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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

St. Barbe District
1907 - 1910

Book 4
PAGES 360 - 374

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 360                
Jan 1 Norris Point Whooping Cough LAING Clyde Church of England 4 mos Norris Point Norris Point
Jan 3 Curzon Village Peritonitis INGRAM Sarah Church of England 63 Burgeo Woody Pt.
Jan 18 Silverton Brain Trouble UPWARD Frances B. Church of England 5 1/2 Silverton Birchy Head
Oct 3 Birchy Head Old age WIGHT Alfred Church of England 85 Carbonear Birchy Head
Oct 7 Cow Head Heart Disease PAYNE George W. Church of England 17 Cow Head Cow Head
Oct 15 Woody Point La Grippe ROBERTS Basil R. Church of England 4 5/12 Woody Point Woody Pt.
Oct 25 Neddy's Hr.   RUMBOLDT Thos Church of England 77 Nfld Norris Point
Mar 5 Norris Point Blood Poison LAING Harriet Church of England 51 Nfld Norris Point
Mar 27 Parsons Pond Gen. Debility BLANCHARD Jno F.S. Church of England 10 mos Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Jan 3 Jacksons Arm Marasmus COMBDEN Mary Church of England 1 day Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Jan 13 Southern Arn Gen. Debility POLLARD Thos Church of England 2 Southern Arm Seal Cove
Jan 24 Beaches Pul. Tuberculosis OSBOURNE Leah Church of England 27 Western Cove River Head
Apr 5 Southern Arn Puerperal Fever POLLARD Catherine Church of England 25 Bears Cove Seal Cove
Mar 3 Western Head Gen. Debility TUCKER Harold Methodist 2 Western Head Western Head
Mar 11 Western Head Gen. Debility BARRETT Ernset T. Methodist 1 Western Head Western Head
Feb 4 Pacquet Gen. Debility MITCHELL Mary Methodist 5 mos Pacquet Pacquet
Jan 22 Curzon Village Old age HALFYARD George Methodist 76 Curzon Village Curzon Village
Jan 4 Shoal Brook Scarlatina MCAULY Alice M. Methodist 10 mos Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Jan 12 Norris Point Whooping Cough HISCOCKS Delia G. Methodist 2 Norris Point Norris Point
May 22 Curzon Village Bright's Disease TUFF Violet B. Methodist 20 Curzon Village Curzon Village
Apr 3 Little Braha Heart Trouble COLBOURNE Sarah Methodist 45   Little Braha
May 12 Big Braha Gen. Debility PATAY George T. Methodist 13 ? Big Braha Big Braha
May 12 St. Anthony Bight Gen. Debility SUMMERS Costa B. Methodist 2 mos St. Anthony Bight St. Anthony Bight
Apr 7 Griquet Gen. Debility EARLE Ethel B. Methodist 10 mos Griquet Griquet
Jan 5 Castor River Gen. Debility HUMBER Stephen Church of England 9 days Castor River Current Island
Jan 26 Cape Norman Gen. Debility FIELD Walter Church of England 2 ? Cape Norman Cape Norman
Feb 3 St. Karles Pneumonia KINSELLA Thomas Church of England 3 ? St. Karles St. Karles
Feb 3 Griquet Gen. Debility YOUNG George Church of England 3 ? Griquet Griquet
Feb 7 Hare Bay Tuberculosis PATAY John C. Church of England 40 Locks Cove Locks Cove
Feb 8 Sandy Bay Tuberculosis COLES Martha J. Church of England 5 hrs Sandy Bay Savage Cove
Feb 28 Bear Cove Child Birth GAULTON Kezia Church of England 1 day Bears Cove Flowers Cove
Mar 5 Greens Isld Brook Tuberculosis MACEY John Church of England 2 yrs Greens Isld Brook Eddys Cove
Mar 8 Currrent Island Tuberculosis CAINS Elizabeth Church of England 15 Shoal Cove Black Duck Cove
Feb 25 Locks Cove Tuberculosis ANDREWS Sarah Church of England 24 Locks Cove Locks Cove
Apr 9 Ha Ha Bay Unknown PYNN Caleb Church of England 8 Quirpon Ha Ha Bay
Apr 22 Ha Ha Bay Tuberculosis PYNN Phoebe Church of England 25 Quirpon Ha Ha Bay
Apr 23 Griquet Burned SNOW Violet Church of England 7 Griquet Griquet
Mar 25 Daniels Hr. Convulsions GINCHARD Caroline Church of England 8 days Daniels Hr Daniels Hr
Mar 27 Parsons Pond Unknown BLANCHARD Lawrence Church of England 6 Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Mar 10 Daniels Hr. Convulsions HOUSE Elizabeth M. Church of England 5 Daniels Hr Daniels Hr
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Apr 23 Daniels Hr. Unknown JEFFERSON Herbert T. Church of England 5 3/4 Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
May 11 Trout River Nephritis SHAW George W.A. Church of England 10 Trout River Trout River
May 22 Norris Point Old age CLARK Patience Church of England 83 Newfoundland Norris Point
May 7 Keppel Island Old age PIKE Thomas Church of England 93 Newfoundland Port Saunders
May 30 Daniels Hr. Bronchitis PERRY William Church of England 76 Newfoundland Daniels Hr.
June 17 Cow Head Convulsions VINCENT Sarah J. Church of England 3 weeks Cow Head Cow Head
May 17 Rocky Hr. Unknown SMITH Naonai Church of England 4 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
June 13 Daniels Hr. Convulsions RUMBOLDT Leonard E. Church of England 1/2 mon Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
June 25 Cow Head Unknown PAYNE Minnie M. Church of England 10 mos Cow Head Cow Head
Apr 5 Southern Arm Pneumonia POLLARD Catherine Church of England 27 Back Cove Seal Cove
May 4 Middle Arm Consumption RICKETTS Elizabeth Church of England 17 Middle Arm Bear Cove
Nov 3, 1906 Great Hr. Deep Gen. Debility LODER Matthias Church of England 1 mon Great Hr. Deep Great Hr. Deep
May 29 Rocky Hr. La Grippe WRIGHT George R. Salvation Army 1 mon Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
July 28 Parsons Pond Inft. Debility FRANCIS Walter Jesse Church of England 2 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Aug 9 Norris Point Pul. Tuberculosis LAING Thomas Church of England 17 Norris Point Norris Point
June 10 Grands Oies Blood Poison JOHNSON Benj. Roman Catholic 75 Grands Oies St. Julian
Mar 21 Groais Island Consumption RYAN Thomas W. Roman Catholic 21 Groais Island Groais Island
May 8 Groais Island Indigestion BALOT Leo Roman Catholic 14 mos Groais Island Groais Island
July 7 Conche Inft. Debility DOWER Helen M. Roman Catholic 1 day Conche Conche
July 6 Goose Cove Paralysis SEXTON Timothy Roman Catholic 14 Goose Cove Goose Cove
July 5 Goose Cove Inft. Debility FITZPATRICK Mary A. Roman Catholic 1 day Goose Cove Goose Cove
May 27 Goose Cove Heart Disease SEXTON James Roman Catholic 23 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Apr 9 Conche Cancer PYNE Thomas J. Roman Catholic 71 Conche Conche
