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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Straits of Belle Isle & Labrdor

Book 3

PAGE 474 - 477
Source: LDS Microfilm

PAGE 474                  
Sep. 20 Tricko?alsk Various Ills. MICHELIN Edward M Methodist 2 Lake Melville Muliock
Nov. 13 N.W.River Various Ills. STOPES? Laurence M Methodist 2 Hamilton Inlet N.W.River
July 25 Porcupine Bay Consumption CRI?LEN James M Methodist 19 Lake Melville Porcupine Bay
Oct. 28 Goose Cove S.Bay Drowned PERRY John M Ch.of E. 48 Porcupine Bay *Bodies found ???? ??? S?pp???t ????
Oct. 28 Goose Cove S.Bay Drowned PERRY William M Methodist 14 Sandwich Bay *Both buried at Cartright
Aug. 08 Salmon Point Natural PARR James M Methodist 1 Rockey Bay Salmon Point
Dec. 27 Rockey Bay Natural HOPKINS Louisa F Ch.of E. 5 Rockey Bay Rockey Bay
Feb. 06 Porcupine Bay Old Age 8c? MESHER Jamima F Ch.of E. 55 Porcupine Bay Porcupine Bay
Feb. 10 Porcupine Bay Perished? in Storm REEVES J M Ch.of E. 28 Porcupine Bay Porcupine Bay
Dec. 30 Cram Brook Natural OLIVER Furly? M Ch.of E. 3Mo. Hamilton Inlet Muliock
Nov. 06 East St.Modeste   BUTT Maria A F Ch.of E. 79   East St.Modeste
Apl. 05 1898 Henley Harbor   STONE Elizabeth S F Methodist 44   Chateau? Harbor
Apl. 13 1898 East St.Modeste   BUTT Jane Ash? F Methodist 46   East St.Modeste
Apl. 14 1898 Barge Bay   HILLYARD John M Methodist 2Dys.   Barge Bay
May 15 1898 Paradise Convulsions MYRTLE Eliza F Methodist 2Mo. Paradise Paradise
Sep. 17 1898 Indian Harbor Measles LEARNING Prescilla Marg't F Ch.of E. 2 White Bear River North River
Aug. 08 1898 Forteau Child Birth HANDCOCK Susannah F Methodist 22 Forteau Forteau
Aug. 24 1898 Forteau Starvation HANDCOCK Albert J M Methodist 22Dys. Forteau Forteau
Aug. 30 1898 Red Bay Accident ROWE Henry M Methodist 63 Carbonear Red Bay
Aug. 20 1898 Red Bay Cancer HOWELL Peter M Methodist 66 M?ti?n Bay Red Bay
Aug. 24 1898 Forteau Infl'm of Lungs PYNN William M Methodist 2 N.Maud? Forteau
Sep. 17 1898 East St.Modeste Consumption MANSFIELD Jane H F Methodist 17 East St.Modeste East St.Modeste
Sep. 25 1898 Forteau Scarlet Fever CRUTCH Miriam L F Methodist 2 Forteau Forteau
Oct. 12 1898 Red Bay Consumption GIBBONS Jannet F Methodist   Broad Cove Red Bay
Nov. 15 1898 Forteau Scarlet Fever JAMES Edna S F Methodist 5 Forteau Forteau
Jan. 16 East St.Modeste Rheumatic Fever BUTT Lily May F Methodist 14 East St.Modeste East St.Modeste
July 11 1898 Turners Head Heart Disease FLOWERS Julia F Ch.of E. 55 Ireland Marks? Tickle
Mar. 18 Tickoralack General Causes FLOWERS George M Ch.of E. 65 Labrador Marks? Tickle
Mar. 20 Traver's Pinn Consumption BLAKE Maria F Methodist 25 Labrador Travers? Pinn
Mar. 29 Hamilton Inlet Confinement PALLISIER Sally F Methodist 25 Labrador Moliack
July ? 1898 Holton General Causes MUGFORD Samuel M Methodist 25 CB Newfd. Turners Bight
June 01 Cudsack Old Age SHICKIVAN? William M Methodist 72 Hamilton Inlet Moliack
July 06 Rigoulet Consumption GROVES Mary F Methodist 43 Hamilton Inlet Moliack
Oct. 01 1898 Cartright Measles GUY Ernest M M Ch.of E. 6 Separation? Point Cartwright
