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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Harbour Grace District
1931 - 1933

Book 11
PAGES 151 - 161 & 165 - 168

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 151                
Feb-02 Upper Isld Cove Bronchitis LUNDRIGAN John C of E. 5 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Feb-07 Upper Isld Cove Premature Birth DROVER Warren E. C of E. 7 hrs Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Feb-08 Bishop's Cove Convulsions SMITH Rita G. C of E. 1 mos Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-13 Bishop's Cove Meningitis LYNCH Effie R. C of E. 18 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-20 Upper Isld Cove Whooping Cough ADAMS Roland C of E. 6 wks Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Feb-22 Upper Isld Cove Whooping Cough LYNCH Sheila C of E. 8 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-01 Upper Isld Cove Broken Hip (Inflammation) ADAMS Esau C of E. 77 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-10 Upper Isld Cove Whooping Cough COOMBS Archibald Wm. C of E. 3 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-21 Upper Isld Cove Bronchitis HUSSEY Lloyd C of E. 2 1/2 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-22 Upper Isld Cove Whooping Cough MERCER Archibald T. C of E. 1 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-22 Bishop's Cove Meningitis JONES Samuel M. C of E. 7 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Mar-22 Bishop's Cove Convulsions BARRETT Hazel P. C of E. 1 wk Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Mar-25 Upper Isld Cove Convulsions MERCER Harold C of E. 14 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-26 Upper Isld Cove Injuries from fall JANES Mary C of E. 81 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-27 Upper Isld Cove Pneumonia MERCER Isabelle C of E. 8 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-28 Upper Isld Cove Pneumonia LYNCH Olive C of E. 3 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jan-19 Lower Isld Cove Pulmonary T.B. SPARKES Clarence UC 22 Lower Isld. Cove Lower Isld. Cove
Jan-28 Lower Isld Cove Old Age SPARKES Jabez UC 76 Lower Isld. Cove Lower Isld. Cove
Feb-01 Burnt Pt. Heart Failure MILLEY Mrs. George E. UC 60 Burnt Pt. Burnt Pt.
Mar-16 Burnt Pt. Influenza MILLEY Earl Wilson UC 1 mos Burnt Pt. Burnt Pt.
Mar-15 Lower Isld Cove Killed or Drowned WHEELER? John I. UC 56 Lower Isld. Cove Body not recovered
Mar-30 Caplin Cove Dropsy GARLAND Mrs. Simeon UC 42 Caplin Cove Caplin Cove
Mar-31 Lower Isld Cove Old Age THORNE Mrs. Elizabeth UC 88 Lower Isld. Cove Lower Isld. Cove
Jan-23 Hr. Grace S. Neuritis Pneumonia SHEPPARD Simeon C of E. 74 Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Jan-23 Hr. Grace S. S.B. SHEPPARD Baby C of E. SB Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Jan-26 Harbor Grace Bronchitis SHEPPARD Gladys C of E. 2 mos Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jan-31 Harbor Grace Pertussis GARLAND Edgar Maxwell C of E. 7 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-01 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma Throat HIGGINS Ellen Mary C of E. 12 Harbor Grace Hr. Grace S.
Feb-07 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage YETMAN Alice C of E. 58 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-18 Harbor Grace Ch. Bronchitis ROGERS Ann Catherine C of E. 78 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-28 Harbor Grace Myocarditis MERCER Thomas C of E. 77 Upper Isld. Cove Harbor Grace
Mar-07 Bay Roberts Paralysis BARTLETT Capt. Wm. SA 67 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-21 South River Cancer RUMBOLDT James SA 75 Battle Hr. Clarke's Beach
Mar-24 Clarkes Beach Whooping Cough MUGFORD Wallace S. SA 3 3/4 Clarke's Beach Clarke's Beach
May-28 Bishop's Cove Bright's Disease ADAMS Phoebe May C of E. 33 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
May-31 Upper Isld Cove Whooping Cough LUNDRIGAN Elsie Jane C of E. 14 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-15 Upper Isld Cove Abscess ADAMS Esau C of E. 16 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-14 St. Hilaire Ore. Drowning NOSEWORTHY Herbert C of E. 23 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Jun-19 Upper Isld Cove Pulmonary T.B. SHARPE Monica M. C of E. 20 Bishop's Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Apr-20 Bishop's Cove Heart Failure SMITH Joseph I. C of E. 72 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
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Jan-06 Tilton Whooping Cough SMITH Emily Joyce C of E. 3 2/12 Tilton Tilton
Jan-16 Spaniard's Bay Whooping Cough BARRETT Irene C of E. 6 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-01 Spaniard's Bay Cancer of Neck NOSEWORTHY George K. C of E. 39 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Mar-01 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Nephritis NOSEWORTHY James C of E. 74 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Mar-07 Spaniard's Bay Meningitis MURRIN James R. C of E. 14 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Mar-13 Spaniard's Bay Ac. Nephritis NOSEWORTHY Clifford C of E. 5 1/2 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Mar-24 Spaniard's Bay Convulsions NEIL Olive W. C of E. 7 1/2 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Mar-28 Spaniard's Bay Whooping Cough MERCER Eva C of E. 3 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Apr-04 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. HUTCHINGS George C of E. 32 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-10 Spaniard's Bay Convulsions GREELEY Richard H. C of E. 16 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-10 Tilton Paralysis HUSSEY Rosanna C of E. 46 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-30 Spaniard's Bay Influenza COLLINS George C of E. 81 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jun-07 Spaniard's Bay Heart Failure HUTCHINGS Sarah Jane C of E. 71 Bay Roberts Spaniards Bay
Jun-28 Spaniard's Bay Epilepsy CHIPMAN Wilfrid L. C of E. 15 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jun-30 Spaniard's Bay Cancer of Stomach PEDDLE Henry C of E. 77 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jan-11 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage FRENCH Mrs. Joseph UC 84 -  
Feb-10 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage MUNN James D. Presbyterian 80 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-07 Harbor Grace Cong. Debility LILLY Mary Agnes UC 3/52 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-11 Harbor Grace Cong. Debility LILLY Gilbert UC 22/365 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-11 Harbor Grace Myocarditis PARSONS Stewart UC 84 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-21 Bay Roberts Ch. Nephritis MERCER Thomas SA 81 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-26 Bay Roberts Pneumonia BELBIN Arthur Miles SA 2 Chelsea USA Bay Roberts
Mar-02 Bay Roberts Cancer of Osephagus MERCER William C of E. 64 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-26 Bay Roberts Influenza BAGGS Henry C of E. 77 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-23 Bay Roberts Paralysis KEARLEY William C of E. 62 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-03 Coley's Pt. Accidental Poisoning ROACH Joseph C of E. 38 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Jan-13 Shearstown Pulmonary T.B. SEYMOUR Malcolm J. C of E. 4 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-19 Butler Ville Heart Disease PARSONS William C of E. 69 Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-31 Country Road Ch. Nephritis GOOSENEY John C of E. 67 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Feb-04 Shearstown Cancer of Breast TURTLE Naomi C of E. 87 Bay Roberts Shearstown
Feb-19 Bay Roberts Pleurisy RUSSELL Joseph C of E. 79 Bay Roberts Coley's Pt.
