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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 2

1892 - 1898

St. Barbe

Page 126 - 130, 411-415, 457-460 & 489-490

PAGE 126                
Sept 17 Bonne Bay Bronchitis MUDGE Joseph Church of England 82 years Exeter, England Rocky Harbour
Oct 8 Rocky Harboyur Effects of a cold ELLSWORTH Mary Church of England 16 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
July 14 Sandy Bay Natural Causes COLES Eliza Church of England 21 days Sandy Bay Flowers Cove
July 24 Points Cove Consumption GAULTON Reuben Church of England 27 years Savage Cove Anchor Point
July 26 Foresters Point Natural Causes BAINES Lorenzo Church of England 3 mos Foresters Point Black Duck Cove
Sept 27 Savage Cove none given HODGE Caroline Church of England 2 1/4 years Savage Cove Flowers Cove
April 4 Nameless Cove Consumption DEMSTER John Church of England 64 years Hawks Bay Flowers Cove
Jan 20 Gooseberry Island none given APLIN Jane Church of England 67 years Black Duck Cove Anchor Point
Aug 13 Savage Cove Sunstroke WAY John Church of England 14 years Savage Cove Nameless Cove
Aug 12 Tilt Cove Consumption YOUNG Iris Wesleyan 15 years N W Arm,Green Bay Tilt Cove
Aug 13 Tilt Cove none given NOSEWORTHY Henrietta Wesleyan 2 years Tile Cove Tilt Cove
Aug 15 Tilt Cove Croup J???? Nicholas Roman Catholic Infant Tile Cove Tilt Cove
Oct 4 Fleur de Lys Childbirth PHILPOT Bridget Roman Catholic 26 years Fleur de Lys Fleur de Lys
Oct 8 Tilt Cove Consumption DALTON James Roman Catholic 46 years St John's Tilt Cove
Oct 10 Tilt Cove Consumption KAVANAH Maurice Roman Catholic 36 years Hr Grace Tilt Cove
Oct 22 Coachmans Cove Convulsions BAILEY William Roman Catholic Infant Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Oct 23 Coachmans Cove Convulsions DOWNEY Matthias Roman Catholic Infant Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
May 26 St John's Island Asthma DAMISON Victor Roman Catholic 46 years St Herte, France St John's Island
June 4 Bartletts Harbour Cancer SWEENEY Peter Roman Catholic 68 years Gaspe Qu??? New Ferolle
July 22 Portland Creek Convulsions LORENZA none given none given not given not given not given
Aug 7 Bonne Bay Paralysis DEAN Loyal Roman Catholic 84 years not given Bonne Bay
Aug 12 St John's Island Premature Birth none given none given Roman Catholic 2 hours St John's Island St John's Island
Sept 16 off Bonne Bay, French War Shi "Dear" Inflammation Bowels LeLEHANDER Peter Roman Catholic 23 years France Bonne Bay
Oct 21 Bonne Bay Peritonitis BUTT Henry Roman Catholic 75 years Nfld Labrador Bonne Bay
Oct 27 Cow Harbour Convulsions HOWLET Peter Roman Catholic 2 1/2 years Goulds, near St John's Cow Harbour
March 6 Flowers Cove Consumption ROSE Annie Roman Catholic 22 years Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
May 1 Flowers Cove Croup ROSE Sarah Fanny Methodist 8 mos Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
April 6 Flowers Cove Weakness TUCKER Isaac Methodist 1 month Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
April 10 Flowers Cove Weakness TUCKER Augustus Methodist 1 month Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
June 16 Currant Island Convulsions TAYLOR Susanna E Methodist 2 years Currant Island Currant Island
Sept 23 Flowers Cove unknown APPLIN Nathaniel Methodist 6 days Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
Aug 11 Rocky Harboyur After Childbirth BUTT Annie Methodist 32 years not given Rocky Harbour
Oct 28 Bonne Bay Inflammation Bowels WHEELER Julia Methodist 25 years Harbour Grace Bonne Bay
Aug 27 Rocky Harboyur none given BUTT Mary Ann Methodist 18 days Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
Nov 20 Bonne Bay Bronchitis TAYLOR Sarah Methodist 75 years Carbonear Bonne Bay
Nov 23 Bonne Bay Pneumonia MUDGE Joseph Methodist 38 years Martine Point Rocky Harbour
Nov 23 Norris Poiint Convulsions HARDING John Church of England 10 days Norris Point Norris Point
Dec 3 Trout River Convulsions DUVAL Andrew Church of England 13 days Trout River Trout River
Dec 8 Silverton BB Consumption BALL Thomas Church of England 43 years Shallow Bay,Hermigate Birchy Head
Dec 25 Bonne Bay Natural Causes NOEL Milford Alonzo Church of England page torn, unreadable    
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Dec 21 Cows Head Paralysis PAYNE, SR John Church of England 10 days Cow Head Cow Head
Jan 3 Bonne Bay Natural Causes PAYNE Louis Noble Gilbert Church of England over 70 years Bonne Bay Woody Point
Oct 15 Dog Island Heart Disease CAINES Catharine Roman Catholic 16 years St John's Island Dog Island
Aug 1 Goose Cove none given POWELL Reuben P Methodist 14 years Goose Cove Goose Cove
Dec 13 Goose Cove none given POWELL George Methodist 11 mos Goose Cove Goose Cove
Dec 7 Griquet none given ADAMS Selina Methodist 5 mos Griquet Griquet
Jan 26 St Anthony none given PATEY Jessie Methodist 37 years Griquet Griquet
Jan 30 Griquet Consumption HILLIARD Mary G Methodist 19 years Griquet Griquet
Jan 31 Little Braha Consumption CLARK Elizabeth Ann Methodist 29 years Little Braha Little Braha
Jan 7 St Anthony Consumption PATEY Phoebe Methodist 26 years none given St Anthony
Nov 3 Port Saunders Natural Causes CAINES Alexander Church of England 20 days Port Saunders Port Saunders
Jan 22 Bonne Bay Still Born LETRILLAND Son of W A Church of England none given Bonne Bay none given
Jan 23 Cows Harbour Heart Disease VINCAENT Charles Church of England 63 years Bay St George Cow Head
Feb 26 Bonne Bay Consumption PAYNE Elizabeth Ann Church of England 73 years Bay of Islands Rocky Harbour
March 23 Bonne Bay Laryngitis ROBERTS, SR John Church of England 72 years Sturminster,England Woody Point BB
March 31 Cow Head none given HAWKES, SR John Church of England 73 years Codroy River Cow Head
April 7 Trout River Natural Causes WELLER Mary G Church of England 59 years Bay of Islands Trout River
April 11 Bonne Bay ???Tuberculosis MUDGE William Church of England 27 years Bonne Bay Woody Point BB
April 7 Belburns Pains in the side HOUSE Elizabeth Church of England 17 years Belburns Daniels Harbour
April 13 Cow Harbour Heart Failure HUTCHINGS Mary Ann Church of England 72 years Cow Head Cow Head
Feb 9 St Anthony,Goose Cove Consumption POWELL Dorcas Methodist 53 years Greenspond Goose Cove
Feb 20 Green Isld, Flowers Infantile HUGHES James Episcopalian 14 days Green Island,Flower Cove Green Island
Feb 26 Bonne Bay Tumour in Stomach KELLY Thomas Roman Catholic 20 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
April 7 Cow Harbour Congestion Lungs BENOIT Felicia Roman Catholic 12 7/12 years Bay of Islands Cow Harbour
June 10 Bonne Bay Inflammation Bowels PIKE Margaret Church of England 67 years Harbour Grace Woody Point
June 16 Daniels Harbour Old Age BIGGIN Keturah Church of England 81 years Cow Head Daniels Harbour
June 22 Silverton, Bonne Bay Effects Cold YOUNG William Church of England 70 years none given Birchy Head
June 12 Parsons Pond Hemorrhage ??? VERGE Evaline Jane Church of England 11 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
July 9 Bonne Bay Dyspepsia ect AYRE Thomas Church of England 69 years Belloram Woody Point
April 25 Currant Island Childbirth HUMBERS Ann Church of England 43 years Nfland Currant Island
May 10 Flowers Cove Exhausted Vitality NOSEWORTHY Grace Methodist 80 years Nfland Flowers Cove
June 5 Points Cove Convulsions KING Emily Methodist 10 days Nfland Point Cove
June 18 Currant Island Convulsions HUMBERS Caroline Church of England 3 ?? Nfland Currant Island
July 6 St Leonards Consumption PATEY Sarah Methodist 74 years Nfland St Leonards
Aug 7 Little Braha Diphtheria RICHARDS Ernest Methodist 7 years Nfland Little Braha
Aug 30 At Sea Heart Disease DALBERY Charles Lutherin 35 years Sweden Brig Bay
Sept 19 Norris Point Fits TUCKER Anna Maria Church of England 32 years Labrador Norris Point
Aug 17 Trout River Inflammation BOURNE William Wallis Methodist 1 year Trout River Trout River
Jan 6 Engles Childbirth COMPSON Baby Methodist 27 years Engles Engles
May 2 Engles Consumption GILLARD John F Methodist 25 years Engles Engles
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Oct 23 Coachmans Cove Convulsions BAILEY William Joseph Roman Catholic 2 days Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Oct 24 Coachmans Cove Convulsions DOWNEY Matthew Roman Catholic 2 days Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Jan 7 Coachmans Cove Consumption DORAN Patrick Roman Catholic 19 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Aug 7 Brents Cove Debility BUTLER John Roman Catholic 74 years Brents Cove Brents Cove
Aug 7 Brants Cove Confinement O'CONNELL Francis Roman Catholic 25 years Brents Cove Brents Cove
Aug 20 Coachmans Cove Consumption SWEENEY Philip Roman Catholic 24 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
