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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 4

1903 - 1904

St. John's City District

Pages 11 - 20

PAGE 11                  
Jan. 17 Torbay Diptheria DOODY Mary F R.Cath. 13 Torbay Torbay
Jan. 19 Torbay Gen.Debility GOSSE Stephen M R.Cath. 1 Torbay Torbay
Jan. 28 Torbay Old Age RYAN Martin M R.Cath. 71 Torbay Torbay
Feb. 04 Torbay Old Age TOOLE Mich'l M R.Cath. 90 St.John's Torbay
Feb. 04 Torbay Gen.Debility POWER Ann F R.Cath. 5Mo. Torbay Torbay
Feb. 06 Middle Cove Gen.Debility POWER Marg't F R.Cath. 2Mo. Middle Cove Torbay
Feb. 10 Torbay Diptheria FLEMING Marg't F R.Cath. 15 Torbay Torbay
Feb. 22 Outer Cove Old Age STACK Thomas M R.Cath. 83 Outer Cove Torbay
Mar. 25 Torbay Asthma BOLGER Eliz'th F R.Cath. 14 Torbay Torbay
Jan. 05 St.John's Consumption GIBBONS Ella J F Methodist 23 Wesleyville Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 20? St.John's Blood Poison HANN Clement M Methodist 17 Newtown Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Dec. 30 1902 54 Gilbert St. Paralysis NICHOLL Nicholas M Methodist 73 Carbonear Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 17 Poor Asylum Old Age GEORGE Edward M Methodist 75 Carbonear Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 19? 6 St.John Pl. Old Age FIELD Thomas M Methodist 72 Torbay Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 25 South Side Heart Disease GOOBY Ann F Methodist 75 Newfl'd Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 05 Barters Hill Pneumonia SPARKS Chesley M Methodist 14Mo. Barters Hill Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 12 Springdale St. Heart Disease TAYLOR Wm. H M Methodist 77 Nfld. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 24 Caseys St. Consumption ROSE Florence F Methodist 16 Nfld. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 04 LeMarchant Rd. Gen.Debility TUCKER Margaret G F Methodist 3M0. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 05 St.George? Concussion/Brain ANTLE Abraham M Methodist 84 Nfld. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 29 South Side Enlargement/Spleen PIKE Margaret F Methodist 38 Nfld. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 16 St.John's Convulsions COOPER Hazel Maud F Methodist 4M/2W St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 27 St.John's Gen.Debility THISTLE Bessie F Methodist 2Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 02 Battery Rd. Dropsy DAWE Fanny F Methodist 35   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 07 Barnes Rd. Paralysis BARTLETT (Mrs.Geo) F Methodist 71   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 09 British Sq. Paralysis LUSCOMBE Amelia F Methodist 76   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 21 Gen.Hospital Consumption FRANCIS Jno. M Methodist 22 LaPoile Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 12 St.John's Pneumonia SIMMONDS Wm. M Methodist 57 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 15 St.John's Paralysis SNOW Jno. M Methodist 76   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 16 Gen.Hospital Infl. of Bowels CURTIS Jno. M Methodist 31 Brigus Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 11 St.John's Convulsions BARBER? Jas. Alex M S.Army 5Dys. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 22? St.John's Inflamation BUCKLER Mary F S.Army 37 Hants Hr. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Jan. 18 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility MURPHY William M R.Cath. 4 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Jan. 19 Goulds Gen.Debility JOYCE Bernard M R.Cath. 9Mo. Goulds Goulds
Feb. 06 Petty Hr. Old Age HOPKINS Ellen F R.Cath. 53 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Mar. 05 Big Pond Old Age GRANT James M R.Cath. 75? Ireland Goulds
Feb. 24 Kilbride Old Age BRENNAN Cath'n F R.Cath. 78 Ireland Kilbride
Feb. 26 Sydny CB Accident DENSMORE Wm. M R.Cath. 20 Kilbride Kilbride
Mar. 28 Kilbride Decline BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 53 Goulds Kilbride
Jan. 21 Broad Cove Pul.Tuberculosis KING Chas. M Ch.Of Eng. 66 Broad Cove Broad Cove
PAGE 12                  
Jan. 23 Broad Cove Pneumonia TUCKER Nath'l M Ch.Of Eng. 10Dys. Broad Cove Broad Cove
Mar. 07 Portugal Cove Brights Dis. HARDING Ellen F Ch.Of Eng. 52 Bay Roberts Portugal Cove
Jan. 03 St.John's Cardiac Failure HALLIDAY John M Presty'n 42 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 15 St.John's Old Age HUGHES Martha F Presty'n 72 Tyrone Ire. Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Mar. 22? St.John's Paralysis BAIRD Annie Boyd F Presty'n 82 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 20? Lunatic Asylum Acute Mania STEPHENSON Alfreda F Ch.Of Eng. 45 Hr.Grace C.O.E. Cemetery
Feb. 23? South Side Heart Dis. SMITH James M Ch.Of Eng. 85 Cupids C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 21 38 Prescott St. Phthisis FIELD Walter M Ch.Of Eng. 38 Trinity C.O.E. Cemetery
May 05 37 Water St. Intestinal Colic MCCOUBREY Adam M Ch.Of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
May 15 South Side Consumption FORD Ethel V? F Ch.Of Eng. 15 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