Nov. 18 1898 Coopers Cove Measles LETHBRIDGE Thomas M Ch.of E. 2Y/6M Coopers Cove Eagle River
Sep. 08 Indian Hr. Hosp. Consumption HEARD Annie F Ch.of E. 31   Cartwright
July 01 Red Bay Inflam. of Bowels POWELL M?sh?? M Methodist 40 Francis Harbor Red Bay
Apl. 17 Carawalla   LOOK Peter Punny? M Moravian 83?   Moliack
Feb. Mulligan Consumption GOUDIE Matthew M Methodist 17   Mulligan
Oct. 06 Rigolet   BLAKE Henry M Methodist     Moliack
PAGE 475                
May - Indian Tickle   TUCKER Thomas M Methodist     Carbonear
May 22 Back Pinn   ADAMS Flora Moriah F Moravian 3   Moliac
Feb. 27 1899 Red Bay Old Age CUMMING Ambrose M Methodist 88 Freshwater Red Bay
Apl. 03 1899 Red Bay Tuberculosis YETMAN Campbell M Methodist 29 Red Bay Red Bay
May 15 1899 West St.Modeste Consumption BELBIN Sarah Jane F Methodist 38 Hants Hr. West St.Modest
June 18 1899 Red Bay Paralysis CA?SING(?) Susannah F Methodist 84 Carbonear Red Bay
May 17 Paradise Child Birth PARDY Alice F Ch.of E.   Dove Brook Paradise
Dec. 03 1899 Lanc au Diable Child Birth HAMMOND Mary Eliz'th F R.Catholic 39 Pinivere Pinwere
Aug. 02 Carrols Cove   TRASKEY Alice Ann F R.Catholic 29 Pinivere Pinwere
Aug. 21 1899 Uvilukiok   NOGGASAK Johanna F Moravian 1 Uvilukloh Hopedale
Sep. 26 1899 Hopedale   LABORNAN Wil?aroho M Moravian 62 Hopedale Hopedale
Dec. 11 1898 Hopedale Drowning PIFOGGE? Nathaniel M Moravian 20 Hopedale  
Oct. 22 1898 Big Bight   LANE Mathilde F Moravian 59 Nain Big Bight
Oct. 1898 Nfld. Hr.   Cabel M Moravian 42 Nain Nfld. Hr.
Jan. 03 Hopedale   OKIA?OK Laura F Moravian 1Y/6M Hopedale Hopedale
May 17 Hopedale   AQGEK? Deborah F Moravian 27 Hopedale Hopedale
May 02 Rigoulet Consumption SNOW James E'd M Ch.of E. 25 St.John's Rigoulet
Oct. 20 Rapoban? Id. Accident FOWLER John Gordon M Methodist 74 England East St.Modeste
Oct. 27 Red Bay Heart Failure PIKE Theresa F Methodist 45 Carbonear Red Bay
June 19 Moores Cove Consumption BAKIE Annie F Methodist 27 Mulligan Moliack
Aug. 13 Cudsac Gravel[sic] CAMPBELL Dan'l M Methodist 80 Scotland Moliack
Aug. 14 Coopers Cove La Grippe BEST Douglas M Methodist 5 Mudd Lake The Tickle
June 25 Tinker Hr. Consumption SHICKNEAU?E Fred'k M Moravian 7 Cudsac Moliack
Sep. - Indian Hr. Hosp. Consumption MUGFORD Wm. M Methodist 17 Cullinghams Bight Lester's Point
May 03 1901   Consumption DEAR Geo. M Moravian     Moliack
  Lowland BLAKE Wm. M Methodist     -
Oct. 15 Muddy Bay Pneumonia HASNELL Robt. M Ch.of E. 14 Muddy Bay Cartwright
Dec. 03 North River Pneumonia WILLIAMS Albert M Ch.of E. 8 Indian Hr. North River
Dec. 23 Woody Point Convulsions POTTLE Helena Ruth F Ch.of E. 3Weeks Woody Point Fish Cove
Dec. 20 Byrnes Hr.     Michael M Ch.of E. 1 Coopers Cove Eagle River
Jan. 02 1901 American Point Influenza BOND Louis F M Ch.of E. 3 American Pt. Cartwright
Jan. 08 1901 Reids Pond   WINTERS Thos. M Ch.of E. 21 Muddy Bay Cartwright
Mar. 05 Paradise Consumption MARTIN Geo. M Ch.of E. 24 Paradise North River
Apl. 04 Fox Cove Convulsions MARTIN Sabina F Ch.of E. 7Weeks Main Tickle B't. North River
June 11 American Cove   LEARNING Sam'l J M Ch.of E. 16Mo. Dove Brook North River
