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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Twillingate District
1936 - 1937

Book 12
PAGES  348 - 355,  362 - 365 & 297

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 297,1936                  
Note: Page 297 is labeled as a Bonavista enumeration. However as part of it seems to have Twillingate information. Line 1 to 7 inclusive are Bonavista District and Line 8 to 37 inclusive are Twillingate District.
Mar. 16 Wareham No Entry CUTLER Hannah M. F C of E 7 1/2 Fair Island Wareham
July 10 Fair Island Nephritis PICKETT Ezra M C of E 52 Fair Island Fair Island
June 02 Trinity, B.B. No Entry WISEMAN Kenneth M C of E 10/12 Trinity, B.B. Trinity, B.B.
June 21 Silver Fox Island Lobar Pneumonia HUNT Frances F C of E 18 Silver Fox Island Silver Fox Is.
Aug. 07 Sydney Cove No Entry POND Olive Grace F C of E 6 Wks Sydney Cove Fair Is.
Sep. 01 Fair Island Pulm. Tuberculosis BROWN Honor F C of E 29 Sydney Cove Fair Is.
Sep. 07 Fair Island Bowel Tuberculosis PICKETT Eliza F C of E 68 No Entry Fair Is.
Aug. 26 Lewisporte Pulm. Tuberculosis HODDER Janet Bertha F UC 52 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Aug. 28 Stanhope Chr. Myocarditis DOWNTON Simeon M UC 68 Joe Batt's Arm Stanhope
July 13 Botwood Influenza ROBERTS Jessie A. F UC 43 St. John's Botwood
Apr. 13 Northern Arm Senile Decay BRENTON John M UC 81 Loon Bay Botwood
June 02 Peter's Arm Cancer of Stomach DALLEY Wm. M UC 71 Twillingate Botwood
July 31 Pilley's Island Paralysis SHEARING John M UC 82 1/2 No Entry Pilley's Island
Aug. 26 Pilley's Island No Entry STRICKLAND Walter M UC 73 No Entry Pilley's Island
Sep. 24 Pilley's Island No Entry OXFORD Rita May F UC 1/12 Pilley's I. Pilley's Island
Apr. 08 Paradise Infantile Paralysis ? CURLEW Frederick G. M UC 6 Wks Paradise Paradise
May 05 Exploits Tuberculosis BUTT Thomas C. M UC 46 Exploits Exploits
June 05 Paradise Senility BUTT Rosanna F UC 89 Twillingate Paradise
July 14 Exploits Convulsions BUTT No Entry F UC 3 Dys Exploits Exploits
July 27 Middle Arm No Entry SQUIRES Elizabeth Jane F UC 2 7/12 Middle Arm Middle Arm
Aug. 09 Nipper's Hr. Paralysis BATSTONE Mrs Hannah F UC 67 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
Sep. 15 Burlington No Entry PERRY Maggie F UC 4/12 Burlington Burlington
July 25 Burlington Tuberculosis GILLINGHAM Dorothy Eileen A F UC 12 Burlington Burlington
July 28 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis SCEVIOUR James M Ch. Eng. 56 Exploits Exploits
Sep. 04 Leading Tickles Tuberculosis ROWSELL Annie F Ch. Eng. 45 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
July 04 Fortune Hr. Infantile Paralysis CARROLL Edwin A. M RC 4 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
July 29 Fortune Hr. Senility POWER Catherine N. F RC 89 Mobile, Ferryland Fortune Hr.
Aug. 24 Fortune Hr. Convulsions BUDGELL Wm. J. M RC 3/12 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
July 07 Salt Pond Senility FOSS Rhoda F Pentecostal 75 Comfort Cove Salt Pond
Feb. 14 Bishop's Falls Prematurity GRAHAM Lucy Ellen F Pentecostal 4 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
May 08 Bishop's Falls Pneumonia WELLS Alice F Pentecostal 20 No Entry Bishop's Falls
Mar. 13 Badger No Entry HAYDEN Harvey Roy M Pentecostal 4/12 Badger Badger
Apr. 28 Cottrell's Island Meningitis ANSTEY Melita L. F Pentecostal 5/12 Cottrell's I. Cottrell's Isl.
Apr. 30 Cottrell's Island Liver & Heart FROUD Mrs Kenella F Pentecostal 64 Cottrell's I. Cottrell's Isl.
June 23 Cottrell's Island Paralysis RIDEOUT Mrs Myra F Pentecostal 72 Cottrell's I. Cottrell's Isl.
Feb. 08 Sansom's Island Inflamation TWINE Christina F Pentecostal 85 Moreton's Hr. Sansom's I.
June 16 Sansom's Island Drowned BAKER Wilbert Hardy M Pentecostal 10 Sansom's I. Sansom's I.
PAGE 348,1936                  
Feby 14 Burnt Cove Bronchitis KEEFE Joseph M UC 8 Dys Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
Feby 22 Salt Pond Meningitis HODENOTT Nelson Thos. M UC 11 Mos Salt Pond Salt Pond
Mar. 16 Salt Pond Drowning *BURSEY Ananias M UC 42 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Mar. 23 Stanhope Pulm. T.B. CHAULK Daisy F Pentecostal 32 Browns Arm Stanhope
Feby 05 Pt. Leamington Consumption PAUL Mildred Mary J. F Pentecostal 13 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Jany 15 Leading Tickle No Entry EARLE Allison F C of E 8 Dys Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Jany 29 Leading Tickle Tuberculosis BIGNELL John M C of E 60 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Feby 16 Leading Tickle No Entry ROUSELL(?) Susanna S. F C of E 5 Mos Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Jany 06 Botwood Cerebral Sclerosis HAGGERTY John M C of E 72 England Botwood
Mar. 14 Red R?d Cove, Norris Arm Cerebral Sclerosis SEABRIGHT Elias M C of E 74 Exploits Dominion Point
Feby 08 Grand Falls Endocarditis HUNT Elizabeth F Anglican 43 Trinity Grand Falls
Jany 28 Lewisporte Bronchiectasis & Empysema BRIDGER Moody James M UC 38 King's Point Lewisporte
Jany 28 Lewisporte T.B. SARGENT Lillian F UC 15 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Feby 25 Lewisporte Whooping Cough & Pneumonia SARGENT Gladys D. F UC 2 Mos Lewisporte Lewisporte
Mar. 16 N. Dame Bay Drowning JANES Frank M UC 22 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Mar. 16 N. Dame Bay Drowning *BURSEY Ananias (See 3) M UC 40 (See 3) Body not Recovered
Jany 04 King's Pt. Heart Failure NEWBURY Henry James M UC 63 King's Pt. King's Pt.