May 21 284 Water St. Convulsions COOK Douglas R M Ch.Of Eng. 17Dys. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 04 Mundy Pond Rd. Convulsions HAYTON Sarah Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 06 41 Field St. Hemh. of Lungs HUSSEY Sarah Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 46 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 13 91 Bond St. Phthisis WILLIAMS Maud F Ch.Of Eng. 20 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 18 162 Gower St. Heart Failure FEAVER Mary G F Ch.Of Eng. 30 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 19 36 Lime St. Convulsions CLARKE Chas. M Ch.Of Eng. 4Hrs. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 20 New Town Rd. Epilepsy WEIR Wm. M Ch.Of Eng. 43 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
May 12 Thorburn Rd. Consumption CANNING Maria Anne F Ch.Of Eng. 18 Engles C.O.E. Cemetery
May 21 37 Parade St. Athermona GRIBBLE John M Ch.Of Eng. 57 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
May 21 54 Flower Hill Old Age MERCER Geo. M Ch.Of Eng. 89 Bay Roberts C.O.E. Cemetery
May 25 Merry Meeting Rd. Convulsions EVANS Gordon Fred'k M Ch.Of Eng. 3Y/6M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
May 28 Pleasant St. Meningitis EWING Graham M M Ch.Of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 03 26 Vict. St. Bronchitis WILLS R'd Robt. M Ch.Of Eng. 68 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 16 Casey St. Pneumonia HEALE Annie F Ch.Of Eng. 22 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
June 25 151 Pleasant St. Tuberculosis BRADBURY Ida F Ch.Of Eng. 15Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 03 Barnes Rd. Bronchitis HUNT Dorothy Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 18Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 06 Monkstown Rd. Gen.Debility BOWERING John M Ch.Of Eng. 11Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 05 Plymouth Rd. Natural Causes TIBBS Aaron M Ch.Of Eng. 65 Belleoram C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 09 Knights St. Acute Nephrosis HAMLYN Alice Marg't C F Ch.Of Eng. 15Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 13 Convent Lane Heart Dis. BISHOP Alice F Ch.Of Eng. 4 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 13 Cove Rd. Pneumonia EUBERHEIN? Edward M Ch.Of Eng. 1 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 18 Military Rd. Pneumonia MCKENZIE Lizzie F Ch.Of Eng. 16 Labrador C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 20? Bannerman St. Convulsions ANGEL Thos. Jos. M Ch.Of Eng. 3Dys.   C.O.E. Cemetery
May 05 Cabot St. Apoplexy BRADBROOK Hannah F Ch.Of Eng. 57 Portugal Cove C.O.E. Cemetery
May 12 Military Rd. Convulsions FORD Bessie F Ch.Of Eng. 7 Trinity C.O.E. Cemetery
May 22 Military Rd. Cerebral Apoplexy DAVENPORT Wm. M Ch.Of Eng. 76 Birmingham Eng. C.O.E. Cemetery
June 05 Gower St. Diabetes DRAKE Sarah F Ch.Of Eng. 59 Catalina C.O.E. Cemetery
June 04 Philadelphia USA Cancer of Stomach CARTER Robt. M Ch.Of Eng. 54 Ferryland C.O.E. Cemetery
May 09 New York USA Brights Dis. JONES Eliz'th Alice F Ch.Of Eng. 53 Truro C.O.E. Cemetery
June 23 Prospect St. Tuberculosis JENNINGS Terence G M Ch.Of Eng. 12 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
PAGE 13                  
Apl. 04? Petty Hr. Old Age WILLIAMS Maria F Ch.Of Eng. 79 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 06 Petty Hr. Consumption FILLIER Eliz'th F Ch.Of Eng. 29 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 24 St.John's Kidney Disease CHAFE Wm. Bond M Ch.Of Eng. 69 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 31 Petty Hr. Pneumonia BAIRD Wm. D M Ch.Of Eng. 21 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Apl. 01 Fleming St. Croup MILLER Edw'd M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 03 Field St. Gen. Decay JOHNSON John M R.Cath. 75 Jobs Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 06 Poor Asylum Gen. Decay DOYLE Nicholas M R.Cath. 77 Cape Broyle Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 06 Buchanan St. Gen.Debility TOBIN James M R.Cath. 26 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 06 Hunts Lane Convulsions RICHARDSON Teresa F R.Cath. 7 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 09 John St. Convulsions HART Ernest M R.Cath. 1Y/6M? St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 11? Hayward Ave. Convulsions BELL Eddie F M R.Cath. 9Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 13 Field St. Old Age PARRELL Johanna F R.Cath. 94 Meresheen Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 14 Pat'k St.? Drowning MURPHY Pat'k M R.Cath. 55 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 15 Gower St. Consumption COLLINS Bessie F R.Cath. 27 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 17 Georges St. Consumption COLLINS William M R.Cath. 35 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 18 Logy Bay Gen.Debility PENDERGAST Johanna F R.Cath. 64 Hr.Main Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 18 Belvidere St. Brain Dis. MURRAY Willis? M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 19 Goodview St. Old Age MCGUIRE Johannah F R.Cath. 83 Brigus ? Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 20 Gen.Hospital Abcess COSTELLO Josephine F R.Cath. 9 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 21 Outer Cove Indigestion NUGENT Wm. M R.Cath. 64 K?????? Isld. Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 25 South Side Gen.Debility SATURLEY John M R.Cath. 1Y/6M? St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 25 Poor Asylum Nat'l Causes WALSH William M R.Cath. 56 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 27 Pennywell Rd. Consumption MARTIN Christina F R.Cath. 14 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 28 Mundy Pond Rd. Consumption KENNEDY Terence M R.Cath. 62 Carbonear Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 30 Signal Hill Rd. Decline MURRIN Bessie F R.Cath. 12 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 30 Brine St. Consumption FOSTER James M R.Cath. 27 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 01 Quidi Vidi Infla. of Lungs SMITHWICK Bridget F R.Cath. 62 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 02 Black Marsh Rd. Old Age OBRIEN Thomas M R.Cath. 96 Cape Broyle Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 03 Mcfarlane's Lane Consumption PEARSON Wm. M R.Cath. 5Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 04 Pleasant St. Gen.Debility ONEIL Willis? M R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 04 Adelaide St. Gen.Debility KIDNEY Lizzie F R.Cath. ? St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 06 Water St.W Consumption MORRISSEY Terence M R.Cath. 22 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 10 New Gower St. Decline MICHAELS Rose F R.Cath. 2 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 10 Cook St. Gen.Debility OSBORNE John M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 11 Kickham Place Cancer CAREW Jane F R.Cath. 48 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 11 Gen.Hospital Nat'l Causes FUREY Annie F R.Cath. 56 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 12 Lunatic Asylum Decline FITZGERALD Edw'd M R.Cath. 42 Western Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 12 Kickham Place Burned PICCO Pat'k M R.Cath. 1 Western Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 14 Poor Asylum Gen. Decay POLAND Wm. M R.Cath. 85 Hr.Main Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 14 Cook St. Gen.Debility OSBORNE George M R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 14                  
May 15 Casey St. Convulsions DOWDEN Annie F R.Cath. 6 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 17 Battery Rd. Gen.Debility MORRISSEY Matthew M R.Cath. 74 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 18 Cookstown Rd. Premature Birth SQUIRES Child of Jno. & Mary M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 19 New Gower St. Decline POWER Willis M R.Cath. 1 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 20 Holloway St. Consumption COLLINS Ignatius M R.Cath. 56 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 20 Battery Rd. Gen.Debility HALLERN Mary F R.Cath. 4Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 21 New Gower St. Nat'l Causes WALSH Alice F R.Cath. 50 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 21 Livingston St. Lung Dis. KNIGHT Lizzie F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 22 Torbay Rd. Gen.Debility MALONE Philip M R.Cath. 1Day St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 22 Water St.W Convulsions O'NEIL Gerald M R.Cath. 4 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 23 Military Rd. Consumption HIGGINS John G M R.Cath. 15 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 25 Pat'k St.? Convulsions WALSH Mollie? F R.Cath. 2 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 25 Atlantic Ave. Decline CROTTY Cath'n F R.Cath. 30? Hr.Grace Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 26 Poor Asylum Nat'l Causes RYAN Pat'k M R.Cath. 55 Ferryland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 26   Decline HALLEY Mary F R.Cath.   Bay Bulls Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 28 Longs Hill Bronchitis HAYES Norah F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 31 Field St. Inflamation LAWLOR Josephine F R.Cath. 36 Trinity Mt.Carmel Cemetery
May 31 Nunnery Hill Spinal Dis. HOPKINS Maggie F R.Cath.   Boston Mass. Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 03 Gen.Hospital Tumor WALSH Mary F R.Cath. 51 Logy Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 06 Brazils Sq. Inflamation ENGLISH Sarah F R.Cath. 24? Concept. Hr. Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 08 Hamilton Ave. Prem.Birth MULLINS Child of Jno. & Mary F R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 08 Plymouth Rd. Inflamation BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 27 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 08 Poor Asylum Old Age DOYLE Thos. M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 09 Damerals? Lane Heart Failure SNELGROVE Wm. M R.Cath. 15 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 09 Barters Hill Decline STAFFORD Ellen F R.Cath. 52 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 11 Pennywell Rd. Bronchitis KNIGHT Ethel F F R.Cath. 1? St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 13 Goodview St. Pleurisy DUNN Jeremiah M R.Cath. 63 Bryants Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 14 Millertown Accident COLEMAN James M R.Cath. 21 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 16 Lime St. Pleurisy MULCAHY Mary F R.Cath. 13 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 19 Plymouth Rd. Gen.Debility BYRNE Wm. M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 20 Hutchings St. Convulsions HALLERAN Mary F R.Cath. 5Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 22 Goodview St. Spinal Dis. WHITE Jane F R.Cath. 21 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 22 Barters Hill Asthma KEARLEY Cath'n F R.Cath. 52 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 24 Barron St. Bronchitis NIXON Carrie F R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 26 At Sea, on B????????? Isabel? Consumption BURKE John M R.Cath. 33 Ireland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 26 Cuddihys St. Gen. Decay KIELLY Wm. M R.Cath. 73 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 29 Plank Rd. Heart Failure PARKER John M R.Cath. 55 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