Nov 28 Western Cove Convulsions JACOBS Katie Maria Church of England 2 weeks Western Cove Western Cove
Dec 26 Middle Arm Consumption RICKETTS Elizabeth Church of England 48 years Brown Cove Bear Cove
none given Duggans Cove none given BURGE Dinah Church of England 26 years none given Harbour Deep
April 22 Duggans Cove none given CROUCHER Anne Church of England 73 years none given Harbour Deep
Feb 9 Seal Cove Accident OSBOURNE Joseph Church of England 40 years Seal Cove Seal Cove
June 2 Harbour Deep none given RICKETTS Priscilla Church of England 4 years Harbour Deep Harbour Deep
June 19 River Head Convulsions GALE Henry William Church of England 4 mos River Head River Head
June 21 Grande Vache La Grippe FOSS Abigail Church of England 1 10/12 years Grande Vache Grande Vache
July 6 Grand Vache La Grippe RANDELL Emily Church of England 2 3/4 years Grande Vache Grande Vache
July 7 Grand Vache La Grippe RANDELL Hezekiah George Church of England 6 years Grande Vache Grande Vache
July 5 Bear Cove Consumption OSBOURNE Phoebe Church of England 35 years Bear Cove Bear Cove
Jan 17 Pound Cove Consumption GALE Martha Church of England 35 years Twillingate Western Cove
July 1 Bonne Bay Sinusitis McKESLY John Roman Catholic 69 years Carbonear Bonne Bay
Aug 26 Cow Harbour Suddenly ROACH Charles Roman Catholic 6 mos Cow Harbour Cow Harbour
Sept 18 Bonne Bay Cholera Infantum SNOW James Roman Catholic 4 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Nov 7 St John's Island Congestion Lungs GURNNEUX William Roman Catholic 16 years St John's Islands St John's Islands
Oct 4 Trout River Fits TUFF Patience Methodist 2 3/4 years Trout River Trout River
Nov 10 Bonne Bay After Childbirth PARSONS Selina Methodist 25 years Channell Bonne Bay
Nov 21 Trout River Phthisis PARSONS John Methodist 36 years Carbonear Trout River
Dec 13 Trout River Fits PARSONS Martha Elizabeth Methodist 4 mos Trout River Trout River
Dec 7 Crawleys Cove Paralysis Spine BANCROFT Marie Louisa Church of England 2 years Bay Roberts Woody Point
Dec 8 Sally's Cove Abcess KNOTT Benjamin Church of England 65 years Grand Bank Sallys Cove
Dec 9 Trout River Still born CROCKER Female child of Hezekiah & Sarah Church of England not given Trout River Trout River
Dec 25 Western Cove Consumption JACOBS Katie Maria Church of England 10 1/2 mos Western Cove Western Cove
July 5 St Julian Old Age McCARTHY Margaret Roman Catholic 75 years St Julien St Julien
Nov 5 Celst? Paralysis DAVIS John Roman Catholic 65 years Calet Calet
Feb 20 Crouse Paralysis SWEETLAND Ellen Roman Catholic 75 years St John's Crouse
Jan 25 Crique Fever none given Adelaide Roman Catholic 10 years Crique Crique
Jan 15 Grandes B'as Head & Ear shot none given James Roman Catholic 15 years Grande Bies Grande Bies
Jan 27 Port Saunders Gun Accident CAINS Isaac Roman Catholic 16 1/2 years St John's Islands Port Saunders
Jan 14 Norris Cove Consumption CLARKE Wallace William Church of England 9 1/2 mos Woody Point Rocky Harbour
Jan 24 Crawleys Cove Bronchitis MORRIS John McLellan Church of England 51 years Greenock, Scotland Woody Point
Feb 22 Birchy Head Convulsions CAINES Elizabeth Frances Church of England 12 days Birchy Head Birchy Head
Feb 28 Silbies Cove, St John's Bay Natural Causes THATCHALL William John Church of England 4 years Ponch River St John's Islands
PAGE 129                
Feb 12 Bonne Bay Premature Birth STANORD John Charles Methodist 1 day Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
March 26 Bonne Bay Phthisis ANDERSON Emma Methodist 23 years Labrador Bonne Bay
Jan 10 St Anthony's Bight Diphtheria PARTY Paul Methodist none given St Anthony's Bight St Anthony's Bight
May 31 Big Braha Old Age DEAN Henry Neil Methodist 87 years Carbonear Big Brqaha
Feb 24 Western Cove Consumption JACOBS Susan Church of England 44 years Harts Harbour Western Cove
Feb 23 Bear Cove Premature Birth BLANCHARD Luke Church of England 2 days Bear Cove Bear Cove
Jan 6 Grande Vache Cove Accidental Suffocation NEWMAN Ellen Church of England 5 1/2 mos Grand Vache Cove Grand Vache Cove
May 14 Riverhead Scurvy GALE Dulcie Church of England 2 1/2 mos River Head River Head
March 27 Portland Creek Cove Still born LUBBS Male child of Francois & Bertha Church of England none given Portland Creek Cove Daniels Harbour
April 12 Daniels Harbour Fits PAYNE Rufus Leonard Church of England 7 days Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
Feb 1 Canada Bay Convulsions HOPKINS Bernice Methodist 1 year Englee Englee
Feb 14 Englee Dyspepsia WILCOX Drusilla Methodist 43 years Englee Englee
March 20 Englee Convulsions COMPTON John Charles Methodist 12 days Englee Englee
July 13 Englee Convulsions JOHNSON Delphina Methodist 4 mos Englee Englee
May 9 Trout River Fits MATTHEWS John Thomas Methodist 3 mos Trout River Trout River
May 18 Bonne Bay Childbirth PARSONS Jane Methodist 19 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Aug 5 St Anthony's Cancer PARMA? Louis Methodist 57 years France St Anthony
Sept 13 St Anthony's Natural Causes SQUIRES Elizabeth Methodist 1 1/3 years St Anthony St Anthony
Nov 20 Brents Cove Consumption NOFTALL Frederick Roman Catholic 32 years Lobster Harbour Brents Cove
March 1 Brents Cove La Grippe DOUDY Michael Roman Catholic 22 years Brents Cove Brents Cove
April 2 Brents Cove La Grippe NOFTALL Bridget Roman Catholic 22 years Brents Cove Brents Cove
April 4 Brents Cove La Grippe O'CONNOR Michael Roman Catholic 7 years Brents Cove Brents Cove
June 27 Daniels Harbour Convulsions BIGGIN Thomas Charles Church of England 10 days Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
July 4 Parsons Pond Drowning PAYNE George Hibbert Church of England 1 10/12 years Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Aug 10 HMS Cleopatra Softening of Brain STOKES Albert Church of England 38 years Plymouth, England Woody Point
Aug 13 Birchy Head Paralysis WIGHT Ann Church of England 76 years Carbonear Birchy Head
Sept 2 Birchy Head Consumption ELLIS Frances Church of England 47 years unknown Birchy Head
Sept 14 Parsons Pond Persiperal Convulsions PAYNE Catherine Ann Church of England 19 years Cow Head Parsons Pond
Sept 14 Daniels Harbour Whooping Cough BENOIT Eliza Jane Church of England 2 mos Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
Sept 16 St Pauls Bay Diseased Testicle LEBRAND Ilbric? Albert Noble Church of England 7 weeks St Paul Bay St Paul Bay
Sept 20 Parsons Pond Convulsions PAYNE Martha Jane Church of England 8 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
Aug 7 Bonne Bay Old Age MARSHALL James Roman Catholic 78 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Sept 1 Norris Point, Bonne Bay Premature Birth KENNEDY none given Roman Catholic 2 1/2 days Norris Point, Bonne Bay Norris Point, Bonne Bay
June 26 Pacquet Influenza SANGER Lily Methodist 1 1/2 years Little Bay Pacquet
June 10 Wild Cove Burnt SINOTT James Methodist 6 years Wild Cove Wild Cove
June 30 Little Bay none given BUTLER James Methodist 74 years Conception Bay Little Bay North
July 12 St Leonards none given BURCHER Caroline Methodist none given St Leonards St Leonards
Oct 1 St Anthony none given CURTIS Elijah Methodist 5 mos St Anthony St Anthony
Nov 5 St Anthony Strangled MOORES Henry P Methodist 1 1/6 years St Anthony St Anthony
Sept 28 Grand O'??? Suddenly McGRATH Catharine Roman Catholic 65 yars Grand Isle Grand Isle
PAGE 130                
Sept 29 Port au Choix Drowning NAST Simon Roman Catholic 35 years Vill?? Au N??? France Port au Choix
Sept 29 Port au Choix Drowning LeAIANE Francis Roman Catholic 30 years St Ja??, France Port au Choix
Sept 29 Port au Choix Drowning BRIAND Joseph Roman Catholic 50 years Vill?? Au N??? France Body not recovered
Sept 29 Port au Choix Drowning LeDORE Joseph Roman Catholic 30 years Plea??, France Body not recovered
Aug 19 Port au Choix Whooping Cough CORNIQUE Alphonse Roman Catholic 1 1/4 years Port au Choix Port au Choix
Sept 26 Daniels Harbour Whooping Cough PAYNE Phoebe Alice Church of England 1 3/4 years Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
Sept 30 Bonne Bay Whooping Cough MOORE Wilfred Frank Church of England 1 3/4 years Bonne Bay Woody Point
Aug 6 Trout River Inflammation Lungs TUFF William Henry Methodist 6 weeks Trout River Trout River
Sept 8 Bonne Bay Convulsions BALL Hugh Stanley Methodist 1 1/2 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct 2 Bonne Bay Whooping Cough PARSONS Clara Jane Methodist 5 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct 10 Rocky Harbour Whooping Cough HALFYARD Lucy Casandra Methodist 4 mos Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Oct 19 Trout River Whooping Cough BEARNS Dinah Methodist 3 weeks Trout River Trout River
Oct 21 Bonne Bay Consumption BURTON Patience Methodist 16 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
