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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 4

1903 - 1904

St. John's City District

Pages 21 - 30

PAGE 21                  
Apl. 04 Kilbride Paralysis DUNN Elizabeth F R.Cath. 72 Kilbride Kilbride
May 03 Kilbride Pneumonia ALYWARD Patrick M R.Cath. 49 Kilbride Kilbride
May 16 Kilbride Consumption WALSH Cath'n F R.Cath. 36 Kelligrews Kilbride
Apl. 08 Middle Cove Consumption RYAN John M R.Cath. 45 Middle Cove Torbay
Apl. 25 Torbay La Grippe KENNEDY James M R.Cath. 68 Torbay Torbay
May 11 Torbay Paralysis RYAN James M R.Cath. 73 Torbay Torbay
May 16 Outer Cove Convulsions POWER John M R.Cath. 6Wks. Outer Cove Torbay
May 21 Torbay Convulsions HICKEY Johanna F R.Cath. 6Wks. Torbay Torbay
May 22 Torbay Brain Fever HICKEY Alex M R.Cath. 7 Torbay Torbay
May 31 Pouch Cove Accident CONSTANTINE Stephen M R.Cath. 47 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 18 Bell Isld? Pneumonia DUNN Mary F R.Cath. 9 Torbay Torbay
June 18 Torbay Consumption KENNEDY James M R.Cath. 19 Torbay Torbay
June 24 St.John's Apoplexy KELLY John M R.Cath. 73 Ireland Torbay
June 30 Outer Cove La Grippe HANLON Mary F R.Cath. 71 Outer Cove Torbay
Sep. 05 Pleasant St. Blood Poison WHITE Annie F R.Cath. 49 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 09 McFarlane's St. Stillborn DONAVAN Child of Jeramiah & Jane M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 10 Lunatic Asylum Phthisis MULLOWNEY John M R.Cath. 25 Sweet Bay BB Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 10 Southside Consumption GLYNN Rachel F R.Cath. 57 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 14 Flemming St. Consumption KAVANAGH John M R.Cath. 17 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 14 Victoria St. Stillborn ONEILL Child of Wm. & Rachel M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 16 Pleasant St. Gen.Debility KEOUGH Leo P M R.Cath. 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 21 Gower St. Consumption PALFREY Bessie F R.Cath. 2 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 21 Hamilton St. Convulsions KELLY Rich'd M R.Cath. 5 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 23 Long Pond Rd. Convulsions PHELAN Annie F R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 24 Battery Rd. Gen.Debility HOWE Irene F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 24 Bannerman St. Convulsions ROBBINS Bessie F R.Cath. 8Days St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 29 Georges St. Old Age GAUL Fanny F R.Cath. 80 Brigus N Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Sep. 30 Barnes Rd. Consumption BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 1Y/3M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 27? Gower St. Paralysis CAMPBELL Jane F Methodist 75 Nfld. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
July 25 Toronto Effects of Operation BOND Lucy F Methodist 41 Nfld. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 07 Alex St. Consumption NOSEWORTHY Samuel M Methodist 58   Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 25 Brazils Sq. Empyema IVANY Noah M Methodist 57 Cupids Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 12 St.John's Tumor SMITH Charlotte F Methodist 60 Normans Cove Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 17 St.John's Consumption WEBBER Fred'k M Methodist 66 Hr.Grace Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 24 St.John's Convulsions DAWE Hubert M Methodist 9Mo. St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 22 London Eng. Ulceration of Bowels AYRE Mary Julia F Methodist 47 St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Sep. 10 St.John's Gen.Debility MILLS Violet F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 24 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility NOSEWORTHY Martha F Methodist 9Mo. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 29 Pouch Cove Old Age FLIGHT Jabez M Methodist 83 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 08 Portugal Cove   FRY Sarah F Methodist 65 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
PAGE 22                
Aug. 29 Goodview St. Pneumonia JANES Florence Ann F Methodist 7 Goodview St. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Sep. 09 Goodview St. Croup JANES Harold B M Methodist 14Mo. Goodview St. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 14 St.John's Consumption PORTER John M S.Army 16 St.John's St.John's
Sep. 12 St.John's Convulsions RUMSEY Florence F S.Army 2 St.John's St.John's
Sep. 27 St.John's Consumption LEWIS Walter M S.Army 7 St.John's St.John's
Sep. 29 St.John's Stillborn COOK   M S.Army   St.John's St.John's
Oct. 02 Duggan St. Phthisis PACK Thomas M Ch.of Eng. 19 St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 03 New Gower St. Nephritis PAGE Francis T R M Ch.of Eng. 45 St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 07 Barters Hill Old Age ROGERS Elizabeth F Ch.of Eng. 75 St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 08 Brazils Field Dyspepsia STRONG Violet R F Ch.of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 10 80 Lime St. Convulsions BISHOP Sam'l G M Ch.of Eng. 3Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 25 Scott St. Meningitis BOONE John M Ch.of Eng. 50 Salmon Cove C of E Cemetery
