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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Book 3


St. John's City District

PAGES 478 - 490

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 478                
Nov 30 South Side Consumption ROGERS Levi Methodist 62 years Burnt Point CB General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 18 St John's Old Age NICHOLL Elizabeth Methodist 87 years Bell Island General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 22 St John's Burns ROSE Minnie M Methodist 17 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 13 St John's Paralysis BRAGG Chas Methodist 53 years none given General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 29 St John's Stillborn MILLEY none given Methodist infant St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 4 St John's Meningitis CANE Herbert D Methodist 9 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 8 South Side Pneumonia GOOBY Fredk Geo Methodist 1 year South Side General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 31 Poor Asylum Consumption BUSSEY George Methodist 65 years Trinity Bay General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 31 Hospital Burns FRAMPTON Jessie A Methodist 17 years Broad Cove, TB General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 1 St John's Indigestion BUTT Minnie B Methodist 2 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 5 St John's Convulsions PARSONS Kenneth Methodist 2yrs,6mos none given General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 12 St John's Tuberculosis/Lungs ROSE Jacob Methodist 46 years Ochre Pit Cove General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 12 St John's Old Age PIERCEY Robt Methodist 88 years Western Bay General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 15 St John's Tuberculosis/Lungs ELLIS Mary Methodist 29 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb 19 St John's Jaundice JANES Rosanna Methodist 54 years Pouch Cove General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 17 St John's Pneumonia BUTLER George E Methodist 6 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 28 St John's none given CRANE Mark Methodist 9 hours St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Mar 4 St John's Paralysis MOIST Rebecca Methodist 60 years Cape St Francis General Protestant Cemetery
Mar 22 St John's Dyphtheric Croup NEY Dorothy Methodist 5 years LeMarchant Rd General Protestant Cemetery
Mar 25 St John's Tuberculosis MURRAY Florence L Methodist 9 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Mar 28 St John's Tuberculosis/Lungs ROSE Lucy Methodist 40 years Ochre Pit Cove General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 19 Portugal Cove Old Age MITCHELL Thomas Methodist 83 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Feb 3 Bauline Diphtheria LeGROW Fanny B Methodist 1yr,6mos Bauline Bauline
Feb 4 Bauline Diphtheria LeGROW Harriet Methodist 2yrs,6mos Bauline Bauline
Feb 4 Bauline Diphtheria KING Simon C Methodist 10 years Bauline Bauline
Mar 11 Cape St Francis Croup HUDSON Chas Methodist 6 years Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Jan 2 Portugal Cove Old Age PICCO Geo Church of England 70 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Jan 10 Portugal Cove Hip Disease FRYE Margt Church of England 15 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Feb 16 St John's Pul Tuberculosis PARSONS Robt H Church of England 27 years St John's Broad Cove
Mar 4 Broad Cove Blood Poisoning SQUIRES Noah Church of England 7 years Broad Cove Broad Cove
Mar 7 General Hsopital Accident PICCO Richard Church of England 64 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Mar 11 Portugal Cove Pul Tuberculosis MILLER Hy Church of England 32 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Jan 4 Flat Rock Consumption MARTIN Catherine Roman Catholic 36 years Flat Rock Torbay
Jan 25 Torbay Pneumonia KERIVAN Ann Roman Catholic 60 years Torbay Torbay
Jan 27 Torbay General Debility BRIEN Ellen Roman Catholic 78 years Torbay Torbay
Feb 9 Torbay Decline ROGERS Catherine Roman Catholic 50 years Torbay Torbay
Feb 9 Torbay Dropsy McGRATH Elizabeth Roman Catholic 46 years Torbay Torbay
Feb 19 Torbay General Debility HICKEY Alice Roman Catholic 80 years Torbay Torbay
Feb 25 St John's Decline McGRATH Patrick Roman Catholic 50 years Torbay Torbay
Mar 8 St John's Convulsions RYAN Catherine Roman Catholic 3 days Torbay Torbay
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Mar 12 Flat Rock Old Age McDONNELL Thos Roman Catholic 81 years Flat Rock Torbay
Mar 21 Torbay Heart Trouble ELLARD Peter Roman Catholic 35 years Torbay Torbay
Mar 25 Outer Cove Old Age WHELAN Alice Roman Catholic 79 years Ireland Torbay
Feb 1 St John's Old Age LENNOX Sarah Presbyterian 88yrs/6mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 2 St John's Supp. Collulitis BRUCE Alex S Presbyterian 62 years Scotland General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 5 St John's Heart Failure RENNIE Fred W Presbyterian 90 years Scotland General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 23 St John's Paralysis JARDINE Sarah Presbyterian 82 years Scotland General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 5 St John's Consumption ROWE Emily Salvation Army 28 years Pinchards Island General Protestant Cemetery
Feb 21 St John's Inflammation BEST Hubert Salvation Army 19 years Carbonear General Protestant Cemetery
April 7 St John's Pneumonia SIMMS Hannah Church of England 74 years Trepassey Church of England Cemetery
April 16 St John's Convulsions BISHOP Isabel Church of England 17 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 23 St John's Pneumonia STEVENS Harry Church of England 3 years North River Church of England Cemetery
May 3 St John's Cardiac Failure WELLS Saml E Church of England 47 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 8 St John's General Debility TURNER Mabel Church of England 15 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 11 St John's Hemorrhage/Brain HEALE John Church of England 52 years England Church of England Cemetery
May 12 St John's Heart Failure Hussey Wm Church of England 84 years Upper Island Cove Church of England Cemetery
May 29 St John's Old Age CHAFE Mary Church of England 83 years Petty Harbour Church of England Cemetery
April 1 St John's Meningitis MccOUTREY George Ernest Church of England 15 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 3 St John's General Debility RUSSELL Gwendoline Church of England 15 weeks St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 3 St John's Measels WYLIE Augustus Church of England 6 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 4 St John's Pneumonia HENNEBURY Robert Church of England 80 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 12 St John's Pul Phthisis BREEN Jane Church of England 63 years Port de Grave Church of England Cemetery