Nov 21 Grey Islands Heart Disease FOLEY Maria Roman Catholic 72 years Grey Islands Grey Islands
Oct 6 Couche Pleuresey CASEY Catharine Roman Catholic 27 years Couche Couche
Oct 7 Cow Head Whooping Cough ROACHE James Roman Catholic 5 1/2 years Sandy Cove Cow Head
Nov 30 Bonne Bay Peritonitis HALLOHAN Sarah Roman Catholic 47 years Old Perlican Bonne Bay
Nov 26 Cow Head Whooping Cough BENOIT Joseph Roman Catholic 6 mos Cow Head Cow Head
Oct 1 Silverton, Bonne Bay Whooping Cough CAINES Steadman Church of England 1 year Silverton Norris Point
Oct 2 Glen Burnie, Bonne Bay Whooping Cough SIMMONDS Beatrice Louisa Church of England 1 1/6 years Bonne Bay Birchy Head
Oct 10 Cleopatra Cove Whooping Cough RUMBOLDT Clara Ann Church of England 7 weeks Cleopatra Cove Norris Point
Oct 9 Trout River Whooping Cough HARRIS Emily Jane Church of England 4 weeks Trout River Trout River
Oct 13 Bonne Bay Whooping Cough CAINES Ada Gladys Church of England 10 1/2 mos Birchy Head Birchy Head
Oct 18 Norris Point Whooping Cough BUGDEN William Edward Church of England 3 weeks Norris Point Norris Point
Oct 19 Woods Point, Bonne Bay Whooping Cough TUCKER James Hamilton A Church of England 1 1/2 years Norris Point Norris Point
Oct 22 Trout River Whooping Cough CROCKER Annie Bertha Church of England 2 mos Trout River Trout River
Oct 29 Glen Burnie, Bonne Bay Whooping Cough McKENZIE Annie May Church of England 10 years Glenburnie Birchy Head
Nov 23 Glen Burnie, Bonne Bay Whooping Cough RAIKE Endora Evelyn Church of England 11 years Bonne Bay Birchy Head
Nov 27 Rocky Harbour Consumption PAYNE Ellen Laura Church of England 14 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
Dec 5 Bonne Bay Whooping Cough YOUNG Victor Lama?? Church of England 17 mos Bonne Bay Birchy Head
Dec 5 Bonne Bay Whooping Cough McKENZIE William James S Church of England 2 years Bonne Bay Birchy Head
Dec 17 Lobster Cove Heart Disease PAYNE Mary Church of England 66 years Cow Head Rocky Harbour
Dec 26 Parsonage, Bonne Bay Inflammation Lungs HOLLAND George Ernest C Church of England 9 weeks Bonne Bay Woody Point
Sept 28 Englee Consumption GILLARD John Methodist 54 years Englee Englee
Dec 10 Harbour Deep Cancer CASSEL Joseph Church of England 63 years Herring Neck Harbour Deep
Dec 20 Harbour Deep La Grippe PASCAL Elizabeth Church of England 57 years Herring Neck Harbour Deep
Dec 1 Duggans Cove Consumption ANDREWS William Church of England 30 years Belle Isle Duggans Cove
Dec 11 Englee Natural Causes HANDCOCK Rachel Methodist 16 years Englee Englee
March 15 Port au Choix Pneumonitis PLOUGHMAN William Henry Roman Catholic 47 years Port au Choix River ????
Dec 31 Cow Harbour Consumption PAYNE Elizabeth Church of England 23 years Isl aux M??? Cow Head
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January 27 Bonne Bay Consumption ROBERTS Mark Church of England 48 years Rocky Harbour Woody Point
January 15 Rocky Harbour Premature birth HACKETT Male child of John and Elizabeth Church of England None given Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
January 10 Gargamelle None given ATKINS Mary Church of England 3 months Gargamelle Sandy Cove
February 14 Bonne Bay Consumption COX Florence Maud Church of England 15 years Bonne Bay Woody Point
February 18 Parsons Pond Convulsions BLANCHARD Aldrich James Church of England 10 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
March 11 Green Point Convulsions PAYNE Josiah Church of England 14 hours Green Point Sallys Cove
January 2 Bear Cove Cold RICE Ann Church of England 3 months Bear Cove White Bay
December 19 Hauling Point? Catarrah SPARKS Herbert Methodist 4 1/2 months Hauling? Point White Bay
January 14 Griquet Drowning PARSONS Samuel Methodist 38 years Freshwater Griquet
March 2 Griquet Consumption PEATY? William Methodist 28 years Griquet Griquet
September 4 Kartun Cove? WB Consumption HURLEY Keziah Church of England 72 years Herring Neck White Bay
September 12 Kartun Cove? WB Croup JACOBS Elizabeth Church of England 1 day Western Cove White Bay
September 15 Safe Harbour La Grippe GILL Abraham Church of England 69 years River Head White Bay
September 29 Granhes? Island Asthma GILLAN Philip Church of England 2 3/4 months Granlen? Island White Bay
October 13 Tumb? Cove Consumption GILL Eliza Church of England 68 years Bay of Islands White Bay
October 15 Middle Arm Cold GILLAN Thomas Church of England 15 years Union Cove White Bay
September 23 Safe Harbour Asthma GILL Charles Church of England 1 year Sope Island White Bay
December 15 Granhes? Island None given RICKETTS Edward Church of England 3 1/2 years Granlen? Island White Bay
January 2 Englee Gun accident CLOTHIER William Church of England 25 years Englee Englee
January 3 Grand Vache Natural causes RANDALL Selina Methodist 17 years Grand Vache Grand Vache
April 15 Cow Head Phthisis HOWLETT Thomas William Roman Catholic 38 years Holyrood Cow Head
June 24 Bonne Bay Brights disease MEACHY? Thomas Roman Catholic 36 years Carbonear Bonne Bay
April 11 Rocky Harbour Bronchitis PITTMAN Hector Rowland Church of England 7 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
May 12 Woody Point Worm fever COX Hilda May Church of England 6 years Woody Point Woody Point
June 6 Woody Point Typhoid Fever WILTON George William Church of England 11 years Woody Point Woody Point
January 6 St. John Bay Convulsions LEGOBIEN Francois Church of England 1 hour St. Johns Bay Eddies Cove
April 28 Current Islands Child birth HUMBER Ann Church of England 41 years St. Barbes Bay Current Islands
June 22 Current Islands Convulsions HUMBER Caroline Church of England 2 months Current Islands Current Islands
July 15 Anchor Point Drowning GEORGE Elizabeth Church of England 63 years Bear Cove Anchor Point
July 21 Flowers Cove Consumption WHALEN John Church of England 17 years Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
November 26 Seal Islands Apoplexy CHAMBERS Rosannah Church of England 23 years Anchor Point Anchor Point
February 8 ? Island Case Brook Convulsions HUGHES James Church of England 7 days Green Island Brook Cove Eddies Cove
January 4 Black Duck Cove Dropsy TOOP Isabella Church of England 59 years none given Anchor Point
January 4 Shoal Cove None given CAINES Henry Church of England 72 years Somerset, England Flowers Cove
January 11 Eddies Cove Consumption COATES Laura Church of England 32 years Anchor Point Flowers Cove
November 21 Shoal Cove Still born CAINES Male child of Henry and Martha Church of England None given Shoal Cove ? Cove
February 14 Savage Cove Consumption HODGE James Church of England 1 3/4 years Savage Cove ? Cove
March 28 Deadmans Cove Convulsions GEORGE Joanna? Church of England 2 weeks Deadman's Cove ? Cove
July 14 Savage Cove Consumption HODGE Susanna? Church of England 38 years Sandy Bay ? Cove
August 11 Savage Cove Convulsions HODGE Lily Church of England 2 months Savage Cove ? Cove
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September 30 Pigeon Cove Consumption WILLIAMS Hannah Church of England 14 years St. Barbes Bay Current Islands
February 11 Savage Cove Whooping Cough HODGE Jessie Ann Church of England 8 years Savage Cove Horse Cove
May 12 Seal Cove Whooping Cough CHAMBERS George Church of England 9 months Seal Islanda Anchor Point
May 23 Points Cove Whooping Cough CRANE Archibald Church of England 4 years Points Cove Flowers Cove
May 18 Current Islands Consumption WILLIAMS Emily Church of England 11 years Current Islands Current Islands
May 13 St. Johns Island Pneumonitis GAUTHIER Edward Roman Catholic 42 years St. Enogast, France? St. Johns Island
August 18 Port aux Choix Congestion lungs   Louis Roman Catholic 76 years Pleustruit, France? Port aux Choix
August 28 St Johns Bay Drowning BLANCHARD Francis Roman Catholic 40 years Pleustruit, France? The Sea
August 28 St Johns Bay Drowning ROBERT Louis Roman Catholic 18 years St. Lunaire, Franch The Sea
September 1 Gagamelle None given   no name privately baptized Roman Catholic 20 minutes Gagamelle Port aux Choix
December 8 Coachmans Cove La Grippe MATTHEWS Thomas Roman Catholic 20 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
December 29 Brents Cove La Grippe DOOLEY Peter Roman Catholic 65 years Pacquet B? Cove
January 15 Coachmans Cove Consumption CALLAHAN Sarah Roman Catholic 46 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
March 19 Coachmans Cove Epilepsy   Elizabeth Roman Catholic 34 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
September 2 Coachmans Cove Epilepsy DOWNEY Joseph Roman Catholic 46 years Coachmans Cove Coachmans Cove
September 10 Fleur de Lys Debility HARTERY William Roman Catholic 69 years Kings Cove Fleur de Leys
August 13 Grois Island Debility Old age FOLEY Margaret Roman Catholic 72 years Fogo Grois Islands