Oct. 27 Gilbert St. Tonsilitis YETMAN Wm. M Ch.of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Oct. 29 Schon.Silvia Spray? St.John's Brain Dis. COOPER David M Ch.of Eng. 34 St.Helliers C of E Cemetery
Oct. 02 Gen.Hospital Brights Dis. PENNY George M Ch.of Eng. 55 Kiels BB C of E Cemetery
Oct. 25 Mullock St. Consumption LEDSTONE Emily F Ch.of Eng. 35 Brigus C of E Cemetery
Oct. 05 Duckworth St. Heart Failure PEDDLE Mary F R.Cath. 29 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 10? Water St. W Gen'l Debility PEDDLE Nicholas M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 11 Longs Hill Old Age MURPHY Mary F R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 14 Power St. Dropsy KIELLY Ann F R.Cath. 63 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 16 Duckworth St. Bronchitis FARRELL Thomas M R.Cath. 3 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 15 Black Marsh Rd. Chronic Rheumatism BOLAND James M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 15 Bond St. Consumption MULLINS Luke M R.Cath. 26 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 16 Cabot St. Hemorrhage BUCKLEY Henry M R.Cath. 17 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 19 Dicks Sq. Convulsions FITZPATRICK Mary F R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 20 Pleasant St. Old Age WHITTEN Joseph M R.Cath. 70 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 20 Water St. Old Age POWER Louisa F R.Cath. 82 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 24 Water St. Bronchitis FURLONG Caroline F R.Cath. 74 St.John's Belvidere
Oct. 01 Battery Rd. Consumption DOBBIN Marg't F R.Cath. 25 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 03 Water St. W Old Age WALL Wm. M R.Cath. 70 Witless Bay  
Oct. 06 York St. Convulsions RICHARDSON Jas. M R.Cath. 1 St.John's  
Oct. 07 Logy Bay Old Age RYAN Luke M R.Cath. 75 Logy Bay  
Oct. 07 Alans Sq. Gen.Debility EARL Joseph M R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's  
Oct. 08 Colonial St. Gen.Debility CAUL Alan F M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's  
Oct. 08 Quidi Vidi Lake Drowning MARTIN Robt. M R.Cath. 50 St.John's  
Oct. 09 Lime St. Gen.Debility MCLAUGHLAN Maud F R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's  
Oct. 09 New Gower St. Gen.Debility BAILEY Molly F R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's  
Oct. 12 Alex St. Heart Failure EGAN John M R.Cath. 58 St.John's  
Oct. 13 Buchanan St. Gen.Debility MEALEY Frances F R.Cath. 2Dys. St.John's  
Oct. 13 Simms St. Consumption CULLETON Ellen F R.Cath. 24 St.John's  
PAGE 23                
Oct. 14 Water St.W Tumor DEVEREUX Bridget F R.Cath. 33 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 15 Pleasant St. Gen.Debility ST.GEORGE Thomas M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 16 George St. Gen.Debility FORAN Mary F R.Cath. 10Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 18 Barters Hill Prem. Birth WILLIAMS Child of Geo. & Mary M R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 19 Water St.W Consumption PARSONS John M R.Cath. 47 Hr.Buffett Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 21 Hamilton St. Consumption BARRON Thomas M R.Cath. 36 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 22 Buchanan St. Convulsions WHITE Madeline F R.Cath. 2 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 23 Pleasant St. Consumption DALTON William M R.Cath. 50 Witless Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 25? Hamilton St. Inflamation KERVAN Thomas M R.Cath. 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 24 Longs Hill Peritonitis PIKE Caroline F Methodist 37 Nfld. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 27 Young St. Heart Dis. JOHNS Geo. Wm. M Methodist 19 Nfld. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 19 Quidi Vidi Rd. Convulsions DEER Sarah Gertrude F Methodist 2M/2W St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 28 Goodview St. Heart Dis. GROUCHY Chas. M Methodist 12Y/6M St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 07 St.Bastian St. Phthisis NOFTAL Wm. M Methodist 35 St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 10 Southside Meningitis HEFFERMAN Christopher M Methodist 16Mo. Southside Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 18 New L???i Meningitis BUTT Harriet Maud F Methodist 7 St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Oct. 27 Lunatic Asylum Insanity SNOW Sam'l M Methodist 62 Coleys Pt. Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Sep. 03 Charlton St. Convulsions HODDER Eliz'th F Methodist 13Days St.John's Gen.Prot.Cemetery
Sep. 27 Southside Convulsions TAYLOR Hazel F Methodist 3Days Southside Gen.Prot.Cemetery
July 01 Bell Isle Bronchitis KEHOE Michael F M R.Cath. 2Mo. Bell Isle Bell Isle
July 03 Bell Isle Bronchitis CHARLES Susannah F R.Cath. 9Mo. Bell Isle Bell Isle
Aug. 27 Bell Isle Convulsions KENNEDY Peter Joseph M R.Cath. 1Mo. Bell Isle Bell Isle
Sep. 02 Bell Isle Phthisis STEEL Jno. Daniel M R.Cath. 7 Nova Scotia Bell Isle
July 02 Broad Cove Consumption TUCKER Ellen F Ch.of Eng. 41 Long Pond Broad Cove