Mar. 07 Burlington Rickets MARTIN Woodrow A.J. M UC 11 Mos Burlington Burlington
Mar. 25 Burlington Paralysis BARTLETT Joseph M UC 51 Burlington Burlington
Jany 02 G.F. Station Whooping Cough LANE Juanita May F Pentecostal 2 Mos G.F. Station G.F. Station
Jany 23 G.F. Station No Entry LEDREW Albert John M UC 60 Change Islds G.F. Station
Feby 16 G.F. Station SB. PADDOCK Baby F Pentecostal SB Change Islds G.F. Station
Mar. 07 G.F. Station Tuberculosis BALL Evelyn J? F Pentecostal 29 Port de Grave Laurenceton
Feby 04 Buchans Broncho Pneumonia DALLEY Franklin A. M UC 9 Mos Buchans Botwood
Mar. 11 Botwood SB. STOCKLEY Baby M UC SB Botwood Botwood
Mar. 11 North Arm South SB. HUTCHINGS Baby M UC SB N. Arm South Botwood
Mar. 23 North Arm Brights Disease HUTCHINGS Dorothy F UC 22 Pt. of Bay Botwood
Jany 07 Little Bay Islds Pneumonia OXFORD Rupert L. M UC 2 Mos Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Mar. 19 Beaumont N No Entry BRISTON(?) Doris F UC 1/2 Mo Beaumont N. Beaumont N.
Jany 04 Moreton's Hr. Pleurisy SMALL Reuben M UC 63 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Jany 06 Virgin Arm Heart Trouble HICKS Anna F UC 76 Twillingate Carters Cove
Jany 10 Virgin Arm Yellow Jaundice INGS Phoebe D. F UC 6 Mos Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Jany 29 Western Head Tuberculosis WHITE Bessie F UC 34 Western Hd. Carters Cove
Jany 02 St Johns Cancer of Breast STEWART Bertha(?) M C of E 59 No Entry Ch. of Eng.
Feby 07 Horwood T.B. & Rheumatic Heart MEWS Edwin M UC 68 St Johns St Johns G.P.Cy.
Jany 04 Leading Tickles No Entry PARSONS Selina Susy F SA 6 Mos Leading Tickles Lucks Hr.
Jany 05 Triton Convulsions TUCKER Alton C.C. M SA 3 Mos Triton Triton
Jany 05 Exploits River Drowning WALL James M SA 27 Moretons Hr. Peters Arm
Jany 14 South Brook Jaundice MCKAY Mrs Christina F SA 69 No Entry South Brook
Jany 19 Grand Falls Heart Failure HILLIER Myrtle F Pentecostal 31 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Note: Line 16 *Bursey crossed out on original page. See Line 3 Entered Twice.
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Jan. 25 Botwood Pulm. T.B. HANCOCK Annie F SA 42 Botwood Botwood
Feby 05 Lewisporte Whooping Cough BRINSON Alfred B. M SA 2 Mos Lewisporte Lewisporte
Feby 07 Triton Convulsions FUDGE Murray D.G. M SA 7 Dys Triton Triton
Feby 11 Pt Leamington Whooping Cough FEENER Reta L.V. F SA 3 Mos Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Feby 14 Lewisporte Cancer Stomach JACOBS Job M SA 62 Exploits Lewisporte
Feby 15 Brighton Dropsy PINSENT Samuel M SA 63 Brighton Brighton
Feby 17 Botwood No Entry IVANY Sarah Jean F SA 2 1/2 Mos Botwood Botwood
Feby 19 Carters Cove Bronchitis FROUDE Loretta F SA 6 Mos Twillingate Carters Cove
Feby 21 Bishops Falls Pneumonia JENNINGS Ida P. F SA 2 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Feby 21 Pilley's Isld Old Age SQUIRES James M SA 79 Herring Neck Pilleys Isld
Feby 22 Botwood Pulm. T.B. SEABRIGHT Mary J. F SA 67 Botwood Botwood
Feby 23 Triton Old Age HENSTIDGE James M SA 79 1/2 No Entry Triton
Feby 23 Peters Arm No Entry OSMOND Cyril B. M SA 7 Mos Peters Arm Peters Arm
Feby 23 No Entry No Entry NO ENTRY No Entry N/E N/E crossed out N No Entry
Feby 25 Phillips Hd Pulm. T.B. STRIDE Mary F SA 20 Mos New Bay Phillips Hd
Feby 28 Grand Falls Pneumonia DOWNTON Mabel M. F SA 14 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 06 Peters Arm Cancer CHAYTOR Bernard M N/E 76 Fogo Peters Arm
Mar. 07 Pt Leamington Cancer COOPER Samuel M S.D.A. 72 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Mar. 09 Boot? Hr. Diphtheria Paralysis POWERS Stanley M SA 3 Mos? Springdale Springdale
Mar. 11 Grand Falls Pneumonia CURTIS Beatrice P. F SA 1 1/2 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 12 Little Bay Islds Tumor HALLETT Hettie F SA 49 Yrs? Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Mar. 19 Pt Leamington Whooping Cough GARLAND Fred M SA 13 Mos Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Mar. 27 Brighton Measles VERGE Chesley J.M. M SA 2 1/4 Yrs Brighton Brighton
Jany 05 Grand Falls Convulsions HALLETT Archibald M RC 2 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 18 Grand Falls Convulsions HARTLEY James M RC 4 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 19 Grand Falls T.B. Meningitis DUGGAN Ann F RC 10 Yrs Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 05 Grand Falls Heart Failure BROWN Alan M RC 1 Mo Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 16 Grand Falls Convulsions KENNEDY Jeremiah M RC 1 Yr Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 20 Grand Falls Cancer ROBERTS John M RC 60 Fortune Hr Grand Falls
Mar. 13 Grand Falls Tuberculosis DURMODY James M RC 27 Placentia Grand Falls
Mar. 20 Grand Falls Convulsions MURPHY John M RC 1 Mo Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 22 Leading Tickles Senility COOK Anne F RC 89 Leading Tickles Grand Falls
Feby 03 Fortune Hr. Paralysis QUIRK Johanna F RC 78 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Jany 10 Grand Falls Gonnorhea Ophthalmitis HIGGINS Baby F UC 6 Wks Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 09 Grand Falls Stn. Whooping Cough WARR Harold F. M UC 10 Mos Grand Falls Stn Grand Falls
Feby 16 Grand Falls Convulsions THORNE Emma Joyce F UC 10 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 29 Grand Falls SB. DOWNS Baby M UC SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 06 Grand Falls Puerperal Endocarditis PENNEY Lavinia T. F UC 33 Carbonear Grand Falls
Mar. 23 Grand Falls Myocarditis RYAN Rebecca F UC 42 No Entry Grand Falls
Mar. 27 Grand Falls Pulm. T.B. GILBERT Benjamin M UC 21 Flat Isld, P.B. Grand Falls
PAGE 350,1936                  
Mar. 05 Northern Arm Paralysis CHINN Elizabeth F UC 97? Exploits Northern Arm
Mar. 30 Northern Arm Tuberculosis HUMPHRIES Ethel F UC 33 Northern Arm Northern Arm
Jany 15 Manuels Cove Convulsions FROUDE Harvey L M UC 7 Dys Manuels Cove Manuels Cove
Jany 18 Twillingate Lobar Pneumonia PRIMMER Mrs James F UC 5 Dys No Entry Twillingate
Jany 20 Twillingate Cancer of Intestine HYNES William M UC 64 Twillingate Twillingate
Jany 26 Twillingate T.B. Lungs HULL Lily F UC 29 Twillingate Twillingate
Feby 11 Twillingate Cancer of Bladder YOUNG Walter M UC 74 Twillingate Twillingate
Feby 13 T'gate Hospital Marasmus CONWAY Ralph M UC 4 Mos Manuels Cove Twillingate
Mar. 02 Little Harbour Hemiplegia SMITH Mrs John H F UC 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 15 Darrells Arm Convulsions POND Audrey S. F UC 2 Mos Gilesport Twillingate
Jany 03 T'gate Hosp. Cancer of Bladder TULK Annie M. F C of E 63 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl 17 Boyds Cove Senility WATERMAN Phoebe F C of E 76 Fogo Fogo
Feb. 09 Burlington Old Age MILLS Mr Eleazer M UC 71 Burlington Burlington
Apr. 21 Burlington Infant MARTIN Clayton Roy M UC 4 Days Burlington Burlington
Apr. 26 Burlington T.B. of Bowels PERRY Walter M UC 32 1/2 Burlington Burlington
May 07 Rogue's Hr. Old Age RIDEOUT Job M UC 71 Rogue's Hr. Rogue's Hr.