October 15 Conche Pleurisy CASEY Catherine Roman Catholic 28 years Couche Couche
July 8 Grandes Oies Cold and Old age WHITEWAY John Roman Catholic 68 years St. John's Grandes Oies
March 17 Conche Pleurisy RYAN Michael Roman Catholic 34 years Holyrood Couche
January 10 Hare Bay Paralysis MCGRATH Ellen Roman Catholic 64 years Grand Oies Hare Bay
February 10 Horse Islands Heart disease GREEHAM Eliza Ann Methodist 15 years None given Horse Islands
April 10 Duggans Cove Natural causes RANDALL Mary Methodist 3 months Duggans Cove Duggans Cove
July 1 Paquet Accidental fall SACREY Francis Church of England 19 years Paquet Paquet
September 12 Bear Cove Consumption   Jane Church of England 17 years Bear Cove Bear Cove
July 3 Little Arm Diphtheria HYNES William Church of England 6 years Little Arm Little Arm
July 12 Jacksons Arm Consumption DICKS Mary Anne Church of England 34 years Fogo Jacksons Arm
July 11 Little Arm Strangled HYNES Priscella Church of England 10 days Little Arm Little Arm
July 26 Little Arm Quinsey HYNES Emily Church of England 5 years Little Arm Little Arm
September 12 Hauling Point Consumption CAINES Jane Church of England 17 years Hauling Point Hauling Point
August 16 Norris Point Cold and croup HARDING John Alexander E? Church of England 3 months Norris Point Norris Point
September 6 Bonne Bay Convulsions YOUNG Alfred Church of England 1 3/12 years Little Bear D'or Woody Point
September 16 Bonne Bay Natural causes MOOR John Hamilton Church of England 62 years Georgetown PEI Woody Point
July 16 St. Anthony Liver complaints SANAFORD Elizabeth Methodist 47 years Carbonear St. Anthony
July 30 Goose Cove Whooping Cough POWELL Mary Ann Methodist 1 3/4 years Goose Cove Goose Cove
August 12 St. Anthony Consumption PILGRIM Mark Methodist 25 years St. Anthonys Bight St. Anthonys Bight
August 19 Quirpon Convulsions GUY Harriet Methodist 26 days Quirpon Quirpon
August 24 St. Anthony Whooping Cough MOORE Lily Emma Avalon Methodist 11 months St. Anthony St. Anthony
September 30 Horse Islands Natural causes JONES William Church of England 71 years Shoe Cove Horse Islands
December 8 ? ? Cove Natural causes BUTLER Adalande Methodist 26 years Tilt Cove ?
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September 27 Port Saunders Heart failure CAINES Ellen Roman Catholic 38 years Port au Choix Port Saunders
June 6 Bonne Bay Consumption MATTHEWS Amelia Methodists 12 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
November 30 Bonne Bay Consumption HALFYARD James Methodists 44 years Ochre Pitt Cove, CB Bonne Bay
October 19 Port au Choix Accident DUGART Henri Roman Catholic 48 years France Remains taken to France for burial
December 13 Bonne Bay Heart failure KENNEDY Nicholas Roman Catholic 75 years Carbonear Norris Point Bonne Bay
November 20 Whitehorn Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD Bertha Church of England 6 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
November 24 Jacksons Arm Sore throat COMBERLAN Lydia Rose Church of England 4 months Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
November 29 Whitehorn Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD Arthur Church of England 10 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
November 30 Whitehorn Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD William Richard Church of England 1 year Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
December 5 Whitehorn Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD John Church of England 3 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
December 13 Whitehorn Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD Ethel Beatrice Church of England 11 months Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
October 2 Cow Head Consumption PAYNE Rose Ellen Church of England 1 1/12 years Cow Head Cow Head
October 22 Bonne Bay Lung disease BARNES Maria Church of England 71 years Fortune Bay Woody Point
November 3 Norris Point Convulsions REID Reubeu Augustus Church of England 10 years Norris Point Norris Point
November 20 Bonne Bay Still born ROBERTS Female child of John and Mary Church of England None given Woody Point Woody Point
November 22 Cow Head Old age HAR? Elizabeth Church of England 73 years Channell Cow Head
November 15 Woody Point Consumption MOORE William Henry Church of England 37 years Bay Roberts Woody Point
December 12 Daniels Harbour Cold BENIOT Lily Adelin Church of England 9 days Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
December 25 Woody Point Consumption YOUNG Susannah Church of England 20 years Birchy Head Woody Point
January 11 Eddys Cove Pneumonia MATAHATH Henry Church of England 72 years Portsmouth Hants England St Johns Island
January 27 Bonne Bay Worm fever COOMBS George Church of England 5 years Woody Point Woody Point
February 10 Trout River ? From ? BARNES Lucy Margaret Church of England 3 years Trout River Trout River
March 6 Quirpon Natural causes BLAKE Uriah Church of England 46 years Newfoundland Quirpon
March 29 Gosse Cove Natural causes RICE Mary Ann Church of England 42 years Newfoundland Goose Cove
September 9 Griquet Natural causes TAYLOR Jacob Church of England 66 years Newfoundland Griquet
January 18 Quirpon Infantile BARTLETT Alice Church of England 9 months Newfoundland Quirpon
October 22 ? End of Strait of Belle? Drowning BUTLER Garland Benjamin Church of England 42 years Newfoundland Griquet
July 29 Current Islands None given WILLIAMS William Church of England 16 years Newfoundland Current Islands
August 12 Savage Cove None given GAULTON Charles Church of England 43 years Newfoundland S? Cove
September 16 Current Islands None given WILLIAMS Benjamin Church of England 7 years Newfoundland Current Islands
November 27 Flowers Cove None given APPLIN John Church of England 62 years Newfoundland Flowers Cove
January 12 ?? Hill Cove Diphtheria FORD John Church of England 14 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
December 17 Seal Cove Diphtheria OSMOND Mary Church of England 12 days Seal Cove Seal Cove
December 29 Southern Arm Diphtheria POLLARDS Martha Church of England 17 years Southern Arm Seal Cove
January 2 Southern Arm Diphtheria MCKAY Henry Church of England 17 years Southern Arm Seal Cove
January 15 Southern Arm Diphtheria POLLARD Charles Church of England 20 years Southern Arm Seal Cove
February 11 Jacksons Arm Diphtheria REID Eda Church of England 19 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
February 13 Jacksons Arm Diphtheria REID John Elias Church of England 9 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
February 14 Jacksons Arm Diphtheria REID Frank Church of England 14 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
February 1 Jacksons Arm Diphtheria REID Hubert J. Church of England 3 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
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1891, 1892, 1893, 1894                
June 15 Griquet Old age MANUAL Anne Church of England 72 years Newfoundland Griquet
June 23 Griquet La Grippe CROCKER Emma Ann Church of England 55 years Newfoundland Griquet
June 25 Griquet La Grippe SNOW Joseph Church of England 66 years Newfoundland Griquet
June 26 Griquet Drowning CROCKER John Church of England 55 years Newfoundland Griquet
July 2 Griquet Natural HILLIER Thomas Church of England 47 years Newfoundland Griquet
June 27 Quirpon La Grippe EDISON Robert Church of England 45 years Newfoundland Quirpon
July 3 St. Carols La Grippe RICHARDS Harriet Church of England 79 years Newfoundland St. Carols
July 4 St. Anthony La Grippe COX Charles Church of England 76 years Newfoundland St. Anthony
August 1 Griquet Natural COUGHTON Keziah Church of England 14 years Newfoundland St. Carols
December 1 St. Carols Natural IRELAND William Church of England 73 years England Quirpon
December 4 Quirpon Diphtheria PYNN Frederick W Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Quirpon
Decmeber 11 Quirpon Diphtheria CAINES Elsie Ann Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Quirpon
December 26 Quirpon Natural PYNN Harriet Church of England 45 years Newfoundland Quirpon
January 23 Quirpon Diphtheria PYNN William Church of England 11 years Newfoundland Quirpon
January 24 Quirpon Diphtheria PYNN Matilda Church of England 9 years Newfoundland Quirpon
January 27 Quirpon Diphtheria PYNN Henry Church of England 18 years Newfoundland Quirpon
February 18 Quirpon Diphtheria EDISON Benjamin Church of England 2 1/2 years Newfoundland Quirpon
January 24 Ireland Bight Natural causes ANDREWS Lori Church of England 57 years Newfoundland Irelands Bight
April 11 Griquet Natural causes HILLIER Archibald J Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Griquet
June 11 Griquet Natural causes HILL George Church of England 14 years Newfoundland Griquet