Aug 15 Duggans Cove Puerperal Fever RANDELL Clara Methodist 21 Whooping Hr. Duggans Cove
Sept 1 St. Anthony Tuberculosis PELLEY Ambrose R. Methodist 8 days St. Anthony St. Anthony
Sept 1 St. Anthony Tuberculosis PELLEY Helen Methodist 21 St. Anthony St. Anthony
July 24 Bear Cove Marasmus RICE Florence Church of England 12 days Bear Cove Bear Cove
Aug 24 Sopps Island Phthisis GALE Sarah Ann Church of England 14 Sopps Island Sopps Island
Apr 3 Flowers Cove Scarlatina PILGRIM Norris Methodist 4 mos Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Apr 16 Flowers Cove Scarlet Fever VAY Martha Methodist 5 Flower's Cove Flower's Cove
Oct 28 Lunatic Asylum Pneumonia RENDELL Adam Church of England?? 55 Harbour Deep C of E Cemetery St. John's
June 6 Anchor Point Inft. Debility GENGE Edward Church of England 1 day Anchor Point Anchor Point
June 28 Sandy Bay Gravel or Stone COLES Harris Church of England 2 mos Sandy Bay Savage Cove
Aug 2 Gargamelle Unknown LANGDON William Church of England 66 England Anchor Point
Aug 26 Pines Cove Inft. Debility CRANE Archibald Church of England 3 days Pines Cove Greens Isl Cove
Oct 6 Battle Hr. Brights Disease PARREL Thomas Church of England 24 Pines Cove Savage Cove
Oct 22 Greens Island Cove Old age MITCHELMORE Thomas Church of England 82 Greens Isl Cove Greens Isl Cove
Oct 27 Black Duck Cove Old age DREDGE Philip Church of England 70 Black Duck Cove Anchor Point
Nov 25 Anchor Point Scarlatina GENGE Joanna Church of England 10 Anchor Point Anchor Point
Dec 22 Roddickton Old age JOHNSON William Church of England 76   Roddickton
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Apr 13 Norris Point Consumption KENNEDY Julianne Roman Catholic 54 Bay of Islands Norris Point
Apr 19 Bonne Bay Old age KENNEDY Anne Roman Catholic 74 Carbonear Bonne Bay
May 24 Bonne Bay Consumption NEVILLE William Roman Catholic 30 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
June 5 Port Saunders Consumption BUTT Mary Roman Catholic 42 Port Saunders Port Saunders
July 23 Bartletts Hr. Pleurisy MYERS Thomas Roman Catholic 50 Chapels Cove Ferrole
July 28 Port Saunders Consumption PLOUGHMAN Carrie Roman Catholic 52 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Nov 12 Conche Paralysis POWER Helen Roman Catholic 90 Conche Conche
Nov 28 Conche Jaundice PYNE Mary Roman Catholic 74 St. John St. John
Dec 19 Croque Consumption HOPE Patrick Roman Catholic 52 Croque Croque
Jan 20 Fleur de Lys Old age NOFTALL Elizabeth Roman Catholic 79 Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
Feb 3 Fleur de Lys Old age WALSH Bridget Roman Catholic 75 Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
Feb 17 Coachmans Consumption TRAVERSE Richard Roman Catholic 27 Coachmans Coachmans
May 28 Fleur de Lys Old age WALSH John Roman Catholic 76 Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
May 28 N.W.Arm Cove Exposure CLARKE Thomas Roman Catholic 55 Carbonear N.W. Arm N.D.B.
June 7 Tilt Cove Bronchitis GRAY Richard Roman Catholic 84 Stia Thally Tilt Cove
June 12 West Country Cove Old age HAAS Francois Roman Catholic 93 Binic Brents Cove
Oct 3 Coachmans Scarletina DOWNEY Ambrose Roman Catholic 4 Coachmans Coachmans
Oct 26 Fleur de Lys Scarletina LEWIS James Roman Catholic 4 Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
Nov 28 Coachmans Scarletina KENNEDY Thomas Roman Catholic 5 Coachmans Coachmans
Dec 2 Coachmans Hip Disease CROTTY William Roman Catholic 12 Coachmans Coachmans
Dec 8 Fleur de Lys Puerile Fever CONWAY Mary J. Roman Catholic 22 Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
Dec 21 Coachmans Cancer in Stomach SWEENEY Owen Roman Catholic 67 Fortune Coachmans
Dec 27 Coachmans Scarletina GERTRUDE Ann Roman Catholic 2 mos Coachmans Coachmans
Oct 28 Lunatic Asylum Pneumonia RUDELL Adam Roman Catholic ? 55 Harbour Deep Ch.of Eng Cemetery
July 28 Parsons Pond Infantile Debility FRANCIS Walter Jesse Roman Catholic 2 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Sept 14 Rocky Hr. Tuberculosis ELLSWORTH Selina Ann Roman Catholic 28 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Nov 28 Woody Point Old age LUNDRIGAN Joseph Roman Catholic 76   Woody Point
Dec 18 Norris Point Tuberculosis PIKE Mary Ann Roman Catholic 24 Norris Point Norris Point
Dec 28 Trout River Tuberculosis BUTT Caroline F. Roman Catholic 18 Trout River Trout River
Oct 2 Pound Cove Old age RICE Hannah Roman Catholic 95 Herring Neck Western Cove
Oct 2 Wild Cove   REGULAR Noah Methodist 26 Lobster Hr. Lobster Hr.
Nov 10 Western Bay Pleurisy PEARCE Ernest Church of England 17 Baine Hr. Western Cove
Nov 14 Middle Arm Influenza GILLINGHAM Robert John Church of England 2 mos Middle Arm Seal Cove
Nov 29 Back Cove Parotisis BLANCHARD Martha Jane Church of England 1 month Back Cove Bear Cove
Oct 21 Off Daniels Hr. Drowned OSMOND Artless Methodist 25 Shoal Brook  
Nov 8 Shoal Brook Drowned MOORS Forrester Methodist 2 1/2   Shoal Brook
Dec 17 Curzon Village Pneumonia TAYLOR Freeman Methodist 12 Curzon Village Curzon Village
Oct 6 St. Anthony C. Rheumatism BILES James Methodist 25 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Oct 20 St. Anthony Convulsions PATEY Rebecca J. Methodist 5 weeks St. Anthony St. Anthony
Nov 28 St. Anthony Old age THOMS Joanna Methodist 75 1/2 Carbonear St. Anthony
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Dec 10 St. Anthony Pleurisy COLLETT Maud L. METHODIST 23 Placentia St. Anthony
Nov 10 Daniels Hr. Convulsions PAYNE Samuel CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8 days Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
Dec 8 St. Pauls Inft. Debility HUTCHINGS George W. CHURCH OF ENGLAND a few hrs St. Pauls St. Pauls
Feb 11 Gull Marsh   GILLY Richard CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8 mos Gull Marsh Gull Marsh
Feb 21 Daniels Hr. Convulsions PEARCE Leslie M. CHURCH OF ENGLAND 5 days Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
Feb 22 Lobster Cove Cancer DECKER George W. CHURCH OF ENGLAND 34 Lobster Cove Rocky Hr.
