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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 10

1927 - 1928


Pages 323 - 330 & 332 - 340

CE = Church of England;
Meth = Methodist;
RC = Roman Catholic;
Presby = Presbyterian;
SA = Salvation Army;
b = born;
bd = buried;
d = died;
PLEASE NOTE that the information in the Research Notes column is from my own research and was NOT in the original death register.
NB: several errors were noted in these records which are returns sent in to the Newfoundland government by ministers/priests, and then copied out by clerks in ledgers. Where known, I have noted the corrections. Please consult the original parish records when possible. Duplicate entries with different dates and ages were also found.
Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 323                  
Mar. 14 Badger Brook Tuberculosis NOEL Emily Jane F U.C. 15   Badger's Brook
Jan. 25 Lewisporte Old Age BOONE Richard M U.C. 76   Lewisporte
Jan. 26 Lt. Burnt Bay Tuberculosis PELLEY Mary F U.C. 29 Lewisporte Lt. Burnt Bay
Mar. 03 Grand Falls Uraemia RAY David M U.C. 79 Newcastle Eng. Grand Falls
Mar. 16 Grand Falls Cardiac Failure DWYER Phyllis F U.C. 12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feb. 05 Grand Falls Still Born MARSH Baby F U.C. SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jan. 20 Paradise Old Age ROLF Andrew Peter M C.O.E. 68 Twillingate Paradise
Feb. 11 St. John's Cancer/Bowel EVANS Evelyn F U.C. 36 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Mar. 29 Cottle's Cove Tumor SPENCER David M U.C. 78 Cottle's Cove Cottle's Cove
Jan. 07 Summerford Inf. Debility WHEELER Flora F U.C. 2Dys. Summerford Summerford
Jan. 31 Cottle's Island Old Age PHILPOT Elizabeth F U.C. 84 Western Hd. Cottle's Is.
Jan. 17 Birchy Bay Inf. Debility BLAKE Harvey Geo. M U.C. 18Mo. Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Feb. 07 Herring Neck Cancer BLANDFORD Jane F U.C. 68 Twillingate Herring Neck
Feb. 10 Friday's Bay Convulsions BURT? Leslie M U.C. 8Dys. Friday's Bay Friday's Bay
Jan. 28 Deer Lake Pneumonia LANGDON Stella F U.C. 12 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Mar. 08 Norris Arm Meningitis PURCHASE Wilson E M U.C. 15 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Jan. 04 Twillingate Old Age COOPER Thomas M U.C. 87 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan. 13 Twillingate Heart Failure CROUCHER Abel M U.C. 56 Horwood Twillingate
Jan. 20 Twillingate Hemiplegia PHILLIPS James M U.C. 65 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan. 31 Durrell's Arm Typhoid Fever PELLY Dorcas F U.C. 49 Twillingate Durrell's Arm
Mar. 07 Manuel's Cove Meningitis HYNES Bernice F U.C. 20Mo. Manuel's Cove Twillingate
Mar. 11 Purcell's Hr. Old Age ANSTSY Philip M U.C. 80 Purcell's Hr. Little Hr.
Mar. 11 Ragged Hr. Convulsions KNELL Georgina F U.C. 1Mo. Ragged Hr. Twillingate
Mar. 26 Twillingate Typhoid Fever GILLETTE* GILLET Rowland* Roland M U.C. 46 Twillingate *Twillingate
Mar. 27 Twillingate Old Age YOUNG William M U.C. 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 23 Bluff Hd. Cove Empyema ROBERTS Edward M U.C. 73 Bluff Hd. Cove Twillingate
Mar. 26 Twillingate Still Born MOORES Baby F U.C. SB Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 13 Miles Cove Tuberculosis MOREY Helena F U.C.   Robert's Arm Wellman's Arm
Jan. 27 Robert's Arm Heart Failure HILL Isaac M S.A. 65 Griguet Robert's Arm
Mar. 23 Robert's Arm Convulsions MOREY Helena Lydia F U.C. 5Mo. Robert's Arm Robert's Arm
Feb. 11 Burnt Arm Cold ELLIOTT Reta F U.C. 2 Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Jan. 01 Peter's Arm G. Tuberculosis SHEPPERD Cecilia F U.C. 63 Change Is. Botwood
Mar. 28 Botwood Pul.Tuberculosis LEWIS Violet F U.C. 18 Botwood Botwood
Aug. 31 Grand Falls Cardiac Failure DOWNS William R M U.C. 64 St. John's Grand Falls
Jan. 13 Grand Falls Pneumonia GLAVINE Agatha F R.C. 8 Fortune Hr. Grand Falls
Jan. 25 St. John's Tubercular Leg KELLY Alice F R.C. 34 Gambo Grand Falls
Jan. 27 St. John's Convulsions MURRAY Lewis M R.C. 3Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feb. 09 Pilley's Is. Influenza WHELAN Ellen F R.C. 74 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feb. 12 Grand Falls Convulsions ANDREWS Robert M R.C. 5Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 04 Grand Falls Heart Failure MILLER Johanna F R.C. 88 Grand Falls Grand Falls
* Correction made from original page..from Gillette 1st name read "Gillet Roland*
* Correction includes note "corrected from Birth (4-8-54)
PAGE 324                  
Feb. 12 Pike's Arm Tub. Bowels GILLIOTT Fanny F C.O.E. 16 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Feb. 24 Herring Neck Tuberculosis WOODFORD Augustus M C.O.E. 35 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan. 10 Fortune Hr. Tuberculosis ROBERTS Patrick M R.C. 20 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Feb. 26 Fortune Hr. Tub. Bowels FOLEY Florence F R.C. 70 Tilting Fortune Hr.
Mar. 14 Fortune Hr. Inflammation BRIEN John M R.C. 78 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Jan. 30 Tizzard's Hr. Pneumonia SMALL Alwin H M U.C. 3 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
July 25 Bluff Hd. Cove Suicide ANSTSY Fred M S.A. 50 Bluff Hd. Cove Bluff Hd. Cove
Jan. 07 Campbellton Tuberculosis CHIPPETT Isabella F S.A. 61   Campbellton
Feb. 02 Bishop Falls Drowning MOORES Fred M S.A. 27 Tilt Cove Bishop Falls
Feb. 03 Peter's Arm Worm Fever SAMSON Leonard M S.A. 2Y/6M Peter's Arm Peter's Arm
Feb. 06 Pierce's Hr. Tuberculosis GILLINGHAM Mrs. R F S.A. 19 Western Hd. Western Hd.
Feb. 12 S S Twillingate Heart Disease WATKINS Susan F S.A. 69 Bluff Hd. Cove S S Twillingate
Feb. 28 Bishop Falls Pneumonia HARNUM Gerald L M C.O.E. 3Mo. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Mar. 03 King's Pt. Cold BURT Marie F S.A. 2 King's Pt. King's Pt.
Mar. 09 Botwood Cancer SEABRIGHT George M S.A. 67 Exploits Botwood
Mar. 07 Deer Lake Peritonitis DICKS Eton Herbert C M S.A. 10 Jackson's Cove Deer Lake
Mar. 13 Twillingate B. Pneumonia GIDGE George M U.C. 33 Friday's Bay Campbellton
Mar. 20 Twillingate Convulsions FROUD Ronald M S.A. Hrs. Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 23 Bishop Falls Scalded REID Calvin E M S.A. 2 Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Jan. 20 Rattling Bk. Maternity TOMS Blanche F U.C. 28 Twillingate Rattling Brook
Feb. 05 King's Pt. Cong. Debility MAY Chesley M U.C. 12Dys. King's Pt. Rattling Brook
Feb. 08 King's Pt. Child Birth MAY Ettie F U.C. 41 Rouge Hr. King's Pt.
Jan. 20 Rattling Bk. Still Birth MAY Baby F U.C. SB Rattling Bk. Rattling Brook
Mar. 22 Southern Arm Insanity BOWERS John M U.C. 48 Southern Arm Southern Arm
May 09 Loon Bay Inf. Debility MILLS Alice Marjorie F U.C. 2Mo. Loon Bay Loon Bay
Jan. 13 Lush's Bight Cancer PARSONS Job M U.C. 53 Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Feb. 19 Sulian's Cove Suicide CAMPBELL Esau M U.C. 64 Sulian's Cove Sulian's Cove
Mar. 04 Little Bay Is. Heart Disease TUCKER Rebecca F U.C. 72 Little Bay Is. Little Bay Is.
Apl. 25 Lawrenceton Old Age BAKER Alice F U.C. 74 Exploits Lawrenceton
May 04 Burnt Arm Cold STOCKLEY Florence L F U.C. 10Mo. Peter's Arm Burnt Arm
May 13 Burnt Arm Malnutrition SCEVIOUR Claude M M U.C. 2 Burnt Arm Lawrenceton
Apl. 16 Burlington Convulsions LUSH Alexander J M U.C. 7Mo. Burlington Burlington
Mar. 03 Middle Arm Paralysis TILLEY Jane F U.C. 61 Smith's Hr. Smith's Hr.
