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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Book 2

1896 - 1897

St. John's City District

PAGES 444 - 450

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 444                
Sept 12 St John's Consumption TUCKER Amelia Methodist 23 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 19 St John's Convulsions TUCKER Louis Glance Methodist 7 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 29 St John's none given PARSONS James Daniel Methodist 2 1/2 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
July 7 Torbay Convulsions RYAN Richard Roman Catholic 7 days Torbay Torbay
July 7 Flat Rock Decline CAREW Thomas Roman Catholic 54 years Flat Rock Torbay
July 9 Flat Rock Heart Disease MAHER Bridget Roman Catholic 22 years Flat Rock Torbay
July 12 Torbay Decline DOYLE Anne Roman Catholic 49 years Torbay Torbay
July 29 Torbay Old Age MAGUIRE John Roman Catholic 86 years Ireland Torbay
July 17 Outer Cove Suicide COADY Edward Roman Catholic 38 years Outer Cove Torbay
Sept 2 St John's Decline CAREW Martin Roman Catholic 17 years Flat Rock Torbay
Sept 4 Torbay Heart Disease McGRATH Mary Roman Catholic 55 years Torbay Torbay
Sept 5 Torbay Convulsions MALONE James Daniel Roman Catholic 1 year Torbay Torbay
Sept 18 Torbay Worm Fever LONG Mary A Roman Catholic 4 years Torbay Torbay
Sept 30 Torbay Cancer BYRNE Michael Roman Catholic 64 years Torbay Torbay
May 15 Goulds none given MILLS Mary Roman Catholic 2 years Goulds Goulds
June 13 Goulds none given MILLS Elizabeth Roman Catholic 7 years Goulds Goulds
May 16 Petty Harbour none given BUTLER Peter Roman Catholic 50 years Carbonear Petty Harbour
June 14 Goulds none given WALSH Peter Roman Catholic 10 mos Goulds Goulds
July 8 Goulds Old Age MURPHY Mary Roman Catholic 70 years Goulds Goulds
July 14 Blackhead none given HEALY John Roman Catholic 24 years Blackhead Blackhead
July 17 Petty Harbour Old Age HEARN Jane Roman Catholic 72 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Aug 14 Petty Harbour none given STACK Honora Roman Catholic 1 mos Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Sept 16 Maddox Cove none given HANNAFORD Anne Roman Catholic 3 years Maddox Cove Petty Harbour
Sept 24 Petty Harbour none given WALSH Patrick Roman Catholic 64 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Aug 4 Kilbride Kidney Disease BYRNE Lawrence Roman Catholic 48 years Kilbride Kilbride
Aug 18 Kilbride Natural Causes PURCELL John Roman Catholic 66 years Kilbride Kilbride
Aug 21 Pearl Town Kidney Disease HARDEN Matthew Roman Catholic 69 years Pearl Town Kilbride
July 25 Portugal Cove Convulsions NEARY Mark Roman Catholic 3 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug 4 Portugal Cove Consumption DOOLEY Matthew Roman Catholic 22 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 10 Portugal Cove Consumption BALGER Mary Roman Catholic 22 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 28 Belle Island Old Age FITZGERALD Anne Roman Catholic 94 years Ireland Belle Island
July 11 Bauline Drowning LeGROW William Methodist 24 years Bauline Bauline
Aug 8 Pouch Cove none given NOSEWORTHY Samuel Methodist 10 days Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sept 20 Portugal Cove Consumption FRY Solomon Methodist 2 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 30 Bauline Consumption LeGROW Elfrida Methodist 23 years Bauline Bauline
July 11 Military Road Meningitis SHELBURNE Herbert L Church of England 2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 18 White Hills Blood Poisoning GULLIES Mary M Church of England 5 weeks St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 17 Winterton Old Age CRAWFORD Mary Church of England 88 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
July 22 Torbay Road Convulsions FIELD Beatrice Church of England 9 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 8 Hearts Lane Tuberculosis FORD Jessie? Church of England 26 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
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Aug 19 Hoyles Town Gastritis COOK Herbert George Church of England 4 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 21 Cabot St Gunshot Wound BRADBROOK Arthur Edward Church of England 21 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Aug 23 Quidi Vidi Road Bronchitis/OA JOSHYRE? John Church of England 87 years Devon, England Church of England Cemetery
July 22 Portugal Cove Convulsions EARLE Eliza Church of England 5 days Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 30 Broad Cove Suicide PARKER Evan Church of England 53 years Broad Cove Broad Cove
Sept 2 Broad Cove English Cholera TUCKER Herbert Griffith Church of England 5 1/2 mos Broad Cove Broad Cove
Sept 17 Portugal Cove Convulsions CHURCHILL Joseph Church of England 9 days Broad Cove Broad Cove
Sept 18 Portugal Cove Hydrocephalus ALLAN Mary Alice Church of England 3 1/2 mos Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 22 Portugal Cove Consumption CHURCHILL John Church of England 63 years Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sept 21 Water St Cardiac Failure LASH John Frederick Church of England 45 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Sept 21 Quidi Vidi Old Age HORWOOD Mary Alice Church of England 88 years Quidi Vidi Church of England Cemetery