May 14 Burlington No Entry PERRY Mrs Maggie F UC 36 9/12 Burlington Burlington
Sept 25,1935 Harry's Hr. Infant BUTT Boyce M UC 8 Hrs Harry's Hr. Harry's Hr.
May 06,1936 Harry's Hr. Cancer ENGLAND Matthew M UC 83 9/12 Harry's Hr. Harry's Hr.
May 26 Nipper's Hr. Tuberculosis SPARKES Mrs Herman F UC 28 Brahat Nipper's Hr.
Mar. 18 Cobb's Arm Drowned WALSH Chancey M UC 21 Cobb's Arm Cobbs Arm
Apr. 12 Fairbank Diabetes EARLE Isaac M UC 67 Fairbank Salt Pans
Mar. 14 Port Albert Meningitis WAGG Eric G M UC 9 Port Albert Port Albert
May 13 Burnt Cove Meningitis KEEFE Donnelly M UC 3 Wks Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
June 08 Indian Cove Influenza RIDEOUT Robert M UC 6 Dys Indian Cove Burnt Cove
June 10 Fairbank Influenza GILLARD Edward B M UC 6 Dys Fairbank Salt Pans
June 24 Sanatorium Pulm. Tuberc. HANNON Mrs Gertrude F RC 33 No Entry Bonavista
May 02 Western Hd. Cancer WHITE Phoebe F UC 70 Twgate Western Bay
Apr. 03 Pilley's Island Heart Disease ANSTEY Henry M UC 69 Twgate Pilley's Isl.
Apr. 10 Head's Hr. Heart Disease MAY Frederick M UC 63 Twgate Heads Hr.
Apr. 13 Port Anson Old Age GOUDIE Sarah Jane F UC 76 Burlington Port Anson
Apr. 23 Roberts Arm Tuberculosis WHITT Melvina S.B. F UC 28 3/4 Roberts Arm Roberts Arm
Apr. 25 Head's Hr. Infancy BENNETT Jas. M. M UC 5 Dys Heads Hr. Heads Hr.
Mar. 25 Port Anson Infancy ROWSELL Aga A.D. F UC 2 Mos Port Anson Port Anson
May 08 Wellman's Cove Tuberculosis FUDGE Isaac M UC 64 Brighton, NDB Wellmans Cove
June 15 Port Anson Pneumonia MARTIN Lydia Ann F UC 62 Port Anson Port Anson
Mar. 30 Beaumont N. Poisoning of the System BURTON Selby M UC 17 1/2 Beaumont N. Beaumont N.
Apr. 19 Grand Falls T.B. Meningitis PADDICK Levi M N/E 37 Pilley's I. Grand Falls
June 12 Grand Falls Prematurity WOODMAN Robin Chesley M C of E 1 Wk Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 17 Grand Falls Prematurity WOODMAN June Ann F C of E 1 Wk Grand Falls Grand Falls
PAGE 351,1936                  
Apr. 08 Paradise Infantile Paralysis CURLEW Frederick George M UC 6 Wks Paradise Paradise
May 05 Exploits Tuberculosis BUTT Thomas Clouston M UC 45 11/12 Exploits Exploits
June 05 Paradise Old Age BRETT Rosanna Ann F UC 89 Twillingate Paradise
Feb. 03 Millertown Paralysis Agitans POTTS Jane Agnes F C of E 72 England Millertown
Mar. 02 Badger No Entry HAYLEY Laura M. F C of E 1 Badger Badger
May 17 Millertown Lobar Pneumonia TORRAVILLE Joseph R. M C of E 46 Fogo Millertown
June 05 Buchans Gen. Septicaemia MUGFORD Brymer M C of E 1 Buchans Buchans
June 29 Millertown Drowning POTTS Leonard M C of E 4 Millertown Millertown
Apr. 17 Boyds Cove X Senility X No Entry See Page 350-12 N/E No Entry N/E No Entry No Entry
June 03 Herring Neck Tbc. of Bowels WATKINS Melinda F C of E 39 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Feb. 19 Heads Hr. Drowning WATKINS Ralph M SA 18 1/2 Heads Hr. Pilleys Island
Mar. 14 Birchy Bay No Entry BLAKE Mrs Rita F UC 32 Port Albert Birchy Bay
Apr. 04 Peter's Arm Drowning SEYMOUR George M SA 43 Pt. Leamington Body not Recovered
Apr. 05 South Brook Tuberculosis WHALEN Bride F C of E 28 Long I. South Brook, Hall's Bay
Apr. 12 Glovers Hr. Whooping Cough MARTIN Eric Wilson M SA 5 Wks Glovers Hr. Locks Hr.