July 09 Portugal Cove Old Age FRY Wm. M Ch.of Eng. 93 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 10 Bell Isld? Accident SQUIRES Sarah F Ch.of Eng. 9 Broad Cove Broad Cove
July 12 Portugal Cove Consumption MILLER James M Ch.of Eng. 73 Portugal Cove Broad Cove
July 31 Portugal Cove La Grippe MILLER John M Ch.of Eng. 72 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 28? Portugal Cove Croup MILLER Joseph M Ch.of Eng. 13Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 16 Portugal Cove Brights Dis. PICCO Ann F Ch.of Eng. 75 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 09 Portugal Cove Paralysis SOMERTON Caroline F Ch.of Eng. 80 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 31 Broad Cove Chol.Infantum SQUIRES Elfreda M Ch.of Eng. 9Mo. Broad Cove Broad Cove
Sep. 27? Broad Cove Consumption BRADBURY George M Ch.of Eng. 22 St.John's Broad Cove
July 20 Pouch Cove Bronchitis RYAN Albert M Ch.of Eng. 1 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sep. 26 Pouch Cove Old Age GOULD Lucinda F Ch.of Eng. 72 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 09 St.John's Brain Hemorrhage SPRY Mary L F Presby'n 86 St.John's River Head
July 20 St.John's Heart Failure SERYNGEOUR? Sam'l W M Presby'n 55 Scotland Foxboro Mass.
Aug. 24 St.John's Consumption HAMLYN Marg't F Presby'n 30 Scotland River Head
Sep. 15 St.John's ???????? FRASER Eliza F Presby'n 77 St.John's River Head
Sep. 23 Clarenville Pneumonia GRAHAM Annie B D F Presby'n 37 Scotland River Head
May 05? St.John's Stillborn MOORE   F S.Army   St.John's St.John's
July 10? St.John's Stillborn SNOW   M S.Army   St.John's St.John's
PAGE 24              
Sep. 02 Poor Asylum Paralysis WELLS Mary J F Ch.of Eng. 49 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Sep. 12 Patrick St. Heart Failure HARVEY Wm. Jno. M Ch.of Eng. 47 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Sep. 18 Water St. Heart Disease PACK Ernest E M Ch.of Eng. 20 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Sep. 27 Port Hood Canada Drowning SHEPPARD John Oke M Ch.of Eng. 26 Burin Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 05 Water St.W Convulsions HENDRICK Violet F Ch.of Eng. 7 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 08 Brennans Lane Pneumonia NICHOLS James M Ch.of Eng. 67 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 08 Kelligrews Old Age PAYNE John M Ch.of Eng. 72 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 07 Fergus Place Old Age MITCHELL Robt. M Ch.of Eng. 75 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 12? Hamilton St. Bronchitis CORNISH Stanley M Ch.of Eng. 1 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 18? Balsom St. Phthisis RICHARDS James J M Ch.of Eng. 24? Port de Grave Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 22 Hutchings St. Meningitis NURSE Ida M F Ch.of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 29 Patrick St. Phthisis BARTLETT Fred'k M Ch.of Eng. 2 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 06 Holloway St. Paralysis MORRIS Chas. M Ch.of Eng. 82 Trinity Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 15 Young St. Paralysis BUTLER John M Ch.of Eng. 62   Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 22 Spencer St. Consumption DUFFETT Thomas M Ch.of Eng. 32 Bay de Verde Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 29 Boncloddy St. Consumption BENSON Joseph M Ch.of Eng. 26 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 17? Allan St. Marasmus BUGDEN George S F M Ch.of Eng. 6Wks. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 20 Devon Road Old Age BROWN Frances Charlotte F Ch.of Eng. 83 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 23 W'ms? St. Horamus? (heart?) ROWE Anna F Ch.of Eng. 54 Devon,England Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 27 Quidi Vidi Rd. Gen.Debility WALKINSON Annie I? F Ch.of Eng. 4Mo. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 26 Battery Rd. Consumption PRICE Henrietta F Ch.of Eng. 28 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 27 Circular Rd. Tumor JOHNSTON Eliz'th F Ch.of Eng. 78 Ireland Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Dec. 21 Hunts Lane Gen.Debility JOHNSTON Winifred M F Ch.of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Nov. 19? Petty Hr. Bronchitis CHAFE Edwin Thos. M Ch.of Eng. 3Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Dec. 27 Petty Hr. Cancer of Stomach CHAFE Robert M Ch.of Eng. 71 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Nov. 14 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility WELLS John S M Ch.of Eng. 2Y/6M Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 21 Pouch Cove Bronchitis BRAGG Philip M Ch.of Eng. 3Wks. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 30 Pouch Cove Bronchitis BALDWIN Herbert M Ch.of Eng. 8Days Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Oct. 01 Topsail Infla. of Bowels ALLEN Eliz'th F Ch.of Eng. 66 Broad Cove Broad Cove
Oct. 12 Bell Isle Pneumonia HANN Geo. M Ch.of Eng. 10Mo. Burgeo Broad Cove
