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Vital Records
Date of Death | Place of Death | Cause of Death | Surname | Given Names | Religious Denomination | Age | Place of Birth | Place of Internment | |
Page 487 | |||||||||
1934 | |||||||||
Jany 25 | Genl Hosp | Appendicitis | BOUTCHER | Malcolm | S.D. Adventist | 13 | Spencer Cove | Genl Protestant | |
Feby 9 | St Clares Hosp | Carcinoma Breast | DAVIDSON | Mrs. Mary | RC | 48 | Trepassey | Mt Carmel | |
Jany 10 | St Brides | Pulmonary TB | FOLEY | James | RC | 38 | St Brides | St Brides | |
Jany 25 | St Brides | Pleurisy | GRIFFIN | Minnie | RC | 53 | St Brides | St Brides | |
Jany 19 | Branch | Pleurisy | CAMPBELL | Ellen | RC | 56 | Branch | Branch | |
Jany 23 | Ship Cove | Old age | BRENNAN | James | RC | 84 | Ship Cove | Patrick Cove | |
Feby 6 | Newbridge | Tuberculosis | ALLISON | Rose | RC | 43 | River? Hr St Marys | St Josephs | |
Feby 4 | Admirals Beach | SB | GREGORY | Baby | RC | SB | Admirals Beach | No entry | |
Feby 16 | Poor Asylum | Phthisis Pulmonalis | MULROONEY | Patrick | RC | 49 | Placentia | Mt Carmel | |
Feby 24 | Grace Hosp | Ch Intestinal Obstruction | NORMAN | Mrs. Susie (John) | RC | 36 | Long Hr P.B. | Long Hr P.B. | |
Feby 28 | Poor Asylum | Senility | KING | John | RC | 81 | Point Verde | Mt Carmel | |
Mar 13 | St Clares Hosp | Carcinoma of stomach | MURRAY | Mary | RC | 60 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 21 | Poor Asylum | Senile Decay | WALSH | Philip | RC | 71 | Stock Cove P.B. | Mt Carmel | |
Jany 10 | St. Marys | Pneumonia | WOODS | Mary | RC | 69 | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Feby 14 | Presque | Heart Trouble | RYAN | James | RC | 79 | Presque | Presque | |
Feby 17 | Little Bona | Debility | WALSH | Mary Joseph | RC | few Hrs | Bona | Little Paradise | |
Jany 21 | Peters River | Scarlet Fever | LUNDRIGAN | Elizabeth Ann | RC | 3 yrs | Peters River | St. Vincents | |
Feby 4 | St Vincents | Heart Trouble | ST CROIX | Margaret | RC | 64 | St. Marys | St. Vincents | |
Mar 16 | No entry | Old age | KING | Martha | RC | 79 | Mount Carmel | St. Vincents | |
Mar 21 | Near Peters River | Lost in Country Exposure | MOLLOY | John | RC | 46 | Peters River | St. Vincents | |
Feby 19 | Marystown S | Pulmonary TB | KEATING | Elizabeth | RC | 41 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Feby 14 | Marystown S | Pulmonary TB | BRAKE | Anna May | RC | 26 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Jany 28 | Marystown S | Senile Decay | WALSH | Anna | RC | 91 | Little Bay | Marystown | |
Feby 17 | Little Bay | Pulmonary TB | FARRELL | John J? Jr | RC | 24 | Little Bay | Marystown | |
Mar 2 | Creston | Senile Decay | PICCO | Annatatia | RC | 78 | St Josephs P.B. | Marystown | |
Mar 2 | Marystown | Pulmonary TB | KEATING | Baby | RC | 18 mos | Marystown | Marystown | |
Mar 11 | Little Bay | Pulmonary TB | FARRELL | John Thomas | RC | 26 | Little Bay | Marystown | |
Mar 18 | Marystown | No entry | POWER | Philomena | RC | No entry | Spanish Room | Marystown | |
Apl 8 | Sanatorium | Pulmonary TB | WAREHAM | Stanley | Sa | 27 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Jany 3 | Placentia | Paralysis | POWER | Alicia | RC | 74 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Jany 28 | Placentia | Cancer | COOKE | Margaret | RC | 77 | Ferryland | Placentia | |
Feby 2 | Placentia | Senility | O'REILLEY | Peter | RC | 83 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Mar 2 | Placentia | Epilepsy | MCCARTHY | James | RC | 64 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Mar 28 | Gt Barachoix | Typhoid Fever | KEEFE | Mary | RC | 61 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Apl 23 | Sanatorium | Pul & Abdom TB | HOLLETT | Gladys | UC | 16 | Creston P.B. | Creston | |
May 5 | Falcon House City | Ceb Haemorrhage | BYRD | Margaret | RC | 66 | Dunville P.B. | Dunville P.B. | |
May 19 | Genl Hosp | Tetanus | HEALEY | Richard | RC | 9 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Jany 18 | Petite Forte | No entry | CHEESMAN | Joseph | RC | 53 | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
Jany 13 | Petite Forte | Convulsions | RYAN | Madonna | RC | 18 mos | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
??? | Petite Forte | Pre-natal | JONES | Peter I. | RC | 6 wks | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
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1934 | |||||||||
Feby 2 | Broad Cove | Tuberculosis | GREENE | Ellen | C of E | 42 | Isle au Valen | Tacks Beach | |
Jany 27 | Boat Hr | Tuberculosis | WALTERS | Florence | C of E | 28 | St Johns | Boat Hr | |
Apl 8 | Baine Hr | Infantile Paralysis | SMITH | John Thos | C of E | 1 1/2 yrs | Baine Hr | Baine Hr | |
Feby 6 | Sound Isld | Heart Trouble | BECK? | Annie | UC | 50 | Peter Hr Scotland | Sound Isld | |
Apl 13 | North Hr | Drowning | EDDY | Henry Willis | UC | 14 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Apl 28 | Sound Isld | Goitre | BECK | Hannah M. | UC | 57 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
Jany 6 | Woody Isld | No entry | BARRETT | Marjorie | UC | 14 dys | Woody Isld | Woody Isld | |
Jany 30 | Flat Isles | Cancer of bowels | MOORES | Johanna | UC | 59 | Flat Isles | Flat Isld | |
Mar 24 | Flat Isles | Senility | REEVES | William | UC | 85 | France | Woody Isld | |
June 3 | Genl Hosp | Choleycystitis | PEDDLE | Mary | C of E | 51 | Little Hr East | Little Hr East | |
Apl 20 | St. Marys | TB of lungs | CAHILL | Florence | RC | 30 yrs | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Mar 16 | Regina | Heart Failure | DALTON | Margaret | RC | 74 | St Josephs | Mosquito | |
Apl 11 | St Josephs | Infantile Paralysis | DALEY | Edmund | RC | 14 yrs | St Josephs | St Josephs | |
May 4 | St Josephs | Consumption | SINGLETON | Anthony John | RC | 5 mos | St Josephs | St Josephs | |
May 9 | St Catherines | No entry | WILLIAMS | John | RC | 3 dys | St Catherines | Mt Carmel | |
Apl 6 | St Kyrans | Pulm TB | WALSH | Patrick | RC | 23 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Apl 26 | Paradise | Heart Failure | GRANTHER? | Theresa | RC | 69 | Paradise | Paradise | |
June 10 | Little Paradise | Drowned | RYAN | Bernadetta | RC | 4 | Little Paradise | Little Paradise | |
May 24 | St Vincents | Tuberculosis | GIBBONS | Patrick | RC | 13 yrs | St Vincents | St Vincents | |
May 29 | St Vincents | Influenza | GIBBONS | Eric | RC | 14 mos | St Vincents | St Vincents | |
Apl 9 | Gt Barachoix | Poisoning | KEEFE | William | RC | 59 | Gt Barachoix | Placentia | |
Apl 24 | Dunville | Acc. Killed | BARRON | George | RC | 67 | Dunville | Placentia | |
Apl 25 | S.E. Arm | TB of lungs | KEEFE | Patrick | RC | 24 | S.E. Arm | Placentia | |
May 5 | St Johns | Apoplexy | BIRD | Margaret | RC | 76 | Dunville | Placentia | |
May 13 | Pt Verde Road | SB | JUDGE | Baby | RC | SB | Pt Verde Road | Placentia | |
May 30 | Bonds Path | Burning | BARRON | Jane | RC | 75 | Pt Verde | Placentia | |
May 26 | Halifax NS | Peritonitis | WALSH | Jane Anthony | RC | 29 | Pt Verde | Placentia | |
June 24 | Placentia | Pneumonia | MULROONEY | Adrian J | RC | 1 4/12 yrs | Placentia | Placentia | |
June 9 | Placentia | Pneumonia | BARRON | Louisa M. | RC | 4 yrs | Placentia | Placentia | |
June 11 | Red Isld | Senility | MEADE | Elizabeth | RC | ?? | Argentia | Argentia | |
June 15 | Argentia | Tuberculosis | FORAN | Clara | RC | 21 | Argentia | Argentia | |
May 28 | Red Isld | Gastritis | DOODY | Thomas | RC | ?? | Red Isld | Red Isld | |
Apl 28 | Argentia | Convulsions | KING | Michael | RC | 8 mos | Argentia | Argentia | |
Jany 5 | Argentia | Senility | POWER | Thomas | RC | 78 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 13 | St Johns | Cancer | MURRAY | Mary | RC | 63 | Paradise | Argentia | |
Mar 12 | Fox Hr | Senility | FOLEY | Michael | RC | 85 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Jany 4 | Argentia | Senility | O'REILLEY | Patrick | RC | 78 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 23 | Red Isld | Tuberculosis | BARRY | Margaret | RC | 62 | Red Isld | Missing | |
July 10 | Webbers Cove Labrador | Suddenly | NORMAN | Douglas | RC | ?? | Missing | Missing | |
Aug 13 | Grace Hosp | TB Meningitis | HEPDITCH | Anthony | RC | Missing | Missing | Missing | |
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Note; The top left and lower left corners of this page are missing, along with many entries. | |||||||||
1934 | |||||||||
Missing | Genl Hosp | Gangrene leg Myocarditis | KEMP | Mary | RC | 49 | Placentia | Jersey Side Placentia | |
Missing | On board of ship, ?? William Bishop ??? | TB Myocarditis | RYAN | Joseph | RC | 30 | River Hd St Marys | River Hd St Marys | |
Missing | Hr Buffett | No entry | UPSHALL | Walter | C of E | 57 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | Kingwell | Miliary Tuberculosis | CHARLES | Slade | C of E | 55 | Kingwell | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | Hr Buffett | Gacks? Enteritis | DICKS | Margaret | C of E | 88 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | Hr Buffett | Convulsions | MARSHALL | Eliza T. | C of E | 1 yr | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | Hr Buffett | Senile Decay | SHAVE | Charles | C of E | 84 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | Hr Buffett | Pulm TB | UPSHALL | Alice | C of E | 30 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Missing | St Johns | Cardiac Failure | SHORTER | Mrs Margaret | C of E | 70 | No entry | Ch of Eng City | |
Missing | Grace Hosp | Appendicitis | MCGRATH | Harold | RC | 6 yrs | Patricks Cove | Patricks Cove | |
Missing | Baine Hr | Paralysis | CLARKE | John Thomas | C of E | 1 1/2 yrs | Baine Hr | Baine Hr | |
Missing | Tacks Beach | Tumour of womb | BARRETT | Esther | C of E | 68 | Tacks Beach | Tacks Beach | |
Missing | Coopers Cove | Laryngitis | MOULES? | Frederick | C of E | 55 | Coopers Cove | Tacks Beach | |
???y 13 | Broad Cove | Prematurity | HAPGOOD | Doris | C of E | 14 dys | Broad Cove | Tacks Beach | |
???y 29 | Coopers Cove | Senility | WILLIAMS | John | C of E | 84 | Coopers Cove | Tacks Beach | |
???y 28 | Genl Hosp | Cancer of face | LEONARD | Alphonsus | RC | 45 | St Leonards PB | Mt Carmel | |