Mar 1 Parsons Pond Tuberculosis BLANCHARD William S. CHURCH OF ENGLAND 25 Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Mar 3 Pacquet Paralysis SPARKS Elizabeth METHODIST 56 Brigus Pacquet
Jan 22 Goole Cove Pneumonia NEWELL JOHN METHODIST 69 Carbonear Goose Cove
Jan 28 St. Anthony TB of lungs SIMMS Lucy METHODIST 47 1/2 Carbonear St. Anthony
Feb 17 St. Anthony TB of lungs BILES Maud METHODIST 19 3/4 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Feb 18 St. Anthony Fatty Heart PILGRIM Selina METHODIST 56 Twillingate St. Anthony Bight
Mar 14 Little Brahat Paralysis BUDGILL Annie METHODIST 58 Cremelliere Little Brchat
Jan 24 Gricquet Paralysis MERCER Edward METHODIST 58 Bay Roberts Gricquet
Jan 18 Cape Norman Unknown BUTT Walter METHODIST 11 days Cape Norman Cape Norman
Mar 31 Western Head TB of lungs BARRETT Clement METHODIST 41 Carbonear Western Head
Mar 20 Western Head TB of lungs EDDISON Susie METHODIST 15 Western Head Western Head
Feb 22 Quirpon TB of lungs ROBOTHAM Ann METHODIST 35 Quirpon Quirpon
Mar 13 Gricquet TB of lungs ADAMS Clara B. METHODIST 37 Gricquet Gricquet
Mar 29 St. Anthony Septic Poisonery SAUNDERS Selina METHODIST 20 Gricquet Gricquet
Dec 8 Gricquet TB of lungs BOONE Louis METHODIST 9 mos Gricquet Gricquet
Dec 15 Gricquet TB of lungs ADAMS Hedley C. METHODIST 9 mos Gricquet Gricquet
Feb 1 Pound Cove Phthisis GILLINGHAM JOHN CHURCH OF ENGLAND 61 Middle Arm Western Cove
Feb 4 Jacksons Arm Phthisis FORD Zebedee CHURCH OF ENGLAND 44 Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Apr 4 Western Cove Heart Failure JACOBS Elizabeth CHURCH OF ENGLAND 60 Western Cove Western Cove
Jan 9 Englee Drowning HANCOCK James METHODIST 56 Englee Roddickton
Feb 2 Flowers Cove Abdominal Dropsy ROSE Robert METHODIST 42 Brigus Flowers Cove
Mar 12 Flowers Cove Pneumonia WAY Ann METHODIST 59 Twillingate Flowers Cove
Feb 24 Conche LaGrippe & Old age DOWER Helen Roman Catholic 85 St. John's Conche
Dec 28 Fishot Old age BRUMLEY Henry Roman Catholic 80 Fishot Fishot Island
Mar 31 Whites Arm La Grippe SHEPPARD Martin J. Roman Catholic 2 White Arm Celet
Apr 5 Croque Consumption HOPE James Roman Catholic 60 Croque Conche
Apr 19 Canada Hr.   DAMPSY Mary Joseph Roman Catholic 36 Canada Hr. Canada Hr.
Feb 20 Canada Hr. La Grippe HYNES Michael Roman Catholic 2    
Apr 20 Flowers Cove Consump of Lungs PILGRIM JOHN METHODIST 23 Cape Norman Flowers Cove
May 27 Nameless Cove Inft. Debility DIAMOND William J. METHODIST 9 days Nameless Cove Nameless Cove
Apr 24 Woody Point Paralysis MERCHANT Elizabeth CHURCH OF ENGLAND 67 Old Bonaventure Woody Point
Apr 17 Keppel Island Convulsions PIKE Eva CHURCH OF ENGLAND 17 days Keppel Island Port Saunders
Apr 27 Parsons Pond Tuberculosis BLANCHARD Albert CHURCH OF ENGLAND 30 Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
May 2 Cow Head Inft. Debility PAYNE Mary CHURCH OF ENGLAND 12 hrs Cow Head Cow Head
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May 2 Cow Head Inft. Debility PAYNE Frederick Church of England 3 days Cow Head Cow Head
Mar 20 Sallys Cove Paralysis CHIMERI Rebecca Church of England 69 Barrd Islands Sallys Cove
June 4 Parsons Pond Inft. Debility PAYNE Freeman E. Church of England 7 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
June 2 Neddies Hr. Inft. Debility REID William C. Church of England 11 days Neddies Hr. Neddies Hr.
Apr 13 Cow Head Inft. Debility HENLIN Flossie J. Church of England 7 mos Cow Head Cow Head
June 22 Green Point Cancer PAYNE Josiah Church of England 66 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
May 21 St. Anthony Bight Inft. Debility PILGRIM William J. Methodist 9 weeks St. Anthony Bight St. Anthony Bight
Apr 4 Western Cove Asphyxia JACOBS Elizabeth Church of England 60 Western Cove Western Cove
Apr 6 Seal Cove Marasmus OSBORNE Victoria May Church of England 2 Seal Cove Seal Cove
Apr 27 Bear Cove Uteruse Tumor RICE Rebecca Church of England 35 Bear Cove Bear Cove
May 4 Sopps Island Marasmus DAVIS Alberta M. Church of England 7 weeks Sopps Island Sopps Island
May 5 Sopps Island Old age GALE Elizabeth Church of England 87 Sopps Island Sopps Island
May 22 Wild Cove Inft. Debility REGULAR Sarah Church of England 3 mos Wild Cove Seal Cove
May 21 Granby Island Marasmus RICKETTS Ernest Church of England 9 days Granby Island Western Cove
June 19,1908 Brown's Cove Marasmus RICKS Ephraim Church of England 4 hrs Browns Cove River Head
May 6, 1907 Saint Anthony Inft. Debility SIMMS Azariah Church of England 3 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
May 21,1907 Cooks Harbor Old age LONGMAN Charles Church of England 76 Pool,England Cooks Hr.
Sept 25,1907 Lanse au Medo Unknown DICKER William Church of England 68 Harbor Grace Lanse au Medo
Dec 27,1907 Ship Cove La Grippe GREEN William Church of England 10 Seal Island Ha Ha Bay
1907 Cooks Harbor Inft. Debility PITTMAN Norman W. Church of England 8 mos Cooks Hr. Cooks Hr.
Jan 1908 Forresters Point Inft. Debility APPLIN Edgar Church of England 6 mos Forresters Point Black Duck Cove
Jan 5,1908 St. Karls Inft. Debility KINSELLA Archibald Church of England 10 days St. Karls St. Karls
Jan 8 Griquet Tubercl of Bone BUTLER Sarah Church of England 57 Rose Blanche Griquet
Jan 14 Cooks Harbor La Grippe PATAY Catherine Church of England 65 Trinity Bay Cooks Hr.
Feb 2 G.I. Cove Scarletina RYDER Beatrice Church of England 2 G.I. Cove G.I. Cove
Feb 19 G.I. Cove Consumption MITCHELMORE Thomas Church of England 56 G.I. Cove G.I. Cove
Mar 4 Shoal Cove Scarletina STEVENS Azariah Church of England 1 Shoal Cove Savage Cove
Mar 4 G.I. Cove Inft. Debility HUGHES Sarah Church of England 1 day G.I. Brook Eddys Cove
Mar 4 G.I. Cove Inft. Debility HUGHES Elizabeth Church of England 1 day G.I. Brook Eddys Cove
Mar 14 Griquet Unknown MANUEL Bessie Church of England 14 Griquet Griquet
Mar 29 G.I. Cove Inft. Debility MITCHELMORE Susanna Church of England 3 mos G.I. Cove G.I. Cove
June 13 Greenspond Inft. Debility CANNING Darius Church of England 1 1/2 mos Greenspond Greenspond
July 20 Grand Vache Pneumonia RANDELL John Thomas Church of England 26 Grand Vache Grand Vache
Aug 15 Whooping Hr. Inft. Debility RANDELL Kenneth Methodist 3 mos Whooping Hr. Whooping Hr.
Aug 3 Englee Inft. Debility COMPTON Norman Methodist 10 Englee Englee
Sept 13 Englee Consumption FILLIER John Methodist 53 N.River P.D.G. Englee
Sept 16 Englee Consumption CLOTHIER Maria Church of England 66 Englee Englee
July 8 Nameless Cove Inft. Debility DIAMOND George H. Methodist 2 mos Nameless Cove Nameless Cove
July 19 Nameless Cove Inft. Debility DIAMOND Mary Methodist 2 mos Nameless Cove Nameless Cove
July 22,1908 Mistaken Cove Unknown DIAMOND Rose A. Methodist 32 Upper Island Cove Nameless Cove
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Aug 30 Shoal Brook Inft:Convulsions (Died before Baptism) Methodist 2 days Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Sept 22 Norris Point Brights Disease REID George Methodist 56 Norris Point Shoal Brook
Apr 11 Wild Cove Inflamation PARDY John Methodist 14 Wild Cove Wild Cove
Jan 31 St. Barbe Island Inft Debility CURTIS Ephraim Methodist 8 mos St. Barbe Island St. Barbe Island
May 16 St. Barbe Island Inft Debility ANDREWS Henry Jas. Methodist 3 mos St. Barbe Island St. Barbe Island
May 15 Anchor Point Inft Debility RUSSELL Anne Church of England 1 mon Anchor Point Anchor Point
May 24 Cooks Harbor TB of Lungs DICKER Stephen Church of England 21 Lanse au Medo Cooks Hr.