Mar-13 Country Road Influenza PARSONS William C of E. 76 Country Road Coley's Pt.
Mar-15 Coley's Pt. Tuberculosis FRENCH Rebecca C of E. 46 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
May-20 Shearstown Pneumonia BRADBURY Lilly C of E. 2 Shearstown Shearstown
Apr-09 Harbor Grace Gastro Enteritis HERALD Reginald C of E. 2 1/2 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-13 Harbor Grace Cong. Debility VERGE Leonard C of E. 3 dys Harbor Grace  
Apr-16 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma of Breast SHEPPARD Mary Jane C of E. 46 Bryant's Cove Hr. Grace S.
Apr-25 Hr. Grace S. Senility BARRETT Susannah C of E. 93 Upper Isld. Cove Harbor Grace
Apr-28 Montreal Carcinoma of Uterus QUINTON Elizabeth C of E. 62 Hr. Breton Harbor Grace
Apr-29 Harbor Grace Prostatism ROGERS Albert C of E. 70 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
PAGE 153                
Apr-17 Infirmary St. John's Senility POWELL Elizabeth C of E. 75 Old Perlican Harbor Grace
May-05 Genl. Hosp. Hernia PEDDLE Sarah Jane C of E. 85 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
May-20 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma Uterus NOSEWORTHY Rose Ann C of E. 72 Hr. Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
May-31 Hr. Grace S. Nephritis SHUTE Norman C of E. 35 Hr. Grace S. Harbor Grace
Mar-24 Carbonear Heart Disease FOLEY Jeremiah RC 65 - Harbor Grace
Mar-02 Harbor Grace Meningitis JOSEPH Kevin RC 3 mos St. John's Harbor Grace
Jan-01 Riverhead Hr. Grace Cong. Debility REYNOLDS Bridgit RC 17 mos Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-07 Island Cove Whooping Cough DOBBIN Clara RC 4 Island Cove Harbor Grace
Apr-02 Spaniard's Bay Cong. Debility CAIN Augustine RC 9 days Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Apr-21 Tilton Cancer of Stomach YOUNG Frances RC 52 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-15 St. John's Cancer of Throat MULCAHY? John J. RC 54 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
May-22 Spaniard's Bay Heart Disease BRAZIL Diana RC 79 - Spaniards Bay
May-27 Riverhead Hr. Grace Heart Disease YETMAN Mary RC 78 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Apr-01 Island Cove Whooping Cough DOBBIN Angella RC 1 Island Cove Island Cove
Apr-11 Harbor Grace Whooping Cough COADY Angella RC 2 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-13 Gullies Whooping Cough GALWAY Bernard RC 5 mos Gullies Island Cove
Jun-15 Riverhead Hr. Grace Influenza GUILFOYLE Thomas RC 85 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-22 St. John's - FITZGERALD Margaret RC 55 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jan-11 Bay Roberts Cancer CARAVAN Harriet UC 61 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-14 Coley's Pt. Drowning PENNY Olive UC 12 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Mar-04 Coley's Pt. Cong. Nephritis MORGAN George UC 80 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Jan-02 Coley's Pt. Tuberculosis MOSHIN? Gilbert UC 35 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Mar-22 Bay Roberts Cancer of Stomach WELLS Henry UC 75 Gooseberry Islds. B.B. Bay Roberts
Mar-24 Coley's Pt. Myocarditis TIPPETT Annie UC 66 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Apr-29 Bay Roberts Appendicitis RUSSELL George UC 20 1/2 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-11 Coley's Pt. Whooping Cough BOWERING Eric George UC 3 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Feb-04 Shearstown - STANLEY Lewis UC 12 days Shearstown Shearstown
Apr-19 Genl. Hosp. Bay Roberts Enlarged Prostrate BRADBURY William C of E. 84 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-21 Bryant's Cove Paralysis JEANS Elizabeth C of E. 66 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Jul-25 Upper Isld Cove Senile Decay MERCER Mary C of E. 88 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jul-30 Upper Isld Cove Endocarditis MERCER Elizabeth C of E. 21 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Aug-20 Corbett's (Isl.?) Labrador TB of Bowel MERCER Roy C of E. 18 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Aug-24 Upper Isld Cove Premature Birth DROVER George C of E. 1 day Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Sep-25 Upper Isld Cove Growth in Bowels LUNDRIGAN Fanny C of E. 48 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Sep-30 Upper Isld Cove Meningitis ROBERTS Maxwell C of E. 4 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jul-23 Harbor Grace Pulmonary T.B. CURTIS Elizabeth C of E. 21 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-28 Harbor Grace Uraemia ELLWOR??Y Druscilla C of E. 59 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-07 Harbor Grace Heart Failure PEDDLE John C of E. 86 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
Sep-08 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage LILLY Mary Ann C of E. 90 Upper Isld. Cove Harbor Grace
Sep-13 Bristol's Hope Senility PEDDLE Martin C of E. 81 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
PAGE 154                
Sep-18 Harbor Grace Carcinoma Stomach MARTIN Mary Alice C of E. 68 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-19 St. John's Senility BRADBURY William UC 84 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-11 Coley's Pt. Convulsions MORGAN Jean UC 2 1/2 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Aug-17 Glace Bay NS Carcinoma Stomach MERCER Jane UC 61 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Aug-24 Bay Roberts Paralysis MERCER Lavinia UC 79 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug-31 Shearstown Nephritis SNOW Amelia Jane UC 72 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-03 Bay Roberts E. Heart Disease SPARKES Helen UC 72 Shearstown Bay Roberts
Sep-05 Bay Roberts E. Senility MARSHALL Marsha UC 72 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-12 Harbor Grace Ceb. Tumour BURKE John Edgar UC 61 Carbonear Harbor Grace
Sep-19 Harbor Grace Carcinoma of Intestine FRENCH Joseph UC 86 Carbonear Harbor Grace
Sep-20 St. John's Cirrhosis of Liver SIMMONDS Mrs. Minnie UC 61 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jul-16 French's Cove Paralysis MENCHIONS Fanny C of E. 87 - Bay Roberts
Aug-28 Crane's Brook Senile Decay PARSONS Henry C of E. 85 - Bay Roberts
Sep-14 Bay Roberts Hemeplegia PARSONS Ellen C of E. 63 - Bay Roberts
Sep-14 Bay Roberts - BADCOCK Jane C of E. 76 - Bay Roberts
Jul-03 Butler Ville General Debility SEYMOUR Levi C of E. 10 1/2 Butlerville Shearstown
Sep-22 Crane's Brook Dysentary Dia. CRANE Joseph C of E. 1 1/2 Cranes Brook Bay Roberts
Jul-17 Harbor Grace Cancer of Throat STAPLETON John C of E. 78 - Harbor Grace
Aug-04 Gullies Heart Disease GALWAY James C of E. 82 - Island Cove
Aug-14 Riverhead Hr. Grace Heart Disease MARKEY Mary C of E. 39 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-31 Riverhead Hr. Grace Jaundice KELLY Patrick C of E. 76 - Harbor Grace
Sep-15 Riverhead Hr. Grace Hernia NOSLEOD? Johanna C of E. 51 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Jul-29 Riverhead Hr. Grace S.B. PURCELL Baby C of E. sb - Harbor Grace
Nov-09 Harbor Grace Pernicious Anaemia MARTIN Eli C of E. 74 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-21 Hr. Grace S. Ceb. Haemorrhage SHEPPARD Susannah C of E. 71 Port de Grave Hr. Grace S.
