Inft. Debility GILL Fred W M Methodist 4Mo. Longs Hill Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 21 Gower St. Fracture of Hip PIKE Lavinia J F Methodist 78 Carbonear Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 08 St.John's Tuberculosis DWYER Mary F Cong'l 2   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Aug. 14 St.John's Paralysis CHANCEY Eliza F Cong'l 82   Winthrop Mass.
Aug. 21 Carbonear Appendicitis WHITELY Margaret F Cong'l 8   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
Sep. 18 Carbonear Old Age BARNES Hannah F Cong'l 77   Gen. Prot. Cemetery
July 31 Outer Cove Old Age DORAN Margaret F R.Catholic 82 Outer Cove Torbay

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2011)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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