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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

St.John's City District

Book 11
PAGES 39 - 48

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
NOTE: The term (OFF) as shown on this page. It is a penned in entry on most of the items in that row's (individual) entries. It is not know from the page exactly what it is supposed to reference. It is included here because it is an entry on the original page although it appears it was not written by the enumerator but penned at a later date. Transcriber.
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Aug. 12 Hosp.(Mental) Dementia PITTMAN George M RC 67 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 13 New Glasgow Ureamia Convulsions ELLIS Albert M SA 29 S Johns S. Army
Aug. 13 40 Macay St Prematurity CONNOLLY Frances F RC 5 Hrs S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 13 Grace Hosp. Gastro Enteritis PORTER Ethel F C of E 4 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Aug. 13 33 Scott St Paralysis DROVER Thomas M RC 73 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 14 South Side E Myocarditis PEYTON Richard M C of Eng. 74 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Aug. 16 37 Flower Hill Enteritis DODD Richard M RC 6 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 13 124 Casey St Carcinoma of Rectum FRENCH William M C of E 82 No Entry Bay Roberts
Aug. 15 28 Cook St Pulm. T.B. CONNORS Annie F RC 43 No Entry Mt Carmel
Aug. 15 7 Alexander St Arterio Sclerosis FORTUNE Hannah F RC 62 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 15 Police Station Alcoholism O'BRIEN Gerald M RC 48 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 16 Springdale St Meningitis JOYCE Julia F UC 35 Carbonear Carbonear
Aug. 14 Nf Infirmary Senility LAYMAN Gregory M C of E 78 No Entry Burnt Point, B.D.V.
Aug. 16 12 Balsam St Gastric Ulcer DOUTNEY Mary F RC 80 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 17 31 Lime St Infantile Paralysis STAMP Catherine F RC 7 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 17 Bonaventure Ave Heart Block CARMICHAEL Mrs Mary E F Cong'l 69 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Aug. 18 92 Hamilton St Debility BAMBRICK Alice F RC 9 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 18 Genl Hospital Accident Shock HOLLETT Robert M C of Eng. 65 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Aug. 18 St Johns W Drowning QUIGLEY James M RC 41 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 20 22 Lime St Ac. Bronchitis MADDIGAN Michael M RC 82 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 20 St Johns Infirmary T.B. KEEFE Mary F RC 48 Calvert Mt Carmel
Aug. 21 18 Cenral Ave Gastro Enteritis KING Mary P F RC 10 Mo S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 22 S.Side West Gastro Enteritis BAKER Thomas M RC 10 Mo S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 22 Poor Asylum Senility COX Mrs Maria F UC 70 Bonavista Genl Protestnt
Aug. 22 46 Charlton? St Senility EVANS Edward M RC 82 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 22 St Clairs[sic] Hosp. S.B. WALSH Baby F RC SB S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 22 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. DRAIK? Samuel M UC 20 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Aug. 22 Grace Hosp. Eclampsia PRESTON Mrs Elizabeth F RC 25 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 21 LeMarchant Rd Heart Failure WHITE Marie F RC 56 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 24 152 Pleasant St Carcinoma of Neck GARLAND Henry M No Entry 82 No Entry Hr Grace
Aug. 24 8 Sheehan Shute Enteritis SPRY James M RC 1 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 25 St Clairs[sic] Hosp. Carcinoma Uterus DOHERTY Mrs Ellen F RC 52 S Johns Petty Hr
Aug. 24 30 James St Gastro Enteritis PEDDLE Michael M RC 7 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 25 St Clares Hosp. Carcinoma DOHERTY** Mrs Ellen (OFF) F RC 52 No Entry Petty Hr
Aug. 25 Grace Hosp. Gangrene of Arm (Thrombosis) TILLEY Elizabeth Joan F C of E 1 Mo. S Johns Ch of Eng.
Aug. 25 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. MORRISSEY** Frank (OFF) M RC 16 Yrs St Georges Mt Carmel
Aug. 26 48 Brazils Sq. Natural Causes WARFORD Jack M Ch of Eng. 7 S Johns C of E
Aug. 26 37 Scott St Old Age O'LEARY Mrs Catherine F RC 85 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 27 27 Boncloddy St Arterio Sclerosis FLYNN Mrs Josephine F RC 61 S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 12 Poor Asylum Senility MURPHY James M RC 92 Goulds Goulds
Note: On original page, **DOHERTY, Mrs Ellen, marked as off. Entered twice on sheet.
Note: On original page, **MORRISSEY, Frank , marked as off.
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Aug. 26 Black Marsh Rd Cancer or Rectum RYAN Martin M RC 53 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 28 2 Lyons Sq. Gastro Enteritis MALONEY Harold J M RC 5 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 28 Poor Asylum Debility WARD Mary Jane F C of E 63 Labrador Ch of Eng.