Nov-26 Harbor Grace Endocarditis NOSEWORTHY Bertha C of E. 50 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-29 Hr. Grace S. Myocarditis SHEPPARD Richard H. C of E. 85 Harbor Grace Hr. Grace S.
Dec-11 Harbor Grace Senility TAYLOR Ann Eliza C of E. 90 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-05 Bristol's Hope Meningitis PIKE Raphael E. UC 3 1/2 Bristol Hope Harbor Grace
Oct-06 St. Anthony Pulmonary T.B. TAYLOR Frank UC 20 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Oct-21 Bristol's Hope Cong. Debility PIKE Gloria UC 3 days Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
Nov-26 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage PIKE James UC 74 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Dec-26 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma Uterus PARSONS Mrs. Norman UC 37 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Dec-26 Harbor Grace Cong. Debility ARCHIBALD Walter H. UC 1 mos Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-01 Upper Isld Cove T.B. of Lungs REID Frank Edward C of E. 18 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Nov-17 Upper Isld Cove Prematurity WILLIAMS John Sharpe C of E. 2 days Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Oct-14 Upper Isld Cove Accident (Fall) JONES George C of E. 34 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-14 Upper Isld Cove T.B. of Spine MERCER James C of E. 19 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jul-04 Spaniard's Bay General Debility SHEPPARD Doris Providence C of E. 13 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jul-21 Tilton Nephritis BARRETT Mary Ann C of E. 63 Tilton Tilton
PAGE 155                
Aug-10 Spaniard's Bay Diarrhoea BRADBURY Phyllis E. C of E. 2 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug-13 Tilton Paralysis CRANE Whilemina C of E. 61 Tilton Tilton
Aug-25 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. GOSSE Edith M. C of E. 16 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug-28 Corner Brook Appendicitis SHEPPARD James H. C of E. 27 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Sep-02 Spaniard's Bay Prematurity CHIPMAN William C of E. 1 hr Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-02 Tilton Senility BISHOP Frances C of E. 83 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-07 Tilton - ROBERTS Joseph C of E. 3 Tilton Tilton
Oct-12 Spaniard's Bay Meningitis HUTCHINGS Pearl C of E. 17 7/12 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-20 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. CRANE Mary C of E. 24 8/12 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Nov-16 Spaniard's Bay Gastro Enteritis SHEPPARD Mark R. C of E. 8 wks Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Dec-24 Spaniard's Bay Cancer of Stomach NOSEWORTHY Lorenzo C of E. 59 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Dec-26 Tilton Nephritis BARRETT Mildred C of E. 2 Tilton Tilton
Dec-29 Lunatic Asylum Heart Failure GOSSE Harvey C of E. 40 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-15 Riverhead Hr. Grace T.B. of Lungs BYRNE Ronald RC 24 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-06 Riverhead Hr. Grace Disease of Bladder SHEA John RC 84 - Harbor Grace
Nov-09 Thicket Heart Disease GALWAY John RC 84 - Island Cove
Dec-07 Spaniard's Bay Heart Disease BYRNE Mary RC 78 - Spaniards Bay
Dec-09 Harbor Grace Paralysis LEARY Mary RC 76 - Harbor Grace
Dec-16 Riverhead Hr. Grace Heart Disease ASH Timothy RC 61 - Harbor Grace
Dec-23 Riverhead Hr. Grace Heart Disease UMBERSON Catherine RC 82 - Harbor Grace
Dec-15 Grace Hosp. Str????i of Oesophagus GODSELL Alice C of E. 3 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-20 Coley's Pt. Pneumonia SNOW James C of E. 1 1/2 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-30 Mount Clair - - -        
Oct-30 New Jersey USA Embolism of Lung FRENCH Leah C of E. 78 1/2 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Nov-22 Coley's Pt. Pneumonia FRENCH Fannie C of E. 83 Bareneed Coley's Pt.