???y 15 | Pt L Haye | Convulsions | BREEN | Edward | RC | 18 dys | Pt La Haye | St. Marys | |
???y 17 | St Johns | TB Myocarditis | RYAN | Joseph | RC | 30 yrs | Riverhead St Marys | Riverhead St Marys | |
???y 30 | Riverhead St Marys | Convulsions | BARRON | Gertrude | RC | 12 | Riverhead St Marys | Riverhead St Marys | |
???y 8 | S.E. Arm | Haemorrhage | KELLY | Thomas | RC | 74 | Placentia | Placentia | |
???y 12 | Genl Hosp | Gangrene | KEMP | Mary | RC | 47 | Argentia | Placentia | |
???y 29 | Placentia | Dysentery | COLLINS | Mary | RC | 3 wks | Placentia | Placentia | |
???y 29 | Placentia | Dysentery | COLLINS | Margaret | RC | 3 wks | Placentia | Placentia | |
???y 5 | Sound Isld | Old age | EDDY | Margaret | UC | 93 | Come By Chance | Sound Isld | |
??? 30 | Arch? Cove | Old age | STANFORD | Thomas | UC | 92 | Grates Cove | Swift Current | |
???y 6 | North Hr | No entry | SMITH | Ethel Violet | UC | 5 11/12 | North Hr | Swift Current | |
??? 19 | Sound Isld | Rheumatic Fever | GILES | Elsie Irene | UC | 12 8/12 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
?ct 13 | Sanatorium | Pulm TB | WALSH | Mary | RC | 13 | Renews | Renews | |
Aug 6 | Darbys? Hr | Old age | LAKE | Patrick | RC | 85 | Presque | Presque | |
Aug 12 | Clattice Hr | Apoplexy | MARTIN | Elizabeth | RC | 86 | Toslow | Toslow | |
??? 24 | Paradise | Consumption | BYRNE | Leo | RC | 32 | Paradise | Paradise | |
??? 29 | S.E. Bight | Consumption | MURPHY | Alice | RC | 36 | Presque | S.E. Bight | |
??? 7 | Clattice Hr | Debility | WHIFFIN | Patrick | RC | 1 1/2 dy | Clattice Hr | Clattice Hr | |
??? 13 | St. Stephens | Old age | STAMP | Ellen | RC | 83 | St. Shots | St Vincent | |
Missing | ??? Isld | Tuberculosis | JARVIS? | Gwendolyn | UC | 26 | Flat Isld | Flat Isld | |
Missing | Missing | Perforated appendix | SENIOR | Olive | UC | 8 | Flat Isld | Flat Isld | |
Missing | Missing | Pulmonary TB | NOLAN | Andrew | RC | 19 | Curslett | St Brides | |
Missing | Missing | Missing | DOHEY | Robert | RC | 17 | St Brides? | St Brides? | |
Missing | Missing | Missing | ???AY | ???s | RC | 19 | St Brides? | St Brides? | |
Missing | Missing | Missing | Missing | Missing | RC | 36 | Branch | Body not recovered | |
Page 490 | |||||||||
1934 | |||||||||
May 19 | Pt Lance? | Drowning | NASH | Charles | RC | 35 | Missing | Missing | |
May 19 | Pt Lance? | Drowning | MOONEY | Patrick | RC | 14 | Missing | Missing | |
Sept ?? | Curslett | Old age | MANNING | Rose | RC | 73 | Patric? ??? | Missing | |
Sept 27 | Branch | Pneumonia | NASH | Theresa | RC | 49 | Pt Lance | Missing | |
Sept 25 | Branch | Influenza | LAKE | Agnes | RC | 78 | Branch | Missing | |
Sept 22 | Branch | Old age | NASH | Francis | RC | 83 | Branch | Missing | |
Jany 21 | Branch | Heart Trouble | CAMPBELL | Ellen | RC | 56 | St Brides | Missing | |
Jany 26 | St Brides | TB | GRIFFIN | Minnie | RC | 52 | St Brides | St. ??? | |
Jany 12 | St Brides | Pulm TB | FOLEY | James J. | RC | 32 | St Brides | St. ??? | |
May 20 | St Brides | Pulm TB | FOLEY | Matilda | RC | 24 | St Brides | St. ??? | |
Jany 26 | Sears Cove | Pneumonia | YOUNG | Mary | RC | 18 | Sears Cove | St. ??? | |
Aug 9 | Curslett | Neuritis | JUDGE | James | RC | 52 | Gull Cove | St. ??? | |
Sep 14 | Beckford | Pre natal causes | NASH | Baby | RC | 1 dy | Beckford | Branch | |
June 11 | St Brides | Pre natal causes | CONWAY | Baby | RC | 1 dy | St Brides | St Brides | |
Nov 30 | Genl Hosp | Miliary TB | STAMP | Augustus | RC | 27 | St Vincent | St Vincent | |
Apl 28 | Oderin | Cancer | LAKE | Margaret | RC | 68 | Oderin | Oderin | |
May 29 | Petite Forte | Child birth | SQUIRES | Annie | RC | 29 | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
June 28 | St Josephs | Pulmonary TB | PICCO | Caroline | RC | 17 | St Josephs | St Josephs | |
Dec 27 | Peters River St Marys | Pulmonary TB | LUNDRIGAN | Mrs Marie | RC | 40 | Peters River | Mt Carmel | |
July 22 | Trepassey | Cancer | CURTIS | John | RC | 38 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
July 29 | Trepassey | Heart Failure | MOLLOY | Thomas | RC | 78 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
July 30 | Pt Cove South | Influenza | BUTLER | Eliza | RC | 60 | Pt Cove South | Pt Cove South | |
July 30 | Trepassey | Senility | DEAN | Hannah | RC | 80 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
July 30 | St Shotts | Tuberculosis | MOLLOY | Mary | RC | 19 | St. Shots | St. Shots | |
Sep 6 | Trepassey | Paralysis | FEWER | James | RC | 69 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Sep 7 | Trepassey | Senility | CURTIS | Denis | RC | 82 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Sep 8 | Pt Cove South | Senility | CLEARY | Mary | RC | 80 | Pt Cove South | Pt Cove South | |
Sep 9 | Trepassey | Senility | CURTIS | Patrick | RC | 84 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Sep 29 | Trepassey | Senility | CURTIS | William | RC | 88 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Nov 3 | Trepassey | Burns | FITZGERALD | Rose | RC | 6 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Nov 26 | Trepassey | Paralysis | O'BRIEN | John | RC | 69 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 4 | Trepassey | Drowning | DEVEREAUX | Thomas | RC | 42 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 4 | Trepassey | Drowning | DEVEREAUX | Laurence | RC | 40 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 4 | Trepassey | Drowning | CURTIS | Michael | RC | 37 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 20 | Trepassey | Senility | SUTTON | Alice | RC | 83 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 23 | Trepassey | Cancer of stomach | O'BRIEN | John of John | RC | 68 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Dec 20 | Mall? Bay St Marys | Senility | MEEHAN | Mary Ann | RC | 77 | St. Marys | Missing | |
Oct 11 | Placentia | Genl Debility | ROCHE | Charles | RC | 78 | Placentia | Missing | |
Oct 31 | Placentia | Senility | CONNORS | Michael | RC | 82? | Placentia | Missing | |
Nov 11 | Pt Verde | Heart Failure | ROWE | Catherine | RC | Missing | Pt Verde | Missing | |
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Note; The left edge of this page is missing from top to bottom. Transcriber | |||||||||
1934 | CAUL | Mary Frances | RC | 19 | Isle Valen | Isle Valen | |||
MCHUGH | Anne | RC | 63 | Deep Cove | St Anns | ||||
JOHNSON | Jane | RC | 69 | Presque | Presque | ||||
???ia | GAULTON | Ann | RC | 73 | Mahoneys Cove | St Kyrans | |||
Cancer of Bowels | WALSH | Michael | RC | 41 | Beckford Cove | Presque | |||
???ght | Convulsions | BROWN | Frederick | RC | 1 mo | Marticot? | Paradise | ||
Kyrans | Heart Failure | WARD | John | RC | 64 | S.E. Bight | S.E. Bight | ||
Kyrans | Heart Failure | LAKE | James | RC | 53 | S Kyrans | S Kyrans | ||
Presque | Indigestion | HEALEY | Michael | RC | 71 | S Kyrans | S Kyrans | ||
St Vincent | Pulm TB | GREEN | Ellen | RC | 20 | Preque | Preque | ||
Senile Decay | GIBBONS | Samuel | RC | 82 | St Vincents | St Vincents | |||
Tumor of brain | HEARN | Margaret | RC | 21 | O'Donnells | Mt Carmel | |||
Accidental | TRACEY | Leonard | RC | 13 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Senility | DINN | Mary | RC | 84 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Prematurity | PENNY | Joseph | RC | 6 dys | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Cancer of breast | EL??? | ??? Pike | RC | 64 | Bay Bulls | Mt Carmel | |||
Prematurity | MURPHY | Michael | RC | 2 dys | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Spinal TB | MURPHY | Phillip | RC | 26 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Ch Asthma | PENNEY | Thomas | RC | 78 | N. Arm Holyrood C.B. | Mt Carmel | |||
Accidental | DINN | Laurence | RC | 30 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Senility | WADE | John | RC | 78 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Congenital Deb | NOLAN | Leo | RC | 2 1/2 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Endocarditis | FOWLER | Evelyn | RC | 17 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |||
Heart seizure | BONIA | John | RC | 68 | North Hr | North Hr | |||
Old age | MARTIN | Mary | RC | 83 | Little Hr W | Little Hr W | |||
Pulm TB | SMITH | Sarah | RC | 21 | Parkers Cove | Parkers Cove | |||
Old age | TOBIN | Michael | RC | 89 | Oderin | Oderin | |||
Beri-Beri | DICKS | Charles | RC | 46 | Rushoon | Rushoon | |||
Pneumonia | HURLEY | John Wm | RC | 3 dys | St Catherines | Mt Carmel | |||
Cancer | NORRIS | Ellen | RC | 74 | St Johns | St Josephs | |||
Dysentery | FELTHAM | Albert C | UC | 2 1/2 mos | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
Dropsy | PEDDLE | Anne | UC | 75 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
Premature birth | MOULTON | Edgar | UC | 1 hr | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
Appendicitis | SAVIER? | Oliver | UC | ? 1/2 yrs | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
Malnutrition | YOUNG | Minnie Ellen | UC | 1 1/2 yrs | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
Tuberculosis | COLLINS | Chesley | UC | 30 1/2 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |||
??? Failure | BRUCE | Daniel | RC | 78 | Long Hr | Long Hr | |||
???t disease | POWER? | Robert | RC | 65 | Iona | Iona | |||
Missing | Missing | Susan | RC | 36 | Chapel Arm T.B. | Long Hr | |||
Missing | Missing | Edward | RC | 3 | Long Hr | Long Hr | |||
Page 492 | |||||||||
1934 | |||||||||
June 19 | Port Royal | Consumption | MURPHY | Lilly | RC | 28 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
June 7 | Hr Buffett | Consumption | HAYES | Robert | RC | 52 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
Aug 13 | Woody Isld | Complications | MULROONEY | Mary G | RC | 76 | Woody Isld | Bar Haven | |
Oct 8 | Iona | Stomach disorder | WHIFFEN | Matilda | RC | 59 | Iona | Iona | |
July 6 | Red Isld | Rheumatic Fever | LAMB | Patrick | RC | 10 | Red Island | Red Island | |
Aug 31 | Argentia | Senility | SMITH | James | RC | 95 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Sep 3 | Red Isld | Tuberculosis | BONIA | John | RC | 23 | Red Isld | Red Isld | |
Sep 2 | Red Isld | Senility | WEBBER | Bridget | RC | 86 | Red Isld | Red Isld | |