June 29 Young St. Inflamation ARMSTRONG Ellen F R.Cath. 30 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Apl. 03 Murphys Sq. Cancer SLOANE James M R.Cath. 49 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 06 Gower St. Asthma BARTER Jonas M R.Cath. 60? St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Page 15                  
Apl. 08 Adelaide St. Old Age MYLER Thomas M R.Cath. 74 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 09 Stephen St. Convulsions FLYNN Edward M R.Cath. 18Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 12 Queens Rd. Gen.Debility FLYNN Agnes F R.Cath. 2Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 13 Colonial St. Convulsions KEEFE Thomas M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 13 Carew St. Heart Failure RYAN Nicholas M R.Cath. 63 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 18 Georges St. Consumption HICKEY William M R.Cath. 15 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 20 Cabot St. Consumption VOISEY Lizzie F R.Cath. 28 Hr.Main Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 21 Kilbride Pneumonia MURPHY Anthony M R.Cath. 60 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 24 Poor Asylum Insanity ARMSTRONG Sarah F R.Cath. 65 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 25 New Gower St. Consumption EAGEN Catherine F R.Cath. 66 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 28 Murphys Sq. Drowned MACKAY Pat'k M R.Cath. 65 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 29 Deadys? Lane Convulsions MCGRATH Philip M R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 29 South Side Decline BAIRD Florence F R.Cath. 2 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 30 Mckay St. Accident COLBERT Edward M R.Cath. 20 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 30 Mullock St. Old Age DOYLE Mary F R.Cath. 77 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 01 Freshwater Rd. Convulsions WILEY Pat'k M R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 01 Poor Asylum Gen.Debility OFARRELL John M R.Cath. 61 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 06 Bannerman St. Old Age MOAKLER Eliz'th F R.Cath. 80 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 07 Longs Hill Consumption GERAN Mary C F R.Cath. 25 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 10 Mullock St. Old Age HAYES Bridget F R.Cath. 65 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
May 22 Gower St. Decline JORDAN James F M R.Cath. 23 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 22 Carters Hill Gen.Debility FITZGERALD Jane F R.Cath. 45 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 27 Cuddihys St. Paralysis MANN??ING James M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 29 Allen Sq. Old Age GAMBERG Charles M R.Cath. 80 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
May 31 Wood St. Old Age BULGER Wm. M R.Cath. 85? St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Apl. 01 Broad Cove Pul.Tuberculosis TUCKER Robt. Jas. M Ch.Of Eng. 79? Broad Cove Broad Cove
Apl. 17 Portugal Cove Pul.Tuberculosis MILLER Selina F Ch.Of Eng. 63 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Apl. 21 Portugal Cove Jaundice SOMERTON George M   3Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Apl. 18? Broad Cove Protracted Labor of Mother TUCKER James John M Ch.Of Eng. 4Hrs. Broad Cove Broad Cove
May 01 Bell Isld. Cardiac Failure ALLEN Robt. M Ch.Of Eng. 49 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 12 Portugal Cove Old Age SOMERTON Rebecca F Ch.Of Eng. 78 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 14 Broad Cove Pul.Tuberculosis SQUIRES Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 29? Broad Cove Broad Cove
Apl. 21 St.John's Old Age RUMSEY Eliz'th F Methodist 75 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 25 St.John's Consumption FLEET William M Methodist 59 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 05 St.John's Pneumonia AYRE Robt. Chesley M Methodist 46 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 18 St.John's Paralysis SHIRREN? Matilda B F Methodist 75 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 19 St.John's Congestion MAUNDER Elsie Annie F Methodist 2Y/6M St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 23 St.John's Convulsions DWYER Rhode M Methodist 3Wks. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 30 St.John's Childbirth DIAMOND Emily F Methodist 32 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
June 20 St.John's Old Age THOMPSON Eliz'th F Methodist 82 Hr.Grace Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Page 16                  
June 15 St.John's Heart Disease YOUDEN Edward M Methodist 43 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 01? Poor Asylum La Grippe DODD Albert M Methodist 57   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 22 Angel Place Heart Dis. COOK Mary Ann F Methodist 50   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 23 29 Hamilton St. Consumption TAYLOR Isaac M Methodist 18   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 24 Young St. Bronchitis BAGGS James Gordon M Methodist 8Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 03 50 Mcfarlanes Lane Consumption STRINGER Rachel F Methodist 16 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 28 14 Brazils Sq. Heart Dis. PEET Eliz'th F Methodist 78 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 29 13 Barters Hill Convulsions ANTLE Selby M Methodist 26Mo.? St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