Sept 24 Cochrane St Haematome/OA HILL Jon Clift Church of England 79 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 8 Bannerman St Convulsions FRENCH Daisy May Church of England 1 1/2 years Scilly Cove, TB Church of England Cemetery
Oct 25 Hayward Avenue Convulsions BRIGHT Rebeckah Eleanor Church of England 10 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 31 General Hospital Consumption SUTTON Archibald Church of England 22 years Random Church of England Cemetery
Nov 21 LeMarchant Road Old Age SMITH John Wiggins Church of England 81 years   Church of England Cemetery
Dec 8 Military Road Bronchitis SHELHORNE Evelyn Church of England 3 1/2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 15 Moxie St Diphtheric Croup CARTER Livingston Weston Church of England 3 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 18 Signal Hill Rd Bronchitis SNOW Lottie May Church of England 1 year St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 17 Stewart Avenue Consumption GADWELL Frederick Church of England 19 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 22 Logy Bay Rd Inflammation DOWDEN Sybella Church of England 55 years Petty Harbour Church of England Cemetery
Dec 24 Quidi Vidi Inflammation/Kidney YOUNG Charlotte Church of England 2 years Quidi Vidi Church of England Cemetery
Oct 4 Water St W Bronchitis BACKSTROM George William Oscar Church of England 7 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 22 Water St W Abscess ELLIS George Herbert Church of England 3 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 22 South Side Dropsy/OA BLACKLER Sarah Church of England 73 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 26 South Side Heart Disease/OA WHITTEN Emma Church of England 72 years Carbonear Church of England Cemetery
Oct 27 The Goulds Old Age GUENTE William Church of England 88 years England Church of England Cemetery
Nov 2 Gilbert St Convulsions SNOW Marion Church of England 13 days St John's Church of England Cemetery
Nov 2 Lunatic Asylum Tuberculosis WALTERS William Church of England 24 years Nfland Church of England Cemetery
Nov 3 Pleasant St Bronchitis BELLAM Louisa Church of England 37 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Nov 12 Convent Square Meningitis HUMPHREY Henriettaq Gomery Church of England 8 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 5 South Side Meningitis WHITTEN Walter Tucker Church of England 17 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 14 Fair Mead Consumption LESTER Edward Ashton Church of England 54 years Nfland Church of England Cemetery
Dec 15 South Side Heart Disease WHITTEN Georgina Searle Church of England 11 years Nfland Church of England Cemetery
Oct 1 Pleasant St Acute Enteric Colitis ESCOTT Norman William Church of England 1 1/2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 2 Duggan St Paralysis MARTIN Noah Church of England 66 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 31 Cooks Town Road Apoplexy GARDNER Thomas Church of England 61 years Bareneed Church of England Cemetery
Nov 5 Pleasant St Apoplexy HEATH Jane Church of England 81 years Harbour Grace Church of England Cemetery
Nov 10 LeMarchant Road P??? Phthisis PEDDLE Lilian Charlotte Church of England 25 years Hants Harbour Church of England Cemetery
Nov 14 George St Cardiac Disease TAPPER Susan Church of England 50 years Long Pond, CB Church of England Cemetery
PAE 446                
Nov 17 Harvey Road Old Age SNOW Jane Eliza Church of England 78 years Harbour Grace Church of England Cemetery
Nov 29 Gower St Bronchitis ANDREWS Hilda Victoria Church of England 1 2/3 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 8 Barnes Place Bronchitis MARTIN Harry Cochrane Church of England 1 1/3 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 14 John St Consumption NOEL Stewart Church of England 33 yars Harbour Grace Church of England Cemetery
Dec 14 Long Pond Rd Syncope MILLER Nathaniel Church of England 67 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery
Dec 24 Cabot St Convulsions CANNING Harriet Elizabeth Church of England 6 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery
Dec 27 Military Rd Brights Disease/OA HART Ann Church of England 75 years St John's Church of England Cemetery
Oct 3 St John's Heart Disease DICKS John Methodist 63 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Oct 11 St John's Erysipelas/OA GARLAND John Methodist 72 years Salmon Cove, B de V General Protestant Cemetery
Oct 27 St John's Intestinal Obstruction SPARKS Mary Ann Methodist 35 years Capetown Cove, B de V General Protestant Cemetery
Oct 31 St John's Convulsions SHAND Herbert Gordon Methodist 6 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 22 St John's Convulsions lindsey Mabel Methodist 3 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 28 St John's Consumption JANES Moses Methodist 65 years Broad Cove General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 4 St John's Consumption VETT Elizabeth Methodist 22 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 7 St John's Spinal Disease CARROLL Sarah Isabel Methodist 1 1/3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 5 St John's Paralysis/OA WILLS Harriet Methodist 87 years England General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 10 St John's Influenza CORNELL George Methodist 9 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Sept 30 St John's Asthma/OA EVANS Robert Methodist 70 5/12 years Bay Roberts, CB General Protestant Cemetery