Aug. 28 White Hills Convulsions CLOONEY Rose Marie F RC 3 1/2 S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 29 Genl Hosp. Cancer or Bowels HOLLIHAN Ellen F RC 50 No Entry Mt Carmel
Aug. 29 Grace Hosp. S.B. JAMES Baby F RC SB S Johns Belvedere
Aug. 30 29 Barters Hill Gastro Enteritis COOPER Ruth F UC 6 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Aug. 30 Genl Hosp. Lobar Pneumonia DALTON** Bernard (OFF) M RC 39 Conception Hr Conception Hr
Aug. 31 Genl Hosp. Pernicious Anaemia MARTIN Charles M UC 56 No Entry Carbonear
Aug. 13 Mundy Pond Rd Senility WHITE John A M Ch of Eng. 82 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Aug. 31 20 Bannerman St Endocarditis FRENCH Alice F Ch of Eng. 57 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Aug. 31 14 Freshwater Rd Arterio Sclerosis DOYLE Martin J M RC 71 No Entry Mt Carmel
Aug. 31 81 New Gower St Gastro Enteritis JOHNSON Baby Charles M RC 17Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Aug. 31 S Johns Dysentery COVEYDUCK William D M C of E 4 1/2 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 01 20 Waldegrave St Arterio Sclerosis HARRIS John M M C of E 66 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 01 83 Duckworth St Gastro Enteritis DOWNER Robin Cluny M C of E 5 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 01 S/S Fort "St George" St Johns Hr. Cirrhosis Liver,Ac. Dilation of Heart SILO** James P OFF No Entry 42 No Entry Body sent to New Yk. Per 2/5 Fa? St George
Sep. 02 8 Burkes Sq. Gastro Enteritis COLLINS Leo Joseph M RC 5 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 02 Asylum for Insane Arterio Sclerosis BYRNE Emma F RC 70 No Entry Mt Carmel
Sep. 02 Genl Hosp. T.B. Meningitis POWER Ivan M RC 16 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 03 23 Carters Hill Diarrhoea MORRISSEY Thomas J M RC 8 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 03 Cook St. Hosp. Apoplexy COONEY Mrs Mary F RC 83 No Entry Mt Carmel
Sep. 03 265 S. Side Pulm. T.B. JACKMAN Mrs Philomena F RC 26 No Entry Mt Carmel
Sep. 03 43 Goodview St Intestinal Intoxication KEATS Charles I M C of Eng. 7 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 04 Calvers Ave Ac.Gastro Enteritis WHITE Baby Rita F UC 3 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 04 132 Casey St Cholera Infantum FOLLETT Gerald M RC 1 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 03 11 Young St S.B. FRAMPTON Baby F Ch of Eng. SB S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 04 1 Livingstone St Ac.Gastro Enteritis PEET James M UC 74 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 04 63 Cabot St Multiple Neuritis ANDREWS Mrs Mary F Ch of Eng. 45 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 05 6 Alexander St Gastro Enteritis LAMB Rose Mary F RC 14 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 05 George St Gastro Enteritis PENNEY? Virginnia F RC 7 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 06 Bonaventure Ave Prematurity DALEY James M RC 3 Dys S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 06 11 Young St Asthenia FRAMPTON Baby M Ch of Eng. 3 Dys S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 06 20 George St Prematurity SB PURCELL Baby M RC SB S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 06 270 New Gower St Cholera Infantum SHEEHAN Shirley Teresa F RC 17 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 06 Genl Hospital Carcinoma of Bladder WHITE John M Ch of Eng. 66 Goulds The Goulds
Sep. 06 Goodridge St Gastro Enteritis LUNDRIGAN Gertrude F Ch of Eng. 9 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 06 4 Coronation St Gastro Enteritis BAIRD? Elizabeth F RC 6 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 06 72 Merrymeeting St Gastro Enteritis SQUIRES Susannah F Ch of Eng. 73 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 07 Goodridge St Gastro Enteritis LUNDRIGAN Alice F Ch of Eng. 9 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Note: On original page, **SILO,**DALTON marked as OFF
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Sep. 06 252 Gower St Gastro Enteritis BREEN Annie F RC 6 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 08 3 Burkes Sq. Gastro Enteritis PEDDLE William M RC 6 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 09 89 Signal Hill Rd Hypostatic Pneumonia OLSEN Annie F Ch of Eng. 69 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 09 184 Merrymeeting Rd Cancer of Bladder SMITH Arthur M Ch of Eng. 62 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 06 11 Young St Asthenia FRAMPTON Baby F Ch of Eng. 3 Dys St Johns Ch of Eng.