Dec-03 Coley's Pt. Heart Disease DAWE Samuel C of E. 69 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Dec-11 Coley's Pt. Convulsions SNOW Olga B. UC 2 mos Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Dec-19 Bay Roberts Hemeplegia MORGAN Catherine s 76 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-02 Upper Isld Cove Diphtheria DROVER John C of E. 11 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-06 Bishop's Cove Convulsions JONES William George C of E. 7 days Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Mar-19 Bryant's Cove Pneumonia PARSONS Gwendolyn J. C of E. 4 mos Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Mar-25 Upper Isld Cove Pulmonary T.B. MERCER Cyril C of E. 48 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Mar-30 Bishop's Cove Broncho Pneumonia SMITH Selina C of E. 74 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-02 Coley's Pt. Pneumonia BOWERING Ruby UC 15 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Feb-03 French's Cove Old Age SQUIRES Sophia UC 90 - Bay Roberts
Mar-04 Portland Ma. T.B. SNOW Carrie UC 30 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-22 Bay Roberts T.B. MERCER Millicent UC 8 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-10 Shearstown Child Birth MERCER Ellen UC 47 Coley's Pt. Shearstown
May-29 Bay Roberts Heart Failure BARRETT Mary G. UC 75 - Bay Roberts
Dec-02 St. John's Senility CALPIN Mrs. Susannah C of E. 87 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
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5-Dec-31 Bay Roberts E. T.B. Meningitis WELSH Ethel C of E. 67 1/3 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
6-Dec-31 St. John's Cancer of Stomach PARSONS Elizabeth C of E. 79 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-23 Bay Roberts Ch. Myocarditis BROWN Elizabeth Anne SA 64 Shearstown Bay Roberts
Jan-07 Spaniard's Bay Senility GOSSE Emily Joyce C of E. 85 Bryant's Cove Spaniards Bay
Jan-09 Spaniard's Bay Heart Failure NEIL Josiah C of E. 76 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-28 Spaniard's Bay General Debility ROBERTS Clara C of E. 1 day Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-28 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. STRICKLAND Rebecca J. C of E. 58 K??? Bonavista Bay Spaniards Bay
Apr-30 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. NEIL Emma I. C of E. 47 Tilton Spaniards Bay
May-22 Tilton Child Birth CRANE Irene C of E. 23 Tilton Spaniards Bay
May-23 Spaniard's Bay Paralysis REID Effie L. C of E. 48 Upper Isld. Cove Spaniards Bay
May-25 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. BARRETT Elizabeth C of E. 26 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jun-28 Spaniard's Bay Neuritis REID John C of E. 74 Upper Isld. Cove Spaniards Bay
Jul-02 Upper Isld Cove Prematurity SB LUNDRIGAN Winnifred M. C of E. SB Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Aug-15 Upper Isld Cove TB of Lungs MERCER Edith C of E. 38 Bishop's Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Aug-17 Upper Isld Cove Senile Decay ADAMS Mary Jane C of E. 80 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Sep-04 Bishop's Cove Haemorrhage of Bowels MENCHINS Elizabeth V. C of E. 7 days Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Sep-07 Bishop's Cove Excema BARRETT James Leslie C of E. 4 1/2 mos Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Sep-10 Upper Isld Cove Meningitis MERCER Maud C of E. 11 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Sep-11 Upper Isld Cove Gastro Enteritis LYNCH Sarah C of E. 2 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Sep-18 Bryant's Cove Gastro Enteritis JANES Mary Olive C of E. 7 mos Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Sep-22 Upper Isld Cove Gastro Enteritis OSBOURNE Thomas C. C of E. 7 mos. Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jul-09 Harbor Grace Myocarditis GEORGE Isabelle C of E. 62 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-22 Harbor Grace Arterio Sclerosis BADCOCK Frances C of E. 79 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-03 Harbor Grace Bronchitis Enteritis DOVE Dorothea C of E. 8 mos Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-21 Harbor Grace Senility BRAY Stephen C of E. 82 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jul-03 Spaniard's Bay TB of Larynx RYAN Thomas RC 36 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug-08 Bryant's Cove Cancer of Stomach KIDNEY James RC 73 (no entry) Bryant's Cove
Aug-24 St. John's Cancer of Neck GARLAND Henry RC 82 (no entry) Harbor Grace
Apr-16 Harbor Grace TB of Lungs WHITTLE Margaret RC 17 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
May-14 Harbor Grace TB of Lungs REYNOLDS Josephine RC 19 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-03 Riverhead Hr. Grace Paralysis MACKEY Richard RC 75 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-19 Island Cove Paralysis McCARTHY William RC 70 - Island Cove
Jan-10? Harbor Grace Pulmonary T.B. LILLY Agnes UC 72 Freshwater Harbor Grace
Feb-05 St. John's Appendicitis LILLY George F. UC 30 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-06 Harbor Grace Cancer of Nose and Cheek KENNEDY Blanche UC 73 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-23 Bristol's Hope Cardio Renal TAYLOR Annabelle UC 82 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
May-20 Harbor Grace Bronchitis PIKE Theodore UC 26 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-22 Harbor Grace Senility SPENCER Joshua UC 87 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-05 Hr. Grace S. Myocarditis TAYLOR Mrs. Edmund UC 75 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Jun-21 Harbor Grace Influenza STANLEY Thomas UC 80 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
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Oct-21 Harbor Grace Fracture Arm & Femeur DAVIS Susannah C of E. 86 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-25 Harbor Grace Paralysis PARSONS Annie C of E. 76 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
Nov-03 Harbor Grace Senility THOMPSON Alice March C of E. 78 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-03 St. John's Haemorrhage Stomach RUTHERFORD Mary Elizabeth C of E. 71 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-03 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma Rectum YETMAN Susannah C of E. 72 Harbor Grace S. Hr. Grace S.
Nov-25 Bristol's Hope Ceb. Haemorrhage HERALD Moses C of E. 81 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
Dec-23 Harbor Grace Cardio Renal ROGERS Edmund C of E. 83 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-31 Bay Roberts Cholera Infantum ROACH Muriel S.A. 7 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-12 Bay Roberts Ac. Gastro Enteritis BROWN Bernice Sterling S.A. 5 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-12 Spaniard's Bay Excema GOSSE Gloria Sybil C of E. 3 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug-16 Spaniard's Bay Dysentary JEWER Doris Joyce C of E. 6 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug-21 Tilton Dysentary SMITH Henry N. C of E. 6 mos Tilton Tilton
Aug-28 Spaniard's Bay Dysentary PORTER Robert M. C of E. 2 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Sep-13 Tilton Dysentary CRANE Joseph C of E. 8 mos Tilton Tilton
Sep-13 Tilton Pulmonary T.B. GOSSE John H. C of E. 63 Tilton Tilton
Sep-25 Spaniard's Bay Uterine cancer HUTCHINGS Jemima C of E. 38 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Sep-30 Spaniard's Bay Meningitis SEYMOUR Hayward N. C of E. 1 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-21 Bell Isld Heart Disease CRANE Mary C of E. 76 Bishop's Cove Tilton
Dec-22 Spaniard's Bay Pneumonia CHIPMAN Jessie O.H. C of E. 8 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Dec-30 Spaniard's Bay Heart Failure RAYMOND Esther C of E. 86 Trinity Spaniards Bay
Jul-25 Bay Roberts Bronchitis DAWE William M.C. C of E. 4 mos St. John's Coley's Pt.