April 15 St John's Tuber Peritonitis BREMMER Alex W Church of England 27 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 20 St John's Bronchitis HENNEBURY Mary M Church of England 15 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 29 Glenwood La Grippe MARSHALL John Church of England 47 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 1 Octagon Castle Heart Disease DANIELLE Chas H Church of England 72 years Baltimore, USA Church of England Cemetery
May 10 St John's Convulsions RUBY Harold Hy Church of England 7 weeks St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 11 St John's Heart Disease FARRELL Joseph Church of England 14 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 12 St John's Heart Failure FARRELL Joseph Church of England 46 years Devonshire, Eng Church of England Cemetery
May 13 Gen Hospital, St John's none given LAUGHTON Anastatia Church of England 41 years Torbay Torbay
May 26 St John's General Debility SWEETAPPLE Ida May Church of England 6 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 1 Topsail Road Old Age MURPHY Jas Roman Catholic 77 years St John's Belvedere
April 1 St John's Old Age POWER Mary Roman Catholic 75 years Ireland Belvedere
April 2 St John's Dropsy RYAN Joseph Roman Catholic 59 years St John's Belvedere
April 6 St John's Measels FITZPATRICK Wm Roman Catholic 11 mos St John's Belvedere
April 8 St John's Old Age O'KEEFE John Roman Catholic 73 years Ireland Belvedere
April 9 Bay du Nord Drowned LARNER Alex Roman Catholic 7yrs,3mos Bay du Nord Belvedere
April 13 St John's Pneumonia DOYLE Ellen Roman Catholic 65 years St John's Belvedere
April 13 St John's Consumption BARRON Ellen Roman Catholic 26 years America Belvedere
April 14 St John's Teething FANNING Ernest Roman Catholic 23 mos St John's Belvedere
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April 15 St John's Old Age FOLEY Pierce Roman Catholic 73 years Ireland Belvedere
April 18 Nagles Hill Old Age KELLY Mary Roman Catholic 67 years St John's Belvedere
April 19 St John's Lumbago GILLEATELY Susan Roman Catholic 52 years St John's Belvedere
April 20 St John's Catarrh KEARNEY Anastatia Roman Catholic 56 years St John's Belvedere
April 29 St John's Old Age MURPHY Mary Ann Roman Catholic 85 years St John's Belvedere
April 30 St John's Dropsy JOY Josephine Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Belvedere
May 3 St John's Convulsions KAVANAGH Maggie Roman Catholic 10 days St John's Belvedere
May 5 St John's Bronchitis CURTIN Margaret Roman Catholic 11 mos St John's Belvedere
May 8 St John's Old Age FITZGERALD Andrew Roman Catholic 80 years Ireland Belvedere
May 8 St John's Pneumonia PEDEGREW Annie Roman Catholic 44 years St John's Belvedere
May 13 St John's Old Age CORCORAN Catherine Roman Catholic 80 years St John's Belvedere
May 14 St John's Convulsions GUSHUE Mary Roman Catholic 1 hour St John's Belvedere
May 14 St John's Convulsions HOSKINS Chas Roman Catholic 2 weeks St John's Belvedere
May 18 St John's Old Age CROSBIE Mary Roman Catholic 75 years St John's Belvedere
May 19 St John's Old Age THOMAS Catherine Roman Catholic 72 years St John's Belvedere
May 20 Mace St, St John's Stillborn DOYLE Child of P J Roman Catholic   St John's Belvedere
May 21 St John's Consumption POWER Mary Roman Catholic 22 years St John's Belvedere
May 24 St John's Inflammation/Bowels GAMBERG Chas Roman Catholic 24 years St John's Belvedere
May 24 St John's Old Age BUCKLEY Bridget Roman Catholic 74 years St John's Belvedere
May 25 St John's Cancer WHELAN Joseph Roman Catholic 64 years St John's Belvedere
May 27 St John's Liver Complaint WHITE Annie Roman Catholic 55 years St John's Belvedere
April 1 Bond St, St John's Infantile BAXTER Maggie Roman Catholic 2 days St John's Mount Carmel
April 1 Bond St, St John's Infantile BASTER Thomas Roman Catholic 2 days St John's Mount Carmel
April 1 Lunatic Asylum,St John's Decline KENNEDY Michael Roman Catholic 48 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 4 Toray Rd, St John's Measels EBBS Jas C Roman Catholic 10yrs,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
April 8 St John's Consumption COADY William Roman Catholic 19 years Renews Mount Carmel
April 8 Genl Hospital, St John's Consumption POWER Patrick Roman Catholic 17 years St Marys Mount Carmel
April 9 St John's Croup O'BRIEN James Roman Catholic 1 year St John's Mount Carmel
April 10 Sydney, C B none given CAREW Agnes Roman Catholic 30 years Renews Mount Carmel
April 11 St John's Consumption CAUL Annie Roman Catholic 18 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 13 Poor Asylum, St John's General Decay CONNELL Anastatia Roman Catholic 76 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 14 Poor Asylum, St John's Cancer SULLIVAN Garrett Roman Catholic 68 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 17 St John's Infantile WHELAN Annie Roman Catholic 3 weeks St John's Mount Carmel
April 19 Torbay Rd, St John's Croup EBBS Mary E Roman Catholic 7 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 19 Poor Asylum, St John's General Decay FOGARTY Jas C Roman Catholic 66 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 20 St John's Pleurisy WHELAN John Roman Catholic 8 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 25 St John's General Decay DUGGAN Johanna Roman Catholic 75 years Trinity Mount Carmel
April 28 St John's Croup NUGENT Mary Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 29 Poor Asylum, St John's General Decay DONOVAN Annie Roman Catholic 66 years Torbay Mount Carmel
April 29 St John's Measels SHOUGHER? Michael   3 years St John's Mount Carmel
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April 30 St John's Measels STAMP Florence Roman Catholic not given St John's Mount Carmel
April 30 St John's Consumption FAHEY Thomas Roman Catholic 35 years Western Bay Mount Carmel
May 1 St John's Consumption MULRONEY Daniel Roman Catholic 47 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 2 Cove Rd, St John's Croup MAHON Frederick Roman Catholic 1yr,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
May 5 St John's Chill MOLLOY Joseph Roman Catholic 62 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 5 Poor Asylum, St John's Dropsy DEVEREAUX John Roman Catholic 56 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 6 St John's Heart Failure MURPHY Wm Roman Catholic 72 years Conception Bay Mount Carmel
May 7 St John's Infantile HARTER Mary E Roman Catholic 5 days St John's Mount Carmel