January 3 Quirpon Natural causes PYNN Esau Church of England 14 years Newfoundland Quirpon
February 6 Griquet Natural causes COMPTON Susanna Church of England 24 years Newfoundland Griquet
March 5 Locke Cove Natural causes PITTMAN Thomas Church of England 7 years Newfoundland Locks Cove
March 24 Griquet Old age COMPTON Elizabeth Church of England 78 years Newfoundland Griquet
May 14 Cooks Harbour Natural causes LARKIN Stephen Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
May 24 Quirpon Natural causes BARTLETT Moses Church of England 22 years Newfoundland Quirpon
July 17 Ireland Bight Natural causes CULL Abel Church of England 39 years Newfoundland Irelands Bight
December 28 Cooks Harbour Natural causes FIELD James Church of England 53 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
January 24 Locke Cove Natural causes PATEY Mary J Church of England 3 years Newfoundland Locks Cove
February 8 Griquet Natural causes NOSEWORTHY Mary W Church of England 3 years Newfoundland Griquet
March 20 Locke Cove Natural causes ROSE Amelia Church of England 32 years Newfoundland Locks Cove
April 8 Locke Cove Natural causes PITTMAN Mary A Church of England 25 years Newfoundland Locks Cove
July 14 Saint Carols ? ROSE Abram Church of England 3 1/2 years Newfoundland St. Carols
July 14 Saint Carols ? ROSE Jane Church of England 2 3/4 years Newfoundland St. Carols
July 14 Saint Carols ? ROSE Blanche Church of England 1 1/2 years Newfoundland St. Carols
August 5 C? Natural causes PA? Louis Church of England none given Newfoundland Cramaillu?
September 3 Griquet Natural causes WEIR Sarah Jane Church of England 31 years Newfoundland Griquet
September 12 Griquet Natural causes WEIR Elizabeth Church of England 2 months Newfoundland Griquet
November 10 Locke Cove Natural causes ANDREWS Mary Jane Church of England 19 years Newfoundland Locks Cove
December 31 St. Anthony Natural causes SIMMS Robert Church of England 70 years Newfoundland St. Anthony
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1893, 1894, 1895, 1896                
February 19 Jacksons Arm Diphtheria READ Robert W Church of England 19 years Jacksons Arm Jacksons Arm
November 15 Grand Vache Consumption NEWMAN Eli Methodist 51 years Herring Neck ? Grand Vache
February 11 Harbour Deep Childbirth POLLARD Miriam Church of England 23 years Harbour Deep Harbour Deep
April 4 Englee Gun accident HANCOCK Theophilus Methodist 13 years Englee Englee
April 13 Cat Cove Natural causes BROWN Anne Methodist 4 months Cat Cove Englee
December 30 St. Anthony None given SAUNDERS George Methodist 37 years French Shore Griquet
January 16 Little Braha Heavy cold CLARKE Mary Ann Methodist 39 years French Shore Little Braha
February 27 St. Carols Consumption HILLYARD Emma Methodist 43 years Barneed St. Carols
March 17 Little Braha None given COLBORNE George Methodist 22 years French Shore Little Braha
April 10 Quirpon Heavy cold BLAKE Patience Methodist 14 years French Shore Quirpon
April 16 Goose Cove Consumption POWELL Betsey Methodist 37 years French Shore Goose Cove
April 19 Griquet None given COLBORNE Andrew Methodist 55 years French Shore St. Anthony
May 14 Griqquet Childbirth PILGRIM Sarah Methodist 16 years French Shore Griquet
May 29 Goose Cove Consumption GORDON George Methodist 31 years None Given Goose Cove
April 7 Norris Point Convulsions GALLIOTT James Patrick Roman Catholic 2 1/2 months Norris Point Norris Point
February 26 St. Carols Consumption HILLIER Emma Church of England 43 years Newfoundland St. Carols
March 7 Griquet Natural causes SNOW Abram Church of England 1 day Newfoundland Griquet
April 12 Cooks Harbour Natural causes ALLINGHAM Rebecca Church of England 63 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
None given Griquet Natural causes COLBORNE Andrew Church of England 54 years Newfoundland St. Anthony
June 12 Black Duck Cove Malancholis WHITE Margaret Church of England 46 years Newfoundland Anchor Point
April 22 Main Arm Natural causes GOOSNEY Mary Anne Church of England 5 days Main Arm Norris Point
April 26 Main Arm Natural causes GOOSNEY Rebecca Church of England 9 days Main Arm Norris Point
April 16 Daniels Harbour Convulsions BROPHY Elain Ann Church of England 15 days Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
May 18 Norris Point Cancer of lung REID Horatis Church of England 37 years Griquet Norris Point
October 7 Savage Cove None given GAULTON Elizabeth Methodist 1 1/4 years Savage Cove Flowers Cove
November 28 Flowers Cove None given DIAMOND James Methodist 7 months Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
March 3 Current Islands None given TAYLOR Mary Methodist 19 years Current Islands Current Islands
Mach 11 French J Harbour None given SMITH Ann Methodist 17 3/5 years French Island Harbour French Island Harbour
March 11 Pond Cove None given FRAIZE John Apany? Methodist 2 1/2 years Point Cove Flowers Cove
March 29 Flowers Cove None given APPLIN Bertha J Methodist 1 1/2 years Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
June 22 Flowers Cove None given SPENCE Samuel Methodist 74 years Flowers Cove Flowers Cove
December 20 French J Harbour None given C??LOW James Albert Methodist 10 months French Island Harbour French Island Harbour
June 22 French J Harbour Infantile None given Caleb Methodist 3 3/4 months French Island Harbour French Island Harbour
June 24 Silverton Bay Natural causes LAING Rhoda Mabel Church of England 2 months Silverton Birchy Head
June 10 Davids Hill Natural causes BIGGIN Archibald Leander Church of England 7 days Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
August 13 Bonne Bay Convulsions PAYNE Walter Church of England 9 days Bonne Bay Woody Point
August 3 Cow Head Scarlatina HARDIN James Charles Church of England 9 months Cow Head Cow Head
July 14 Sallys Cove Natural causes DODD Mary Martha Church of England 8 hours Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
August 16 Broom Point Scarlatina PAYNE Eliza Jane Church of England 7 1/2 years Lobster Cover Rocky Harbour
September 15 Grandys Cove Suicide COLLEYBALL? John Church of England 71 years Harbour Grace Woody Point
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1892, 1895, 1896                
September 25 Crawleys Cove? Spinal Meningitis BANCROFT Susan Winifield Church of England 2 1/12 years Crawleys Cove Woody Point
September 28 Crawleys Cove? Diphtheria BANCROFT Albert Edward Church of England 76 years Bay Roberts Woody Point
September 29 Crawleys Cove? Diphtheria SHEPPARD Hedley Fi? Church of England 10 1/2 years Sydney Cape Breton Woody Point
May 28 Port Saunders Convulsions None given male Roman Catholic 9 days Port Saunders Port Saunders
August 24 Norris Point Ulen? Sore throat DOOLEY Maria Roman Catholic 8 1/2 years Pinware, Labrador Norris Point
September 23 Norris Point Ulen? Sore throat PIKE Mary Roman Catholic 7 1/2 years Pinware, Labrador Norris Point
July 20 Trout River Childbirth MATTHEWS Tamsay Methodist 37 1/2 years None given Trout River
August 7 Bonne Bay Diphtheria BURDEN Douglas H Methodist 1 1/4 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
August 10 Bonne Bay Diphtheria BURDEN Emma Jane Methodist 11 5/6 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
August 19 Bonne Bay Diphtheria BURDEN Reubeu Methodist 23 1/2 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
August 19 Bonne Bay Diphtheria BURDEN Miriam Methodist 17 1/6 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
September 4 Bonne Bay Diphtheria OLDRIDGE Linnie Methodist 12 1/2 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
April 22 Trout River Inflammation TUFF John Methodist 1 month Trout River Trout River
July 9 Western Cove Mortified leg JACOBS Phoebe J Church of England 21 years Western? Cove Western? Cove
February 4 Harbour Deep Childbirth POLLARD Miriam Church of England 27 years Harbour Deep Harbour Deep
June 22 Harbour Deep Fits RANDALL Mary C Church of England 16 years Harbour Deep Harbour Deep
September 3 River Head Childbirth GALE Phoebe Church of England 23 yeas Sops Island River Head
July Spirits Cove Old Age EDDERSON Elizabeth Church of England 70 years Newfoundland Quirpon
April 12 Cooks Harbour General Debility ALLINGHAM Rebecca Church of England 63 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
April 19 Cooks Harbour Old Age WARREN Charles Church of England 76 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
November 12 Cooks Harbour Natural causes PENNEY Samuel Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Cooks Harbour
November 4 Boat Harbour Natural causes SMITH Alexander Church of England 2 years Newfoundland Boat Harbour
July 29 St. Anthony Old Age BOYD Joseph Church of England 71 years Newfoundland St. Anthony
June 8 Cremaillores Harbour? Childbirth RICE Ann Church of England 14 years Newfoundland Cramaillure?