Apr. 19 Brighton No Entry BILLINGS Norma Glen F SA 11 1/2 Mos Brighton Brighton
Apr. 20 Brighton Tuberculosis BRIDGER Jessie Belle F SA 18 Brighton Brighton
Apr. 24 Triton Whooping Cough WINSOR Howard S. M SA 1 Triton Triton
May 04 Triton Whooping Cough HENSTRIDGE Evelyn H.M. F SA 3 Triton Triton
May 08 Triton Whooping Cough WINSOR Lily G.B. F SA 4/12 Triton Triton
May 09 Cards Hr. Whooping Cough WILLIAMS Marion Bernice F SA 4/12 Triton Cards Hr
May 11 Newstead Childbirth CANNING Mary F SA 35 No Entry Comfort Cove
May 20 Twillingate Carcinoma Stomach PEARCE Mrs Andrew F SA 82 No Entry Twillingate
May 22 Triton Whooping Cough BURTON Theodore A.H. M SA 2/12 Triton Triton
May 24 Triton Whooping Cough WINSOR Beryl Mae F SA 5/12 Triton Triton
May 27 Triton Whooping Cough ROBERTS Salome M. F SA 3 Triton Triton
June 01 Jim's Cove, Triton Whooping Cough ROBERTS Harry Clarence M SA 1 Jim's Cove Triton
June 05 Grand Falls Tuberculosis HOWSE Annie Catherine F SA 39 England Grand Falls
June 07 Grand Falls Arterio Sclerosis THORNE Mrs Hannah F SA 84 Smith's Sound T.B. Grand Falls
June 13 Beaumont Whooping Cough RIDEOUT Lulu Mary F SA 8/12 Beaumont Beaumont
June 14 Bridgeport Tuberculosis WALL Ivy F SA 25 Bridgeport Bridgeport
June 16 Twillingate T.B. Meningitis LAMBERT Richard John M SA 22 Twillingate Twillingate
June 16 Twillingate Gastro Enteritis LAMBERT Clarence M SA 2/12 Twillingate Twillingate
June 19 Twillingate Thymic Asthma LAMBERT Evelyn Marie F SA 5 Dys Twillingate Twillingate
May 15 Shoe Cove Pneumonia FOSTER Selina F UC 41 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
May 21 Shoe Cove Internal Growth NOSEWORTHY Dorcas F UC 54 La Scie Shoe Cove
Apr. 30 Shoe Cove Paralysis CHIPP John M UC 80 Caplin Cove Shoe Cove
May 01 Shoe Cove Child Birth ROBINSON Marie F UC 24 Tilt Cove Shoe Cove
May 12 South Brook Convulsions CROUCHER Vivian Roma F UC 9/12 Long I. South Brook
May 03 Twillingate Meningitis HUXTER Dorman M UC 47 Springdale Springdale
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May 16 Fortune Hr. Convulsions HYNES Angus M RC 10 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 24 Fortune Hr. Chronic Asthma BUDGELL Mrs Martha F RC 77 Indian I, Fogo Fortune Hr.
May 27 Fortune Hr. Cong. Disease of Kidneys BYRNE Mrs Julia F RC 43 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
June 30 Grand Falls Drowning BOUZAN Clayton M RC 8 Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 07 Northern Arm Broncho Pneumonia EVANS Edward M UC 89 No Entry Northern Arm
Jan. 13 Round Hr. Diabetes RYAN Edith F UC 37 Nippers Hr. Round Hr.
Jan. 16 Nipper's Hr. No Entry STUDLEY Selina F C of E 77 Nippers Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Mar. 20 Leading Tickles No Entry NOSEWORTHY Elizabeth F C of E 82 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
May 03 Leading Tickles No Entry ROWSELL Marjorie E F C of E 18 Dys Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
May 03 Leading Tickles Whooping Cough HANNAM Sidney Roy M UC 2 2/3 Yrs Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
May 14 Winter House Cove Whooping Cough GOUDIE Stanley John M C of E 6 Winter House Cove Winter House Cove
May 30 St. Anthony Cancer BARTLETT Jane F C of E 62 La Scie Tilt Cove
June 10 Exploits Cancer FOOTE Susana F C of E 60 Exploits Exploits
May 06 Lewisporte Old Age SMALL Robert J M UC 71 Moreton's Hr. Lewisporte
May 20 Lewisporte Diphtheria MOYLES Gordon Leslie M UC 7 1/2 Lewisporte Lewisporte
June 25 Twillingate Coronary Thrombosis ROBERTS Thomas M C of E 73 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 03 Gilesporte, T'gate Arterio Sclerosis CHURCHILL James M C of E 73 Gilesporte Twillingate S.
Mar. 22 Moreton's Hr. No Entry TAYLOR George M C of E 1 Day Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
July 31 Springdale Accidental Drowning CLARKE Walter Roy M UC 18 Springdale Springdale
Apl. 02 Bluff Head Cove Unknown STUCKLESS Alitta Jean F UC 7 Dys Bluff Head Cove Twillingate
Apl. 14 Twillingate Senility, Apopelectic State. MINTY Elizabeth F UC 90 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl. 26 Twillingate Arterio Sclerosis,Uraemia, & Arterial Thrombosis, Enlarged Prostate Retention REID Fanny F UC 80 Twillingate Twillingate
May 09 Durrell's Arm Auricular Fibrillation, Uraemia HORWOOD James M UC 69 Durrel's Arm Twillingate
May 10 Back Harbour Cardiac Failure WATKINS Susan F UC 80 Back Hr. Twillingate
June 04 Bluff Head Cove Arterio Sclerosis RIDEOUT William M UC 80 Bluff Head Cove Twillingate
June 06 Twillingate Pulmonary T.B. GREENHAM Winnie F UC 33 Twillingate Twillingate
June 09 Twillingate Senility, Hypertensive Heart, Dry Pleurisy MOORES Mrs Jacob F UC 83 Twillingate Twillingate
June 11 Kettle Cove Prematurity GRANVILLE Evelyn F UC 1 1/2 Dys Kettle Cove Twillingate
June 13 Twillingate Chronic Myocarditis, Pyelonephritis(?) Vesical Diverticuli(?) BURTON Thomas M UC 65 Twillingate Twillingate
June 19 Bluff Head Cove Intestinal Obstruction ROBERTS Mrs Frank F UC 43 Twillingate Twillingate
June 22 Kettle Cove Tubercular Salbengitis & Tubercular Peritonitis GRANVILLE Gladys F UC 21 Salt Pans Twillingate
June 24 Twillingate Auricular Fibrillation(?), Senility MINTY Elizabeth F UC 89 Twillingate Twillingate
June 29 Durrel's Arm Prematurity COLLINS Baby (of George) F UC 4 Hrs Twillingate Hosp. Twillingate
Sep. 24 Shoal Arm Whooping Cough SIMMS Audrey F UC 4/12 Shoal Arm Shoal Arm
Aug. 19 Twillingate Infection Spine CLARKE Harold M UC 5 Millertown Springdale
Sep. 03 Shoal Arm Still Born BOONE Lillian (SB) F No Entry SB Shoal Arm Shoal Arm
July 02 Grand Falls Pulm. Tuberculosis GILL Dorcas F C of E 22 Newtown Grand Falls
July 06 Grand Falls Marasmus GOODYEAR Catherine M. F C of E 6/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 15 Grand Falls Tuberc. Meningitis GILL Henry J.C. M C of E 9/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 19 Grand Falls Lobar Pneumonia GOSSE Raymond M C of E 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
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Sep. 26 Grand Falls Still Born IVANY SB F C of E SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 08 Sanatorium (Botwood) Pulm. Tuberculosis POPE Hannah F UC 12 No Entry Bishop's Falls
July 05 Too Good Arm Paralysis BURTON James M C of E 68 10/12 Too Good Arm Herring Neck
July 09 Herring Neck Paralysis TORRAVILLE Susanna F C of E 72 Herring Neck Herring Neck
July 18 Herring Neck No Entry MILES Jane F C of E 54 Green's Cove Herring Neck
Sep. 15 Birchy Bay No Entry LEWIS James M C of E 79 Barr'd Islands Birchy
July 20 Herring Neck Convulsions ELLIOTT Netta F UC 20 Herring Neck Ship Island