May 7 St John's Bronchitis KAVANAGH Frances Roman Catholic 12 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 10 St John's Decline DUNNE Henry Roman Catholic 3 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 11 St John's Brain Disease NIXON Wm Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 11 St John's General Decay MURPHY Ellen Roman Catholic 76 years Carbonear Mount Carmel
May 12 St John's Bronchitis McGRATH Mary Roman Catholic 2 years not given Mount Carmel
May 13 St John's General Decay MURPHY Catherine Roman Catholic 102 years Waterford,Ireland Mount Carmel
May 14 St John's Infantile McLEAN Maud Roman Catholic 1 year St John's Mount Carmel
May 15 St John's Inflammation/Lungs STAMP John Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 16 St John's Croup HALLEREN Wm Roman Catholic 3 mos St John's Mount Carmel
May 18 St John's General Decay MURRAY Wm Roman Catholic 86 years Queens County Mount Carmel
May 20 St John's Consumption FITTGERALD Kate Roman Catholic 30 years Labrador Mount Carmel
May 22 St John's Measels KEELS? Lawrence Roman Catholic 14 mos St John's Mount Carmel
May 24 St John's Measels JOY Mary Roman Catholic 4 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 25 St John's General Decay MORRIS Margaret Roman Catholic 75 years Canada Mount Carmel
May 29 St John's Convulsions LONERGAN Alice Roman Catholic 3 years St John's Mount Carmel
May 29 St John's Croup RYAN Ellen Roman Catholic 2 weeks St John's Mount Carmel
May 11 Sydney Infantile CAREW Agnes Roman Catholic 1 mon Sydney Mount Carmel
May 30 Poor Asylum, St John's Decline COONEY Bridget Roman Catholic 57 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 9 St John's Asthenia WHITTEN Ann Methodist 74 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 17 St John's Pneumonia BISHOP Geo Wm Methodist 11 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 19 St John's Meningitis AIDEY Nita L Methodist 2yrs,6mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 20 St John's Congestive Nephritis MITCHELL Arthur Methodist 25 days St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 20 St John's Tuberculosis/Lungs PYNN Wm Methodist not given St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 15 St John's Stillborn WALLACE Child of Fred & Mrs Methodist not given St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 3 St John's Inanition RUMSEY Pearl Methodist 6 days St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 7 Genl Hospital,St John's Pneumonia HOLLEY Wm Methodist 45 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 11 St John's Pneumonia HALFYARD Emily Methodist 16 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 17 St John's Bronchitis CASEY Mary E Methodist 3yrs,9mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 18 St John's Mastitis PIKE Catherine Methodist 70 years Carbonear General Protestant Cemetery
May 15 St John's none given THISTLE Wm Methodist 3 hours St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 19 St John's Paralysis FRENCH Mary J Methodist 64 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 27 St John's Dropsy MILLEY Rachel B Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
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April 19 St John's Rupture BOWDEN Archie Methodist 23 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 25 St John's Measles SNELGROVE Ethel Methodist 9 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 8 St John's La Grippe SNELGROVE Eilliam Methodist 4 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 9 St John's Croup TAYLOR Elsie Methodist 13 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 11 St John's none given KEAN John Duncan Methodist 1 day St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 24 St John's Diphtheria NOFTALL Dorothy Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 15 Genl Hospital, St John's Heart Disease LEWIS Charles Methodist 19 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
April 25 St John's Measles LESEMAN Eric Methodist 9 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 9 St John's Old Age PARSONS Alfred Methodist 91 years Carbonear General Protestant Cemetery
May 20 St John's Convulsions MEADOWS Caleb Methodist 10 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 24 St John's Heart Disease STOWE Wm Methodist 60 years not given General Protestant Cemetery
May 25 St John's Brights Disease MEWS George W Methodist 68 years New Perlican General Protestant Cemetery
April 11 St John's Convulsions CROSS Florence Josephine Presbyterian 11 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
May 12 St John's Apoplexy ELY Homer Presbyterian 69 years West Springfield (Mass) West Springfield, Mass
June 9 St John's Measles KELLY Ellen Church of England 15 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
June 28 St John's Meningitis MORRIS Victoria Rose Church of England 1yr,9mos New Geargon NS Church of England Cemetery
June 17 St John's Consumption QUINN Joseph Church of England 10 years New Harbour Church of England Cemetery
June 19 St John's Meningitis WELLS Wm Jas Church of England 5 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
June 26 St John's Meningitis LUSCOMBE? Ida May Church of England 1 year St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 8 St John's Premature Birth PARSONS Elijah Church of England 2 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 10 St John's Premature Birth PARSONS Bessie Church of England 3 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 13 Lunatic Asylum,St John's Phthisis BAKER Margaret Church of England 50 years Burin Church of England Cemetery
April 17 South Side,St John's Bronchitis FORD Roy Clarence Church of England 16 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 16 St John's Heart Disease TAYLOR Leah Church of England 64 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
April 28 St John's Consumption BROWN Henry Church of England 29 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 4 St John's Consumption SHAW Amelia Church of England 52 years Bryants Cove Church of England Cemetery
May 6 Poor Asylum, St John's Dropsy SEARLE James Church of England 37 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
May 12 Poor Asylum, St John's Consumption KING George Church of England 50 years Burgeo Church of England Cemetery
May 26 South Side,St John's Bronchitis CRANE Rosella Vict Church of England 16 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
June 17 St John's none given STONE Florence Gertrude Church of England 7 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
June 30 St John's Consumption BEKKIWS James Church of England 14 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