Oct 15 St John's Infantile LeDREW Hallie Violet Methodist 5 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 1 St John's La Grippe PLANT Emily Isabella Methodist 1 2/3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 6 St John's Infantile BUTT Mary Ellen Methodist 31/4 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 12 St John's Infantile KENNEDY George Freeman Methodist 3 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 29 St John's Infantile READ Clarice May Methodist 1 1/6 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 7 St John's Diphtheria ROSE William Stewart Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 10 St John's Hemorrhage PARSON Julia Methodist 45 Years Random, TB General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 17 St John's Inflammation/Lungs STICK Elizabeth Methodist 36 years unknown General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 24 St John's Consumption BRADLEY Thomas unknown 61 years Burin General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 26 St John's Old Age PITMAN Ann unknown 87 years Trinity General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 28 St John's Consumption ROBERTS John Methodist 56 years Twillingate General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 29 St John's Diphtheria POWELL Maria Methodist 3 1/2 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 20 Bauline? none given KING John Methodist 7 days Bauline Bauline
Dec 28 Broad Cove Jaundice SQUIRES Mary Ann Church of England 5 1/2 years Broad Cove Broad Cove
Oct 9 Torbay General Debility/OA QUIGLEY Thomas Roman Catholic 74 years Torbay Torbay
Oct 12 Torbay Decline DUNPHY Kate Roman Catholic 15 years Torbay Torbay
Oct 30 Torbay Decline WHITTEN Michael Roman Catholic 16 years Torbay Torbay
Nov 2 Torbay Convulsions ROCHE Alice Roman Catholic 1 1/2 years Torbay Torbay
Nov 7 Flat Rock Consumption DAWE Margaret Roman Catholic 32 years Oderin Torbay
Nov 19 Torbay Bronchitis POWER Jane Roman Catholic 58 years Ireland Torbay
Dec 4 Torbay Bowel Trouble MARTIN Peter Roman Catholic 49 years Torbay Torbay
Dec 9 Outer Cove Paralysis STACK Michael Roman Catholic 35 years Outer Cove Torbay
PAGE 447                
Dec 11 Torbay Consumption GOSSE Johanna Roman Catholic 25 years Torbay Torbay
Oct 1 Brazils Square Infantile KIELY Thomas Roman Catholic 8 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 2 Bambrick St Infantile KENT Mary Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 3 College Square Infantile HANSON? Maggy Roman Catholic 8 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 3 Belvidere St Infantile MILLER Maggy Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 5 Hayward Avenue Old Age BRAGG Martha Roman Catholic 91 years Trinity Bay Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 6 Quidi Vidi Road Spinal Disease DONOVAN Frederick Roman Catholic 14 years Halifax NS Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 8 Prosper St Spinal Disease SEWARD John Roman Catholic 23 years Conche Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 10 Boggan St Infantile LARKIN Louise Roman Catholic 2 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 12 Casey St Consumption WOODROW Catherine Roman Catholic 48 years Bay de Verde Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 17 Gower St Kidney Disease LUNERGAN Patrick Roman Catholic 52 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 18 Cooks Town Convulsions LONG Thomas Roman Catholic 4 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 19 Hamilton St (Ave) Convulsions MURPHY Lawrence Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 19 Battery Rd Convulsions RICHARDSON Edward Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 22 Logy Bay Convulsions CADIGAN Clement Roman Catholic 2 mos Logy Bay Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 24 Hoyles Town Convulsions LEWIS Sarah Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 26 George St Convulsions HAWES John Roman Catholic 1 1/2 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 27 Barters Hill Old Age STEELE Hannah Roman Catholic 76 years Placentia Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 27 Holdsworth St Consumption HOGAN Patrick Roman Catholic 28 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 27 Plymouth Rd Consumption HARTERY John Roman Catholic 30 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 30 Duckworth St Convulsions WALSH Freddie Roman Catholic 3 1/2 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 31 Brian St Convulsions BEST William Roman Catholic 1 mon St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 8 New Gower St Convulsions PHELAN Marguetta? Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 9 Buchanan St Convulsions HABERFIELD James Roman Catholic 2 weeks St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 10 Cabot St Convulsions EARLE William Roman Catholic 2 weeks St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 10 White Hills Consumption GLASNEY Bridget Roman Catholic 50 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 11 Casey St Old Age CLANCY Margaret Roman Catholic 84 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 12 Spencer St Epilepsy OLIVER Mary Roman Catholic 30 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 16 Buchanan St Decline CALLAHAN William Roman Catholic 24 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 21 Kickham Place Convulsions PICCO Robert Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 23 Catherie St Convulsions RODGERS Patrick Roman Catholic 2 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 25 Signal Hill General Debillity BARRON Patrick Roman Catholic 63 years Conception Bay Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Nov 30 Hunts Lane Cancer MALLARD Catherine Roman Catholic 60 years Bay Bulls Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 1 Princes St Convulsions JACKMAN Bride Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 2 Signal Hill Heart Disease DYER Andrew Roman Catholic 19 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 2 Logy Bay Consumption LAMBERT William Roman Catholic 38 years Logy Bay Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 6 Water St W Infantile CRIST Mary A Roman Catholic 5 weeks St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 7 New Gower St Heart Disease BUGGAN Martha Roman Catholic 63 years Western Bay CB Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 8 Casey St Decline WALSH Patrick Roman Catholic 19 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 9 Flower Hill Infantile CALLAHAN Willie Roman Catholic 1 year St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
PAGE 448                
Dec 9 Plymouth Road Decline RODGERS William Roman Catholic 39 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 12 Water St W Scarlatina CRIST Elizabeth Roman Catholic 4 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 17 Jobs St Convulsions KAVANAH Alice Roman Catholic 1 month St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 17 General Hospital Old Age REARDON James Roman Catholic 70 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 17 New Gower St Infantile DOYLE Thomas Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 18 Cooks Town Bronchitis McLEAN Michael Charles Roman Catholic 7 mos St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 20 Princess St Diphtheria WHELAN Esther Roman Catholic 19 years Cape Broyle Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 21 Gower St Old Age BURKE Ellen Roman Catholic 85 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 23 Casey St General Debility ROACH Ellen Roman Catholic 63 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 23 Lime St Bronchitis PALFREY Veronica Roman Catholic 1 year St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 26 Casey St Infantile JEANS Peter Roman Catholic 1 5/6 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 28 Bond St Consumption KAVANAH? Annie Roman Catholic 18 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 28 Casey St Infantile KELLY Mary Jane Roman Catholic 1 month St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 29 Flower Hill Bronchitis MICKLE Elizabeth Roman Catholic 1 1/3 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 29 Duckworth St Infantile TRUEHEART Mary Roman Catholic 1 day St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 30 Barnes Road Bronchitis CAREW Annie Roman Catholic 1 3/4 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Dec 31 Casey St Lung Disease TOBIN Molly Roman Catholic 2 1/2 years St John's Mt Carmel Cemetery, St John's
Oct 1 Fleming St Convulsions SCOTT Charles J Roman Catholic 5 days St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 3 Adelaide St Consumption CHASLY? Sarah Roman Catholic 38 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 4 Water St W Heart Disease HADEN Patrick Roman Catholic 20 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 5 Barters Hill Paralysis HICKEY Bridget Roman Catholic 60 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 5 Pilots Hill Consumption DOOLEY Annie Roman Catholic 16 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 6 Barters Hill Bronchitis DONNELLY William Roman Catholic 11/4 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 7 South Side Infant Cholera MORRISSEY Robert Roman Catholic 7 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 11 Forest Road Asthma KING William Roman Catholic 76 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 15 Bannerman St Brain Fever MEAKLER Elizabeth Roman Catholic 7 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 16 Water St Consumption SHEEHAN Mary Roman Catholic 31 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 17 Water St W Old Age BLAKE Eliza Roman Catholic 81 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 17 Freshwater Road Heart Disease BRIEN John Roman Catholic 35 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 19 Allan Square Old Age COLE Martha Roman Catholic 92 years Colliers, Concept Bay Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 30 Wickford St Dropsy CONNORS Michael Roman Catholic 31 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 2 Duckworth St Diphtheria CONDON Maur Loretta Roman Catholic 16 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 