Apl. 23 Nipper's Hr. Inf. Debility LUFF Ella F U.C. 6Hrs. Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
June 07 Nipper's Hr. Heart Failure RANDELL Albert M U.C. 74 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
June 13 Burlington Consumption LUSH Mary Ann F U.C. 66 Burlington Burlington
Apl. 02 Indian Cove Still Birth     M U.C. SB Indian Cove Indian Cove
Apl. 06 Herring Neck Old Age STONE Susannah F U.C. 83 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl. 19 Friday's Bay Convulsions WHITE Harold M U.C. 12Dys. Friday's Bay Friday's Bay
May 20 Friday's Bay Bronchitis GILLARD Fanny E F U.C. 18Mo. Friday's Bay Friday's Bay
PAGE 325                  
May 24 Herring Neck Tuberculosis LODER Solomon M U.C. 30 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl. 06 King's Pt. Tuberculosis NEWBURY Dorothy F U.C. 41 Bay Roberts King's Pt.
Apl. 28 King's Pt. Paralysis WHITE Lucretia F U.C. 64 Harry's Hr. Rattling Brook
Apl. 27 Rattling Bk. Cold NEWHOOK Rowella J F U.C. 4Mo. Rattling Bk. Rattling Brook
May 24 King's Pt. Tuberculosis MATTHEWS Thomas M U.C. 46 King's Pt. King's Pt.
May 14 King's Pt. Cold MAY Una Mary F F U.C. 20Mo. King's Pt. King's Pt.
May 26 Jackson's Cove Tuberculosis KNIGHT Egbert H M U.C. 35 Jackson's Cove Jackson's Cove
Jan. 01 Port Anson Still Born MOREY   F U.C. SB Port Anson Port Anson
Nov. 08 Port Anson Still Born MOREY   M U.C. SB Port Anson Port Anson
Dec. 17 Port Anson Still Born SHORT   M U.C. SB Port Anson Port Anson
Dec. 17 Port Anson Still Born SHORT   M U.C. SB Port Anson Port Anson
Jan. 20 Sop's Arm Tuberculosis ANSTSEY Mary Rowena F U.C. 16 Seal Bay Pilley's Is.
May 06 Northern Arm Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Hedley J G M U.C. 1 Northern Arm Botwood
May 09 Botwood Still Birth CALLAHAN   F U.C. SB Botwood Botwood
May 16 Botwood Tubercular Abscess BUCKLEY William J M U.C. 6 Botwood Botwood
May 27 Peter's Arm Old Age LOCKE John M U.C. 92 Twillingate Botwood
June 07 Peter's Arm G. Tuberculosis HAYTER Levi H M U.C. 17 Botwood Botwood
June 11 Burnt Arm G. Tuberculosis POPE Herbert M U.C. 17 Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Apl. 20 Pt. Leamington G. Tuberculosis WALKER Joseph M U.C. 20 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Apl. 25 Leading Tickles Inf. Debility CHIPPETT Charity J F U.C. 9Mo. Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Apl. 17 USA Hospital   ROBERTS Archibald M U.C. 73 Bluff Hd. Cove Twillingate
Apl. 17 Durrell's Arm Meningitis PENNELL Wilfred M U.C. 18 Durrell's Arm Durrell's Arm
May 17 Little Hr. Paralysis KEEFE Hannah F U.C. 83 Little Hr. Little Hr.
May 17 Manuel's Cove Tuberculosis FROUDE Bessie F U.C. 37 Little Hr. Twillingate
May 24 Jenkin's Arm Old Age MARTIN Jane F U.C. 84 Durrell's Arm Durrell's Arm
May 31 Twillingate Paralysis PHILLIPS Martin C M U.C. 52 Twillingate Twillingate
June 02 Wild Cove Paralysis SMALL Benjamin M U.C. 91 Wild Cove Wild Cove
June 10 French Beach Eclampsia ANSTEY Jane F U.C. 33 French Beach French Beach
Apl. 15 Fortune Hr. Spinal Trouble CARROLL Ronald C M R.C. 3 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 27 Grand Falls Still Birth PRETTY Baby F C.O.E. SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 09 Grand Falls Cardio Vascular MERCER George M C.O.E. 31 Bay Roberts Grand Falls
June 21 Norris Arm Tuberculosis BEATON Mary F U.C. 42   Norris Arm
May 16/25 Western Head Inf. Debility JONES Winfield James M S.A. 2Mo. Western Hd. Western Hd.
June 11 Twillingate Convulsions YATES Ronald M S.A. 4Dys. Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 28 St.John N.B. Pul.Tuberculosis CONNORS Mrs. Reta F S.A. 25 Campbellton  
Apl. 08 New Bay Paralysis CHAPPLE Susanna F S.A. 24 Moreton's Hr. New Bay
May 14 New Stead Inf. Debility WHITE Clarence S M S.A. 3Mo. Newstead  
May 16 Comfort Cove Child Birth BRENTON Mrs. Sarah F S.A. 18 Comfort Cove  
June 11 Smith East Arm Inflammation LANGDON Stephen W M S.A. 3Y/7M S.E. Arm S.E. Arm
Apl. 29 Lewisporte Convulsions NORTHCOTT Hannah M F U.C. 10Wks. Lewisporte Lewisporte
PAGE 326                  
May 02 Springdale Inf. Debility NOBLE Myrtis F U.C. 1 Springdale Springdale
May 10 Springdale Inf. Debility VERGE Frederick M U.C. 8Mo. Springdale Springdale
May 13 Springdale Tuberculosis SPENCER Freda F U.C. 19 Springdale Springdale
May 14 Springdale Tuberculosis SAUNDERS Noah M U.C. 48 Springdale Springdale
May 12 Southern Arm Convulsions BOWERS Lucy F U.C. 2Mo. Southern Arm Southern Arm
May 23 Grand Falls Tuberculosis DUGGAN Ann? F R.C. 40 St. John's Grand Falls
May 22 Grand Falls Stagnant Blood MCCORMICK Andrew M R.C. 8 Coachman's Cove Grand Falls
June 02 Grand Falls Heart Failure WHITE Margaret F R.C. 42 St. Mary's Grand Falls
June 16 Grand Falls Convulsions HARVEY Thomas M R.C. 2Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 12 Grand Falls Malnutrition AVERY Catherine F C.O.E. 3Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 06 Grand Falls Inf. Debility HUNT Mary Elizabeth F C.O.E. 1Hr. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 04 Grand Falls Enteritis MOSS Frederick J H? M C.O.E. 7Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 06 Grand Falls Broncho Pneumonia WELLS Edward M C.O.E. 75 Somersetshire Eng. Grand Falls
Sep. 10 Grand Falls Spinal Tuberculosis SILK Bessie F C.O.E. 29 New Harbor Grand Falls
Sep. 07 Brown's Arm Old Age BAKER James M U.C. 90 Exploits Brown's Arm
May 10 Norris Arm Convulsions CREWE Stella Pearl F U.C. 6 Summerville Norris Arm
July 25 Norris Arm Child Birth BOONE Elizabeth F U.C. 23 Peter's Arm Norris Arm
July 25 Norris Arm Still Birth BOONE Baby F U.C. SB Norris Arm Norris Arm
Sep. 25 Norris Arm Inflammation LANGDON Eli C M U.C. 4 Toronto Norris Arm
Sep. 03 Botwood Paralysis DRISCOLL Elizabeth F U.C. 67 Western Bay Botwood
Sep. 10 Northern Arm S. Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Mildred F U.C. 1 Botwood Botwood
Sep. 14 Badger Heart Failure ELSON Henry M U.C. 80 Twillingate Botwood
Sep. 27 Botwood Still Birth ELLIOTT Alfred M U.C. SB Botwood Botwood
July 24 Burlington Old Age LUSH William M U.C. 75 Greenspond Burlington
Sep. 03 Jackson's Cove Cancer KNIGHT Emily F U.C. 49 Jackson's Cove Jackson's Cove
Sep. 08 Burlington Deformity PATEY Leamon S M U.C. 1 Burlington Burlington
Aug. 06 Fortune Hr. Meningitis QUIRK Bridget F R.C. 5Y/6M Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Sep. 11 Black Is. Consumption HAMILTON Mary Ellen F R.C. 19 Black Is. Fortune Hr.
Sep. 21 Fortune Hr. Cancer/Bowels POWER Sarah F R.C. 76 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Sep. 28 Fortune Hr. Diabetes CARROLL Mary F R.C. 65 Waldron's Cove Fortune Hr.