Oct. 27 Portugal Cove Consumption EARLE Alice M F Ch.of Eng. 16 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 06 Portugal Cove Tuberculosis of Leg EARLE John M Ch.of Eng. 66 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 10 Portugal Cove Hip Dis. MILLER Hilda F Ch.of Eng. 13 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 18 Broad Cove Consumption TUCKER Matilda F Ch.of Eng. 23 Broad Cove Broad Cove
Dec. 07 Broad Cove Prem. Birth TUCKER Eliza F Ch.of Eng. 12Hrs. Broad Cove Broad Cove
Dec. 23 Portugal Cove Hip Disease GREELEY Edmund M Ch.of Eng. 8 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 01 Military Rd. Tumor MYRICK Mary A F R.Cath. 48 St.John's Belvidere
Nov. 02 Bay Bulls Rd. Old Age MURPHY Eliz'th F R.Cath. 82 Ireland Belvidere
Nov. 09 Livingstone St. Old Age MURPHY Thomas M R.Cath. 83 St.John's Belvidere
Nov. 10 Cochrane St. Old Age KEOUGH Cath'n F R.Cath. 80 St.John's Belvidere
PAGE 25                
Nov. 11 Pennywell Rd. Diabetes KELLY Patrick W M R.Cath. 61 Ireland Belvedere
Nov. 11 Stephen St. Paralysis FORRISTAL Patrick M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvedere
Nov. 23 Water St.W Convulsions HALLEY Michael M R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Nov. 25 Pilleys Isld. Pneumonia KENNEDY Edward M R.Cath. 27 St.John's Belvedere
Nov. 26 Mullock St. Cancer COFFEN Margaret F R.Cath. 43 Blackhead Belvedere
Nov. 30 Kings Rd. Old Age FORWARD John M R.Cath. 66 St.John's Belvedere
Nov. 30 Lunatic Asylum Insanity KEARNEY James M R.Cath. 50 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 02 Flavin St. Brain Fever SLATTERY Genevive F R.Cath. 5Y/6M St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 04 Tours France Consumption HEARN John M R.Cath. 28 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 05 Lemarchant Rd. Jaunice CORBETT Margaret F R.Cath. 65 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 06 Pleasant St. Old Age HEALY Patrick M R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 08 Mundy Pond Rd. Convulsions VIGUS Francis M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 11 Catherine St. Old Age BOWDRIDGE Ellen F R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 11 Job St. Insanity MURPHY Ann F R.Cath. 64 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 11 Millertown Tumor LACEY Philip M R.Cath. 51 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 17 Catherine St. Old Age CUDDIHY Catherine F R.Cath. 80 Ireland Belvedere
Dec. 23 Long Pond Rd. Pneumonia MCGRATH Timothy M R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 24 Military Rd. Pneumonia FORTUNE Patrick M R.Cath. 2Y/6M St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 24 Livingstone St. Old Age REARDON Daniel M R.Cath. 87 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 30 Bond St. Consumption BUCKLEY Mich'l M R.Cath. 22 St.John's Belvedere
Dec. 31 Water St.W Convulsions WALSH Sylvester M R.Cath. 2Dys. St.John's Belvedere
Nov. 01 Queens St. Cancer HICKEY Ellen F R.Cath. 45 Hr.Grace Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 02 Field St. Brights Dis. COSTELLO Johanna F R.Cath. 51 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 03 Boggan St. Heart Failure PITMAN Mary F R.Cath. 70 Placentia Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 04 Torbay Rd. Convulsions MERNER Rose F R.Cath. 3 Torbay Rd. Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 05 Barters Hill Consumption WILLIAMS Mabel F R.Cath. 24 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 08 Water St.W Gen.Debility MCDONALD Annie F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 11 Hamilton St. Convulsions BOONE Lizzie F R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 11 Flower Hill Convulsions MORRISSEY Patrick M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 12 Moores St. Old Age BARTLETT William M R.Cath. 75 Trinity N Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 12 Poor Asylum Gen'l Debility STANNLON? Richard M R.Cath. 57 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 12 McFarlane's St. Convulsions MARTIN Peter M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 16 Georges St. Convulsions COLLINS Johanna F R.Cath. 2Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 19 Larkin's Sq. Consumption BUCKLEY John M R.Cath. 17 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 20 Southside Spinal Dis. MCCORMACK Mary F R.Cath. 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 21 Tank Lane Consumption CONNER Maggie F R.Cath. 13 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 21 Battery Rd. Cancer OGRADY Patrick M R.Cath. 65 Outer Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 21 Stephen St. Convulsions BRIEN Mary F R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 23 Carters Hill Paralysis GREEN John M R.Cath. 64 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 24 Stephen St. Heart Failure MCGUIRE M'cl. M R.Cath. 78 Brigus Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 26                