2 Bell St Spinal Disease JACKMAN Mary Ann Roman Catholic 67 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 4 General Hospital Diphtheria GOSSE Patrick Roman Catholic 13 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 4 Waldgrove St Heart Failure O'BRIEN Christopher Roman Catholic 59 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 6 Bambrick St Old Age POWER Catherine Roman Catholic 84 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 6 Buchannan St Effects of Burn WADDEN Birdie Roman Catholic 3 1/2 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 7 Henry St Consumption COLE Alice Roman Catholic 30 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 10 LeMarchant Rd Asthma KENNEDY Michael Roman Catholic 11 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 11 Gower St Decline BOLAND William Roman Catholic 51 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
PAGE 449                
Nov 11 Plymouth Road Paralysis LEARY Mary Roman Catholic 64 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 13 Kings Road Decline FITZGERALD Honora K Roman Catholic 7 weeks St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 15 Lunatic Asylum Insanity LASING? Richard Roman Catholic 90 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 16 Gower St Consumption GUSHUE Joseph Roman Catholic 30 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 18 Adelaide St Old Age Brown John Roman Catholic 92 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 18 Prescott St Old Age WALSH Judith Roman Catholic 79 years Harbour Grace Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 18 Water St Diabetes ENGLISH William Roman Catholic 36 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Nov 27 Pilots Hill Old Age CLATERAY Norah Roman Catholic 96 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 3 George St Consumption CUDDIHAY James Roman Catholic 15 1/2 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 4 Cochrane St General Debility CARTY Hannah Roman Catholic 62 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 4 Circular Road Cancer in Stomach CONNELLEY Bridget Roman Catholic 52 years Canada Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 7 Freshwater Old Age O'NEIL Bridget Roman Catholic 100 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 8 LeMarchant Road Convulsions POWER Rita Roman Catholic 4 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 8 McFarlanes Lane Convulsions McFARLANE Agnes Roman Catholic 10 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 9 Duckworth St Old Age BOLAND Ellen Roman Catholic 82 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 11 Freshwater Old Age MURRAY John Roman Catholic 89 years Ireland Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 11 Freshwater Decline DILLON Sarah Roman Catholic 62 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 14 Pack House,Salmonier Effects of a Cjold MURPHY Thomas Roman Catholic 46 years Chapel Cove Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 18 Duckworth St Spinal Disease POWER Ellen Roman Catholic 41 years Aquaforte Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 19 Freshwater Premature Birth MURRAY Male Child of Peter Roman Catholic   St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 19 New Gower St Paralysis CUDDIHAY Ellen Roman Catholic 50 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 20 Hayward Avenue Convulsions RING Kitty Roman Catholic 6 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 23 Bottan St Childbirth ROACH Lucy Roman Catholic 36 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 23 Military Road Convulsions PATTERSON Beatrice Roman Catholic 4 mos St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 24 Belvedere Orphanage Bronchitis RYAN Rose Roman Catholic 8 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 27 Flower Hill Old Age DUNPHY Thomas Roman Catholic 72 years St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 27 Livingston St Convulsions LYNCH Michael Roman Catholic 1yr 1 mon St John's Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Dec 30 Harvey Road Effects of a Cjold MAYNARD Mary Roman Catholic 35 years Petty Harbour Belvedere Cemetery, St John's
Oct 9 Maddox Cove Old Age MADDEN Mrs Jane Roman Catholic 74 years Northern Bay Petty Harbour
Oct 14 Petty Harbour none given STARK Catherine Roman Catholic 17 years Petty Harbour Petty Harbour
Nov 3 Big Pond Consumption TRIXALL Bridget Roman Catholic 27 years Ireland Goulds
Oct 11 Pouch Cove Old Age SULLIVAN Susannah Church of England 88 years Portugal Cove Pouch Cove
Nov 9 St John's Old Age ROBERTSON Margaret Presbyterian 75 years not given General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 14 St John's Anemia SPOTWOOD George A Presbyterian 50 years not given General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 27 St John's Apoplexy MILLS Elizabeth Presbyterian 56 years not given General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 10 St John's Bronchitis WRIGHT John W R Presbyterian 3 1/2 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Dec 29 St John's Bronchitis McKIELEY Mary Presbyterian 9 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery
Nov 3 St John's Cancer EARLE Maria Congregationalist 68 years Old Perlican General Protestant Cemetery