July 25 Cobb's Arm Haemorrhages LODER Daisy Stone F UC 38 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Aug. 07 Fairbank Convulsions PARSONS Roy G. M UC 6 Dys Fairbank Salt Pond
July 02 Grand Falls Station Inflamm. Bowels FUDGE Oswald Jas. M Pentecostal 2 1/2 Mos G.F. Station G.F. Station
Sep. 21 Grand Falls Station Malnutrition JESSEAU William M RC 3 1/2 Mos G.F. Station G.F. Station
July 15 Grand Falls Convulsions COLLINS Gordon M RC 6/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 28 Grand Falls Convulsions WALSH Joseph M RC 3 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 30 Grand Falls Cold MACDONALD Elizabeth F RC 1/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 31 Grand Falls Pneumonia BARKER Alice F RC 12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 02 Grand Falls Pneumonia WALSH Margaret F RC 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 09 Grand Falls Heart Failure BROWNE Eileen F RC 19 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 18 Grand Falls Cancer CANTWELL Teresa F RC 68 Joe Batts Arm Grand Falls
Sep. 29 Grand Falls Cancer BALLARD William M RC 70 Sound Island, T.B. Grand Falls
Aug. 05 Millertown Aortic Regurgitation PHILLIPS William J. M UC 55 England Millertown
Sep. 21 Millertown Meningitis CUMBY Hayward M UC 1 1/2 Millertown Millertown
Sep. 09 Bridgeport Tuberculosis DOREY Emma F UC 35 Twillingate Bridgeport
June 18 Grand Falls Retroperitoneal Tumor DOWNTON Joseph M SA 55 Lewisporte Grand Falls
July 09 Grand Falls Enteritis BARGERY Elma R. F SA 5 1/2 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 11 Grand Falls Enteritis BARGERY Emma L. F SA 5 1/2 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 13 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis BURT Elizabeth S. F SA 21 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
July 15 Exploits Tuberculosis BUDGELL Emily F SA 32 Seldom Exploits
July 26 Grand Falls Miliary Tuberculosis KING Ronald George M SA 4/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 05 Black Island Tuberculosis FRAMPTON Mary Ann F SA 60 3/4 Black Island Black Island
Aug. 13 Moreton's Hr. Kidney Disease JENNINGS Frederick M SA 10 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Aug. 14 King's Pt. No Entry TUCKER Henry James M SA 63 Indian Burying Place King's Pt.
Sep. 01 Grand Falls Pulm. Tuberculosis MATCHIM Robert A M SA 4 1/2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 20 Jim's Cove, Triton No Entry ROBERTS Sidney G M SA 7 Wks Jim's Cove Triton
Sep. 22 Lock's Hr. Senility WARD Sarah Ann F SA 77 1/2 Locks Cove Lock's Hr.
July 08 Twillingate Prematurity STUCKLESS Eliza Ruth F UC 1 Day Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 06 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis COOPER Samuel M UC 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 19 Twillingate Prematurity THOMAS Maxwell M UC 9 Dys Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 22 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberc. LEGGE Violet F UC 17 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 21 Badger Diphtheria PENNEY Marion G F UC 6 Badger Badger
July 01 Northern Arm Congenital Spinal Weakness LANGDON Vivian Rose(?) F UC 3 1/2 Mos Northern Arm Northern Arm
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Aug. 24 Twillingate Hosp. Acute Septicaemia from Infected Wound of Face PORTER Caleb M UC 62 No Entry Porterville
Sep. 07 Norris Arm Senility ROWE Mary Jane F UC 71 Fogo Norris Arm
Dec. 31 Mental Hospital Arteriosclerosis LANNON Anastatia F RC 60 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jun. 19 Burlington Tuberculosis GILLINGHAM Gordon M UC 21 Burlington Burlington
Jun. 22 Burlington Tuberculosis LUSH Rupert M UC 12 Burlington Burlington
Jun. 26 Burlington Tuberculosis GILLINGHAM Clarence M UC 19 Burlington Burlington
Oct. 18 Middle Arm Tuberculosis SQUIRES George M UC 43 Middle Arm Middle Arm
Nov. 04 Middle Arm Tuberculosis SQUIRES Rebecca F UC 23 Middle Arm Middle Arm
Nov. 18 Nipper's Hr. No Entry NOBLE Janet F UC 42 Nippers Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Dec. 26 Middle Arm Bowel FLEMING Francis M UC 30 Smith's Hr. Smith's Hr.
July 03 Exploits Old Age SEVIOUR Phoebe F UC 82 No Entry Exploits
Dec. 03 Pt. Leamington Malnutrition ANDREWS Gerald M UC 6 Wks Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Nov. 14 Moreton's Hr. Prematurity HORWOOD Aubrey H. M UC 1 Dy Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Nov. 19 Trump Island No Entry SMITH Dorman P. M UC 53 Twgate Trump I.
Nov. 29 Tizzard's Hr. Bronchitis BURT Edward M UC 82 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Nov. 17 Virgin Arm No Entry BURT Ethel Mildred F UC 3/12 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
Dec. 19 Tizzard's Hr. Pneumonia BOYD Samuel J. M UC 59 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Dec. 20 Trump Island No Entry SMITH Muriel Daisy F UC 16/12 Trump I. Trump Island
Dec. 24 Western Head Stillborn (Prem.) FUDGE (SB) M UC SB Western Hd. Western Head
Dec. 30 Tizzard's Hr. Senility BOYD Elizabeth F UC 76 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Oct. 01 Lewisporte Endocarditis SNOW William J. M UC 75 Salt Pond Lewisporte
Nov. 02 Lewisporte Convulsions BUDGELL Ina Janet F UC 9 Dys Lewisporte Lewisporte
Nov. 04 Lewisporte Tuberculosis BULGIN Ina Blanche F UC 23 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Nov. 05 Port Anson No Entry HEWLETT Herbert W M UC 32 Port Anson Port Anson
Nov. 27 Head's Hr. Acute Appendix PITTMAN Ruby F UC 6 Head's Hr. Head's Hr.
Dec. 26 Pilley's Island No Entry MCGINN David M UC 80 11/12 No Entry Pilley's Is.
Jan. 14 Millertown Junct. Killed by Train VOUDER Herbert M UC 49 Channel Channel
Oct. 05 Grand Falls Prematurity UPSHALL William M Ch.Eng. 1 Dy Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 07 Grand Falls Prematurity UPSHALL Rita F Ch.Eng. 3 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 29 Grand Falls Cerebral Haem. BROWN Sarah Margaret F Ch.Eng. 59 New Hr. T.B. Grand Falls
Nov. 03 Grand Falls Enteritis PARSONS Joyce F Ch.Eng. 2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 22 Grand Falls Convulsions PARSONS Barbara F Ch.Eng. 11 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
N/E. 03 Bishop's Falls Colic COFFIN Julia F Ch.Eng. 11 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Oct. 04 Springdale Bronchitis SPENCER Haywood C. M UC 6/12 Springdale Springdale
N/E. 19 Springdale Senility PENNEY Esther F UC 86 Seldom Come By Springdale
Nov. 02 Springdale Cancer Stomach BUTT Liole M UC 76 Exploits Springdale
Dec. 30 King's Pt. Cancer Stomach NOBLE Esau M UC 70 No Entry King's Pt.
