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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 1


Page 27, 28, 82 & 100

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 27                
May 5 Harbour Grace Died Sudden GARLAND George Church of England 66 Years   Harbour Grace
May 15 Harbour Grace Consumption THOMAS Lucinda Church of England 65 years   Harbour Grace
May 18 Harbour Grace Paralysis MARTIN Elizabeth Church of England 57 Years   Harbour Grace
May 23 Harbour Grace   WILLIAMS Norman Church of England 5 mos Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
May 27 Harbour Grace Diphtheria STIRLING Laura Church of England 8 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 5 Harbour Grace Diphtheria MARTIN Maud Church of England 13 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 5 Harbour Grace Child Bed HARPER Mary Church of England 41 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 18 Harbour Grace General Decay GORDON Elizabeth Church of England 89 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 11 Harbour Grace LaGrippe POTTLE Thomas Seymour Church of England 5-1/2 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 31 Harbour Grace General Decay DAVIS Susanna Church of England 75 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
May 3 Spaniards Bay Convulsions SHEPPARD Josiah Church of England 1 month Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May 3 Tilton Influenza SMITH Robert Church of England 2 years Tilton Tilton
May 17 Sitton Influenza DROVER Mary Church of England 3 years Tilton Tilton
June 9 Spaniards Bay Convulsions HUTCHINGS Soloman Vokey Church of England 11 months Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
June 14 Tilton Convulsions SHIPMAN Rebecca Jane Church of England 11 days Tilton Tilton
June 14 Spaniards Bay Convulsions BROWN James E Church of England 6 days Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
June 19 Spaniards Bay   SMITH Jesse Church of England 1 day Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
June 20 Spaniards Bay Bronchitis HUTCHINGS James Albert Church of England 11 months Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
June 21 Spaniards Bay Child Bed Fever SMITH Grace Church of England 46 years Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
July 5 Spaniards Bay Consumption VOKEY Ambrose Church of England 47 years Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
July 15 Spaniards Bay Cold GOSSE Josiah Church of England 5 months Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May 2 Bishops Cove Natural Decay BARRETT Deana Church of England 84 years Bishops Cove Bishops Cove
May 7 Bishops Cove   BARRETT Elizabeth Church of England 62 years Bishops Cove Bishops Cove
May 23 Spaniards Bay   SMITH George Church of England 63 years Bishops Cove Bishops Cove
June 2 Bryants Cove Natural Decay YETMAN Eliza Church of England 82 years Bryants Cove Bryants Cove
June 25 Upper Island Cove Natural Decay DROVER John Church of England 82 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove
June 26 Upper Island Cove   DROVER Mary Jane Church of England 2 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove
June 28 Bishops Cove   SMITH Abijah (?) Church of England 3 days Bishops Cove Bishops Cove
June 28 Bryants Cove LaGrippe NOSEWORTHY Ann Church of England 63 years Bryants Cove Bryants Cove
May 16 Harbour Grace Diphtheria PARSONS Isabella Methodist 11-1/2 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
May 30 Harbour Grace   PARSONS Amelia Methodist 2-1/2 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 27 Harbour Grace Consumption DAVIES Eliel Methodist 56 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 18 Harbour Grace Consumption PARSONS Alexander E Methodist 4 months Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 6 Harbour Grace   SNELGROVE Menia (?) Methodist 3 days Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 13 Harbour Grace LaGrippe WEBBER Henry Methodist 74 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 20 Harbour Grace Old Age WARFORD Jane E Methodist 91 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
July 28 Harbour Grace Congestion SHEPPARD William H Methodist 1 year Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
May 14 Harbour Grace Insanity MOORE Patrick Roman Catholic 24 Years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
June 9 Harbour Grace Cancer KNOX Robert Roman Catholic 54 years Carbonear Harbour Grace
PAGE 28                
June 18 (?) Hr Grace Consumption HALL May Roman Catholic 16 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
June 20 Hr Grace Old Age KEARNEY Wm Roman Catholic 86 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
June 24 Hr Grace Decline GREENE Ellen Roman Catholic 47 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
July 7 Hr Grace Decline SULLIVAN Ellen Roman Catholic No Entry Hr Grace Hr Grace
July 10 Hr Grace Old Age SAUNDERS Norah Roman Catholic 87 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
August 17 Hr Grace Diphtheria STANLEY William Methodist 5 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Aug 17 Hr Grace ??? PIKE Simeon Methodist 51 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
August 22 Hr Grace Consumption PARSONS Susannah Methodist 25 years French Shore Harbour Grace
Sept 6 Mosquito Infantile Disease SOPER Mark Methodist 6 mos Mosquito Harbour Grace
Sept 6 Harbour Grace Old Age PYNN Mary Methodist 95 years Freshwater ?? Bay Harbour Grace
Sept 27 Harbour Grace Jaundice SIMMONS James Methodist 53 years Mosquito Harbour Grace