April 7 On board SS Terre Nova? At seal fishing Pneumonia SOMERTON Geo Church of England 22 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
April 28 Torburn Rd Convulsions HOOKEY Maud Alexandra Church of England 3 hours Thorburn Rd Broad Cove
May 10 Broad Cove Difficult Birth TUCKER Lavinia Church of England 2 hours Broad Cove Broad Cove
May 27 Portugal Cove Pul Consumption MILLER Hannah Church of England 9 mos Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
May 2 Portugal Cove Tuberculosis PICCO Elizabeth Church of England 10 mos Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 26 Broad Cove Cardiac Failure SQUIRES Ananias Church of England 58 years Broad Cove Broad Cove
June 27 Portugal Cove Old Age SOMERTON Ann Church of England 86 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
June 28 St John's Convulsions MOORE Laura Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 28 St John's Marasmus COYELL? Chas Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
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June 1 St John's Old Age MERCHANT Mary Josephine Roman Catholic 90 years Ireland Belvedere
June 7 Portugal Cove Rd Convulsions KENNY Florence Roman Catholic 15 mos St John's Belvedere
June 8 St John's Cancer HOWLEY Elizabeth Roman Catholic 78 years St John's Belvedere
June 13 St John's Old Age OAKLEY Sarah Roman Catholic 80 years St John's Belvedere
June 18 St John's General Decay HALLEY Francis Roman Catholic 6 weeks St John's Belvedere
June 19 St John's Paralysis MULLAHY Bridget Roman Catholic 62 years St John's Belvedere
June 21 St John's Cancer McDONALD Eliza Roman Catholic 55 years St John's Belvedere
June 24 St John's Old Age WHITE John Roman Catholic 62 years St John's Belvedere
June 24 St John's Heart Failure MURPHY Elizabeth Roman Catholic 57 years St John's Belvedere
June 27 St John's Old Age PICCO Eliza Roman Catholic 72 years St John's Belvedere
June 1 St John's Infantile RYAN Maggie Power Roman Catholic 3 weeks St John's Mount Carmel
June 2 St John's Consumption KENT Edward Roman Catholic 34 years St John's Mount Carmel
June 3 St John's Infantile SKEANS? Patrick Roman Catholic 2 mos St John's Mount Carmel
June 4 St John's Consumption DRAKE Lizzie Roman Catholic 33 years St John's Mount Carmel
June 5 St John's Asthma POWER Patrick Roman Catholic 64 years Western Bay Mount Carmel
June 7 St John's Consumption CUDDIHY Ellen Roman Catholic 58 years Placentia Mount Carmel
June 7 St John's Heart Failure HAUGHTON Philip Roman Catholic 56 years Joe Batts Arm Mount Carmel
June 8 St John's Convulsions KELLY Alma Roman Catholic 1 week St John's Mount Carmel
June 9 St John's Infantile HALLERAN John Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Mount Carmel
June 9 St John's Infantile HOUSTON Joseph Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mount Carmel
June 14 St John's Hemorrhage KELLY Mary Jane Roman Catholic 39 years Harbour Grace Mount Carmel
June 16 St John's Liver Complaint O'BRIEN Katie Roman Catholic 3 years St John's Mount Carmel
June 19 St John's Measles DILLON James Roman Catholic 1yr,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
June 23 St John's General Decay FANNING Anastatia Roman Catholic 70 years Placentia Mount Carmel
June 24 Poor Asylum, St John's General Decay GREEN Catherine Roman Catholic 80 years Brigus S Mount Carmel
June 25 St John's General Debility Unknown Child found in cemetery Roman Catholic   St John's Mount Carmel
June 27 St John's Premature Birth MORRISSEY Baby Roman Catholic   St John's Mount Carmel
June 30 St John's Convulsions CLARKE Mary Roman Catholic 5 mos St John's Mount Carmel
June 30 St John's Measles McDONALD J Roman Catholic 10 years St John's Mount Carmel
April 1 Petty Harbour none given KENNEDY Anne Roman Catholic 3 mos Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
April 16 Goulds none given FINN James Roman Catholic 8 years Goulds Goulds
May 16 Petty Harbour Old Age HOWLETT David Roman Catholic 66 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
May 17 Petty Harbour Old Age WHELAN Elizabeth Roman Catholic 87 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
June 1 Madden Cove Drowning MADDEN Thomas Roman Catholic 35 years Madden Cove Petty Harbour
June 24 Petty Harbour Consumption HOWLETT Ellen Roman Catholic 2 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
June 4 St John's Consumption BALL G John Methodist 12 yaears Bonne Bay General Protestant Cemetery
June 8 St John's Consumption GREEN Lucy Methodist 27 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 12 St John's Inflammaton CASH Eleanor Jane Methodist 2 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 3 St John's Heart Failure KNIGHT Bertie Methodist 12 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 17 St John's General Debility FLEET Hugh Methodist 15 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
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July 3 St John's Kidney Disease REID William Church of England 77 years England Church of England Cemetery
July 5 St John's Cancer COVEYDUCK Wm H Church of England 55 years Cupids Church of England Cemetery
July 22 St John's Asthma BUGDEN Audrey Robt Church of England 1 year Trinity Church of England Cemetery
Aug 4 St John's Paralysis DERRICK Louisa Mary Church of England 60 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
Aug 6 St John's Asphyxia CLANCE Clara Church of England 23 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 10 St John's Gastric Carcinoma PILOT Agnes Elizabeth W Church of England 60 years England Church of England Cemetery
Aug 11 St John's Convulsion WILLAR Albert Church of England 2 weeks St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 11 St John's Pul Tuberculosis MARTIN Nathaniel Church of England 66 years Old Perlican Church of England Cemetery
Aug 14 St John's Gastritis DODGE Florence Church of England 2 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 15 St John's Puerperal Fever QUINTEN Adaina Church of England 22 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
Aug 24 St John's Convulsion ADAMS Robt Church of England 3 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 30 St John's Convulsion MOORE Alfred E Church of England 1 year St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 1 St John's Prematurity EVERETT Mary Elizabeth Church of England 9 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 9 St John's Cancer MOORES Stephen Church of England 74 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
Sept 16 St John's Acute Enteritis NEWPORT Minnie A Church of England 8 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 23 St John's Pul Tuberculosis PARSONS Esther Jane Church of England 28 years Bonavista Bay Church of England Cemetery