N/E. 31 Springdale Cancer Stomach WALSH John M SA 73 England Springdale
Oct. 08 Leading Tickles Tuberculosis ROWSELL Mark P. M Ch.Eng. 16 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Nov. 27 Leading Tickles No Entry GUY Frederick M Ch.Eng. 1 Hr. Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
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Oct. 14 Norris Arm S Tuberculosis FOSS Hetti Daisy F UC 22 Norris Arm N. Norris Arm N.
N/E. 15 Northern Arm Cancer PORTER Edith Maude F UC 48 Northern Arm Northern Arm
Nov. 21 Norris Arm S Senility FREAKE Charles M UC 76 Norris Arm N. Norris Arm N.
Apr. 12 Grand Falls Stat. Whooping Cough REID Willoughby M UC 2/12 G.F. Station Grand Falls
Sep. 10 Grand Falls Stat. Myocarditis LEDREW Phoebe F UC 76 G.F. Station Grand Falls
N/E. 20 Grand Falls Prematurity RIDEOUT Clarence R. M UC 1 Wk Grand Falls Grand Falls
N/E. 26 Grand Falls Pericarditis BISHOP Harry M UC 21 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jun. 10 Grand Falls Spina Bifida RENDALL Gilbert D. M UC 3 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 05 Grand Falls Still Born (Cord Strangulated) DAVIS (S.B.) M N/E SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
N/E. 18 Grand Falls Pneumonia RENDALL Joan F UC 4/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 18 Herring Neck Heart Failure FARTHING Alfred M UC 65 Herring Neck Herring Neck
N/E. 28 Green Cove Prematurity RICHMOND Roy M UC 8 Dys Green Cove Green Cove
Nov. 06 Cobb's Arm Heart Failure WELSH Dinah F UC 79 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Dec. 01 Indian Cove Convulsions WATKINS Bernice F UC 8 Dys Indian Cove Indian Cove
N/E. 22 Merritt's Hr. Heart Failure HICKS Gladys F UC 10 Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
N/E. 30 Grand Falls Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis DUDER Alice F UC 13 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 31 Buchans Convulsions CLARK Florence F RC 1 Dy Buchans Buchans
Sep. 22 Buchans Natural Causes HART Dorothy D. F RC 1 Dy Buchans Buchans
Oct. 20 Bluff Head Cove Mitral Insuffiency BAGGS Jonathan M SA 78 Bluff Hd Cove Twgate
N/E. 22 Arts Cove Asphyxia Neonatorum BURTON Clayton G. M SA 4 Dys Art's Cove Twgate
N/E. 31 Brighton Tuberculosis PINSENT John M SA 62 Brighton Brighton
Nov. 01 Tizzard's Hr. Still Born CURTIS (S.B.) F N/E SB Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
N/E. 05 Brighton Unknown BRIDGER Lily M. F SA 7/12 Brighton Brighton
N/E. 08 Bishop's Falls Heart Failure THORNE Charles M SA 69 Dildo Dildo
N/E. 14 Peter's Arm No Entry BURT Aubrey M SA 2/12 Peter's Arm Peter's Arm
N/E. 16 Pt. Leamington Paralysis SEYMOUR William M UC 76 Exploits Pt. Leamington
N/E. 19 Card's Hr. No Entry ROBERTS Ida W. F SA 7 Jims Cove Cards Hr.
N/E. 20 Summerford Tuberculosis TROKE Wilson M SA 18 Summerford Summerford
N/E. 21 Twillingate Convulsions LAMBERT John G. M SA 17 Hrs Twillingate Twillingate
N/E. 26 Carter's Cove Pul. Tuberculosis HARVEY Ivy M. F SA 18 Western Hr Carter's Cove
N/E. 28 Moreton's Hr. Tumor Brain JENNINGS Tobias M SA 49 Whale's Gulch Moreton's Hr.
Dec. 03 Grand Falls Ac. Nephritis PRETTY Samuel H. M SA 39 Dildo Grand Falls
N/E. 05 Lushes Bight No Entry OAKE Joan F SA 8 Dys Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
N/E. 11 King's Pt. No Entry JANES Elsie Blanche F SA 1 11/12 King's Pt. King's Pt.
N/E. 19 Moreton's Hr. Tuberculosis WHITE Hazel F SA 18 Virgin Arm Moreton's Hr.
N/E. 23 Moreton's Hr. Senility RIDEOUT Theophilus M SA 80 3/4 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Oct. 09 Twgate Hospital Prematurity SAUNDERS Baby F SA 20 Hrs Twillingate T'gate Durrell's Arm
N/E. 15 Durrell's Hemiplegia OAKE Wm. Jas. M UC 77 Twillingate T'gate Durrell's Arm
N/E. 21 Twillingate Prematurity, Melaena Neonatorum LINFIELD Baby F UC 6 Hrs Twillingate T'gate Little Hr.
N/E. 29 Purcell's Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis WARR Mrs Edward F UC 72 Twillingate T'gate Little Hr.
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Mar. 07 Campbellton Exposure to Cold HACKETT Michael F. M RC 49 St. John's Mt. Carmel
Mar. 19 Pike's Arm Senility RICHARDS Edward M C.O.E. 85 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
N/E. 25 Herring Neck Meningitis SPURRELL Gerald W. M C.O.E. 6 8/12 Herring Neck Herring Neck
N/E. 26 Herring Neck Senility KEARLEY Miriam F C.O.E. 92 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan. 13 Jenkin's Cove Encephalitis SMITH Edward M UC 67 Jenkins Cove Durrell's Arm
N/E. 21 Twillingate (Chr. Myocarditis) Hypertension CURTIS Mrs Thomas F UC 67 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 04 Durrell's Arm Lobar Pneumonia CLARKE Harold A. M UC 2/12 Twillingate Twillingate
N/E. 04 Gilesporte Arteriosclerosis POND Isaac M UC 91 Twillingate Twillingate
N/E. 19 Jenkin's Cove Pneumonia, Cerebral Accident GIDGE James M UC 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan. 01 Bridger's Cove Unknown BURT Wm. J. M UC 68 Bridger's Cove Chanceport
N/E. 06 Virgin Arm Unknown HANN Lilian F UC 13 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
Feb. 16 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis HANN Frederick M UC 42 Friday's Bay Carter's Cove
N/E. 17 Moreton's Hr. Paralysis WOOLFREY Edward James M UC 64 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Mar. 04 Moreton's Hr. Heart Trouble ? MILLS Sarah J. F UC 68 Leading Tickles Moreton's Hr.