Oct 2 Harbour Grace Old Age PARSONS Mark Methodist 80 years Hr Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 7 Harbour Grace Consumption DAVIES Eliel Methodist 21 years Hr Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 12 Catalina Consumption AVERY Louisa Methodist 59 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Sept 20 Harbour Grace Paralysis SHEA Ellen Roman Catholic 78 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Aug 19 Mosquito Consumption BUTLER Peter Roman Catholic 26 years Mosquito Harbour Grace
Sept 6 Harbour Grace Paralysis FLEMING Richard Roman Catholic 63 years Bay de Verde Harbour Grace
Aug 24 Harbour Grace Dropsey FOLEY Mary Roman Catholic 32 years Carbonear Harbour Grace
Sept 26 Harbour Grace Consumption GLAVINE Edward Roman Catholic 26 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 4 Harbour Grace Diabetes RYAN Mary Roman Catholic 59 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 11 Harbour Grace Old Age WALSH Bridget Roman Catholic 75 years ??? Islands Harbour Grace
Oct 8 Harbour Grace Paralysis HICKEY Michael Roman Catholic 69 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 9 Harbour Grace Old Age DUNN Alice Roman Catholic 80 years S??? Island Carbonear
Oct 10 Harbour Grace Dropsey O'BRIEN Patrick Roman Catholic 56 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 24 Harbour Grace Diphtheria KEEFE Mary Roman Catholic 17 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 27 Harbour Grace Diphtheria KEEFE Elizabeth Roman Catholic 59 years Harbour Grace Harbour Grace
Oct 31 Harbour Grace Old Age RENALDS (sic) Frances Methodist 100 years Upper Island Cove Harbour Grace
Aug 11 Bay Roberts Croup FRENCH Isaac Methodist 3 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Aug 3 Bay Roberts Consumption BRADBURY Naomi Methodist 37 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct 31 Spaniards Bay   GOSSE Jessie Snowdon Methodist 9 days Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct 30 Bay Roberts Consumption FRENCH James Church of England 24 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sept 3 Spaniards Bay Convulsions SEYMOUR Robert Arthur Church of England 2 years Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Sept 13 Spaniards Bay Consumption GOSSE Moses Church of England 39 years Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct 21 Spaniards Bay Pneumonia VOKEY Ethel May Church of England 6 years Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Oct 31 Spaniards Bay Convulsions BARRETT Selina Church of England 8 months Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
May 14 Harbour Grace Atrophy WILLS Stephen Church of England 8 days Harbour Grace Church of England
August 1 Harbour Grace Convulsions JENKINS Thomas Church of England 7 days Harbour Grace Church of England
August 5 Harbour Grace Atrophy BRAZIL Eliza Church of England 5 days Harbour Grace Church of England
August 19 Harbour Grace Kidney Disease GORDON George Church of England 6 days Harbour Grace Church of England
PAGE 82                
Oct 21 Port de Grave Consumption HUSSEY Mary Jane Methodist 37 years Port de Grave Port de Grave
Dec 21 Tilton Drowning WHITEWAY George Church of England 19 years Catalina Spaniards Bay
Jan 29 Spaniards Bay Convulstions SQUIRES Annie C Church of England 5 mos Spaniards Bay Spaniards Bay
Aug 4 Fermeuse Drowning MERCER William Church of England 22 years Bay Roberts Coleys Pt
Aug 23 Coleys Pt Heart Disease PARSONS Robert Church of England 69 years Coleys Pt not given
Aug 26 not given Grippe DAWE Elizabeth Church of England 75 years not given not given
Sep 17 Bay Roberts Infantile BRADBURY Caroline Church of England 21 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Sep 28 Bay Roberts not given BRADBURY Lavinia Church of England 32 years not given not given
Oct 1 Coleys Pt General Decay BRADBURY Providence Church of England 79 years Coleys Pt Coleys Pt
Oct 3 Bay Roberts Old Age WILCOX Benjamin Church of England 80 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct 7 Coleys Pt Consumption DAW Jas Church of England 56 years Port de Grave Coleys Pt
Oct 8 Bay Roberts Infantile ??? Stella Jane Church of England 1 yr, 5 mos Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
July 15 Labrador Grippe PARSONS Annie Church of England 22 years Coleys Pt Coleys Pt
Oct 19 Bay Roberts Infantile KEARLEY Patience M Church of England 7 days Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Oct 27 Coleys Pt Grippe RUSSELL Arthur Church of England 3 years Coleys Pt Coleys Pt
Sept 1 Banks Drowning BARRETT Hector Church of England 19 years Coleys Pt not given
Nov 3 Harbor Grace Consumption ASH Susanna Church of England 48 years not given, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Dec 17 Harbor Grace Inflam of Lungs BRAZIL Arthur C Church of England 4-1/2 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Jan 12 Harbor Grace Atrophy PURSELL Selina Church of England 3 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Jan 16 Harbor Grace Bronchitis SHEPPARD Arthur Church of England 5 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Jan 16 Harbor Grace Heart Disease HERALD John Church of England 21 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Feb 3 Harbor Grace Diarrhea ANTHONY Lily B Church of England 18 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Feb 10 Harbor Grace Consumption VERGE Eliza Church of England 32 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