Sept 25 St John's Convulsion QUINTEN Edna Church of England 7 weeks St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 4 St John's Bronchitis FIELD Wilfred G Church of England 2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 9 Torbay Road, St John's Heart Failure RENDELL Leonard Chas Church of England 10 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 10 St John's Pneumonia RUSSELL Annie Church of England 6 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
July 19 Quidi Vidi, St John's Convulsion WARFORD Richard Church of England 6 weeks Quidi Vidi Church of England Cemetery
July 21 St John's Cancer ENGLAND John Church of England 77 years England Church of England Cemetery
July 24 St John's Bronchitis BUGDEN Fredk Geo Church of England 9 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 26 St John's Pneumonia HEALE Ada Jane Church of England 2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 1 St John's Heart Disease SNOW Ellen J V Church of England 5 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 1 St John's Consumption COAKER Edwd Church of England 24 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 17 St John's Convulsion SULLIVAN Fredk Geo Church of England 5 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 20 St John's Peritonitis WINTER Francis Hy Church of England 14 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 26 St John's Heart Failure PARSONS Robt Jno Church of England 59 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 20 Torbay Road, St John's Inflammation/Lungs BIDDESCOMB John R Church of England 9 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 22 St John's Brights Disease MATTHEWS Susanna Church of England 56 years Greenspond Church of England Cemetery
Jan 25 Torbay Consumption COLE John Church of England 33 years Torbay Torbay
April 30 Torbay Consumption COLE Alfred Church of England 20 years Torbay Torbay
May 3 Torbay Bronchitis CODNER Eliza Church of England 14 mos Torbay Torbay
May 18 Torbay Ol Age BRADBURY Susanna Church of England 84 years Torbay Torbay
Aug 31 Goulds Insanity MOGRIDGE Susan Church of England 57 years Petty Harbour Goulds
Aug 25 Beach, B I Convulsion SKANES Edwd Jno Church of England 6 days Beach, BI Beach, BI
May 2 Beach, B I Concussion/Brain SKANES Emma P Church of England 6 years Beach, BI Beach, BI
June 11 Beach, B I Pneumonia SKANES Hilda Church of England 18 mos Beach, BI Beach, BI
June 13 Lance Cove none given REES Emma Leah Church of England 40 years Lance Cove Lance Cove
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June 14 Lance Cove Pneumonia REES Warwick Church of England 15 years Lance Cove Lance Cove
Aug 27 Beach, BI Premature Birth SHEPPARD Arthur Church of England 3 mins Beach Beach BI
Sept 27 Beach, BI Consumption BENNETT Duraphina? A Church of England 13 mos Beach Beach BI
Aug 2 Beach, BI Accident BRAGG Edwd Church of England 1yr,6mos Pouch Cove Lance Cove
Aug 2 Broad Cove Cardiac Failure SQUIRES Mary Church of England 55 years Long Pond Broad Cove
Sept 4 Portugal Cove Old Age SOMERTON James Church of England 90 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 9 Portugal Cove Old Age CHURCHILL Mary Church of England 94 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 3 St John's Cancer JENKINSON Ellen Roman Catholic 63 years St John's Belvedere
July 9 St John's Convulsions BRADSHAW Ellen Roman Catholic 3 days St John's Belvedere
July 10 St John's Stillborn RYAN Child of Jas Roman Catholic   St John's Belvedere
July 13 St John's General Debility CLARKE Ellen Roman Catholic 14 mos St John's Belvedere
July 13 St John's Paralysis MURRAY Sarah Roman Catholic 52 years St John's Belvedere
July 14 St John's Diabetes LITTLE Sir Joseph I Roman Catholic 67 years P E Island Belvedere
July 14 St John's Worm Fever WOODS Frances Roman Catholic 11 mos St John's Belvedere
July 16 St John's Drowning CARTER Francis Roman Catholic 15yrs,9mos St John's Belvedere
July 22 St John's Kidney Disease HAYDEN Richd Roman Catholic 76 years St John's Belvedere
July 24 St John's Stillborn SHORTAL Child of Wm P Roman Catholic   St John's Belvedere
July 24 St John's Convulsions REDDY Michael Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Belvedere
July 25 St John's Cancer FORWARD Bridget Roman Catholic 33 years St John's Belvedere
July 26 St John's Consumption McKAY Lilian Roman Catholic 26 years St John's Belvedere
July 27 Poor Asulum, St John's General Debility CONNOLLY John Roman Catholic 65 years St John's Belvedere
July 29 St John's Kidney Disease HACKETT Catherine Roman Catholic 42 years Carbonear Belvedere
Aug 3 St John's Heart Failure VINICOMBE Hannah Roman Catholic 62 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 4 St John's Natural Causes OLIVER Selina Roman Catholic 1 mon St John's Belvedere
Aug 7 St John's Old Age BATES Mary Roman Catholic 70 years Ireland Belvedere
Aug 7 St John's Old Age MAHER John Roman Catholic 72 years Greenspond Belvedere
Aug 8 St John's Measles HENNESSEY John Roman Catholic 7 mos St John's Belvedere
Aug 10 St John's Old Age BENNETT David Roman Catholic 79 years Ireland Belvedere
Aug 12 St John's General Debility DEVEREAUX Margt Roman Catholic 35 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 13 St John's Convulsions BEER? Alice Roman Catholic 2 mos St John's Belvedere
Aug 16 St John's Heart Failure CARBERRY John Roman Catholic 40 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 19 St John's Convulsions WOODFORD Mary F Roman Catholic 1 mon St John's Belvedere
Aug 19 St John's Heart Failure BARRON Johanna Roman Catholic 67 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 20 St John's Heart Failure LINEBAN Catherine Roman Catholic 70 years Ireland Belvedere
Aug 21 St John's Convulsions DUFF Anne Roman Catholic 7 mos St John's Belvedere
Aug 21 St John's Asthma WALSH Mary A Roman Catholic 55 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 22 St John's Water on Brain BUTLER Emma Roman Catholic 6 years St John's Belvedere
Aug 31 St John's Eczema HEALEY Helen Roman Catholic 5 mos St John's Belvedere
Sept 2 St John's Inflammation/Brain WHEELER Patrick Roman Catholic 17 mos St John's Belvedere
Sept 8 St John's Convulsions O'DEA Ethel Roman Catholic 8 weeks St John's Belvedere
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Sept 9 St John's Old Age NOWLAN Mary Roman Catholic 86 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 11 St John's Convulsions LARKIN Helen M Roman Catholic 5 weeks St John's Belvedere
Sept 15 St John's Heart Failure REARDON Margt Roman Catholic 68 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 16 St John's Heart Failure NURSE John Roman Catholic 30 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 17 St John's Convulsions PEDIGREW Henry Roman Catholic 5 hours St John's Belvedere