N/E. 04 Carter's Cove Dropsy & Heart Trouble BURT Richard J. M UC 59 Carter's Cove Carter's Cove
N/E. 07 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis BURT Everett W. M UC 15 Virgin Arm Virgin Arm
Jan. 11 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis DALLY Charlotte F UC 38 Pike's Arm Green Cove
N/E. 13 Herring Neck Heart Failure RICE Abigal F UC 66 Green Cove Herring Neck
N/E. 22 Coffee Arm Prematurity BUTT Edgar M. M UC 5 Hrs Coffee Cove Burnt Neck?
Feb. 14 Too Good Arm Haemorrhages HURLEY Alfreda F UC 26 Wesleyville Green Cove
N/E. 24 Tilt Cove Convulsions RODGERS Marie F UC 2 Wks Tilt Cove Salt Pans
N/E. 25 Too Good Arm Paralysis TUFFIN Sarah F UC 93 Herring Neck Green Cove
Mar. 06 Tilt Cove, Twg. Caseous Pneumonia, Tuberculosis GILLARD Elijah M UC 5 1/2 Tilt Cove Salt Pans
N/E. 16 Herring Neck Prematurity MILES Irene Alice F UC 7 Hrs Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apr. 07 Salt Pans Heart Failure SANSOME Edward M UC 77 Twgate Salt Pans
Mar. 21 Black Island Pneumonia HILL Gladys I? F Pentec'l 1 Black Island Black Island
Jan. 30 Michael's Hr. Convulsions LUSH Ruby Marie F Pentec'l 7/12 Michael's Hr. Campbellton
Feb. 13 Vinland, Exploits Bay Intest. Influenza BONNELL James E M C.O.E. 4 Lamaline Lamaline
Jan. 15 Comfort Cove Childbirth MILLS Mrs Lily F SA 24 Newstead Comfort Cove
N/E. 27 Bridgeport Tuberculosis STRYDE Emma R. F SA 25 Comfort Cove Twillingate
Feb. 20 Bridgeport Heart Failure JENNINGS Hiram M SA 56 Western Hd. Bridgeport
Mar. 10 Moreton's Hr. No Entry JONES Ruby F SA 2 Wks Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Jany 17 Birchy Bay Unknown FREAKE Edgar M UC 1 4/12 Joe Batt's Arm Birchy Bay
Jany 27 Campbellton No Entry MANUEL Scott G. M UC 2/12 Campbellton Campbellton
Mar. 03 Summerford Old Age BOYD Lucy Ann F UC 91 Tizzard's Hr. Summerford
Apr. 06 Western Head Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Eneas M UC 60 Western Head Western Head
May 02 Carter's Cove Rheumatic Heart FARR Edna Marie F UC 6 Carter's Cove Carter's Cove
June 26 Tizzard's Hr. Inflam. Bowels BOYD Luke M UC 80 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
May 14 Comfort Cove Burns HEAD Velva Marie F UC 5 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
May 15 Summerford Abd. Trouble BOYD Maxwell G. M UC 2 Wks Summerford Summerford
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June 23 Black Island Pul. Tuberculosis HAMILTON Gertrude F RC 18 Black I. Fortune Hr.
Apr. 10 Herring Neck Meningitis HOLWELL Phyllis G. F Ch.Eng. 6/12 Twgate Herring Neck
May 08 Pike's Arm No Entry DALLEY Reginald B. M Ch.Eng. 7 Dys Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Apr. 27 Beaverton No Entry ELLIOTT Raymond L. M Ch.Eng. 5 Dys Beaverton Beaverton
May 29 Boyd's Cove No Entry BOWN Bessie F Ch.Eng. 33 Joe Batts Arm Boyd's Cove
June 26 Boyd's Cove Tuberculosis BOWN John M Ch.Eng. 34 Joe Batts Arm Boyd's Cove
Apr. 16 Kettle Cove Br. Pneumonia GRANVILLE Lloyd M UC 10/12 Kettle Cove Little Hr.
Apr. 23 Kettle Cove Br. Pneumonia HICKS Frank M UC 4 Kettle Cove Little Hr.
Apr. 26 Manuels Cove Influenza FROUDE Eli M UC 12 Dys Manuels Cove Twgate
Apr. 27 Black Duck Cove Puerperal Septis, Pulm. Tbc. GREENHAM Hazel F UC 22 Black Duck Cove Black Duck Cove
Apr. 30 Durrell's Arm Pulm. Tuberc. HORWOOD Mrs James F UC 65 Durrell's Arm Durrell's Arm
Feb. 22 Birchy Bay Convulsions OSMOND Louisa F Pentec'l 1 Wk Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Mar. 11 Birchy Bay Influenza OSMOND Wallace M Pentec'l 2 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Apr. 05 Cottle's Island Inflammation RIDEOUT Cyril W. M Pentec'l 1 1/2 Cottle's Island Cottle's Island
Apr. 10 Cottle's Island Growth PRYOR Mary E. F UC 79 Twgate Cottle's Island
May 08 Too Good Arm Cancer TUFFIN John M UC 74 Too Good Arm Too Good Arm
May 22 Cobb's Arm Tuberculosis ? SAUNDERS Fred M UC 14 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Jun. 08 Herring Neck Tuberculosis WARREN Archibald M UC 49 Herring Neck Herring Neck
July 09 Cobb's Arm No Entry BLAKE Elizabeth F UC 8 Dys Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
July 19 Herring Neck Heart Failure BLANDFORD Dorman Thos. M UC 54 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 13 Merritt's Hr. Old Age KEATES Elizabeth F UC 80 Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
Aug. 15 Cobb's Arm Dysentery PARDY Alice F UC 3 1/2 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Aug. 19 Twgate Hosp. Bilateral Mastitis, Puerperal Disease of Breast COOPER Madge F UC 26 Hillgrade Salt Pans
Aug. 25 Herring Neck Carcinoma Stomach MILES Katherine F UC 65 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 29 Tilt Cove Tuberculosis GILLARD Thomas M UC 42 1/2 Twgate Salt Pans
June 06 Tilt Cove No Entry GEDGE William M UC 86 No Entry Salt Pans
July 31 Summerford Drowning LACEY Frederick M UC 24 Grand Bank Summerford
Aug. 29 Twgate Hosp. Dysentery EVELEIGH Garland M UC 2 No Entry Summerford
July 23 Tizzard's Hr. Paralysis BOYD Mary Jane F UC 79 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Aug. 16 Moreton's Hr. Senility FRENCH Frederick M UC 85 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Sep. 14 Carter's Cove Paralysis FARR Phoebe F UC 88 Tizzard's Hr. Carter's Cove
July 03 Twillingate Postpartum Haem. FIFIELD Minnie F Pentec'l 32 Twillingate Twillingate
May 16 Campbellton Tuberculosis CALLAHAN Baltimore M Pentec'l 22 1/2 Campbellton Campbellton
July 23 Campbellton Meningitis HARNETT Lorraine F Pentec'l 2 1/2 Campbellton Campbellton
Aug. 07 Campbellton Paralysis HILLIER Charles M Pentec'l 77 Twg. Campbellton
July 16 Moreton's Hr. Heart Failure HANN Solomon M UC 64 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Sep. 09 Twillingate Pneumonitis YOUNG Edith M. F SA 25 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 09 Twillingate Dysentery WATKINS Margaret L. F SA 2 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 19 Twillingate Cerebral Accident MOORES Edward H. M SA 54 Jackson's Cove Jackson's Cove
Sep. 22 Bridgeport Stomach Trouble WALL Druscilla F SA 88 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
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July 20 Gillard's Cove Prematurity GILLARD Selby C. M UC 8 Dys Gillard's C. Twillingate
Aug. 01 Twillingate Convulsions DOVE Hazel F UC 1/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 14 Black Duck Cove Malnutrition GREENHAM Malcolm M UC 4/12 Black D. C. Little Hr.