Jan 25 St John's Bronchitis MARSHALL George Methodist 56 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
March 2 St John's Consumption RUSSELL Irene Louisa Methodist 42 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery
PAGE 450                
March 8 St John's Scarlatina CLARKE Florence M Methodist 3 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Jan 8 St John's Pneumonitis TAYLOR Ada Eugenia Methodist 4 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 1 St John's Convulsions HAYWARD Florence Rose Methodist 20 days St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 1 St John's Decline WOODMAN Lydia Methodist 31 years none given General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 5 St John's Convulsions SPARKS Fred Methodist 5 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 15 St John's Consumption WAUGH Sarah Methodist 29 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 18 St John's Brights Disease JOYCE Amelia Leah Methodist 27 years Carbonear General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 20 St John's Decline MILLER George Methodist 38 years none given General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 24 St John's Convulsions CASE Ettie May Methodist 2yrs,10mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 3 St John's Diphtheria PENNEY William Methodist 46 years Western Bay CB General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 8 St John's Heart Disease PIKE George Methodist 55 years Harbour Grace General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 11 St John's Convulsions BUTLER William John Methodist 2 weeks St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 14 St John's Cancer NICHOL Albert Methodist 53 years St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 18 St John's Convulsions TAYLOR Pearl Methodist 2 days St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 19 St John's Consumption MILLEY Pleman Methodist 25 years Western Bay CB General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 18 St John's Phthisis MEADE Jacob Methodist 40 years Channell General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 20 St John's Apoplexy/OA BLACKWOOD Janette Methodist 88 years Scotland General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 22 St John's Consumption ROSE William Methodist 66 yers St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 26 St John's Infantile Complaint HOWSE Emma Methodist 1yr, 4 mos St John's General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
March 27 St John's Old Age BOYLES John Methodist 72 years Burin General Protestant Cemetery, St John's
Feb 7 Brazil Square Asthemia ROBERTS Jeanie Parmetor Church of England 1 yr, 3 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 25 Hamilton St Old Age ROBERTS Nathan Church of England 91 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 25 South Side Convulsions SNOW Francis Malcolm Church of England 2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 8 Alexander St Scarlatina PARSONS Annie Florence Church of England 1 1/2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 15 Springdale St Heart Disease TAYLOR Mary Grace Church of England 66 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 27 South Side Bronchitis GUEST Herbert Chesley Church of England 1yr, 4 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 6 Monkstown Road Consumption ROBINSON Eliza Ann Church of England 30 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 9 Parade St Convulsions HART William Francis Church of England 1 month St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 15 Flavin St General Phthisis SCEVIOUR Herbert L Church of England 8 1/2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 16 Lime St Scarlatina BRADBURY Maxwell Church of England 2 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 17 SS Portia Convulsions EARLE Walter Church of England 7 weeks Cambridge ??? USA Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Jan 23 Torbay Road Old Age GILL Frederick M Church of England 89 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 5 Bay de Coue Cardiac Debility BIRD Charlotte Ellen Church of England 26 years Bay de Coue Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 7 York St Scarlatina LEWIS Herbert Church of England 8 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 12 Colonial St Angina HAVERSBURY? George Mc???? Church of England 4 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 19 McDougald St Phthisis SNOW Joseph B Church of England 45 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
Feb 21 Mullock St Tuberculosis BORDER Walter John Church of England 27 years St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 5 Casey St Convulsions MARSTON Arthur Thomas Church of England 3 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 5 Military Road Meningitis SNOW Donald Church of England 1yr, 2 mos St John's Church of England Cemetery, St John's
March 5 Hayward Avenue Old Age COLLINS Sarah Church of England 80 years Trinity Church of England Cemetery, St John's

Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (Nov 2009)

Page Last Modified: Tuesday November 19, 2019 (Don Tate)

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