June 05 South Side Carcinoma WHITE Annie C F Methodist 58 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
June 19 18 Lemarchant Rd. Nat'l Causes MARCH Vict. A F Methodist 64 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 21 St.John's Consumption STUCKLESS Mark M Methodist 57 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 12 St.John's Consumption GRIMES Harold M Methodist 11 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
June 18 St.John's Convulsions MITCHELL Gordon L? M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 19 St.John's Croup COWAN Harry E M Presty'n 2 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 29 St.John's Convulsions MCDONALD Florence F Presty'n 3Wks. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
June 08 St.John's Consumption LASH Leah G F Presty'n 36? St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Feb. 08 St.John's Childbirth HAMPTON Henrietta F Congr'l 37 Brigus Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 04 St.John's Pneumonia PARK Annie Agnes F Congr'l 13   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 05 St.John's Consumption SHAW Alfred M Congr'l 32   Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Apl. 12 St.John's Ceberal Trouble CLARK Robert M Congr'l   Glasgow Gen. Prot.Cemetery
May 05 The Mines Convulsions CANTWELL R'd Pat'k M R.Cath. 3Mo. Bell Isld. Bell Isld.
June 02 Bell Isle? Consumption DWYER James M R.Cath. 28? Bell Isld. Bell Isld.
June 09 The Mines Dropsy DUNNE Winifred F R.Cath. 9 Torbay Torbay
June 16 Bell Isld. Bronchitis ODONNELL Joseph M R.Cath. 15Mo. Bell Isle? Bell Isle?
June 27? Bell Isld. Effects of bad Leg KAVANAGH Thomas M R.Cath. 64 Bell Isle? Bell Isle?
June 02 Cove Rd. Convulsions LAWLOR Margaret V F R.Cath. 1Day St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 05 Queens Rd. Apoplexy KENNEDY Mary F R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 05 Poor Asylum Gen'l Debility MOLLOY Edw'd M R.Cath. 70 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 06 Water St.W Consumption FITZGERALD Ann F R.Cath. 3Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 09 Monkstown Rd. Cancer KEARNEY Wm. M R.Cath. 50 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 14 Pleasant St. Pneumonia RAFTUS James M R.Cath. 54 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 16 Poor Asylum Old Age COUGHLAN Maurice M R.Cath. 84 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 16 Queens Rd. Old Age LINEGAR Luke M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 17 on SS Coban (at sea) Accident gas explosion MCGRATH Philip M R.Cath. 35 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 17 Gower St. Rheumatism HART Eliz'th F R.Cath. 68 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 24 Monkstown Rd. Convulsions LAWLOR Leo M R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 26 Carew St. Old Age CAREW Ellen F R.Cath. 78 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
June 28 Mount S??? Stillborn DONNELLY female child of Frank H? F R.Cath.   St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 28 Livingston St. Paralysis FOLEY Jas. M R.Cath. 42 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 28 Monkstown Rd. Old Age HANEN? Laurence M R.Cath. 96 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
June 30 New Gower St. Convulsions MYLER Margaret F R.Cath. 10Mo.? St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
PAGE 17                  
Mar. 22 Pouch Cove Childbirth SULLIVAN Clementine F Ch.Of Eng. 40 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Jan. 13 Torbay Consumption WOODFINE Charlotte F Ch.Of Eng. 15 Torbay Torbay
Mar. 18 Torbay Bronchitis TORRIS? Vivian May F Ch.Of Eng. 19Mo. Boston USA Torbay
Apl. 05 Pouch Cove La Grippe BRAGG Philip M Ch.Of Eng. 52 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 11 Pouch Cove Convulsions SULLIVAN Clement M Ch.Of Eng. 2Mo. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 29 Pouch Cove Inflam. of Bladder SULLIVAN Thomas M Ch.Of Eng. 71 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 26 Pouch Cove Malformation SULLIVAN Albert M Ch.Of Eng. 6Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Jan. 14 Bauline Dropsy LEGROW Jemima F Methodist 33 Baileys Cove Bauline
Jan. 26 Bauline Consumption KING Dorcas F Methodist 38 Mulleys Cove Bauline
Apl. 02 Bauline Inflamation KING Rowland D H M Methodist 8Mo. Bauline Bauline
Apl. 24 Portugal Cove Old Age CHURCHILL Jane F Methodist 74 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 17 Alex St. Consumption COOPER Wilbert M Methodist 3 Little Bay St.John's
July 25 Belvedere St. Nat'l Causes SNOW John M Methodist 13 St.John's St.John's
June 07 Hamilton Ave. Senile Decay PIKE Emma J F Ch.Of Eng. 80 Hr.Grace C.O.E. Cemetery
July 03 Poor Asylum La Grippe GILL James M Ch.Of Eng. 56 Labrador C.O.E. Cemetery
July 22 Springdale St. Convulsions WAY Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 3Y/6M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 25 Hutchings St. Brain Fever BLACKIE? Wm. G M Ch.Of Eng. 5Y/9M St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 11 Forest Rd. Paralysis TAIT Mary F Ch.Of Eng. 61 Bay de Verde C.O.E. Cemetery
July 24 Gen'l Hospital Heart Dis. SNOW Wm. M Ch.Of Eng. 60   C.O.E. Cemetery
Apl. 16 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility DOYLE Bernard M R.Cath. 14Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Apl. 20 Maddox Cove Old Age BRIEN Cath'n F R.Cath. 77 Ireland Petty Hr.