Sep 15 | Argentia | Tuberculosis | KING | George | RC | 53 | Long Hr P.B. | Argentia | |
Sep 13 | Argentia | Senility | O'REILLEY | Alice | RC | 83 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Sep 12 | Argentia | Senility | ROCHE | Ellen | RC | 84 | Argentia | Argentia | |
July 7 | Fox Hr | Senility | HEALEY | Patrick | RC | 91 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
July 15 | Fox Hr | Tuberculosis | SMITH | Martha | RC | 17 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Aug 3 | Fox Hr | No entry | MCCUE | William P | RC | 56 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Oct 2 | Fox Hr | Tuberculosis | DUKE | Sara | RC | 38 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Dec 27 | Fox Hr | Cancer of stomach | DUKE | Michael | RC | 74 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Nov 13 | Fox Hr | Heart Failure | HEALEY | James | RC | 63 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Oct 26 | Merasheen | Cancer of stomach | FULFORD | Michael | No entry | 54 | Bar Haven | Merasheen | |
July 23 | Hr Buffett | TB | BURTON | Bertha | RC | 54 | No entry | Hr Buffett | |
Aug 19 | Haystack | Dysentery | REID | Roy | RC | 1 1/2 | Haystack | Haystack | |
Sep 23 | Haystack | Paralysis | GILBERT | Charles | RC | 74 | No entry | Haystack | |
Nov 24 | Hr Buffett | Senile Decay | BURTON | Eliza | C of E | 84 | No entry | Hr Buffett | |
Dec 23 | Hr Buffett | Senile Decay | HOLLETT | John | C of E | 84 | No entry | Hr Buffett | |
Sep 8 | Branch | Flu | LAKE | Agnes | RC | 78 | Branch | Branch | |
Sep 5 | Branch | Flu | NASH | Teresa | RC | 36 | Branch | Branch | |
Sep 16 | Branch | Flu | NASH | Frank | RC | 81 | Branch | Branch | |
Dec 28 | Branch | Flu | NASH | Mary A | RC | 76 | Branch | Branch | |
Sep 5 | Baine Hr | No entry | WHITTLE | John Thos | C of E | 43 | Baine Hr | Baine Hr | |
Sep 28 | Baine Hr | No entry | SMITH | John | C of E | 7 mos | Baine Hr | Baine Hr | |
Oct 22 | Jean de Gaunt | No entry | ADAMS | John | C of E | 71 | Jean de Gaunt | Tacks Beach | |
Nov 25 | Hr? Isld | No entry | WILLIAMS | Samuel | C of E | 75 | Hr? Isld | Tacks Beach | |
Page 495 | |||||||||
1935 | |||||||||
Jany 2 | Grace Hosp | Marasmus | KEATS | George Michael | RC | 6 wks | St Johns | Argentia | |
Jany 4 | Grace Hosp | Marasmus | KEATS | Stanley M | RC | 6 wks | St Johns | Argentia | |
Feby 19 | Mental Hosp | Cardio Renal | MANNING | Margaret | RC | 34 | Oderin PB | Paradise PB | |
Mar 6 | Sanatorium | Pulm TB | HANRAHAN | James | RC | 25 | St Josephs | Mt Carmel City | |
Mar 9 | Mental Hosp | Toxic Psychosis | INGRAHAM | Clara | C of E | 44 | Piccarie | Ch Eng City | |
Mar 22 | Poor Asylum | Myocarditis | SPERRON? | William | RC | 82 | Argentia | Mt Carmel | |
Mar 22 | Mental Hosp | Influenza | SHAW | Anastatia | RC | 38 | S.E. Placentia | Mt Carmel | |
Mar 24 | Mental Hosp | Typhoid Fever | FUREY | John | RC | 24 | St Josephs | Mt Carmel | |
Feby 1 | St Marys | Pneumonia | MAHONEY | William | RC | 71 | St Marys | St Marys | |
Feby 4 | Caskier | Senility | DOBBIN | Mary | RC | 75 | Caskier | St Marys | |
Feby 24 | St Marys | Senility | PEDDLE | Patrick | RC | 81 | St Marys | St Marys | |
Mar 1 | St Marys | Bronchitis | HEATH? | William | RC | 64 | Tilt? Cove NDB | St Marys | |
Mar 10 | Riverhead | Senility | MASON | Thomas | RC | 87 | Hr Main | Riverhead | |
Mar 10 | St Marys | Pneumonia | BOWER | Michael | RC | 77 | St Marys | St Marys | |
Mar 15 | St Marys | Pneumonia | NOLAN? | Deborah | RC | 78 | Mosquito ???ys Bay | St Marys | |
Feby 23 | Sound Isld | Old age | GILBERT | Gabriel | UC | 82 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
Mar 4 | Sound Isld | No entry | HOLLETT | Hazel B. | UC | 13 yrs | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
Mar 5 | North Hr | Influenza | LODER | Eliza Jane | UC | 28 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Mar 6 | North Hr | Old age | PEDDLE | Louise | UC | 83 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Mar 7 | North Hr | Influenza | CRAM | George Nelson | UC | 1 yr | North Hr | North Hr | |
Mar 19 | Bay Bulls Arm | Old age | BRINSTONE | Hannah | UC | 77 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
Mar 30 | Swift Current | Old age | BECK | Melinda | UC | 84 | Burin | Swift Current | |
Jany 3 | Placentia | Convulsions | CARROLL | Wm John | RC | 4 mos | Placentia | Placentia | |
Jany 28 | Placentia | Pneumonia | HARTIGAN | Nora | RC | 73 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Feby 2 | Pt Verde | Tuberculosis | GREENE | Caroline | RC | 42 | Pt Verde | Placentia | |
Feby 23 | N.E. Arm | Tuberculosis | KANE | John | RC | 71 | N.E. Arm | Placentia | |
Mar 5 | Dunville | Tuberculosis | VISCOUNT | Margaret | RC | 16 | Indian Hr PB | Placentia | |
Mar 17 | Placentia | Genl Debility | BARRON | James | RC | 76 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Mar 19 | Jersey Side | Genl Debility Influenza | EMBERLEY | John | RC | 73 | Indian Hr PB | Placentia | |
Mar 30 | Placentia | Influenza | CROKE | Patrick | RC | 79 | SE ???ian Pl?? | Placentia | |
Apl 12 | Mental Hosp | Toxic delirium? | BRENNAN | Emma | RC | 43 | Ship Cove | Mt Carmel | |
Mar 3 | St Vincent | Convulsions | GIBBONS | Harold J. | RC | 5 wks | St Vincent | St Vincent | |
Jany 4 | Rushoon | Pulm TB | CHEESEMAN | Elizabeth | RC | 67 | Parkers Cove | Rushoon | |
Feby 2 | Baine Hr | Genl Depression | VATER | Walter | RC | 68 | Baine Hr | Baine Hr | |
Feby 17 | Oderin | Pulm TB | MURPHY | Ann | RC | 73 | Oderin | Oderin | |
Feby 24 | Petite Forte | Senile debility | MURPHY | Denis | RC | 79 | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
Jany 10 | St Leonards | Kidney disease | LEONARD | Julian | RC | 16 | St Leonards | St Kyrans | |
Jany 13 | Little Bona | Meningitis | WALSH | Joseph | RC | 1 | Little Bona | Little Paradise | |
Jany 21 | Presque | Pulm TB | GREENE? | Patrick | RC | 1 | Presque | Presque | |
Feby 21 | St Anns | Blood Poisoning | COLLINS | Teresa | RC | 3 | St Anns | St Anns | |
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Mar 2 | Clattice Hr | Pulm TB | FOLLETT | Douglas | RC | 33 | Clattice Hr | Clattice Hr | |
Mar 4 | Little Bona | Influenza | WALSH | Michael | RC | 1 | Little Bona | Little Paradise | |
Mar 7 | Clattice | Pulm TB | FOLLETT | Lucy | RC | 6 mos | Clattice Hr | Clattice Hr | |
Mar 9 | St Kyrans | Pulm TB | BILLING | Isidore | RC | 19 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Mar 10 | Presque | Old age | COLLINS | Margaret | RC | 97 | Deep Cove | Presque | |
Mar 11 | Clattice Hr | Old age | PALFREY | Joseph | RC | 74 | Clattice Hr | Clattice Hr | |
Mar 12 | Paradise | Influenza | PEARSON | Joseph | RC | 78 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Mar 18 | St Kyrans | Influenza | LEONARD | Edward | RC | 70 | Isle Valen | St Kyrans | |
Mar 25 | Deep Cove | Cancer | CANNING | Monica | RC | 52 | St Anns | Presque | |
Jany 23 | Flat Islds | Gallstones | BUTLER | Margaret | UC | 75 | Rock Hr | Flat Islds | |
Feby 15 | Red Harbour | Pulm TB | PLA??? | Lorien? | UC | 14 | Red Harbour | Red Harbour | |
Feby 21 | Flat Islds | Ulcerated stomach | COLLINS | Mary Anne | UC | 69 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |
Mar 17 | Baine Hr | Fractured hip | BROOMFIELD | Rosella | UC | 70 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |
Mar 28 | Flat Islds | Senility | BUTLER | John | UC | 85 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |
Mar 31 | Flat Islds | Pulm TB | KENWAY | Gladys | UC | 25 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | |
Apl 29 | Mental Hosp | Pneumonia | NORMAN | Lillian | RC | 42 | Placentia | Mt Carmel | |
Feby 19 | Paradise Sound | No entry | MASTERS | Mrs Lydia | Sa | 55 8/12 | Flat Islds | Paradise Sound | |
Feby 1 | Argentia | No entry | COLLINS | Genevieve | RC | 1 mo | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 1 | Argentia | Whooping Cough | HICKEY | Mary | RC | 3 yr | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 9 | Argentia | Senile debility | SAMPSON | Theresa | RC | 74 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 11 | Argentia | Senile debility | MAHER | Johanna | RC | 82 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Mar 10 | Fox Hr | Paralysis | MULLINS | Bridget | RC | 82 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Mar 16 | Fox Hr | Tuberculosis | FOLEY | Ellen | RC | 16 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Mar 13 | Merasheen | Influenza | HOWLIHAN | Katherine | RC | 73 | Red Isld | Merasheen | |
Mar 19 | Merasheen | Influenza | FULFORD | Denis | RC | 52 | Bar Haven | Merasheen | |
Jany 18 | Kingwell | No entry | RODWAY | Alfred | C of E | 68 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Feby 17 | Hr Buffett | TB | KIRBY | Ella Bertha | C of E | 10 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Feby 19 | Spencer Cove | Ac Bronchitis | WAKELEY | Hannah | C of E | 73 | No entry | Spencers Cove | |
Feby 23 | Spencer Cove | Senile Decay | ROE | Jane | C of E | 79 | No entry | Spencers Cove | |
Mar 17 | Hr Buffett | Pulm TB | BUTLER | Barbara Mary | C of E | 68 | No entry | Hr Buffett | |
Mar 23 | Spencer Cove | Pulm TB | WAREHAM | Wesley | C of E | 35 | No entry | Spencers Cove | |
July 3 | Genl Hosp St Johns | Diabetes | CAREEN? | Patrick J. | Rom Cath | 31 | Point Lance | Point Lance | |
July 7 | Grace Hosp St Johns | Acute Nephritis | WARREN | Benjamin | Ch Eng | 7 | Gaulton? Island | Gaulton | |
Apl 1 | Rushoon | Accidentally fell downstairs | CHEESEMAN | Bridget | Rom Cath | 76 | Rushoon | Rushoon | |
Apl 6 | Petite Forte | Pul Tuberculosis | PEARSON | Mary Agnes | Rom Cath | 21 | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
Apl 11 | Little Hr | Dropsy | BAILEY | Patrick | Rom Cath | 13 | Little Hr | Little Harbour | |
June 3 | Petite Forte | Cancer of stomach | CHEESEMAN | Charles | Rom Cath | 74 | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
June 14 | Little Hr | Cancer of stomach | MULLALLEY | Eliza Mary | Rom Cath | 42 | Paradise | Little Harbour | |
Apl 2 | Placentia | Diabetes | SHEPPARD | Catherine | Rom Cath | 78 | Trinity | Placentia | |
Apl 5 | Pt Verde | Influenza | CARROLL | Nicholas | Rom Cath | 72 | Pt Verde | Placentia | |
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Apl 23 | Dunville | Dropsy | POWER | John P | Rom Cath | 70 | Dunville | Placentia | |