Aug. 16 Twillingate Marasmus COLLINS Louise F UC 7 Wks Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 19 Durrell's Arm Cancer Stomach DALLY Thomas M UC 68 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 30 Twillingate Bacterial Dysentery BATH Mrs Fanny F UC 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 11 Twillingate Tetany (Convulsions) SHARPE Lillian M. F UC 2/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 15 Twillingate Dysentery BULGIN Olive M. F UC 2 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 26 Twillingate Dysentery ELLIOTT Mildred A. F UC 2 1/2 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 21 Friday's Bay Pulmonary Tbc. RIDEOUT Pansy L. F UC 17 Twgate Friday's Bay
Aug. 05 Twillingate No Entry BATH Gerald M Ch.Eng. 3 Dys Twgate Herring Neck
Aug. 03 Boyd's Cove No Entry FREAKE Frederick M Ch.Eng. 5 Dys Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Aug. 13 Boyd's Cove No Entry FREAKE Eliza F Ch.Eng. 61 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Aug. 28 Herring Neck Ruptured Appendix WATKINS Baxter M Ch.Eng. 24 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 09 Pike's Arm Cancer Lip FUDGE Jeremiah M Ch.Eng. 72 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Sep. 21 Herring Neck No Entry WARREN Wilbur M Ch.Eng. 1/12 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 21 Pike's Arm Heart Disease STUCKEY Elias M Ch.Eng. 69 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Aug. 26 Exploits Paralysis PEARCE William M Ch.Eng. 66 Exploits Exploits
Sep. 19 Pike's Arm No Entry BATH Dorothy F UC 8 Dys Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Sep. 24 Cobb's Arm No Entry CLARKE Hubert M. M UC 1/12 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Sep. 13 Twillingate Stillborn PERRY SB M N/E SB No Entry Indian Isls.
Oct. 06 Twillingate Cancer PRESTON Alfred M Cong. 66 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 24 Twillingate Paralysis TUCKER Stanley M SA 4 No Entry Little Bay Isl.
Oct. 25 Gillard's Cove Introcranial Haemorrhage GILLARD Edward M SA 6 Dys Gillard's Cove Gillard's Cove
Oct. 25 OFF Twillingate Accidental Burns Lye *COLES Walter Off M SA 11 OFF No Entry
Dec. 22 Twillingate Tuberculosis JAMES Mrs Parmenus F SA 25 No Entry Twillingate
Sep. 28 Twg. Hospital Chr. Myocarditis PARDY Samuel M UC 74 Little Hr. Little Hr.
Oct. 02 Gillesporte Hypertrophy Prostate CLARKE Peter M UC 84 Gillesporte Twillingate
Oct. 18 Twillingate Cerebral Thrombosis HARBIN Kezia F UC 87 No Entry Twillingate
Oct. 26 Durrell's Arm Pneumonia BLAKE Harry M UC 1 Durrell's Arm Twillingate
Oct. 31 OFF Twg. Hospital Asphyx. Neonat. OFF *STRONG Baby F UC OFF 1 Day Nipper's Hr. Twillingate
Nov. 21 Gillesporte Hypertrophy Prostate WHITE Thomas M UC 82 Twg. Twillingate
Dec. 07 Crow Head Pul. Tuberculosis SHARPE Pearl F UC 34 Crow Hd. Twillingate
Dec. 29 Crow Head Pul. Tuberculosis ELLIOTT Dorothy F UC 39 Crow Hd. Twillingate
Nov. 22 Twg. Hospital Prematurity THISTLE Everett M Ch.Eng. 2 Dys No Entry Twillingate
Dec. 29 Back Hr. Convulsions ANSTEY Josephine F Ch.Eng. 7 Dys No Entry Twillingate
Dec. 23 Moreton's Hr. No Entry TAYLOR Reginald M Ch.Eng. 6 Wks No Entry Moreton's Hr.
Feb. 09 Twg. Hospital Pul. Tuberculosis GILL Muriel F Ch.Eng. 27 No Entry Twillingate
May 09 Moreton's Hr. No Entry WALL Rachel F Ch.Eng. 28 No Entry Moreton's Hr.
July 23 Twg. Hosp. Tb. Meningitis BOWN Effie F Ch.Eng. 6/12 No Entry Twillingate
Note: On original page, *COLES Walter, marked as off.** Corrections made as shown on original page.
Note: On original page, *STRONG Baby, marked as off. See P. 373
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Nov. 14 Twillingate Chr. Myocarditis STERLING Rosetta F Ch.Eng. 85 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 16 Tizzard's Hr. Pleurisy WHEELER Alton M UC 19 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Oct. 29 Bridgeport No Entry JONES Natalie F UC 4/12 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Dec. 30 Exploits Pneumonia MANUEL Emily F UC 67 Exploits Exploits
Dec. 24 Exploits No Entry RIDEOUT Reginald M UC 25 Exploits Exploits
Nov. 15 Twillingate Tuberculosis RIMMER Meta F UC 17 Exploits Exploits
Oct. 23 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis GILLOTT John M Ch.Eng. 68 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Nov. 18 Herring Neck Senility WATKINS William M Ch.Eng. 82 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Dec. 28 Herring Neck Senility MILES Elizabeth F Ch.Eng. 85 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct. 07 Newstead Summer Sickness HALE Calvin M UC 2 1/2 Newstead Comfort Cove
Oct. 27 Boyd's Cove Heart Disease GAMBLE John M RC 76 Fogo Fogo
Dec. 05 Boyd's Cove Pul. Tuberculosis GAMBLE Lawrence M RC 28 Fogo Fogo
Oct. 14 Cottle's Island Meningitis CANNING Margaret F Pentec'l 11/12 Cottle's Island Cottle's Island
Nov. 29 Cottle's Island Tuberculosis WHITE Mildred F Pentec'l 21 Cottle's Island Cottle's Island
Nov. 30 Summerford Meningitis REID John Henry M Ch.Eng. 37 Change Islds Change Islds
Oct. 04 Twillingate Tuberculosis LAMBERT Richard J M S.Army 2/12 Twillingate Twillingate

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2012)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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