Apl. 30? Petty Hr. Gen.Debility CLARKE Thomas M R.Cath. 1Day Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 03 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility EVERARD Sarah F R.Cath. 1Day Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 09 Big Pond Old Age GRANT Anastatia F R.Cath. 72 Ireland Goulds
May 04 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility EVERARD Mary F R.Cath. Infant Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 17 Petty Hr. Consumption HEARN Pat'k M R.Cath. 28 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
May 23 Goulds Cancer MILLER Mary Jane F R.Cath. 1Day Goulds Goulds
May 23 Goulds Gen.Debility MILLER Mary Jos. F R.Cath. 1Day Goulds Goulds
June 22 St.John's   DOYLE Wm. M R.Cath. 65 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
July 01 Bond St. Consumption BUCKLEY Eliz'th F R.Cath. 45 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 01 Queens Rd. Cancer CONWAY James M R.Cath. 54 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
July 02 Water St. Paralysis GOSS Mary F R.Cath. 76 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 05 McDougal St. Convulsions FORWARD Leo T M R.Cath. 2 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 11 Bambrick St. Heart Failure WALSH Cath'n F R.Cath. 81 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 16 Water St. W Convulsions PRIMM Rose F R.Cath. 4Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 17 Freshwater Rd. Consumption PHELAN Francis M R.Cath. 1Y/9M New York Belvidere Cemetery
July 22 Job St. Brain Fever CAIN Hugh M R.Cath. 7Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 27 Freshwater Rd. Paralysis STACKLAM Agnes F R.Cath. 40 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
July 31 Water St. Old Age BUTLER Bridget F R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
June 30 South Side Dropsy MOREY Agnes F R.Cath. 3Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
PAGE 18                  
July 01 Poor Asylum Old Age OKEEFE Peter M R.Cath. 85 Bay Roberts Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 02 Cochrane St. Prem.Birth MOORE child of Peter & Josie M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 04 Poor Asylum Brain Dis. BOYLE Peter M R.Cath. 51 Ireland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 06 Field St. Decline JOHNSTON Mary F R.Cath. 18? Jobs Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 06 Mullocks St. Consumption MURPHY Mary F R.Cath. 47 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 06 Barters Hill Trush RODGERS Elsie F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 08 Georges St. Decline TULK Norah F R.Cath. 7 Newtown BB Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 08 Hamilton St. Inflamation NOSEWOTHY Maggie F R.Cath. 6 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 13 Poor Asylum Old Age MILLER James M R.Cath. 77 Green Bay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 13 College Sq. Decline DONOVAN Wm. M R.Cath. 67 Torbay Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 14 Longs Hill Consumption CUDDIHY Johanna F R.Cath. 22 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 18 Flower Hill Convulsions MADDEN John M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 21 South Side Consumption WALSH Mary F R.Cath. 32 Kelligrews Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 21 Fleming St. Decline KELLY Mary F R.Cath. 35 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 22 New Gower St. Convulsions JOHNS Ellen F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 22 Jobs Lane Consumption KENNEDY Mary F R.Cath. 55 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 25 William St. Old Age OLIPHANT Sarah F R.Cath. 87 Ferryland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 25 Pennywell Rd. Old Age KENNEDY Bridget F R.Cath. 80 Kerry Ireland Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 26 College Sq. Prem.Birth MORRISSEY child of Pat'k & Bridget M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 26 Gen.Hospital Brights Dis. GUNN Peter M R.Cath. 45 Norris Arm Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 27 Pennywell Rd. Brain Dis. MARTIN Mary F R.Cath. 6 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 27 Casey St. Gen.Debility SULLIVAN John M R.Cath. 81 Grates Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