Aug. 08 Twillingate Paralysis YOUNG Joseph M U.C. 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 11 Twillingate Tuberculosis WYATT Andrew M U.C. 50 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 30 Twillingate Cancer/Mouth ROGERS John M U.C. 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 31 Twillingate Malnutrition WHITE Margaret Joan F U.C. 2M/2W Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 01 Twillingate Convulsions EARLE Doyle Jabez M U.C. 2Mo. Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 24 Twillingate Post Op. Shock STEELE Cecilia F U.C. 21 Musgrave Hr. Twillingate
Sep. 26 Twillingate Tuberculosis BLAKE Beatrice P F U.C. 3 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 28 Crow Head Paralysis SHARPE Mary F U.C. 79 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl. 22 Herring Neck Old Age BATT Rachel F C.O.E. 87 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl. 28 Birchy Bay Influenza DOVE Fanny M F U.C. 14 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
PAGE 327                  
June 13 Boyd's Cove Tuberculosis OAKE James M C.O.E. 21 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
July 31 Boyd's Cove Meningitis TOMS Percy M C.O.E. 9Mo. Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Aug. 25 Herring Neck Blood Poisoning STUCKLESS Lucy Jane F C.O.E. 37 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 09 Herring Neck Eclampsia LOCKYER Edith F C.O.E. 39 Change Is. Herring Neck
July 16 Cobb's Arm Convulsions LODER Minnie F U.C. 7Dys. Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
July 22 Cobb's Arm Disease Bladder LODER James M U.C. 76 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Sep. 28 Friday's Bay Heart Failure GIDGE Thomas M U.C. 70 Twillingate Friday's Bay
Jan. 16 St. Patrick's Old Age JOY Richard M R.C. 86 Hr. Main Little Bay
Mar. 07 Three Arms Tumour RIDEOUT Mrs. Abram F R.C. 67   Three Arms
Apl. 06 St. Patrick's Pul. Tuberculosis MERCER Elizabeth F R.C. 44 Hr. Main St. Patrick's
July 10 St. Patrick's Pul. Tuberculosis MERCER Ellen F R.C. 19 St. Patrick's St. Patrick's
Oct. 07 Little Bay Convulsions CAREY Madeline F R.C. 8Mo. Little Bay Little Bay
July 18 Grand Falls Old Age MITCHELL John M R.C. 85 Fogo Grand Falls
Sep. 12 Buchan's Rly Accidently Killed DUKE Patrick M R.C. 32 St. John's Grand Falls
Sep. 16 Grand Falls Convulsions ROBERTS William M R.C. 2Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 16 Grand Falls Convulsions WALSH Patrick M R.C. 6Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 21 Leading Tickle Tuberculosis CHIPPETT Willis N M U.C. 19 Leading Tckls. Leading Tickles
Sep. 28 Campbellton Heart Failure BOONE Phoebe F U.C. 75 Twillingate Campbellton
Feb. 12 Twillingate Heart Disease WATKINS Susan F S.A. 69   Twillingate
July 04 Twillingate Tuberculosis YATES Ena Annie F S.A. 17 Hooping Hr. Twillingate
Sep. 12 Western Hr.? Convulsions JONES Mark M S.A. 6Dys. Western Hr.? Western Hr.?
Sep. 24 Bridgeport Old Age OSMOND Aaron M S.A. 83 Moreton's Hr. Bridgeport
Aug. 28 Triton E Paralysis WINSOR Abel M Meth. 83 Triton Triton E
Aug. 30 Pilley's Is. Old Age RYAN Mary F S.A. 74 Ward's Hr. Pilley's Is.
Aug. 02 Botwood Old Age TAYLOR Henry M S.A. 62 Botwood  
Aug. 25 New Stead Convulsions BRENTON Ethel M? A F S.A. 7Dys. New Stead New Stead
Sep. 04 Campbellton Convulsions CLARK John Donald M S.A. 5Mo. Campbellton Campbellton
Sep. 24 New Stead Convulsions FUDGE Ethel G F S.A. 7Dys. New Stead New Stead
Apl. 04 Tizzard's Hr. Tub. Meningitis BOYD Donald M U.C. 21 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Apl. 04 Moreton's Hr. Inf. Debility HORWOOD Ewan F M U.C. 3Mo. Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
June 06 Tizzard's Hr. Gasoline Explosion BOYD Melvin M U.C. 14 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Aug. 13 Tizzard's Hr. Paralysis LOCKE Thomas M U.C. 62 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Aug. 27 Moreton's Hr. Mastoid OSMOND Elizabeth F U.C. 91 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Jan. 31 G. Hospital Abscess/Lung FORAN Patrick M R.C. 50 Grand Falls Mt. Carmel
Apl. 10 Bishop Falls Heart Failure WOOD Frederick B M C.O.E. 73 Windsor N.S. C.O.E.
Aug. 02 Lewisporte Tuberculosis FREAKE Harvey M U.C.     Lewisporte
Sep. 14 Salt Pond Prematurity MANUEL Parmenious M U.C. 5Dys. Salt Pond Salt Pond
Nov. 12 Exploits Cancer BULL Emily F C.O.E. 74 England St.John's C.O.E.
Mar. 02 Moreton's Hr. Tuberculosis TAYLOR Emma Wells F C.O.E. 18 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Mar. 18 Moreton's Hr. Child Birth WALL Rachel Amelia F C.O.E. 31 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
PAGE 328                  
Mar. 25 Twillingate Cancer/Stomach MURRAY Tamar F C.O.E. 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl. 11 Twillingate Old Age YOUNG James M C.O.E. 84 Twillingate Twillingate
May 16 Twillingate Arterio Sclerosis RANDALL George M C.O.E. 65 Twillingate Twillingate
June 19 Moreton's Hr. Inf. Debility TAYLOR Richard T M C.O.E. 7Dys. Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
July 01 Twillingate Tuberculosis SEALEY Mary F C.O.E. 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl. 20 Exploits Old Age BUTT William T M U.C. 85 St. John's Exploits
Sep. 26 Exploits Cancer/Stomach MANUEL Maria F U.C. 70 Exploits Exploits
Oct. 03 Exploits Paralysis LAMBERT Uriah C M U.C. 65 Hr. Grace Exploits
Mar. 07 Exploits Old Age MANUEL Thomas M U.C. 87 Exploits Exploits
Nov. 01 Point of the Bay Cancer JONES Isaac M U.C. 75 Exploits Point of the Bay
Oct. 17 Rattling Bk. Pneumonia ROWSELL Ernest M U.C. 15 Rattling Bk. Rattling Bk.
Nov. 27 Nipper's Hr. Blood Poison STARKS John F M U.C. 38 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Dec. 15 Indian Burying Ple. Tuberculosis STUDLEY Susannah F U.C. 80   Indian B. Place
Dec. 20 Burlington Stomach Trouble LUSH John T M U.C. 58 Burlington Burlington
June 01 Grand Falls Inf. Debility CATER Edith J F U.C. 2Y/6M Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 21 Grand Falls Pul. T.B. BUDGELL Harvard Amos M U.C. 24 Middle Arm Grand Falls
Sep. 18 Grand Falls Inf. Debility TULK John M U.C. 10Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 07 Grand Falls Convulsions RENDELL Baby F U.C. 2Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 14 Grand Falls Inf. Debility BORDEN Fred M U.C. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 27 St. John's Tub. Meningitis BARRON Maria L F U.C. 4 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 19 Grand Falls Child Birth KING Emma F U.C. 35 Gambo Grand Falls
Dec. 26 Grand Falls Convulsions BUTLER Harold D M U.C. 2Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 09 Botwood Tuberculosis BUDDEN Novello F C.O.E. 18 Lewisporte Botwood
May 27 Grand Falls Still Birth PRETTY Baby F C.O.E. SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 14 Rushy Pond Still Birth HOBBS Baby M C.O.E. SB Rushy Pond Grand Falls
Oct. 12 Grand Falls Pneumonia IRISH Julia Ann F C.O.E. 70 Fogo Grand Falls
Dec. 03 Grand Falls Brain Tumour MERCER Mildred S F C.O.E. 14 Bay Roberts Grand Falls
Oct. 03 Salt Pond Tuberculosis BENNETT Nicholas M U.C. 22 Friday's Bay Salt Pond
Oct. 04 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis STUCKEY Victor Leslie M U.C. 27 Pike's Arm Green Cove
Dec. 02 Pike's Arm Convulsions BATH Louisa F U.C. 1Wk. Pike's Arm Green Cove
Oct. 10 Comfort Cove Heart Failure HEAD Elizabeth Jane F U.C. 86 Barr'd Is. Comfort Cove
Oct. 03 Wellman's Cove Tuberculosis FUDGE Warwick Willis M U.C. 19 Wellman's Cove Wellman's Cove
Oct. 01 Northern Arm S Convulsions EDISON Herman R M U.C. 1Y/5M Northern Arm Botwood
Nov. 25 Botwood Cong. Debility LIDSTONE Beulah J F U.C. 2Mo. Botwood Botwood
Dec. 18 Botwood Gen'l T.B. LOCKE Norman M U.C. 21 Moreton's Hr. Botwood
Oct. 28 Crow Head Cancer BOURDEN Elizabeth F U.C. 89 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 03 Gillisporte Cancer GILLETTE Walter M U.C. 15 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 10 Jenkin's Cove Dementia BROMLEY James M U.C. 79 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 23 Twillingate Heart Failure SCOTT William J M U.C. 68 St. John's Twillingate
Nov. 18 Manuel's Cove Paralysis HYNES Hannah F U.C. 78 Twillingate Twillingate
PAGE 329                  
Nov. 25 Bluff Hd. Cove Paralysis HULL Esther Ann F U.C. 71 Bluff Hd. Cove Twillingate
Nov. 25 Back Hr. Old Age RIDEOUT Henry M U.C. 87 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 26 Little Hr. Tuberculosis SMITH Stanley M U.C. 24 Little Hr. Little Hr.