Apl 29 Mt Pearl Old Age ANTHONY Frances M RC 86 Mt Pearl Kilbride
May 01 Kilbride Convulsions MERNER Michael F M RC 1 Hr Kilbride Kilbride
Sep. 08 Southcott Hospital General Debility MEEHAN John M RC 73 No Entry Belvedere
Sep. 10 303 Pleasant St Malnutrition ABBOTT Baby Herbert M C of E 2 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 11 31 Wickford St Gastro Enteritis ROSSITER Bernice F RC 6 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 10 Grace Hosp. Pneumonia PRESTON Baby M RC 3 Wks S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 10 Asylum for Insane Acute Mania STOCKLEY Emily Jane F UC 58 Wesleyville Wesleyville
Sep. 11 Grace Maternity Hosp. Pleuro Pneumonia PYNN Martha F Ch of Eng. 66 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 12 67 French's Lane Senile Decay FRENCH Robert M Ch of Eng. 87 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 12 54 Monroe St Ac. Pneumonia Phthisis TAYLOR William J M UC 29 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 13 Cochrane St Myocarditis SHEA Hon. George M RC 82 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 13 64 Pleasant St Malnutrition MADDIGAN John J M RC 7 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 13 Genl Hospital Alcoholism HEARN Michael M RC 35 S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 14 23 Hamilton St Cholera Infantum MCLEOD Anna Susie F C of E 14 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 14 Mental Hospital Pernicious Anaemia ROACHE Bridget F RC 41 S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 15 36 William St Cholera Infantum MCDONALD Leo Patrick M RC 3 Wks S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 16 Wallis Hospital Cancer of Stomach LEHR Robert M C of E 62 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 16 Goodridge St Cholera Infantum ELLIS Jean Lorraine F UC 6 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 16 27 Power St Senility GARDNER Arabella F C of E 81 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 16 Middle Battery Intestinal Intoxication JOHNSTON Albert M UC 1 Mo. S Johns Genl Prot. Cemetry
Sep. 17 Grace Maternity Hosp. Marasmus HARDING Cluny M C of E 5 Wks S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 17 Poor Asylum Senility HOLLARD John M C of E 91 Kingston Eng. Ch of Eng.
Sep. 17 211 Pleasant St Pulm. T.B. CAREW Mary F RC 27 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 18 32 Gilbert St Ac. Gastro Enteritis REARDON Stephen A M RC 9 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 18 33 Lime St Ac. Gastro Enteritis FIELD John Thomas M RC 10 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 18 Grace Hosp. Scalds CRUMMEY Montana M RC 1 7/12 Goulds Goulds
Sep. 18 133 Pennywell Rd Pulm. T.B. DOODY Matthew A M RC 42 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 19 210 Pleasant St Gastro Enteritis SQUIRES Lydia B F UC 3 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 18 Nf Infirmary Hypotension PIKE William M UC 54 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 19 253 Water St W Gastro Enteritis POWER Gerald M RC 8 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 19 20 Central St Ac. Endocarditis LOWE William Rob't M UC 14 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 19 32 Angel Place Dysentry FAGAN Kathleen Mary F RC 8 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 19 Cochrane St Myocarditis BARTLETT Henry M RC 82 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 20 Calver Ave Enteritis T.B. WHITE *Ink Blot on page F UC 3 9/12 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 20 Mundy Pond Rd Gastro Enteritis O'NEIL Lilly F RC 2 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
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Sep. 19 Sanatorium Topsail Rd Pulm. T.B. HOLLETT William T M RC 20 St Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 20 137 George St Ac. Gastro Enteritis CORBETT James M RC 3 Mos St Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 21 214 Water St W Ac. Gastro Enteritis MINETTE James M RC 13 Mos St Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 21 16 Casey St Inanition DUKE Alice May? F RC 6 Mos St Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 21 99 Gower St Old Age HUBLEY Mrs Sophie F RC 77 No Entry Elliston B.B.
Sep. 20 70 Barters Hill Cancer of Stomach SPOONER Sarah F UC 67 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Sep. 21 Black Hd Rd Lobar Pneumonia REID Eldred M RC 7 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 21 Genl Hosp. Cel. Haemorrhage LANE James M UC 83 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Sep. 21 28 Cook St Prematurity SWEETAPPLE Gertrude F SA 7 Hrs S Johns S. Army
Sep. 21 Grace Hosp. Malnutrition MALONEY Baby M RC 6 Wks S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 21 32 Quidi Vidi Rd Gastro Enteritis DENIEFF Mary Margaret F RC 3 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 21 387 Water St W Typhoid MURPHY James M RC 8 Yrs S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 21 Grace Hosp. Gastro Enteritis NOSEWORTHY Bertha F RC 13 Mos S Johns Topsail
Sep. 22 Genl Hosp. Carcinoma of Stomach POPE Emma F C of E 52 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 23 152 Hamilton Ave Ch. Endocarditis CAMPBELL William M UC 57 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 23 Signal Hill Rd Gastro Enteritis BARRON Ellen F RC 3 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 25 Plymouth Rd Cholera Infantum IVANY Thomas M UC 7 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 25 Mt Pleasant Ave Enteritis FOLEY Harold M RC 9 Wks S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 16 Higgins Line S.B. BUDDEN Baby M UC SB S Johns Genl Protestnt
Sep. 25 Fever Hosp. Gastro Enteritis PITTS Clayton M C of E 1 Yr S Johns Ch of Eng.