Sept 17 St John's Rheumatism DUDLEY Mary A Roman Catholic 68 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 19 St John's Cholera Infantum ALLEN Nellie M Roman Catholic 2 hours St John's Belvedere
Sept 19 St John's Heart Failure FORAN Ann Roman Catholic 57 years Placentia Bay Belvedere
Sept ?? St John's Old Age FRANK Mary Roman Catholic 84 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 30 St John's Cholera Infantum KENNY Wm E Roman Catholic 7 weeks St John's Belvedere
Sept 30 St John's Convulsions MURPHY Richard Roman Catholic 5 years St John's Belvedere
Sept 30 St John's Croup CONWAY Chas Roman Catholic 3yrs,9mos St John's Belvedere
July 6 St John's Measles ROGERS Elsie M Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 6 St John's Convulsions DEVEREAUX Maggie Roman Catholic 9 mos St John's Mount Carmel
July 12 St John's none given WHITE Samuel Roman Catholic 1 hour St John's Mount Carmel
July 14 St John's Old Age O'BRIEN Margaret Roman Catholic 79 years Blackhead Mount Carmel
July 14 Poor Asylum, St John's Old Age SHEA Patrick Roman Catholic 70 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 17 St John's Drowning ASPELL John Roman Catholic 23 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 18 St John's General Debility HURDLE Mary Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Mount Carmel
July 19 St John's Decline DUNN Michael Roman Catholic 55 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 19 St John's Old Age McCARTHY Martin Roman Catholic 74 years Renews Mount Carmel
July 21 Torbay Rd, St John's Consumption O'LEARY Anastatia Roman Catholic 15 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 21 St John's Consumption BREEN Ellen Roman Catholic 44 years Isle of Valen Mount Carmel
July 23 St John's Convulsions PURCELL Frank Roman Catholic 10 mos St John's Mount Carmel
July 26 St John's none given MYLES Bridget Roman Catholic 1 hour St John's Mount Carmel
July 23 St John's Consumption BENNETT Margt Roman Catholic 31 years Conception Bay Mount Carmel
July 27 St John's Convulsions HALLEY Alex Roman Catholic 14 mos St John's Mount Carmel
July 26 St John's Premature Birth KANE Child of Patrick & Bridget Roman Catholic   St John's Mount Carmel
July 26 St John's General Debility FITZGIBBON Fergus Roman Catholic 5 days St John's Mount Carmel
July 27 St John's Convulsions DUFF Violet Roman Catholic 1yr,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
July 27 Lunatic Asylum,St John's General Debility MURPHY Sarah Roman Catholic 65 years St John's Mount Carmel
July 31 St John's Croup CONNORS Rosie Roman Catholic 2 years St John's Mount Carmel
Aug 2 Buchanan St Consumption HALL Patrick Roman Catholic 21 years Carbonear Mount Carmel
Aug 2 St John's Convulsions STAPLETON Michael Roman Catholic 1yr,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
Aug 2 St John's Convulsions CLUNEY Michael Roman Catholic 1yr,6mos St John's Mount Carmel
Aug 3 St John's Consumption WHELAN Margaret Roman Catholic 36 years St John's Mount Carmel
Aug 4 St John's Convulsions LAMBERT James Roman Catholic 6 days Logy Bay Mount Carmel
Aug 5 St John's Dropsy PITTMAN Thos Roman Catholic 67 years Placentia Mount Carmel
Aug 7 St John's Old Age CHIDLEY Ellen Roman Catholic 60 years St John's Mount Carmel
Aug 9 St John's Diphtheria McCORMAN James Roman Catholic 3 years St John's Mount Carmel
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Aug 11 St John's General Decay ENGLISH Maria Roman Catholic 72 years Job's Cove Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 11 St John's Croup FARRELL William Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 13 St John's Old Age FINNEY James Roman Catholic 80 years Liverpool, Eng Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 19 St John's Consumption MURPHY Mary A Roman Catholic 53 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 19 St John's Consumption PEDDLE Esther Roman Catholic 32 years Renews Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug ?? St John's Consumption CONGDON James Roman Catholic 13 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 27 St John's Consumption ROBSON Iable (Isabel?) Roman Catholic 11 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 27 St John's Premature Birth EVANS Child of Jno & Lizzie Roman Catholic   St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Aug 29 Poor Asylum, St John's Old Age VINCENT Thomas Roman Catholic 82 years England Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 1 St John's Convulsions EDWARDS Chas Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 2 St John's Consumption MOORE Mollie Roman Catholic 5yrs,6mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 3 St John's Cholera Infantum LAWLOR Mary P Roman Catholic 5 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 8 St John's Cholera Infantum LAWLOR Arthur Roman Catholic 7 mos Boston, Mass Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 9 St John's Inflammation DEVEREAUX Anastatia Roman Catholic 34 years Loby lBay Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 10 St John's Convulsions RODGERS Kate Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 11 St John's Decline O'KEEFE Johanna Roman Catholic 49 years N Brigus Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 11 St John's Convulsions LYNCH Leo F Roman Catholic 3 weeks St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 12 St John's Convulsions WILSON James Roman Catholic 3 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 13 St John's Heart Failure CULLEN John Roman Catholic 60 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 15 St John's Old Age CULLETON Sarah Roman Catholic 82 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 16 St John's General Debility COSTELLO Mary E Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 19 St John's Convulsions KENNEDY Mildred Roman Catholic 2 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 22 St John's Heart Failure DAVIS John Roman Catholic 50 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 23 St John's Accident DORAN John Roman Catholic 56 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 23 Placentia Old Age REDMOND Thomas Roman Catholic 80 years Carbonear Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 26 St John's Convulsions POWER Hugh Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 26 St John's Cholera Infantum WALSH John Roman Catholic 3 mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 27 St John's Tumor BLYDE Margaret Roman Catholic 67 years Witless Bay Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 29 St John's Inflammation FAHEY John Roman Catholic 71 years Western Bay Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 30 St John's Consumption KING Mary B Roman Catholic 4 years St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 30 St John's Brain Disease RYAN James Roman Catholic 2yrs,6mos St John's Mount Carmel Cemetery