July 28 Battery Rd. Cancer DOBBIN Richard M R.Cath. 56 St.Marys Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 01 Poor Asylum Old Age DORMODY John M R.Cath. 90 Hr.Grace Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 02 Flower Hill Gen.Debility FANNING Julia F R.Cath. 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 02 Barnes Rd. Decline BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 37 Portugal Cove Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 05 Lions Sq. Old Age TOBIN Mary F R.Cath. 70 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 06 Sydney CB Accident COUGHLAN Leo M R.Cath. 4 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 08 South Side Convulsions HICKEY Pat'k M R.Cath. 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 10 Barters Hill Premature FITZGIBBON child of Jas. & Josephine M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 12 Lunatic Asylum Heart Failure COLLIER Chas. M R.Cath. 57 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 13 Butler Place Brain Dis. BUTLER Emma F R.Cath. 43 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 14 Poor Asylum Paralysis FOLEY Edward M R.Cath. 28 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 14 Colonial St. Lung Dis. CHRISTOPHER Wm. M R.Cath. 62 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 20 Kickham Place Old Age PARRELL Mary F R.Cath. 74 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 24 Poor Asylum Consumption KENNEDY James M R.Cath. 28 Carbonear Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 28 Dunford St. Consumption FAHEY Wm. M R.Cath. 21 St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 28 Pleasant St. Brain Dis. VOISEY Henry M R.Cath. 5?Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 28 Poor Asylum Brain Dis. WALSH Mary F R.Cath. 55 Bonavista Mt.Carmel Cemetery
Aug. 12 St.John's Consumption BARNES Laura F Congr'l 15 St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
PAGE 19                  
No year entered                  
Aug. 15 St.John's Prem.Birth FROST Marion F Congr'l 3Dys. St.John's Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 18 St.John's Heart Failure WHITELEY Wm. H M Congr'l 68 Boston USA Gen. Prot.Cemetery
Aug. 03 Military Rd. Old Age HAYWARD Geo. Fred'k M Ch.Of Eng. 77 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 04 50 Lemarchant Rd. Nat'l Causes BUTLER Clarence Wm. M Ch.Of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 12 46 Pleasant St. Dropsy CORMACK Ann Barbara F Ch.Of Eng. 75 Dorset England C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 13 HMS CHRYBDIS Heart Failure LEE Josiah Walker M Ch.Of Eng. 30 England C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 31 6 Vict. St. Apoplexy HAYWARD Hy. Edmund M Ch.Of Eng. 65 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 01 Convent Sq. Meningitis LATE? Mary F Ch.Of Eng. 6Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 06 Holloway St. Diptheria WILLAR Mabel A F Ch.Of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 06 Barnes Rd. Cholera Infantum TILLEY? Ellen D F Ch.Of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 15 Codners Lane Infant Convulsions BOONE Wm. Jno. M Ch.Of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 22 Cabot St. Diptheria GARDNER Geo. Alan M Ch.Of Eng. 6 Bareneed PdG C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 23 Signal Hill Hospital Small Pox SMITH Annie F Ch.Of Eng. 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 29 Patrick St. Gen.Debility BARTLETT Eliz'th F Ch.Of Eng. 10Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 05 Cookstown Rd. Cancer EARLE Thomas M Ch.Of Eng. 80 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 10 Freshwater Rd. Gall Stones SNOW Rosella W F Ch.Of Eng. 35 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 15 Brazils Sq. Old Age MORRIS Eliz'th F Ch.Of Eng. 78 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 17 Circular Rd. Inanition LILLY Grey[sic] Cartwright M Ch.Of Eng. 5Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 24 Monroe St. Bronchitis POWELL Nelly V F F Ch.Of Eng. 9Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
July 29 Cookstown Rd. Consumption BARTLETT Violet May F Ch.Of Eng. 5 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Jan. 24 Beach BI Heart Dis. SKANES Jane F Ch.Of Eng. 65 Beach Beach
Apl. 23 Beach BI Paralysis SKANES Reuben M Ch.Of Eng. 40 Beach Beach
May 02? Lance Cove Pul.Tuberculosis REES Edwd. M Ch.Of Eng. 20 Lance Cove Lance Cove
June 09 Gen.Hospital Brights Dis. REES Jane Marcella F Ch.Of Eng. 25 Lance Cove Lance Cove
July 19 Lance Cove BB Consumption FEN?ON Melina F Ch.Of Eng. 29 Lance Cove Lance Cove
Sep. 15 Lance Cove BB Consumption BENNETT Emma F Ch.Of Eng. 23 Spaniards Bay Lance Cove
July 01 Beach BI Consumption SKANES Bertha F Ch.Of Eng. 29 Old Perlican Beach
July 11 Beach BI Consumption BENNETT Hiram? M Ch.Of Eng. 9 Beach Beach
Aug. 16 Beach BI Drowning BURTON Evelyn H F Ch.Of Eng. 2M/2W Beach Beach
July 07 Petty Hr. Old Age BAIRD Selina F Ch.Of Eng. 76 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Aug. 02 Gower St. Heart Dis. HAMMOND Wm. Jas. M Ch.Of Eng. 55 England C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 04 Military Rd. Consumption BLAKE Matilda F Ch.Of Eng. 14 Greenspond C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 02 Gen.Hospital Appendicitis SAREL Andrew J M M Ch.Of Eng. 27   C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 11 Balsam St. Hemorrhage HELYER? Druscella F Ch.Of Eng. 53 Old Perlican C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 18 Forest Rd. Diptheria HEALE Annie L? M F Ch.Of Eng. 9 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 04 Wood St. Convulsions HAMMOND Alison F F Ch.Of Eng. 2Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 11 Belvedere St. Abcess of Brain MCDONALD Mary F Ch.Of Eng. 21 St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 12 Signal Hill Rd. Convulsions DOWDEN Wm. M Ch.Of Eng. 3Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 13 Longs Hill Consumption CULLEN Lily F Ch.Of Eng. 9 Bonavista B C.O.E. Cemetery