Sep. 25 153 Casey St Meningitis BREEN Brendon F M RC 7 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 25 Sanatorium 10 Plymouth Rd Pulm. T.B. WALSH William M RC 44 S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 25 Cathederal St Gastritis CONNORS Thomas M RC 4 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 26 68 Leslie St Gastro Enteritis ANTLE Cyril M RC 1 9/12 S Johns Mt Carmel
Sep. 26 18 Spencer St Malnutrition WHELAN Mary J F RC 3 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 28 Barnes Rd Cancer of Tongue MACKAY William M RC 64 S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 29 18 Spencer St Malnutrition WHELAN Bridget F RC 3 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Sep. 28 Mental Hospital Myocarditis WOODFORD Mrs F C of E 86 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Sep. 29 Sheehans Shute Gastro Enteritis ROGERS Baby James M RC 3 Mos No Entry Mt Carmel
Sep. 29 Poor Asylum Myocarditis DWYER Joseph M UC 63 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Sep. 30 192 Gower St Cardio Renal MANSFIELD Frances F RC 75 No Entry Belvedere
Oct. 01 9 Adelaide St Convulsions COVE Genevive F RC 1 Mo. S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 02 Genl Hospital Arterio Sclerosis BURKE Michael M RC 81 No Entry Belvedere
Oct. 02 Genl Hospital Rodent Ulcer of Face LEE Frederick M RC 54 Petty Hr Petty Hr
Oct. 02 59 Merry Meeting Rd Genl Debility CHAPTER Frances F RC 2 Wks S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 03 Quidi Vidi Endocarditis LAMBERT Anne F RC 7 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 03 40 Hayward Ave Enteritis CROTTY Mary L F RC 3 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 03 19 Princes St Cholera Infantum LUSH William M RC 3 Wks S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 04 275 South Side Senility COSH William J M C of E 78 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Oct. 03 Genl Hosp. Intestinal Obstruction -> Intestinal Obstruction WHITE Denis M UC 61 S Johns Mt Carmel
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Oct. 04 53 Belvedere St Pernicious Anaemia BARRETT Margaret F RC 73 No Entry Belvedere
Oct. 05 37 Military Rd Pulm. T.B. BRADSHAW Robert M RC 25 S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 05 20 Power St Pulm. T.B. SULLIVAN Gerald M RC 27 S Johns Avondale
Oct. 05 22 Springdale St Con. Debility HISCOCK William F M UC 16 Dys S Johns Genl Protestnt
Oct. 05 Flavins St Cholera Infantum SULLIVAN Edward M RC 6 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 05 Lower Battery Marasmus SMITH Alfred M C of E 1 1/2 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 05 Grace Hosp. Ch. Nephritis CROSBIE Sir John C M UC 56 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Oct. 07 Middle Battery Rd Gastro Enteritis STANFORD Percy J M C of E 3 Mos S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 07 Upper Battery Rd T.B. Meningitis HALLEY Helen F RC 9 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 07 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. COLLINS May? F RC 20 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 08 Genl Hosp. Ch. Embolism FANNING William M RC 67 S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 09 12 Duckworth St Scarlet Fever WITTMAN Madonna F RC 3 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 10 228 LeMarchant Rd Spina Bifida ADEY Maxwell F M UC 1 1/2 Mos S Johns Genl Protestnt
Oct. 10 Grace Hosp. SB WALSH Baby M RC SB S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 12 Grace Hosp. Pyloric Stenosis SILVER Philip M Jewish 3 Mos S Johns Jewish
Oct. 12 Mundy Pond Rd Gastro Enteritis DUNN Francis M RC 9 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 13 Genl Hosp. Genl T.B. HYNES Michael M RC 50 S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 14 250 Duckworth St Carcinoma of Bladder BEMISTER Wm. T. M C of E 73 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 14 83 Duckworth St Carcinoma of Stomach SKINNER Cornelius M C of E 83 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 14 Hamilton St Senility RUMSEY? Eliza H F UC 82 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Oct. 15 Grace Hosp. Cel. Haemorrhage MORGAN Baby F C of E 1 Dy S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 15 Grace Hosp. Gastro Enteritis DAWE Charlie M RC 1 Mo S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 16 Poor Asylum Heart Disease MCGRATH John M RC 61 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 18 32 Adelaide St Gastro Enteritis WALSH Patricia F RC 10 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 18 5 James St Heart Disease DUGGAN Timothy M RC 76 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 19 70 Forest Rd Gastro Enteritis GALWAY Joan F RC 76? S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 19 St Claires[sic] Hosp. Vavular Disease of Heart CONNORS Miss Annie F RC 27 S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 19 Grace Hosp. Bronchitis COMBY Baby George M C of E 5 Wks S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 19 Nf Infirmary Cardio Renal PORTER Henry M C of E 74 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 20 Mayor Ave Apoplexy SHEA Mary Ellen F RC 67 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 20 3 Hayward Ave Diabetes DILLON Mrs Mary F RC 62 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 20 Portugal Cove Rd Ch. Endocarditis HICKEY Mrs Ellen F RC 79 No Entry Placentia P.B.
Oct. 21 71 Monkstown Rd Angina Pectoris WYLAN Philip M Jewish 44 No Entry Jewish
Oct. 19 Forest Rd Senile Decay SUTTON Sarah F Ch of Eng. 84 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Oct. 21 White Hills Enteritis SCOTT Joan Mary F RC 15? Dys S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 21 Fever Hosp. Scarlet Fever BREEN William M RC 2 10/12 S Johns Ex? Kilbride
Oct. 21 71 Monkstown Rd Angina Pectoris WYLAN** Philip (Off) M Jewish 44 OFF Body sent to New York*
Oct. 21 89 Gower St Cel. Haemorrhage CLARKE Mrs Mary A F UC 78 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Oct. 21 Alexander St Senility WAY Anna W? F UC 79 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Oct. 22 Quidi Vidi Enteritis MALLARD Joan F RC 2 Mos Quidi Vidi Mt Carmel
Note: On original page, **WYLAN, Philip, was marked as off. Name entered Twice.