May 2 | Pt Verde | Dropsy | WALSH | Mary | Rom Cath | 56 | Argentia | Placentia | |
Feb 15 | Newbridge | Flue | CRITCH | Nora? | Rom Cath | 18 mts | Newbridge | St Josephs | |
Mar 1 | St. Josephs | No entry | NORRIS | Mary | Rom Cath | 1 day | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Mar 2 | St. Josephs | Flue & Tuberculosis | NORRIS | Sadie | Rom Cath | 26 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Mar 7 | St. Josephs | Flue | CARROLL | Richard | Rom Cath | 80 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Mar 8 | O'Donnell's | Cancer | RYAN | Patrick | Rom Cath | 63 | St Josephs | St Josephs | |
Mar 15 | O'Donnell's | Flue & Poverty | HICKEY | Laurence | Rom Cath | 11 mts | O'Donnell's | St Josephs | |
Mar 22 | O'Donnell's | Dole | HANLON | Francis | Rom Cath | 18 | O'Donnell's | St Josephs | |
Apl 26 | O'Donnell's | Flue | HICKEY | Elizabeth | Rom Cath | 81 | O'Donnell's | St Josephs | |
Apl 1 | Isle Valen | Influenza | BENNETT | Johanna | Rom Cath | 78 | Isle Valen | Isle Valen | |
Apl 9 | Isle Valen | Influenza | COLLINS | Mary | Rom Cath | 76 | Isle Valen | Isle Valen | |
Apl 14 | Clattice | Heart Trouble | HIPDITCH | Margaret | Rom Cath | 16 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Apl 25 | Toslow | Old age | RYAN | Ann | Rom Cath | 80 | Toslow | Presque | |
May 14 | Toslow | Old age | PITTMAN | Robert | Rom Cath | 75 | Toslow | Presque | |
May 15 | Clattice | Pul. Consumption | HIPDITCH | Mary | Rom Cath | 46 | Clattice | Clattice | |
May 26 | Paradise | Influenza | POMEROY | Chalott | Rom Cath | 5 | Paradise | Paradise | |
June 3 | Presque | Influenza | LAKE | Pat Jo | Rom Cath | 60 | Presque | Presque | |
June 5 | Presque | Influenza | LAKE | Peter | Rom Cath | 68 | Presque | Presque | |
May 31 | Paradise | Influenza | EMBERLEY | Thomas | Rom Cath | 63 | Paradise | Paradise | |
June 21 | Paradise | Paralysis | HOWLETT | John | Rom Cath | 70 | Paradise | Paradise | |
June 22 | Isle Valen | Pul. Consumption | CAUL | Mary Ann | Rom Cath | 51 | Isle Valen | Isle Valen | |
July 10 | Genl Hosp St Johns | Septicaemia | KENNEDY | Leo | Rom Cath | 20 | Trepassey | Trepassey | |
Jan 9 | Branch | Pneumonia | NASH | James | Rom Cath | 73 | Branch | Branch | |
Jan 11 | St. Brides | Old age | FOLEY | Catherine | Rom Cath | 77 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
Jan 16 | Pt Lance | Flu | CAREEN? | Lena | Rom Cath | 10 | Pt Lance | Branch | |
Feb 5 | Branch | Pneumonia | POWER | Michael | Rom Cath | 72 | Branch | Branch | |
Feb 7 | Branch | Old age | POWER | Ellen | Rom Cath | 79 | Branch | Branch | |
Feb 12 | Branch | Consumption | ROCHE | Thomas | Rom Cath | 25 | Branch | Branch | |
Feb 26 | St. Brides | Consumption | DOHEY | Priscilla | Rom Cath | 16 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
Feb 26 | Patrick's Cove | Flu | MCGRATH | Thomas | Rom Cath | 38 | Patrick's Cove | Patrick's Cove | |
Mar 1 | Branch | Old age | NASH | Ellen | Rom Cath | 81 | Branch | Branch | |
Mar 9 | Pt Lance | No entry | No entry | No entry | Rom Cath | 1 day | Pt Lance | Pt Lance | |
Mar 12 | Branch | Consumption | POWER | Aloysius | Rom Cath | 21 | Branch | Branch | |
Mar 23 | Branch | Flu | MCGRATH | James | Rom Cath | 83 | Branch | Branch | |
Mar 28 | Branch | Flu | ROCHE | Francis J. | Rom Cath | 58 | Branch | Branch | |
Mar 28 | Branch | Flu | MCGRATH | John | Rom Cath | 17 | Branch | Branch | |
Apl ?? | Petty Harbour | Old age | MCGRATH | Jane Frances | Rom Cath | 80 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
May 8 | St. Brides | Flu | FOLEY | Matthew | Rom Cath | 56 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
May 16 | St. Brides | Consumption | ENGLISH | Nellie | Rom Cath | 16 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
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June 8 | St. Brides | Consumption | ENGLISH | Cyril | Rom Cath | 19 | St. Brides | St. Brides | |
July 3 | St. Johns | Consumption | CAREEN? | Patrick | Rom Cath | 31 | Pt Lance | Branch | |
Jan 20 | Mount Carmel | Nephritis | NOLAN | Kate | Rom Cath | 34 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Feb 24 | Mount Carmel | Chronic Asthma | BENNETT | Bridget | Rom Cath | 80 | Chapel Arm | Mount Carmel | |
Feb 21 | Mount Carmel | Cancer of Bowel | MURPHY | Patrick J. | Rom Cath | 67 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Feb 24 | Mount Carmel | Flu | GRACE | Hannah | Rom Cath | 40 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Mar 3 | Colinet | Melancholia | DOWNEY | Bridget | Rom Cath | 53 | North Harbour | Colinet | |
Mar 7 | Mount Carmel | Flu | POWER | Mary Ann | Rom Cath | 77 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Mar 11 | Mount Carmel | Senility | POWER | John | Rom Cath | 77 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Mar 13 | Mount Carmel | Cong. Disease of Spine | NOLAN | Dermot | Rom Cath | 1 1/2 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Mar 15 | Mount Carmel | Whooping Cough | POWER | Lilian | Rom Cath | 2 | Mount Carmel | Colinet | |
Mar 20 | John's Pond | Flu | LINEHAN | Johannah | Rom Cath | 70 | John's Pond | Mount Carmel | |
Apl 3 | Mount Carmel | Embolism of brain | WHITE | James | Rom Cath | 67 | P.E.I. | Mount Carmel | |
Apl 3 | Mount Carmel | Tuberculosis | GRACE | Agatha | Rom Cath | 16 | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Apl 16 | Mount Carmel | Senility | MEANY? | Mary | Rom Cath | No entry | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel | |
Apl 1 | Jean de Bay | Pneumonia | DOBER | Mary Joseph | Rom Cath | 69 | Spanish Room | Spanish Room | |
Apl 3 | Marystown N | Tuberculosis | BALDWIN | Mary | Rom Cath | 11 | Marystown N | Marystown N | |
Apl 7 | Marystown S | Pul Tuberculosis | CHEESMAN | George | Rom Cath | 26 | Marystown S | Marystown N | |
Apl 19 | Marystown N | Cancer of face & throat | MARTIN | Robert | Rom Cath | 74 | S.E. Bight | Marystown N | |
Apl 23 | Marystown N | Pul Tuberculosis | MITCHELL | John | Rom Cath | 72 | Marystown | Marystown | |
May 30 | Marystown S | Tuberculosis & malnutrition | DOBER | Joan | Rom Cath | 38 | Little Bay | Marystown N | |
Jan 19 | Little Bay | Cancer | BRUSHETT | Patrick | Rom Cath | 62 | Little Bay | Marystown N | |
Jan 21 | Marystown N | Apoplexy | WITHERS | Nicholas | Rom Cath | 62 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Mar 19 | Jean de Bay | Tuberculosis | GAULTON | John | Rom Cath | 27 | Rushoon | Marystown N | |
Apl 7 | Spencer's Cove | Lack of blood | BERKSHIRE | William | U Church | 63 | No entry | No entry | |
May 11 | Spencer's Cove | Old age | BEAZLEY | Susannah | U Church | 69 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
May 31 | Woody Island | No entry | REID | Hedley | U Church | No entry | No entry | Woody Isld | |
May 16 | Spencer's Cove | Pneumonia | NEWTON | Henry Arden | R Cath | 41 | Newcastle England | Spencer's Cove | |
June 13 | Spencer's Cove | Pneumonia | ROWE | Nina Bertha | U Church | 17 days | Spencer's Cove | Spencer's Cove | |
Aug 17 | Grace Hosp | Hy Pernephrona? | CARROLL | Lawrence | RC | 63 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 24 | Grace Hosp | Carcinoma of abdomen | COFFEY | Mrs James | RC | No entry | Custlett Place | Custlett | |
Sep 8 | Woody Island | Pulm TB | BARRETT | Samuel | UC | 33 | Woody Isld | Woody Isld | |
Sep 21 | Mental Hosp | Dementia Precox Pulm T.B. | KEEFE | James | RC | 22 | Mental Hosp | Mental Hosp | |
Aug 13 | Sound Isld | Tuberculosis | CURLEW | Etta M | UC | 23 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
July 20 | Swift Current | Tuberculosis | BECK | Wallace | UC | 40 | Swift Current | Swift Current | |
Sep 22 | Swift Current | Cancer | BECK | Fletcher Giles? | UC | 63 | Sound Isld | Swift Current | |
Sep 28 | Woody Island | Beri-Beri | LOCKYER | Albert G | UC | 36 | Woody Isld | Woody Isld | |
July 17 | St. Marys | Myocarditis | DAVIS | William | RC | 78 | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Aug 24 | St. Marys | Cancer intestinal | WOODS | Denis | RC | 71 | Carbonear | St. Marys | |
Sep 17 | Gaskier? | Whooping Cough | GIBBONS | Catherine | RC | 5 mos | St Vincent | St. Marys | |
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1935 | |||||||||
Sept 30 | Riverhead | Senility | MASON | Teresa | RC | 84 | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
July 2 | Clattice Hr | Pulm TB | FOLLETT | Minnie | RC | 27 | Clattice Hr | Clattice Hr | |
Aug 9 | Paradise | Senility | POWER | Martha | RC | 74 | Petite Fort | Paradise | |
Aug 15 | St Kyrans | Accidental poisoning | WHITTLE | Elizabeth | RC | 6 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Aug 23 | Paradise | Cancer | HEALEY | Geoffrey | RC | 73 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Sep 21 | Clattice | Senility | FOLLETT | Mary A | RC | 78 | No entry | St Kyrans | |
Sep 18 | Clattice | Pulm TB | FOLLETT | Margaret | RC | 40 | Clattice | Brewley? | |
Sep 12 | Lt Paradise | Old age | BRENNAN | Lucy | RC | 72 | Presque | Paradise | |
Sep 10 | S.E. Bight | Influenza | POWER | A???e | RC | 38 | Clattice | S.E. Bight | |
Apl 12 | Portland, Maine U.S.A. | Pneumonia | DICKS | Chesley | C of E | 42 | Hr Buffett | Portland, Me USA | |
Apl 23 | Hr Buffett | Senile Decay | BURTON | Elizabeth | C of E | 98 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Aug 2 | Hr Buffett | No entry | MASTERS | Elizabeth | C of E | 65 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | HOLLETT | John | C of E | 24 | Hr Buffett | No entry | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | UPSHALL | Thomas | C of E | 34 | Hr Buffett | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BEST | John | C of E | 44 | Hr Buffett | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BEST | George | C of E | 17 | Hr Buffett | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | DICKS | John A Jr | C of E | 29 | Hr Buffett | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BOUTCHER | Andrew | C of E | 31 | Kingwell | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BOUTCHER | William | C of E | 28 | Kingwell | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BOUTCHER | Heber | C of E | 24 | Kingwell | Body not recovered | |