Dec. 04? Crow Hd. Pneumonia HAMLYN Hiram M U.C. 10Mo. Crow Hd. Twillingate
Oct. 23 New Bay Old Age RICE Elizabeth F U.C. 78   New Bay
Nov. 06 Herring Neck White Mouth FUDGE Ella F C.O.E. 13? Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 19 Summerford Inf. Debility BROWN Levi F M U.C. 6Dys. Summerford Summerford
Oct. 18 Summerford Inf. Debility BOYDE Norman M U.C. 7Dys. Summerford Summerford
Nov. 18 Virgin Arm Brain Fever HANN Eli M U.C. 15 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
Dec. 14 Summerford Still Birth BLANK   M U.C. SB Summerford Summerford
Nov. 24 Virgin Arm Pneumonia BURT Elizabeth Ann F U.C. 67 Sultans? Sultans?
Oct. 24 Bishop Falls Pul. Tuberculosis HARNUM Muriel D F Pent'l 23 New Melbourne Bishop Falls
Oct. 28 Grand Falls Heart Failure O'RIELLY Henry M R.C. 32 Placentia Grand Falls
Nov. 07 Grand Falls Pneumonia LEONARD Thomas M R.C. 2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 10 Grand Falls Old Age HAMILTON Philip M R.C. 77 Fortune Hr. Grand Falls
Nov. 22 Grand Falls Epilepsy FURLONG Frances F R.C. 42 St. John's Grand Falls
Dec. 12 Grand Falls Pneumonia KELLY Bridget F R.C. 76 Summerville Grand Falls
Oct. 08 Lewisporte Tuberculosis JEANS William M U.C. 28 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Dec. 19 Lewisporte Tuberculosis LAYTE Albert W M U.C. 49 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Oct. 18 Bishop Falls Tuberculosis ANDREWS Susanna F U.C. 16 Winterton Bishop Falls
Dec. 05 Norris Arm Tuberculosis BEATON Ford M U.C. 37 Sandy Point Norris Arm
Dec. 17 Norris Arm Erysipelas LANGDON William J M U.C. 1Mo. Norris Arm Norris Arm
Aug. 18 Bishop Falls Pneumonia CURLEW Emma F S.A. 38 Pt. Leamington Bishop Falls
Sep. 14 Bishop Falls Cholera Infantum PELLEY Allan D M S.A. 7Mo. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Sep. 14 Bishop Falls Prematurity PRETTY Stewart G M C.O.E. Min. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Sep. 20 Bishop Falls Tub. Meningitis KEARLEY Frances F S.A. 6Mo. St. John's Bishop Falls
Sep. 27 Bishop Falls Malnutrition PAYNE Arthur Geo. M S.A. 2Mo. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Nov. 25 Grand Falls Pul. Tuberculosis DAWE Louisa Jane F S.A. 40 Leading Tickle Grand Falls
Dec. 01 Grand Falls Pul. Tuberculosis SAUNDERS Leah F S.A. 30 Pelley's Is. Grand Falls
Dec. 13 Bishop Falls Pneumonia AUSTIN Violet M F S.A. 21Dys. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
July 13 Bridgeport Old Age RIDEOUT James M S.A. 82 Bridgeport  
Sep. 11 Twillingate Convulsions FROUD Joshua M S.A. 30 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 17 Chanceport Consumption YOUNG Susan F S.A. 73 Ship Cove Chanceport
Oct. 21 Twillingate Endocarditis HULL Annie F S.A. 49 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 29 Western Head Paralysis JONES Matthias M S.A. 68   Western Hd.
Oct. 03 Springdale Convulsions THOMAS Maxwell B M S.A. 18Dys. Springdale Springdale
Nov. 12 Campbellton Croup HARNETT Robert H M S.A. 2Y/8M Campbellton Campbellton
Nov. 13 Fortune Hr. Cancer Bowels DEMPSEY John M R.C. 58 Hr. Grace Fortune Hr.
Dec. 28 Fortune Hr. Paralysis POWER Mary F R.C. 78 St. John's Fortune Hr.
PAGE 330                  
May 16 Deer Lake Peritonitis HEALEY Dominic M R.C. 26 St. Augustines Pilley's Is.
Apl. 06 Little Bay Is. Bright's Disease PADDOCK Edward M U.C. 72 Little Bay Is. Little Bay Is.
May 05 Little Bay Is. Meningitis PIERCEY Marion L F U.C. 1Mo. Little Bay Is. Little Bay Is.
Dec. 23 Moreton's Hr. Cancer HANN Bessie F U.C. 57 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Nov. 21 Tizzard's Hr. Old Age LOCKE Elizabeth F U.C. 93 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Oct. 24 Springdale Typhoid HIBBS Leah F U.C. 17 Salvage Springdale
Oct. 31 Springdale Typhoid GILLARD Elioli F U.C. 28 Springdale Springdale
Nov. 25 Southern Arm Consumption BREWER Gordon M U.C. 8 Southern Arm Southern Arm
Dec. 10 Springdale Consumption MCCLEAN Richard M U.C. 78 Springdale Springdale
Aug. 29 Nipper's Hr. Paralysis NOBLE Rachel F C.O.E. 78 Indian B. Place  
Sep. 09 Twillingate Tuberculosis/Hip MATTHEWS Winifred F C.O.E. 17 King's Pt.  
Dec. 28 Browns Arm Tuberculosis BAKER Mrs. Alice F U.C. 25 Philips Head Brown's Arm
Dec. 23 Comfort Cove Died Suddenly BRENTON Sydney Samuel M S.A. 5Mo. Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Dec. 28 Comfort Cove   BRENTON Alfred M S.A. 5Mo. Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Nov. 25 Nipper's Hr. Blood Presure[sic] STARKS John M U.C. 39 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Dec. 14 Burying Place Tuberculosis STUDLEY Susan F U.C. 73 Indian Burying Place Indian Burying Place
Dec. 17 Burlington Chronic Indigestion LUSH John T M U.C. 49 Burlington Burlington
Dec. 22 Tilt Cove Friday's Bay Congenital Debility GILLARD Marion Ives F U.C. 1Wk. Tilt Cove Salt Pond
Nov. 09 Twillingate Uraemia SPENCER Ann? F C.O.E. 84 Twillingate St. Peter's, T'gate
Dec. 02 Moreton's Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis WALLE Frank M C.O.E. 24 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Nov. 02 Coffee Cove Little Is. Old Age BAKER Mary F R.C. 84 Tilt Cove Little Bay
Dec. 27 Little Bay Heart Failure or Apoplexy BURKE Patrick M R.C. 68 Joe Batts Arm Little Bay
Aug. 14 Botwood Broncho Pneumonia HUTCHINGS Rachel (Mrs) F S.A. 29 Cottles Cove Botwood
Sep. 21 Bishop Falls Cholera Infantum MARSHALL Reginald J M S.A. 5Mo.? Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
June 27 Lewisporte   SNOW? Lucy F S.A. 8 Lewisporte Lewisporte
July 26 Bridgeport Paralysis STRIDS? Naomi F S.A. 65   Bridgeport
Sep. 22 Twillingate T.B. Peritonitis HICKS Maria F S.A. 37    
Sep. 27 Moreton's Hr. Paralysis JENNINGS Agnes F S.A. 54 Lewisporte Moreton's Hr.
Aug. 25 Swan Harbour Old Age WELLS Samuel M U.C. 86 Swan Harbour Swan Harbour
July 23 Exploits Convulsions BUTT Nathaniel M U.C. 3Dys. Exploits Exploits
May 25 Exploits Senility ARNOLD Albert Mark M C.O.E. 78 Exploits Exploits
PAGE 332                  
Feb. 09 Norris Arm Paralysis LANGDON Eli M U.C. 78 Merit's Hr. Norris Arm
Jan. 01 Durells Arm Meningitis BURTON Mabel F U.C. 8 Durell's Arm Durrell's Arm
Jan. 12 Twillingate Endocarditis COOPER Lydia F U.C. 83 Twillingate Durrell's Arm
Jan. 29 Twillingate Senility HULL Andrew M U.C. 79 Twillingate Twillingate S.S.