May 24 G.I. Cove Scarletina MCLEAN philip Church of England 5 G.I. Cove Eddys Cove
June 5 Anchor Point Unknown GENGE Bridget Church of England 36 Seal Point Anchor Point
July 14 Cooks Harbor Convulsions PENNY Priscilla Church of England 4 days Cooks Hr. Cooks Hr.
July 11 Pines Cove Scarletina PARRELL Orellia Church of England 11 mos Pines Cove Savage Cove
Aug G.I. Cove Scarletina NOSEWORTHY Sarah L. Church of England 6 G.I. Brook Eddys Cove
Aug 19 Shoal Cove Consumption GAULTON Walter Church of England 22 Savage Cove Savage Cove
July 5 Saint Anthony Tuberculosis BURT George Methodist 19 Saint Anthony Saint Anthony
Aug 2 Great Brchat Tuberculosis PENNEY Mark Methodist 15 Great Brchat Great Brchat
Sept 8 Saint Anthony Cancer SIMMS John Thomas Salvationist 60 Lushes Bight Saint Anthony
Sept 28 Saint Anthony Tumor CURLEW Mary Ann Salvationist 45 Little Brahat Saint Anthony
Apr 23 Englee Consumption CLOTHIER Charles Methodist 36 Englee Englee
May 20 Roddickton Insanity GILLARD Robert Methodist 30 Englee Englee
June 3 Englee Inft Debility CANNING Jessie Methodist 6 mos Englee Englee
July 15 Saint Anthony Brain Disease GALE Sabina Church of England 18 Sopps Island Saint Anthony
Aug 3 Pomley Cove Inft Debility GALE Matthias Church of England 7 weeks Pomley Cove Western Cove
Aug 1 Southern Arm Puerperal Fever PARDY Dorothy Church of England 19 Big Cove Seal Cove
Aug 24 Seal Cove Cancer of Stomach ROBINSON John Church of England 72 London, England Seal Cove
Aug 21 Saint Anthony Heart Failure HEAD Ann Church of England 39 Joe Batts Arm Saint Anthony
Aug 31 Jacksons Arm Old age ADAMS Susannah Church of England 76 Herring Neck Jacksons Arm
Sept 8 Granby Island Inft Debility RICKETTS Elizabeth Church of England 1 hr Granby Island Western Cove
July 18 Grand Vache Pneumonia RENDELL John Church of England 22 Grand Vache Little Hr. Deep
June 4 Parsons Pond Inft Debility PAYNE Freeman E. Church of England 7 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
July 3 Stanleyville Inft Debility GOOSNEY Minnie G. Church of England 6 weeks Stanleyville Norris Point
Aug 3 Norris Point Endema of Lungs REID Frances Church of England 40 Bonne Bay Norris Point
Aug 9 Woody Point Inflamation ROBERTS Henrietta Church of England 18    
Aug 13 Port Saunders Shot-accident CAINES Llewellyn Church of England 17 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Aug 17 Rocky Hr. Consumption SMITH John Church of England 24 Rocky Harbor Rocky Hr.
Aug 25 Woody Point Consumption DICKS Nellie Church of England 36 Woody Point Woody Point
Sept 11 Woody Point Consumption YOUNG George A. Church of England 23 3/4 Woody Point Woody Point
Sept 17 Norris Point Inft Debility PIKE Carbot Church of England 13 mos Norris Point Norris Point
Sept 21 Woody Point   DIX Alice Church of England 4 Woody Point Woody Point
July 22 Conche Inft Debility WOODFORD Michael Jas. Roman Catholic 2 mos Conche Conche
Oct 14 Norris Point Pneumonia OATES William Methodist 62 Carbonear Norris Point
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Oct 22 Shoal Brook Consumption EVANS Bertram Methodist 15 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Oct 22 Shoal Brook Scarlet Fever WHITE Bertha M. Methodist 7 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Dec 7 Curzon Village Hemorrhage SEELEY Mary A. Methodist 45 ??? Halifax Curzon Village
Nov 25 Roddickton   CANNING William R. Methodist 43 Englee Englee
Nov 25 Roddickton Inft Debility BURTON Leander Church of England 2 mos Roddickton Roddickton
Nov 25 Woody Point Pneumonia EISON John Church of England 27 Bonne Bay Woody Point
Nov 26 Trout River Paralysis CROCKER Jane Church of England 21 Trout River Trout River
Dec 4 Stanleyville Old age ORGAN Mary Ann Church of England 75 Chalem Bay Norris Point
Dec 6 Norris Point Consumption CAING Duncan Church of England 24 Bonne Bay Norris Point
Dec 26 Glenburnie Gen. Debility MAYOR Mary Ann Church of England 66 Bonne Bay Birchy Head
Dec 26 Flowers Cove Paralysis WHELAN John Methodist 75 Brigus Flowers Cove
Nov 30 Big Cove Phthisis PINKSTONE Aaron Church of England 22 Big Cove Seal Cove
Dec 13 Jacksons Arm Inft Debility COMBDEN Jessie Church of England 9 days Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Dec 26 Western Cove Cancer JACOBS John Church of England 65 Western Cove Western Cove
Dec 30 Western Cove Cancer POOLE Thomas Church of England 62 Twillinggate Western Cove
Nov 12 Eddys Cove Scarletina COATS Thomas Church of England 1 Eddys Cove Eddys Cove
Nov 22 Savage Cove TB of Lungs GAULTON Joanne Church of England 28 Savage Cove Savage Cove
Dec 26 Sandy Bay Inft Debility COLES Harris Church of England 8 mos Sandy Bay Savage Cove
Oct 5 Savage Cove Scarletina GAULTON Elizabeth Church of England 14 Savage Cove Savage Cove
Jan 13 Port Saunders Pneumonia MAHER Silia Roman Catholic 13 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Jan 25 Port Saunders Pneumonia MAHER Cecilia Roman Catholic 10 Port Saunders Port Saunders
Feb 9 Bird Cove Child Birth BONNELL Emilia Roman Catholic 21 Currant Island Brig Bay
Feb 20 Seal Cove Consumption PITTMAN Prinus Roman Catholic 17 Seal Cove Brig Bay
Feb 18 Bonne Bay Brain Fever LEE Ethel Roman Catholic 6 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Mar 17 Bonne Bay Inft Debility FURLONG James Roman Catholic 3 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Mar 10 Bird Cove Pneumonia SCANLAN Hannorah Roman Catholic 12 Seal Cove Brig Bay
Apr 27 Bonne Bay Dropsy SAMS James Roman Catholic 19 Bonne Bay Norris Point
June 2 Bird Cove Pneumonia SCANLAN Rebecca Roman Catholic 6 Seal Cove Brig Bay
July 16 New Ferole Consumption RUMBOLT Aggie Roman Catholic 34 Brig Bay New Ferrole
July 21 Port au Choix Heart Disease BILLIARD Caroline Roman Catholic 74 Hawkes Bay Port au Choix