Aug 25 | At Sea | Drowning | BOUTCHER | Walter | C of E | 21 | Kingwell | Body not recovered | |
Aug 26 | Hr Buffett | Tuberculosis | BURTON | Bertha H | C of E | 13 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Sep 3 | Kingwell | Convulsions | RODWAY | Doris G | C of E | 1 mo | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Sep 14 | Hr Buffett | Senile Decay | MASTERS | Thos Ed | C of E | 81 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Oct 17 | Mental Hosp | ???an Dep Psychosis | GAULTON | John | RC | 31 | Isle Valen PB | Mt Carmel | |
Oct 24 | Genl Hosp | Coronary Thrombosis | COLLINS | William | RC | 51 | S.E. Placentia | S.E. Placentia | |
July 9 | St. Josephs | SB | PICCOTT | Baby | RC | SB | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Aug 9 | Rushoon | Pulm TB | WITHERS | Annie | RC | 29 | Burin | Rushoon | |
Aug 24 | Petite Forte | Old age | EMBERLY | Margaret | RC | 84 | Paradise | Petite Forte | |
Aug 25 | W Cape St Marys | Drowning | WAKEHAM | James | RC | 32 | St Anns | Body not recovered | |
July 23 | St Stephens | Cystitis | HAYWARD | James | RC | 65 | St. Vincent | St. Vincent | |
Sep 30 | St. Vincent | Whooping Cough | HOLLERAN | Mava? | RC | 1 yr | St. Vincent | St. Vincent | |
Apl 17 | St. Vincent | Septicaemia | FLEMING | Mrs. James | RC | 34 | Little Hr, PB | St. Vincent | |
July 12 | St. Johns | Myletis? | COLLINS | Peter | RC | 59 | Oderin PB | Placentia | |
Aug 17 | St. Johns | Hypertension | CARROLL | Laurence | RC | 62 | Dunville | Placentia | |
Sep 8 | Dunville | Heart Failure | BARRON | Mary | RC | 77 | No entry | Placentia | |
Sep 21 | Mental Hosp | Man Depr Psychosis | KEEFE | James | RC | 22 | Gt Barrisway | Placentia | |
July 12 | St. Johns | No entry | COLLINS | Peter | RC | 59 | Oderin | Placentia | |
Aug 17 | St. Johns | ??? | CARROLL | Laurence | RC | 62 | Dunville | Placentia | |
Sep 20 | Dunville | Heart Failure | BARRON | Mary | RC | 77 | No entry | Placentia | |
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1935 | |||||||||
Sep 21 | Mental Hosp | No entry | KEEFE | James | RC | 22 | Gt Barrisway | Placentia | |
Dec 24 | Poor Asylum | Ch Bronchitis | WHELAN | James | RC | 75 | No entry | St Josephs | |
Dec 31 | Genl Hosp St Josephs | TB Peritonitis | BROWN | Beatrice | RC | 33 | St Josephs | Mt Carmel | |
Nov 26 | Merasheen | Tuberculosis & malnutrition | VISCOUNT | Francis | RC | 52 | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
Oct No entry | Woody Isld | Tuberculosis | BARRETT | Samuel J | UC | 34 | Woody Isld | Woody Isld | |
Sep 26 | North Hr | Convulsions | LODER | Melvin? C | UC | 1 1/2 mos | North River | North River | |
Nov 8 | Sound Isld | Constipation | EDDY | Samuel J. | UC | 75 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
Aug 27 | Mosquito | Old age | DOBBIN | Maria | RC | 72 | Mosquito | Mosquito | |
Sep 2 | O'Donnells | No entry | HICKEY | George | RC | 4 yrs | O'Donnells | St Josephs | |
Sep 3 | St. Josephs | Cong Debility | POWER | Harold | RC | 10 dys | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Oct 25 | St. Josephs | Old age | WALSH | Thomas | RC | 78 | St Marys | St Josephs | |
July 15 | St. Josephs | SB | GUSHUE | Baby | RC | SB | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Aug 30 | St. Josephs | Cong Debility | POWER | Baby | RC | hrs | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Sep 10 | Mt Carmel | Cancer | HAWCO | Jane | RC | 52 | Placentia | Mt Carmel | |
Nov 22 | Mt Carmel | Suddenly | POWER | Gerald | RC | 2 mos | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Dec 8 | Tickles? | Senility | NOLAN | Richard | RC | 86 | Tickles? | Mt Carmel | |
Nov 18 | North Hr | Puerperal fever | POWER | Elizabeth | RC | 38 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Nov 6 | St. Marys | Whooping Cough | BURKE | Edward | RC | 10 mos | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Nov 12 | St. Marys | Whooping Cough | BURKE | Mary Rita | RC | 1 1/2 yrs | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Nov 17 | Riverhead St Marys | Bronchitasis? | HEARN | Simon | RC | 67 | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
Dec 22 | Mall? Bay | Gastric Carcinoma | GORMAN | Hannah | RC | 81 | Mall? Bay | Mall? Bay | |
Dec 25 | Path End S Marys | Gastric Carcinoma | HARVEY | Daniel | RC | 78 | St Marys | St Marys | |
Oct 18 | Flat Isld | Senility | KENWAY | Mary Ann | UC | 92 | Flat Isld | Flat Isld | |
Nov 5 | Flat Isld | Premature Birth | DICKS | Cecil F | UC | 3 dys | Flat Isld | Flat Isld | |
Dec 29 | St Stephens | TB | WHITE | Mary | RC | 47 | St Stephens | St. Vincent | |
Oct 30 | Little Paradise | Enteri? Fever | WHITE | Michael | RC | 14 | Little Paradise | Little Paradise | |
Nov 13 | St Kyrans | Debility | WHITTLE | Donald | RC | 3 mos | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Nov 13 | St Kyrans | Old age | COLLINS | William | RC | 75 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Nov 17 | St Anns | Pulm TB | FITZGERALD | Leo | RC | 45 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Dec 7 | Clattice | Cancer of stomach | FOLLETT | Margaret | RC | 62 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Dec 11 | St Leonards | Heart Trouble | RODGERS | Henry | RC | 89 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Aug 24 | K??? | Drowning | WAREHAM | Chem? | Sa | 20 | Kingwell | Body not recovered | |
Oct 10 | Kingwell | No entry | BOUTCHER | Matilda | Sa | 8 | Arnolds Cove | Kingwell | |
Oct 10 | Oderin | Pre-natal | DRAKE | Francis M | RC | 1 mo | Oderin | Oderin | |
Dec 2 | Oderin | Pneumonia | MANNING | Ronald M | RC | 3 1/2 yrs | Oderin | Oderin | |
Dec 31 | Petite Forte | Prematurity | WHITE | Bernice R | RC | 1 1/2 yrs | Petite Forte | Petite Forte | |
Feby 3 | Iona | Constipation | BRUCE | Patrick | RC | 31 | Iona | Iona | |
Feby 27 | Long Harbour | Constipation | KELLY | Peter | RC | 58 | Long Harbour | Long Harbour | |
Mar 13 | Davis Cove | Pneumonia | EMBERLY | Ellen | RC | 78 | Bruley | Bruley | |
Mar 20 | Bruley? | Influenza | EMBERLY | William | RC | 77 | Bruley | Bruley | |
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Mar 31 | Come by Chance | Influenza | BEST | Ethel | RC | 42 | Black? River | Sound Isld | |
Apl 10 | Come by Chance | Influenza | BEST | Thomas | RC | 78 | Sound Isld | Sound Isld | |
May 22 | Hr Buffett | Influenza | FOLEY | Thomas | RC | 86 | Hr Buffett | Port Royal | |
May 21 | Hr Buffett | Influenza | POWER | Mary | RC | 84 | Hr Buffett | Port Royal | |
June 7 | Long Harbour | Consumption | KEATING | Pauline | RC | 29 | Long Harbour | Long Harbour | |
Aug 23 | Bar Haven | Genl Debility | PENDERGAST | John | RC | No entry | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Sep 27 | ???ton | Heart Failure | PINE | Jane | RC | 68 | Davis Cove | Davis Cove | |
Nov 12 | Arnolds Cove | Complication | WARREN | Mary | RC | 65 | Lamonche? | Southern Hr | |
Dec 28 | Harbor Island | Consumption | GREEN | Susie | RC | 35 | Hr Island | Bruley | |
Dec 29 | Bar Haven | Brain Disorder | WADMAN | Leo | RC | 36 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Sep 2 | Placentia | Heart Failure | RODGERS | Mary | RC | 77 | Red Island | Placentia | |
Sep 6 | Pt Verde | Genl Debility | COLLINS | Margaret | RC | 79 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Sep 16 | Dunville | Genl Debility | HARTLEY | Ellen | RC | 97 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Oct 24 | Genl Hosp | TB & Heart disease | COLLINS | William | RC | 64 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Nov 4 | Placentia | Genl Debility | O'REILLEY | Margaret | RC | 79 | Port Royal | Placentia | |
Nov 4 | Placentia | Heart Failure | FURLONG | Laurence | RC | 76 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Nov 18 | Placentia | TB | MULROONEY | Peter | RC | 45 | Red Island | Placentia | |
Dec 14 | Placentia | Cancer of stomach | ROCHE | Bridget | RC | 73 | Presque | Placentia | |
Dec 27 | Placentia | Genl Debility | POWER | Minnie | RC | 45 | Red Island | Placentia | |
Oct 26 | Kingwell | Meningitis | RODWAY | Annie | Ch Eng | 10 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Dec 7 | Haystack | Dropsy | GREGORY | Deliah | Ch Eng | 61 | Haystack | Haystack | |
Apl 21 | Argentia | Whooping Cough | DUKE | Elizabeth | R Cath | 2 | Iona, PB | Argentia | |
May 21 | Argentia | Tuberculosis | DUKE | Elizabeth | R Cath | 28 | Iona, PB | Argentia | |
July 16 | Fox Hr | Cancer | DUKE | Thomas | R Cath | 37 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Sep 5 | Fox Hr | Tuberculosis | HEALY | Denis | R Cath | 41 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Sep 30 | Argentia | Senility | FITZPATRICK | Martha | R Cath | 77 | Argentia | Argentia | |
July 23 | Argentia | No entry | GRIFFIN | Edward | R Cath | 77 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Jun 17 | Argentia | Stillborn | GRIFFIN | No entry | R Cath | SB | Argentia | Argentia | |
Nov 29 | Red Island | Gastritis | KERRIVAN | John | R Cath | 74 | Red Island | Red Island | |
Dec 6 | Red Island | Paralysis | RYAN | Garrett | R Cath | 78 | Red Island | Red Island | |
Oct 28 | Fox Hr | Pul Tuberculosis | HEALEY | Thomas | R Cath | 5 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Nov 28 | Fox Hr | Pul Tuberculosis | MCCUE | Nora | R Cath | 45 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
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Note: This page is badly damaged, with much of theleft side and lower left corner missing-Transcriber | |||||||||
1936 | |||||||||
Jany 24? | North River | Inflammation | GILBERT | Robert | Pentecostal | 17 1/2 yrs | North River | North River | |
Jany 2 | Paradise | Pulm TB | POMEROY | George | RC | 25 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Feby 9 | Clattice | Cancer | BREWER | Mary A | RC | 58 | Merasheen | Clattice | |
Feby 11 | Isle Valen | Pulm TB | CAUL | Joseph | RC | 23 | Isle Valen | Isle Valen | |
Feby 13 | Clattice | Internal Injury | HEPDITCH | James | RC | 54 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Feby 12 | Deep Cove | Injury to spine | DUNPHY | Thomas | RC | 15 | Deep Cove | Presque | |
Feby 25 | Paradise | Pulm TB | POMEROY | Catherine | RC | 19 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Mar 24 | Deep Cove | Chill | LEONARD | Benedict | RC | 16 | Deep Cove | Presque | |