April 23 Outer Cove Paralysis HOUSTON Daniel Roman Catholic 74 years England Torbay
May 1 Torbay Spinal Disease COADY Ellen Roman Catholic 57 years Torbay Torbay
May 6 Pouch Cove Childbirth WALL Jane Roman Catholic 40 years Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 14 Pouch Cove General Debility WALL Bridget Roman Catholic 3 weeks Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
May 9 Torbay Consumption RYAN Bridget Roman Catholic 17 years Torbay Torbay
June 6 Torbay Consumption GOSSE Ellen Roman Catholic 44 years Torbay Torbay
June 13 Flat Rock Old Age STAMP Richard Roman Catholic 75 years Flat Rock Torbay
July 21 Torbay Accident WALSH William Roman Catholic 66 years Torbay Torbay
July 22 Torbay Consumption GOSS Thomas Roman Catholic 17 years Torbay Torbay
PAGE 488                
Aug 2 Torbay Spinal Disease MANNING Catherine Roman Catholic 58 years Torbay Torbay
Aug 22 Torbay Consumption RYAN Catherine Roman Catholic 28 years Torbay Torbay
Sept 3 Torbay Paralysis DOYLE William Roman Catholic 76 years Torbay Torbay
Sept 14 Outer Cove Dropsy ROURKE Mary Roman Catholic 76 years Outer Cove Torbay
Jan 23 Bell Isle Phthisis HANLON Patrick Roman Catholic 29 years not given not given
March 12 Bell Isle Convulsions CONNORS John Joseph Roman Catholic 1yr,3mos not given not given
March 28 Bell Isle Old Age QUIGLEY Alice Roman Catholic 84 years not given not given
May 10 Bell Isle Brights Disease DWYER Hannah Roman Catholic 32 years not given not given
May 14 Bell Isle Phthisis DWYER Mary A Roman Catholic 52 years not given not given
May 20 Bell Isle Convulsions DWYER Michael Stanislaus Roman Catholic 2 weeks not given not given
May 26 Bell Isle Bronchitis KENEDY Nicholas Roman Catholic 13 mos not given not given
July 30 Bell Isle Accident KAVANAGH Edward Roman Catholic 41 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
July 31 Bell Isle Brain Fever DOOLING Edward Roman Catholic 6 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
Aug 4 Bell Isle Phthisis DWYER Jane Roman Catholic 37 years St John's Bell Isle
Aug 12 Bell Isle Phthisis WALSH Margaret Roman Catholic 16yrs,6mos Outer Cove Bell Isle
Aug 16 Bell Isle Premature Birth CONNORS Mary Roman Catholic 2 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
Aug 18 Bell Isle Brain Fever KENNEDY Terence Roman Catholic 6 years Carbonear Bell Isle
Aug 30 Bell Isle Phthisis CONNORS Catherine Roman Catholic 28 yearws Portugal Cove Bell Isle
July 5 Forest Pond Rd none given DONOVAN Michael Roman Catholic 66 years Forest Pond Rd Goulds
Aug 9 Petty Harbour none given EVERAND Andrew Roman Catholic 59 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Aug 10 Petty Harbour none given COOK Michael Roman Catholic 18 years St John's Black Head
Aug 21 St John's Dropsy MADDEN John Roman Catholic 38 years Maddox Cove Petty Harbour
Sept 18 Goulds Consumption HEARN Helen Roman Catholic 27 years Goulds Goulds
July 2 St John's Phthisis COLLINS Patience Methodist 28 years Nfld General Protestant Cemetery
July 7 St John's General Debility AVERY Alonzo Methodist 2yrs,6mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 11 St John's Stillborn MUGFORD Child of Belinda Salvation Army   St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 12 St John's Rickets EVANS John E F Methodist 2 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 12 St John's Paralysis RAINES Jane Methodist 56 years Nfld General Protestant Cemetery
July 22 St John's Marasmus MILLEY Philemon Methodist 2 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 2 St John's Convulsions RUMSEY Herbert K H Methodist 1 year St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 16 St John's Consumption COLLINS Elizabeth Methodist 18 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 29 St John's Hip Disease STRAFFORD Walter Methodist 17 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 1 St John's Bronchitis PERCY Selina Methodist 3yrs,9mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 16 Lunatic Asylum,St John's Phthisis MOORES Alex Methodist 24 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 26 St John's Meningitis STORY Ruth Methodist 10 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 8 St John's Brain Disease TUCKER Emma J Methodist 1 mon St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 7 St John's Cholera Infantum SIMPSON Mary Methodist 6mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 16 St John's Cholera Infantum HOPKINS Chas Methodist 4 wweeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 17 St John's Marasmus LINDSAY Fred J Methodist 6 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 19 St John's Enteritis ROSE Robert James Methodist 4 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
PAGE 489                
Sept 7 St John's Consumption SEVIOR Willie Job Methodist 11 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 18 St John's Convulsions HOUSE Effie F Methodist 1 mon St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 22 St John's Enteritis ROGERS Gladys C Methodist 10 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 16 St John's Consumption REED George Methodist 70 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 25 St John's Cancer GARLAN Amelia Methodist 72 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 21 St John's Consumption DUKE Norman Methodist 10 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 15 St John's Old Age BARRETT Joseph Methodist 84 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 31 St John's Convulsions BRAGG Gertrude Methodist 3 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 12 St John's Inflammation BRYANT Maud Mary Methodist 8 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 11 St John's Consumption BOWDEN Emma Methodist 23 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 17 St John's Dysentary ADAMS Austin Methodist 11 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 27 St John's Inflammation/Bowels EARLE Winifred George Methodist 3 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 30 St John's Dysentary LEFTRAGE? Nathaniel G Methodist 8 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 9 St John's Enteritis VATCHER Joseph Methodist 10 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 12 St John's Croup MARTIN Claud Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 24 St John's Inflammation/Lungs ROGERS Bertha J Methodist 2 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 17 St John's General Debility YOUNG Jean Methodist 9 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 10 St John's Inflammation/Lungs STANLEY Blanche Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 13 St John's Peritonitis DEER Sarah Methodist 30 years Trinity General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 24 St John's Cholera Infantum MARCH Charlottina Methodist 6 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 24 St John's Drowning NAPIER William Methodist 24 years Catalina General Protestant Cemetery