July 11 Port Saunders Fracture of hip BEARNES Albert Church of England 18 Hr. Mille Port Saunders
Sept 4 Horse Island Brain Fever BATH Bertha Methodist 15 Horse Island Horse Island
Aug 3 Pacquet Drowned GILLINGHAM Archibald Methodist 48 Gander Bay Body not found
Aug 3 Pacquet Drowned GILLINGHAM Herbert Methodist 10 Pacquet Body not found
May 26 Saint Anthony B. Old age PILGRIM Maria A. Methodist 66 Carbonear Saint Anthony Bight
June 16 Saint Anthony B. Old age PILGRIM George Methodist 71 Carbonear Saint Anthony Bight
Nov 17 Big Brahat Tuberculosis CULL Isabella Methodist 1 1/2 Big Brahat Big Brahat
Dec 12 Harbor Deep Natural Causes CASTLE Louisa Methodist 69 Hr. Grace Saint Anthony Bight
July 27 Ha. Ha. Inft Debility BESSEY Jen??ia V.B. Methodist 11 mos Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha
Dec 8 Western Head Inft Debility HALLERTON George Methodist 17 Western Head Western Head
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June 14 Tilt Cove Pneumonia VICARS William Roman Cathol;ic 52 Saint John's Tilt Cove
July 29 Fleur De Lys Old age CONWAY Margaret Roman Cathol;ic 86 Fleur De Lys Fleur De Lys
Oct 10 Coachmans Cove Consumption GARDNER Ann Roman Cathol;ic 20 Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Nov 12 Coachmans Cove Consumption LACEY William Roman Cathol;ic 17 Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Jan 25 Lunatic Asylum Heart Failure BARKER Robert Roman Cathol;ic 80 Coachmans Cove  
Mar 29 Shoal Brook Consumption REID Isaac E.L. Methodist 10 Norris Point Shoal Brook
Dec 24, 1908 Arches Pneumonia HUMBER Gpsey Church of England 56 Daniels Hr. Parsons Pond
Jan 7 Trout River Inft Debility BUTT Samuel Jas. Church of England 8 days Trout River Trout River
Jan 23 Norris Point Old age ROWE Priscilla Church of England 86 Hearts Content Norris Point
Feb 4 Norris Point Consumption BUGDEN Matilda J. Church of England 37 Bonne Bay Norris Point
Feb 23 Cow Head Child Birth BROWN Fannie Church of England 52 Cow Head Cow Head
Feb 12 Saint Anthony Old age PEATEY Bennet Methodist 80 Carbonear Saint Anthony
Jan 26 Seal Cove Inft Debility ROBINSON Jessie F. Church of England 3 mos Seal Cove Seal Cove
Aug 12, 1908 Griquet Tuberculosis MANUEL Archibald Church of England 18 Griquet Griquet
Jan 4 Shoal Cove Heart Failure STEVENS William Church of England 62 Port De Grave Savage Cove
Jan 9 Eddys Cove Inft Debility COATES Sarah Church of England 2 weeks Eddys Cove Eddys Cove
Jan 16 Griquet Inft Debility HILLIER Florence Church of England 2 days Griquet Griquet
Feb 9 Quirpon Old age PYNN Moses Church of England 74 Quirpon Quirpon
Mar 4 Black Duck Cove Inft Debility DUDGE Isaac Church of England 1 Black Duck Cove Black Duck Cove
Mar 7 Noddy Bay Covulsions EDDISON Aquila Church of England 2 Noddy Bay Quirpon
Mar 13 St. Anthony Brain Fever SHEPPARD John Church of England 3 Bay of Islands Saint Anthony
Mar 28 St. Karls Heart Disease KINSELLA Elizabeth Church of England 24 St. Karls St. Karls
May 1 Silverton Inft Debility YOUNG George H. Church of England 6 mos Silverston Birchy Head
May 24 Daniels Hr. Inft Debility HOWSE Eli Church of England 5 days Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
Mar 28 St. Pauls Paralysis SHORT Mary Ann Church of England 66 Bay St. George Cow Head
Feb 24 Cape St. George Consumption SENIOR Angelina Roman Cathol;ic 50 Cape Breton Cape St. George
Apr 7 Black Duck Brook Tumor BENOIT Joseph Roman Cathol;ic 21 Black Duck Brook Black Duck Brook
Apr 26 Tomitouche Consumption CARDELL Anna Roman Cathol;ic 15 The Creek The Creek
May 7 Port au Port Inft Debility HYNES Walter P. Roman Cathol;ic 6 mos Port au Port Port au Port
May 14 Charley Sheaves Cold JESSO Anna Roman Cathol;ic 3 Charlie Sheaves Lower Cove
Apr 28 West Bay Measles HYNES Clara J. Roman Cathol;ic 4 1/2 West Bay Harrys Brook
May 23 Three Rock Cove Consumption RETIFFE Catherine Roman Cathol;ic 19 Three Rock Cove Black Duck Brook
June 14 Main Land Measles INKS Elizabeth Roman Cathol;ic 32 Bay of Islands Main Land
Oct 17 Horse Island Bursting of Blood Vessel BURTON Anne Methodist 54   Horse Island
Apr 15 Western Cove TB of Lungs JACOBS Phoebea Church of England 39 Western Cove Western Cove
Apr 12 Jacksons Arm Rheumatism WICKS Eliza E. Church of England 9 Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
May 1 Back Bone Pleurisy GAVAN Elizabeth Church of England 64 Bear Cove Bear Cove
June 13 Western Cove Inft Debility JACOBS Elizabeth Church of England 7 mos Western Cove Western Cove
June 29 Big Cove Meningitis PINKSTONE Moses Church of England 25 Big Cove Seal Cove
Apr 13 Shoal Brook Consumption HANN Susannah Church of England 36 Birchy Head Shoal Brook
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May 12 Shoal Brook Heart Disease MATTHEWS Isaac W. Methodist 16 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
June 1 Englee Inft Debility PITTMAN Jaunita E. Methodist 2 weeks Englee Englee
May 28 Trout River Inft Debility HANN Flossie M. Salvation Army 7 days Trout River Trout River
June 19 Rocky Hr. Consumption SHEARS Jonas Salvation Army 73 Grand Bch Rocky Hr.
July 1 La Scie Inft Debility PARTY Annie Methodist 10 days La Scie La Scie
Aug 24 La Scie Inft Debility MILLER Chesley Methodist 5 weeks La Scie La Scie
June 2 Surmised to be near Fogo Drowning BUSSEY Soloman Methodist 65 Cupids  
Aug 30 Quirpon Inft Debility ROBERTS Enoch Methodist 3 mos Quirpon Quirpon
Aug 12 Englee Inft Debility COMPTON Jesse Stewart Methodist 8 mos Englee Englee
June 24 Parsons Pond Dropsy VERGE Nicodemus Church of England 10 1/2 Parsons Pnd Parsons Pond
July 11 Woody Point Premature Birth REID Francisa Church of England 2 weeks Woody Point Woody Point
Sept 5 Norris Point Inft Debility BURTON Catherine J. Church of England 1 day Norris Point Norris Point
Sept 7 Daniels Hr.   BIGGIN Charles M. Church of England 20 mos Daniels Hr. Daniels Hr.