Feb. 02 Twillingate S.S. Died at Birth STOCKLEY Baby M   SB Twillingate Durrell's Arm
Feb. 13 Twillingate N.S. Premature HODGE Harvey Edward M U.C. 3Dys. Twillingate Twillingate
Feb. 12 Durells Arm Meningitis HICKS Raymond M U.C. 6 Durell's Arm Durrell's Arm
Feb. 17 Little Harbor Tuberculosis DOVE Agnes F U.C. 31 Durell's Arm Little Harbor
Feb. 22 Twillingate Senility COOPER Mary Ann F U.C. 79 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb. 24 Farmer's Arm Senility GILLETTE George M U.C. 87 Farmer's Arm Durrell's Arm
Mar. 30 Twillingate Tuberculosis STOCKLEY Rebecca F U.C. 44 Twillingate Durrell's Arm
Mar. 16 Campbellton Natural Causes CALAHAN Moses M U.C. 81 Harbor Grace Michael's Harbor
Mar. 24 Burnt Arm Accident STOCKLEY Alfred M U.C. 47 Indian Islands Burnt Arm (S)
Jan. 15 Port Anson   HEWLETT Esau Lloyd M U.C. 12 Port Anson Port Anson
Mar. 16 Port Anson S.S.   ROUSELL Baby M U.C. 5Dys. Port Anson S.S. Port Anson
Jan. 12 Heads Harbor Still Born FUDGE Baby (Twin) F U.C. SB Head's Harbor Head's Harbor
Jan. 12 Heads Harbor Still Born FUDGE Baby (Twin) M U.C. SB Head's Harbor Head's Harbor
Jan. 04 Botwood Drowned NEWMAN Claude M C.O.E. 14Y/6M Botwood Botwood
Feb. 16 Botwood Haemorrhage/Brain OKE Edward M C.O.E. 64 St. John's Botwood
Mar. 06 Northern Arm Convulsions ELLIOTT Margaret Ellen F C.O.E. 6Mo. Northern Arm Botwood
Mar. 08 Botwood Convulsions WOOLRIDGE Mary F C.O.E. 1Dy. Botwood Botwood
Feb. 16 Phillips Head Senile Decay PELLEY John Charles M U.C. 92 Harbor Grace Stan Hope
Mar. 10 Lewisporte Still Born SMALL Baby M U.C. SB Lewisporte Lewisporte
Mar. 12 Lewisporte Premature HANN James M U.C. 90Mins Lewisporte Lewisporte
Mar. 12 Lewisporte Premature HANN John M U.C. 1Hr. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Jan. 16 Pt. Leamington   ANDREWS Ida F U.C. 46 Morton's Harbor Point Leamington
Feb. 03 Botwood Heart Disease JEWER John M U.C. 44 Botwood Botwood
Mar. 26 Botwood Still Birth BALL Mabel F   SB Botwood Botwood
Jan. 14 Twillingate Broncho Pneumonia STUCKLEY Eleanor Gladys F S.A 1? Twillingate Twillingate
Jan. 16 Morton's Harbor Convulsions RIDEOUT Morely James M S.A 2Mo.   Morton's Harbor
Feb. 06 Comfort Cove Heart Failure, Old Age CONNERS Edward M S.A 73 Harbor Grace Comfort Cove
Feb. 22 Morton's Harbor Convulsions DERING Muriel Bessie F S.A 6Dys. Morton's Harbor Morton's Harbor
Feb. 22 NDB Memorial Hosp. Pneumonia RIDEOUT Sydney M   1?    
Mar. 06 Comfort Cove Sudden Death CANNINGS Jessie Pearl F S.A 1M/7D. Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Mar. 17 Cottle's Island Tuberculosis (Lungs) ANSTEY Jane F   53 Black Island Cottle's Island
Mar. 23 Twillingate Tub. Meningtitis ROBERTS Jane F S.A 5 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 24 Twillingate Broncho Pneumonia ANSTEY John M S.A 3Y/6M Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 13 Bishop Falls Premature Birth BRAMWELL Roy Stuckless M S.A 1M/9D. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Jan. 23 Grand Falls Pneumonia BROWNE Michael M R.C. 72 Sound Island Grand Falls
Jan. 19 Grand Falls Old Age KELLY Jane F R.C. 80 Burnt Island Grand Falls
PAGE 333                  
Jan. 07 Grand Falls Chronic Nephritis PITCHER Cornelius M C.O.E. 54 Burgoyne's Cove Grand Falls
Feb. 19 Smith's Hr. Tuberculosis SQUIRES Mrs. Silas F U.C. 21 Middle Arm Smiths Harbor
Feb. 12 Michaels Hr. Inflamation LUSH Bramwell Wm. M S.A 6Mo. Michael's Hr.  
Feb. 16 Michaels Hr. Inflamation LUSH Elizabeth Victoria Joyce F S.A 6M/3Dys Michael's Hr.  
Mar. 12 Salt Pond Consumption BURCEY Priscilla F Meth. 20 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Mar. 24 Pt. Leamington Cancer HUTCHCROFT Mrs. Jane F S.A 65 New Bay Point Leamington
Jan. 27 Cobbs Arm Unknown WOOD Raymond M Meth. 2Mo. Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Jan. 28 Too Good Arm, Herring Neck Senile Decay WHITE Eli M Meth. 78 Green Cove Green Cove
Jan. 29 Herring Neck Tuberculosis STUCKEY Nina F Meth. 24 Pike's Arm Green Cove
Mar. 07 Pike's Arm, Herring Neck Convulsions WATTS Maude? F Meth. 2Dys. Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Mar. 01 Black Island, Herring Neck Tuberculosis RICE George M Meth. 19 Black Island Salt Pond
Mar. 18 Cobbs Arm Cong'l Debility WATTS Ethel Maud F Meth. 2Wks. Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Apl. 18 Merritt's Hr. Pneumonia CARD John M Meth. 81 Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
Apl. 21 Black Island Tuberculosis RICE Amelia Mary F Meth. 15 Black Is. Salt Pond
June 07 Cobbs Arm Senile Decay WELSH James M Meth. 79 Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
June 13 Mem. Hospital, Notre Dame Bay Acute Dilatation of Heart TIZZARD Arthur M Meth. 22 Salt Pond Salt Pond
May 19 Herring Neck Pneumonia MURCELL Charles John M Meth. 50 Herring Neck Herring Neck
June 18 Merritt's Hr. Still Birth KEATS Infant M Meth. SB Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
Feb. 11 Birchy Bay   BLAKE Herbert M U.C. 2Hrs. Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
May 15 Bay of Islands Acc. Drowning TRAVERSE Bruce M U.C. 23 Western Head Loon Bay
May 22 Campbellton Pneumonia FROUDE ?il?y Frederick M U.C. 3 Twillingate Campbellton
June 12 Birchy Bay Influenza QUINLAN George M U.C. 23 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
May 23 Grand Falls Premature CANNING Ernest James M C.O.E. 1Dy. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feb. 15 Moreton's Hr. Senile Decay FRENCH Thomas H M U.C. 85 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Apl. 19 Moreton's Hr. Tubercular Bowels BRETT Sydney M U.C. 18 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
June 24 Chanceport Tuberculosis DOVE Allan M U.C. 26 Chanceport Chanceport
May 06 Botwood Heart Failure JEWER Mary F U.C. 69 Twillingate Botwood
May 17 Botwood Pneumonia JEWER William M U.C. 59 Botwood Botwood
May 17 Northern Arm N Old Age SHEPPARD Jedidah M U.C. 84 Cupids Northern Arm N
May 21 Northern Arm S Pneumonia EDISON Robert M U.C. 37 Northern Arm S Botwood
June 06 Northern Arm S Cancer/Stomach ELSON Rebecca F U.C. 75 French Shore Botwood
May 15 Port Anson Pneumonia LEAR Emily Elizabeth F U.C. 68 Twillingate Port Anson
June 09 Roberts Arm Unknown ANTHONY Eric William M U.C. 6Dys. Roberts Arm Roberts Arm
Apl. 06 Rattling Brook Cancer DAWE? Elizabeth F Meth. 59 Burying Place Rattling Bk.
Apl. 10 Grand Falls Dieabitis[sic] SMITH William M R.C. 30 Dunnville Grand Falls
May 04 Grand Falls Convulsions MULLONEY Cecilia F R.C. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
May 06 Grand Falls Cancer KELLY William M R.C. 79 Burnt Isld. B.B. Grand Falls
May 17 Grand Falls Pneumonia MELVIN Bridget F R.C. 48 Fogo Grand Falls
June 06 Fortune Hr. Old Age QUIRK Richard M R.C. 86 Fortune Hr. Grand Falls
June 08 Grand Falls Heart Failure KENNEDY John M R.C. 62 Greenspond Grand Falls
PAGE 334                  
June 06 Grand Falls Heavy Cold HEALEY Genivive F R.C. 2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 27 Virgin Arm Diseased Heart HAWE Florrie Blanche F U.C. 2 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove.