Aug-31 Shearstown Myocarditis HOLMES George C of E. 65 Shearstown Shearstown
Sep-04 Bay Roberts Drowning SNOW Naomi C of E. 38 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-09 Shearstown Cholera TURTLE Gilbert C of E. 2 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Sep-24 Shearstown Dysentary EARLE Jane C of E. 77 Shearstown Shearstown
Nov-06 French's Cove T.B. MENCHIONS Albert C of E. 20 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-11 Bay Roberts Apoplexy MERCER Christopher C of E. 80 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-13 Shearstown Cardiac Failure TURTLE William C of E. 54 Shearstown Shearstown
Dec-06 Bay Roberts Cancer Stomach SNOW George C of E. 64 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-23 Coley's Pt. Senile Decay FRENCH John C of E. 86 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-24 Coley's Pt. Typhoid Fever BOBBEN William Thomas C of E. 68 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-04 Coley's Pt. Paralysis KELLY Fanny C of E. 78 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-05 Carbonear Tub. Meningitis RUSSELL Hilda G. C of E. 19 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-11 Bay Roberts Typhoid Fever BRADBURY William C of E. 79 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-15 Coley's Pt. Congestion Lungs ROACH Harry R. C of E. 1 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-29 Coley's Pt. Paralysis FRENCH Sarah C of E. 79 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-08 Coley's Pt. Typhoid Fever FRENCH Ethel C of E. 49 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Dec-23 Bay Roberts Cong. Debility SNOW Annie L. C of E. 1 day Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-03 Coley's Pt. Diarrhoea ROACH Sylvia E. C of E. 5 1/2 mos Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Aug-25 Bay Roberts Gastro Enteritis RUSSELL Nathan? C of E. 38 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
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Oct-02 Bay Roberts Senile Decay SNOW Henry C of E. 88 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-30 Country Road Dysentary PARSONS Gertrude UC 14 mos Country Road Coley's Pt.
Oct-26 Shearstown Bronchitis EARLE Minnie UC 6 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Aug-28 Coley's Pt. Convulsions EARLE Lewis UC 5 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Sep-03 Coley's Pt. Summer Complaint RUSSELL Ida UC 3 1/2 yrs Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-08 Bay Roberts Dysentary BADCOCK George UC 81 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct-12 Coley's Pt. Premature Birth MERCER Walter UC 13 days Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Jan-22 Harbor Grace Senility CARSON Esther Jane C of E. 88 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-06 Harbor Grace Anencephalic Measles ADAMS Baby C of E. 1 hr Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-09 Harbor Grace Intestinal Carcinoma COOMBS Phoebe C of E. 63 Bristol's Hope Bristol's Hope
Feb-10 Harbor Grace Gastro Enteritis PEDDLE Eleazer C of E. 61 Bristol's Hope Bristol's Hope
Feb-16 Harbor Grace Nephritis FORD Clara C of E. 62 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-18 Harbor Grace Nephritis FOX Lydia C of E. 57 Hearts Content Hearts Content
Feb-22 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage SELLARS Thomas H. C of E. 75 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-11 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage PIKE Sarah C of E. 77 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-14 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma of Bowel NOSEWORTHY Sarah C of E. 78 Openhole B.B. Openhole B.B.
Mar-21 Harbor Grace Carcinoma Stomach WALTERS William Brown C of E. 66 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jan-06 Coley's Pt. Paralysis ROACH Sarah C of E. 72 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Jan-27 Shearstown - DWYER Allan C of E. 2 mos Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-28 Coley's Pt. Meningitis SNOW Annie Maud C of E. 7 mos Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Mar-23 Shearstown - ROBERTS Norman T. C of E. 2 days Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-26 Bay Roberts Paralysis ROACH Marcella S.A. 27 Clarkes Beach Bay Roberts
Jan-27 Shearstown Carcinoma of Stomach SPARKES Isaac S.A. 72 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-20 Coley's Pt. Hypertension SPARKES Mrs. Isaac S.A. 68 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-30 Upper Isld Cove Broncho Pneumonia LUNDRIGAN Margaret S. C of E. 36 Marduff Scotland Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-16 Upper Isld Cove Meningitis LYNCH Albert R. C of E. 3 1/2 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-24 Upper Isld Cove Bronchitis LYNCH Hubert C. C of E. 3 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Apr-14 Harbor Grace Senility HUNT Francis C of E. 83 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-26 Harbor Grace Myocarditis SHEPPARD John C. C of E. 81 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-23 Bay Roberts Convulsions WALSH Herbert C of E. 8 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-19 Bay Roberts Diabetes BRADBURY Ethel Jane C of E. 30 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-27 Bay Roberts - NORMAN Henry C of E. 74 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-04 Bay Roberts Heart PARSONS Sarah C of E. 80 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-28 Bay Roberts - PARSONS Isaac C of E. 75 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-22 Bay de Verde Paralysis STEPHENS William H. C of E. 64 Bay de Verde Bay de Verde
Jun-02 Bay de Verde Convulsions BLANDON John C of E. 1 mos Bay de Verde Bay de Verde
Jun-28 Bay de Verde Drowning JACOBS Susannah C of E. 73 Bay de Verde Bay de Verde
Apr-14 Shearstown Paralysis DWYER Eliza C of E. 75 - Shearstown
May-12 Coley's Pt. Burns KELLEY John C of E. 78 - Coley's Pt.
May-06 Shearstown Pulmonary T.B. MERCER Naomi C of E. 40 - Shearstown
Jun-06 Bay Roberts Heart Disease DAWE Eliza C of E. 67 - Coley's Pt.
Jun-28 St. John's Hospital Broncho Pneumonia BURSELL Mary A. C of E. 65 - Coley's Pt.
Jul-02 Coley's Pt. Dropsy GOOSNEY Isaac C of E. 60 - Coley's Pt.