Sept 12 Cow Head Inft Debility PAYNE Nathaniel Church of England 19 days Cow Head Cow Head
Sept 14 Neddies Hr. Childbirth FOWLER Delilah Church of England 17 Neddies Hr. Norris Point
Aug 28 Eddys Cove TB of Lungs COATS Thomas Church of England 28 Eddys Cove Eddys Cove
Jan 12 Conche Congtl. Debility JOY Mary Louisa Roman Catholic 8 hours Conche Conche
Mar 19 Goose Cove Brain Fever TROY Anthony Roman Catholic 5 1/2 Goose Cove Goose Cove
Apr 16 Grandes Oiet Consumpt.of Lungs KEOUGH John Roman Catholic 39 St. Juliens St. Juliens
Apr 19 Conche Consumpt.of Lungs JOYCE Thom. Patrick Roman Catholic 22 Conche Conche
June 18 Goose Cove TB of Lungs CONNORS Bridget Roman Catholic 35 Grandes Oiets Goose Cove
Apr 24 Goose Cove Infant Debility BARKER Norah Jos. Roman Catholic 4 mos Goose Cove Goose Cove
Aug 4 Conche Unknown HUNT Alice Mary Roman Catholic 26 Conche Conche
Aug 15 Grandes Oiet Lack of Care MCGRATH Anthony Roman Catholic 1 week Grandes Oiets St. Juliens
Aug 26 Conche Stillbirth     Roman Catholic SB Conche Conche
Jan 3 Parsons Pond Old age KEHOE Jane Roman Catholic 72 Bay of Islands Parsons Pond
Jan 6 Bonne Bay Consumption HALLAHAN Patrick Roman Catholic 34 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Jan 3 Port Saunders Pleurisy HINKS Albin Ben. Roman Catholic 21 St. Georges Port Saunders
May 21 Seal Cove Inft Debility PITTMAN Primus Roman Catholic 18 mos Seal Cove Seal Cove
Mar 6 Bonne Bay Brain Fever LEE Ethel Roman Catholic 7 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Sept 12 Brig Cove Inft Debility GARREAU John Louis Roman Catholic 4 mos Brig Bay Brig Bay
July 30 Back Cove Angina Pectoris SPARKS Thomas Methodist 58 Back Cove Bear's Cove
Sept 5 Pomley Cove Paralysis STUCKLESS John Church of England 55 Back Cove Western Cove
Sept 6 Jacksons Arm TB of Lungs COMBDEN Benjamin Church of England 35 Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Sept 10 Southern Arm TB of Lungs POLLARD Ambrose Church of England 26 Southern Arm Seal Cove
July 17 Shoal Brook Consumption HANN Grace Methodist 40 Norris Point Shoal Brook
Aug 6 Savage Cove Brain Fever RYDER Andrew Church of England 7 White Bay Savage Cove
Oct 10 Forresters Point Blood Poison APPLIN Samuel Church of England 35 Forresters Point Currant Island
Nov 10 Pines Cove Convulsions YOUNG Richard J. Church of England 2 weeks Pines Cove G.I. Cove
Nov 14 Eddys Cove Childbirth COATS Amy Church of England 24 Eddys Cove Eddys Cove
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Nov 19 Shoal Cove Inft Debility STEVENS Rosanna Church of England 2 hours Savage Cove Savage
Dec 16 Currant Island Whooping Cough TOOP Katherine Church of England 3 Currant Island Currant Island
Dec 23 G.I. Cove Inft Debility MCLEAN Kegia Church of England 1 mon G.I. Cove G.I. Cove
Nov 24 Horse Islands Hemorrhages CURTIS Jane Methodist 32 St. Anthony Horse Islands
Nov 26 Horse Islands Inft Debility GREENHAM Mark Methodist 1 mon Horse Islands Horse Islands
Nov 28 Horse Islands Pneumonia BURTON Phoebe Methodist 31 Twillingate Horse Islands
Nov 7 Trout River Gastritis PARSONS Mary Jane Methodist 46 Carbonear Trout River
Nov 11 Stanleyville Convulsions LAING Eva Maud Methodist 1 1/2 Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
Nov 28 Shoal Brook Convulsions MILLIGAN Harvey Methodist 14 mos Shoal Brook  
Oct 2 Shoe Cove Bight Consumption MARTIN Elizabeth Methodist 33   Shoe Cove Bight
Oct 30 Shoe Cove Bight Consumption     Methodist 5 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove Bight
Nov 22 La Scie Drowning ANDREWS Henry Methodist 64 Twillingate La Scie
Nov 22 La Scie Drowning ANDREWS Samuel Methodist 35 Twillingate La Scie
Dec 27 Shoe Cove Bight White Swelling NEWBURY Norman Methodist 17 days Shoe Cove Shoe Cove Bight
Nov 22 Bonne Bay Cancer LUNDRIGAN Frances Church of England 66   Woody Point
Dec 13 Trout River Prem. Birth CROCKER George W. Church of England 1 mon   Trout River
Oct 25 Bonne Bay Child Birth HUTCHINGS Sarah Jane Salvation Army 35 Isle aux Morts Bonne Bay
Dec 23 Griquet Shooting BOONE James Church of England 39 Cupids Griquet
Oct 1 Hilliard's Hr. Burning DAMPSEY John Joseph Roman Catholic 4 Hilliard's Hr Hilliard's Hr.
Sept 23 Hilliard's Hr. Whooping Cough DAMPSEY John Roman Catholic 6 weeks Hilliard's Hr Hilliard's Hr.
Oct 31 Conche Burning CARROLL Daniel Mary Roman Catholic 7 Conche Conche
Oct 16 Conche Whooping Cough O'NEIL Edward M. Roman Catholic 3 weeks Conche Conche
Nov 28 Coachman's Cove Blood Poisoning DOWNEY Honora Roman Catholic 73 Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Apr 16 St. Anthony Brain Fever PITTMAN Rhoda Methodist 12   St. Anthony
Apr 16 Griquet TB of Lungs HILL Margaret Methodist 63   Griquet
Sept 20 St. Anthony TB of Lungs SIMS Jane Methodist 17 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Sept 15 Big Brahat Meningitis PENNEY Mabel E. Methodist 3 weeks Big Brahat Big Brahat
Oct 17 Englee Tumor GILLARD Lucy Methodist 33 Englee Englee
Nov 15 Englee Inflammation of Bowels HANCOCK Loretta May Methodist 7 Englee Englee
Jan 6 Coachman's Cove Blood Poisoning MCCORMICK John Roman Catholic 62 Keels Coachmans Cove
Dec 15 Bear Cove Old age RICE John Church of England 81 Bear Cove Bear Cove
Nov 15 Green Island Whooping Cough DIAMOND Archibald Methodist 15 mos Shoal Cove Nameless Cove
Dec 18 Flowers Cove Whooping Cough ROSE Allan E. Methodist 14 Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
Nov 2 St. Anthony Tuberculosis PELLEY Ethel Methodist 16 St. Anthony St. Anthony
Nov 26 St. Anthony Heart Failure PATEY William Methodist 22 St. Anthony St. Anthony
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Jan 27,1910 Fever Hospital Erysipelas BROWN John Roman Catholic 68 La Scie Mount Carmel
Oct 27,1909 Sallys Cove Convulsions DENNIS Elizabeth J. Church of England 11 Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
Nov 21,1909 Sallys Cove Tuberculosis KNOTT Elizabeth Church of England 36 Rocky Hr. Sallys Cove
Dec 13,1909 Rocky Hr. Convulsions PAYNE Elizabeth A. Church of England 1 1/2 Rocky Hr. Rocky Hr.
Dec 17,1909 Bakers Brook Inft. Debility DECKER William F. Church of England 1 mon Bakers Brook Rocky Hr.
Mar 8, 1910 Cow Head Tuberculosis PAYNE Charles A. Church of England 15 Cow Head Cow Head
Apr 6 Neddies Hr. Old age THOMAS William Church of England 98 England Norris Point
Feb 4 Sopps Island Cong. Debility RICKS Daisy Church of England 5 mos Sopps Island Sopps Island
Mar 3 Coney Arm Cong. Debility HINES Mary Jane Church of England 6 mos Coney Arm Coney Arm
Jan 21 Brents Cove Pneumonia CARROLL Ellen Roman Catholic 77 Pacquet Brents Cove
Feb 23 Fleur De Lys Paralysis SYLVEY James J. Roman Catholic 63 Fermeuse Fluer De Lys
Mar 11 Harbor Round White Mouth GOSSE Michael P. Roman Catholic 2 mos Tilt Cove Brents Cove
Jan 27 Shoe Cove Bight Bronchitis NEWBURY Robert Roman Catholic 15 mos Shoe Cove Bight Methodist Cemetery
Apr 2 Shoe Cove Bight Heart Disease NEWBURY Mary Roman Catholic 55 Stage Cove Methodist Cemetery
Nov 20, 1909 Parsons Pond Unknown PARSONS William Methodist 6 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Jan 31, 1910 Shoal Brook Tuberculosis HALFYARD Silas Methodist 47 Ocre Pit Cove Shoal Brook
Feb 20, 1910 Shoal Brook Carcimonia STICKLAND Mary Methodist 45 Carbonear Shoal Brook
Dec 18, 1909 Cemellis Old age PASSMA Susanna Church of England 72 Fogo Cemellis
Jan 8, 1910 Griquet Convulsions HILL Rosanna Church of England 4 mos Griquet Griquet
Jan 19 Griquet Old age HILL Bethel Church of England 72 Griquet Griquet
Jan 22 Saint Anthony Convulsions JOHNSON Olive Church of England 5 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Feb 11 Saint Anthony Convulsions FENNEMERE William J. Church of England 2 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Feb 18 Cape Norman Consumption PUDDICOMBE Edmund Church of England 27 Cape Norman Cape Norman
Jan 2 Quirpon La Grippe ROBERTS Alexander Methodist 5 Quirpon Quirpon
Jan 9 Griquet Consumption SMITH Rebecca Methodist 22 Western Head Griquet
Jan 12 Cape Onion Paralysis TUCKER Henry Methodist 72 Quirpon Cape Onion
Feb 19 Griquet Heart Failure SMITH Sarah Ann Methodist 67 Greenspond Griquet
Feb 24 Quirpon La Grippe PATEY Lavinia Methodist 12 Quirpon Quirpon
Feb 22 Quirpon Premature Birth TAYLOR Harold Methodist 2 days Quirpon Quirpon
Feb 26 Cape Onion La Grippe ANSTEY Minnie E. Methodist 5 mos Cape Onion Cape Onion
Feb 4 Bonne Bay Heart Disease MAHER Julia Salvation Army 24 Dog Island Bonne Bay
Feb 25 Lobster Cove Inft. Debility HARRIS Elizabeth Salvation Army 3 hours Lobster Cove Rocky Hr.