Feby 9 | St. Marys | Coronary Thrombosis | HOGAN | Mr D. William P | RC | 68 | Hr Grace | St Marys | |
Mar 11 | Paralysis (sic) | Paralysis | TOBIN | Robert | RC | 26 | Gaskier | St Marys | |
Jany 18 | Woods Island | Old age | LOCKYER | Eliza | C of E | 74 | No entry | Woody Isld | |
Mar 9 | St. Johns | Cancer | PEARCE | Amelia H | UC | 59 | Sound Isld | Woody Isld | |
Feby 21? | St Vincents | Convulsions | HALLERAN | Ada | RC | 4 mos | St Vincents | St Vincents | |
St Vincents | Influenza | GIBBONS | Genevieve | RC | 1 wk | St Vincents | St Vincents | ||
??? 28 | St Vincents | Gunning accident | HALLERAN | Sebastian | RC | 18 yrs | St Vincents | St Vincents | |
South East | SB | GALE | Baby | RC | SB | Bonds Path | Placentia | ||
Jersey Side | Convulsions | HILLYARD | Sadie | RC | 4 mos | Jersey Side | Placentia | ||
???de | Dropsy | PENDERGAST | Wm | RC | 72 | Pt Verde | Placentia | ||
No entry | FLYNN | Susan | RC | 35 | Iona P. Bay | Placentia | |||
Debility | POWER | Peter | RC | 78 | Dunville | Placentia | |||
TB of lungs | COLLINS | Francis | RC | 41 | Placentia | Placentia | |||
Heart Failure | COLLINS | Edward | RC | 80 | Placentia | Placentia | |||
?????er | Heart Failure | KELLY | John | RC | 68 | Freshwater | Placentia | ||
Jersey Side | Convulsions | ??LEY | Ellen Mary | RC | 4 mos | Jersey Side | Placentia | ||
Dunville | Heart Failure | MISSING | William | RC | 64 | Dunville | Placentia | ||
Pt Verde | SB | WAL??? | Baby | RC | SB | Pt Verde | Placentia | ||
Pt Verde | SB | WAL??? | Baby | RC | SB | Pt Verde | Placentia | ||
See Fortune Dist | Drowning | WHALEN | C?? Fred??? | RC | No entry | Argentia | Body not recovered | ||
Grace Hosp | Appendicitis | PAYNE | Dexter | C of E | 3 1/2 yrs | Aquaforte | Ch of Eng | ||
Infirmary St Johns | TB of lungs | DICKS | George | C of E | 17 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | ||
Flat Isld | Malnutrition Heart Failure | PIERCEY | Violet | UC | 31 | Flat Islds | Flat Islds | ||
Near Cape Race | Drowning | SENIOR | John | UC | 47 1/2 | Keepings Hr | Flat Islds | ||
Petite Forte | Suddenly | SQUIRES | John | RC | 61 | Dunville | Petite Forte | ||
???le Hr | Suddenly | MCCROOVE? | Thomas | RC | 74 | Little Hr | Little Hr W | ||
???le Hr | Gall Stones | BAILEY | Cecelia | RC | 46 | Little Hr | Little Hr W | ||
???erin | TB | BURSEY | Elizabeth | RC | 75 | Broad Cove | Oderin | ||
???erin | No entry | MANNING | Elizabeth | RC | 6 mos | Oderin | Oderin | ||
???hoon | No entry | VATERS | Kathleen B | RC | 2 mos | Rushoon | Rushoon | ||
No entry | WALTERS? | Peter W | RC | 11 mos | Rushoon | Rushoon | |||
Lillian | RC | 10? Yrs | Rushoon | Rushoon | |||||
Page 506 | |||||||||
1936 | |||||||||
Jany 5 | Merasheen | Sc??? | CARROLL | Mary | RC | 71 | Clattice Hr | Merasheen | |
May 20 | Mental Hosp | Arterio- sclerosis | KING | Ann | RC | 56 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
June 2 | Genl Hosp | Pericarditis | KEEFE | Catherine | RC | 9 | Gt. Barachois P.B. | Gt. Barachois | |
June 22 | Genl Hosp | Tb Meningitis | WALSH | Margaret | RC | 22 | Salmonier | Salmonier | |
June 16 | Grace Hosp Creston | Peritonitis | MAYO | George | S. Army | 3 1/2 | Creston | St. Johns | |
Apr 15 | Riverhead St Marys | (Senile) Pneumonia | MASON | Ellen | RC | 78 | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
May 21 | Riverhead St Marys | Prematurity | DALY | Anthony | RC | 3 wks | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
June 21 | Riverhead St Marys | Cancer | BOLAND | Bernard | RC | 62 | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
June 21 | Gaskier | Cancer | DOBBIN | Bernard | RC | 73 | Gaskier | St Marys | |
Jan 12 | Mt Carmel | No entry | WADE | Louisa Eliza | RC | 1 min | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Feb 10 | Mt Carmel | Puerperal Fever | POWER | Pauline | RC | 20 | Colinet | Colinet | |
June 20 | Mt Carmel | Cancer | FITZGERALD | Ellen | RC | 70 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Apr 30 | Colinet | Senility | DAVIS | Mary Ann | RC | 80 | Colinet | Colinet | |
Apr 8 | Markland | Stillborn | PENNY | John | RC | SB | Markland | Markland | |
May 10 | North Hr | Pneumonia | TREMBLETT | John | RC | 54 | North Hr | North Hr | |
May 31 | Colinet | Tuberculosis | CORRIGAN | Albert | RC | 30 | Colinet | Colinet | |
Apr 16 | Flat Islands | Eclampsia (childbirth) | SENIOR | Winnie Olive | S. Army | 16 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands | |
Apr 3 | S.E. Bight | Heart Failure | HYNES | Stephen | RC | 73 | S.E. Bight | S.E. Bight | |
Apr 12 | Clattice | Following childbirth | GAMBIN | Selina | RC | 24 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Apr 20 | Deep Cove | Pleurisy | COLLINS | Daniel | RC | 22 | Deep Cove | Deep Cove | |
Apr 30 | Darby's Hr | Old age | LAKE | Elizabeth | RC | 82 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
June 10 | Deep Cove | Pulm Tuberculosis | DUNPHY | Mary | RC | 20 | Deep Cove | Presque | |
May 30 | S.E. Bight | Debility | POWER | Judas | RC | 1 min | S.E. Bight | S.E. Bight | |
June 16 | Davis Cove | Pulm Tuberculosis | DUNPHY | Patrick | RC | 17 | Deep Cove | Presque | |
June 18 | Beckford's Cove | Cancer of stomach | WALSH | Elizabeth | RC | 72 | Presque | Presque | |
July 26 | General Hospital (Argentia) | (Prem) Stillbirth | BYRD | Baby | RC | SB | General Hosp | Mt Carmel, St Johns | |
July 27 | General Hospital (Colinet) | Tub. Meningitis | HARTSON | James | RC | 12 | Colinet | Colinet | |
Sep 15 | General Hospital (Hr Buffett) | Encephalitis | SHAVE | Freeman | C of E | 23 | No entry | Ch. England | |
Apr 6 | Woody Island | Bronchitis | PARDY | Ivan Raymond | U. Church | 6/12 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Apr 18 | North Harbour | Pneumonia | LOADER | Eli Willington | U. Church | 5 1/2 | North Hr | North Hr | |
May 20 | North Harbour | Anaemia | BARRETT | Albert | U. Church | 55 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
July 4 | Sound Island | Constipation | STACEY | Josiah | U. Church | 51 | Sound Island | Sound Island | |
Sep 29 | Mental Hospital (Sound Island) | Adenomata of prostate | GILES | John Joseph | U. Church | 72 | No entry | No entry | |
Aug 8 | Little Bona | Whooping Cough | WALSH | Anna | R Cath | 8/12 | Lt. Bona | Lt. Paradise | |
Aug 19 | St Kyrans | Whooping Cough | BILLING | Bertha | R Cath | 13 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Aug 25 | Paradise | Debility | PEARSON | Leo | R Cath | 3 wks | Paradise | Paradise | |
Sep 9 | Lt. Bona | Heart Failure | WALSH | Mary | R Cath | 35 | Gr Bona | Lt. Paradise | |
Sep 19 | St Kyrans | Pulm Tuberculosis | BILLING | Pius | R Cath | 16 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Sep 21 | Clattice | Cancer of stomach | HIPDITCH | George | R Cath | 58 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Sep 22 | Clattice | Blood Poison | GAULTON | John T. | R Cath | 66 | Isle Valen | Clattice | |
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1936 | |||||||||
July 23 | St. Marys | Pulm Tuberculosis | BURKE | Vincent | R Cath | 37 | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Aug 6 | Riverhead | Pulm Tuberculosis | BOLAND | Clara | R Cath | 25 | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
Aug 18 | St. Marys | Marasmus | MEEHAN | Joseph | R Cath | 2 wks | St. Marys | St. Marys | |
Sep 12 | Gaskier | Eclampsia | PETTEN | Bridget | R Cath | 26 | Gaskier | St Marys | |
Sep 19 | Gaskier | Stillborn | PETTEN | SB | No entry | SB | Gaskier | St Marys | |
July 16 | Riverhead | Stillborn | BOLAND | SB | No entry | SB | Riverhead | Riverhead | |
July 1 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | TRAINOR | Anastatia | R Cath | 80 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse | |
July 4 | Renews | Kidney disease | DEVINE | Thomas | R Cath | 72 | Renews | Renews | |
July 8 | Fermeuse | Cancer | TRAINOR | Denis | R Cath | 68 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse | |
July 28 | Renews | Debility | MCCARTHY | Maria R | R Cath | 4 dys | Renews | Renews | |
July 31 | Fermeuse | Tuberculosis | REDDY | Evelyn | R Cath | 10/12 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse | |
Sep 10 | Renews | Kidney disease | HAYES | Thomas | R Cath | 75 | Renews | Renews | |
Sep 12 | Fermeuse | Kidney disease | O'NEILL | Joseph | R Cath | 78 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse | |
Sep 14 | Renews | Cancer | DUTTON | James | R Cath | 63 | Renews | Renews | |
Sep 17 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | BROTHERS | Martin | R Cath | 82 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse | |
Apr 9 | St. Josephs | Tuberculosis | DALY | Mary Mildred | R Cath | 16 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Jan 7 | St. Josephs | No entry | POWER | Sarah | R Cath | 88 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Apr 24 | St. Josephs | No entry | POWER | Richard | R Cath | 91 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
May 6 | St. Josephs | No entry | DUGGAN | Douglas | R Cath | 30 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
May 16 | St. Josephs | No entry | BREEN | John | R Cath | 84 | St Vincents | St. Josephs | |
May 21 | St. Josephs | No entry | AHERN | Lizzie | R Cath | 79 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Aug 1 | Harricot | Childbirth | SUTTON | Laura | Pentecostal | 23 | Victoria | Victoria | |
July 28 | Harricot | Stillborn | SUTTON | SB | No entry | SB | Harricot | Harricot | |
Nov 19 | Wallis House, St Johns | P. Tuberculosis | FLYNN | Francis | R Cath | 20 | Tack's Beach | Mt Carmel | |
Nov 3 | Merasheen | Convulsions | WALSH | Francis B. | R Cath | 12 dys | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
Nov 9 | Merasheen | Senility | ENNIS | Richard | R Cath | 78 | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
Nov 10 | Merasheen | Prematurity | WILSON | Cecilia | R Cath | 1 hr | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
Nov 29 | S.a Anchorage | General debility | GRIFFITHS | Patricia | R Cath | 1 dy | St. Johns | St. Johns | |