Feb. 02 Twillingate Bronchitis ELLIOTT Leo Willis M   4Mo. Twillingate St. Peter's Cem. T.Gate
Feb. 14 Twillingate Hemiplegia COOKE Elizabeth F C.O.E. 58 Twillingate St. Peter's Cem. T.Gate
Feb. 26 Newstead Peritonitis PEYTON Janet Sterling F C.O.E. 18    
Apl. 02 Twillingate Cancer/Stomach COOKE John M C.O.E. 60    
Apl. 18 Twillingate Still Born SIMMS Infant F C.O.E. SB    
May 03 Port Union Abscess/Brain COOKE Evelyn F C.O.E. 13    
May 25 Tw'gate Arm Cardio Renal Disease FREEMAN Hannah F C.O.E. 81    
Jan. 02 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis/Lungs BLANDFORD Edwin M C.O.E. 39 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Feb. 25 Boyds Cove Cong'l Debility RENDELL Rose F C.O.E. 7Dys. Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Mar. 10 Herring Neck Cancer/Stomach WOODFORD Thomas M C.O.E. 77 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Mar. 20 Pike's Arm T.B./Lungs BROWN Dorman S M C.O.E. 22 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
May 03 Boyds Cove Meningitis BURY Lane? F C.O.E. 17 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
May 19 Twillingate Tumor in Head FUDGE Edwin M C.O.E. 40 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl. 01 Twillingate Consumption BURTON Myrtle F U.C. 26 Gander Bay Twillingate
Apl. 27 Twillingate Cancer WHITE John M U.C. 64 Herring Neck Twillingate
Apl. 26 Black Duck Cove Meningitis FLYNN Hedley M U.C. 16 Black Duck Cove Twillingate
May 07 Durells Arm Convulsions JENKINS Joan F U.C. 2Mo. Durrells Arm Twillingate
May 20 Twillingate Pneumonia PIPPY Georgina F U.C. 79 T'gate Twillingate
June 04 Buck? Hr. Peritonitis RIDEOUT Livy F U.C. 60 T'gate Twillingate
June 10 Durells Arm Pneumonia COOPER Clarence John M U.C. 2 Durrells Arm Twillingate
June 11 Twillingate Malnutrition YOUNG Lloyd George M U.C. 5Mo. T'gate Twillingate
June 13 Twillingate Malnutrition BOYD Mary Ethel F U.C. 2Mo. T'gate Twillingate
May 26 New Bay   BILLINGS Laura F U.C. 24 New Bay New Bay
Apl. 01 Lewisporte Convulsions MARTIN Charlotte Jane F U.C. 45 Joe Batts Arm Lewisporte
May 19 Lewisporte Senile Decay BOYLES William M U.C. 81   Lewisporte
June 01 Lewisporte Convulsions NORTHCOTT Wesley Graham M U.C. 2Mo. Lewisporte Lewisporte
June 07 Lewisporte Meningitis EARLE Reginald S. ? M U.C. 11Mo. Lewisporte Lewisporte
May 09 Chanceport Tuberculosis/Lungs YOUNGS Norman M U.C. 19 Chanceport Chanceport
May 26 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis CURTIS Lucy F U.C. 20 Campbellton Virgin Arm
Feb. 21 Fortune Hr. Convulsions DEA Mary F R.C. 2Y/6M Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 13? Fortune Hr. Convulsions ROBERTS Anastatia F R.C. 28 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Apl. 14 Fortune Hr. T.B./Bowels BRIEN John M R.C. 24 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Apl. 24 Fortune Hr. Consumption (Pul.) PEARCE George Gregory M R.C. 22 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
June 05 Fortune Hr. Senility QUIRK Richard M   84 Fortune Hr. Grand Falls
Apl. 05 Sampson's Isld. Tuberculosis POTTER Bessie F S.A 21 Sampson's Is. Sampson's Is.
Apl. 24 Comfort Cove Pleurisy Inflam'n WHITE Eli M S.A 19 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
May 27 Campbellton Convulsions HILLIER Phoebe Rose F S.A 7Dys. Campbellton  
May 06 Campbellton Delecate? from Birth PELLEY Nathley? Geraldine F S.A 2M/2W Campbellton Campbellton
PAGE 335                  
May 09 Campbellton Delicate from Birth PELLEY Lillian Fannie? F S.A 2M/2W Campbellton Campbellton
May 10 Little Burnt Bay Bronchitis HYNES Gretta Jane F S.A 8Y/4M Botwood Little Burnt Bay
May 16 Botwood   SAMPSON Rex M M S.A 1Y/4M Botwood  
Apl. 14 Western Head Convulsions JONES Gerald M S.A 6Dys. Western Head Western Head
May 20 Bluff Head Cove Tub. Meningtitis RIDEOUT Sydney M S.A 11 Bluff Cove Bluff Cove
Apl. 24 Whales Gulch Convulsions RIDEOUT Stewart M S.A 5Dys. Whale's Gulch Whale's Gulch
Apl. 27 Chanceport Fits SCOTT Ellen Iva F S.A 8Dys. Chanceport Chanceport
May 03 Chanceport Fits SCOTT Prudence Lillian F S.A 14Dys. Chanceport Chanceport
Apl. 07 Bishop Falls Convulsions DEERING Hazel Thelma F S.A 2Mo.    
May 20 Bishop Falls Premature Birth STUCKLESS Mildred Irene F S.A 3M/15D    
May 30 Bishop Falls Consumption CLAYTON Stanley M S.A 28    
June 07 Peter's Arm   BURT Oswald M S.A 3Dys.    
June 07 Peter's Arm Bronchitis CHATER George Thomas M S.A 2Y/7M    
June 09 Peter's Arm Influenza BURT Mrs. Stanley F S.A 23    
June 07 Friday's Bay Tuberculosis SANSOME Malachil M U.C. 17 Friday's Bay  
June 08 Cobbs Arm Infantile Convulsions ELSWORTH George M S.A 1Hr. Cobbs Arm  
June 06 Herring Neck Still Birth BLANK   F   SB Herring Neck  
June 08 Pikes Arm Tuberculosis STUCKEY Hilda May? F U.C. 8Mo. Pike's Arm  
June 08 Herring Neck Disease/Bladder FARTHING Esau M U.C. 68 Herring Neck  
June 08 Seal Cove Heart Disease SANSOME Emily F U.C. 76 Saltons  
June 07 Indian Cove Infantile Convulsions RICHARD George M U.C. 6Dys. Indian Cove  
Sep. 09 St.Anthonys Hosp. Pul. Tuberculosis ROUSELL Fannie F   22 Pilley's Island  
July 08 Northern Arm N. Meningitis EVANS Wendell Wilfred M U.C. 4 Northern Arm N Northern Arm N
July 12 Botwood Tuberculosis/Lungs COLBOURNE Carl M U.C. 20 Botwood Botwood
July 20 Peter's Arm Paralysis HAYTER William M U.C. 67 Twillingate Botwood
Aug. 23 Botwood Convulsions MOSES Freeman M   4Mo. Botwood Botwood
Aug. 24 Bishop Falls Drowning EDDY Gordon Ralph M Pentecostal 8 Arnold's Cove PB Bishop Falls
June 30 Lush's Bight Unknown PARSONS George M U.C. 85 Twillingate Lush's Bight
Sep. 14 Pilley's Island Tuberculosis FIFIELD Bessie Belle F U.C. 23 Pilley's Island Pilley's Island
July 23 Springdale Meningitis TOMS Alford Walter John M Pentecostal 4M/2W Grand Falls Springdale
July 20 Twillingate Tuberculosis ROBERTS Maggie F U.C. 16 Twillingate Twillingate
July 21 Gillisport Convulsions BULGIN Susie F U.C. 2Dys. Gillisport Twillingate
Sep. 08 Manuel's Cove Old Age BORDEN Samuel M U.C. 77 Manuel's Cove Twillingate
Sep. 13 Ragged Point Ulcer/Bladder WHITE Abram M U.C. 57 Ragged Point Twillingate
Sep. 19 Twillingate Convulsions YOUNG Ralph M U.C. 4Dys. Twillingate twillingate
Aug. 02 Herring Neck Diabetes BATT Percy James M C.O.E. 30 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 16 Boyd's Cove Paralysis WELLS John James M C.O.E. 62 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Mar. 05 Shoe Cove N.D.B. Heart Disease HODDINOTT Mrs. George F C.O.E. 38 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove N.D.B.
Feb. 25 Little Bay Convulsions FLYNN Kathleen F R.C. 3 Little Bay Little Bay
Sep. 13 St. Augustine Unknown HEAD Stephen M R.C. 50 Bett's Cove St. Augustine
Sep. 21 St. Patrick's Little B. Old Age CLEARY John M R.C. 75   St. Patricks
PAGE 336                  
July 26 Winterton Pulmonaris Phthisis HISCOCK* Ivy F C.O.E. 27 Winterton St.Lukes Cem. Winterton
Sep. 06 Winterton Pulmonaris Phthisis PARROTT* Myra V F C.O.E. 24 Winterton St.Lukes Cem. Winterton
July 29 New Perlican Pulmonaris Phthisis CALLAHAN* Rebecca Warren F C.O.E. 16 New Perlican New Perlican
Sep. 01 New Perlican Premature Birth WHITE* Cicely F C.O.E. Infant New Perlican New Perlican
Sep. 20 New Perlican Carcinoma/Prostate SMITH* Albert M C.O.E. 39 New Perlican New Perlican
July 03 Hearts Content Diabetis Insipidus? PIERCEY* Cecilia F C.O.E. 63 Hearts Content Hearts Content
July 10 Hearts Content Apoplexy PIERCEY* John M C.O.E. 52 Hearts Content Hearts Content
July 20 Hearts Content Pneumonia PIERCEY* Mary F C.O.E. 82 Hearts Content Hearts Content
July 26 Hearts Content Myocarditis GEORGE* Theodore M C.O.E. 52 Hearts Content Hearts Content
Aug. 20 Hearts Content Cancer/Stomach LEVER* Priscilla F C.O.E. 72   Hearts Content
Aug. 30 Hearts Content Myocarditis ROWE* Olivia F C.O.E. 80 Hearts Content Hearts Content
Sep. 14 Hearts Content Myocarditis RENDELL* Sarah F C.O.E. 84 Hearts Content Hearts Content
July 12 St. John's Empyema GREEN Randolph Cecil M C.O.E. 20 Greenspond Grand Falls
Aug. 14 Grand Falls Tuberculosis BROWN John Edward M C.O.E. 29 Salvage Grand Falls
Sep. 08 Grand Falls Premature Birth STROUD? Charlotte F C.O.E. 1Day Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 23 Grand Falls Senility MARTIN Susan F C.O.E. 86 Twillingate Grand Falls
Aug. 03 Grand Falls Child Birth MULLOWNEY Elizabeth F R.C. 30 Red Isld. P.B. Grand Falls
Oct. 23 Grand Falls Consumption BAILEY Matilda F Pentec'l 29 Hottis? Bay St.Barbe's Dist. Grand Falls
Feb. 22 Sampsons Island Old Age PRIMMER Susan F U.C. 90 Samspons Is. Sampsons Is.