June 27 Indian Hr. Chill LEARNING Emily F Ch.of E. 26 Indian Hr. North River
Oct. 11? Hopedale Rickitts BUKAK Markus? M Moravian 6Mo. Hopedale Hopedale
Nov. - Big Bay Tuberculosis LANE Willie Alfred M Moravian 15 Lange Bay Big Bay
Dec. 24 Hopedale   PASHA? Mathilde Hilda F Moravian 6Mo. Hopedale Hopedale
Mar. 18 1901 Hopedale   AGGEK Amandus M Moravian 1Mo. Hopedale Hopedale
PAGE 476                
Feb. 12 Sangne Bay Pleuritis EDMUNDS Mary F Moravian 3? Eskimo Bay Sangue Bay
Apl. 23 Tunningajok Rickitts TUFFIN Tamar F Moravian 2 Hopedale Hopedale
May 14 Newfoundland Hr. Rickitts PUALO? Sarah Helene F Moravian 2 Nfld. Hr. Hopedale
May 16 Tikkeratriak Poison DE?R Phillipus? M Moravian 46 Nain Hopedale
May 16 Tikkeratriak Poison RINK Lea F Moravian 23 Nain Hopedale
May 19 Hopedale Poison RINK Jonatan M Moravian 23 Nain Hopedale
May 21 Tikkeratriak Gen. Debility ABEL Josua M Moravian 65? Hopedale Hopedale
June 03 Hopedale Chlorsis FLOWERS Margarette F Moravian 16 Nuertorvik Hopedale
Aug. 05 Battle Hr. Cancer in Stomach MURRIN Ellen F R.Catholic 53 St.John's Battle Hr.
Aug. 18 Canada Hr. Paralysis BRIEN Mary F R.Catholic 55? Twillingate Can. Hr.
Sep. 25 Canada Hr. Pul.Tuberculosis BRIEN Leonard M R.Catholic 24 Can. Hr. Can. Hr.
July 03 1898 Forteau Convulsions HANDCOCK Henry? Geo. M Ch.of E. 2Weeks Forteau Forteau
Aug. 03 1898 Forteau Convulsions BELL Caroline F Ch.of E. 2Dys. Forteau Forteau
Jan. 06 1898 Forteau Convulsions JAMES Minnie F Ch.of E. 1Day Forteau Forteau
June 22 1899 Lanse au Claire Nat'l Causes WALLACE Albert M Ch.of E. 17 Lanse au Clair Lance au Clair
Sep. 30 1900 Lanse au Claire Nat'l Causes DUMERAUGH? Clara B F Ch.of E. 4Mo. Lanse au Clair Lance au Clair
Aug. 06 Lanse au Claire Convulsions DUMERAUGH? Albert Ed. M Ch.of E. 2Dys. Lanse au Clair Lance au Clair
Sep. 08 Red Bay   GIBBONS Cecily Emily F Ch.of E. 3Dys. Red Bay Red Bay
Aug. 27 Hopedale La Grippe ABEL Johanna F Moravian 54 Tikkerarauk? Near Hopedale Hopedale
July ? Davis Inlet   DECKER Mary Ethel F Moravian 1 Davis Inlet Davis Inlet
Dec. 08 Long Stretch Old Age FOLLETT John M Moravian 82 England Cartwright
Nov. 06 Camp Isld. Old Age HUSSEY James M Moravian 74 Port de Grave Shoal Cove
Jan. 27 1902 Lewis Bay Drowning CUMBY Thomas M Moravian 64 Heart's Content Indian Cove
Nov. 09 Travespin Erysipelas HOPE Agnes F Moravian 70   Muddy Lake
Nov. 30 Travespin Erysipelas BLAKE Josephine F Moravian 35 N.W. River Muddy Lake
Dec. 29 Mulligan Consumption GOUDIE Thomas M Moravian 2Y/3M? Mulligan Mulligan
Jan. 12 1902 Lowland Consumption BLAKE Isaac M Moravian 35 Double More Mulligan
Dec. 15 1901 Double Mere Paralysis GOUDIE John M Moravian 70 N.W. River Moliac
Nov. 20 1901 Pottles Bay La Grippe NEWELL John M Moravian 46 Nfld. Winters Cove
Oct. 11 1901 Table Bay Drowned REEVES Thomas M Moravian 23 Table Bay Table Bay
Mar. 12 1902 Alienh? B't Paralysis NEWELL Mary F Moravian 70 Nfld. Winters Cove
May 20 1902 N.W.River Convulsions BLAKE Ida F Moravian 2 N.W. River N.W.River
July 09 1902 Tickle Isld. Convulsions BROOMFIELD Miriam F Moravian 3 Listers Pt. Listers Pt.