Mar 4 Burgon Vlg. Convulsions HUTCHINGS Sarah J. Salvation Army 4 mos Birchy Head Bonne Bay
Mar 4 Birchy Head Brights Disease HUTCHINGS George Salvation Army 71 Exploits Bonne Bay
Jan 26 Conche Stillborn MCCARTHY   Roman Catholic SB Conche Conche
Jan 26 Conche Child Birth MCCARTHY Margaret E. Roman Catholic 20 St. John's Conche
Jan 28 Conche Heart Disease DOWER Johannah Roman Catholic 58 St. John's Conche
Nov 7 Little Hr. Deep Inft. Debility NEWMAN Mark Methodist 3 mos Little Hr. Deep Grand Vache
Feb 25 Englee Brain Fever HANCOCK Eliza Methodist 28 Braha Englee
Jan 18 St. Anthony Bight Pneumonia SINNEY Withetmina Methodist 4 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
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Mar 31 Griquet La Grippe BESSEY Gordon J. Methodist 3 mos Ha Ha Bay Ha Ha Bay
Apr 9 Ha Ha Bay Consumption COMPTON William H. Methodist 28 Griquet Griquet
Apr 12 St. Leonards La Grippe EARLE Martha Methodist 6 St. Leonards St, Leonards
Apr 24 St, Leonards Cong. Debility BURDEN Lavinia Methodist 1 mon St. Leonards St, Leonards
May 21 Englee Old age CLOTHIER George Church of England 93 Devonshire,Engl Englee
June 3 Groix Islands Consumption GARDNER Sylvester Roman Catholic 20 Groix Islands Groix Islands
June 10 St. Anthony Hosp. Kidney Trouble EMBERLEY Ann Roman Catholic 52 Conche Conche
Apr 11 Goose Cove Cong. Debility REARDON Patrick A. Roman Catholic 1 Goose Cove Goose Cove
June 18 Conche Old age CASTLE Agnes Roman Catholic 73 Herring Neck Conche
Mar 25 Harbor Round Inflammation-Bowels LANNON Edward Roman Catholic 4 days Harbor Round Brents Cove
Apr 15 Brents Cove Consumption MURPHY Ellen Roman Catholic 16 Brents Cove Brents Cove
May 24 Fleur De Lys Unknown GILLUM William Roman Catholic 66 Pound Cove Fleur De Lys
Dec 7 G.I. Cove Whooping Cough MITCHELMORE Miriam Church of England 1 G.I. Cove G.I. Cove
Dec 13 Flowers Cove Whooping Cough WHELAN Bessie Church of England 1 mon Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
Dec 19 Savage Cove Whooping Cough WAY Laura Church of England 2 weeks Savage Cove Savage Cove
Jan 19 Shoal Cove Whooping Cough STEVENS Archibald Church of England 2 Shoal Cove Savage Cove
Mar 20 G.I. Brook Whooping Cough MACEY Joanna Church of England 3 G.I. Brook Eddys Cove
Apr 8 G.I. Brook Tuberculosis MACEY William Church of England 7 G.I. Brook Eddys Cove
Apr 25 Cow Head Sore throat HEWLIN John E. Church of England 3 mos Cow Head Cow Head
June 8 Parsons Pond Inft. Debility PAYNE Eunice C. Church of England 2 mos Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
July 4 Norris Point Hemorrhage of Brain MAJOR George Church of England 75 Petites Norris Point
May 11 Cemellis Consumption RICE Selina Church of England 37 Cemellis Cemellis
May 15 Griquet Convulsions MANUEL Harrison Church of England 11 mos Griquet Griquet
Apr 12 Jacksons Arm Cancer READ James Church of England 60 Fogo Jacksons Arm
Feb 2 Duggans Cove Meningitis PITTMAN Isabella Church of England 16 Duggans Cove Duggans Cove
May 21 Englee Senile Decay CLOTHIER George Church of England 93 Dorset, England Englee
June 20 Sopps Island Appendicitis LANGFORD Jane Church of England 30 Sopps Island Sopps Island
June 28 Sopps Island Influenza LANGFORD Leander Church of England 5 mos Sopps Island Sopps Island
June 29 Granby Island Pleurisy RICKETTS Lavinia L. Church of England 6 Granby Island Western Cove
Feb 17 St. Anthony Bight Inft. Debility SIMS Henry R. Methodist 6 mos St. Anthony St. Anthony
Feb 12 Little Brahat Inft. Debility WARR Ernest Methodist 12 Little Brahat Little Brahat
May 1 St. Anthony Phthisis CURTIS Eli Methodist 33 St. Anthony St. Anthony
May 3 St. Anthony Cerb. Abscess CURTIS Edna May Methodist 2 St. Anthony St. Anthony
June 27 Little Brahat Inft. Debility COLBOURNE Martha Methodist 3 mos Little Brahat Little Brahat
Sept 2 Bonne Bay Convulsions BURRIDGE Reuben Salvation Army 4 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Sept 9 Bay of Islands Shot-accident WHITE John Salvation Army 39 Bonne Bay Trout River
July 20 Fishot Islands Child Birth AYLWARD Johanna Roman Catholic 38 Hr. Grace Fishot Island
July 26 Conche Old age FLYNN Mary Roman Catholic 97 Conche Conche
July 9,1910 Hilliards Hr. Stillborn DAMPSEY   Roman Catholic SB Hilliards Hr. Hilliards Hr.