Aug. 25/27 Swan Harbour Old Age WELLS Samuel M U.C. 86 Swan Harbour Swan Harbour
Apl. 10/28 Swan Harbour Old Age WELLS James M U.C. 90 Swan Harbour Swan Harbour
July 23/27 Exploits Convulsions BUTT Nathaniel M U.C. 3Dys. Exploits Exploits
Oct. 31/28 Exploits Convulsions LAMBERT Elizabeth Helen F U.C. 10Dys. Exploits Exploits
June 06 Exploits Old Age DART Sophia F U.C. 84 Exploits Exploits
Nov. 06 Bishop Falls Old Age BUDGELL Georgina F U.C. 76 Wallins Cove Exploits
Oct. ?? Laurenceton Growth/Stomach HUSSEY Elizabeth Ann F U.C. 71 Port de Grave Laurenceton
Nov. 22 Laurenceton Paralysis BALL Mary Ann F U.C. 71 Peter's Arm Laurenceton
Dec. 31 Bishop Falls   CARPENDER Lillian Thelma F Pentec'l 4Dys. Bishop Falls Laurenceton
Oct. 01 Merrills Hr.   POWELL Barbara Mildred F W.C. 4Mo. Merrills Hr. Merrills Hr.
Oct. 23 Nippers Hr. Paralysis/Brain NOBLE Mrs. Arthur F W.C. 62 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
Oct. 04 Pikes Arm Blood Poisoning DALLY Roland M C.O.E. 27 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Oct. 07 Herring Neck Tuberculosis TULK Thomas M C.O.E. 57 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct. 26 Herring Neck Paralysis PHILLPOT? Mary F C.O.E. 81 Change Isld. Herring Neck
Oct. 22 Boyds Cove Tuberculosis HEAD Eliz'th Blanche F C.O.E. 3 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
July 18 Norris Arm Convulsions BEATON Claude M C.O.E. 9Mo. Norris Arm Norris Arm
July 24 Botwood Heart Trouble BUTLER Annie F C.O.E. 16 Botwood Botwood
Nov. 06 Botwood Decay (Natural) COUSIN John M C.O.E. 76 Swansea Wales Botwood
Dec. 11 Bishop Falls Scalds & Burns PIKE John Jerome M C.O.E. 14Mo. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Dec. 19 Botwood Decay (Natural) BUDDEN Joseph M C.O.E. 93 Carbonear Botwood
July 13 Springdale T.B. ADAMS Eva F W.C. 66 Shoe? Cove Springdale
* As per original page; See Trinity 1928 Page 237
PAGE 337                  
July 29 Springdale T.B. HIBBS Susan F U.C. 42 Salvage Springdale
Mar. 24 Springdale Unknown OAKE Theriza F U.C. 75   Springdale
June 28 Woodford Cove Influenza MARSHALL John T M U.C. 72   Woodford Cove
Mar. 15 Springdale Old Age Paralysis INDER Martha F U.C. 86 Twillingate Springdale
July 29 Springdale T.B. SMITH Nellie F U.C. 18 Twillingate Springdale
Jan. 07 Springdale T.B. SCEVIOUR Mary F U.C. 26 La Scie Springdale
Oct. 31 Springdale T.B. HUXTER Louisa F U.C. 28 Little Bay Springdale
Sep. 21 Kings Point Heart Failure BOWERS Mrs. Wm. F U.C. 58 Twillingate Kings Pt.
Nov. 17 Botwood   NEWHOOK Mrs. C W? F U.C. 75 Jacksons Cove Jacksons Cove
Nov. 07 Silverdale   UPWARD Ward M U.C. 1Dy. Silverdale Silverdale
Dec. 04 Kings Point   BURT Thomas M U.C. 78 Kings Point Kings Pt.
Dec. 12 Harrys Hr.   BAKER Reuben M U.C. 67 Black Isld. Harrys Hr.
Aug. 13 Little Burnt Bay Meningitis HYNES Mildred Louise F U.C. 9Mo. Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Sep. 15 Little Burnt Bay Tuberculosis HYNES Eliza F U.C. 26 Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Nov. 26 Lewisport Asthma HODDER Melina F U.C. 53 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Nov. 26 Twillingate Tuberculosis WALL Herbert M U.C. 51 Moretons Hr. Lewisporte
Dec. 10 Little Burnt Bay Meningitis HYNES Marg't Cecelia F U.C. 2Y/6M Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Oct. 13 Little Hr. Convulsions STUCKLESS Inez F U.C. 9Dys. Snook Cove? Little Hr.
Oct. 24 Gilliards Cove Convulsions PEARCE Joseph Geliard M U.C. 1Mo. Gilliards Cove Twillingate
Oct. 26 Sandy Cove Paralysis PELLEY Susannah F U.C. 66 Twillingate Daniels Arm
Oct. 26 Manuels Cove Convulsions HYNES Joseph M U.C. 10Dys. Manuels Cove Twillingate
Nov. 08 Crow Head Abscess HAMLYN Alpho? F U.C. 12 Crow Head Twillingate
Nov. 09 Mem? Hospital Prematurity WHITE Rosalie F U.C. 1Dy. Mem. Hospital Twillingate
Dec. 04 Mem? Hospital Pulm. Hemorrhage CHURCHILL Frank M U.C. 36 Springdale Twillingate
Dec. 05 Twillingate Aortic Stenmuis? YOUNG Elizabeth F U.C. 68 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 10 Crow Head Pneumonia STOCKLEY Archibald M U.C. 61 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 11 Wild Cove Pneumonia SMITH Elizabeth F U.C. 12 Wild Cove Twillingate
Dec. 14 Twillingate Senility PAYNE Samuel M U.C. 94 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 14 Manuels Cove Senility FRENCH Joseph M U.C. 81 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 01 New York USA Accidently Killed GAY Frank M U.C. 31 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 16 Wild Cove Influenza & Pneumonia SMITH Mary F U.C. 85 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 22 Wild Cove Influenza & Pneumonia SMITH Pearl F U.C. 35 Badgers Quay Twillingate
Dec. 22 Twillingate Malnutrition WHITE Doris F U.C. 1Dy. Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 22 Grand Falls Tub. Meningitis COLLINS Jean F Presb'n 20 St. John's Grand Falls
Nov. 18 Grand Falls Hemiplegia RAINES Albert Charles F C.O.E. 74 St. John's Grand Falls
Dec. 03 Grand Falls Carcinoma PARDY George M C.O.E. 76 La Scie Grand Falls
Dec. 16 Grand Falls Still Born THOMAS   M C.O.E. SB Greenspond Grand Falls
Dec. 20 Grand Falls Still Born GRANTER   M C.O.E. SB Greenspond Grand Falls
Dec. 23 Grand Falls Gastric Carcinoma DAY Richard M C.O.E. 78 Old Shop T.B. Grand Falls
Oct. 04 Pt. Leamington Consumption THOMPSON Julia Ann F S.A. 28 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
PAGE 338                  
Nov. 05 New Bay Not Known FAGAN Robert M U.C. 78   New Bay
Dec. 16 New Bay Inflamation/Bowels BIBBINGS? Roland Benj. M U.C. 2? New Bay New Bay
Dec. 30 Paradise Consumption BUDGELL Elric? M U.C. 14 Paradise Paradise
Oct. 12/27 Cobb Isld. Consumption DUFFETT? Florence F C.O.E. 22 Cobb Isld. Cobb Isld.
Dec. 06/27 South Side Not Known NOSEWORTHY Fanny Mary F C.O.E. 7Dy. South Side Cobb Isld.
Mar. 24/28 Cobb Isld. Heart Failure WILSON Henry M C.O.E. 66 Bristol Eng. Cobb Isld.
July 02 Cobb Isld. Old Age CHIPPET Noah M C.O.E. 86 Hr. Grace Cobb Isld.
July 19 Cobb Isld.   WARD Thomas M C.O.E. 55 Cobb Isld. Cobb Isld.
Sep. 17 Cobb Isld. Heart Failure ROUSELL Archibald M C.O.E. 64 Cobb Isld. Cobb Isld.
Sep. 27 East Tickle   EARLE Ethel F C.O.E. 6Dys. East Side Cobb Isld.
Dec. 01 Peters Arm Chronic Bronchitis DALLY Hilda Jane F U.C. 11Mo. Deer Lake Botwood
Dec. 20 Northern Arm S Cong. Debility BRENT Hedley Geo. M U.C. 2Y/6M N.Arm South Botwood
Dec. 25 Northern Arm S Cong. Debility BRENT Otto Harold M U.C. 2Y/6M N.Arm South Botwood
July 12/26 Original Page note: See 1926 Register         C.O.E. 37 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
July 23/26 Original Page note: See 1926 Register         C.O.E. 43 Kings Point Kings Point
July 27/28 Grand Falls   CAKES John Maxwell M C.O.E. 18 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 24/26 Original Page note: See 1926 Register           1M/2W Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Dec. 11/28 Nippers Hr. Acute Neuritis TILLEY Annabel F C.O.E. 35 British Hr. T.B. Nippers Hr.