Jan-02 St. John's Diabetes O'CONNOR Annie RC 32 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-05 Harbor Grace Old Age ROGERS James RC 85 - Harbor Grace
Feb-16 Riverhead Hr. Grace Old Age GUILFOYLE Michael RC 81 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-05 St. John's Peritonitis KELLY Mary RC 73 - Harbor Grace
PAGE 160                
Apr-23 Bay Roberts Ch. Myocarditis BROWN Elizabeth A. S.A. 64 Shearstown Bay Roberts
Feb-02 Coley's Pt. Pneumonia BOWERING Ruby UC 15 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Feb-03 French's Cove Old Age SQUIRES Sophia UC 90 - Bay Roberts
Mar-04 Portland Ma. T.B. SNOW Carrie UC 30 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-22 Bay Roberts T.B. MERCER Millicent UC 8 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-10 Shearstown Child Birth MERCER Ellen UC 47 Coley's Pt. Shearstown
May-29 Bay Roberts Heart Failure BARRETT Mary G. UC 75 - Bay Roberts
Jan-07 Spaniard's Bay Senility GOSSE Emily C of E. 85 Bryant's Cove Spaniards Bay
Jan-09 Spaniard's Bay Heart Failure NEIL Josiah C of E. 76 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-28 Spaniard's Bay General Debility ROBERTS Clara C of E. 1 day Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-28 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. STRICKLAND Rebecca J. C of E. 58 Keils B.B. Spaniards Bay
Apr-30 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. NEIL Emma Jane C of E. 47 Tilton Spaniards Bay
May-22 Tilton Child Birth CRANE Irene C of E. 23 Tilton Tilton
May-23 Spaniard's Bay Paralysis REID Effie Laura C of E. 48 Upper Isld. Cove Spaniards Bay
May-25 Spaniard's Bay Pulmonary T.B. BARRETT Elizabeth C of E. 26 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jun-28 Spaniard's Bay Ulucitis REID John C of E. 74 Upper Isld. Cove Spaniards Bay
Apr-02 Genl Hosp Arterio Sclerosis KEARLEY William C of E. 70 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-05 Genl Hosp Perforation of Stomach LILLY George C of E. 29 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-29 Hosp. for Insane Senile Dementia BROWN William H. C of E. 67 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jul-12 Harbor Grace Bronchitis CRON Mrs. James UC 64 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jul-29 Harbor Grace Septic Throat Lophicaemia STEVENS Jane UC 75 Labrador Harbor Grace
Aug-17 Harbor Grace Prematurity ADAMS George UC SB Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-02 Harbor Grace S.B. PIKE Baby UC SB Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-02 Harbor Grace S.B. PIKE Baby UC SB Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-02 Upper Isld Cove Premature Birth BISHOP Elizabeth C of E. 1 day Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Oct-10 Bishop's Cove Cancer of Liver SMITH Barbara C of E. 82 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Oct-10 Upper Isld Cove Inflammation of Bowels CRANE Ethel Lavella C of E. 15 mos Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Oct-14 Bryant's Cove Convulsions JANES Mary Maud C of E. 2 days Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Oct-25 Upper Isld Cove TB of Bowels MERCER Nathan E. C of E. 1 9/12 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Nov-19 Upper Isld Cove TB of Lungs LUNDRIGAN William C of E. 58 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Nov-29 Upper Isld Cove Premature Birth CRANE Jean Cavella? C of E. 1 day Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-02 Upper Isld Cove TB Meningitis ROBERTS Nathan C of E. 10 1/2 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-13 Upper Isld Cove Asthma LYNCH George C of E. 79 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-24 Bryant's Cove Senile Decay NOSEWORTHY Henry C of E. 94 Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Oct-21 Harbor Grace Fracture Arm & Femeur DAVIS Susannah C of E. 86 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-25 Harbor Grace Paralysis PARSONS Annie C of E. 76 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
Nov-03 Harbor Grace Senility THOMPSON Alice Maud C of E. 78 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-03 St. John's Haemorrhage Stomach RUTHERFORD Mary E. C of E. 71 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-03 Hr. Grace S. Carcinoma Rectum YETMAN Susannah C of E. 72 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Nov-25 Bristol's Hope Ceb. Haemorrhage HERALD Moses C of E. 81 Bristol's Hope Harbor Grace
PAGE 161                
Dec-23 Harbor Grace Cardio Renal ROGERS Edmund C of E. 83 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-02 Bay Roberts Senile Decay SNOW Henry C of E. 88 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-03 Coley's Pt. Pneumonia RUSSELL Ida UC 3 1/2 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-08 Coley's Pt. Senility BADCOCK George UC 81 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct-12 Coley's Pt. - MERCER Walter UC 13 days Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Oct-13 Coley's Pt. Carcinoma Rectum FRENCH William UC 83 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
PAGES 162-164 BLANK              
PAGE 165                
Jan-03 Harbor Grace Ceb. Thrombosis MARTIN Priscilla C of E. 69 Carbonear Harbor Grace
Jan-05 Harbor Grace Pulmonary T.B. SHEPPARD Stella C of E. 15 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jan-27 Harbor Grace Myocarditis ASH Edward Thomas C of E. 76 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Feb-05 Hr. Grace S. Arterio Sclerosis SPURDLE George C of E. 73 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Feb-17 Hr. Grace S. Ceb. Haemorrhage SHEPPARD Thomas H. C of E. 77 Leading Tickle Harbor Grace
Jan-06 Thicket Influenza VOKEY Gladys Blanche C of E. 2 mos Thicket Upper Isld. Cove
Jan-24 Spoon Cove Pneumonia LYNCH Ethel W. C of E. 5 mos Spoon Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jan-17 Upper Isld Cove Bronchitis MERCER Eldred C of E. 70 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jan-23 Bishop's Cove Senile Decay SMITH Sarah C of E. 81 1/2 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Jan-28 Bishop's Cove Prematurity SMITH Jacob C of E. 1 hr Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-15 Upper Isld Cove Pneumonia DROVER James C of E. 2 8/12 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Feb-18 Bishop's Cove Prematurity SMITH Stanley C of E. 20 min Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-23 Bishop's Cove Child Birth SMITH Sarah C of E. 43 Bishop's Cove Bishop's Cove
Feb-23 Coley's Pt. Old Age FILLIER Caroline S.A. 86 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Jan-23 Spaniard's Bay Heart Trouble GOSSE Irene UC 45 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-11 Bay Roberts Senility BADCOCK John UC 82 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jan-05 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Bronchitis PEDDLE Mary Jane C of E. 77 Bishop's Cove Spaniards Bay
Jan-12 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Nephritis PORTER William C of E. 71 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jan-21 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Nephritis NEIL John C of E. 81 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jan-22 Spaniard's Bay Ac. Bronchitis BARRETT Elizabeth C of E. 6 1/2 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-16 Spaniard's Bay Heart Disease PORTER Richard C of E. 65 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Feb-25 Spaniard's Bay T.B. Meningitis BUTT Moses C of E. ?2 yrs Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-27 Poor Asylum Cardio Renal FRAMPTON William C of E. 52 Harbor Grace Ch. Of Eng.