Dec 5 | Fever Hospital | Potts Disease | WAREHAM | Herman | No entry | 14 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Dec 9 | Infirmary | Carcinoma Face | COLLINS | Rose | R Cath | 32 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Dec 22 | Infirmary | Pulm Tuberculosis | HANLON | Phyllis | R Cath | 16 | O'Donnell's Salmonier | St. Johns | |
Dec 30 | General Hospital | Pulm Tuberculosis | KING | Stella | No entry | 14 | S.E. Placentia | S.E. Placentia | |
May 14 | Swift Current | Influenza | SMITH | Arthur | U. Church | 11 | Swift Current | Swift Current | |
May 7 | Swift Current | Influenza | SMITH | Carrie | U. Church | 2 1/3 | Swift Current | Swift Current | |
July 15 | Woody Island | Pneumonia | STAINER | William | U. Church | 77 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Oct 3 | North Harbour | Tuberculosis | PAFFORD | Mildred O. | Ch Eng | 13 | North Harbour | North Harbour | |
Oct 6 | Swift Current | No entry | CROCKER | Harvey M. | U. Church | 9/12 | St. Johns | St. Johns | |
Oct 27 | Woody Island | Tuberculosis | WILLIAMS | Gladys | U. Church | 22 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Nov 16 | Woody Island | Childbirth | PIERCE | Mrs. Lemuel | U. Church | 31 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Oct 18 | Woody Island | No entry | NORMAN | Eli | U. Church | 2/12 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
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1936 | |||||||||
Dec 13 | Woody Island | Pneumonia | LOCKYER | Thomas | U. Church | 47 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Oct 15 | South East Bight | Senility | WARD | Flora | R Cath | 86 | Charlottetown | South East Bight | |
Oct 19 | St Kyrans | P. Tuberculosis | BILLING | Lizzie | R Cath | 46 | St. Lawrence | St Kyrans | |
Oct 25 | South East Bight | Throat disease | HYNES | Elizabeth | R Cath | 66 | South East Bight | South East Bight | |
Nov 18 | St Kyrans | Tubercular tonsils | BILLING | Ronald | R Cath | 10 | St Kyrans | St Kyrans | |
Nov 19 | St. Anns | Debility | MCHUGH | Thomas | R Cath | 1 day | St. Anns | St. Anns | |
Dec 3 | St. Anns | Debility | LEONARD | Patrick | R Cath | 1/12 | St. Anns | St. Anns | |
Dec 4 | South East Bight | Cancer | WHITE | John | R Cath | 68 | South East Bight | South East Bight | |
Dec 12 | Little Paradise | Paralysis | DRAY | James | R Cath | 74 | Little Bona | Little Paradise | |
Dec 21 | St. Leonards | Stone in kidney | LEONARD | Leo | R Cath | 38 | St. Leonards | St Kyrans | |
Nov 24 | Petite Forte | Unknown | HOULIHAN | William | R Cath | 43 | Merasheen | Petite Forte | |
Dec 12 | St Pierre | Drowned | TRAVERSE | William | R Cath | 55 | Brute | Body not recovered | |
May 10 | Little Hr | Pul Tuberculosis | HAYSE | Peter | R Cath | 54 | Little Hr | Little Hr | |
Jun 22 | St. Josephs | Paralysis | PICCOT | Selina | R Cath | 44 | St. Josephs, S.M.B. | St. Josephs, P.B. | |
Jun 22 | Oderin | Pul Tuberculosis | MULLETT | John | R Cath | 39 | Oderin | Oderin | |
Jun 16 | Oderin | Convulsions | LAKE | Barbara | R Cath | 1 1/2 | Oderin | Oderin | |
Aug 28 | St. Josephs | Pul Tuberculosis | HAWCO | Michael | R Cath | 16 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Oct 9 | St. Vincents | Tuberculosis | ST. CROIX | Gordon | R Cath | 23 | St. Vincents | St. Vincents | |
Nov 23 | St. Vincents | Senility | HALLERAN | Francis | R Cath | 88 | St. Vincents | St. Vincents | |
Sep 30 | St. Marys | Carcinoma Sigmoid | O'DRISCOLL | Stephen | R Cath | 81 | Tors Cove | Tors Cove Ferryland | |
July 25 | Mt Carmel | Senility | MCDONALD | Ann | R Cath | 75 | Pt. Lance | Mt Carmel | |
Aug 7 | Mt Carmel | Cardiac | NOLAN | Richard | R Cath | 67 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Sep 3 | Mt Carmel | Senility | DOYLE | Jane | R Cath | 76 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Oct 6 | Mt Carmel | Tuberculosis | MACDONALD | Mike | R Cath | 67 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Nov 28 | St Catherines | Influenza | DEANE | Barbara | R Cath | 2 3/4 | St Catherines | Mt Carmel | |
Dec 29 | Mt Carmel | Cardiac | MURPHY | Bridget | R Cath | 54 | Mt Carmel | Mt Carmel | |
Jan 16 | Argentia | Paralysis | HEALEY | Michael | R Cath | 61 | Fox Hr | Argentia | |
Feb 22 | Red Island | No entry | CARROLL | Paul | R Cath | 1/12 | Red Island | Red Island | |
Mar 28 | Fox Harbour | Tuberculosis | DAVIS | John | R Cath | 53 | Fox Harbour | Fox Harbour | |
Mar 27 | Fox Harbour | Senility | LEARY | Martin | R Cath | 78 | Fox Harbour | Fox Harbour | |
Feb 23 | Ship Harbour | Senility | GRIFFITHS | Bridget | R Cath | 83 | Ship Harbour | Ship Harbour | |
Jun 8 | Argentia | Gastritis | MEASE | John | R Cath | 74 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Apr 8 | Fox Harbour | Tuberculosis | DAVIS | John | R Cath | 56 | Fox Harbour | Fox Harbour | |
Apr 10 | Fox Harbour | No entry | LEARY | Martin | R Cath | 68 | Fox Harbour | Fox Harbour | |
Jun 27 | Fox Harbour | uraemia | HEALEY | Peter | R Cath | 73 | Holyrood | Fox Harbour | |
Jun 30 | Fox Harbour* | No entry | KING | Anne | R Cath | 62 | No entry | No entry | |
July 13 | Argentia | Paralysis | MAHER | James | R Cath | 73 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Aug 8 | Argentia | Senility | MURRAY | Maurice | R Cath | 84 | Merasheen | Argentia | |
Aug 4 | Argentia | Cancer | SPARROW | Andrew | R Cath | 73 | No entry | Argentia | |
July 17 | Argentia | Measles | VATERS | Francis | R Cath | 5/12 | No entry | Argentia | |
*The June 30 entry had a line drawn through most of it | |||||||||
and "off" inserted in four places, along with "See 506-2". | |||||||||
A check of Page 506, shows that this entry had already beenincluded there in the second line-Transcriber | |||||||||
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1936 | |||||||||
July 27 | Ship Hr | Tuberculosis | MURPHY | Nellie | R Cath | 23 | Ship Hr | Ship Hr | |
July 25 | Fox Hr | No entry | KING | Paul | R Cath | 32 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Aug 31 | Fox Hr | Cardiac Failure | MULLINS | Michael | R Cath | 74 | Fox Hr | Fox Hr | |
Sep 12 | Argentia | Paralysis | MAHER | Alexander | R Cath | 71 | Argentia | Argentia | |
Nov 9 | Argentia | Debility | GRIFFIN | Joseph G. | R Cath | 3 dys | Argentia | Argentia | |
Dec 20 | Red Island | Pneumonia | NORMAN | Cyril | R Cath | 2/12 | Red Island | Red Island | |
Oct 4 | Ship Hr | Puerperal Sepsis | GRIFFITHS | Helen | R Cath | 18 | Ship Hr | Ship Hr | |
Jan 19 | Haystack | Heart Disease | BEST | Mary | Ch Eng | 31 | Haystack | Haystack | |
Apr 14 | Spencer's Cove | Senility | PEACH | Elizabeth | Ch Eng | 80 | Spencer's Cove | Spencer's Cove | |
Apr 25 | Hr Buffett | Tuberculosis | DICKS | George | Ch Eng | 17 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Mar 16 | Hr Buffett | Tuberculosis | DICKS | Esther | Ch Eng | 20 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Jun 23 | Kingwell | Meningitis | UPSHALL | Gertrude | Ch Eng | 17 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
July 24 | Hr Buffett | Convulsions | DICKS | Blanche | Ch Eng | 1/12 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
July 10 | Kingwell | Convulsions | ALLEN | Violet M | Ch Eng | 6 dys | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Nov 2 | Hr Buffett | Debility | GREGORY | George | Ch Eng | 5 hrs | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Jan 1 | Hr Buffett | Paralysis | BURTON | Charles | Ch Eng | 80 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Nov 6 | St. Josephs | Heart Failure | NORRIS | Johanna | R Cath | 91 | St. Josephs | St. Josephs | |
Dec 26 | O'Donnells | No entry | BUTLIN | Joseph | R Cath | 90 | O'Donnells | St. Josephs | |
Jan 1 | Southern Hr | Old age | PRETTY | Johanna | R Cath | 87 | Presque | Southern Hr | |
Mar 6 | Long Hr | Stomach | MURPHY | Raymond | R Cath | 2/12 | Long Hr | Long Hr | |
Mar 29 | Port Royal | Old age | HANN | Anna | R Cath | 84 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
Jan 21 | Bar Haven | Consumption | FLYNN | Elizabeth | R Cath | 16 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
May 8 | Bar Haven | Colic | OSBORNE | No entry | R Cath | 3/12 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Aug 14 | Port Royal | Nervous debility | MILLER | Julia | R Cath | 74 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
Oct 3 | Long Hr | Stomach trouble | NORMAN | Thomas | R Cath | 1/12 | Long Hr | Long Hr | |
Oct 28 | Bruley | No entry | TRAVERS | Bride | R Cath | 36 | Bruley | Bruley | |
Dec 20 | Port Royal | Heart trouble | MILLER | Mary J. | R Cath | 77 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
Nov 6 | Riverhead | Senility | FAGAN | Ann | R Cath | 85 | St. Marys | Riverhead | |
Nov 11 | Pt La Haye | Carcinoma | HAYWARD | Edward | R Cath | 36 | Pt La Haye | St. Marys | |
Dec 28 | S.E. Bight | Old age | WHITE | Jane | R Cath | 80 | Davis Cove | S.E. Bight | |
Aug 11 | Flat Islands | Tuberculosis | SENIOR | Samuel G. | U. Church | 55 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands | |
Sep 17 | Flat Islands | Tuberculosis | SENIOR | Ebenezer | U. Church | 64 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands | |
Mar 29 | Pt Verde | Convulsions | WALSH | Baby | R Cath | 12 hrs | Pt Verde | Placentia | |
Oct 3 | Placentia | Cancer | WYSE | Julia | R Cath | 58 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Oct 23 | Placentia | Tuberculosis | BRENNAN | Patrick L | R Cath | 22 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Oct 29 | Jersey Side | Cancer | CARROLL | Ellen | R Cath | 63 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Nov 6 | South East | Dropsy | MCGLENNON | Patrick | R Cath | 86 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Dec 8 | North East | Drowned | HAYSE | Edward | R Cath | 80 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Dec 9 | Placentia | Cancer | COLLINS | Rose | R Cath | 36 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Dec 28 | Placentia | Flu | GREENE | Mary Carmel | R Cath | 13/12 | Placentia | Placentia | |
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1936 | |||||||||
July 8 | Placentia | Tuberculosis | MULROONEY | Annie | R Cath | 15 | Placentia | Placentia | |