Sep. 14 Mullock St. Gen.Debility RUSSELL Marguerita F Ch.Of Eng. 2Mo. St.John's C.O.E. Cemetery
PAGE 20                  
Aug. 08 South Side Prem.Birth REID Sidney Moses M Ch.Of Eng. 4Dys. South Side C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 18 Poor Asylum Consumption HEALE Wm. Walter M Ch.Of Eng. 32 Bay St. Geo. C.O.E. Cemetery
Aug. 05 Water St. W Convulsions MCCARTHY Lilian F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 05 Freshwater Rd. Cancer DILLON Walter M R.Cath. 33 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 06 Kings Rd. written on top of New Gower St. Convulsions NOONAN Francis M R.Cath. 6Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 09 Prescott St. Convulsions MYLER May G F R.Cath. 2Y/9M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 20 Water St. W Heart Failure CLANCY Eliz'th F R.Cath. 46 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 25 Prescott St. Consumption FITZGERALD Mary F R.Cath. 28 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 27 Cuddihys St. Gen. Decay DOOLEY Mary Ann F R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 29 New Gower St. Decline KANE Mary F R.Cath. 7 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 29 Freshwater Rd. Stillborn MARTIN Child of Jas. F R.Cath.   St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 30 Spencer St. Consumption ONEILL Mary Ann F R.Cath. 19 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 31 Freshwater Rd. Stillborn FLEET Child of Wm. F R.Cath.   St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Aug. 31 New Gower St. Hem. of Lungs JOY Thomas M R.Cath. 29 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 03 Gower St. Decline MORSY? Rose F R.Cath. 12 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 06   Stillborn SHORTALL Child of Wm.P M R.Cath.   St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 09 Gower St. Cancer CLATNAY Margaret F R.Cath. 60 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 10 Water St.W Consumption FITZGERALD Janie F R.Cath. 22Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 15 Queens Rd. Old Age NURSE Mary F R.Cath. 70 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 23 Maxe? St. Old Age BRIEN Michael M R.Cath. 78 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 25 St.John Place Old Age ASPELL Bridget F R.Cath. 77 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 28 Lime St. Consumption CANTWELL Mary A F R.Cath. 44 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 29 Livingston St. Chol. Infantum MURPHY Anastatia F R.Cath. 13Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Oct. 06 1902 Portugal Cove Convulsions MURPHY Thos. P M R.Cath. 1Day Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec. 19 1902 Cove Rd. Consumption BUTLER Mary F R.Cath. 56 Cove Rd. Portugal Cove
Jan. 13 Horse Cove Brights Dis. TRAVERS Rich'd M R.Cath. 26 Horse Cove Portugal Cove
Jan. 29 Portugal Cove Consumption DOOLEY Eliz'th F R.Cath. 20Y/6M Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Apl. 06 Portugal Cove Convulsions HANLON Wm. Thos. M R.Cath. 5Dys. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 22 Cove Rd. Dropsy MURPHY Wm. M R.Cath. 72 Cove Rd. Portugal Cove
Aug. 19 Horse Cove Brights Dis. WHELAN Richard M R.Cath. 74 Horse Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 19? Broad Cove Convulsions THORPE Peter F M R.Cath. 3 Broad Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 21 St.John's Kidney Disease KENNEDY Martin M R.Cath. 65 Hr.Main Torbay
Sep. 15 Torbay Consumption MARTIN Mary F R.Cath. 58 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 22 Torbay Old Age WHITE Christopher M R.Cath. 76 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 23 Torbay Old Age CULLEN Ann F R.Cath. 75 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 24 Torbay Gen.Debility STAMP Michael M R.Cath. 5Wks. Flat Rock Torbay
Aug. 10 Middle Cove Gen.Debility MALONE James M R.Cath. 3Mo. M.Cove Torbay
July 08 Goulds La Grippe FINN Pat'k M R.Cath. 82 Goulds Goulds
Aug. 13 Forest Pond Old Age WILLIAMS Mary F R.Cath. 72 Goulds Goulds
Sep. 12 Maddox Cove   COADY James M R.Cath. 56 Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Sep. 26 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility FOWLER? Robert M R.Cath. 1Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.

Transcribed by Betty Cumby (2010)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 ADT

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