Apr-04 Harbor Grace Sarcoma WHITING Robert Lee C of E. 74 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-02 Harbor Grace Pneumonia MARTIN Francis C of E. 76 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-14 Bannerman Lake Cong. Debility VERGE John C of E. 1 hr Bannerman Lake Harbor Grace
May-22 Harbor Grace Marasmus SHEPPARD Frederick C of E. 3 mos Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-24 Harbor Grace Cardiac Disease BUTT Marsha C of E. 86 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-09 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage DAVIS Matthew C of E. 57 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jun-12 Harbor Grace Endocarditis NOSEWORTHY Selby C of E. 56 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-19 Upper Isld Cove Senile Decay JANES Archibald C of E. 82 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-10 Upper Isld Cove Meningitis LYNCH Lenora C of E. 8 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Jun-17 Upper Isld Cove Cong. Debility MERCER Norman C of E. 1/4 hr Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Feb-27 Harbor Grace Cardio Renal DAVIS Mrs. Mildred UC 74 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
feb19? Harbor Grace Broncho Pneumonia PIKE Allan UC 1 1/2 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Mar-02 Harbor Grace Carcinoma of Colon DAVIS Mrs. Thomas UC 61 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Apr-03 St. John's Myocarditis ADAMS Mrs. Susannah UC 78 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
May-20 Bay Roberts Old Age THOMPSON Diana S.A. 82 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-21 Bay Roberts Ac. Rheumatic Fever CAVE Margaret S.A. 29 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-21 Bay Roberts Cong. Debility CAVE Francis M. S.A. 18 dys Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
PAGE 166                
Apr-12 Genl Hosp Ac. Appendicitis SNOW Isaac S.A. 42 Coley's Pt. Bay Roberts
Jul-15 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage MARTIN Frederick C of E. 68 Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Jul-28 Hr. Grace S. Cong. Debility YETMAN David C of E. 1/2 hr Harbor Grace Hr. Grace S.
Jul-29 St. John's Carcinomatosis NEIL Sarah C of E. 58 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-03 Grand Falls Coronary Thrombosis FITZGERALD Henry F. C of E. 67 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-17 Grace Hosp. Meningitis SPURRELL Gerald C of E. 10 mos Harbor Grace S. Harbor Grace
Aug-21 Harbor Grace Carcinoma Rectum MARTIN Elizabeth A. C of E. 77 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-19 Harbor Grace Myocarditis SHEPPARD Stephen C of E. 55 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-26 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage ROSS Joseph C of E. 66 Ireland Ireland
Oct-19 Fever Hosp. Diphtheria KELLY William John C of E. 8 Harbor Grace Ch. Of Eng.
Sep-20 Bay Roberts Paralysis BROWN Samuel S.A. 67 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-19 Genl Hosp Injury to Head O'NEIL Arthur RC 63 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-27 Mental Hosp. Senile Dementia GRIFFIN Thomas RC 78 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-17 Genl Hosp Tetanus AYLWARD Francis RC 8 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-18 Poor Asylum Heart Disease WHALEN Eduard RC 75 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-30 Poor Asylum Heart Disease O'NEIL Margaret RC 70 Harbor Grace Mt. Carmel Cmty
Nov-01 Genl Hosp Appendicitis DOVE Samuel C of E. 23 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-03 28 Cook St. Senility WHITEWAY Mrs. Elfreda C of E. 77 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-19 Genl Hosp Perforation of Duodiem STAPLETON Patrick RC 62 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Dec-07 Genl Hosp Fracture Leg Femur McCARTHY Felix RC 8 or 80 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-11 Mental Hosp. Senile Dementia McCARTHY Caroline RC 77 Riverhead Hr. Grace Harbor Grace
Dec-21 10 James St. Senility HUTCHINGS George C of E. 81 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jul-12 Bishop's Cove Cong. Debility SMITH Cyril R. C of E. 1 m 2 dys St. John's Bishop's Cove
Jul-22 Upper Isld Cove T.B. Glands MERCER Harvey H. C of E. 5 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Aug-27 Upper Isld Cove Cancer of Bowels WHALEN Moses C of E. 73 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
Dec-18 Bryant's Cove Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Ruth C of E. 1 day Bryant's Cove Bryant's Cove
Oct-14 Harbor Grace Arthritis FITZGERALD Marion M. C of E. 61 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Dec-26 Harbor Grace Angina Pectoris NOSEWORTHY James C of E. 29 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Jul-11 Harbor Grace Pulmonary T.B. PIKE Mrs. Allan UC 38 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Aug-27 Harbor Grace Carcinoma of Breast PIKE Mrs. Mabel UC 58 Freshwater Harbor Grace
Aug-31 Harbor Grace Convulsions PIKE Florence UC 4 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-09 Harbor Grace Ceb. Haemorrhage SIMMONS Ernest UC 54 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Sep-03 Coley's Pt. - ROACH Sylvia E. C of E. 5 1/2 mos Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Apr-04 Coley's Pt. Paralysis RUSSEL Emma C of E. 76 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Mar-03 Coley's Pt. Cancer of Intestines KELLIGREW Mary A. C of E. 75 Cambridge Boston Coley's Pt.
May-13 Coley's Pt. Gastric Carcinoma ROACH John C. C of E. 67 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Aug-18 Coley's Pt. Cancer FRENCH Mrs. Isaac C of E. 78 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Aug-14 Coley's Pt. - GREENLAND Eleanor C of E. 4 days Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Sep-25 Coley's Pt. T.B. RUSSELL Eleanor D. C of E. 1 day Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Nov-02 Coley's Pt. Pulmonary T.B. GREENLAND Elsie C of E. 26 King Well P.B. Coley's Pt.
PAGE 167                
Nov-16 Bay Roberts Malnutrition SNOW Jassie May C of E. 4 mos Country Road Coley's Pt.