September 7 Points Cove None given RIDEOUT Sarah Grace Church of England 40 years Newfoundland Flowers Cove
October 1 Anchor Point Old Age GENGE William Abraham Church of England 77 years Newfoundland Anchor Pont
October 21 French Island Harbour Consumption GOULD Johanna Church of England 38 years Newfoundland Anchor Pont
April 30 Three Arm Lockjar BARNES Amelia Methodist 22 1/2 years Grois Islands Englee
August 30 Grand Vache Consumption FOSE Maria Methodist 29 years Englee Grand Vache
October 9 Rocky Harbour Scarlatina WHITE Reubeu Methodist 5 1/2 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
November 12 Norris Point Scarlatina HISCOCK Simeon Methodist 7 months Norris Point Norris Point
November 14 Shoal Brook Diphtheria HALFYARD Emily Mabel Methodist 7 1/2 years Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
November 2 Rocky Harbour Scarlatina ELLSWORTH Tryphenia Catherine Methodist 4 1/4 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
October 26 Crawleys Cove? None given HALFYARD William Wallace Methodist 1 day Crawleys Cove Shoal Brook
November 26 Trout River Fits BARNES Lily Eva Methodist 8 days Trout River Trout River
November 27 Trout River Su? Of water PARSONS Ezekiel Taylor Methodist 1 month Trout River Trout River
December 25 Crawleys Cove? Croup TAYLOR Augustus Methodist 1 1/4 years Crawleys Cove Crawleys Cove
December 26 Crawleys Cove? Croup PARSONS George William Methodist 6 months Crawleys Cove Crawleys Cove
December 29 Shoal Brook Scarlatina ANDERSON Sarah May Methodist 3 7/12 years Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
October 8 Glenburnie Diphtheria MACKENZIE Rebecca Maria Gladys Church of England 14 weeks Glenburnie Birchy Head
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October 15 near Glenburnie Diphtheria SNOOK Eva Livingstone Churchof England 7 1/2 years near Glenburnie Woody Point
October 18 Glenburnie Diphtheria MACKENZIE Hugh Allen Churchof England 2 1/3 years Glenburnie Birchy Head
October 26 Glenburnie Diphtheria SNOOK Emma Jeannette Churchof England 14 2/3 years near Glenburnie Woody Point
October 26 Bonne Bay Diarhara TAYLOR Stewart Harold Churchof England 1 1/3 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
October 27 Lobster Cove Scarlatina PAYNE William Henry Churchof England 8 1/4 years Lobster Cove Rocky Harbour
November 2 Bonne Bay Bronchitis TAYLOR Stephen William Churchof England 3 years Water Street Woody Point
October 15 Gull March Scarlatina GILLEY William Churchof England 2 1/2 years Gull Marsh Brown Point
November 10 Gull March Scarlatina GILLEY Alexander Churchof England 4 3/12 years Gull Marsh Brown Point
November 19 Silverton Bonne Bay Worm fever YOUNG Elsie Young Churchof England 3 2/3 years Silverton Birchy Head
November 19 Bonne Bay Natural causes HALLEY Stirling Benjamin Churchof England 5 1/2 months Bonne Bay Woody Point
November 20 Gull March Scarlatina GILLEY Mary Luscombe Churchof England 2 11/12 years Gull Marsh Brown Point
November 20 Martins Point Scarlatina DECKER Elizabeth Jane Churchof England 9 11/12 years Rocky Harbour Sallys Cove
November 24 Gull March Scarlatina GILLEY Wallace Wilson Churchof England 4 5/12 years Gull Marsh Brown Point
November 25 Wild Cove Natural causes HUMBER William James Churchof England 4 1/5 months Wild Cove Norris Point
November 25 Silverton Tonsillitis JEANS Mary Ann Churchof England 14 1/6 years Silverton Birchy Head
November 28 Silverton Worm fever YOUNG Ethel Blanche Churchof England 2 years Silverton Birchy Head
November 28 Silverton Worm fever CAINES Lily Rubina Churchof England 5 1/2 years Silverton Birchy Head
November 28 Cow Head Tonsillitis HUTTHINGS Ellen Ann Churchof England 6 4/12 years Cow Head Cow Heard
December 1 Sallys Cove Tonsillitis ENDICOTT James Churchof England 7 1/6 years Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
November 19 Trout River Convulsions CROCKER Jacob M Churchof England 6 days Trout River Trout River
December 7 Gull March ? Scarlatina GILLEY John Thomas Churchof England 1 10/12 years Gull Marsh Brown Point
December 12 Trout River Maligant Scarlatina CROCKER George Leonard Churchof England 11 1/4 years Trout River Trout River
December 14 Bonne Bay Convulsion and Scarlatina HOLLANDS Gertrude Kate Churchof England 6 1/6 years Parsonage Bonne Bay Woody Point
December 17 Wild Cove Scarlatina HUMBER Albert Victor Churchof England 7 7/12 years Wild Cove Norris Point
December 17 Martins Point Scarlatina DECKER Lydia Miriam Churchof England 6 1/2 years Rocky Harbour Sallys Cove
December 24 Martins Point Scarlatina DECKER Henry Thomas Churchof England 12 years Rocky Harbour Sallys Cove
December 26 Rocky Harbour Scarlatina PARSONS Effie May Churchof England 2 11/12 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
December 19 Cow Head Tonsillitis BENIOT Phyllis Margaret Churchof England 2 7/12 years Cow Head Cow Heard
October 21 ? Bonne Bay Point Maligant Quinsy KENNEDY Nicholas Philip Roman Catholic 2 1/2 years Norris Point Norris Point
November 10 Bonne Bay Accident to Mother GEORGE Agnes Roman Catholic 2 days Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
November 25 Cow Head Diphtheria ROCHE Gertrude Roman Catholic 13 years Brigus Cow Heard
December 10 Bonne Bay Maligant Quinsy COLEMAN Charles Roman Catholic 10 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
December 11 Bonne Bay Maligant Quinsy COLEMAN Mary Francis Roman Catholic 14 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
December 4 Bonne Bay Maligant Quinsy HOWLETT Thomas Roman Catholic 11 months Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
December 14 Bonne Bay Maligant Quinsy OUILLETTE Mary Roman Catholic 14 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
December 17 Bonne Bay Maligant Quinsy HOWLETT Annie Roman Catholic 5 years Bonne Bay Bonne Bay
December 15 Port au Choix Pneumonities CARRIGNE Joseph Mary Roman Catholic 7 years Port au Choix Port au Choix
January 10 Grads Harbour Scarlatina SAMS Mary Catherine Roman Catholic 14 years Grads Harbour Norris Point BB
January 20 Waterhouse Brook Scarlatina OUILLETTE Catherine Justine Roman Catholic 2 1/2 years Waterhouse Brook Baileys Point BB
February 10 Norris Point Scarlatina KENNEDY Sarah Ann Lavinia Roman Catholic 6 months Norris Point Noris Point BB
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February 13 Woody Point BB Scarlatina JACKMAN Peter Roman Catholic 8 years Bonne Bay Baileys Point
February 20 Bailey Point BB Sinactus? GEORGE John Roman Catholic 87 years Carbonear Baileys Point
March 1 Norris Point BB Convulsions M??ley female child of Edward and Agnes Roman Catholic 15 days Norris Point Norris Point
December 7 Conche Old age DAVIES Edward Roman Catholic 1/5 years none given Conche
August 4 Goose Cove Old age WARD Johanna Roman Catholic 79 years none given Goose Cove
July 10 Grey Islands Old age FOLEY James Roman Catholic 76 years none given Grey Islands
January 6 Conche Old age BROMLEY John Roman Catholic 91 years none given Conche
January 15 Conche Decline MARCH Eliza Roman Catholic 17 years Conche Conche
November 3 Cape Norman Consumption WAY Jane Church of England 44 years Newfoundland Savage Island Cove
November 22 Foresters Point Consumption WILLIAMS James Church of England 20 years Newfoundland Current Island
December 31 Lobster Cove Scarlatina PAYNE Naomi Church of England 2 1/6 years Lobster Cove Rocky Harbour
December 27 Parsons Pond Convulsions VERGE male Church of England 5 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
December 30 Trout River Convulsions BRAKE Annie Church of England 6 days Trout River Trout River