Mar. 27 Gambo Cancer FENNELL John M R.C. 57 Bonavista Gambo
28 New Hr. T.B. Old Age FORTUNE Mary F R.C. 99 Carbonear Carbonear
Apl. 28 Gambo Convulsions DOOLEY Rita F R.C. 1Mo. Gambo Gambo
June 10 Belleview TB Tuberculosis PIKE James M R.C. 22 Bellview Bellvue TB
Oct. 23 Glenwood Old Age MARY? John M R.C. 88 Cupids Glenwood
Nov. 23 Whitbourne Insanity FLYNN Elizabeth F R.C. 73 Holyrood Whitbourne
Nov. 26 Gambo Convulsions WALSH Darius Joseph M R.C. 5Mo. Gambo Gambo
Dec. 12 Glenwood Old Age TIMMONS Elizabeth F R.C. 89 Holyrood Holyrood
Dec. 24 Bellevue TB Old Age LYNCHE Mary F R.C. 91 Bellvue T.B. Bellvue T.B.
Jan. 15 Grand Falls Convulsions CATER Wm. George M U.C. 3M/2W Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 05 Grand Falls Apoplexy GRANTER Job M U.C. 73 Greenspond Grand Falls
June 03 Grand Falls Convulsions STARKES? Baby   U.C. 29Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 05 Grand Falls Prematurity FUDGE Ene? William M U.C. 3Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 11 Grand Falls Peritonitis BURTON Bernice F U.C. 26 Twillingate Grand Falls
Nov. 06 Grand Falls Lobar Pneumonia CATER Alice Georgina F U.C. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 18 Grand Falls Hemiplegia FROST Newman M U.C. 78 Hillview T.B. Grand Falls
July 06 Grand Falls Loss of Blood Accidently DUDER Gertrude F U.C. 3Y/6M Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 26 Grand Falls Senility ADAMS Elizabeth F U.C. 77 Shoe Cove Grand Falls
July 08 Moretons Hr. Cancer/Stomach TAYLOR Rebecca Jane F C.O.E. 62 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Sep. 02 New York Auto Accident ANSTEY Cuthbert Gordon M C.O.E. 21 Twillingate St.Peters Cem. T'gate
Oct. 09 Twillingate Hemiplegia BLACKLER Elias M C.O.E. 65 Twillingate St.Peters Cem. T'gate
Oct. 20 Twillingate Hemiplegia COLBOURNE Alfred M C.O.E. 77   St.Peters Cem. T'gate
PAGE 339                  
Nov. 27 Jenkins Cove Phthisis WHITE Jessie E F C.O.E. 12 Western Head St. Andrews Cem'y
Dec. 07 Twillingate Senility FIFIELD Maria F C.O.E. 81 Twillingate St. Peters Cem'y
Dec. 15 Back Hr. Influenza & Pneumonia PURCHASE James M C.O.E. 79   St. Peters Cem'y
Dec. 25 Twillingate Influenza & Pneumonia HODGE Frances Daisy F Cong'l 36   St. Peters Cem'y
Nov. 30 Sommerford   SMALL William M U.C. 72 Moretons Hr. Summerford
Dec. 08 Virgin Arm Brain Fever BOWDEN John Wesley M U.C. 2 Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Dec. 22 Cottles Island   MUGFORD Phoebe F U.C. 66   Cottles Isld.
Dec. 05 Grand Falls Influenza FURLONG Martin M R.C. 76 St. John's Grand Falls
Dec. 06 Grand Falls Paralysis MORRISSY Mary F R.C. 56 Hr. Grace Grand Falls
Dec. 08 Grand Falls Old Age LEWIS Mary F R.C. 75 Bellvue T.B. Grand Falls
Dec. 11 Grand Falls Convulsions QUIGLEY Genevieve F R.C. 1Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 11 Millertown Drowned HANSEN Harold ??? M U.C. 7 Hommelvick,Norway Millertown
Aug. 15 Badgers Brook Cardiac Val. BUTT Bertha F C.O.E. 40   Badger Brook
Sep. 08 Black Island T.B. WHITE Chesley M S.A. 34 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Sep. 28 Botwood Bronchitis HANDCOCK Fred'k Claude M S.A. 1 Botwood Botwood
Oct. 11 Grand Falls Cancer/Bladder ANSTEY Elias M S.A. 73    
Oct. 21 Botwood Pul. T.B. HANCOCK Mary Helen Handcock F S.A. 27 Bryons Cove Botwood
Nov. 02 Comfort Cove Consumption GREENHAM Allan M S.A. 27 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Nov. 08 Bishop Falls Tuber. Lungs VOKEY Mary Ann F S.A. 22   Bishop Falls
Nov. 12 Comfort Cove Bronchitis HICKS Hayward Garfield M S.A. 3Mo. Newstead Comfort Cove
Nov. 26 Cards? Hr.   LUSH? Lucy F S.A. 1Dy. Cards Hr. Cards Hr.
Nov. 29 Cards? Hr.   LUSH? Emma Doris F S.A. 3Dy. Cards Hr. Cards Hr.
Dec. 02 Grand Falls Influenza BAKER Stella F S.A. 17    
Dec. 07 Kings Point Consumption CAKES Gertrude F S.A. 18    
Dec. 11 Moretons Hr. Influenza PEDDLE Ethel F S.A. 11 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Dec. 10 Grand Falls Old Age THOMAS Trestina? F S.A. 82    
Dec. 13 Triton   FUDGE Fred M S.A. 18Hrs. Triton Triton
Oct. 27 Pilleys Isld. Cancer SIMS William M U.C. 78 Twillingate Pilley's Isld.
Nov. 01 Heads Harbor Tuberculosis WHITE Martha F U.C. 62 Twillingate Heads Cove
Nov. 28 Miles Cove Spine Trouble MOREY Sidney Ralph M U.C. 10Mo. Miles Cove Wellmans Cove
Nov. 30 Robert's Arm Cancer ROUSELL Mrs. Emily F U.C. 61 Long Isld. Roberts Cove
Aug. 29 Bridgeport Tuberculosis VERGE Susie May? F U.C. 17 Bridgeport Bridgport
Oct. 09 Twillingate Dysentery WHITE Carry[sic] F U.C. 26 Southport T.B. Western? Hr. M ?
Nov. 14 Western Head Paralysis ENNINGS George M U.C. 73 Moretons Hr. Western? Hr. M ?
Nov. 15 Moretons Hr. Prematurity KNIGHT Mary Taylor F U.C. 1Mo. Moretons Hr. Western? Hr. M ?
Dec. 15 Moretons Hr. Heart Failure KNIGHT William M U.C. 70 Moretons Hr. Western? Hr. M ?
Oct. 08 Fortune Hr. Senility POWER Patrick M R.C. 90 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
25 Fortune Hr. Paralysis DUNNE Bridget F R.C. 77 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Nov. 05 Fortune Hr. Convulsions DEA John M R.C. 1Dy. Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
06 Fortune Hr. Consumption DEA Elizabeth F R.C. 31 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
PAGE 340                  
July 02 Lush's Bight Senile Decay PARSONS George M U.C. 88 Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Apl. 04 Little Bay Isld. Concussion/Brain FORWARD Edmund George M U.C. 8Mo. Little Bay Isld. Little Bay Isld.
May 08 Beaumont N Tuberculosis HEATH Amanda F U.C. 29 Beaumont N Beaumont N
Apl. 17 Beaumont N Tuberculosis HEATH James M U.C.   Beaumont N Beaumont N
July 25 Lush's Bight Burning SLADE Marie Ann F U.C. 76 Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Dec. 27 Beaumont N Influenza HEWLETT Stafford M U.C. 1 Beaumont N Beaumont N
??? Thompson Conn. Fracture ANSTY Cuthbert M   21 Twillingate Twillingate
??? 06 Loon Bay Pneumonia STONE Cecil Robert M U.C. 1 Loon Bay Loon Bay
Dec. 25 Bishop Falls Inflam'n/Bowels CARPENTER Lillian Thelma F Pent'l 4Dys. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
Aug. 20 Leading Tickles   CHIPPETT Tabitha F U.C. 77   Leading Tickles
Dec. 30 Paradise Consumption BUDGELL Elsie F U.C. 14 Paradise Paradise
Dec. 30 Crow Hd. Pneumonia HANLYN Bertram M U.C. 19 Crow Hd. Twillingate
Oct. 28 Cottels Isld. Typhoid Fever CANNING Walter M U.C. 19 Cottels Isld. Cottels Isld.
Dec. 15 Winter House Cove Influenza ROUSELL Sarah Jane F C.O.E. 80 W. H. Cove W. H. Cove
May 23 Lewisporte T.B./Bowels HODDER Elsie F U.C. 37   Lewisporte
May 29 Lewisporte Senile Decay MARTIN Elizabeth F U.C. 79 Hr. Grace Lewisporte
Nov? 29 Shoe Cove Bronchitis WELSHMAN Maria F C.O.E. 73 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
Dec. 14 Nippers Hr. Neuritis TILLY Annabel F C.O.E. 35 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
Oct. 28 Twillingate Child Birth ROBERTS Mrs. Abram F U.C. 32 Lush's Bight Twillingate

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2012)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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