Nov. 25 Majors Path Consumption THOMAS Mary Ann F R.Cath. 38 Caplin Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 28 Poor Asylum Dropsy LEONARD James M R.Cath. 76 Sound Isld. Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 29 Brine St. Prem. Birth HEARN Child of Peter & Maggie M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Nov. 30 Mundy Pond Gen.Debility MCKELLOP Mary F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. Lime St. Gen.Debility LAWSON Annie F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 09 Battery Rd. Gen.Debility DOBBIN Annie F R.Cath. 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 15 Poor Asylum Old Age HOGAN Richard M R.Cath. 71 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 21 Poor Asylum Old Age DEMPSEY James M R.Cath. 72 Hr.Grace Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 26 Kickhams Place Consumption PICCO M'cl. M R.Cath. 46 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 26 College Sq. Consumption BYRNE Sarah F R.Cath. 58 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 26 Lemarchant Rd. Heart Failure KILEY James M R.Cath. 52 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 28 Princes St. Gen.Debility AYLWARD Katie F R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 28 Bambricks St. Consumption POWER William M R.Cath. 52 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 28 Lunatic Asylum Phthisis GALE Ab'm M R.Cath. 39 Brigus Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 31 Duckworth St. Dropsy DORMODY Rch'd M R.Cath. 38 Trinity Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 31 Bond St. Infantile DONNELLY Mary F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Dec. 31 Gower St. Consumption CHAPLIN Jno. S M R.Cath. 7 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Oct. 04 Torbay Gen.Debility WHELAN John M R.Cath. 87 Torbay Torbay
Oct. 28? Middle Cove Tuberculosis ROCHE James M R.Cath. 21 Middle Cove Torbay
Nov. 19 Torbay Gen.Debility DOODY Mc'l Jas. M R.Cath. 7Wks. Torbay Torbay
Oct. 16 Kilbride Blood Poisoning SKEANS Rich'd M R.Cath. 57 Kilbride Kilbride
Nov. 23 St.John's Paralysis AYLWARD Anastatia F R.Cath. 45 Kilbride Kilbride
Nov. 28 Topsail Rd. Decline FLYNN Margaret F R.Cath. 28 Topsail Rd. Kilbride
Dec. 16 Kilbride Croup SINNOTT Alice F R.Cath. 4Mo. Kilbride Kilbride
Oct. 11 Pouch Cove Bloody Flux NOSEWORTHY Wilson M Methodist 7 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Oct. 17 Bauline Rd. Convulsions PARSONS Phoebe F Methodist 1Wk. Bauline Rd. Bauline
Nov. 12 Portugal Cove Old Age FRY Wm. M Methodist 76 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 23 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility HOLLETT Lizzie F Methodist 13Mo. St.John's Pouch Cove
Dec. 11 Portugal Cove Gen.Debility HUDSON Herbert Hy. M Methodist 3Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec. 13 Pouch Cove Paralysis HUDSON Geo. M Methodist 62 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Dec. 24 Bell Isld Nat'l Causes ROSE Percy H M Methodist 16Mo. Bell Isle Bell Isld
Nov. 05 St.John's Inflamation of Lungs STREET Wm. M Methodist 45 Western Bay G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 16 St.John's Bronchitis HODDER Flora F Methodist 1Y/6M St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 01 St.John's Consumption ANDREWS Lydia F Methodist 2Y/9M St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 21 St.John's Convulsions POTTLE Edw'd M Methodist 1Y/6M St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 31 St.John's Insanity DAY Mary F Methodist 68 Nfld. G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 03 St.John's Convulsions STRONG Hy. F M Methodist 9Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 05 St.John's Croup TROWBRIDGE Fred'k M Methodist 2 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 14 St.John's Croup PARROTT Gladys M L F Methodist 6 Nfld. G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 17 St.John's Meningitis EARLE Linda F Methodist 2 Nfld. G.P.Cemetery
PAGE 27                
Dec. 16 Lime St. Convulsions EARLE Gilbert M Methodist 2Wks. Lime St. G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 23 Water St. Angina Pectoris GARLAND Stephen M Methodist 67 Lower Is.Cove G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 26 Spencer St. Paralysis MITCHELL Manuel M Methodist 70 Nfld. G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 31 Pleasant St. Pneumonia MAXWELL Chas. M Methodist 2Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 09 Springdale St. Convulsions ROSE Malcolm M Methodist 6Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 12 Caseys St. Whooping Cough KING Ethel J F Methodist 2Y/9M St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 12 Stephens St. Convulsions KING Stella F Methodist 1Y/9M St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 25 Pleasant St. Marasmus BARNES Harold M 12 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 29 Angel Place Tuberculosis BIGGS Mercedes F Methodist 7Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 06 Caseys St. Convulsions PARSONS Gordon C M Methodist 4M/2W St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 05 Hamilton St. Meningitis BARTLETT Audrey R F Methodist 1 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 12 Cabot St. Meningitis ROSE Hubert M Methodist 10 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 17 Pleasant St. Accident ASH George M Methodist 22 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 22 Lunatic Asylum Phthisis FROUD Alice F Methodist 17 Old Perlican G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 28 St.John's Chronic Gastritis MCPHERSON James M Presby'n 50 Crieff,Scot. G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 28 St.John's Marasmus SNOW Annie B F Presby'n 3Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 01 St.John's Asthma NEILSON Adolph M Presby'n 53 Norway G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 08 St.John's Blood Poisoning CLAUSTON Hubert M Presby'n 5 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 08 St.John's Heart Dis. DALTON Christopher M Presby'n 64 Dublin Ireland G.P.Cemetery