January 2 Parsons Pond U? sore throat PAYNE Rose Anne Church of England 18 years Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
January 3 Parsons Pond U? sore throat VINCENT Minnie Church of England 8 1/2 years Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
January 5 Parsons Pond U? sore throat VINCENT Azariah Church of England 4 1/3 years Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
January 9 Rocky River Hr Croup SHEARS Meshach Parsons Church of England 5 1/4 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
January 12 Rocky River Hr Croup SHEARS Benjamin Church of England 3 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
January 12 Rocky River Hr Croup PITTMAN Susanna Church of England 11 months Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
January 15 Birchy Head Scarlatina L?ING Thomas Frederick Church of England 16 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
January 18 Birchy Head Inflammation tonsils JEANS Arabalen Church of England 8 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
January 19 Birchy Head Inflammation tonsils YOUNG Catherine Francis Church of England 1 3/4 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
January 22 Birchy Head Inflammation tonsils JEANS Clara Church of England 3 1/3 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
January 19 Sallys Cove Scarlatina DARINES? Isaac Thomas Church of England 4 years Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
January 20 Norris Point Scarlatina CULLIHALL Maria Margaret Church of England 11 years Norris Point Norris Point
January 20 Norris Point Scarlatina CULLIHALL Caroline Silv? Church of England 6 years Norris Point Norris Point
January 25 Birchy Head Scarlatina YOUNG Benjamin Church of England 7 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
January 27 Rocky Harbour Infantile NICOLLA George Philip Church of England 6 months Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
February 6 Birchy Head Scarlatina YOUNG Mary Ann Church of England 10 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
February 15 Norris Point Scarlatina CULLIHALL John Hayward Church of England 9 years Norris Point Norris Point
February 17 Woody Point Scarlatina WILTON James Theodore Church of England 11 years Woody Point Woody Point
February 19 Woody Point Croup WILTON Charles Hugh Church of England 5 months Woody Point Woody Point
February 13 Sallys Cove Croup DEMISE? Catherine Ann Church of England 6 weeks Sallys Cove Sallys Cove
February 21 Rocky Harbour Croup PAYNE Evelyn Church of England 3 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
February 24 Rocky Harbour Inflammation tonsils and blood poisoning ORGAN Agntha Maud Church of England 5 1/2 years Norris Point Rocky Harbour
March 9 Woody Point Scarlatina and blood poisoning ALLAN Mary ? Church of England 7 1/2 years Woody Point Woody Point
March 9 Woody Point Croup ALLAN William Willis Church of England 3 3/12 years Woody Point Woody Point
March 11 Woody Point Croup ALLAN Edna Violet Church of England 1 5/12 years Woody Point Woody Point
March 9 Crawley Cove Croup PIKE William Hector Church of England 5 years Crawleys Cove Woody Point
March 2 Billy Mc? Cove Scarlatina ORGAN Roland Church of England 8 years Grads Harbour Norris Point
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March 5 Norris Point Infantile CAINES John Church of England 2 days Norris Point Norris Point
March 23 Norris Point Puerperal Fever CAINES Margaret Church of England 20 years Daniels Harbour Norris Point
March 26 Bakers Brook Croup DECKER Simeon Church of England 3 years Bakers Brook Rocky Harbour
March 27 Bakers Brook Croup DECKER Rose Alice Church of England 11 years Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
October 11 Englee Convulsions None given George Methodist 2 days Englee Englee
November 18 Englee Sick from birth STANLEY James Methodist 1 1/2 years Englee Englee
November 25 Shoal Brook Premature birth STICKLAND George Methodist 11 days Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
January 7 Woody Point Consumption HALFYARD Albert Methodist 20 1/4 years Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
January 9 Crawleys Cove None given TAYLOR George Methodist 4 1/2 years Crawleys Cove Crawleys Cove
February 17 Bonne Bay Inflammation HANN Susanna Methodist 57 years Crawleys Cove Shoal Brook
March 8 Trout River None given BARNES Eliza Methodist 7 hours Trout River Trout River
March 17 Trout River None given BARNES Emma Methodist 9 days Trout River Trout River
May 1 Norris Point Scarlatina CLARKE Violet Jane Methodist 4 months Norris Point Norris Point
May 2 Bonne Bay Scarlatina PARSONS Martha Methodist 11 years Bonne Bay Shoal Brook
May 11 Bonne Bay Sore throat KENNEDY Miles Methodist 8 years Bonne Bay Shoal Brook
May 20 Bonne Bay Croup STICKLAND Willis Methodist 2 1/2 years Bonne Bay Shoal Brook
May 25 Bonne Bay Scarlatina READ Ella March Methodist 2 years Bonne Bay Shoal Brook
September 24 Griquet Consumption BURREY Agnes Methodist 33 years Griquet Griquet
November 4 Griquet Inflammation BURSEY Jessie Methodist 11 years Griquet Griquet
December 25 Griquet Cold ADAMS Thomas Methodist 2 years Griquet Griquet
December 24 Griquet Childbirth PILGRIM Lavinia Methodist 11 months Griquet Griquet
None given Griquet None given PILGRIM Henry A Methodist 24 years Griquet Griquet
None given Little Braha None given CLARKE Dorcas Methodist 2 months Little Braha Little Braha
December 26 Grand Vache Consumption NEWMAN Cecilia Methodist 17 years Grand Vache Grand Vache
November 11 Duggans Cove Consumption RANDALL George Methodist 29 years Duggans Cove Duggans Cove
March 7 Englee Cholera Infection GILLARD Job Methodist 1 year Englee Englee
March 12 Englee Sick from birth HOWARD Israel Methodist 1 1/2 months Englee Englee
November 7 Back Cove Drowning BLANCHARD Abraham Church of England None given Hauling Point Bear Cove
December 9 Western Cove Brain fever JACOBS Janet Church of England None given Western Cove Western Cove
January 14 Hauling Point Fits KAVANNAH George Church of England 9 months Hauling Point Bear Cove
February 8 Hauling Point Infantile BLANCHARD Edward Church of England 1 1/2 years Hauling Point Bear Cove
March 22 Southern Harbour Consumption POLLARD John Church of England 21 years ? Southern ? ? Seal Cove
May 9 Safe Island Consumption GALE Abram Church of England 29 years Sops Island Sops Island
May 22 Pombley Cove None given STUCKLESS? John Church of England 1 day Pombley Cove Western Cove
May 20 Brig Bay Convulsions RUMBOLT Louis Patrick Roman Catholic 18 days Brig Bay Brig Bay
July 3 ? Found drowned body of an unknown man, supposed to one of those lost from Birds Rocks early in the spring, totally unrecognizable. Knife, watch and ? Found          
June 4 Portland Creek Diphtheria L'ABBIE Phobe Rose Roman Catholic 9 1/2 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 8 Portland Creek Diphtheria L'ABBIE Lucy Catherine Roman Catholic 13 1/2 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 12 Portland Creek Diphtheria L'ABBIE Elizabeth Roman Catholic 11 1/4 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 20 Bonne Bay Old age HOWLETT Thomas Roman Catholic 83 years Petty Harbour Bonne Bay
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April 9 La Scie Natural causes MORGAN Elsie Jane Methodist 7 hours La Scie La Scie
May 12 Englee Natural causes H? Delphine Methodist 1 5/6 years Englee Englee
May 14 Englee Old Age GILLARD Elizabeth Methodist 84 years Twillingate Englee
March 12 St Pauls Bay Tonsilitus GALLIOTT David Church of England 10 years Mutton Bay, Labrador St. Pauls Bay