March 27 Harbor Grace La Grippe GORDON Mary Ann Church of England 15 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 1 Harbor Grace Jaundice ANDREWS George Church of England 72 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 6 Harbor Grace Consumption BRAZIL Lorenzo Jas Church of England 21-1/2 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 6 Harbor Grace Ascites PIPPY Grace Church of England 68 years Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 12 Harbor Grace La Grippe FRENCH Emma May Church of England 13 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 17 Harbor Grace Paralysis STEVENSON Matthew Church of England 83 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
April 21 Harbor Grace Heart Disease COLE Mary Ann Church of England 77 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
May 18 Harbor Grace Diphth SHIPPAIN (??) Susanna Church of England 7 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
May 27 Harbor Grace General Decay BUTT Elizabeth Church of England 75 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
June 20 Harbor Grace La Grippe NOSEWORTHY James Church of England 6 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
July 30 Harbor Grace Brain Fever NOEL Leslie Church of England 6 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Aug 14 Harbor Grace Inflammation CARSON George Church of England 72 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Dec 2 Harbor Grace Consumption SHEPPARD Elizabeth Church of England 55 years Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Jan 26 Harbor Grace not given SHEPPARD Agnes Church of England 2 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Mar 31 Harbor Grace Convulstions NOSEWORTHY Henly (?) Church of England 1 yr, 7 mos Hr Grace, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
Feb 3 Harbor Grace La Grippe DWYER Mary Roman Catholic 75 Years St John's, Ch of E CemeteryHr Grace
PAGE 100                
Feb 12 Harbor Grace Consumption SHEA Daniel Roman Catholic 3 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 23 Harbor Grace Convulsions HENNESSEY Edward Roman Catholic 6 days Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 23 Upper Island Cove Old Age FORD Mary Roman Catholic 88 years Island Cove Island Cove
Feb 24 River Head Consumption MESSER Bernard Roman Catholic 17-1/3 years River Head Island Cove
Feb 25 Harbor Grace Old Age KEEFE Mary Roman Catholic 92 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 26 River Head Consumption DOYLE Jane Roman Catholic 60 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 27 Harbor Grace Influenza HENNESSEY Willaim Roman Catholic 2 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
March 24 River Head Convulsions FLEMMING (?) Ellen Roman Catholic 33 years Riverhead Hr Grace
Mar 26 River Head Consumption GRIFFiN Johanna Roman Catholic 65 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 27 Harbor Grace Heart Disease BARR Agnes Roman Catholic 7 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 29 Harbor Grace Influenza CALLAHAN James Roman Catholic 72 years Ireland Hr Grace
April 9 Harbor Grace Paralysis NEIL (?) Michael Roman Catholic 4 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
April 20 Harbor Grace Consumption SHEA Annie Roman Catholic 2 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
April 21 Harbor Grace Jaundice CLARE John Roman Catholic 56 years England Hr Grace
April 30 Harbor Grace Convulsions KIRBY William Roman Catholic 1 Year Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 25 Harbor Grace Consumption FOLEY Thomas Roman Catholic 40 years Riverhead Hr Grace
Feb 15 Mosquito Worm Fever SOPER John Methodist 1-1/2 years Mosquito Hr Grace
Feb 18 Harbor Grace Old Age PETERS (?) Eliza Methodist 97 years Bonavista Hr Grace
Feb 21 Harbor Grace La Grippe TAYLOR William Methodist 57 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 9 Harbor Grace Cold PARSONS Julia Methodist 1-1/2 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 10 Harbor Grace La Grippe PARSONS John Methodist 68 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 17 Harbor Grace Diphtheria KENNEDY Flora (?) Methodist 6 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Mar 29 Harbor Grace Consumption PARSONS Sarah E Methodist 42 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
April 15 Harbor Grace Old Age SPENCER Catharine Methodist 79 years Carbonear Hr Grace
April 22 Harbor Grace Childbirth PENNEY Sarah Methodist 44 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
April 24 Harbor Grace Bronchitis STEPHENSON Robert Methodist 2-1/2 years Hr Grace Hr Grace
Feb 17 Bay Roberts Consumption MERCER Charles Methodist 76 years Bay Roberts Bay Roberts
Feb 1 Saint John's Old Age BUTLER Rebecca Methodist 87 years Port de Grave Port de Grave
April 2 Spaniards Bay Consumption CHAPMAN Selina Church of England 11 years Spaniards Bay Spaiards Bay
April 24 Spaniards Bay La Grippe SMITH Abraham Church of England 64 years Tilton Tilton
Feb 21 Upper Island Cove not given COOMBES Lear Church of England 1-1/2 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove
Mar 5 Upper Island Cove Consumption DROVER Thomas Church of England 26 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove
April 9 Upper Island Cove not given HEUSSEY Joseph Church of England 1-1/2 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove
April 4 Upper Island Cove La Grippe JAMES John Church of England 53 years Upper Island Cove Upper Island Cove

Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (May 2008)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday November 16</td><td> 2016 AST

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