Note: **WYLAN, Philip, Note stating "Autopsy performed at request of N.Y. relatives.
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July 03 Waterford Bridge Rd Consumption WALSH Edward M RC 10 Yrs Waterford Bridge Rd Mt Carmel
Aug. 12 Kilbride Heart Failure FAHEY Lucy F RC 50 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
Oct. 22 Freshwater Rd Enteritis SNOW Katherine F RC 6 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 22 Murphys Square Mongolism JACKMAN Alex M RC 1 Mo. S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 23 17 Coronation St Scarlet Fever MOORE Stanley M RC 11 Yrs S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 23 Hamilton St Pernicious Anaemia LESTER Charles M C of E 71 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Oct. 24 Cuddihy St Mongolism TILLEY James M RC 2 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 24 The "Oaks" Carpasian Rd Ch. Nephritis PARSONS William Henry M UC 69 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Oct. 25 49 Cook St Broncho Pneumonia O'ROURKE Frederick M RC 13 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 27 Genl Hosp. Cardiac Renal DILLON Jane F RC 68 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 27 Woods Range Bronchial Asthma MURPHY James M RC 72 No Entry Mt Carmel
Oct. 27 124 Casey St Carcinoma of Stomach KING Selina F UC 92 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Oct. 29 62 Pleasant St Scarlet Fever WILLIAMS Chesley M C of E 2 1/2 S Johns C of Eng.
Oct. 29 136 Theatre Hill Myocarditis BYRNE Mrs Anne F RC 80 No Entry Belvedere
Oct. 29 Portugal Cove Rd Senility THOMAS William M RC 89 No Entry Mt Carmel
Oct. 30 Genl Hosp. Puerperal Septicaemia DOOLEY Josephine F RC 38 No Entry Belvedere
Oct. 30 Genl Hosp. Toxic Myocarditis HICKEY James M RC 66 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 30 7 Job St SB Prematurity HISCOCK Baby F C of E 1 Hr S Johns C of E
Oct. 30 87 Cabot St Ch. Nephritis GELLATELY Edward M RC 30 S Johns Mt Carmel
Oct. 31 134 Pleasant St Cel. Haemorrage MOAKLER Mrs Catherine F RC 65 S Johns Belvedere
Apl 12 Bell Isld Meningitis CORBETT Mary F RC 12 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Apl 15 Bell Isld Consumption STOYLES James M RC 30 Bell Isld Lance Cove
May 06 Bell Isld Consumption SWEENEY Ronald M RC 22 Bell Isld Bell Isld
May 23 Bell Isld Premature Birth PAUL Bridget M F RC 13 Dys Bell Isld Bell Isld
June 16 Bell Isld Summer Complaint NORMORE Michael P M RC 3 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
June 19 Bell Isld Paralysis MCCARTHY William M RC 68 Upper Isld Cove Upper Isld Cove
July 10 Bell Isld Consumption SULLIVAN Kathleen F RC 15 Bell Isld Bell Isld
July 03 S Johns Insanity BUTLER Robert M RC 41 Bell Isld Bell Isld
July 27 Bell Isld Consumption NEARIN William M RC 13 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 15 Bell Isld Summer Sickness JACKMAN Eileen F RC 2 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 16 Bell Isld Summer Sickness CARROLL Leo M RC 4 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 16 Bell Isld Summer Sickness HYNES Wm. Francis M RC 10 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 13 Bell Isld Summer Sickness O'TOOLE Elizabeth F RC 80 Conception Hr Conception Hr
Aug. 22 Bell Isld Summer Sickness GORMON Dominic M RC 4 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 21 Bell Isld Summer Sickness RICHARDS Michael F M RC 19 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 20 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BASHER Alice F RC 5 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 23 Bell Isld Premature TAYLOR Mildred F RC 1 Dy Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 25 Bell Isld Summer Sickness GALWAY Raymond M RC 5 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 25 Bell Isld Summer Sickness LEWIS Elizabeth F RC 1 1/2 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 26 Bell Isld Summer Sickness NORRIS Harold M RC 9 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
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Aug. 26 Bell Isld Summer Sickness CARROLL Annie Mary F RC 4 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 27 Bell Isld Summer Sickness WHITE Alfred John M RC 7 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 03 Bell Isld Summer Sickness DOBBIN Andrew M RC 8 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 04 Bell Isld Summer Sickness HIBBS Leo M RC 2 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 04 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BROWN Donald G M RC 5 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 05 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BRAZIL Sarah F RC 14 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 01 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BRAZIL Matthew M RC 2 1/2 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 03 Bell Isld Summer Sickness KELLY Alice F RC 5 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Aug. 29 Bell Isld Summer Sickness JACKMAN Michael J M RC 9 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 04 Bell Isld Old Age LAHEY Michael M RC 76 Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 03 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BROWN Ambrose M RC 16 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 03 Bell Isld Summer Sickness TREMBLETT James H M RC 9 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 05 Bell Isld Summer Sickness LAHEY Gerald F M RC 14 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 