Oct. 19 St.John's Consumption BARNES Rich'd M Cong'l 51 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 19 St.John's Heart Failure STOWE Hannibal M Cong'l 68 T'gate G.P.Cemetery
Nov. 25 St.John's Marasmus BARNES Harold M Cong'l 12 St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 25 St.John's Gen.Debility MARSHALL Jean F Cong'l 4Mo. St.John's G.P.Cemetery
Dec. 25 Boston USA Pul.Hemrohhage WHITE Arthur M M Ch.of Eng. 41 Nfld. Forest Hills Boston
Oct. 05 St.John's Bronchitis ASH Violet F S.Army 3 Hr.Grace St.John's
Oct. 24 St.John's Meningitis SNELGROVE Benj M S.Army 46 St.John's St.John's
Nov. 08 St.John's Pneumonia RICH Sam'l M S.Army 4 St.John's St.John's
Nov. 18 St.John's Stillborn ANDREWS   M S.Army   St.John's St.John's
Nov. 20 St.John's Whooping Cough ELLIS Gladys F S.Army 8Mo. St.John's St.John's
Dec. 05 St.John's Convulsions THISTLE Chesley M S.Army 2Mo. St.John's St.John's
Dec. 24 St.John's Consumption HOWELL Adel F S.Army 37 Carbonear St.John's
Dec. 26 St.John's Consumption BLACKMORE Benj M S.Army 40 Pelleys Isld. St.John's
Jan. 22 Thorburn Rd. Gen.Debility CLARKE Eliza F Ch.of Eng. 4Hrs. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 22 Thorburn Rd. Gen.Debility CLARKE Annie F Ch.of Eng. 4Hrs. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 31 50 Albert St. Old Age PAYNE Wm. M Ch.of Eng. 86 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 04 17 Dicks Sq. Tuberculosis STONE Roy M Ch.of Eng. 2 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 06 31 Duggan St. Apoplexy SAUNDERS Hannah F Ch.of Eng. 80 Port de Grave Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 09 65 Norris St. Pertussis GREEN Sarah Hooper? F Ch.of Eng. 5Mo. Brooklyn N.Y Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 12 22 Codners Lane Convulsions ROBERTS Wesley M Ch.of Eng. 17Dys. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 14 18? Lime St. Tuberculosis JONES John Joseph M Ch.of Eng. 4Mo. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
PAGE 28                
Feb. 14 34 Wickford St. Convulsions LEAR Joseph M Ch.of Eng. 11Dys. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 16 35 Adelaide St. Pneumonia BURGEO James M Ch.of Eng. 18Mo. Greenspond Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 16 6 Monroe St. Apoplexy GEORGE Frances F Ch.of Eng. 65 Hr.Grace Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 22 Brazils Field Convulsions STRONG Harold M Ch.of Eng. 2 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 26 Spencer St. Bronchitis HOOKEY Ethel F Ch.of Eng. 2 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 28 6 Bulley St. Pneumonia HANN Vera G F Ch.of Eng. 1Y/9M St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 10 Quidi Vidi Rd. Heart Dis. DAWE Emma F Ch.of Eng. 62 Bareneed Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 10 York St. Heart Dis. CAINES Elsie F Ch.of Eng. 9 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 12 Field St. Consumption HUTCHINGS Sarah F Ch.of Eng. 21 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 14 Quidi Vidi Convulsions HORWOOD Wm. Jno. M Ch.of Eng. 1Day St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 25 Gen.Hospital St.J Consumption COX ?erbet M Ch.of Eng. 18 St.Jacques Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 25 Cabot St. Bronchitis BRADBROOKE Wm. Edw'd M Ch.of Eng. 1 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 09 Harvey Rd. Croup NOONAN Henrietta F Ch.of Eng. 10Wks. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 17 Colonial St. Old Age COOK Rebecca F Ch.of Eng. 91 Portugal Cove Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 21 Hayward Ave. Gen.Debility NOSEWORTHY Wm. M Ch.of Eng. 18Mo. St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Feb. 27 Spencer St. Pneumonia HALL John Chas. M Ch.of Eng. 5 St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 06 Hamilton St. Old Age CHAFE Thomas M Ch.of Eng. 92 England Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 06 Water St.W Pneumonia HOPKINS Myrtis F Ch.of Eng. 2Y/4M St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 12 Southside Consumption BURRIDGE John M Ch.of Eng. 69 England Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 24 Asylum Rd. Old Age PENSTON Henry M Ch.of Eng. 71 England Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 29 Hayward Ave. Convulsions COLLIER Francis G M Ch.of Eng. 2M/2W St.John's Ch.of Eng.Cemetery