March 24 St Pauls Bay Tonsilitus and convulsions GALLIOTT Alfred Church of England 12 11/12 years Bonne Bay St. Pauls Bay
March 29 St Pauls Bay Tonsilitus and convulsions GALLIOTT George Frederick Church of England 4 1/3 years Bonne Bay St. Pauls Bay
March 18 Port Saunders Inflammation lungs CAINES Beatrice Eliza Church of England 5 11/12 years Port Saunders Port Saunders
April 2 Rocky Harbour Old Age DECKER Elizabeth Church of England 84 years Cow Head Rocky Harbour
April 7 Norris Point Natural causes CAINES Ethel Gretrude Church of England 5 weeks Norris Point Norris Point
April 19 Bonne Bay Old Age WILTON Solomon Church of England 77 years Willshire, England Woody Point
April 26 St Pauls Bay Scarlatina and coup PARSONS Annie Gertrude Church of England 5 weeks St. Pauls St. Pauls Bay
May 8 St Pauls Bay Consumption GALLIOTT Morris Maiok Church of England 19 years Mutton Bay St. Pauls Bay
April 26 Gull March Convulsions GILLEY Catherine Church of England 9 months Gull March Broom Point
June 17 Parsons Pond Consumption BLANCHARD Joseph Wallace Church of England 20 years Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
June 13 Portland Creek Scarlatina HOUSE Mary Ann Church of England 21 years Daniels Harbour Daniels Harbour
May 27 Near River of Ponds Drowning VATCHER Amos Church of England 2 1/2 years Flowers Cove The Sea
December 29 Parsons Pond Convulsions VERGE Hilderbert Church of England 7 days Parsons Pond Parsons Pond
July Pimoau Consumption PIKE Thomas Roman Catholic 21 years Pinware Pinware
March Pimoau Old Age ADELL Henry Roman Catholic 76 years Pinware Pinware
April Pimoau Old Age MCDONALD Sarah Roman Catholic 46 years Pinware Pinware
May Flowers Cove Internal troubles AUSTIN Bridget Roman Catholic 41 years Pinware Pinware
July Battle Harbour Drowning BROWN John Roman Catholic 12 years Carbonear Battle Harbour
January 16 Poverly Cove Convulsions WHITE Henry Church of England 2 1/2 years Newfoundland Savage Cove
August 7 Flowers Cove Natural DEMPSTER George Church of England 9 years Newfoundland Flowers Cove
September 4 Brig Bay Natural COLES George Church of England 85 years England Savage Cove
August 7 Poverly Cove Consumption SHEPPARD Mary Ann Church of England 50 years Newfoundland Brig Bay
June 29 Green Point Sore throat PAYNE John Charles Church of England 4 1/12 years Green Pb Rocky Harbour
July 6 Green Point Sore throat PAYNE Arthur Church of England 1 1/2 years Green Pb Rocky Harbour
July 9 Green Point Sore throat PAYNE Edwin Thomas Church of England 4 5/12 years Green Pb Rocky Harbour
July 15 Green Point P? convulsions PAYNE Mary Church of England 24 11/12 years Bonne Bay Rocky Harbour
July 18 Bonne Bay Convulsions ROBERTS Florence Violet Church of England 9 1/2 years Bonne Bay Woody Point
July 16 Cow Head measles, sore throat PAYNE John Charles Church of England 2 5/12 years Cow Head Cow Head
August 11 Crawleys Cove Consumption CLARK Grace Church of England 37 years Bonne Bay Rocky Harbour
August 16 Rocky Harbour General debility PARSONS John Hayward Church of England 26 days Rocky Harbour Rocky Harbour
April 23 Sallys Cove Sore throat WALSH Mary Martha Church of England 4 5/12 years Salleys Cove Salleys Cove
April 25 Sallys Cove Sore throat WALSH Joseph Church of England 5 1/2 months Salleys Cove Salleys Cove
June 3 Portland Creek Sore throat LABBE Phoebe Rose Church of England 9 1/2 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 7 ? Sore throat LABBE Lucy Reborah Church of England 12 1/2 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 14 ? Consumption LABBE Elizabeth Church of England 10 1/2 years Daniels Harbour Portland Creek
June 22 Englee   HANCOCK ? ? Methodist 28 years Englee Englee
Page 490                
June 18 La Scie Natural NEWBURY Thomas George Methodist 6 months La Scie La Scie
July 5 La Scie Natural BOONE Annie Methodist 77 years Shoe Cove La Scie
July 5 St. Anthony Bight Childbirth SIMMS Kate Methodist 28 years St. Anthony Bight St. Anthony Bight
September 24 Griquet Consumption BUSSEY Agnes Methodist 33 years Griquet Griquet
November 4 Griquet Inflammation BUSSEY Jessie Methodist 11 years Griquet Griquet
December 25 Griquet Cold ADAMS Thomas Methodist 2 years Griquet Griquet
July 31 Griquet None given PILGRIM Henry A Methodist 11 months Griquet Griquet
December 24 Griquet Childbirth PILGRIM Lavinia Methodist 24 years Griquet Griquet
July 25 Little Braha None given CLARKE Dorcas Methodist 1 month Little Braha Little Braha
August 29 Shoal Brook None given WHEELER Lucy Methodist 1 day Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
August 31 Shoal Brook None given WHEELER Jane Methodist 3 days Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
September 9 Shoal Brook None given WHEELER Dorcas Methodist 12 days Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
August 9 Trout River Stillborn PARSONS Child of William and Mary Jane Methodist 0 Trout River Trout River
August 9 Trout River Stillborn PARSONS Child of William and Mary Jane Methodist 0 Trout River Trout River
November 15 Birchy Head Bronochitis HUTCHINGS Rhoda Mabel Methodist 1 1/2 days Birchy Head Shoal Brook
November 7 Englee Sick from birth LANE Delphina Methodist 1 day Englee Englee
December 19 Englee Senile decay HANCOCK Henry Methodist 86 years None given Englee
October 24 Cow Head Malformation HUTCHINGS William Thomas Church of England 15 hours Cow Head Cow Head
December 14 Wallis Brook Accidently shot LAING Albert Wight Church of England 18 years Birchy Head Birchy Head
December 26 Bonne Bay Scarlatina and Convulsions DISE Eunice Belle Church of England 5 1/6 years Boone Bay Woody Point
December 8 Hauling Point Inflammation RICE James Church of England 50 years Hauling Point Hauling Point
December 11 Sops Island None given GALE Cauline Church of England 28 years Sops Island Sops Island
November 26 Sauoy Cove Unknown COLES George Church of England 9 years Sandy Cove Sandy Cove
December 11 Green Island Cove Consumption MCLEAN Sarah Church of England 13 years Green Island Cove Eddies Cove
January 28 Seal Cove Consumption HANN Robert Methodist 24 years Seal Cove Shoal Brook
February 14 Shoal Brook Consumption MATTHEWS William Methodist 16 years Shoal Brook Shoal Brook
March 18 Woody Point Scarlatina AVERY Nellie Methodist 6 years Catalina Shoal Brook
March 21 Baileys Point ? OBAILEY William Methodist 16 months Woody Point Shoal Brook
January 8 ? Cove Chill JACOBS Maria Church of England 2 years 9 months Matton Cove Matton Cove
February 12 Southern Arm Convulsions PARDY Caroline Ann Church of England 8 days Southern Arm Southern Arm
March 19 Green Island Cove Consumption MITCHELMORE Barry Church of England 60 years Brigus, CB Green Island Cove
March 27 Poverty Cove Dropsy WHITE John Church of England 54 years Pouerty Cove Savage Cove
January 13 Sandy Cove Not known COLES James Church of England 4 1/2 years Sandy Cove Savage Cove
January 29 Englee Childbirth GILLARS Caroline Methodist 25 years Englee Englee
February 22 Englee Paralysis HOPKINS Charles Methodist 68 years Englee Englee
November 21 Cow Head Stillborn None given   Church of England none given Cow Head Cow Head
December 12 Port Saunders Pneumonia POKY Leonard Charles Church of England 18 years ? River P? River
November 21 Cow Head Stillborn None given   Church of England none given Cow Head Cow Head

Pages 411-415; 457-460; 489-490Transcribed by Wanda Garrett (2010)
Pages 126 - 130 Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (January 2009)

Page Last Modified: April 07, 2014 ADT

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