06 Bell Isld Summer Sickness JOHNSON Rita F RC 8 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 10 Bell Isld Summer Sickness LEWIS Maria F RC 4 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 05 Bell Isld Summer Sickness DWYER Elizabeth F RC 7 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 05 Bell Isld Summer Sickness CUMMINS Bridget F RC 4 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 07 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BUTLER John M RC 5 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 11 Bell Isld Summer Sickness Cecilia LEWIS F RC 4 1/2 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 14 Bell Isld Summer Sickness BUTLER Theresa F RC 8 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 15 Bell Isld Summer Sickness TAYLOR Charles H M RC 1 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 20 Bell Isld Summer Sickness JOY Raymond J M RC 7 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Sep. 28 Bell Isld Summer Sickness YOUNG Nicholas M RC 11 Mos Bell Isld Bell Isld
Nov. 01 S Johns Cong. Debility MOORES Dorothy F RC 2 Dys S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 01 261 LeMarchant Rd Pulm. T.B. KANE Annie F RC 34 S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 02 53 Casey St Bronchitis BARRY Joan F RC 4 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 02 Grace Hosp. Enteritis NURSE Marjorie F RC 1 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 02 97 Penny Well Rd Pulm. T.B. CLARKE Frank M UC 22 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 03 1 John St Gastro Enteritis BAKER William M RC 1 Yr S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 03 13 McNeil St S.B. NOSEWORTHY Baby M C of E SB S Johns C of Eng.
Nov. 04 Genl Hosp. (Res.) 109 Carters Hill S.B. HALL Baby M RC SB S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 05 St. Clairs[sic] Hosp. Apoplexy CRONIN Alice F RC 59 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 05 Mundy Pond Rd Asthenia DUNN Patrick J M RC 1/2 Hr S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 06 118 Military Rd Carcinoma of Breast NEAL Mrs Lydia F Presby'n 67 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 06 51 Kings Rd Persistant Vomiting CHAYTOR Helen F RC 3 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 07 Genl Hospital Cellulitis of Arms? HICKEY Laurence M RC 78 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 07 12 Blatch Ave S.B. WHEELER Baby M C of E SB S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 08 78 Gower St Carcinoma of Intestines WALSH Miss Francis F RC 46 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 08 Southcott Hosp. Carcinoma of Liver STEER Miss Caroline F UC 66 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Sep. 30 Fever Hosp. Typhoid Fever TUCKER Esther F C of E 23 St Philips St Philips
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Nov. 02? Montl. Genl Hosp. Ac. Dilation of Heart FINCH Mrs Margaret F RC 74. 8/12 Mos? S Johns Nf Mt Carmel
Nov. 08 Genl Hosp. Strangulated Hernia WHITE Martin M RC 65 S Johns Nf Mt Carmel
Nov. 09 13 Woods Range Pneumonia SWEENEY Arthur M RC 1 1/2 Yrs S Johns Nf Mt Carmel
Nov. 11 Aldershot St Debility NOFTALL Hubert M UC 3 1/2 Mos S Johns Nf Genl Protestnt
Oct. 25? Montreal Pulm. T.B. FINDLATER M. Hay M C of E 47 S Johns Nf Ch of Eng.
Nov. 10 S Johns Nf Myocarditis TOBIN Rev. Sr. Mary Alexis F RC 89 No Entry Belvedere
Nov. 10 Hamilton Ave Heart Failure SCOTT Jane F SA 66 No Entry S. Army
Nov. 11 29 Barnes Rd Myocarditis BRENNAN Mary F RC 81? No Entry Belvedere
Nov. 11 1 Barron St Nephritis ALLISON William M RC 47 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 02 3 Pennywell Rd Nephritis MYRON Mrs Charlotte F RC 76 No Entry Belvedere
Nov. 12 20 Prospect St Pulm. T.B. BRODERICK Mary F RC 22 S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 13 Mental Hosp. Myocarditis CROWDY William H M C of E 75 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 13 5 Cabot St Ch. Endocarditis COOPER Esau M UC 60 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 13 121 New Gower St Broncho Pneumonia GREENING Rita F RC 3 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 13 Nf Infirmary Heart Disease KENNY John M RC 78 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 14 Pierce Ave Lobar Pneumonia DICKS Sarah F UC 61 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 14 263 S. Side, City Myocarditis MOORES Martha F RC 87 No Entry Avondale
Nov. 13 Portugal Cove Rd Cornary Thrombosis COHEN Mrs Ida F Hebrew 54 No Entry Hebrew
Nov. 14 18 Hamilton St Broncho Pneumonia LAURIE Hubert M RC 5 1/2 S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 15 Quidi Vidi Rd Convulsions WESTCOTT Baby M C of E 9 Dys S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 14 4 Franklin Ave Heart Failure CHURCHILL Mrs Elizabeth F UC 76 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 14 1 Job St Cardiac Decompensation FEWER Mrs Anastatia F RC 67 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 15 159 South Side Diabetes HARVEY Mrs Anna F C of E 77 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Nov. 16 Grace Hosp. SB LEGGE Baby M RC SB S Johns Belvedere
July 08 Wabana Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Albert M C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
July 08 Wabana Varicose Veins SQUIRE Mary Anne F C of E 48 Bell Isld Bell Isld
July 09 Bell Isld Pneumonia NORMORE Sarah Jane F C of E 68 Lance Cove Bell Isld