July 15 1902 Rigoulet Convulsions FRAZER Francis M Moravian 9Mo. Rigoulet Rigoulet
Oct. 16 Hopedale Pul.Tubercul. NOGGASAK Abel M Moravian 36 Hopedale Hopedale
Oct. 19 Hopedale Pul.Tubercul. NOGGASAK Liscette F Moravian 1 Hopedale Hopedale
Nov. 20 Hopedale Pul.Tubercul. PUKAK Jonas M Moravian 1Y/6M Hopedale Hopedale
Jan. 07 1901 Nuertorvik? Accident FLOWERS Wm. Geo. M Moravian 19 Neurtorvick? Davis Inlet
Aug. 16 1901 Langue Bay Gen. Debility EDMUNDS Davis M Moravian 1 Langue Bay Davis Inlet
Feb. 02 1902 Hopedale Pul.Tubercul. MILO? Esther F Moravian 42 Hopedale Hopedale
PAGE 477                
Feb. 04 Hopedale Pleuritis TUDLAVIK Bridget F Moravian 64 Nain Hopedale
Oct. 23 1901 Hr. Grace Suicide DICKERS Emilie S F Moravian 31 Kangardlualak Hr. Grace
Mar. 16 Hopedale Rickitts MITSUK Kale M Moravian 1 Hopedale Hopedale
Apl. 02 Hopedale Rickitts TOOPARAK? Lydia F Moravian 1 Hopedale Hopedale
Apl. 06 Hopedale Old Age MAN?ARL Debore F Moravian 72 Nain Hopedale
June 26 Hopedale Kidney Dis. KALE Selome F Moravian 59 Hopedale Hopedale
Aug. 05 Double Isld. Pleuritis SOLOMAN Catherine F Moravian 50 Hopedale Hopedale
Aug. 21 Double Isld. Ecklampsy[sic] LIKSIGAK Salomo? M Moravian 1 Double Isld. Hopedale
Aug. 31 Double Isld. Pneumonia TO?ARATT Samuel M Moravian 28 Okak Hopedale
Sep. 13 Hopedale Poisoned TUTTA? Fred'k M Moravian 61 Hopedale Hopedale
Sep. 15 Umicksorick Poisoned LUDWIG Ludwig[sic] M Moravian 13 Hopedale Hopedale
Sep. 15 Umicksorick Poisoned LUDWIG Josephine F Moravian 34 Hopedale Hopedale
May 20 Seal Island Gen. Debility MATTHEWS Frederick M Ch.of E. 4Y/6M Spotted Isld. Seal Isld.
June 17 Seal Island Gen. Debility MATTHEWS Simeon M Ch.of E. 2 Spotted Isld. Seal Isld.
June 28 Bouters Rock Consumption WILLS William M Ch.of E. 24 Bouter's Rock Bouter's Rock
Aug. 15 Battle Hr. Typhoid Fever LYALL Nettie F Moravian 32 Turnanc Battle Hr.
Aug. 17 Battle Hr. Consumption LUTHER Martin M Methodist 22 Smiths Sound Battle Hr.
Aug. 19 Battle Hr. Typhoid Fever OWEN Adam M Ch.of E. 18 Salmon Cove F.B? Battle Hr.
July 27 Lance au Clair Scurvy LETTO Albert E M Ch.of E. 8Mo. Lance au Clair Lance au Clair

Transcribed by Betty Cumby (2010)

Page Last Modified: Thursday September 05, 2013 ADT

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