May 22 Pouch Cove none given HUDSON William Methodist 7 days Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 7 Pouch Cove Measles NOSEWORTHY George Hill Methodist 1 year Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 8 Pouch Cove Measles NOSEWORTHY Walter C Methodist 8 years Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
April 4 Bell Island Influenza WILSHIRE Harry James Methodist 2yrs,6mos Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 23 St John's Drowning McCRINDLE David Presbyterian 71 years Glasgow, Scotland General Protestant Cemetery
July 25 St John's Hemorrhage REID Catherine Duff Presbyterian 3 days St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 13 St John's Cepticaemia HAMLYN Arthur Presbyterian 1 mon St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Aug 31 St John's Apoplexy NEVILLE Elizabeth Presbyterian 81 years St Andrewsx General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 6 St John's Premature Birth EALES James D Presbyterian 1 day St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 12 St John's Convulsions McNIVEN Edward Charles Presbyterian 2 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 3 Pearl Town Consumption NOWLAN Ellen Roman Catholic 36 years none given Kilbride
July 10 Pearl Town Croup WHITEWAY Katie Roman Catholic 15 mos none given Kilbride
July 21 Kilbride Croup BRENNAN Maggie Roman Catholic 2 mos none given Kilbride
Aug 4 Topsail Rd Decline COUGHLAN Katie Roman Catholic 3 years none given Kilbride
Aug 25 Kilbride Decline GORMAN John Roman Catholic 58 years Kilbride Kilbride
Jan 23 Bell Isle Phthisis HANLON Patrick Roman Catholic 27 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
March 12 Bell Isle Convulsions CONNORS John Joseph Roman Catholic 1 year Bell Isle Bell Isle
March 28 Bell Isle Old Age QUIGLEY Alice Roman Catholic 84 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
May 10 Bell Isle Brights Disease DWYER Hannah Roman Catholic 32 years Bell Isle Bell Isle
PAGE 490                
Jan 3 Portugal Cove Heart Failure CANNON Henry Roman Catholic 60 France Portugal Cove
Feb 8 Prostestant Town Consumption DALTON William Roman Catholic 39 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Feb 17 Portugal Cove Convulsions HYNES Agatha Roman Catholic 9 Days Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Apr 22 Portugal Cove Consumption FITZGERALD Marg't Roman Catholic 66 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 22 Portugal Cove Old Age FITZGERALD John Roman Catholic 76 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 30 Barnes Rd Chol Inpartum SNOW Ada F Church of England 1 wk St John's C of E Cemetery
June 30 Murphy Place Consumption FIELD John T Church of England 39 St John's C of E Cemetery
July 5 Southside Old Age WHITTEN Anne C Church of England 90 St John's C of E Cemetery
July 8 Water St W Convulsions BACKSTROM Ethel M Church of England 6 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
July 16 Poor Asylum Gen Debility DICKSON Susanna Church of England 50 Hr Grace C of E Cemetery
July 19 Poor Asylum Gen Debility KNIGHT Priscilla Church of England 59 St. John's C of E Cemetery
July 22 Brazil's Square Appoplexy POPE Mary A Church of England 77 St. John's C of E Cemetery
Aug 1 Southside Heart Failure WHITTEN Eliz'th Church of England 81 Carbonear C of E Cemetery
Aug 9 Carter's Hill Enteritis SEXTON Norman Church of England 3 Hr Briton C of E Cemetery
Aug 17 Hamilton Ave Convulsions NORRIS Wm Church of England 6 1/2 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
Aug 20 Hamilton Ave Pneumonia DROVER Edwin Church of England 20 St John's C of E Cemetery
Aug 28 Southside Consumption WARFORD Moses S Church of England 9 St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 2 Southside Consumption KEARLEY Emma F Church of England 28 St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 3 Hutching's St. Uremic Coma ARNOTT Maria C Church of England 59 Greenspond C of E Cemetery
Sept 4 Patrick St Peritonitis HARVEY Laura Church of England 2 1/2 St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 11 Hamilton St Consumption BROWN Cath'n Church of England 28 Trinity Bay C of E Cemetery
Sept 13 Angel Place Heart Dis PARSONS Eliz'th A Church of England 35 Bay Roberts C of E Cemetery
Sept 20 Hutchings St Prem Birth POPE Florence M Church of England 6 wks St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 21 Southside Convulsions GUEST George Church of England 11 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 24 Hamilton St Convulsions WHITTEN Florence M Church of England 2 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 25 Alex St Convulsions SEYMOUR Wm J Church of England 10 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 27 Alex St Convulsions SEYMOUR Kenneth Church of England 10 mos St John's C of E Cemetery
Sept 14 St. John's Consumption BARNES Stanley Congl 16 St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 29 Larkin's Sq Dropsy CAMPBELL Matilda Meth 77 Nfld General Protestant Cemetery
Mar 25, 1900 St. John's Consumption BURRIDGE Fanny J Adventist 19 1/2 St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 13 St. John's Inf of Bowels SNOW Fred'k S Army 18 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
June 29 Bell Isle Measels DWYER Edw R Catholic 11 mos Bell Island Bell Island
July 13 Pouch Cove Child Birth BALDWIN Jane Church of England 32 Pouch Cove Pouch cove
July 25 Pouch Cove Bronchitis SULLIVAN Sarah Church of England 2 1/2 wks Pouch Cove Pouch cove
Sept 7 Pouch Cove Old Age BALDWIN David Church of England 72 Pouch Cove Pouch cove
July 8 Torbay Spinal Dis THORNE Jane Church of England 33 Torbay Torbay
Aug 20 Torbay Liver Dis CODNER William Church of England 50 Torbay Torbay
July 25 Pouch Cove Old Age NOFTALL Hugh Methodist 82 Mulley's Cove Pouch Cove
Aug 13 Bauline Old Age PARSONS Robt Methodist 84 Mulley's Cove Bauline

Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (Nov 2009)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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