Aug. 12 Wabana Cholera Infantum SKANES Gladys May F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Aug. 21 Wabana Cholera Infantum YETMAN Wm. Maxwell M C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Aug. 27 Wabana Cholera Infantum NEIL Gerald Woodrow M C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Aug. 30 Wabana Cholera Infantum HIBBS Doris F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Aug. 31 Wabana Cholera Infantum HIBBS Myrtle F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Aug. 29 Wabana Cholera Infantum CURNEW Mary Catherine F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 03 Wabana Cholera Infantum MUGFORD Louisa Olive F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 10 Wabana Cholera Infantum ATKINS Margaret L F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 17 Wabana Cholera Infantum HIBBS Evelyn F C of E 19 Mos Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 13 Bell Isld Abdominal Tumor REES Mary Jane F C of E 79 Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 21 Wabana Pneumonia PYNN Goldie Bernice F C of E 16 Mos Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 21 Wabana Cholera Infantum SHEPPARD Florence L F C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Sep. 21 Wabana Cholera Infantum ATKINS Gordon M M C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
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Sep. 24 Wabana Cholera Infantum GOSSE Gordon M M C of E Infant Wabana Bell Isld
Oct. 21 Wabana Heart Disease CRANE Mary F C of E 76 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Nov. 16 22 Pennywell Rd Peritonitis CROCKER Caroline F C of E 49 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 17 Old Portugal Cove Rd Pneumonia CANTWELL Mary F RC 72 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 17 Finn St Senility FINN James J M RC 86 No Entry Belvedere
Nov. 18 Pierce Avenue Senile Decay MURPHY Bridget F RC 83 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 18 Blackmarsh Rd Convulsions FITZPATRICK Sheila F RC 2 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 18 Grace Hosp. Inanition EVANS Baby F UC 1 Hr S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 18 30 Convent Square Broncho Pneumonia MADDOX Ellen F RC 83 No Entry Petty Harbor
Nov. 19 40 Job St Senile Decay YARD Catherine F RC 80 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 19 8 Sebastian St Prematurity FOLLETT Marie F RC 8 Dys S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 19 9 Burkes Sq. Broncho Pneumonia O'NEIL George M RC 9 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 20 Genl Hosp. Scarlet Fever REARDON Gerald M RC 13 Yrs No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 20 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. (OFF) PINK?** Sarah Florence (OFF) F C of E 17 Franciose, Hermitage Ch of Eng.
Nov. 12 Winona Minn. USA Cancer of Sigmoid BREEN Mary F RC 38 No Entry Kilbride
Nov. 20 19 McNeil St Malnutrition BEST Baby Helen F SA 8 Mos S Johns S. Army
Nov. 20 18 Prince of Wales St Senility GOOBY Simon M UC 73 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 21 14 Catherine St T.B. Meningitis (OFF) HEDDERSON Mrs Bridget (OFF) F RC 34 No Entry Brigus
Nov. 22 33 Scott St Cerebral Haemorrhage DROVER Mrs Sarah F C of E 84 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Nov. 23 Mundy Pond Rd Acidosis PENNEY Edith Cavell F UC 5 Mos No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 24 Middle Battery Rd Diabetes NEWELL Sarah F UC 73 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Nov. 24 Poor Asylum Enteritis HIPDITCH Robert M RC 39 No Entry Mt Carmel
July 24 Grace Hosp. Diabetes (OFF) PRENDERGRAST Hannah (OFF) F RC (OFF) 38 S Johns Portugal Cove
July 26 Bell Isld Pulm. T.B. NEARIN William M RC 13 Broad Cove Rd Portugal Cove
Aug. 30 Insane Asylum War Wounds TUCKER Michael M RC 37 Thorburn Rd Portugal Cove
Nov. 12 Montreal Cerebral Thrombosis ROBERTSON Alexander M Presby'n 78 1/2 Scotland Genl Protestnt
Nov. 23 Southcott Hosp. S.B. CLARKE Baby F C of E SB S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 25 Mayor Ave S.B. KING Baby M UC SB S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 26 Topsail Rd Lobar Pneumonia ONEIL Patrick J M RC 1 Mo. S Johns Belvedere
Nov. 26 29 Central St S.B. CONNORS Baby F RC SB S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 26 285 Hamilton St Acute Bronchitis BARRETT Eleanor F RC 2 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 28 Calver Avenue S.B. POWER Baby F RC SB S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 28 269 South Side Pulmonary T.B. PEARCEY George M UC 21 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 29 5 Bambrick St Scarlet Fever SEARS Joan F RC 15 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 29 Mayors Path Cancer of Colon THOMAS Frances Fanny F RC 79 No Entry Mt Carmel
Nov. 28 Gower St Cardio Renal PETERS Arthur Cole M UC 61 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Nov. 28 40 Water St W Broncho Pneumonia DUNPHY Baby F RC 3 Mos S Johns Tors Cove
Nov. 29 Fever Hospital Diphtheria STEELE Madonna F RC 17 Mos S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 30 52 Patrick St Broncho Pneumonia HAWCO Gerald M RC 2 Yrs S Johns Belvedere
Oct. 26 Portugal Cove Rd Senility CHURCHILL Alfred M C of E 74 S Johns Portugal Cove
Note: On original page, **PINK, **HEDDERSON & **PRENDERGHAST, is marked as OFF
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Nov. 30 S Johns Anencephaly, S.B. HUSKLY(?) Baby F C of E SB S Johns Ch of Eng.