Jan 8,1909 Goose Cove Kidney Trouble SEXTON Norah Roman Catholic 21 Goose Cove Goose Cove
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July 31 Coachmans Cove Gastritis STUCKLESS Eliza Roman Catholic 62 Herring Neck Coachmans Cove
Aug 8 Tilt Cove TB of Lungs GATES Rose Roman Catholic 13 Tilt Cove Little Bay
Aug 12 Coachmans Cove Gastritis CONNORS Patrick Roman Catholic 73 St. Brendans Coachmans Cove
Sept 18 Coachmans Cove Convulsions DOBBIN Edward Roman Catholic 6 days Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Nov 17,1909 Bartletts Old age SCANLAN William Roman Catholic 84 Brigus North Brigus Bay
Nov 24,1909 Seal Cove Convulsions PITMAN Louisa Roman Catholic 1 1/2 Seal Cove Brigus Bay
Dec 14,1909 Seal Cove Consumption PITMAN Alfred Roman Catholic 10 Seal Cove Brigus Bay
Jan 22,1910 Point Rich Pneumonia BRETON Edmond Roman Catholic 11 Point Rich Point Rich
Mar 1 Bonne Bay Consumption KELLY James Roman Catholic 66 Carbonear Bonne Bay
Mar 16 Bonne Bay Tumor PIKE Mary C. Roman Catholic 57 Labrador Bonne Bay
Feb 9 Port Saunders Cold RUMBOLDT Ralph Roman Catholic 14 mos Port au Choix Port Saunders
Feb 26 Bonne Bay Gen. Debility TARREAN Emma Roman Catholic 68 Brigus Brigus Bay
Mar 31 Bonne Bay Pneumonia MARSHALL William J. Roman Catholic 15 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
July 13 Bonne Bay Meningitis MOXLEY Susanna Roman Catholic 15 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Aug 21 Bonne Bay Scald WEBB Alice Roman Catholic 3 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Sept 22 Port au Choix Cold BILLIARD Clarence Roman Catholic 5 Port au Choix Port au Choix
July 19 La Scie Bronchitis BURTON Albert Methodist 11 mos La Scie Methodist Cemetery
July 16 La Scie Bronchitis FOSS Joicy May Methodist 7 mos La Scie Methodist Cemetery
Aug 18 Shue Cove Indigestion FOSTER Henry J. Methodist 47 La Scie Methodist Cemetery
June 6 Flowers Cove Inft. Debility EFFRIGHAN Florence M. Methodist 3 mos Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
Aug 29 Englee TB of Lungs COMPTON Margaret Methodist 23 Englee Englee
Sept 13 Horse Islands TB of Lungs CURTIS Malina J. Methodist 9 mos Horse Islands Horse Islands
Sept 18 St. George Premature Birth (This death entered in St. George)   Lutherans P.B St. George St. George
May 22 Trout River   SHEPPERD Laura M. Church of England 6 1/2 Trout River Trout River
July 22 Norris Point Heart Failure HOPKINS Charles W. Church of England 11 Norris Point Norris Point
Aug 13 Winter House Brook Tuberculosis LUNDRIGAN Amos Church of England 33 Winter House Brook Woody Point
Aug 22 Norris Point Gen. Debility BUNDEN William Church of England 65 Carbonear Norris Point
Aug 27 Lobster Cove Tuberculosis HARRIS Phoebe Church of England 55 Green Point Rocky Hr.
Aug 30 Woody Point Tuberculosis WILTON Hannah Church of England 31 Cow Head Woody Point
Sept 14 Trout River Convulsions BRAKE Aaron Church of England 6 days Trout River Trout River
Sept 19 Norris Point Pneumonia CAINES Mabel A.M. Church of England 4 1/2 mos Norris Point Norris Point
Sept 26 S.S.Home-Labrador Cow Head-Boone Bay Peritonitis HUMBE James Church of England 21 Arches Norris Point
July 27 Trout River Inft. Debility CROCKER Eli W. Church of England 2 days Trout River Trout River
Sept 29 Sallys Cove Exposure KNOTT Benjamin Church of England 12 Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
Aug 10 St. Anthony Hosp. Tuberculosis YOUNG Roderick Methodist 21 Springdale Goose Cove
Aug 18 St. Anthony TB of Leg PILLEY Willis Methodist 23   St. Anthony
Aug 18 St. Anthony Hosp. TB of Back VATCHER George Methodist 24 La Scie St. Anthony
Aug 25 Goose Cove Tuberculosis NOEL Isabella Methodist 24 Jamestown Goose Cove
Sept 25 Goose Cove TB of Throat ROWBOTTOM Rachel Methodist 36 Freshwater Goose Cove
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Aug 12 Trout River Inft. Debility WHITE Phoebe Methodist 1 1/2 hrs Trout River Trout River
July 31 Cape Norman Old age PITTMAN Mary Ann Church of England 79 Hare Bay Cape Norman
Sept 7 Griquet Consumption MANUEL Mary Ann Church of England 46 Griquet Griquet
Sept 18 Cape Norman Convulsions PITTMAN Albert Church of England 6 mos Cape Norman Cape Norman
July 20 St. Leonards La Grippe COMPTON Emily J. Methodist 18 days    
Aug 24 Fortune Arn Tuberculosis SMITH Edward Methodist 17    
Sept 17 Cape Norman La Grippe BUTT Alfreda Methodist 12 days    
July 21 The Deades Congenital Debility OSBORNE Eliakim Church of England 15 days The Beaches Riverhead
Aug 8 Coney Arm Congenital Debility RALPH Maud Church of England 11 days Coney Arm Coney Arm
Aug 12 Deer Lake Drowned LANGFORD Samuel Church of England 28 Sopps Island Grand Falls
Sept 4 Western Cove Congenital Debility JACOBS Parmenas Church of England 3 days Western Cove Western Cove
Sept 23 Wild Cove TB of Lungs PARDY Isaac Methodist 55 Twillinggate Wild Cove
Aug 26 Current Island Consumption TOOK Josiah Church of England 7 mos Current Island Current Island
Sept 28 Birchy Head Inft. Debility GOOSNEY Cassie J. Salvation Army 2 days Birchy Head Bonne Bay
Oct 30 Noddy Bay Convulsions EDDISON Noah Church of England 3 weeks Noddy Bay Quirpon
Nov 11 St. Anthony Phthisis CHAMBERS Jacob Church of England 20 Brigus Bay St. Anthony
June 23 Canada Hr. Unknown HYNES Nicholas Roman Catholic 75 Ireland Canada Hr.
Sept 26 Canada Hr. Old age REEVES Philip Roman Catholic 64 Jobet Arm Canada Hr.
Oct 23 Groix Islands Consumption FOLEY Mary Ann Roman Catholic 39 St. John's Groix Islands
Oct 20 St. Anthony Bight Congenital Debility SIMMS Leslie Methodist 10 mos St. Anthony Bight At. Anthony Bight
Dec 31 Goose Cove Congenital Debility ROWBOTTOM William H. Methodist 3 mos Goose Cove Goose Cove
Oct 18 Big Cove Pneumonia PINKSEN Archibald Methodist 11 mos Big Cove Wild Cove
Sept 29 Bell Isle Drowning PHILPOT Bernard Roman Catholic 24 Coachmans Cove At Sea
Nov 6 Jacksons Arm Congenital Debility DOWDEN William Hy. Church of England 12 days Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
Nov 12 Harbor Deep Congenital Debility CASSELL Susannah J. Church of England 3 weeks Harbor Deep Harbor Deep
Dec 23 Seal Cove Pneumonia PINKSTONE Isabella Church of England 2o mos Big Cove Seal Cove
Oct 18 Sallys Cove Exposure DENNIS Eliakim Church of England 16 Selbys Cove Selbys Cove
Nov 2 Cow Head Inft. Debility WELTON Nellie V.H. Church of England 3 mos Woody Point Cow Head
Nov 21 Daniels Hr. Inft. Debility GUINCHART Alexander G. Church of England 5 mos Portland Creek Daniels Hr.
Dec 23 Curzon Village Convulsions GILLAM Ambrose R. Church of England 6 days Curzon Village Bonne Bay
Dec 24 Woody Point Pneumonia MUDGE James R. Church of England 42 Woody Point Woody Point
Sept 17 Greenspond Influenza PARSONS Bessie Methodist 10 days Greenspond Greenspond
Oct 30 Noddy Bay Inft. Debility EDDISON Noah Methodist 1 mon Noddy Bay Noddy Bay
Dec 26 Griquet Paralysis HILLIER James Methodist 68 Twillinggate Griquet
Dec 16 North Arm Drowning WHITE Charles Methodist 27 Trout River Trout River
Oct 9 Bonne Bay Kidney Disease MARSHALL Cyril Roman Catholic 16 Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
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Dec 6 Gargamelle Cold ATKINS Helena Roman Catholic 6 Gargamelle Port au Choix
Dec 30 Stanleyville Meningitis MORYLEY Bernard Roman Catholic 11 mos Norris Point Norris Point

Transcribed by: Paul Dwyer (2011)

Page Last Modified: Saturday September 21, 2013 (Don Tate)

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