Jan. 04 Poor Asylum Consumption NELLIGAN James M R.Cath. 55 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 04 St.John's Old Age POWER James M R.Cath. 77 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 06 Duckworth St. Heart Failure KEARNEY John J M R.Cath. 50 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 08 Henry St. Cancer WALSH Cath'n F R.Cath. 56 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 08 Carnell St. Consumption WHELAN Eliz'th F R.Cath. 68 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 07 North Sydney Accident WALSH William M R.Cath. 22 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 10 Circular Rd. Perm.Birth O'REILLY Child of Joseph M R.Cath.   St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 13 Williams St. Heart Failure KENNY Mary F R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 14 Dorchester Boston Consumption SUMMERS Mary F R.Cath. 16 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 17 New Gower St. Heart Failure ONEILL Wm. M R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 19 Military Rd. Consumption WHITE Francis M R.Cath. 21 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 19 Springdale St. Heart Failure DEADY Susannah F R.Cath. 67 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 21 Allendale Rd. Consumption SULLIVAN Maud F R.Cath. 19 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 22 Queens Rd. Convulsions SLATTERY Francis E M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 22 Gower St. Heart Failure OREILLY Ferdenand M R.Cath. 10Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 22 Cuddihy's St. Consumption FARRELL Mary F R.Cath. 56 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 23 Queens Rd. Heart Failure MULLALLY Michael M R.Cath. 72 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 24 New Gower St. Convulsions MOLLOY Rita F R.Cath. 1Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 26 Hayward Ave. Consumption JOHNSTONE Bridget F R.Cath. 51 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
PAGE 29                
Jan. 27 Adelaide St. Old Age CASHIN William M R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 27 Young St. Paralysis KELLY Margaret F R.Cath. 58 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 28 Waterford Bridge Rd Consumption CLARKE Hannah F R.Cath. 92 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 28 Georges St. Consumption HANLEY John M R.Cath. 38 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 29 William St. Pneumonia KENNY Ellen F R.Cath. 25 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 29 James St. Pneumonia OBRIEN Anastatia F R.Cath. 60 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 02 Bond St. Old Age MURPHY Alice F R.Cath. 80 Catalina Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 04 Allen Sq. Consumption LAWLOR Jas. Stanislaus M R.Cath. 17 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 05 Cookstown Rd. Convulsions HEALEY Michael M R.Cath. 8Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 06 Water St. Pleurisey SHEA Denis M M R.Cath. 2Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 13 Monkstown Rd. Convulsions SCOTT Jean F R.Cath. 4Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 14 Wickford St. Old Age KELLY Sarah F R.Cath. 73 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 20 Bannerman St. Blood Poison GUSHUE Annie F R.Cath. 34 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 21 Livingstone St. Pneumonia RYAN Ellen F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 21 St.Brides Convent Pneumonia XAVERIERS Sr.Mary F R.Cath. 63 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 22 James St. Bronchitis WHELAN Wm. Leo M R.Cath. 7Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 23 Gower St. Convulsions MCDONALD Ethel F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 26 Rennies Mills Rd. Old Age MAHAR Jane F R.Cath. 82 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 27 James St. Convulsions TOBIN Edward M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Feb. 29 Hayward Ave. Whooping Cough KEEFE Mary F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Jan. 01 Water St.W Gen'l Debility WALSH Alice F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 02 Prospect St. Prem. Birth HANDIGAN Child of Pat'k & Mary M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 04 Pilots Hill Old Age WISEMAN James M R.Cath. 80 Trinity Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 04 Brien St. Consumption MCGRATH Ann F R.Cath. 35 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 04 New Gower St. Consumption COCHRANE Maurice M R.Cath. 19 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 05 Water St.W Bronchitis ONEIL Stephen F M R.Cath. 3 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 06 Mundy Pond Rd. Consumption REARDON Mary F R.Cath. 39 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 08 Stephen St. Convulsions GRIFFEN Madeline F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 08 Quidi Vidi Rd. Bronchitis BULLEY James M R.Cath. 51 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 11 Water St.W Paralysis SULLIVAN Kate F R.Cath. 56 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 12 S.A. Rescue Home Gen.Debility DUFF Mc'l M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 12 Pleasant St. Gen.Debility ST.GEORGE James M R.Cath. 1Hr. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 13 Pope St. Prem. Birth MCGRATH Child of Wm. & Eliz'th M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 16 Battery Rd. Childbirth CROTTY Mary F R.Cath. 38 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 18 New Gower St. Prem. Birth HURLEY Child of Thos. & Bessie F R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 20 Convent Sq. Jaunice MCGRATH Susan F R.Cath. 53 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 22 Poor Asylum Gen.Debility LANE John M R.Cath. 78 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 25 McFarlane's Lane Infantile BURKE Jessie F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 26 Plymouth Rd. Consumption POWER Jane F R.Cath. 28 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 26 Cuddihy's St. Gen.Debility FITZGERALD Stephen M R.Cath. 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 30                
Jan. 27 Long Pond Rd. Convulsions PHELAN Michael M R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 27 Sebastin St. Consumption DOHERTY Kitty F R.Cath. 7Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 28 Lime St. Dropsy ROOST Andrew M R.Cath. 48 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 29 Water St.W Consumption BROWN Bessie F R.Cath. 33 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 30 Flower Hill Gen.Debility ONEILL Thos. M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 01 Chapel St. Gen.Debility COADY Annie F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 02 Water St.W Bronchitis ROACH Gerald M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 02 Mullock St. Consumption GARDNER Mary F R.Cath. 4 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 02 Poor Asylum Old Age CAREW Stephen M R.Cath. 82 Ferryland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 02 Bond St. Convulsions DEBOURKE Alex M R.Cath. 9Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 03 Blackstone Mass. La Grippe SHEA Daniel M R.Cath. 60 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 03 Mcfarlane St. Gen.Debility STAFFORD Willis M R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 06 Plank Rd. Bronchitis DOYLE Jane F R.Cath. 2Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 07 Adelaide St. Convulsions SPRY Patrick M R.Cath. 1 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 08 William St. Old Age MCGRATH Margaret F R.Cath. 83 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 08 Bannerman St. Paralysis HAYES Patrick M R.Cath. 44 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 09 Belvedere St. Bronchitis BLYDE Peter M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 11 Battery Rd. Jaunice DINN Mary A F R.Cath. 19 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 11 Cookstown Rd. Tumor SQUIRES Mary A F R.Cath. 32 Holyrood Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 12 New Gower St. Consumption DUNPHY Mary Ellen F R.Cath. 32 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 12 Logy Bay Consumption WHELAN Andrew M R.Cath. 21 Fermeuse Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 12 Cuddihy's St. Gen.Debility MAHER Francis M R.Cath. 1 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 12 Lunatic Asylum Epelipsy LOUGHLAN John M R.Cath. 29 Bay Bulls Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 15 Water St.W Consumption POWER Lizzie F R.Cath. 30 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 19 St.John's Hospital Consumption RYAN Thomas M R.Cath. 24 Renews Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 19 Torbay Rd. Convulsions BRENNAN James J M R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 23 Fleming St. Brain Dis. MILLER Ellie F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 23 Casey St. Decline JUDGE Bridget F R.Cath. 17 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 24 Pleasant St. Old Age JACKMAN Philip M R.Cath. 78 Renews Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 25 Torbay Rd. Paralysis COLE Lizzie F R.Cath. 50 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 25 Pat'k St. Bronchitis BRIEN Mary A F R.Cath. 3Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 29 Wickford St. Bronchitis WHITTEN Laura F R.Cath. 2Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Feb. 29 Hamilton St. Dropsy ROUD Eliz'th F R.Cath. 54 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Jan. 22 St.John's Brain Trouble HALFYARD Walter M Methodist 11Mo. St.John's Gen.P.Cemetery
Jan. 25 St.John's Consumption SPENCER Sarah Bell F Methodist 1Y/9M St.John's Gen.P.Cemetery
Dec. 31 1903 Springdale St. English Cholera BARRETT Roland M Methodist 16Y/6M Old Perlican Gen.P.Cemetery
Jan. 22 Charlton St. Convulsions COOKE Blanche F Methodist 10Dys St.John's Gen.P.Cemetery
Jan. 22 Wadlegrave St. Old Age ASH James M Methodist 79 Hr.Grace Gen.P.Cemetery
Jan. 29 George St. Gen.Debility PEARCY Isaac M Methodist 7Mo. St.John's Gen.P.Cemetery
Jan. 06 Hamilton St. Heart Dis. WILKINSON Henrietta F Methodist 57 St.John's Gen.P.Cemetery

Transcribed by Betty Cumby(2010)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 ADT

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