Nov-18 Shearstown Pulmonary T.B. MERCER William James C of E. 21 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-22 Shearstown Tuberculosis HUTCHINGS Mary C of E. 30 Shearstown Shearstown
Mar-12 Country Road Hemiplagia EARLE Elijah C of E. 16 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
Feb-21 Shearstown Paralysis EARLE William J. C of E. 75 Shearstown Shearstown
Apr-20 Shearstown Hemiplagia HEDDERSON Thomas C of E. 77 Shearstown Shearstown
Apr-23 Shearstown Pulmonary T.B. BRADBURY Robert M. C of E. 17 Shearstown Shearstown
Jun-21 Shearstown Paralysis EARLE John C of E. 73 Shearstown Shearstown
Jun-24 Shearstown Pulmonary T.B. BADCOCK Lizzie C of E. 27 Shearstown Shearstown
Jun-25 Shearstown Paralysis EARLE Elizabeth C of E. 66 Shearstown Shearstown
Jan-25 Bay Roberts Influenza MERCER Emily C of E. 56 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-28 Bay Roberts Heart Failure SNOW Mrs. Henry C of E. 80 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb-20 Bay Roberts Heart Failure BRADBURY Alexander C of E. 56 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-02 Bay Roberts Heart Failure PARSONS Eduard C of E. 77 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-14 Bay Roberts Senility BRADBURY Solomon C of E. 89 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-27 Bay Roberts Senile Decay PARSONS John C of E. 83 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-10 Bay Roberts Ac. Indigestion WALSH Emma C of E. 78 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Mar-10 Bay Roberts Ch. Myocarditis BROWN Maria C of E. 73 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-02 Bay Roberts Heart Disease BRADBURY Elizabeth C of E. 26 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-07 Bay Roberts Paralysis CRANE Mrs. George E. C of E. 65 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-29 Bay Roberts Senile Decay BADCOCK George C of E. 82 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Jun-21 Bay Roberts Arterio Sclerosis HARDY William C of E. 77 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct-04 Bay Roberts Abdominal Growth MERCER Rebecca C of E. 76 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-30 Bay Roberts Myocarditis RUSSELL Jean Effie M. C of E. 4 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Apr-13 Spaniard's Bay Senility GOSSE Joseph C of E. 85 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Apr-15 Spaniard's Bay Enteritis NEIL Elizabeth C of E. 77 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-04 Spaniard's Bay General Debility SHEPPARD Jessie C. C of E. 2 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-15 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Nephritis CHIPMAN Elizabeth C of E. 77 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-26 Spaniard's Bay General Debility SHEPPARD Henry D. C of E. 24 days Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May-31 Tilton Bronchial Pneumonia GREELEY Elizabeth J. C of E. 2 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jun-08 Bell Isld Heart Disease SINGLETON Elizabeth C of E. 71 Tilton Tilton
Sep-13 Spaniard's Bay Pneumonia SEYMOUR Julia C of E. 61 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Sep-25 Spaniard's Bay Pneumonia SEYMOUR Eleazer C of E. 69 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-09 Spaniard's Bay Ch. Bronchitis BUTT Moses C of E. 49 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct-27 Spaniard's Bay Diphtheria CHIPMAN Jessie (H.?) C of E. 5 1/2 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Nov-25 Spaniard's Bay Cancer of Throat GOSSE Barbara C of E. 70 Upper Isld. Cove Spaniards Bay
Dec-18 Spaniard's Bay Malnutrition GOSSE Baxter G. C of E. 3 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Dec-18 Spaniard's Bay Malnutrition DROVER Susanna C of E. 62 Bishop's Cove Spaniards Bay
Dec-21 St. John's Senility HUTCHINGS George C of E. 81 Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Jan-08 Tilton Heart Disease BYRNE Mary RC 66 - Spaniards Bay
PAGE 168                
Jan-09 Riverhead Hr. Grace Old Age FARRELL Mary RC 88   Spaniards Bay
Jan-21 Spaniard's Bay Heart Disease WHALEN Bridget RC 85   Harbor Grace
Jan-31 Bristol's Hope T.B. of Lungs BUTLER Elizabeth RC 58   Spaniards Bay
feb19? Riverhead Hr. Grace T.B. of Larynx STAPLETON Mary K. RC 44   Harbor Grace
Feb-10 Bryant's Cove Cancer of Stomach BRIFFETT Jacob RC 73   Bryant's Cove
Mar-04 Island Cove T.B. of Lungs DOBBIN Ronald RC 15   Island Cove
Apr-28 Spaniard's Bay Heart Disease DWYER Mary RC 80   Spaniards Bay
May-19 St. John's - O'NEIL Arthur RC 63   Harbor Grace
May-26 Harbor Grace T.B. of Lungs O'BRIEN Joseph RC 29   Harbor Grace
Jun-01 Harbor Grace T.B. of Lungs KEAN Annie RC 22   Harbor Grace
Jun-16 Riverhead Hr. Grace Old Age WHALEN Mary A. RC 83   Harbor Grace
Jun-28 Bryant's Cove Heart Disease HEARN Margaret RC 84   Bryant's Cove
Jul-11 Island Cove Cancer of Stomach GARLAND John G. RC 66   Island Cove
Aug-03 Riverhead Hr. Grace T.B. of Lungs DORAN Margaret RC 21   Harbor Grace
Aug-27 Insane Asylum - GRIFFIN Thomas RC 80   Harbor Grace
Aug-28 Harbor Grace Paralysis HENNESSEY Elizabeth RC 75   Harbor Grace
Sep-17 Genl Hosp Blood Poison AYLWARD Francis RC 8   Harbor Grace
Sep-18 Poor Asylum Heart Disease WHALEN Eduard RC 75   Spaniards Bay
Oct-07 Harbor Grace Diabetes JONES Machael T. RC 64 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-10 Riverhead Hr. Grace Paralysis REYNOLDS Thomas RC 21 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Oct-23 Riverhead Hr. Grace - MAHONEY Margaret RC 72 Harbor Grace Harbor Grace
Nov-06 Thicket Heart Disease GALWAY Anne RC 63 Upper Isld. Cove Upper Isld. Cove
May-03 Coley's Pt. Carcinoma Stomach MERCER Azariah UC 53 Coley's Pt. Coley's Pt.
May-06 Bay Roberts Carcinoma Stomach ELMS Eunice UC 71 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
May-07 Bay Roberts Carcinoma Stomach MERCER Thomas UC 71 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug-03 Bay Roberts Dysentary BARRETT Rebecca UC 72 Shearstown Bay Roberts
Jul-02 Bay Roberts Cancer MERCER Archibald UC 41 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-04 Bay Roberts Convulsions BRADBURY Chesley UC 22 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep-10 Bay Roberts Convulsions BRADBURY Acton UC 28 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct-29 Shearstown Meningitis EARLE Susie UC 18 days Shearstown Bay Roberts
Feb-08 Goddenville Heart Failure NOFTLE William UC 74 Small Point Spaniards Bay
Feb-20 Shearstown Heart Failure HOLMES John UC 75 Shearstown Shearstown
Apr-09 French's Cove Senile Decay FRENCH George UC 82 Western Bay Bay Roberts
Jul-10 Shearstown Paralysis SNOW William J. UC 61 Shearstown Shearstown
Oct-04 Bay Roberts Senile Decay BADCOCK Isaac UC 87 Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Nov-18 Bay Roberts Old Age BADCOCK Caroline UC 82 Western Bay Bay Roberts
Sep-10 Black Tickle Labrador Child Birth KEEFE Mary - 40 Black Tickle Black Tickle

Transcribed by: Laurie Lockhart  (2012)

Page Last Modified: Monday September 16, 2013 (Don Tate)

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