July 26 | Placentia | Senility | KELLY | Elizabeth | R Cath | 83 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 7 | Placentia | Kidney disease | GREENE | Michael F. | R Cath | 68 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 11 | Placentia | Dysentery | MULROONEY | James | R Cath | 11/12 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 23 | S.E. Placentia | No entry | MCGLENNON | Alice | R Cath | 2 dys | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 23 | Placentia | Diabetes | FITZPATRICK | Mary | R Cath | 76 1/2 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Aug 28 | Placentia | Dysentery | MAHER | Wm Collins | R Cath | 1 1/2 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Sep 9 | Placentia | Senility | BURKE | Bridget | R Cath | 78 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Sep 14 | Dunville | Heart Failure | POWER | George | R Cath | 60 | Dunville | Placentia | |
Apr 14 | Placentia | TB Peritonitis | MURPHY | Margaret | R Cath | 18 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Apr 21 | Placentia | Senility | CLEARY | Richard | R Cath | 83 | Placentia | Placentia | |
May 14 | Placentia | Senility | GREGORY | Jane | R Cath | 88 | Placentia | Placentia | |
May 19 | Placentia | Senility | MOONEY | Lucy | R Cath | 78 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Jun 16 | Placentia | Pneumonia | KEEFE | Laura | R Cath | 9 | Placentia | Placentia | |
Jun 28 | Placentia | Cancer | COLLINS | Kathleen | R Cath | 27 | Placentia | Placentia | |
PAGE 511 Not Used | |||||||||
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1937 | |||||||||
Jan 27 | General Hospital | Senile Cataract Acute Mania | STACEY | Mary Ann | U. Church | 69 | Sound Island | Gen'l Prot | |
Feb 2 | Grace Hospital | Haemorrhage of newborn (Caesarean section) | BATSTONE | Arthur | U. Church | 5 dys | No entry | Gen'l Prot | |
Jan 8 | Toslow | No entry | LEONARD | Jane | R Cath | 63 | Toslow | Toslow | |
Jan 21 | S.E. Bight | Insanity | HUNT | Ellen | R Cath | 74 | S.E. Bight | S.E. Bight | |
Jan 12 | Lt Paradise | Measles | FITZGERALD | Raymond | R Cath | 2/12 | Lt Paradise | Lt Paradise | |
Feb 17 | Presque | Cancer | RYAN | Stalla | R Cath | 47 | Red Island | Presque | |
Feb 20 | Murphy's Cove | Old age | LAKE | Abe | R Cath | 84 | Murphy's Cove | Murphy's Cove | |
Mar 10 | Deep Cove | Pul Tuberculosis | COLLINS | Wm | R Cath | 21 | Deep Cove | Deep Cove | |
Jan 9 | North Hr | Cancer | REID | Henry | U. Church | 53 | Sound I. | North Hr | |
Mar 27 | North Hr | TB Bowels | GILBERT | Edgar E | U. Church | 33 1/2 | Sound I. | North Hr | |
Jan 10 | Marystown | Tuberculosis | DRAKE | Isaac | R Cath | 49 | Long Cove | Marystown | |
Feb 9 | Marystown | Convulsions | BRUSHETT | Richard E | R Cath | 2/12 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Feb 10 | Marystown | Sudden | FARRELL | Priscilla | R Cath | 49 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Jan 25 | Little Bay | Old age | KELLY | Richard | R Cath | 79 | Beau Bois | Beau Bois | |
Feb 13 | Marystown | TB Glands neck | POWER | Catherine | R Cath | 39 | Lamaline | Marystown | |
Feb 13 | Marystown | Kidney | BAKER | Edward | R Cath | 76 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Jan 30 | Marystown | TB leg | FLANNIGAN | Joseph | R Cath | 24 | Lawn | Marystown | |
Feb 26 | Marystown | TB kidneys | FITZPATRICK | Richard | R Cath | 45 | Marystown | Marystown | |
Mar 3 | Burin Hospital | TB spine | COADY | Rita | R Cath | 26 | Spanish Room | Spanish Room | |
Mar 9 | Little Bay | Convulsions | HANRAHAN | Stephen J. | R Cath | 3/12 | Little Bay | Little Bay | |
Jan 25 | Chamber's Island | Tuberculosis | TROWBRIDGE | Norman | Ch Eng | 20 | Chamber's Island | Chamber's Island | |
Apr 26 | Flat Islands | Pneumonia | DICKS | Julia | U. Church | 81 | Baine Hr | Flat Islands | |
May 7 | Flat Islands | Influenza | PEDDLE | Clarence H. | U. Church | 4/12 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands | |
Jun 8 | Flat Islands | Heart seizure | SENIOR | John | U. Church | 63 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands | |
Apr 10 | Sound Island | Paralysis | GILBERT | Mrs. Gabriel | U. Church | 79 | Sound Island | Sound Island | |
Apr 14 | Woody Island | TB Bowels | WILLIAMS | Bertha Louise | U. Church | 4 1/3 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Apr 24 | North Hr | Measles | STACEY | George B. | U. Church | 7 2/3 | North Hr | North Hr | |
May 31 | North Hr | Tuberculosis | CRAN? | Mrs Bella | U. Church | 40 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Apr 28 | Swift Current | No entry | SMITH | Mary | U. Church | 6 dys | Swift Current | Swift Current | |
Apr 5 | Bona | Heart Failure | CASEY | Minnie | R Cath | 51 | Bona | Bona | |
June 19 | Paradise | Ulcer of spine | POWER | John P. | R Cath | 15 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Mar 30 | Flat Island | Pneumonia | SENIOR | Richard | S. Army | 72 | Flat Island | Flat Island | |
May 5 | Creston | Tuberculosis | YOUNG | John | S. Army | 24 3/4 | Red Hr. | Creston | |
Feb 25 | Spencer's Cove | Heart Failure | BUTLER | Azariah | U. Church | 55 | Burnt Hd | Cupids, CB | |
Jan 9 | Merasheen | Acc. Scalded | HENNESSEY | Peter | R Cath | 3 1/2 | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
Jun 16 | Merasheen | Cold | POMEROY | Austin J. | R Cath | 6 dys | Merasheen | Merasheen | |
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1937 | |||||||||
Sep 4 | Sanatorium | Pul Tuberculosis | BENNETT | Marcella | R Cath | 21 | St Anns | St Anns | |
Sep 28 | Creston | Pul Tuberculosis | HODDER | Olive | U. Church | 14 | Creston | Creston | |
July 19 | Swift Current | Senility | SMITH | Joseph | U. Church | 71 | Sound Island | Swift Current | |
Aug 23 | North Hr | Drowning | LOADER | Lewis | U. Church | 18 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Sep 11 | Woody Island | Tuberculosis | COURTENAY | Edith | U. Church | 28 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
Sep 18 | North Hr | Tuberculosis | EDDY | Alice | U. Church | 48 | North Hr | North Hr | |
Sep 18 | Woody Island | Constipation | LOCKYER | Ella | U. Church | 2 | Woody Island | Woody Island | |
July 8 | St. Kyrans | Senility | MARTIN | Margaret | R Cath | 81 | St. Kyrans | St. Kyrans | |
July 8 | Deep Cove | Pul Tuberculosis | DUNPHY | Anne | R Cath | 39 | Presque | St. Kyrans | |
Aug 11 | Paradise | Pul Tuberculosis | PEARSON | Ellen | R Cath | 41 | Paradise | Paradise | |
Aug 18 | St. Kyrans | Debility | WHITTLE | Kevin J. | R Cath | 1 dy | St. Kyrans | St. Kyrans | |
Nov 9 | Bona | Senility | WALSH | Martin | R Cath | 70 | Bona | Presque | |
Nov 14 | Clattice | TB throat | BREWER | Eliza | R Cath | 19 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Dec 7 | Paradise | Senility | FLYNN | Peter | R Cath | 94 | St. Kyrans | Paradise | |
Dec 8 | Clattice | Senility | PALFREY | Thomas | R Cath | 80 | Clattice | Clattice | |
Aug 23 | Creston | Senility | HODDER | Victoria E. | S. Army | 3/12 | Creston | Creston | |
Dec 1 | Mortier | No entry | POWER | Richard | R Cath | 66 | Mortier | Fox Cove | |
Dec 28 | Duricle | Senility | DOODY | Mary | R Cath | 88 | Bell I. | Fox Cove | |
Oct 11 | Mortier | Appendicitis | POWER | Patrick | R Cath | 24 | Mortier | Fox Cove | |
July 8 | Mortier | Cerebral trouble | ANTLE | William | R Cath | 2 | Mortier | Fox Cove | |
Jan 1 | Hr Buffett | Senility | BURTON | Charles | R Cath | 80 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Feb 28 | Hr Buffett | Senility | BURTON | George | Ch Eng | 92 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Mar 1 | Hr Buffett | Debility | REID | John | Ch Eng | 2 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Aug 21 | Haystack | Senility | GILBERT | Mary | Ch Eng | 73 | Haystack | Haystack | |
Sep 26 | Spencer's Cove | Dysentery | SLADE | Shirley | Ch Eng | 3 | Spencer's Cove | Spencer's Cove | |
Nov 13 | Hr Buffett | Senility | UPSHALL | Mary | Ch Eng | 72 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Sep 7 | Kingwell | Dysentery | RODWAY | Amy | Ch Eng | 2 | Kingwell | Kingwell | |
Nov 25 | Hr Buffett | Dysentery | COLLETT | Frederick | Ch Eng | 70 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Dec 10 | Hr Buffett | Senility | DICKS | Frederick | Ch Eng | 70 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Dec 5 | Hr Buffett | Meningitis | COLLETT | Isabella | Ch Eng | 67 | Hr Buffett | Hr Buffett | |
Feb 28 | Creston | Bronchitis | HOOPER | Frances | Ch Eng | 83 | Creston | Creston | |
Mar 5 | Creston | Debility | HANHAM | Marjorie | Ch Eng | 6/12 | Creston | Creston | |
Sep 6 | Rock Hr | Convulsions | DODGE | Henry | Ch Eng | 3/12 | Rock Hr | Rock Hr | |
Sep 20 | Rock Hr | No entry | SCOTT | Baby | Ch Eng | 10 dys | Rock Hr | Rock Hr | |
Oct 9 | Creston | Pul Tuberculosis | GREEN | Etta | Ch Eng | 27 | Creston | Creston | |
June 11 | Davis Cove | Stomach disorder | HICKEY | James | R Cath | 48 | Davis Cove | Davis Cove | |
May 5 | Bar Haven | Heart Failure | MURPHY | Alice | R Cath | 55 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Jan 23 | Port Royal | Pneumonia | MILLER | Annie F. | R Cath | 16 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
Jan 29 | Bar Haven | Stomach disorder | BENNETT | Johannah | R Cath | 24 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Mar 13 | Port Royal | Blood Poison | BAVIS | Robert | R Cath | 75 | Port Royal | Port Royal | |
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1937 | |||||||||
Oct 8 | Bar Haven | No entry | CUMBIE | Esther | R Cath | 73 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Nov 29 | Bar Haven | Influenza | COADY | Sarah | R Cath | 75 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Nov 20 | Brewley | Senility | BENNETT | Bridget | R Cath | 76 | Brewley | Brewley | |
Dec 6 | Bar Haven | Bronchitis | WADMAN | William | R Cath | 3/12 | Bar Haven | Bar Haven | |
Dec 27 | Davis Cove | Bladder trouble | HICKEY | John | R Cath | 79 | Davis Cove | Davis Cove | |
Dec 30 | Bar Haven | Paralytic stroke | MACKEY | Mary | R Cath | 68 | Dunville | Bar Haven | |
Nov 5 | Rushoon | Debility | CHEESMAN | Louise | R Cath | 1/2 hr | Rushoon | Rushoon | |
July 10 | Boat Hr | Cancer | MATTERFACE | Joseph | U. Church | 65 | Baine Hr | Boat Hr | |
Dec 12 | Flat Islands | Tuberculosis | BUTLER | Susan | U. Church | 72 | Flat Islands | Flat Islands |
Transcribed by:Gordon Bennett (2012)
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