Nov. 30 Hosp. Insane & Mental, Lyons Square Myocarditis ROLLS Bridget F RC 66 S Johns Mt Carmel
Nov. 30 Packs? Hill S Johns W Myocarditis HENDERSON Charles M Presby'n 82 Scotland Genl Protestnt
Nov. 26 S Johns U B? Hemiplegia WHITE Dugald M C of E 59 Trinity Ch of Eng.
Dec. 01 Upper Battery Scarlet Fever DINN Madonna F RC 9 Yrs S Johns Mt Carmel
Dec. 02 Poor Asylum Heart Disease HALLIGAN William M RC 48 S Johns Belvedere
Dec. 03 94 Springdale St Influenza PIKE Sophie F UC 79 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 04 74 Fleming St Congenital Heart Disease MADDIGAN Gordon M RC 15 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Dec. 03 16 Charlton St Paralysis HALFYARD Jessie F UC 69 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Dec. 05 7 Military Rd Carcinoma of Breast FOX Amelia F C of E 66 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Dec. 08 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria LEWIS Gordon Coke(?) M C of E 11 Aliante, Spain Ch of Eng.
Dec. 08 St Clares Hosp. Non Development of Colon VAUGHAN Gloria Maria F RC 4 Dys Aliante, Spain Belvedere
Dec. 08 Poor Asylum Senility WHITE Elizabeth F C of E 84 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Dec. 08 Allandale Road Arterio Sclerosis COAKER Susannah F C of E 69 S Johns Ch of Eng.
Dec. 09 51 Alexander St Senility LESHANE Archibald M UC 83 No Entry Genl Protestnt
Dec. 10 444 South Side Rd Prematurity KELLY Mary Agnes F RC 3 Dys S Johns Mt Carmel
Dec. 11 Golf Avenue Hydrocephalus STEELE Ernest Wilson M SA 15 Mos S Johns S. Army
Dec. 11 10 Hagerty St Paralysis HAGERTY Bartholomew M RC 64 S Johns Belvedere
Dec. 12 Portugal Cove Rd Broncho Pneumonia KENNY Rose Mary F RC 2 1/2 Mos S Johns Belvedere
Dec. 12 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. MURPHY** Michael (OFF) M RC 23 Hr Main Mt Carmel
Dec. 12 Mental Hosp. Neuro Syphlis MCALLISTER William M RC 68 S Johns Mt Carmel
Dec. 13 100 Springdale St Scarlet Fever IVANY Grace F UC 13 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 13 39 Patrick St Paralysis O'KEEFE Alice F RC 72 No Entry Belvedere
Dec. 13 Poor Asylum Heart Disease LAWLER James M RC 65 No Entry Mt Carmel
Dec. 13 St Clairs[sic] Hosp. ?it?r?? Re??at??m LEE Baby M Presby'n 9 Dys S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 13 Genl Hosp. Cancer of Breast HODDER Elsie F C of E 40 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Dec. 14 Genl Hosp. Cancer of Bowels GALWAY Michael M RC 73 S Johns Belvedere
Dec. 14 Circular Road Cancer of Liver AYRE Frederick W M UC 78 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 14 Pennywell Rd Cancer of Stomach WOODFORD Fanny F C of E 80 No Entry Ch of Eng.
Dec. 16 28 Cook St Cardio Renal GILES Mrs Annie F UC 60 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 17 Freshwater Rd Pulm. T.B. JUDGE John M RC 27 S Johns Mt Carmel
Dec. 13 At Sea HMS?/AS(?Meryik(?) Cardiac Failure LUTJOHANN Harry M C of E 40 Stockholm Ch of Eng.
Dec. 17 Outer Battery Rd Tuberculosis MANUEL Edna F UC 23 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 17 Grace Hosp. S.B. NOSEWORTHY Baby M C of E SB S Johns Ch of Eng.
Dec. 18 Portugal Cove Rd Bronchitis Myocarditis THOMAS Daniel M RC 56 S Johns Mt Carmel
Dec. 18 24 Goodview St Congenital Heart Disease HODDER Raymond M UC 6 1/2 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 18 43 Brien St Cardio Renal COULTAS Mrs Miles(?) F UC 72 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 17 Hosp. for Insane Meloncholia BERGERSON Henry M UC 54 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 18 Genl Hosp. Vegative Endocarditis HOLLETT Harold M UC 20 S Johns Genl Protestnt
Dec. 15? Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. MARTIN Louisa F RC 21 Flat Rock Flat Rock
Note: On original page, **MURPHY, Michael, is marked as OFF

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2012)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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